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Undertale drabbles


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A fallen star, to say the least.

His robotic form heaved as a mechanical hitch could be heard. Mettaton’s eye was squeezed shut, his brow furrowed in frustration.

He exhaled, pulling a robotic hand through his messy hairarrow-10x10.png, “This…is NOT fabulous.” he moaned groggily, congestion laced throughout his words.

Rubbing his nose, he sniffed wetly and a grunt of discomfort escaped his lips. Mettaton laid back, speaking once again to himself, “Why of ALL days…did it have to be…th-this…o-one…” he lurched forward, giving a loud sneeze, “HEKSHTT!” he fel back, giving a few morearrow-10x10.png stifled sneezes from his positionarrow-10x10.png on his couch.

A knock on the door was heard, and a low voice spoke through it, “Mettaton? You in there?”


The robot gave a gasp, grabbing a fistfull of tissues before attempting to cleararrow-10x10.png his throat and call to the skeleton, “O-oh, Sans! H-hello, dear! I’ll be just a m-mo….” he felt another sneeze coming on, but pinched the bridge of his nose, fighting it. The tickling sensation was certainly not gone, but at least now Mettaton could attempt to speak, “Just a moment, darling!”

Running to his bathroom, he gave as many wet, gurgling blows as he could. A few sneezes herearrow-10x10.png and there, muffled by his tissues. Finally, wiping his robotic nose, Mettaton stood and opened his bathroom door.

Sans was standing right there, hands in his pockets and a smirk dancing across his cheekbones, “Oh hey, Mett. I figured I’d just, ya know, invite myself in. Everything okay in there~?”

Mettaton, being stubborn, simply huffed and sniffled quietly, “I simply have NO idea what you’re talking about, mister! Someone as fabulous as me has no flaws, I’m sure you know~”

Sans chuckled to himself, before pushing past Mettaton into his bathroom. Mettaton had stuffed his collection of tissues into his cabinet, praying Sans wouldn’t look in there. But Sans had something much more devious in mind.

Pulling a q-tip from a jar on the counter, Sans turned on his heel to face the robot. His smile grew a bit wider, and he spoke with a seemingly light-hearted tone, “Then I’m sure ya wouldn’t mind…if we conducted a little experiment, mm?”

Mettaton’s eyes widened, and Sans took a few steps forward, spinning the q-tip between his fingers deviously, “Shall we beginarrow-10x10.png~?”

Before Mettaton could getarrow-10x10.png a word out, Sans had already brought the q-tip up to Mettaton’s nose. The simple action of rubbing around Mettaton’s nostrils were enough to make the idol’s eyes water and breathing grow ragged.

“S-Sans, th-there is no reason t-tooo…” he trailed off, the tip of the q-tip slowly enteringarrow-10x10.png his right nostril. Sans expertly twisted the q-tip, making the tickle in Mettaton’s nose grow stronger and stronger with each passing second.

“S-saaa…Sans…you…y-you can sta-a-aaap now-now…!” Mettaton’s breathing grew desperate, his eyes squeezing completelyarrow-10x10.png shut and his mouth opened slightly.

“Why would I~” Sans purred, and finally pushed the q-tip up into the most sensitive part of Mettaton’s nose.

Mettaton gasped, a sharp intake of breath leading to a steady stream of sneezes, “Hkshhhttt! Hechsshht! Ha..ha…S-saaaaa–Hekxsht!! E-e-echshht! HASHHHT!” with a final sneeze, Mettaton was bent over and panting, tickling sensation never being relieved.

Sans simply shrugged, smiling as he walked away from the miserable robot, “Well, Mett. Gotta hand it to you–you sure have on hell of a VIRUSarrow-10x10.png.”

Sans could hear Mettaton’s shouts of protest with the occasional muffled sneeze as he wandered off.

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The idol, usually so cool and collected, felt like he could burst a fuse at any second. He watched as couples, both human and monster ranging in height and appearance. He saw no other robots, though. But this was to be expected, he WAS robotic idol of both monsters and humans. 

He was wearing a classic black vest and dress pants combo, but added his own flare with a hot pink shirt. Brushing a few stray hairs from his eyes, he scanned the crowd for a certain skeleton.

He huffed, unable to find anyone when he felt a pair of bony hands wrap around his waist, and a skull nuzzle into his neck form behind, “Hello, Mettaton~” a usually loud voice spoke gently, rubbing his skull side to side, causing the robot to overheat slightly.

“Papy darling~” Mettaton practically sang, and turned to face the skeleton. He took a moment to look the skeleton up and down. He wore a black vest and pants much like Mettaton’s, though Papyrus had paired his with a red button down.

A small corsage adorned its left breast pocket, a few red roses along with a small collection of baby’s breath.

Mettaton’s eyes widened. His ventilation systems had never been very good with the red flower, but he wasn’t about to ruin his dance and date for the sake of his sinuses. Besides, Papyrus looked so proud to be here. 

“Oh, Papy-dear, you look simply DARLING~” Mettaton cooed, and planted a kiss on the skeleton’s cheekbone.

Papyrus turned a shade of orange, and said a quiet “Wowie~” before taking Mettaton’s hand and taking his out to the dance floor.

Mettaton allowed Papyrus to led, trying to focus on not breathing in the corsage’s pollen. The couple swayed left and right, before Papyrus gently dipped Mettaton.

Mettaton smiled and laughed with his eyes closed. When he opened them, he found himself face to face with the corsage. He gasped, stepping back.

“Hmm? What is it, Mettaton?” Papyrus questioned with a worried expression.

Sniffling, Mettaton could already feel a tickle forming in his nose, “Oh nothing, darling. I was…just taken aback at how handsome you are~” Mettaton’s voice being to sound congested, though Papyrus didn’t seem to notice.

He simply took the robot’s hand once more, and continuedarrow-10x10.png to dance.

Mettaton’s nostrils flared slightly, as tears began to well up in his eyes. He sniffled loudly, praying that Papyrus wouldn’t notice.

Papyrus had his eye sockets closed, humming quietly in content. Mettaton felt his breath begin to hitch.

“P-Pap!” he breathed, “I-I….III…I’m going to tha-ha-haaa bathroom!” Mettaton ran almost blindly to the men’s room, quickly shutting and locking the door behind his. He let out a flurry of sneezes, each coming in a constant concession. 

“HachshhT! Heshhht! Ha-haKSHHT! HEKSHHT! HASHHT! HEKSHTT!!” each sneeze grew more and more desperate, ending with Mettaton keeled over, gasping for breath between each sneeze.

“HASKKSHT! HAXSHHHT! HEH….h-h-heh…o-oh n-no….” the pollen had almost worked its way out of his ventilation system when it got caught. 

A knock was heard at the door, followed by Papyrus’s voice, “Mettaton? Are you all right?”

Mettaton attempted to call back, “Y-y-yee..yes, P-papy deee…de-dear! Just…so-meee..thing stuck..stuck..in my ventilation syste-e-eeeem…!” This wasn’t a complete lie, but he wasn’t about to tell Pap he had to take his flowers off.

The sneeze never came, the tickle still persisting in Mettaton’s nose.

He breathed deeply, unlocking the door and smiling at Papyrus, who wore a worried expression, “Mettaton? Are you all right?”

“Y-yess I’m fi…” 

The roses.

Mettaton sneezed loudly into the back of his hand, “HEKKSHTT!” He immediately turned back to Papyrus, who now appeared more confused than worried.

“Oh don’t worry, Papy-dear. M-my ventilation system is completely clear now!” This was a bold-faced lie, and Mettaton knew it. He sounded extremely congested, and he was sure Papyrus could tell.

Papyrus placed a hand on Mettaton’s head, and brought his other hand up to Mettaton’s nose, “P-pap, what are you doing?”

Papyrus gently kneaded Mettaton’s nose, who was surprisingly somewhat softer than the rest of his face, “It’s okay.” Papyrus spoke softly, “Let it out.”

Mettaton did not hesistate to sneeze profusely.

“Hasht! H-hakksht! he..hehkst! HESKT! HESHHKT! HE-HA-HEEE…HAKSHT!! HACTCHEEH!” Mettaton finished his seemingly endless fit with a large one, seemingly straining his vocal system.

He gave a ight cough before sniffing, “P-papy…I feel AWFUL…”

Papyrus chuckled, and picked up the robot with surprising ease.

“Come along now, Mettaton. Let’s get rid of this corsage.”

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12 hours ago, GeniusArtStuff said:

Sans and his puns XD I enjoyed reading that! 

Hue hue, I tried to include a pun but failed miserably XD

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Blurred vision. Glassy eyes. Mettaton awake to a pounding sensation in his head matched the soreness within all of Mettaton’s body.

He slowly opened his eyes, only to find himself blinded by a bright white light.

Attempting to rub his eyes, he found his hands to be tied behind his back. Mettaton tried to turn to face his hands, he found they were tied behind a pole, along with his ankles.

Mettaton turned forward, cursing under his breath. Where was he…?

His thoughts were interrupted by a pair of footsteps, clicking against the floor. Mettaton looked up, to find himself looking at the oldest skeleton brother.

“S-sans…?” he moaned, before blinking repeatedly.

“Hey, Mett. Looks like you’re a bit tied up right now, huh?” Sans chuckled at his own pun, kneeling down to Mettaton’s eye level.

“Sans, wh-what are you doing…?” Mettaton breathed. Sans chuckled once more, pulling out a small box.

“So, Mettaton. You’ve broken my bro’s heart enough timelines to deserve what’s coming to ya.”

Mettaton blinked. Sans wasn’t making any sense.

Sans opened the box, and showed Mettaton its contents.

A feather.

Sans smiled wider, closing one eye in a wink, “’sides…” he pulled out the feather and purred, “…I know you like it~”

Before Mettaton could respond, Sans brought the feather up to Mettaton’s face. He began drawing lines along the bridge of Mettaton’s nose. Along the sides. Right under his nostrils.

Tears pricked Mettaton’s eyes as the tendrils of the feather slowly dragged itself just around the rim of Mettaton’s nostrils. This was pure agony.

Sans just played with the feather, occasionally slipping the very tip of the feather into Mettaton’s quivering nose.

Mettaton could feel his breathing grow ragged, as he attempted to keep his breathing even.

Sans gave a small “hmm~” of entertainment, before finally allowing the feather to dive into Mettaton’s nose.

Mettaton’s breath hitched, already beginning to succumb to the feather. He sniffed audibly, ending with a quiet “guh…”

Sans looked amused, and began to twirl the feather within Mettaton’s nose.

The results were immediate.

“Hakshtt! He-he-hekssshht! Hactshhhh! H-H-HEKSCHTT! HAKTSHH!” Mettaton’s sneezes came loud and fast, spray hitting the air at full force.

Sans smiled even wider as the sneezy expression never left Mettaton’s face.

“Saaa…S-saans..P-p-pu-please…!” Mettaton moaned as Sans pulled the feather out, “I-I ruh….I really….I re-really neeeeeed…to snuh..sn..sneeze…!” 

Sans chuckled, bringing the feather up to the brim of Mettaton’s nose, “Oh~ It that so~? Let me help~” 

He moved the feather in a circular motion around the very tip of Mettaton’s nostril. His nostrils flared and he shook his head in desperate.

“San…Sa-sa…saaans! Thuh..this isn’t fu-fu-funny…!” his breath caught in his throat, before the series of sneezes continued, each one more powerful than the last. 


Mettaton finished off, panting harder than ever before. His nose was stuffed, tears were streaming down his cheeks and his hair was a disaster.

Sans shrugged, allowing the feather to fall from his fingers, “That’s enough for now, eh? Wouldn’t want you too tired for tomorrow~”

Mettaton listened as Sans’s feet echoed, growing quieter and quieter each second.

“…damn, that skeleton it hot.”

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

(This one's underswap...huehue, sick lil' blueberryyyyy...I dn't feel like typing out "nose socket", so it'll just me "nose" for now <3)

How could a skeleton get sick?

Sans didn't know.

And yet there he was, sniffling up a storm. He had woken up later than usual with a pounding sensation in his skull. He rubbed his eyesockets, sniffling lightly. 

"Ugh..." he mumbled, attempting to sit up in his crane-themed bed. The room spun for a second, earning a dizzy, "W-woooah..." from the sick skellie.

He blinked furiously, feeling a foreign sensation within his nose. A sort of...tickling? But this tickling wasn't pleasant, no. This was uncomfortable. An itch his couldn't scratch.

Rubbing his nose furiously Sans gave a congested, "Guh..." 

He looked over to his table, littered with Napstabot CDs and a clock.

...It was 8:26.

Gasping, Sans attempted to swing his legs over the side of the bed, one resulting in him throwing his entire body onto the floor.

"Owie..." he mumbled, not hearing a frantic pair of footsteps pounding in the hallway.

Sans' door flung open, a worried Papyrus bursting in, "Sans?! I heard something crash! Are you okay? Is everything all right?"

Wincing at the bright light from the hallway, Sans reluctantly picked himself up, scratching the back of his skull nervously, "Y-yeah! Everything's just fine, Papy!"


(I'll continue this later tonight--)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've recently become addicted to Undertale and I must say that these are awesome and a I really hope you continue them!!! :)

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On May 14, 2016 at 3:36 AM, Kittykittymeow said:

I've recently become addicted to Undertale and I must say that these are awesome and a I really hope you continue them!!! :)

Hehe, yeah I'm DEFINITELY continuing. I just lost my train of thought for that under swap one, and went ahead and wrote like 3 other fics. Whoooops~!

I'll upload them later~

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Undyne was used to feeling sore. She trained every day as hard as she could, and she usually felt exhausted by the time she got home.

But this was a new kind of sore.

Struggling to open her eyes, Undyne found herself in the skeletons’ shed. She attempted to rub her aching temple, only to find that He hands were tied behind her back. She cussed under her breath, attempting to break the chains holding her hands.

“Thank won’t work, you know~” giggled a voice. Oh god. It’s the human.

Undyne snarled as the human approached with a twisted, deranged smile on their face, “What do you want, punk? Aren’tcha gonna kill me?”

Chara laughed even louder, holding their hands behind their back, “Oh no, Undyne~! If I tried to fight you normally, I’d have to deal with your little ‘undying’ gimmick. But, the thing is, if I can weaken you enough….~!” Chara revealed their hands, holding a fluffy, white feather, “Then I can kill you easily~!”

Undyne’s breath caught in her throat as Chara stepped forward. Another step. Another.

Chara kneeled down, bringing the feather dangerously close to the warrior’s nostrils, “Now don’t tell me,” they cooed, “that the mighty warrior Undye has a sensitive nose~”

Chara dragged the feather slowly along the very edge of Undyne’s left nostril. Undyne felt her nose begin to twitch, and a tickle form ever so slowly in to back of her nasal cavity. Her breath became ragged, as she felt the tingling sensation within her fight for control.

Chara’s eyelids lowered with confidence, “Oh, losing so soon Undyne~?” they purred, allowing the very tip of the feather to enter Undyne’s nose. In and out. In and out. Agonizingly slow.

Undyne felt tear drops prick her eyes as she gritted her teeth harder. He expression contorted into one of helplessness as she continued trying to fight the tickle.

Suddenly, her breath hitched, and Undyne felt herself lose control, “H…Henxshtt!” she sneezed once, her body lurching forward with the great force behind it. 

Chara laughed, an echoing, horrifying sound, “Oh, Undyne. You can’t stop there now, can you~? I bet that tickle is still bothering you, huh~?”

Undyne whimpered softly, her nostrils flaring in desperation, “P-puuuhhh….pl-pleeeahhhhse….!” she begged, opening her teary eyes, “Eeeh….It’s….stu-stuuuck…!” she whined.

The tables had certainly turned. Chara was in complete control of the moaning warrior, who was begging to have the feather torture once more.

Chara showed no mercy. They dragged the feather on the outside of her nose, trailing down her cheek and occasionally brushing by her nostril.

“Puuuuhhhh….Puh-pleeeaaaase! Heeeh! Hh….Haaaa! P-pleease!” Undyne mewled helplessly, her nose twitching and her expression contorting in agony.

Chara bit their bottom lip, finally allowing the feather to enter Undyne’s nose, earning a series of breath hitching.

“Ehhhssshhhhhtt!! H…Hehhxxxsshhhh!! AhhyyySSHHHHH! HEHHhssSSHHH!”

Her sneezes grew louder and more desperate with each passing moment, “EHHXXssSSHHH!! HHaaAATTSSHHH!! Hh….Hhehh….EHhhhyySSHHHH!! HAAAHHHSSSHHHH!!”

She gave up clenching her teeth, allowing herself to sneeze feeling into the air, 

Chara laughed at this weak display. Sneezy tears streaming down Undyne’s face, her nose running and a bright blush gracing her cheeks, “I…I’mb godda….HeeeHHHTTTSSSHHHH!! Y-you pungk! H-HEEYYYYTTTSSSHHHHOO!! Y-you’re godda regre….regreeddd…ee….hh…! UUhhhhYYYYSSSHHHH!! AAHHHxxxXXTTTSSSHHH!! Ha…Heeehhhhshhhhh!! HHEEEHHHHSSSHHHH!! EEXxxxxXXsssHHHH!! I’MB GODDA KILL YOU!!”

Undyne fought the restraints, trying to grab Chara. Chara laughed, standing up, “Gotta say, Undyne. You have some nice sneezes! I might just have to do this a few more times before killing you~”



You can also see what other undersnez related things on askundersnez.tumblr.com <3

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Offering a lazy wave as goodbye, to all the regulars, Sans walked out of Grillby’s with an even lazier grin . He had to get back to his sentry station at the Waterfall to continue his slacking. Walking around the back of the establishment, Sans walked along his shortcut to the Waterfall.

Sitting down, he leaned in his chair and yawned. He shut his eye sockets, humming to himself when a blue glow grabbed his attention.

An echo flower sat close to the sentry station. Sans knew it hadn’t been there before, “Hmm…who LEAFED you here, lil guy…?”

He kneeled down to the flower, when he heard an incredibly soft voice coming from it.

“….H-hello Sans,” it began, “I-I just wanted to tell you that I…heh-hehk'sho! …I really like you. I apologize if this comes across as blu… huh'ngxt'sho… as blunt but I am unsure of what else to say.”

There was a pause, Sans almost thought that the mystery monster was through when it continued, “You do not have to reply if it makes you uncomfortable, bu-huh… but… Hehksho! (sniff)…but it would be greatly appreciated.”

Sans felt his cheeks turn a vivid cyan. What else could he do but give this monster a responce?

“uh… heh… i’m uh… i’m not really sure what to say. th-thank you, um, i dunno who you are but uh, it’s cool that you like me.”

He paused unsure of what to say.

“i uh, don’t recognize your voice, i’m really sorry, maybe it’s cause you’re sick, i mean you are right, uh, don’t know anyone that’s sick right now either…”

Sans sighed, feeling beads of nervous swear rolls down his skull, “uh maybe you aren’t sick, maybe uh it’s just allergies, anyways…. uh….”

“it’s really nice of you to go to all this trouble, to uh, confess to me… i kinda wish you had done it in person, but hey you do you.”

Sans sighed realizing how long this message was getting, “anyways thanks again, dunno what you see in a lazybones such as myself but…thanks.”

Flushing a darker blue then before, Sans teleported from the station to his post in Snowdin. He buried his flushing face into his hoodie, mumbling incoherently.

The next day he stopped by his station in waterfall before going to Grillbys.

Holding it he listened to the message.

“You are welcome, I… I’m not sick, it’s just the…. the…. heh… flowers.”

The mystery person sniffled a little.

“I knew you wouldn’t recognize my voice, it isn’t your fault. Heh'tshh!… I’m glad that you think it is ‘cool’ that I like you.”

Ther person put emphasis on the word cool for some reason, and chuckled, muttering something about puns.

“Anyways, I uh, well I would… H-heishhoo!… I would have confessed in person but uh… excuse me, eyshoo! I…uh…I am unfortunetely rather shy, and I don’t know if you would um, like me back… uh…”

The monster give a wet sniffle and a sigh.

“Anyways, I know you’re very busy, so I’ll let you go about your day, I’ll… oh…. het'shoo… I’ll talk to you later Sans.”

The short skeleton stared at the flower, wondering who this person could be.

Leaning close to the blue-hued bud, Sans began his reply.

“uh hey, i’m…i’m sorry that the flowers make you sneeze, that sucks, uh…”

Sans scratched his skull akwardly.

“i-i’m really not all that busy, i spend most of my time at grillby’s to be honest, do you know the place?”

Sans mentally slapped himself.

“i’m sure you do, pretty much everyone around loves the place. people even come down here from waterfall just to eat there.”

Sans sat up suddenly.

“do you live in waterfall? that might be why i don’t recognize your voice. or…have we met…?”

He shook his head, sighing audibly.

“welp either way, i hope you’ll tell me who you are eventually, you see…pretty cool.”

He leaned back, his lazy smile wider than ever before.

“i’ve got to get going now. later mystery guy.”

With that he headed off to Grillby’s.

The next day he stopped by waterfall quickly to see what the person had said on his way to his hot-animal stand.

“Hello again Sans, I know you’re busier…. busier than….Het'shoo! H-hexshtt! (sniff) …than you say you are…”

The mystery person paused awkwardly.

“I uh, do know of Grillby’s…snff.”

The man almost seemed to find it funny.

“We’ve met… and…Ehh'nk! Hnnxsht!” two stiffled sneezes could be heard, “I-I don’t live in waterfall, but uh, just don’t feel bad about not recognizing m…me…huh'tshhh!You aren’t supposed to recognize me.”

The man sighed a bit.

“I seem cool huh…only to you Sans… only  toyou.”

Sans raised a skele-brow, unsure of why this was so funny.

“Heh'mpsshhhoo! H…huh….I-I uh must be going now…. I’ll see you later Sans….”

Sans banged his head down.

'How the hell am I supposed to figure out who this is?’ he wondered to himself.

He leaned close to the echo flower, his voice filled with desire and curiosity, “i-i really want to know who you are…”

He sighed.

“if you don’t tell me I’m gonna find a way to figure it out myself.”

Sans’ grin suddenly grew, “as a matter of fact I know a wa. so unless you want desperate measures, i suggest you just tell me who you are.”

The next day Sans woke up earlier than he had in years, just to teleport to the waterfall to hear what the mystery man had said.

Finding the echo flower in it’s usual place he leaned down and listened.

“I can’t- huh, huh'tsshoo! Hensht! …I can’t tell you who I am.”

The man sniffled.

“I just… I can’t… but this…eyshhoo!… this works right? wmean it’s a little difficult but we can…ahh…. heh…hay'shh keep doing this right?”

The man sounded rather desperate, and Sans felt a pang of guilt.

“I uh…heyt'sshhh, I need to go… you don’t have to respond I suppose, if you don’t want to keep doing this…eyyshhh….”

Sans sighed.

“hey man. don’t stress, everything’s fine.”

He hadn’t been planning on using the flower again today, but he couldn’t just leave it, not when the person had sounded so nervous.

“alright, just gotta get some kind of flower, one that can shut up.” the skeleton mumbled, looking around for a small flower to stuff in his pocket.

“Oh perfect.” he mumbled, stuffing a small light green flower he had found into his pocket.

“Let’s hope this works.”

Sans took the shortcut to Grillbys, figuring it would be as good a place to start looking as any.

At first nothing was different from any other time he had come in for breakfast.

Then he heard a familiar sniffle, it was faint and he couldn’t pinpoint where it had come from, but he knew that the person was in the restaurant.

He this heard it again, he scanned the bar, no one seemed to be effected by the flowers, at least not in the way he was looking for.

The dogs were kind of confused, but there was no allergic reaction.

“Heh'tshhoo!” the sneeze didn’t come from anyone and Sans blinked in confusion.

He turned around, looking over at Grillby.

He was hunched over slightly, a fiery hand held to his face, “Heh'nktchoo…” his flame rose a bit and crackled.

Sans took a moment to process what he had just discovered.


“have i actually never heard you talk before?” he couldn’t help but ask.

Grillby stiffened, “I- what?”

“i’d recognize your voice anywhere!” Sans exclaimed.

“I-huh-huyshoo…. I didn’t, I’m not…”

Sans sighed, “why didn’t you just come to me? That you uh, felt that way?”

Grillby sighed, “Can…hemptchoo!…can we talk later…?”

Sans nodded, “i guess…”

Grillby sniffled again, “I just, no, no we can talk now, just, stay there, I’ll close up.”

He was shaking a little, playing with the fire on the tips of his fingers.

Asking all the dogs to leave, he flipped the sign on the door to read 'Closed.’

“so, why didn’t ya just tell me grillbz?” Sans sighed.

“I just… heh…hold on….heh'tshoo! i just didn’t think you would want to get a confession from someone who’s practically a stranger.”

Sans blinked, “stranger, grillby, i spend just as much time here as i do at my house, we’re hardly strangers.”

Grillby shook his head, “I know a lot about you because you talk to me when you get drunk! B-but I never talked to you…s-so….”

Sans opened his mouth to say something, but was inturupted by another crackle and a sneeze, “Hempshoo! S-sorry, sorry…”

“grillbz, i get that we don’t know a skele-ton about each other, but…” Sans sighed “i really like you too…”

Grillby seemed taken aback, “Wh-what?”

Sans looked away, “well…i-i mean why else would i spend all of my free time in some bar? i come here constantly, and i mean it’s a nice place but uh…”

Sans turned bright blue.

Grillby’s flame turned a deeper red.

“I…you…do you really…feel that way about me… Sans?”

Sans nodded a bit, avoiding eye contact.


The two were silent for a moment.

“do you maybe wanna, catch a bite sometime…?”

Grillby nodded soundlessly.

“cool. uh maybe saturday evening we could meet up here at around 6?”

“Y-yeah.” Grillby nodded again.

“perfect, i’ll uh see you then.” Sans bolted for the door.

“Eysshhhh!” Grillby sneezed one final time before Sans took the shortcut from the restaurant to his house.

Smiling to himself, Sans shook his head and thought aloud, “well…that happened.”



collab with sneezingaxe.tumblr.com

you can see others at askundersnez.tumblr.com

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Oh. My. Flowie. What in the world have I found? These are pure amazing!!! Sans! You adorable skelly you! :heart::wub::heart:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

screams look I did more 

Collab with sneezingaxe.tumblr.com

read more at askundersnez.tumblr.com



Blue sniffled once more.

His nose had been bothering him all day, there was a tickle right there on the edge of his nose hole, itching and tickling, but for whatever reason he hadn’t sneezed. It got even worse while he was dusting the house, his nose even beginning to twitch. It tickled so, so much…and yet no sneeze would come.

“Sans, I’m home!” a voice could be heard along with the opening and  closing of the front door. Blue froze, sniffing hard and plastered a wide smile on his face.

“Heehh….H-hey Pappy. You’re back from…huh….Muffet’s already?” Blue’s voice hitched as he spoke, the tickle fighting more so than ever for control over the small skeleton’s nose. 

Papyrus felt his soul jump as he heard Blue’s desperate sounding voice. Had…had Blue been…?

Papyrus smirked devilishly. It might have been due to Papyrus being in heat for the past few days, of perhaps he had one too many drinks at the bar.

He winked an eye socket, shrugging lazily, “Ehhh, you know me. I’m a little spontaneous, eh?” He looked Blue up and down, smirking, “Something bothering you, Blue~?”

“Nuhh…no. I just have a tihhh….tickle in my nose…th-that’s all. It’s been bothering me all day!” The small skeleton stomped a bit, sniffling and rubbing his nose. He almost wished a sneeze would come right now, even if he would prefer to not sneeze in front of Papyrus. Blue never was sure why but he didn’t like sneezing on front of people. He assumed it was because to most monsters it’s gross and embarrassing.

Papyrus moved forward, leaning down and gently dragging a bony finger along his younger brother’s cheek bone. He smirked, chuckling to himself, “Whatever could be bothering my little brother~? It couldn’t be his spine~” He moved a hand to gracefully brush against his younger brother’s spine, “Couldn’t be his hips…” a small pressure now on his hips, “What COULD it be…~?” He brought his teeth forward, nipping quickly at his brother’s nose bone.

Blues break hitched, “haahhheeehhh….” he was sure he was finally going to sneeze, his nose and cheeks with a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment, "Muuhhh….myyy, my nuhh…nose…!“ Blue forced out, the sneeze was so close, is nose tickled so much, but it wouldn’t come!

Papyrus feigned a gasp, wrapping his arms around his younger brother’s hips, moving his own pelvis closer, "Your nose, dear brother…~?” He clucked his tongue, allowing the very tip of it to escape and like his teeth, “But what ever could I do to help that, dear brother~?”

“I duhh….don’t k-knuu-huuhhhh-ohhh, it itches so much. It tihhcles!” Blue sniffled, rubbing at his nose, his eyes watered and he looked up at Papyrus desperately, “I wahh…wahhhh…want tuh..tuhh..to sneeze! P-please! Help me…eeehhhhh” he begged, desperate for relief. “Ihttt..ihhttt…Ihhttsss so…tiihhckly!”

Papyrus expertly lifted his brother, settling down on the couch with Blue in a straddling position, still feeling every shiver going down his brother’s spine. He gently dragged a finger under his brother’s nose, chuckling to himself, “How much does it tickle, Sans? I know you don’t want to sneeze on me~ But…” He brought his brother’s skull forward, expertly snaking his tongue out to lick the other’s quivering nose. He kept his face close, wanting to wait every single desperate sneezing expression Blue made.

Blue shook his head a bit. “Muhh….move….hheehhhh” the sneeze was finally there, but the couldn’t let it out like this, with his brother right there. “Tuhhh…too tickly….caahhhnn’t huhh….hold ihhtt….muhhhhcchhh longer!” Blue stared his brother in the eye desperstly. “I’m guhhh..,guhhnnnaa sneeze…!” He announced, trying desperately to hold it in long enough for Pap to move “Hhhh…! M-move!” He gasped, barely able to get a word on through his hitting breaths

Papyrus simply chuckled, a quick movement allowing him to reach behind Blue, revealing the feather duster from before, “Oh brother dear, were you cleaning my mess~? Oh, but isn’t this a problem. Aren’t you…EXTREMELY allergic to both feathers AND dust~?" 

Papyrus circled his pelvis gently, pressing against Blue’s, smirking as he brought the feather duster to his brother’s nose. Circling the other’s right nostril gently, he allowed it to enter in and out rhythmically.

Blues eyes widened as he stared at the feather duster being brushed along his nose. His breathe hitched crazily and he found he could barely even speak, "guuhhhnnnaaa HHHHAAHHHHHHHHH ssnneeehhhhzzzeeee! Hheehhhh!eeeehhhhhhhuuuuhhhhhhaaaahhhh…..” Blue’s head reared back and he finally let out a high pitched, “HEETTTTSSSHHHHHHHYYYYYYEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW! Uhhh….oh god….EEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYSSSSSHHHHHHH! AAHHHYYYYYYYYSSSHHHHYYYYEEEEEEWWWWWW! SHEWWW!SHHEEWWW!SHHEWWWW! I cad’d stop! HHHHEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHSSSHHHH! EEEEHHHHHHHHSSSYYYYEEEWWWWWW! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHKKKSSHHHHHHHEEEEWWWW!" 

Finally gaining enough control over his body to move, the small skeleton moved his head over to sneeze into the first soft thing he came across, which just happened to be Pap’s hoodie.

He supposed was better than just sneezing freely all over the other’s face anyways, though Papyrus didn’t seem to mind. 


The sneezes seemed endless. Papyrus felt shivers of pleasure run down his spine as he continued moving his pelvis in round circles, “Oh Sans. you’re sneezing SO much~! I knew this little feather duster would help~" 

He gently lifted his brother’s shirt up slightly, grazing the soft feathers along Blue’s spine earning a soft moan. He brought the duster in between the two of them, forcing the feather’s into Blue’s already sensitive nose.

Blue’s nose quivered, "Paahhhp!” He moaned with a sniffle. “Idddttt'ss hhhaaahhhh sdducg!" 

His nose twitched, and he felt like there were a million dusty feathers tickling every sensitive spot in his nose, yet he couldn’t seem to sneeze. 

"Hheehhhhhaahhh….eehhhhheehhhh..,,hhhheeehhhhh…….eeehhhhh help mbe. Pblease!” The short skeleton begged

Papyrus clucked his tongue, continuing to insert and pull out the feather duster, “Don’t sneeze, Blue. You’re not allowed to. If you sneeze on my hoodie again, I’ll have to force more sneezes out of you. Wouldn’t that feel HORRIBLE~? Or…” Papyrus paused and gasped in mock surprise, “My my, little brother. You couldn’t POSSIBLY be enjoying in such lewd actions~!” Papyrus brought his skull down to gently nip Blue’s neck bones, “You’re so DIRTY Sans~”

Blue’s eyes watered slightly, "nuhhh…no, behhh…besides I’m duhh..don’t even heehhh…have tuhh…to sneeze.” Blue stated with a blush. He felt guilty about sneezing into his brothers hoodie, since Pap had apparently not liked that.

“suhh…sorry about the hoodie..buhh..by the way.” Blue’s nose twitched, his sneezes chosing that very moment to escape.

“Hheehhhhhh…..eehhhhhh” his breathe hitched and he could barely restrain more sneezes. This was torture…yet…he was enjoying it so much.

Papyrus brought the duster down, raising a skelebrow, “Oh, really? Then I guess I don’t have to help you anymore. And I suppose…you wouldn’t mind if I did something like this~?" 

He plucked a single feather from the duster, stroking the bone right below his brother’s nose, "I mean, you’re clearly not enjoying this. Maybe I should just stop~?”

“DNO! I mean..Dno I duhhh..hhuhhh….don’t mind……EEHHHHHHYYYYYYYYSSSSSHHHHHEEEEWWWWW! Oh, suh, sorrr-EEEHHHTTTTTTCCCHHHEEWWWWW-oh y-your hoodie, AAAAAYYYYYYYTTTTCCCHHHHOOOOOO! Guh….eesshhheewwwww!" 

Blue whimpered a bit, desperately wanting to sneeze even more.

Papyrus allowed a moan of his own to bubble from his throat. He pulled the feather out, "Bless you~” he mumbled, pressing his teeth against Blue’s. He felt the other’s breath continue hitching, and a devilish plan formed in Pap’s mind. 

Quickly bringing the duster to his hoodie, he carefully spread the overwhelming amount of dust across it. He pulled Sans close into his hoodie, and cooed, 

“Let it all out, babe. You and I both love your desperate little sneezes.”

Blue breathed in the dust, smiling a little before his face twisted into a desperate, sneezy expression. 

“Guh-gyuhnna sneeze…”  he breathed, blushing. “HAAHHYYSSSHHHHH HEEYYSSHHHOOOO HEEHHH EEHHHHHHYYYYYYYYSSSSSHHHHHEEEEWWWWW SSHEEWWW SHHEEWWWW SHEEEWWWW! Oh god, what’s m-making me sdeeze now? AAYYYTTTCCCHHHHOOOO!” He wondered aloud, as the feather wasn’t in his nose  so he shouldn’t be sneezing this much.

Papyrus moaned a bit louder, holding Blue even tighter, “S-sans…” he mumbled, feeling his soul beating faster and faster. It was desperate to escape his chest and feel the spray coming from the smaller skeleton’s outbursts. He leaned down, nipping his brother’s neck and breathing heavily, aware of every hitching breath he heard and every shiver of pleasure traveling down both skeleton’s spins.

Blue’s soul pounded as Papyrus moaned his name, "Heehhhh…“ his breath hitched again, "HEYYYTTCHHHHOOO!” he moaned, with a sniffle, his nose running. “EEYYYYSSHHHHYYYEEEWWW!” His sneezes kept getting bigger and wetter. “hHHHHHehhhh…. EEEHHHHHhhhhh” he gasped, only to discover the sneeze was stuck. 

His soul pounded, trying to get out, he was just enjoying this so much.

Papyrus couldn’t wait anymore. He pulled his own soul out, watching it glow and throb as Sans’ body was wracked with sneezes. He moved forward, playfully licking the tip of his brother’s nose.

“Blue, no more sneezing. You don’t want to sneeze on my soul, do you~?” His voice was almost a growl in the back of his throat as he brought his other hand to massage the  bridge of Sans’ nose.

“Hahhhh, Nuuhh…no!” Sans shook his head. As Papyrus massaged his nose, the tickle increased tenfold. 

Oh he needed to sneeze so bad. 

“HHhhheehhhhHHHHH… EHHHHHhhhhhh….. duhhh…don’t sneeze…don’t sneehhhhze!” he said to himself, wiggling his nose under his brothers hand, trying to stop the sneeze. He was loving this, even though it was torture. “Paahhhp I need ttuhhh…to sneeze.” he moaned.

Papyrus moved his hand from his soul and caressed his brother’s spine. His soul was glowing stronger and stronger with each whimper his brother gave. 

He smiled devilishly once more, and reached to bring the singular feather forward. He wiggled it gently under is brother’s nose, watching the tickle grow more and more. 

He pressed his teeth against his brother’s cheek, and whispered into his ear, “Now…Don’t sneeze.” He inserted the feather in, its soft tendrils invading every single inch of Blue’s quivering nose.

“HHeehhhh… ttiiihhhhckles…" Blue whimpered, "HHhhheehhhhh” every time his breath hitched the feathers were ruffled within his nose, making the tickle worse. “Puuuhhhh-please… Leehht me sneeze.” he begged, his soul finding its way out of his chest.

Papyrus licked his brother’s neck, smiling lustfully, “Oh Blue. You could have sneeze the whole time~” he cooed. He quickly pulled out the feather, and bit down on the other’s nose, causing the tickle to become unfightable.


Blue flushed his soul glowing brighter, but he still wasn’t done. 


Papyrus gave a loud moan, echoing throughout their empty house. His soul gave one final glow before settling down, still pulsing. He caressed his brother’s soul gently, mumbling under his breath, “You’re so cute. I love your sneeze. I love you.”

“Hhehhh I-AHHYYSSHHHEEWWW love you too.” Blue mumbled in between sneezes, his nose still a bright blue, his soul settling down a bit.

Papyrus released his brother’s soul, pulling in Sans tight.

“…Invite me next time you clean, okay?”

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  • 6 months later...
On 4/22/2016 at 9:35 PM, SneezyOtaku said:

(This one's underswap...huehue, sick lil' blueberryyyyy...I dn't feel like typing out "nose socket", so it'll just me "nose" for now <3)

How could a skeleton get sick?

Sans didn't know.

And yet there he was, sniffling up a storm. He had woken up later than usual with a pounding sensation in his skull. He rubbed his eyesockets, sniffling lightly. 

"Ugh..." he mumbled, attempting to sit up in his crane-themed bed. The room spun for a second, earning a dizzy, "W-woooah..." from the sick skellie.

He blinked furiously, feeling a foreign sensation within his nose. A sort of...tickling? But this tickling wasn't pleasant, no. This was uncomfortable. An itch his couldn't scratch.

Rubbing his nose furiously Sans gave a congested, "Guh..." 

He looked over to his table, littered with Napstabot CDs and a clock.

...It was 8:26.

Gasping, Sans attempted to swing his legs over the side of the bed, one resulting in him throwing his entire body onto the floor.

"Owie..." he mumbled, not hearing a frantic pair of footsteps pounding in the hallway.

Sans' door flung open, a worried Papyrus bursting in, "Sans?! I heard something crash! Are you okay? Is everything all right?"

Wincing at the bright light from the hallway, Sans reluctantly picked himself up, scratching the back of his skull nervously, "Y-yeah! Everything's just fine, Papy!"


(I'll continue this later tonight--)


If you don't finish this...I WILL!

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  • 2 months later...

:boom:omg, these stories are absolute perfection! I can't wait to read more!

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