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Ah'Kaashi! and Boh-Ku-Toh! (Haikyuu FanFic)


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Characters are liable to be written out of character, sorry!

Bokuto Kotaro had an odd habit of pressing the knuckle of his thumb to the bridge of his nose when he felt a sneeze coming on. His eyebrows would furrow and his hand would come up as he gave a tentative sniff. This is how Akaashi could tell he was sick; days when his nostrils were tinted slightly pink and when the bridge of his nose was rubbed red. Days like today.

It was easy to tell this time around, because this wasn’t a light illness. This was a full-blown, leaky-nosed, tired-eyed, pale-skinned cold, and the Fukurodani Captain was suffering. Naturally, he was already in one of his moods due to feeling like hell, which wasn’t exactly helping their practice.
“Here comes my serve, Komi, so get ready!!” He yelled irritably, sniffling.
“Well hurry up then!” Komi yelled back, getting into position. Bokuto’s temper flared and he sent one as hard as he could, which admittedly wasn’t that hard due to his weakened state, towards the net. It hit the middle and fell uneventfully, sending Bokuto into a dejected tantrum. He huffed and pressed his hands to his head agitatedly, groaning. Akaashi had been watching as he picked up and replaced stray volleyballs, and figured it was time to defuse the situation.
“Bokuto-san.” He said, placing a hand on his shoulder. The captain looked over with a frown and a sniff. “Please go home.”
“What? No!” He refused childishly. “There’s not a reas-” He stopped himself with a soft gasp and pressed the knuckle of his thumb to the bridge of his nose. He hitched, hitched, hitched urgently, then snapped forward with a harsh sneeze. “Rret’CHoo!”
“You have a cold..” Akaashi said calmly, although softening a tad, “Please allow me to take you home.”
At this Bokuto’s mood shifted. This attention from Akaashi was lifting his spirits, but he still felt cruddy. He thought about it, then “begrudgingly” agreed, despite feeling a glimmer of excitement inside. As long as he was going home he might as well stop acting and face his illness, which happened as they were getting ready to leave.

“Ah.. A’kaashi!” Bokuto snapped forward again as he was zipping up his jacket.
“Hm?” Akaashi turned, “Did you say my name, or sneeze?”
Bokuto sniffled and ran his knuckle under his nose. “I think both. Man, that wasn’t even on purpose! Have you ever thought about how your name sounds like someone sneezing? Ah’Kaashi!” He said it again, his usual smile back on his tired face, as Akaashi stared and blinked. After a beat he turned to grab his bag and dismissed the matter with, “That’s insulting, Bokuto-san.”

Once the boys had traversed the snowy streets outside, they made it to the captain’s house, where he totally expected Akaashi to leave him to suffer on his own through the night, but instead the vice-captain followed him in and took his shoes off, placing them neatly to the side and slipping on the pair of guest slippers at the door. Bokuto merely kicked his shoes off haphazardly and turned to Keiji.

“You’re staying?”
“I’m freezing. You’re sick. Of course I’m staying,” Keiji offered, slipping past him down the hallway and into the kitchen. “Pardon the intrusion. I’ll make some tea. Where’s the kettle?”
Bokuto followed him curiously, finding it odd to see the setter in Mommy-mode. “The cabinet on the right..” He croaked, a smile sliding across his lips.
By the time the tea was ready Bokuto had set up camp on the couch, slinging his leg over the back of it while resting his head on the headrest. His head was pounding and his throat aching. Hs sinuses itched and tortured him, making his golden eyes bloodshot, but that didn’t matter. Akaashi was here to take care of him, and speaking of that, here came Akaashi with a cup of tea in each hand and a cold mask covering his mouth and nose. He offered the owl-haired boy the drink, but Bokuto shook his head, so he set it on the side table next to him and sat down with his own cup, mumbling something like, “Drink it before it gets cold.” Which make Bokuto internally squeal.
“Keiiiijjjiiii…” Bokuto whined, although he already had the darker-haired boy’s attention. “I’m hot.”
“You forgot to take your jacket off.” He said stoically, setting his cup down to handle the task himself. Bokuto grinned as the other grabbed his zipper and unzipped him all the way. “Do you have a fever?”
Kotarou nodded eagerly, not even trying to hide his smile. Akaashi placed a hand to his forehead, soft and gentle. Bokuto leaned into his cooling touch, a bit disappointed about how he pulled away without so much as a moment’s hesitation. That Akaashi meant business, alright, he thought, but his thoughts were interrupted by the urge to sneeze. He unconsciously indulged his habit as his eyes went half lidded and the itch in his nose grew. Akaashi knew what was coming, so he stooped to Bokuto’s sports bag and unzipped it to find a pack of tissues.
“hAh, Ah..! het’CHOU! He’shhOU! Rrr’tch!! TCH’OU!!!” He sneezed loudly, flinching powerfully each time. By the time he was doe he looked just about spent, given he looked extra tired anyway. He slumped against the armrest once again, groaning. “Hnnnnn…”
“Bless you, Bokuto-san.” Akaashi nodded, offering him a few tissues. He’d never seen Bokuto like this.
After an uneventful evening of Bokuto rambling sleepily to Akaashi about nothing until his voice was lost, Akaashi saw him to bed and made sure his phone was charged so he could text if he needed to, then removed his cold mask and pressed a gentle kiss to the Wing-Spiker’s forehead and swept his hair back, much to the surprize of the young owl.

The following day, Keiji arrived at school with his mask still on and a flush to his cheeks, along with a barking cough. “Boh-Ku-Toh!” He winced.

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yay! haikyuu story! i was so happy when i saw this on the forum! and its well writen! well done... not that i'm a writer to actually critise it XD

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That was amazing! Bokuaka isn't definitely one of the best ships. Kagehina and KurooKen are great too, but Bokuaka is for sure the best. This story was great too, good job keeping Bokuto in character :D

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there needs to be more Haikyuu fic because I am HAIKYUU AS FUCK

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