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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Wool (CA:TFA; Peggy Carter, Bucky Barnes)


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Behold my first real foray into male sneezing! Kind of. This fic started as a drabble from my 100 Drabbles, 100 Words thread, but I couldn't get the image out of my head and I wanted to play with it some more. There's some mild undertones of Steve/Peggy/Bucky, but it can totally be read platonic too. Un-betaed, so I do apologize for any mistakes.

Over the last few years thanks to the war, Peggy had spent a lot of time in some not-so-nice places, but she was pretty sure that Russia in the dead of winter was probably the worst of them.

“Come on, Carter, you sure you don’t want to play?” Dugan asked, holding up the deck of cards he was shuffling. “It’s the last bottle of bourbon on the line.”

“It was supposed to be two, but we got cold,” Morita said, holding up a half-empty bottle and taking a long swig.

“No, but you boys play nice,” Peggy said. She shivered as a cold breeze blew through the encampment, making the flames of the campfire dance just a little bit higher.

“You want some of the rest of the bourbon to warm you up a little bit?” Jones asked.

Peggy just shook her head and pulled her jacket a little tighter around her shoulders.

“More for us then,” Dugan said. He shrugged and took a swig from the bottle before dealing out the cards.

“You cold?”

Peggy startled at the sudden voice next to her and she whipped her head up to find Steve standing next to her with a blanket draped over his arm and a slight smile on his face. Peggy tried to take a moment to compose herself which was admittedly very hard to do when the wind was blowing her hair in front of her face and she was pretty sure her nose was streaming from the cold.

“What g-gave me away?” she asked, rolling her eyes dismissively and clenching her jaw to try to keep her teeth from chattering.

“Well it definitely wasn’t the shivering, that’s for sure,” Steve said. His lips twitched as he held out the blanket. “I grabbed this for you.”


“Should I—“

At Peggy’s nod, Steve draped the blanket gently around her shoulders and sat down next to her. Peggy pulled the blanket tight around her shoulders and leaned into Steve’s side. Maybe it was the serum or maybe it was just Peggy’s brain freezing and making her hallucinate, but she swore that Steve was giving off even more warmth than the blanket.

For a brief moment, she closed her eyes and breathed in deep, pulling the scratchy blanket up to her cheeks.

Then suddenly she stopped.

“C-captain?” she stuttered?

“What’s wrong?” Steve asked.

“This blanket. Is it by any chance wool?”

“Yeah, it’s wool,” Steve said. “Why?”

“I’m al—aller—a-hah-ESHU!” Peggy’s cheeks flushed. “I’m allergic to wool.”

“Oh, God, Peggy, take it off then! I didn’t know, I swear, I just—“

“N-no it’s fine, I j—EH-shu! It’s warmer. I suppose I ca—hah-tiSHU! I can handle it.”

“You fellas okay over there?” Dugan called.

“Fine,” Steve called back. “We’re fine.”

“They found the blankets!” Bucky exclaimed.

“You leave, you fold,” Morita warned.

“Then I fold,” Bucky said. He slammed his cards down and got up to make his way over to Peggy and Steve.

“Peggy, come on,” Steve started, rubbing gently at Peggy’s shoulder. “Take it off, you can have my jacket or—“

“Geez, Carter, you look awful,” Bucky said as he swung down to sit on the other side of Steve.

Peggy sniffled miserably. She was still freezing cold and the blanket was a welcome warmth, but her skin was starting to itch in earnest and she could feel her eyes starting to get puffy and the congestion starting to settle in her sinuses. “I’b fine,” she insisted.

“You sure you’re not coming down with something?” Bucky asked, pressing the back of his hand against her forehead in a practiced manner that Peggy was sure he had perfected on Steve over the years. “You don’t have a fever, but—“

“I’m fine, Sergeant B—Bar—hah-ESHche!”

“Gesundheit,” Bucky said. He turned to Steve. “What’s wrong with her? Is she gettin’ sick because you might not be able to get anything anymore, but the rest of us don’t have time to get sick on a mission.”

“She’s not sick,” Steve said. “The blanket’s wool and apparently she’s allergic.”

Peggy opened her mouth to say something, but she was cut off by two harsh, scraping sneezes.

“Bless you,” Steve said.

“Ignore it,” she snapped.

“Why are you wearing the blanket then?” Bucky asked. “I know you can’t really see yourself right now, but you look horrible. Just take the thing off and get some fresh air.”

“It’s not life-threatening,” Peggy snapped. “And it’s far too cold out here.”

“Yeah, well I don’t get enough sleep on these missions as it is. I don’t exactly what to spend the night listening to her wheezing in the next tent and sneezing loud enough to give our position to every Nazi this side of the lines. No offense, Carter.”

“And yet somehow it was still taken,” Peggy snapped. She shot him a glare, but the effect was somewhat diminished as pitched forward with another sudden sneeze that sounded like it was scraping at her throat.

“Come on, Peggy,” Steve said. “I’ll get you my jacket or something and you can sleep under that for a couple nights until we can get back to the main camp and get some different blankets. I swear, if I had known you were allergic, I would have made the guys pack something else.”

“N-not your fault,” Peggy said. She pinched her nose to stifle a pair of sneezes. “Besides, your jacket’s not warm enough.”

“We all know you’re a badass, Carter,” Bucky said. “Don’t make yourself suffer just to prove a point.”

“I’b fide,” Peggy snapped. She sniffled deeply to try to clear some of the congestion from her voice. Steve pressed a handkerchief into her hand and she used it to swipe at her red, watery eyes. The exposed skin on her neck and hands was already breaking out in a rash and she sneezed again.

“You know what, you’re right,” Bucky said. “You’re the picture of health. Don’t know why I even asked in the first place.”

Another gust of icy wind swept through the campsite and Dugan’s cards got blown out of his hands. Morita, Jones, Falsworth, and Dernier were practically doubled over laughing as he scrambled to grab them before they got carried away.

“Stevie, you got anymore of those blankets?” Bucky asked.

“Yeah, they’re in the tent,” Steve replied, nodding towards the tent in question.


Bucky got up and made his way over to the tent while Peggy leaned further into Steve’s side and scratched at her neck. She was wheezing a little now and it sent a pang through Steve’s heart, even more so when she sneezed again and without the energy to stifle it at all, it was loud enough to get the guys’ attention. Dugan had just managed to get his cards again, but he dropped them again when he looked up to see Peggy’s face illuminated by the fire.

“What’s wrong with Carter?” he asked.

“Don’t w-worry about me. You lot carry on—neh-SHU!”

“She’s allergic to the blankets that you idiots packed,” Bucky replied as he stepped out of the tent with a blanket around his shoulders.

“Hey, who are you calling idiots?” Dugan demanded. He got up and grabbed the mostly-empty bottle of bourbon that he and the other commandoes had been passing around.

“What are you doin’?” Morita asked.

“She needs it more than we do right now.”

Peggy sat up and sniffled. “That’s not necessary. You boys keep it.”

“Nah, take it. We got another whole bottle over there,” Dugan said.

Peggy sighed, but took the bottle anyway and took a long swig.

“Bucky, you okay?” Steve asked.

Peggy turned to find Bucky scratching at the back of his neck. His eyes were a light pink color and it sounded almost like he was starting to wheeze.

“I don’t know,” Bucky replied. “Just started itching all of a sudden.”

“Dugan, you coming or you folding?” Morita asked.

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Dugan said. He turned and headed back over to the card game at the campfire.

Peggy glanced over at Bucky again. “Sergeant Barnes, are you by any chance feeling like your eyes are starting to itch?” she asked.

“Yeah, how’d you know?” Bucky asked.

Peggy opened her mouth to respond, but before she could say anything, Bucky’s breath hitched and he stifled a sneeze into his fist. ItSCHH!

“Sergeant Barnes, are you aller—ESHu! Are you allergic to wool?”

“Never have been before. Allergies were always his de—Heh-ISSH—department,” Bucky said, jabbing his thumb at Steve as he sneezed again.

“It can develop,” Peggy said.

“You’re kiddin’ me,” Bucky said.

Steve wrapped his free arm around Bucky’s shoulders and pulled him close so that both he and Peggy were resting against Steve’s shoulders. “Well, misery loves company, at least, right?”

“Shut up,” Bucky snapped. Huh-KRSHHeu!”

“Bless you,” Peggy murmured.

“You too, Carter,” Bucky said. “I bet you did this to me.”

“I wish I could claim responsibility,” Peggy said.

“Hey, be nice,” Steve warned.

“This sucks,” Bucky said.

“Then why not take the bl—EHshu—the blanket off?” Peggy asked.

“Because it’s freezing out here. HUH-sheu!”

“You know what, come on,” Steve said. “Both of you get up.” Peggy whined—actually whined—and Bucky groaned as Steve got up, helping Peggy and Bucky up with him. “If you’re both going to be stubborn about it, then I’m calling the cease-fire. Get up.”

Peggy sneezed into her handkerchief and Bucky scratched at the red rash on his neck.

“Hey guys, you’ve got the tent to yourselves tonight,” Steve called to the commandoes who had finally opened their prize bottle of bourbon and were still playing cards.

“Where are you and Barnes sleeping then?” Falsworth asked.

“You three sharing Carter’s tent?” Dugan asked. “About time.”

“Shut up and place your bet, Dum Dum,” Morita said.

“Have fun, guys,” Steve said, completely ignoring Dugan’s comments and leading Peggy and Bucky towards Peggy’s tent.

“Alright, take those blankets off right now,” Steve commanded once they were inside.

It was a true testament to how miserable they both felt as neither of them so much as started to protest. Peggy shrugged her blanket onto the ground and Bucky followed suit. Bucky sneezed into his fist and Peggy scrubbed at her eyes.

“Come on,” Steve said. He sat down on the edge of Peggy’s cot and gestured for Peggy and Bucky to come over.

“Steve, what are y—ISHCT!”

“I know it’s cold, but I’m not letting you make yourselves suffer to stay warm. Peggy, grab my jacket and get over here.”

Peggy grabbed the jacket in question and stalked over to the cot. Bucky hesitated for a moment, but then followed her lead. Steve grabbed the jacket and wrapped his arms around Bucky and Peggy’s shoulders. He laid down, taking them with him, letting them both snuggle into his sides as he draped the jacket over them.

“You’re warm,” Peggy said.

“Side effect of the serum,” Steve replied. “Feel like you can get some sleep now?”


“Hey, Stevie?” Bucky croaked.

“Yeah, Buck?”


“You’re welcome. Is this a better way of getting warm than making yourselves suffer?”

Both Peggy and Bucky nodded.

Peggy’s wheezing breath was already starting to sound better and the rash on the back of Bucky’s neck was starting to clear up. Within a few minutes, they were both asleep, letting out little congested snores against Steve’s chest. The guys were finishing up their game outside and Steve could hear them stumbling into the other tent, singing and laughing as they went, but he just ignored them and pulled Peggy and Bucky just a little bit closer.

It wasn’t long before he was asleep too

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oh my goshhhhhhh ohhhhhhhh noooooooooo this is so cute! I love the playful sniping between Peggy and Bucky; it makes it seem so real, and you do such a great job with it, even though banter is notoriously tricky to write well! And STEVE. You make him seem like the goodhearted guy he is without making him seem bland and boring, which is also a major accomplishment. Love this fic, love your writing, a million gold stars to you ?????

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On 3/4/2016 at 2:36 PM, curlyq9393 said:

oh my goshhhhhhh ohhhhhhhh noooooooooo this is so cute! I love the playful sniping between Peggy and Bucky; it makes it seem so real, and you do such a great job with it, even though banter is notoriously tricky to write well! And STEVE. You make him seem like the goodhearted guy he is without making him seem bland and boring, which is also a major accomplishment. Love this fic, love your writing, a million gold stars to you ?????

Thank you so much!! :D I really do love writing banter and I like to think it's one of my strong points. I'm so glad you like Steve! I've been starting to write him a little more lately and I'm really starting to enjoy him. He's really such a nuanced character and it can be fun to explore different sides of him, you know? Once again, thank you so, so much for reading and commenting, it really does mean a lot and I'm so honored that you like it and my writing so much!! ^_^

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Ohhh this was so lovely!! Wool allergies are so rarely written, and this was such a fun take on them. I loved that both Bucky and Peggy ended up suffering, it was very clever and sweet, and the sneeze sounds for both of them were excellent :) also I am SUCH a fan of Peggy/Steve/Bucky OT3, which I can honestly say I didn't realize until I read this fic xD hopefully we'll see more from you in the future!! 

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On 3/12/2016 at 3:59 PM, Winged said:

Ohhh this was so lovely!! Wool allergies are so rarely written, and this was such a fun take on them. I loved that both Bucky and Peggy ended up suffering, it was very clever and sweet, and the sneeze sounds for both of them were excellent :) also I am SUCH a fan of Peggy/Steve/Bucky OT3, which I can honestly say I didn't realize until I read this fic xD hopefully we'll see more from you in the future!! 

Thank you!! I'm so glad you liked it, especially the sneeze sounds. I'm slowly starting to get more and more comfortable with spelling out sneezes, so I'm glad my work is paying off ^_^ Welcome to the World War Threesome ship lol. This is my first time writing them really, but I've been keeping up with it a little on tumblr and it's kind of won me over. No doubt you'll be seeing more of me with fics in general and maybe with more of these three nerds. Once again, thank you SO much!! :D

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On 3/5/2016 at 4:38 PM, Evilduckling108 said:

ven more so when she sneezed again and without the energy to stifle it at all, it was loud enough to get the guys’ attention.

Love the idea that she needs to sneeze so bad that she does not even have the energy to stifle it. Peggy Carter sneezing with Caps care-taking efforts is a great scenario and thanks so much for posting this :)  

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On 3/18/2016 at 6:34 PM, NoV said:

Love the idea that she needs to sneeze so bad that she does not even have the energy to stifle it. Peggy Carter sneezing with Caps care-taking efforts is a great scenario and thanks so much for posting this :)  

thought it was a pretty good scenario and I'm glad other people seem to too lol. Basically my obsession with Peggy Carter has only been growing over the last year and I will take literally any excuse to write her sneezing :D And thank you!!

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Holy shiiiit (for lack of a better expression!) This was great! Loveddddd Bucky and Peggy's chemistry oh man.

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