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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Gilmore Girls (Rory)


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Hey y'all! I haven't really been on the forum in the past few months. It's been a pretty rough past couple of months, but I thought I'd come on to post this story. I wrote this one day as a stress relief one-shot, and there's not much sneezing in it and not any sneeze spellings, so I'm sorry about that, but I hope y'all enjoy it!


The first big snowstorm of the season was scheduled to hit tomorrow. Classes were actually cancelled for the rest of week, as it was already Wednesday, and all Rory Gilmore wanted to do was head home and be with her mom to watch the first snow fall and have some of Luke’s special hot chocolate that he only makes when it’s snowing. She would’ve gotten to do all of these things, if she and her mom weren’t currently fighting.


She was tired of the fighting and she missed her mom. She had promised to stick out the rest of the semester before dropping out, but her mom was still furious at her. The stress of the semester was getting to her and she just knew she was coming down with something when the pounding headache she had had before bed was still with her when she woke up this morning.


Rory sighed as her teacher dismissed her from her last class of the afternoon, and she began her hike back to the dorm. As if she didn’t feel bad enough already, it was rainy and cold outside. She didn’t understand how if it was going to be cold enough to snow in a few hours, how it was raining right now instead of snowing. At least with the snow she wouldn’t be getting as wet. She sneezed a few times as she pulled open the door to the warmth of her dorm and stepped inside, stripping herself of her wet outer garments.


The only good news was that upon entering her bedroom, she found a note from Paris stating that she had gone home for the rest of the week. If Paris knew she was sick, not only would she would go overboard on cleaning and put Rory under quarantine, but she would also be like an overbearing mother and request that she take her temperature every five minutes and take copious amounts of disgusting medicine. With her gone at least Rory could sleep in peace.


Rory changed into a dry pair of sweats and curled up under her blankets in desperate hope that a nice nap would help her feel better.


But the nap didn’t help and the next time she awake it was dark out, her throat hurt, and she was super congested. She knew she should get up and take some medicine and grab a glass of water, but she didn’t want to move so she settled for rolling back over and falling asleep again.


The next time she awoke it was already snowing and according to the digital clock shining in her face, it was just after midnight. She felt terrible. When she young and sick the only thing that would make her feel better was getting in bed with her mom. Her mom would stroke her hair and rub her back and comfort her until she fell asleep. Right now, the only thing her feverish mind could comprehend was that she wanted her mom. She couldn’t even remember that she and her mom were fighting, all she knew was that she had to get to Stars Hollow. Grabbing her backpack and keys, she headed out into the snow in search of her car. She didn’t even bother packing clothes since she was going home and knew there were clothes there.


The sidewalks were covered in snow and ice, causing her to slip and fall a few times before she finally got to her car. She cranked the heat up, hoping to dry herself off on the way home, and pulled out of the Yale student parking lot.


Thankfully, there was hardly anyone on the road this time of night as Rory drove home in a feverish daze, not paying much attention to anything. She pulled into her driveway less than an hour after she left which was pretty good time for driving through the icy roads.


She grabbed her backpack and locked the car door before climbing up the porch steps to enter her house. Forgetting that it was night and that the door would be locked, she struggled for a moment trying to enter the locked door before her brain processed the fact that she needed to grab the spare key from the little turtle statue on their front porch. She sneezed a few times as the wind picked up as she was trying to put the key in the door.


She eventually got the door open and miraculously managed to lock it back before kicking off her shoes, dropping her backpack on the floor, and climbing up the steps to her mother’s room. She didn’t even bother to change out of her wet clothes that were covered in snow before sliding into bed besides her mom, shivering from both the chill of her wet clothes and her fever. It didn’t take long before she was sound asleep with the comfort of knowing her mom was near.


Less than half an hour after she had fallen asleep, Lorelai awoke. She felt something cold and wet beside her and thinking for some reason in her sleepy mind that it was Paul Anka, began to kick her feet.


“Paul Anka, move.” Lorelai whined as she tried to kick him out of the bed. However, she soon heard a whine that sounded nothing like a dog and realized she was kicking something smooth, with no fur. Now she was wide awake wondering who could possibly be in her bed. She cautiously rolled over and saw her daughter, facing her and curled in a tight ball, sound asleep.


“Rory?” Lorelai asked as she sat up. She was confused. Her and Rory have been fighting for over a month and she didn’t expect to see her anytime soon. She turned on the lamp that was beside her bed to get a better look at her daughter. Her face was paler than normal and her cheeks had a bright red flush to them The clothes she was wearing were soaking wet and she knew her daughter must’ve been caught in the snowstorm. All the anger that had built up over the past month immediately dissipated into concern as to why her daughter was here.


“Rory, wake up.” Lorelai shook her daughter gently trying to wake her, but she didn’t budge. “Rory, sweetie, come on, you need dry clothes.” Lorelai still couldn’t get her to wake and she still couldn’t understand why her daughter had gotten into bed in wet clothes. She was an adult, she knew better than that. Having a sneaking suspicion that her daughter was ill she rested the back of her hand on Rory’s forehead. It was flaming hot. Crap. Lorelai knew she needed to get Rory up and out of those clothes before she made herself worse.


Lorelai shook her harder. “Rory, honey, come on, you need to wake up right now. I promise you can go back to sleep in a few minutes.” Lorelai got out of bed and began rummaging through her drawers for a dry pair of sweats that Rory could wear. Rory groaned as the noise finally began to wake her up. “Here, honey change into these.” She handed Rory the sweats and then left the room to the thermometer, cold medicine, and something for her daughter to drink. When she came back, her daughter was sitting up on the edge of her bed in the dry pair of sweats, staring at the floor.




“I’m sorry for…” Rory’s voice trailed off as she began to cough. Lorelai set the tray down and went and sat beside her daughter, rubbing her back soothingly like she used to when Rory was little. “I’m sorry for barging in like this. I can go…” Tears pricked at the edge of Rory’s eyes. She knew it was the fever making her so emotional, but she couldn’t stop the tears. All the anger, frustration, loneliness, and sadness from the past few months bubbled up and caused her even more tears.




“And I’m sorry for fighting with you and wanting to drop out of Yale. I don’t want to fight anymore, mommy. ” Her voice was severely congested and the crying wasn’t helping.


Lorelai sat in shock for a moment before gathering her daughter in a hug and rocking her gently back and forth, rubbing her back and trying to soothe her. “Shhhh, shhhh, it’s okay. It’s okay. We can talk about it later.”


Eventually Rory’s sobs began to subside and she had stopped shaking. “Come on, let’s get you back to bed.”  She laid down a blanket over the wet spot from where Rory had been laying in her wet clothes, knowing that it would just be easier to change the sheets in the morning. Lorelai propped up Rory’s pillows and got her situated in bed before covering her up. Rory started to drift off to sleep. “Rory, hon, stay awake for just a little longer okay?”


Lorelai grabbed the thermometer off the tray she had brought up and brought it over to Rory. “Open” Rory sneezed and then groaned. “Come on, open up for the choo choo train.” Lorelai smiled, trying to be funny. Rory opened her eyes enough to roll her eyes at her mom’s antics and she opened her mouth.


It wasn’t long before the thermometer beeped and showed a temperature of 102.1 degrees. “You’re burning up.” Lorelai said as she rested her cool hands against her daughter’s burning forehead, hoping that she could get it to cool down a little. She got up and grabbed the cold medicine and the glass of orange juice and handed them to Rory.


She took it easily and fell back against the pillows, exhausted. Her mom turned out the lights and kissed her sleepy daughter on the forehead before climbing into bed beside her. “Goodnight, Rory.”

“G’night, mom.”



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