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Lucifer Stay, Good Devil (part 2/?) "lucifer"


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Detective Chloe Decker. The daughter of actress Penelope Decker. The woman whose appearance in the movie "Hot Tub Time Machine" made every man in America reach for the lotion.


Lucifer Morningstar. The Devil, or so he says. He was what you call Tall, Dark, and Handsome. He claimed that he could make people tell him whatever he wanted them to tell him, but his 'charms' didn't work on Detective Decker.


Detective Decker was standing above a dead body when she heard the voice of a man she'd been dreading to hear.


"Hello, love. I'm Lucifer Morningstar. What, may I ask, is your deepest and darkest desire?"


That was his catchphrase: 'what is your deepest and darkest desire?' It was very annoying to her. What was more repulsive was that the people he said that to, or even looked at, melted and told him anything he wanted to know. That was the only reason she took him anywhere with her. It had nothing to do with how his biceps showed through his suit or with how his face was adorably cocky, or with how his British accent had her reaching for a water bottle. Absolutely not.


She turned around. "Lucifer! What're you doing here?" she yelled at him. He had been shot, by her evidently, a month or two before, and she had told him to stay out of her way so he didn't get hurt worse. She didn't say that to him because she was worried, she said it because he was annoying. Totally.


Lucifer looked to her and smiled his charming smile, walking to her. She noted how he wasn't limping and let a slight bit of the guilt she had felt slip away.


"Detective!" he said happily. "How are y-"


"What the hell are you doing here??" To that interruption from her, Lucifer rose his eyebrows and looked either mildly offended or surprised, or maybe both.


"Nice to see you too, Detective." A hint of his previous smile returned to his face. "I was just here to help you with your murder."


"Now, I highly doubt you have anything that could help m-"


"I know that your victim is John Gore. He is the CEO of Toys R Us and had a lot of enemies; mainly because the money from the  stocks he guessed incorrectly he took from his colleagues." He smirked at his correction of her. Detective Decker lost her smug and angry look, embarrassed.


"Oh, well...let's look into it." She swiftly turned around and walked back to the body.


From behind her, Lucifer smiled smugly. Unfortunately, his patented look dissolved as he felt an unusual sensation in his sinuses. He put his hand on his nose and rubbed it, but it didn't do much. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and walked to the rest of the witnesses, trying to find out who knew what. 


Sorry It's a really short chapter

Edited by supernaturalfragalistic
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MY PEOPLE I HAVE FOUND YOU :D:D:D I am also writing a Lucifer fic where lucifer gets sick from inhaling incense and the rainy cold weather. This is amazing please tell me Trixe gets to pop in here some how I love her

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Did we just become best friends!!!

Edited by supernaturalfragalistic
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I think so. I am struggling with my story, would you mind looking at it maybe a fellow devil child can get me out of my rut.

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Ohh I'm really excited to see where you go with this. The idea of a newly vulnerable Lucifer from whatever let him actually get hurt from bullet meaning he could get sick too is an incredible idea. I can't wait  to see how you have Decker react to a sick Lucifer. 

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@sneezyholmes: you should watch the show "Lucifer" in America it's on Monday nights at around 10:00 EST on FOX I think...he's a gem


Here's part 2!




After Detective Decker and Lucifer finished interviewing all of the witnesses, he followed her to her squad car.


"What do you think you're doing?" she asked


"I'm going with you, of course!" he replied, looking at her like she had twelve heads.


"Oh no you're not!"


"Well of course I am, there's no way you're going to drop me now," he said


"I could drop-kick you if that's what you wanted," she responded, looking smug.


"Ooh, Dectective, are you saying you want to spank me?" He smirked. Detective Decker's smug looked turned to one of embarrassment, then quickly one of disgust, but Lucifer didn't miss the embarrassment. "You do, don't you? It's okay Detective, I don't bite. Well, I do, but only if you want me to." His face was one of victory.


"Absolutely not. But hey, since you like handcuffs so much, put them on and get in the damn car."


"You're taking me with you then?" he said, clapping once. "Splendid Detective! See, you're actually learning to like me."


Detective Decker threw open the squad car door and Lucifer gracefully flowed inside, sitting politely, legs crossed at the ankles and hands on his lap. Decker herself got in the car and started driving to the next of kin.


"So, Detective, how is the little human?" Lucifer started, referring to the Detective's daughter.


"Trixie is fine, thanks. I wouldn't think that you'd c-" She was cut off by a rather masculine sneeze.


"CHUU!" Lucifer puffed out, snapping forward.


"Um...God Bless You?" she said.


"My father has nothing do with it. Unless of course he's doing it to poison me again.." he pondered, rubbing his nose with his sleeve.


As always when Lucifer said something weird like that- like saying God is his father?- Detective Decker rolled her eyes and kept driving. She put the radio on.




Another short chapter, sorry but life isn't really agreeing with me right now and it's hard to write...

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