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Teen Wolf Contagion Fic For Sterek_teenwolf :)


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*I'm sorry this took me so long to start! I couldn't think of any ideas. so here's part 1! I hope it's okay* 


"yo, Stiles, you with me?" Scott asked his best friend, who had apparently zoned out. 
"wha-? yeah, yeah," Stiles refocused on the papers spread out in front of them. they had been sitting at Stiles' desk for 5 hours now, trying to figure out who the Benefactor could be. 
"so what do you think?" Scott questioned.
"Stiles did you even hear a word I just said to you?" Scott laughed. 
"yeah, of course!" Stiles furrowed his brow, "you said, that Liam went.." Scott hung his head and sighed. 
"no. I said that Lydia went with Malia to talk to Peter. nothing about Liam." Stiles closed his eyes and rested his elbows on the desk, running his hands through his dark hair. Scott softened. "you okay man? that's like, the third time you've zoned out on me." 
"yeah," Stiles picked his head back up, "my head just kinda hurts. nothing big." 
"well it's already 11. and we've got school tomorrow so why don't we just sleep on it, okay?" Stiles nodded. Scott stood up and stretched, popping his shoulders. "you want some Advil?" 
"sure." so as Scott was changing and getting the medicine, Stiles picked up his phone. the brightness made his headache about 10x worse, but he could tell he had a text from Malia. probably about Peter. as much as Stiles wanted to text back, he couldn't without his head pounding in his ears. he resorted to lying down on the bed, trying to control his breathing so he wouldn't make his head worse. 
"here, man," Scott said as he walked in. he sat on the bed next to Stiles and held out the pills and a glass of water. Stiles slowly sat up and took the stuff from Scott, but quickly handed them back. 
"what are you-?" Stiles' hands quickly flew up to his face.
"bless you," Scott frowned, "you getting sick?" 
"I wouldn't be surprised," Stiles sniffled and took the pills, "nobody's really gotten much sleep the past few weeks." 
"then make you sure you sleep now while you can. you'll defend yourself better when you're not fighting a cold." Stiles agreed and the gigs quickly fell asleep. 


*Sorry there isn't a lot of sneezing in this part! there will definitely be more. plus the request wanted contagion, but I don't know who I should put in! I could fit in anyone at this point so I'm open. I just hope you guys are reading this!*

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*so glad you guys like this! here's parts 2 and 3. don't worry, there will be contagion in the next part!* 


Stiles woke up with an awful pressure in the front of his head. he groaned and pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose, trying to relieve it. 
"hutschiew." he suddenly sneezed congestedly. 
"bless you," Scott greeted as he walked into the room with a box of tissues and a bottle of water, "how are you feeling?"
"whatd timb is idt?" Stiles asked, surprised at how hoarse and fragile his voice sounded. 
"8 am," Scott sat on the edge of the bed. Stiles quickly threw the blankets off of himself. 
"Scott we're ladte for school," he said, trying to get up. but Scott placed a firm hand on Stiles' chest to stop him. 
"I know. I already called us in sick. now lie back down." Stiles obliged, confused, and Scott covered him back up with the comforter. "I woke up at 6. I tried to wake you up but you were dead to the world, and I knew you weren't feeling that great. plus you were breathing through your mouth and I could hear the congestion in your chest." Stiles rolled his eyes.
"damb werewolf," he mumbled before launching into a cough. Scott felt his forehead. 
"not too warm. prolly just a cold." Stiles sniffled thickly. 
"did you call by dad?" he croaked.
"yeah. he said to make sure you drink because sometimes you forget to do that when you're sick," Scott answered. 
"hutschiew. hutschiew." Stiles answered by sneezing into his elbow, sounding thick and congested. 
"bless you. blow your nose," Scott said gently. Stiles did so before downing the glass of water. "do you want anything? are you hungry at all?" Stiles shook his head.
"imb just tired." Scott nodded understandingly and tucked Stiles in under the blankets. 
"okay, get some rest bud. I'll be here when you wake up." 
"thangks Scott," Stiles said tiredly before drifting off into a restless sleep.

When he woke up again, Scott was sitting in the chair across the room, staring at him. 
"dude, whadt the hell?" he laughed slightly, which resulted in a short coughing fit. 
"what?" Scott questioned, going to Stiles' side. 
"you're staringk ad be," Stiles explained hoarsely before taking a drink. 
"oh, sorry man," Scott laughed and then looked at this best friend with an innocent smile, "you're pack. it's my job to worry about you." Stiles rolled his eyes. 
"Scodt, I hab a cold. imb dnot.. hutschiew! imb dnot dyingk." Scott blessed him and handed him a tissue. 
"you sound like you are. your throat still hurt?" Stiles nodded as he swallowed in pain. Scott went and got him some cold medicine, which Stiles took like a shot, and then felt his forehead. "still not that warm, so that's good." 
"hutschiew." Stiles sneezed so suddenly that he didn't have time to cover that well, so Scott felt some of the spray mist his face. 
"gross, man," Scott laughed nervously. Stiles groaned. 
"imb sorry! I hadte beingk sick," he burrowed himself further under the covers. 
"it's fine, I doubt I can even get sick," Scott said confidently, "I'm making you some soup." 
"K." Stiles said stuffily. 
when Scott returned 10 minutes later, Stiles was in the middle of a sneezing fit. 
"bless you, dude. I forgot you sneeze a lot when you're sick." 
"id... hutschiew. *snff* ids torture," he whined. when he was done, Scott placed the bowl of soup on Stiles' lap.
"you wanna watch a movie?" Stiles agreed. Scott put in Star Wars and Stiles beamed. 
"I dnew you couldn't resist. hutschiew." even though the movie was one of Stiles' favorites, he fell asleep about 20 minutes in. soon after that, Scott also fell asleep. 

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I'm trying to contain my excitement!! I'm hardcore into sciles, friendship or romance, and this is everything I have been hoping for but to lazy to do myself!!

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*Part 4!! so I kinda went a little AU on this part. nothing major, just the fact that Liam is in Beacon Hills during the time of the Benefactor. it's so minor, just mentioned once. anyways, on with the story*


Scott woke up to movement in the corner of the room. 
"Stiles?" he asked tiredly. suddenly he coughed, sounding thick and congested. "woah." 
"yeah, you're sick," a deep voice responded, which Scott soon learned belonged to none other than Derek Hale.
"Derek? whadt are you..?" Scott asked, tired and confused.
"shh. Stiles is still asleep." 
"how did you dnow we were here," Scott asked around the thermometer that Derek was slipping into his mouth. 
"Liam told me that you guys didn't show up to school, and you weren't at your house, so I came here," he explained as went over and felt Stiles' forehead.
"he's got a cold. imb watchingk over himb," Scott explained, trying to sit up. Derek quickly pushed him back down, not very gently. "ow! jeez man ease up," he rubbed his chest. 
"you're not taking care of him, because now you're resting," Derek said. 
Derek looked at him like he had 2 heads. "you're sick, dumbass," he pulled the thermometer from Scott's mouth,"101.4." 
"yeah well, imb perfectly healthy," Scott scoffed, "werewolves run warmer than humans, so- hachiew!" he suddenly sneezed into his elbow, and then started coughing. Derek rolled his eyes. 
"yeah, you're the epitome of health." 
"Stiles must hab giben be his cold," Scott exhaled dramatically, the best he could with his stuffed up nose. then he propped himself up with his elbow and looked up at Derek, "I dondt hab timb to be sick. we dneed to.. hachiew. hitchiew," he sneezed into his wrist, "we dneed to find the Bedefadtor, ad-" 
"bless you. just take it easy, Scott," Derek chastised, "I'm putting you both on house arrest for the next day or 2." Scott's jaw dropped. "don't even try and fight me on this, Scott. you both have been running yourselves into the ground lately and you could use the rest." Scott frowned. 
"no." he declared. quickly he threw the covers off of himself and tried to walk out of the room, but Derek was too quick. he reached out and grabbed Scott by the collar, and dragged him to the bed. he forced him down next to Stiles and covered him with the comforter. "that was undesessary." he sniffled.
"whatever it takes."
"but you candt judst-" Scott broke off into a harsh coughing fit that he felt in his chest, and made Derek frown. afterwards his relaxed back into the pillows with a look of pain tattooed on his face. 
"easy," Derek rubbed his shoulder,"just relax. do you want anything?" Scott looked up at Derek, giving in. 
"bedicine, please," he asked. Derek smiled sympathetically. 
"of course."  

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okay guys, I'm stuck. I have no idea how to continue this and I don't even know if you're still reading, but if anyone has any suggestions of how (or if) I should continue this, I am open to anything really 

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Derek trying to be mommy wolf is always fun. And because Scott had contracted the illness from Stiles, Being a werewolf, there's quite a few ways you can lead this out.

For example. Werewolves don't contract illness easily. Especially human. What if the illness Stiles has isn't exactly 'human'? We know the pack has enemies around each corner. What's say their plan wasn't to infect the whole pack? Using Stiles? Human can easily contract illness. Use the weak link, so to speak.

Plan. Contract the human. Human, who is important and protected, gets cared for. The care taker of human, Scott, is infected. Then the illness is passed on to the second. Then third. And so on.

Solution. Find who infected Stiles. And end the illness/virus. :)

Wow.....I should write this :lol: 

Btw. Love your story so far :D 

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6 hours ago, Pyrus_Fangmon said:

Derek trying to be mommy wolf is always fun. And because Scott had contracted the illness from Stiles, Being a werewolf, there's quite a few ways you can lead this out.

For example. Werewolves don't contract illness easily. Especially human. What if the illness Stiles has isn't exactly 'human'? We know the pack has enemies around each corner. What's say their plan wasn't to infect the whole pack? Using Stiles? Human can easily contract illness. Use the weak link, so to speak.

Plan. Contract the human. Human, who is important and protected, gets cared for. The care taker of human, Scott, is infected. Then the illness is passed on to the second. Then third. And so on.

Solution. Find who infected Stiles. And end the illness/virus. :)

Wow.....I should write this :lol: 

Btw. Love your story so far :D 

I am still reading!! Great story. Wow what an amazing idea! You should definitely write it if you have the time. :D

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49 minutes ago, sterek_teenwolf said:

I am still reading!! Great story. Wow what an amazing idea! You should definitely write it if you have the time. :D

Oh jeeze, if only I could write in character :lol: There is no confidence level in me to even attempt it. Though I will admit to having said good ideas....weird.

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21 hours ago, Pyrus_Fangmon said:
On February 22, 2016 at 10:45 AM, Pyrus_Fangmon said:

Derek trying to be mommy wolf is always fun. And because Scott had contracted the illness from Stiles, Being a werewolf, there's quite a few ways you can lead this out.

For example. Werewolves don't contract illness easily. Especially human. What if the illness Stiles has isn't exactly 'human'? We know the pack has enemies around each corner. What's say their plan wasn't to infect the whole pack? Using Stiles? Human can easily contract illness. Use the weak link, so to speak.

Plan. Contract the human. Human, who is important and protected, gets cared for. The care taker of human, Scott, is infected. Then the illness is passed on to the second. Then third. And so on.

Solution. Find who infected Stiles. And end the illness/virus. :)

Wow.....I should write this :lol: 

Btw. Love your story so far :D 

Oh jeeze, if only I could write in character :lol: There is no confidence level in me to even attempt it. Though I will admit to having said good ideas....weird.

you should totally write that! I would be so into it. but there is no way I could do it myself! the next part of this story, however, will be up later today:) 

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* here's the final part! thank you guys so much for reading this. I hope you like it!* 


3 hours later, Derek Hale found himself stuck with 2 very sick teenagers. he'd never seen Stiles so quiet and Scott so stubborn... well, Scott was always stubborn. atleast he was asleep. the main surprise was Stiles. he hadn't said more than a couple short phrases over the last half hour since he woke up, and the silence was deafening. 
"how's your throat, Stiles?" Derek asked. the younger boy just looked at him with a miserable scowl. "still hurts?" 
"whadt do you thingk," he asked with with a congested sniffle. Derek smiled sympathetically. 
"I'm sorry bud, the flu sucks-" he started to say, but then cut himself off,"or...so I've heard." Stiles looked at him, confused. 
"flu? Scodt said idt was a cold." 
"what does Scott know," Derek laughed, "you have a fever. that's the flu." Stiles groaned and buried himself in the blanket. the movement caused Scott to wake up. He stretched and opened his eyes up at Derek. 
"whad timb is idt?" he asked groggily. 
"3 o'clock. you've been out for 3 hours," Derek answered, feeling Scott's forehead. 
"your fever is pretty much gone. how do you feel?" Scott sniffled and shrugged. 
"dnot too bad. by throat still hurts and imb just really tired." Just then Stiles threw the comforter off his head.
"how cub his fever is already gond?!" he demanded, but his stuffed up nose made the question seem less accusatory, "ib beed sigk longer," he pouted. 
"Stiles, it's his healing ability," Derek sighed, "in case you've forgotten, he's a werewolf." Stiles crossed his arms and glared at his best friend, but his red nose, watery eyes, and messy hair just made him look like a lost puppy. Scott smiled big at his best friend, and Derek shook his head. "I'm making you both some soup," he declared as he stood up and headed towards the kitchen. as soon as he was gone, Stiles' head snapped forwards in a sneeze. 
"bless you," Scott offered. Stiles wiped his nose and collapsed backwards with a pitiful sigh. he really felt terrible: his head was pounding, his throat felt like sand paper, and his nose was simultaneously stuff up and running. not to mention the plugged ears, watery eyes, and congested chest. Scott knew how horrible his best friend felt, he could sense it. he grabbed Stiles' wrist, and Stiles looked down to see Scott's veins turning black. 
"stop," he scratched out. Scott took a little more before releasing his grip. 
"better?" he asked. Stiles looked at his best friend for a moment before nodding. 
"thangks," he sniffled, "but you shouldt hab dond thadt." 
"why not?" Stiles reached over and placed the back of his clammy hand against Scott's cheek. 
"your fever spiked again," he announced. 
"it's okay, it'll go back down soon." Stiles dropped his hand onto the  mattress. "how do you feel?" Scott asked, even though he already knew the answer. 
"like ib been hit with by jeep. 3 tibes. thend dunked in an ice bath, budt at the samb timb in the biddle ob the deserdt. and stuffed with cotton balls," Stiles explained, his voice gently fading out, "budt a liddle bedder dow," he added, referring to Scott's taking of his pain. At that moment, Derek came back with the soup. 
"this will help both of you. and I added some extra stuff from Deaton to help with the fevers," he explained. the boys took the soup and ate while Derek put in the second Star Wars movie. 

When Derek got up at the end of the movie, he turned around to find the boys had fallen fast asleep. Stiles had his head on Scott's shoulder and his arm around his torso, while Scott's head laid on top of Stiles' and his hand was resting on his best friend's back. Derek smiled and laid another blanket over the boys. then he took the empty bowls back to the kitchen, letting the boys nap in peace. 

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10 minutes ago, teenwolfie02 said:

"stop," he scratched out. Scott took a little more before releasing his grip. 
"better?" he asked. Stiles looked at his best friend for a moment before nodding. 
"thangks," he sniffled, "but you shouldt hab dond thadt." 
"why not?" Stiles reached over and placed the back of his clammy hand against Scott's cheek. 
"your fever spiked again,"

Dammit Scott! Dammit Stiles! Why do you two have to be so wolfing cute! :upsidedwnsmiley:

10 minutes ago, teenwolfie02 said:

"how do you feel?" Scott asked, even though he already knew the answer. 
"like ib been hit with by jeep. 3 tibes.

Awwww Stiles. She loves you too :P

Beautifully done! Though it is sad it ended so short.

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