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Allergy in the Archive - For Dusty15 (HP; Remus)

frolicking periwinkle

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As promised, a bit of a dust caused allergy fic for Dusty15.  

My muses are stuck about 10 years ago - but I really enjoyed writing this.  I haven't done a Remus inspired fic for a long time. When I get more time I may even continue it. :)


It had been man years since Remus has been to an archive.  He enjoyed being there – he was safe there.  However unlikely it was for someone to recognize him around the City of London, the fact was that he was well known and regarded back in the day, which left more possibility than he was comfortable with.  But, when some of the older kids came back from exploring with railroad pins from the mid-19th century, he couldn’t help but be curious about why there were actual railroad pins behind Grimmauld Place.

They had found their share of things over the course of time – gold, drawings, caves… things of legends.  More than once, Remus had considered writing their stories down in myths to pass on to younger generations.  As it was, he always recorded them in his diary, so that if anyone every cared to read them – rather than listening to the oral stories told – they could read them as he would have told them.  He smiled softly, s he wondered how long it would take for those stories to stop being heard in his voice. 

Dressed well, the archivist had no problem leaving him in the room of infrastructure maps.  He hated it.  His eyes teared as the dust hung in the air.  He hated that he had to be the one to do this.  But, no one else was available.  There wasn’t another option. 

He reminded himself of this even as his throat started to itch and the back of his nose felt as though it was swelling up.  “Heh…ehh… eh…”  He held his breath as he struggled for his handkerchief.  He barely got it to his face when the sneeze completed.  “Ip-Shetchhh!” He tried to sniffle, knowing it was the wrong thing to do immediately.  “HEH-Eh…ehh… EH-Pefffcht!”  His eyes stayed closed as he tried to blow his nose.  He was already too congested to do so. 

Walking to the middle of the room, he tried to make certain that he wouldn’t sneeze on any of the books.  His nose had started to run and it felt hot and itchy.  “Hep-huh-Ahh….” He made a run for the door.  He needed to get out of there.  But, as his hand turned to knob it jerked off in his hand. 

Oh no…

Turning around, he clasped both hands over the handkerchief over his mouth.  “Huh-Eptchooff!  Ip-Shesshhhtt!  Ehh-Esshhhfff!  Esshhfff!  Eh-heh-hehhh… oh oh…” he groaned desperately as  the sensation to sneeze grew.  He turned around and tried to jam the knob back in the door.  He needed to get out of there.  He knew that he would have to use his wand – that he should.  But, “Heh-AP-Ssshshccht!!” Powerful and wet the sneeze caused him to be thrown forward – hands slamming against the door.  “Isshht! Ishht! Issshet! Kesshhh!”  The next sneezes were squeezed out in rapid succession.  He panted for breath, desperate for air, for a few seconds without sneezing.

As he had fallen against the door, he had dropped the old metal doorknob.  It had clunked to the floor, and he heard where it rolled, but he couldn’t see it through the tears that ran unchecked out of his eyes.  Without thinking, he pocketed his useless handkerchief and rubbed a boyish finger under his nose, only realizing after the hot tingling sensation that flooded his senses that he had just dragged a dust covered finger under his wolf-heighted sensitive nose. 

“Heee-ATCCHH!!”  The sneeze was violent and caused him to bring both dust covered hands to cover his face.  Tears streaming out of his burning eyes, he gave up on anything having to do with research.  Even if he found the maps, he wouldn’t be able to read them.  Even if he could read them, he was certain that he would sneeze all over them, and that would be quite disgusting.

“Heh… ah…eh…hah…” he breathed through the build up.  He needed to sneeze… desperately.  But, he didn’t want to.  Exhaustion leached into him, and he tried to figure out how to get home.  He needed help, but no one would come for several hours, and by that point … he didn’t want to think about that point.

“Yee-HAH-ETTCHHHA! Hah-eh-hah-Ehhhh – YEA-Chempff!  HAH-Chumpff!  Husshhh!” The fit ended with a harsh coughing fit, as his nose was streaming.  Without another handkerchief, he didn’t dare bring his hands up to his face again.  He couldn’t face the archivist if she ever came back. So, he took a quick breath through his mouth, held his breath and apparated back to his room where he could get a handkerchief, a change of clothes, and get cleaned off before suffering the rest of what he was certain would be a long night.

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I know this is for Dusty for HHNNNNGGGG allergy Lupin is so adorable!!! Oh this is just :heart::heart:

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I can't believe I didn't see this before now! I will always adore Remus fic in any form :wub: Poor guy, getting locked in! What a fit!

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