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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Connection (Les Mis) Cosette/Javert

frolicking periwinkle

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This is the most recent chapter of my Unlikely Pairing on Ao3. I realized that even more than the other sickfic chapters, this one plays to the sneeze fetish.  There's a lot of build-up.  Some tenderness that will seem out of character, if you don't know the rest of the story.  But, I hope the near miss sneezing, coughing, build-ups, and/or neediness appeals to you.

Chapter 8: Connections

Javert cleared the small tickle out of his throat and coughed a few times.  The weather had turned cold very suddenly, and he wound up with a tickle in his throat.  He typically enjoyed riding to and from work – the time being used to both prep and decompress from work, so that he didn’t bring the ugliness of the world in the beautiful world that Cosette was starting to create for him.  

She was getting stronger, and his stomach no longer did flips when she went into the next room or he had to be late coming home.  He had started sending runners, and Molly had been a tremendous help to them both.  He cleared his throat and read through the briefing of a new case that had opened just as he was leaving.  The officer had given him the documents upon his request, but he wished that the young man was able to write the rushed notes a little quicker.  The smudge of blood on the notes did not go unnoticed and he could have done without that has well.

He coughed a bit, trying to rid his throat of the tickle and smiled when Cosette called him for dinner.  Exhaustion was settling in his bones and he wished that he hadn’t stayed out quite so late.  

He turned away from the table and pressed a handkerchief to his face as he coughed harshly.  The fit was a bit longer than the others and left the back of his throat with a dull ache.  “Do forgive me, Cosette,”  At her concerned look, he tucked away the handkerchief.  “Don’t look at me like that I’m fine.”

Cosette had come to learn that fine didn’t always mean the same to both of them.  He had taken care of himself growing up.  The military had not been kind to him, although he had thrived there.  He had been the best the prefecture had to offer because of his self-stridency.  Therefore, what he meant when he said ‘fine’ was closer to ‘I’m not dying’ than to ‘I’m not unwell.’

“Define fine,” she challenged gently, trying not to react beyond a light ‘hmph’ when he cleared his throat again.

“I just have a tickle in my throat,” he said, taking a drink of his wine to try to wash it away.  He felt as though it only spread the tickle though, and he cleared his throat again as he put the glass down.  Quickly, he picked up his napkin.  “Hurumphch!” he sneezed suddenly, the deepness resonating from his chest.  Another cough and then he folded it and put it to the side.  “I apologize.  I wouldn’t get to my handkerchief in time.” 

She blessed him as she got him another napkin.  “Eat what you can,” she said, understanding that he was not going to admit to anything.  As it was, perhaps it was only a tickle.  He certainly knew he body better than she did.

Since her illness, they had finally come together as husband and wife.  They didn’t feel like a mismatched pair, and Javert was actually trying to be a conversationalist, not act like a prisoner of his own marriage.  They hadn’t consummated anything, but he had apologized for not properly appreciating her politic way of waylaying people’s nosey concerns about their lack of an heir. 

“I’m fine,” he repeated, even though she hadn’t asked.  He chewed his food slowly.  Some part of him couldn’t believe that he was married to such a fine lady.  The food was delicious, and although he couldn’t quite focus on what she was saying, he knew she would forgive him the distraction.  Her forgiveness seemed to be endless.  He was highly attracted to her for this.

She said nothing, but continued to tell him about a party that he wouldn’t be able to attend, but that she would need him to pick up a few things from town.  She would remind him in the morning, and then send him with a letter that she would place in his pouch before he left for work.  They had fallen in a comfortable rhythm and things were no longer as forced as they had been.  She was delighted.

After dinner, they retired to the study, where Javert had started to read the newspaper.  The new one had been printed earlier that week, but he hadn’t had the chance to read it yet.  She cleared the table, and came to sit in her favorite place on the sofa, across from his chair.  She usually had needlepoint to do, but she really just wanted to spend time with her husband.

He coughed roughly again, bringing a fist to his mouth.  He did not loo up from the paper, and she did not ask if he was all right.  She knew that he would say that he is ‘fine’.  She knew that their definitions differed.

As the night wore on, his coughing became longer and more pronounced.  She went to the kitchen and brought back a goblet of water.  “Here,” she said, placing it on the side table by his chair. 

“Thank you,” he replied gruffly, after another prolonged cough.  The fire in the fireplace started to warm the room, and made him feel sleepy. 

Cosette had been gazing into the fire, too distracted to get anything done.  They had been through enough for her to know when her husband was feeling unwell.  She also knew better than to reach out.  Her advances were typically unwanted, as he believed they were unwarranted.

She startled out of her thoughts as she heard him start to snore.  Looking at him, a kind smile crossed her face.  The newspaper had fallen slack in his hands, and his chin was resting against his chest. 

“Javert?” she called gently, as she went over to him and withdrew the newspaper from his hands.

He startled, but she put her hand on his shoulder and smiled as he relaxed under it.  “Shh,” she soothed.  “Javert, where are you?”

Brown eyes looked at her, and then around the room.  “Home,” he mumbled. 

“Right,” she said, grasping his forearm.  “Come on.  Let’s get to bed.”

He allowed her to help him up, huffing as he did so.  He was short of breath, and his head was swimming.  “Heh-eh-eh!  KerUMpCH!” he sneezed freely to the side.  He sniffed congestedly.  “Excuse me,” he whispered as he followed her into the bedroom.

As she got ready for bed, she noticed that he was shaking.  “Javert,” she said, coming up to hm.

He reached out for her, as he sat heavily on the bed.  “I’m so cold,” he said, vibrating through the chills that wracked his body. 

She came up to him, wrapping an arm around him, noticing how hot he felt through his shift.  Gently, she guided him onto the bed, and crawled into bed next to him.  “Come,” she whispered, pulling him into her arms.  She knew when he was vulnerable and feverish, he would let her in.  It was one of the few times that she didn’t fear his sharp tongue. She pulled him into her arms, and felt him tremble against her.  “Shhh,” she soothed, kissing his too hot forehead.  She waited for their body heat to warm him up, and finally relax against her when he fell to sleep.

The next morning, Javert woke up as he felt his lungs constrict.  Eyes shot open as he felt like he was drowning.  Peeling himself from the covers, he leaned up on his arm and coughed violently, causing Cosette to stir.

He gasped as the coughs kept coming, finally collapsing back on the bed when they finally released its hold.  Blessedly cool hands felt his face.

“I’ll be back,” Cosette said, leaving the room.  She came back shortly with a bowl of water and a hot cup of tea.  She dipped a handkerchief in the water and placed it on his forehead, causing him to hiss. “I know it’s cold.  But, we have to bring that fever down.”

He groaned.  “Huh-uh-uhhhh….” His ears hurt, he felt like he was on fire.  He felt positively ill, but so grateful that she was there at his side. 

“It’s okay.  I’m right here.  I love you,” she whispered.  She pulled the blankets up over him again, when he started to shiver once more. 

“Heh-eh-EP-Schhhhhh!”  The forceful sneeze threw him forward, and was punctuated with crunchy coughs at the end.  “’scuse me,” he whispered, obviously exhausted.

She rewet the wash cloth and placed it on his forehead.  “Care to have a quick drink before you go back to sleep?” she ased.

He grunted in the negative.

“I’ll let you get some sleep,” she said, going to leave.

He stirred violently.  “Nuh… no!”

She paused.  “What?” she asked, coming back to his side.

“Don’t leave… I just…” His breath was coming out in gasps as he felt his heart hammering in his chest.

“Okay,” she said, trying to keep the smile out of her voice.  She wasn’t happy that he was ill. But, the fact that he wanted her at his side – that elated her.  She climbed back into bed, and rest her head on his chest.  It was an awkward place to be.  They hadn’t slept like this before.  But, as he slid his arm down her back and held her close, she knew that he was comfortable this way.  With the warmth of their combined body heat, they fell to sleep.

Javert slipped between asleep and awake all day, although Cosette did wind up getting up after a few hours.  She kept watch over him – coming in whenever his symptoms presented rather than his snoring.  When the sun started to set, she brought in some vegetable broth that she had been making throughout the day. 

“Javert?” she asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

He stirred softly, and looked at her.

She stayed the reflex to flinch, as she knew no one wanted to be woken up when they were sick.  “I’ve brought you some broth.  Drink it up and I’ll let you to back to sleep.”

He nodded, blinking blearily.  She helped him sit up and minded him as he sipped his broth.  “How long have I been asleep?” he rasped.

“All day… it’s nearly nightfall.” 

“I apologize,” he wheezed, bringing both of his hands to his face and coughing roughly.

“None of that,” she admonished gently.  “Drink your soup.  It’ll make you feel better.”

“Will you stay?” he asked, tenderly.  There was something about this woman that made him feel secure.  It was a blessing.  She was an angel.  He wanted her there, and after everything he had done and said to her, he thanked God every time she agreed to be at his side.

“Of course,” she said, brushing his face gently, with her fingers.  It was still far too hot for her liking. 

He was sipping his broth when suddenly, “Eh-Kesshptt!” Now actually drowning, he coughed heavily, as his lungs tried to expel the liquid. 

Gently, Cosette, took the broth, and rubbed his back.  His coughing continued to get worse, until finally, he let out a burp.  The liquid properly expelled, his spasm passed. Large circles appeared under his eyes and he yawned. 

Without another word, Cosette went to extinguish the lights and came to bed beside her husband.

During the night, Cosette woke up every time that Javert moved – especially when he moved towards her and placed his head on her chest.  She didn’t mind of course, but it wasn’t like him to crave her touch so instinctually.  She wrapped an arm around him and drifted off to sleep – enjoying the rarity.

Cosette awoke, feeling like the side of her neck was burning.  She pulled away with a gasp, and realized that Javert was awake.  “Are you all right?” she asked.

“Yes, just trying to kiss you.”  His speech was slurred with exhaustion and fever.

Knowing that he wasn’t in his right mind, she withdrew a bit.  “Best leave that for when you’re feeling a bit better, yea?” she suggested, putting her head on his chest, and holding him tightly.  She felt his breathing start to hitch, his stomach quivering against her side.  “Javert, are you,”

But, before she could finish her sentence, he clasped a hand to the side of his mouth twisting as far away from her as he could go.  “YIH-Teecchhh!”  Forceful and wet, it was just the beginning of the onslaught to come.  “Heh-eh-TEkkkchhh!  Hesshhtt! Hesshhtt!  Ehsssh-khah-Hah-Eh-HEH-Tecchhhumm!”  He rolled back onto his back with a stuffy ugh. 

“Bless you!” she said, getting up as he blew his nose some.

“By apologies,” he said, the congestion making his voice thick.

“Nothing for you to apologize for, love,” she said, letting the tenderness show through.  She leaned up to him, and pressed her lips gentle against his.  She felt warmth rise though her body as she felt his lips work gently against hers. 

She pressed a little harder, parting her lips and letting her tongue wet his poor dry lips.  She heard him gasp, but she wanted more. There was something so lovely about finally kissing him – something that she had been longing for since their wedding. 

His breathing deepened and Javert couldn’t believe he was kissing her – this lovely young woman.  But, there was a sneeze, just barely lurking at the edges of his senses.  He didn’t want to stop kissing her –but he wanted to sneeze in her less.  So much less.

“Heh-Yah-TECHHH!”  The sneeze had full control of his body as it jerked his head back and sent him flying up off the pillows forward.  He was barely able to cover the sneeze with his hands, and thanked God he didn’t sneeze on her.  He didn’t want her to get sick.  Not again.  Her constitution was too low and he feared losing her this time.  “Oh, Cosette… I’m sorry,” he whispered as he cleaned himself up.

“Bless you,” she said, kissing his forehead.  “Nothing for you to be sorry about.  It was a nice reprieve though, was it not?” she asked, kissing him on the cheek before snuggling into his shoulder. 

“It was,” he agreed ,his head pounding.  Unable to keep his eyes open or his mind clear, he fell into a deep sleep. 

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you marvelous dick head, this was amazing

okay so on the low-key this ship isn't really my cuppa tea, like at all but this was so well written I'm just letting that go because holy frick you can write. so yeah, great job!!! I really enjoyed this. I didn't expect to find too much musical theatre stuff on here but I appreciated this find!!! this was really in character and just so frickin' cute. it's been a while since I enjoyed a fic this much but this really was on point. I also really loved the interactions between cosette and javert.

i'mma quote my favorite parts for you okay? okay!

1 hour ago, frenchposie said:

Cosette had come to learn that fine didn’t always mean the same to both of them.  He had taken care of himself growing up.  The military had not been kind to him, although he had thrived there.  He had been the best the prefecture had to offer because of his self-stridency.  Therefore, what he meant when he said ‘fine’ was closer to ‘I’m not dying’ than to ‘I’m not unwell.’

I thought this was honestly so well written. there's something in the way it's phrased that really strikes somethin' with me??? idk. I thought this part had a lot of character chemistry which can be hard to accomplish. 

1 hour ago, frenchposie said:

“Yes, just trying to kiss you.”  His speech was slurred with exhaustion and fever.

Knowing that he wasn’t in his right mind, she withdrew a bit.  “Best leave that for when you’re feeling a bit better, yea?” she suggested, putting her head on his chest, and holding him tightly.  She felt his breathing start to hitch, his stomach quivering against her side.  “Javert, are you,”

omg, okay. I can't express how much I enjoyed this. good good. more un smooth drunk sick french men please thank you c: 

overall a fun read. you should be proud of yourself, you did a good thing. 

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okay so on the low-key this ship isn't really my cuppa tea,

I do know that this isn't a generally accepted coupling.  I do go into the how, etc in the rest of the series.  But, it's not usually my pairing either.  I'm always disappointed at how few Les Mis Javert and/or ValJean fics there are - especially after Crowe & Jackman played them in the 2012 movie. But, c'est la vie!

1 hour ago, frenchposie said:

Cosette had come to learn that fine didn’t always mean the same to both of them.  He had taken care of himself growing up.  The military had not been kind to him, although he had thrived there.  He had been the best the prefecture had to offer because of his self-stridency.  Therefore, what he meant when he said ‘fine’ was closer to ‘I’m not dying’ than to ‘I’m not unwell.’

I thought this was honestly so well written. there's something in the way it's phrased that really strikes somethin' with me??? idk. I thought this part had a lot of character chemistry which can be hard to accomplish.

It's interesting that this part called to you.  I am a military spouse and from a military family.  So the differentiating definitions of 'fine' is from personal experience. 


more un smooth drunk sick french men please thank you

Don't worry - I'm sure that will happen more in the series.  But, I don't know exactly when.  I'll let you know if I work it out ;)

Welcome to the group btw. 

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17 hours ago, frenchposie said:

Don't worry - I'm sure that will happen more in the series.  But, I don't know exactly when.  I'll let you know if I work it out ;)

Welcome to the group btw. 

totally! yeah, yeah. :) and thank you. 

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Omg a les Mis fic!! I love it, although I'm curious, how come u didn't do Marius and cosette?

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2 hours ago, Sneezelover211 said:

Omg a les Mis fic!! I love it, although I'm curious, how come u didn't do Marius and cosette?

I rarely pair the two, and never really d h/c between them when I do. Marius doesn't do anything for me.  Too young. 

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