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Kuroo Tetsurou - Haikyuu FanFic


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Ahhhh Characters are liable to be written out of character I'm sorry!! Any other Haikyuu ideas would be appreciated!!

Kuroo Tetsurou had been nodding all day long. He’d nodded in class, nodded through lunch, and now he was nodding at their practice match against Karasuno, but not in the way that signifies approval. He was nodding off.

Kuroo was so tired. He hadn’t stayed up late last night, and he even managed to sleep in this morning, which was good, but his fatigue alarmed him. Still in the presence of his team he used a brave face, putting on a show like everything was fine. The problem with putting up a front while you’re on Nekoma’s Volleyball team was that everyone was perceptive and analytical, and most likely would see through your facade if you slipped up. It seemed he’d managed to play a convincing role in the very beginning -none of his teammates gave him any hassle- but he was fading fast. The first set had gone on longer than he’d expected, and in his weakened state he was getting winded more easily. His energy was near spent.

“Kuroo, Fight!” Taketora yelled from the sidelines, giving him a confident smile and a thumbs up.

Right, he couldn’t give up yet. When the ball came over the net, it’d be their chance.

And it did. The ball sailed beautifully over the net and Kuroo moved to receive it, but his legs felt like lead and his biceps burned. The ball dropped just inches to Kuroo’s left, and hit the floor. It was a strange sound. It was a much heavier thud than a just a volleyball should have made. This is when Kuroo realized he had tripped and fallen onto his back.

“Tetsurou! Get off the floor!” the gruff old coach yelled. Kuroo opened his eyes to see two of his teammates standing over him: Kenma and Lev. He was breathing heavily, wheezing as the lights from the ceiling blinded him. He sat up slowly and went to get up, but his legs were now shaking, too: a new symptom to add to the list. One of his knees gave and the other cracked loudly onto the floor as he slammed a hand down to steady himself. The Karasunos stood dumbly watching on the other side of the court,

“Tetsurou…” Kenma started, hesitantly stepping forward, but he was cut off by coach Nekomata calling a timeout and Karasuno’s coach what’s-his-name jogging over and helping haul the captain up by his arm. “There you go, are you hurt?” The rival coach asked, Kuroo shrugged him off. “I’m fine,” he nodded to him, hastily going to report to his coach.

“Sit out for a bit, Kuroo.” the old man said, “It’s Taketora’s turn in.”

Kuroo was too proud to be embarrassed, or even angry. He sat out dignantly, watching his teammates with a slouched posture on the bench. His eyes were very much bloodshot. He nodded for the whatever-th time that day, quickly snapping back into position after he caught himself.

“Tetsurou,” Coach Nekomata said finally, gaining Kuroo’s attention. “You’re dismissed. Go home and rest up, if you know what’s good for you.”

For a split second it looked as if Tetsurou would argue, but he shut his mouth, simply nodding, this time fully conscious, and went to the locker room to dress out. He leaned over the sink and stared into the mirror.

What was wrong with him? He was tired, light headed, achy, and his knee hurt. His eyes were bloodshot and he was a bit clammier and paler than usual. He rubbed his eyes harshly. Maybe he was sick. He checked his throat and tongue in the mirror, pulled down his eyelid and examined his red and watery eyes, and stared at his pale and trembly hands. Yeah, he was probably sick.

After getting dressed, he settled for relaxing on a bench outside of the gym. Much to his surprize, he was joined by the Karasuno Captain. “Mind if I sit?” Daichi asked, pointing to the spot next to him. Tetsurou shook his head, his eyes closed and his head leaned back against the wall.
“What are you doing out of the game, captain?” Kuroo asked, his voice much less powerful than usual.
“Ah, we finished the practice match while you were in the dressing room. Hinata somehow roped them all into another game.” He gave a little chuckle.
“The shorty from your team?” Kuroo asked noncommittally, cocking a lazy eyebrow before yawning and nodding twice. He was struggling to keep his eyes open.

“Mhm,” Daichi went on, pretending not to notice, “Are you waiting for someone?”

“Kozume Kenma.” He said without missing a beat. His eyes were shut. He coughed. He nodded again. He was a mess.


“Ah, Kuroo, they’re done.” The rival captain’s voice woke him, and he opened his eyes. The cat-boy was leaned over, his head resting on Daichi’s shoulder with his arms crossed.
“Ah, sorry,” he said casually, sitting up and arching his back to stretch, “Did I keep you?”

“Not at all,” He shook his head, setting down his book with his thumb in between the pages as a bookmark.

The members of the Karasuno team exited the right side doors, chattering away about something Tetsurou couldn’t bring himself to care about. His teammates exited the gym from the left side, surprised to see their captain sitting there, stifling a yawn with his fist.

“Kuroo!” Taketora said, “We thought you had left!”

Their captain simply looked up at them dazedly, swallowing. “Kenma?” he requested dolefully.

“So slow,” Nobuyuki tisked, “he’s in the locker room.”

After that Kuroo resigned himself from the conversation, staring straight off and waiting for Kenma. It became sort of a haze, and his thoughts were fuzzy, but he thought his teammates left around the same time Daichi gathered up his team and gave Kuroo a friendly look, saying something like, ‘take carel,’ or ‘get well,’ or something like that. A few minutes past and Kenma entered the hallway, almost walking right past Kuroo with his face glued to the screen of his phone, but his wheezing made him hard to miss.

“Kuroo?” Kenma said, sighing when he failed to catch his attention. He put hand on his shoulder. “Hey. What are you doing?”

The captain was snapped out of it. “Ah, Kenma! Finally. I was waiting to walk you home.” He tried his best to put on a convincing smile, but somewhere in that process it turned into a grimace. Kenma shook his head and sighed.

“Where’s your bag?” the pudding-headed boy asked, eyeing Kuroo’s hip where the bag usually rested.

“Oh? I must’ve forgotten it, heheh.” Kuroo stood and walked towards the gym door. “Come with me?” he requested.

“You’re limping.” Kenma stated blankly, already joining his side. “Does your knee hurt?”

“Hah, no, not really.” He lied as his knee popped.

After stupid Kuroo had collected his stupid bag and they were out of the gym, the duo made their way in the direction of their houses, Kuroo sniffling all the way.

“You’re sick.” Kenma said blatantly, getting his PSP out of his bag.

Tetsurou rubbed his nose roughly and sniffled once again. “Yeah.”

“Tissue,” The shorter boy commanded, pulling a go-pack out of his bag.

“Yeah,” The older one replied doggidly, taking a good few tissues and pressing them to his nose.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

Kenma shrugged, focused on the screen. “A quest. Trying to build up my character’s strength.”

The blonde pulled up the menu screen in order to check in on his inventory just as Kuroo felt the need to sneeze. Kuroo, being Kuroo, had a loud sneeze. a very loud sneeze.

“Ah, YYCHST!” He bent at the waist being sure to cover his mouth with the tissues. It was an Uncle’s sneeze. definitely.

“Ah, Kuroo!” Kenma said accusingly, looking up at him with a pout.

“What? What did I do?”

“I hit end…”

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Kuuuuurrroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~~~~ <3 <3 <3

I was sooooo happy to see another Haikyuu fic up, there are so little!!

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This was awesome!! I love Haikyuu and there really should be more fics out there. It would be awesome to see maybe some Kagehina or maybe even Bokuto. Keep up the good work!! :D

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yeah! i found the other one! XD maybe next tsukishima? because lets be honest, he is to proud to admit to anyone that he is sick ~ so yeah, i'll be checking for more :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I didn't realize there was another one!!! This is amazing and well written, i love how he's so proud It's just so perfect :D 

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  • 1 month later...

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