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Sneezing It (Faking It: Karma, Felix, Amy, and more!)


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Background (spoiler alert): 

"Faking It" is a rom-com which airs on MTV. It is currently on its third season. It revolves around two best friends, Amy and Karma.

Karma will do anything to be popular and drags her best friend into a plan to fake being a lesbian couple in order to impress the school's heartthrob, Liam Booker. Amy thinks this idea is stupid and kind of offensive, but goes along with it anyways to make Karma happy. After fake kissing at a school assembly, Amy realizes she has been hiding romantic feelings for her best friend, and she struggles to figure everything out. She eventually comes clean to Karma, who doesn't reciprocate these feelings, but is understanding. Amy tries everything she can to get over Karma, and just when she is finally making progress, Karma drunkenly kisses Amy at a party and those feelings come crashing back. Amy decides to skip town in order to get rid of her feelings for Karma so they can go back to being best friends. But plot twist: she doesn't tell Karma she is leaving. When Karma finds out, she is devastated. Amy comes back from her little trip, feelings for Karma gone, expecting Karma to be willing to go back to being best friends. Karma is mad at Amy for leaving without saying goodbye, and the two have a fight at a party about whether Amy needs to apologize or not for leaving.

This fanfic starts the day after this party, right after Season 3 Episode 1. There'll be more sneezing in later parts, don't worry, but this chapter was mainly to set the scene. I wrote it after searching the forum and only finding ONE topic about the show:

Hopefully this fanfic will spark many more "Faking It" sneeze fics, because the show is so good, it needs like 50 bazillion fics!!!!!


Chapter 1- It's All Good

Amy had decided to let Karma sleep on it. It was only a matter of time before Karma would realize how ridiculous she was being, and when that happened, Amy was going to be ready. That's how she found herself knocking on her best friend's house at 10 in the morning the day before school restarted. She figured one whole night was long enough for Karma to realize she wanted to go back to how they were before the summer started... minus the whole Amy having feelings for Karma bit.

"I come bearing gifts!" Amy exclaimed excitedly as the door to her best friend's house swung open, "Oh." Amy's stopped short, realizing the figure standing in the doorway was NOT her bff. The smile on her face was instantaneously replaced with a scowl.

"Hey! What's up dude? Gotta say, I'm NOT a huge donut fan, but it's totally rad that you're here!" Karma's brand new Hawaiian boyfriend, Dylan, stood in the doorframe, grinning down at Amy.

Figures, Amy said to herself, rolling her eyes, "Is Karma here? I really need to talk to her." Dylan pointed two finger guns in the direction of Karma's bedroom, winking at Amy as he did so. Amy rolled her eyes yet again. Why did this guy have to be so f*cking annoying? 

Amy pushed past Dylan and stepped inside the Ashcroft residence, inhaling the signature scent of marijuana that always seemed to follow Karma's hippie parents. She had really missed this place. She'd been hanging out here since as long as she could remember. For the first 15 years of her life, it had been the home to her best friend, and when the Ashcrofts had to rent out the house when they ran out of money, it was the home to her first boyfriend. After being gone for two and a half months, being in her best friend's house was like returning home.

Amy's thoughts were interrupted by a girly "heh-tishhuuuu" resonating from her best friend's room. Amy frowned. Karma only ever sneezed when she was coming down with something, and when Karma got sick, she got SICK. She glanced at Dylan, but he either didn't notice or didn't care that his girlfriend was getting sick.

Amy sighed, too worried to roll her eyes at him again, and strode towards the bedroom, knocking as she entered. "Karma?"


Karma watched as her best friend surveyed the piles of tissues littering the floor, silently cursing herself for not thinking to pick them up. Karma being a generally OCD person, Amy was bound to know something was up. Karma sighed, recalling the painful events from the previous night, reminding herself that she was still mad at Amy. "Whad do YOU wandt?" Karma hoped and prayed that Amy hadn't heard the congestion in her voice.

Amy took one last look at her surroundings then glanced back at Karma. "Peace offering?" she suggested, waving a box of donuts in the air- glazed no doubt about it."

As much as Karma's stomach growled at the thought of the delicious pastries, she knew accepting the gift would be letting Amy win. "Amy, doduts are YOUR favorite, I hodestly hadte dhem." As soon as the words left her mouth, Karma instantly regretted them, trying not to notice as Amy tried to unsuccessfully hide the hurt in her eyes as she placed the box on the nightstand.

The two sat there in silence for a few awkward minutes. Karma couldn't help but notice that Amy kept glancing at the empty tissue boxes on the desk, and the used tissues scattered across the room.

"Karma are you okay?" Amy blurted. The question caught Karma off guard. Since when was Amy so straightforward? She took a deep breath, trying to decide how to respond.

Thankfully, she was saved by her dense boyfriend, who marched straight past Mount Kleenex and flopped down on her bed. "Hey babe- Squid, Swordfish, and I were gonna head down to Lake Murray tonight for a late night swim- I can count you in right?" So maybe she wasn't as saved as she thought. A late night swim was exactly what she DIDN'T need when she was falling sick, but she couldn't tell Dylan that. Dylan needed to think she was cool, like him, and being sick was definitely not cool.

"Karma?" Amy's soft voice nudged Karma lightly. She'd completely forgotten to answer her question.

Karma took a deep breath, knowing what she had to say. Preparing herself for a painful reaction from Amy, Karma spoke the three words that Amy hated the most.

"It's all good."

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If you don't watch the show, and wanted visuals, here is a picture of Amy and Karma.


Amy is on the left, Karma is on the right. 


And that is Dylan ^

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So I wanted to focus on multiple story angles like the show does, so here's the second chapter which focuses on different characters. It takes place the day after Chapter 1, on the characters' first day back at Hester High School.


Chapter 2- Karma 

There was approximately 20 seconds until Mr. Bradbury, new chemistry teacher at Hester, would start class, and there were STILL two empty seats in the classroom. And Lauren knew EXACTLY who they belonged to. Amy and Karma. Lauren sighed, pulling out her phone.

WHERE ARE YOU? she typed, hoping her stepsister got her message before Karma got her into trouble, yet again. A couple of months ago, Lauren couldn't have cared less if Amy was late to class or not. But the two had been bonding lately, and Lauren felt it was her duty to keep Amy from boarding the Karma Express all over again. Just as she was about to hit the send button, none other than Amy Raudenfeld flew into the classroom. Figures, Lauren chuckled to her self, removing her backpack from the empty seat next to her. She gestured for Amy to sit down. Lauren looked around for Karma, but she was nowhere to be found. Interesting...

Mr. Bradbury took his place at the front of the room. "Everyone line up on the edges of the room, and keep an eye on this random generator," he gestured at the SMART board at the front of the classroom displaying a map of the lab stations that filled the classroom, "This generator will determine who your lab partner will be for the next semester. There will be absolutely no trading or selling of the seats. You get what you get. Got it?" The whole class groaned. This was so first grade and so NOT Hester.

Lauren rose out of her seat, glancing over at Amy, who was fixating over the empty stool at the front of the classroom. Amy was obviously off in Karma-land again... Lauren rolled her eyes, snapping her finger in front of her stepsister's nose, jolting her back to reality. "Wait, what's happening?" Amy glanced around the classroom, utterly confused. Lauren sighed, shaking her head at her hopeless stepsister. 

"Come on," she instructed, dragging Amy from her seat and towards the far edge of the room. Mr. Bradbury whacked the giant green GENERATE button, and instantly names filled the map. Lauren was partnered with Felix. Ew, Lauren thought to herself as she slid into the stool next to him. She honestly hated Felix, and he reeked of Axe.

"I would say it's Karma that you got stuck with me, but she's not here today, is she?" Felix smiled stupidly. God, Lauren wanted to smack him. The Axe smell was overwhelming. She needed to do something before his cologne made her pass out. It was already giving her a killer migraine. She grabbed a bottle of Tropical Breeze Body Spray from her designer backpack (yeah... they make those) and showered her new lab partner with the contents.

"HEY... what the-"  

"You'll thank me later." Felix got a weird look on his face... or weirder than normal. "Okay you look like a pig sniffing for scraps, cut it out!" Lauren snapped.

Felix gasped, "Heh-ngggpt.... ngggxt! ngggxt hay-ISHOO!"

"Ew... what the f*ck is wrong with you?" But Felix wasn't done. He rose from his seat, making is way to the back of the classroom, where the tissues were.

He'd barely made it four steps before he was doubled over again. "ESHOOO! Haeschhhh! eschhh! isttchhh!" He moaned, sinking to his knees. "ehhhh- ha- iii-" he gasped, struggling to get them out. "HA-TISHUUUU! Dambbit!"

Ew. His voice was all stuffy.

"Felix, are you sick?" Mr. Bradbury questioned from the front of the classroom.

Felix shot him a look that screamed, "Seriously?", a phrase Felix just LOVED to say.

"No he's not, he's obviously allergic to whatever Lauren sprayed him with." Amy jumped out of her seat and walked the box of tissues down to Felix. Felix grabbed a handful, desperately blowing the snot out of his nose into the tissue. Ew, ew, ew.

Amy sat back down in her desk. "Meh I be ekshcused?" Felix asked, still super stuffy, but no longer sneezy. Mr. Bradbury nodded, and Felix ran out of the classroom, obviously embarrassed. Everyone stared at Lauren.

"What? That kid wears WAY too much cologne... He had it coming." Lauren crossed her arms, raising a single eyebrow at the rest of the class. Scratch what she had thought earlier- everyone EXCEPT for Amy was staring at Lauren. Amy was gazing at the empty stool beside Oliver again.

Lauren rolled her eyes, gathering her belongings as the bell rang signaling the end of the school day, watching as Amy nearly tripped over herself bounding out the classroom door. Lauren wondered where she was off to in such a hurry...


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Felix ^


Lauren ^

And Mr. Bradbury is just a character I made up so use your imagination as to what he looks like.

Stay tuned for Chapter 3! And tell me what you think so far!!!



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