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HIMYM (Barney)


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april fools day


Barney and Robin walked into MacLaren's, Barney sniffing occasionally. He stopped for a second and sneezed into his hands.

"Haischuu! H'tch!" Barney sighed and blew his nose.

"This is a terrible prank," Robin said as they sat down in their usual booth, "What are you even achieving pretending to be sick?"

Barney glared across the table, "I told you Robin, this isnt a prank! I'b really sick! Don't you trust mbe?"

"Not on April Fools day," Robin replied, "I haven't forgotten last year."

The previous year for April Fools Barney had convinced everyone he had broken both legs, only to have it be an elaborate and hurtful prank.

Barney scoffed, triggering a coughing fit. Robin rolled her eyes as he struggled to breathe. The coughing turned into a rapid triplet of sneezes.

"H'etchu! H'tch! Hehhtschieuuu!!" Barney blew his nose and stared pathetically at Robin. 

She raised an eyebrow to him, "Barney Stinson, this is a sad attempt at a prank. You should just give it up now." 

Barney stared at her for a couple seconds then smiled weakly. "You got me Scherbatsky, it was j-just a prank. Nothing can ge-hehh... get past y-you." He quickly scrubbed at his nose.

Robin smirked, "Finally you admit I'm right, about time." She looked at the table, devoid of drinks. "You want a beer?" 

Barney shook his head, rubbing his nose again. "Just some water for m-me... h'mpt! H'mpch! H'mppt!" He stifled three sneezes almost silently. 

Robin looked suspiciously at the man across from her. "Barney did you just... sneeze? Come on, the prank is over!"

"I didn't sneeze!" Barney stammered, " I ju-huhh... just-h'mptch! H'rch! Heh...h'atschieww! He'ptch! H'atschieuu!! Ohhh..." Barney moaned in pain, touching his sinuses.

Robin stared wide eyed at him. "Barney oh my god! What was that? Jesus this isn't a prank is it?"

"No no, Robin," Barney responded, pausing for a moment to cough. "You were right, its just a prank, happy April Fools Da-" He cut himself off, coughing harshly into his fist. 

"Good God Barney! If this is really a prank, it's really really not funny." Robin reached across the table and touched her hand to Barney's forehead, he tried to swat her away but it was too late. "Barney you have a fever! Why didn't you tell me?" 

"I tried to tell you I was sick, didn't I?" Barney offered, picking up a napkin and blowing his nose. 

"Yeah, I guess you did." Robin looked away guiltily. 

"It's okay, Robin, I probably wouldn't have believed me either," said Barney before ducking into his elbow to sneeze again.

"H'etchu! Haitschu! Hap'tchiew!" 

"Let's go home, Barney."


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I can so imagine this happening...You got the dialogue so right! 
It's really sweet and that's a very sneezy cold which is great :) thanks for sharing and please feel free to write more haha 

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Fffff yes pls

Barney was always my fave

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