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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Post end of manga Naruto fic


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I decided since I never see the fic I want to read of Naruto, I would just write it myself lol. I just had to write a little drafty guy of something I had in my head, and this is the only place I feel comfortable putting it. So It may have errors and stuff, but I really wanted to kindof smash it out for right now haha. 


Sasuke was in Naruto's office. The young Hokage was staring out the window with a proud grin on his face. The Village was bustling before him and he knew things were the most peaceful the most peaceful they had been since the end of the great shinobi war. He had proved his worth to Konoha and even brought back his best friend. His blue eyes shifted like the waves on a warm day. He was so happy he could hardly contain it all the time. 

Suddenly the door shot wide open and slammed shut all before Naruto turned around to see his dear friend. Sasuke's eyes were closed and he appeared still if not for the cloak slightly fluttering from the sudden motion.

"Sasuke, whats up?" Sasukes facial expression remained the same, without expression but with almost as though that were going to change. 

"I don't want to be seen right now." he said quickly but calm. Naruto's face became puzzled. 

"So? Why would you come here baka" Sasukes eyebrow twitched and he began to say 

"You loser-" But it was cut off by an intake of breath. "ahh.." 

Sasuke stumbled over to the chair. 

"Sasuke..whats wrong with you..?"

"Naruto..just huhh lock the door." he insisted. Naruto ran over seeing the concern on Sasukes face, and locked the door. he wanted some answers. He turned to Sasukes profile on the chair. He had taken off the cloak, and was sitting with his finger under his nose and looking so strong and tough Naruto felt odd seeing him look somehow vulnerable.

"You better have a good reason why the Hokage should have his door closed to, oh, I dont know everyone that needs to come in and see him."

Sasuke looked almost embaressed. Naruto looked first puzzled but then a smirk of delight spread across his lips. He laughed.

"Oh yes, this is awesome, Sasuke having some sort of an embaressing situation..spill it saaasuke" he taunted.

Sasuke looked outraged but his eyes were watering and his face had a faint red blush about it. It was as though his eyes were glossing over and losing consciousness.

"okay whatever, listen to me, I'm only going to say this once." Narutos interest peaked. "I was walking outside of Konoha when a bunch of dumb ninja wannabes ambushed me with this smoke bomb they said was going to kill me, but they apparently messed it up and it didn't work." He took a breath. "Instead I have been unable to stop sneezing."

Naruto was containing a laugh. He didn't understand what the point of this story was or why it mattered. Come to think of it though he had never seen Sasuke seen in all these years and he thought it would probably be hilarious. He probably had a girly sneeze or something and that's why he had to hide it.

He couldn't contain it and laughed. "Whats the problem Sasuke, you sneeze like a girl?" Naruto was beaming with amusement.

Sasuke was half paying attention.."no...loser." He pinched the brim of his nose. "I just..I dont know, I get aroused when I sneeze." 

Narutos jaw dropped. Sasuke wasn't paying attention. He was to bust trying to control his breathing. Naruto understood why Sasuke didn't want to be in public. But why did he come to Narutos office of all places? In any case, Naruto was going to enjoy whatever it was that happened next. But he didn't realize just how much he would until..

"huh..ohgod..HAHkshchihhh" Sasuke sneezed strong and wetly into the air before him. His nostril began dripping. Naruto grabbed a tissue and hurried over to Sasuke but he tripped clumsily and he landed with his chest on Sasukes stomach and his hand with the tissue was pressed against Sasukes wet nose. Naruto felt the tissue dampen. 

"Naruto!" Sasuke yelled but a look of shock crossed his face. As Naruto looked up at him their faces so close, Naruto could see a tear leak from Sasukes eye. He felt Sasukes body rise with hitching breaths. 

"ahaa.." sasuke started " ..ah.. "  Narutos cloth was soaked ".ahaaaaaaaaatchhhyuuuuuu" Naruto felt a blush on his face, He didn't know why it was making him feel so strange. Sasuke looked exasperated as though he were unable to move. 





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  • 1 month later...

omg I'm so glad someone liked where I was going with this!! haha. This is enough encouragement for me to continue. =) thanks so much! Sorry for all the errors in that post, I just hurriedly wrote it. But from now on it should be good =) hopefully..I am trying to not be to sleepy as I right this haha. Really appreciate the support!!


Sasuke was looking down at Naruto with a very unpleasant gaze. Naruto bit his lip to hide his apprehensive state. This event with Sasuke really made his heart flutter but he couldn't begin to understand why he would feel like this when Sasuke sneezed. Sasuke was very attractive and he was undoubtedly very dear to the hokage as a most precious someone..but why did the sneezing make Naruto's heart skip a beat?

Naruto looked up at Sasuke who was irritatingly rubbed his nose and sniffed.

"Naruto, get off.." Naruto winced at the harshness in his friends voice. He didn't mean for him to be so upset. "oh yeah of course..sorry" he mumbled a reply and moved off. Naruto then chanced a glance right to Sasukes eyes which seemed to be fluttering and moving around anxiously. 

"Maybe you should go to the medical center since you clearly don'y feel-"


"well..." Naruto moved toward the dark-haired man whose nose was scrunched up and running. "Sasuke..what on earth. I have never seen you like this. Let me help get you to Sakura..She'd no what to do.."

"Naruto please..I can't go anywhere like this. I am totally off hah..one se-Ehhh- EHSHIEW ..snrfff..sec. I..ihh..haah.. He took a breath and Naruto watched mesmerized. Is this Sasuke Uchiha? Succumbing to sneezes? It was the strangest thing. He was so strong it was hard to believe he could look so vulnerable..like ever. 

Naruto hurriedly looked for tissues but found none. "damn,," he muttered. I need to help my friend..where is there a stupid tissue. At last Naruto came across a handkerchief that Shikamaru had given him the day he became hokage with the words "Nanadaime" in orange gold embroidered, ahh. Naruto smiled. This would do the trick! Wasting not a second more the hokage came to his sniffling former avenger best friends side. Raven black hair was sticking to his slightly sweaty forehead. Sasuke was not feeling well. This was embaressing, As much as he did enjoy the feeling of his sneezed he couldn't take being helpless in front of Naruto. If anything Sasuke wanted to keep atoning for his sins and be of any service to Naruto in protecting the village and his friend. He did not want to look like such a fool. Suddenly as he shut his eyes awaiting the next explosion he felt something wipe at his nose and then cover his nose and mouth. It was something soft and smelled slightly of ramen. 

"ugh Naruto..what are you Snnrfff..ahah,,hehh.." 

"It;s okay Sasuke..you can sneeze, you'll never stop if you don't properly get out all the dust right? Just trust me and sneeze freely and blow. Its okay..no one will know and no one can come in here."

Sasukes eyebrow twitched and he felt his temple pulse. "Hehhh.."

"Thats it.." Naruto coaxed. He felt daring and he lightly ran the hanky across the underside of the Uchihas handsome nose. 

"Ahhh...ESHCH'eoohh..oh HAKSHIUhh...AHAKSHHH..ahh Naruto.."

"heh" Naruto smirked. He was very amused and a blush had spread over his face. His handsome rival could be so cute. He felt butterfles in his stomach. He ushered them away with great will power. 

"Now..since you are clearly exhausted.. I demand that you go home and rest." Sasuke gave a look and began to protest but was cut off by the hokage. "I am the hokage and I am requesting that my "second hokage" go rest." Naruto had said that all with his most stern I am the leader of the village voice but in the end he had to cave a little.."please.." he added with desperate eyes. Sasuke was taken aback by Narutos sincerity but too worn to disagree slowly rose and nodded in agreement. He aplogized and excused himself.

Naruto shut the door and turned his back to it and let his face take on his true emotions. "I can't believe how much I wanted Sasuke just now.." He thought. He pictured the Uchiha at home slumped over tissues blowing his gurgly nose and sneezing itchy desperate sneezes freely around him. ah. But he felt immediately guilty for he also could not stand thinking about Sasuke in discomfort. I hope hes okay he thought...

At home Sasuke raised a fist to his nose "..huhh oh godaASHCHHEW..I hope that usuratonkachi isnt talking about me..snrrff."





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  • 3 weeks later...

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