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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Derek. Grey's Anatomy


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It was a beautiful, cool fall day. I was walking through the busy streets of Manhattan. I was in mid-town, right near Macy's, observing the people, the sights, taking it all in and loving every minute of it. I love taking the train I and just walking around. Window shopping. Stopping for a Starbucks. Having a blast. When I couldn't believe my eyes. Walking right in front of me, dark gorgeous hair, about 5'10", amazing build. He stopped at a don't walk sign and turned in my direction. Those blue eyes were unmistakable, it was him, Patrick Dempsey. He picked up his phone and glanced at it. Then all of a sudden, I saw that look. His eyes began to shut, his breath hitched, he raised his arm up and hid his face in his elbow. "Nxx, nxx, nxx, nxx"". He let out a breath and moved his arm away from his face. I had to, no one else was going to, everyone engaged in what they were doing. He was right there. I tapped him on the shoulder so he would notice me. "Bless you", I said. "Thank you", he politely replied. " I tried to be very discreet and quiet." "Oh you were, but I noticed and there was no one else who said anything, so I just wanted to be polite." " I appreciate it", he grinned. "Hey, what are you doing right now?", he asked. I must have turned ten shades of red before I could answer "Nothing really, just walking around." "You want to get a cup of coffee? There's a Starbucks right across the street". I could have died right there. "Um, yeah, I'd love to!" "Great, let's go". The sign changed and we walked briskly across the street. A couple of stores later we were there. We got in line. "What would you like?, he asked. " I always get a Trenta iced coffee with very light ice and soy milk". "Coming up", he said. I was melting. What were the chances. He was one of the sexiest men I'd ever seen and I knew he was in Manhattan a lot, but to run into him, to start and conversation and for him to offer to buy me coffee, it was a dream come true. We waited a bit and sat down once a table cleared. "I'm sorry", he said and turned away, raising his arm again to his face. "Nxx, nxx, nxx, nxx". "Bless you", I said again. "Thank you". " I'm so sorry, fall allergies, I just can't seem to stop sneezing." "Please, you don't have to apologize, your so polite about it anyway." " Toy cover up your face with with arm and you stifle them all in." "You know, I come from a family where it is impolite to sneeze out loud in public, so I just have a mental block about letting them out, it seems rude." "It's very sweet and endearing." I said. " Well, you were so nice for blessing me outside, and j wanted to come in away from the pollen for a few minutes that I thought we might come inside and talk for a bit." I'm melting again inside. "What are you in NY for today?" I asked. "Just a visit with some friends, in fact, I'm on my way out, headed to the airport. What about you?" "I live on Long Island, sometimes I just like to come in and walk around. I love NY and I just can't get enough." "That's nice, it's good to like where you're from." "Hold on", he said. Again his arm went up to hide his face and again he sneezed,"Nxx, nxx, nxx, nxx." "Whew", he gasped. "Bless you again", I said. "Thank you again!" "You're very nice to keep blessing my incessant sneezing", he said. "I feel bad", I said. "I wish there was something else I could do." "I appreciate the sentiment." I smiled at him this time. We finished up our drinks and rose from our chairs. "Well, it was very nice to meet you and talk", he said. "You too", I said. " I have to go catch that plane now, here's my card, if your ever in LA, or if I'm back for a visit, let's get together and talk some more." "Thanks, I'll call or text you", I said. "Take care, he said. I nodded and watched him walk away. I walked back to Penn station with a silly grin on my face. I got on my train and found a seat right away. I sat and handed my ticket to the conductor. I daydreamed about the whole event all the way home.

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  • 2 months later...

Haha, this is like my dream scenario right here! Patrick Dempsey is so yummy!! Great story and thanks for sharing!!!

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