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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The Clique- Massies Cold


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Okay so before I start the story for those of you who don't know. The clique is a group of 5 girls, massive being the lead girl. The others in the group are Dylan, Kristen, Alocia and Claire. Landon is Massies crush btw. 


Massie is was replaying their lip-kiss over and over in her head. That afternoon Massie had not gone to school that day so she had taken bean (her dog) out for a walk which lead her straight to Landon. Landon was holding a tissue, at first Massie didn't notice. Landon had a dog named Bark and him and bean were playing.( Okay so a few days before she had lip-kissed Landon in front of his grandparents he was skyping. She was so embarrassed.)

Landon leaned in. She could smell his cologne. It was something spicy and fresh. But at

that moment, she couldn’t even think of the name.
Massie let her eyelids fall closed like a light dimmer, and a moment later she felt his lips

on hers. They were soft, and she let herself lean into him a little more.
He pulled away. “I shouldn’t do this.”
Massie’s teeth chattered in a way that had nothing to do with the December air.

again! “Why?” What did I do wrong? she wanted to shout.
Landon coughed. “I don’t want to get you sick.”
“Good point.” Faking sick was one thing, but actually
being sick was a pretty-buster. “Yeah,” he said, smiling back. “I guess it is.”

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Oops sorry accidentally submitted. 

Massie crawled into bed and turned out the lights. The next morning she woke up with a slightly red, thickly nose. She figured she probably gotten sick Fromm Landon but she didn't care she would sneeze everyday to lip kiss him. She got to school "achoo". "You okay?" Dylan asked "this is like the 20th time you've sneezed". Massie told them about what happened yesterday and they squealed with delight "achoo achoo achoo" people started to stare but Massie didn't care she loved that her crush had gotten her sick..

shoukd I continue?

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