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Chiller, a sneezy skeleton

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Chiller, a sneezy skeleton

Cats: an Undertale fanfic

Part 1

You stare at Toriel, fluffing ur tail. U r half cat. "My child, please, do not leave. I know we don't have much, but..."


timeskip brought to u by flowey being allergic to pollen "a-achhooooo" 


you go to Grillbys. Ur classified as a monster, since u r half-cat, no one bothers u. You go in and see a skeleton. Well that's new. You go over and sit down a few chairs away.


end of part 1


(what do u guys think)

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Chiller, a sneezy skeleton
50 minutes ago, NoV said:

We've all been there :D Welcome to the forum - I look forwards to reading some of your fics.

Thanks! The first part of my first one is ready! :proud:

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Chiller, a sneezy skeleton

Part 2:

You see the skeleton look at u, then look away. He has an uneasy look as you look at him. He's drinking ketchup, you thought. That is wierd. You then order a burger and wait. 


timeskip brought to you by papyrus being allergic to humans

"wait... What?!"


you see that the skeleton came out soon after you did. You wave. He came over to you "hey, you ok?" You ask. "Ya" he said. "I'm sans, sans the- HSHEWW!" You r startled. His eye is blue, and.. Did u cause the sneeze? "Hey, r u sure ur ok?" "Kid, I'm positiv- AASHEW!" He sneezed again! This is worrying you. "I feel like I'm causing it." You sigh. U came here because ur family was allergic to cats. "Hey, it isn't you, kid. It's probably something - C-CHEW-in the air." He said. "I don't believe it. I mean, the only thing in the air is snow as far as I can see.... Well, dandruff too." You blush as your tail moves side to side. You seem to have a small crush. NO WHY! You thought. HES ALLERGIC TO CATS AND YOU LIKE HIM! UGH.


sans' pov


oh God, she's hot. Y. Is. She. So. Hot. Ugh. (I try to make this as age appropriate as i can with swearing and stuff or else sans would've sweared already) Man. And why am I suddenly sneezing? It can't be her can it? SO MANY QUESTIONS! Is it my magic? Ugh. If it is her, I don't care. "Hey y don't we go to my place?" I ask. "Because I don't want you sneezing if it's my fault." She was making it difficult. "Oh come on ba-HASHEW" huh. You know the saying 'saved by the bell' well for me it's 'saved by the sneeze'. I can't believe I almost called her 'baby'. Wow. "You see? It's definitely me." Oh my god. Y is she so diffucult? "No, it's probably a cold." She sighs and starts to walk away. "Hey what's your name?" "Katrina." And then she runs away. I go home. Y do I have to be sick or something. "Sans, r u ok? You're nose seems a little blue." That's my brother, papyrus. "I'm fine, paps." "Sans, you know you can tell me these things." Not paps too. Y is life so hard. "Seriously, I'm fine, paps" "ok, sans, but I'm keeping an eye socket on you." Ugh. Y.


ur pov


you decided to check more around Snowdin. U see a large skeleton leave a house. "Hello." You say. "hello, small monster child." At that you grab ur tail protectively and pet it while your cat ears wiggle. "Hey papyrus, what's going- MWCHEW- on?" "SANS I TOLD U TO STAY INSIDE!!" "But, p-SHUCHUW-paps, this monster, Katrina, thinks it's her and I need to tell her it's not." "Oh I don't think it is," the skeleton named papyrus says. "I think it's because you always go outside in the snow!" "Well- HWTHTEW-I think that Katrina should come inside." You put your hair over your eyes. This is so embarresing. "Alright." You finally agree and go inside as papyrus go to Undyne's house.


end of part 2

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I feel you, writing sneezefics is a great thing. :) 

(I would say welcome, but idk if I've been here long enough myself XD)





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Chiller, a sneezy skeleton
1 hour ago, Chi said:


I feel you, writing sneezefics is a great thing. :) 

(I would say welcome, but idk if I've been here long enough myself XD)





I know. Undertale is so hard to find here 

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1 minute ago, Chiller, a sneezy skeleton said:

I know. Undertale is so hard to find here 

Yeah. And yet, Sans and Paps and them all are such good characters.   


"What is making Sans sneeze? Now this is a puzzle worthy of the Great Papyrus!" :D

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Chiller, a sneezy skeleton
20 minutes ago, Chi said:

Yeah. And yet, Sans and Paps and them all are such good characters.   


"What is making Sans sneeze? Now this is a puzzle worthy of the Great Papyrus!" :D

Poor paps. I'm thinking of letting him know in part 3

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Chiller, a sneezy skeleton

Part 3

you were worried. For him. He was sneezing a lot and it was all your fault. "Hey- HCHEW- it's not you. And even if it is, I don't care, babe....!" But it was........ WAIT WHAT! "Sans. Did you just me babe?" "Oh... Ummmmmmmmmmmmm-HTCHEW-mmmmmmmm. No?" "Omg, sans.... I... Should really go though." "No don't- ASHUW- leave." "Too bad." You started going toward the door only to find papyrus was there. "Hello, Katrina." "Hi." Then you step outside.


sans' pov


SHE LEFT!!! Ugh. Y. I sneezed a few more times. (The dandruff is still there. "Sans, im worried. This monster child, Katrina, it's not her right? You said it's not but when you're around her you're sneezy. So please, what is wrong?" For being the younger brother, he sure knows how to get under my skin. I don't even chuckle at my pun. "Paps, I... I think I'm allergic to dandruff." There r tears around my eyes. Y. "Sans, do u like this girl. OMG OMG OMG!!!! But, I will not let you go around her." "Awwwwwwwww, paps, yyyyyyy?" "Because with you all sneezy, it's getting all of us worried." Omg paps is soooooo overprotective. "But papssssssss." "No buts." Yyyyyyyyyyy. Y y y y y y y.

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Chiller, a sneezy skeleton

Guys, it took me this long to realize when I made part 2, I said he had a nose. whhooooopps. I meant around his nose was blue. My theory for this is that, smelling makes food taste better (true fact) so I say papyrus and sans can still smell, causing them to have allergies

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2 hours ago, Chiller, a sneezy skeleton said:


(Sorry about the quote box, my post box is weird.)

1 hour ago, Chiller, a sneezy skeleton said:

Guys, it took me this long to realize when I made part 2, I said he had a nose. whhooooopps. 

Eh. I know I've made that mistake before XD

I really love this story! And Sans...

Why is he so awesome...

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Chiller, a sneezy skeleton
1 hour ago, Chi said:

(Sorry about the quote box, my post box is weird.)

Eh. I know I've made that mistake before XD

I really love this story! And Sans...

Why is he so awesome...

This is my best story yet! I just... Felt the story. No thought, just writing as my fingers fly over the ipod

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1 minute ago, Chiller, a sneezy skeleton said:

This is my best story yet! I just... Felt the story. No thought, just writing as my fingers fly over the ipod

You are literally doing exactly what I'm doing. Typetypetype :)

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Chiller, a sneezy skeleton
4 minutes ago, Chi said:

You are literally doing exactly what I'm doing. Typetypetype :)

Yah. Part 4 is coming soon, like right after this I'm going to start working on this.

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Stories actually go in the stories section of the forum, not introductions.


Welcome to the forum.


edit: Aaaand I think a mod moved it right as I posted that. Whoops. :lol: 

Edited by Junia
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Chiller, a sneezy skeleton
6 minutes ago, Junia said:

Stories actually go in the stories section of the forum, not introductions.


Welcome to the forum.


edit: Aaaand I think a mod moved it right as I posted that. Whoops. :lol: 

How do u edit

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Chiller, a sneezy skeleton
8 minutes ago, Chiller, a sneezy skeleton said:

This is how u look63011672-368-k442547.jpg

Whoops. I messed up63011672-368-k442880.jpgi forgot the tail XD

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hello, glad to see more writers on this forum writing undertale! nice to know i'm not the only one that would like to see more of that game. i...uh...oh,boy... have just some suggestions...sorry if i sound rude...okay here i go:

-first,i think you could put a little bit more of space in the text like: "narrition,Narriton narriton:     

                                                                                                          - dialogue " 

-second , i think the characters are a bit...off. for example, i thnk sans would be more relaxed and more of a joker attitude, and would like a girl with the same humor has him, also kind but that isn't afraid to act and will take the lead, since we all know how lazy he is.


-third, make the main character actually do something to make him fall in love with you, not just :"oh,she is hot, i like her" i would recommend either a full human or a full monster, because in the undergrond,we have seen there is no such thing has a human with just cat ears and tail, burgerpants for example.



well...thats all, i'm not a writer myself, so if you think i'm being a hater thats fine, sorry to have bothered you.welp...toddles!


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Chiller, a sneezy skeleton
2 hours ago, mariaib said:

hello, glad to see more writers on this forum writing undertale! nice to know i'm not the only one that would like to see more of that game. i...uh...oh,boy... have just some suggestions...sorry if i sound rude...okay here i go:

-first,i think you could put a little bit more of space in the text like: "narrition,Narriton narriton:     

                                                                                                          - dialogue " 

-second , i think the characters are a bit...off. for example, i thnk sans would be more relaxed and more of a joker attitude, and would like a girl with the same humor has him, also kind but that isn't afraid to act and will take the lead, since we all know how lazy he is.


-third, make the main character actually do something to make him fall in love with you, not just :"oh,she is hot, i like her" i would recommend either a full human or a full monster, because in the undergrond,we have seen there is no such thing has a human with just cat ears and tail, burgerpants for example.



well...thats all, i'm not a writer myself, so if you think i'm being a hater thats fine, sorry to have bothered you.welp...toddles!


The first one I don't get,

for the second one, I was wondering when someone was going to ask that. I would tell u y he's acting that way, but I'm not going to spoil it.

the third one, my awnser is DEAL WITH IT! I searched a lot of sneeze fics and a lot of them had hybrids. And also, more spoilers for the "she's so hot part"


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Chiller, a sneezy skeleton
5 hours ago, Chi said:

I'm so sorry for the spam :( My posting box is so weird. I can't even.•_•

Aanyways, I was going to ask, could I draw the characters?


Can I see your artwork please

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