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But It's Valentines Day! (spn, Dean)


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Short, Valentine's Day one shot for a prompt.


Dean's sick but doesn't admit to it and goes out for Valentine anyway. Things don't go well.


But It's Valentines Day!



“Dean, seriously? You’re actually going to go out?”

“Why ndot?”

“Because you’re disgusting,” Sam said, sitting on his bed in the motel room, watching Dean get ready to go out.

“Womend thigk I’b adorable,” he sniffed, wiped his brow, “Dabbit,” he said, realising he was sweaty again.

“Not when you’re sneezing all over them,” Sam groaned, as Dean fetched the hand towel from the bathroom to wipe the sweat that kept collecting on his brow.

“It’s Valentindes Day, Sab. It’s by favourid holiday of the year… huh’ESCKEWw! Uh, god,” he rubbed his face and, panting, sat down on his bed.

“Dean, you’ve been running a fever for days. You don’t need to get laid right now. You need sleep.”

Dean’s body shuddered as he coughed against his arm, “Cobe ond. You’re cobing with be.”

“No way, dude. We’re still in the middle of a case and one of us needs to be sharp.”

“Suit up,” Dean said, getting up and slapping Sam’s knee, “You’re drivig.”



As Sam sat watching the myriad of drunk and desperate girls hanging onto the countertop of the bar to keep standing, and stumbling their way to and from the dance floor, he began to question all of his life decisions and how they led up to this point. Dean sat across from him, eyes fever glazed and burning green, sweat pooling around his collar, and the occasional shudder passing through him. He had been grinning and winking at girls, but so far hadn’t actually spoken to any, not that he would even be heard. The music was loud and Dean was well and truly losing his voice.

Sam was sick of waiting for Dean to make a move so he could go home, but he seemed pretty content to just watch the talent.

“Dude, we’ve been here an hour. You haven’t even hit on the waitress.”

“I’b warbig up to it,” he winked, then turned to cough into his elbow.

“Let’s just go, man.”

“Ndo way. It’s Valentindes Day, or as I ligke to call it…”

“Unattached Drifter Christmas, I know… You ever going to finish that beer?” Sam gestured to the half drunk beer bottle that had sat resting in his brothers hand essentially since they arrived.

“I’b startig slow. Give be a break,” Dean sniffed, “Heh’CHXUu!

“Bless you.”

Dean sniffed a few more times, scrubbed at his nose with the back of his hand.

“Hey, you brig tissues?”

Sam frowned, “Why would I bring tissues, Dean? I’m not the one who’s sick.”

“Geez, calmb down. It’s sombthig girl’s carry ‘round so I thought you’d have ‘emb.”

Sam pursed his lips.

“I’b goig to the bathroob. Be right bagk.”

Dean stumbled across the room, pushing past the drunk chicks, that ordinarily he’d be hitting on so fast their heads would spin. He was totally off his game.

Oh, maybe not, Sam thought, as Dean swivelled on his heels and started talking to a tall blonde at the bar. Maybe now he could go home.

Sam sat at their table for 15 more minutes while Dean chatted to the girl. Sam could see him discretely muffling coughs into his jacket, and grinning twice as big to make up for it. The girl didn’t seem to mind, and soon enough they were both passing him on their way out the door.

“Don’t wait up, Sabby,” Dean rasped, being pulled along behind this clearly very pleased woman.

Sam sighed as he looked down at the almost full beer he’d just ordered, and decided to stay until he finished it.

By the time he’d politely turned down several women, and got halfway through his beer, the girl Dean had left with was walking up to his table, alone.

“Where’s Dean?” he said, before she could even get a word out.

“Oh, the guy you were with is kinda passed out in the parking lot.”

“What?” Sam yelled, getting off his stool and pushing past this girl in his haste to get out.

She followed behind him, “He said he needed to sit down and then he just toppled over.”

Sam hurried out the front doors of the bar, eyes flitting over the numerous men and women puking into nearby gardens and crying. His gaze fell on Dean, who hadn’t made it very far at all. He was conscious though, and sitting slumped against the wall, coughing raggedly into his fist.

As Sam approached and squatted down next to him, he could see his face was pale white, save for the flush on his cheeks and nose.

“Hey, man. You okay?”

Dean cleared his throat loudly, “Dah, don’t thigk so.”

“Still want to go cruisin’ for chicks now?”

“Leave be alone,” he groaned.

Sam smiled, “Come on, brother. Up you get.”

Sam looped his arm around Dean’s waist and Dean gripped onto his shoulder as they both rose. Sam turned to thank the girl but she was gone already. A real giver she was.

Sam tucked Dean into the passenger seat and patted his head with his big hand, before heading round to the driver’s side.

“Mand, this sugks. Didn’t evend get a Valentinde,” Dean sniffled, shuffling down in the seat to rest his head on the back.

“Hey, look, man, we’ve still got each other, and that’s the main thing, right?”

“Are you sayig you’re by Valentinde?” Dean scrunched up his nose.

“What? No, I was –“

“That’s weird, dude…”

“I wasn’t saying that!”

Dean laughed, then coughed, curling up against the passenger side door, “Urgh, I feel like crap.”

“Hey, Dean?”


“Next time I’ll bring tissues.”



Happy Valentines Day 

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14 hours ago, MissBayliss said:

“Mand, this sugks. Didn’t evend get a Valentinde,” Dean sniffled, shuffling down in the seat to rest his head on the back.

“Hey, look, man, we’ve still got each other, and that’s the main thing, right?”

“Are you sayig you’re by Valentinde?” Dean scrunched up his nose.

“What? No, I was –“

“That’s weird, dude…”

“I wasn’t saying that!”

:rofl: PERFECTION!!!


Oh man, another story down. You are just killing with your amazing writing!

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I love how Sam goes, even though he doesn't want to go. Very cute!


On 2/15/2016 at 1:26 AM, MissBayliss said:

Dean sniffed a few more times, scrubbed at his nose with the back of his hand.


“Hey, you brig tissues?”


Sam frowned, “Why would I bring tissues, Dean? I’m not the one who’s sick.”


“Geez, calmb down. It’s sombthig girl’s carry ‘round so I thought you’d have ‘emb.”


Sam pursed his lips.


Sam's response here is priceless. 

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On 15/02/2016 at 3:26 AM, MissBayliss said:

Are you sayig you’re by Valentinde?” Dean scrunched up his nose.


Aw, this is so cute!  I loved it.  And I'm super-happy about the next chapter of your other fic too, jsyk.  I've read it but I need to re-read it when I'm not so tired to give proper feedback.  Thanks for making all my Dean dreams come trueee today.  :wubsmiley:

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