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Howl's Moving Castle (Sophie)


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Sooooo every fic I've seen of this amazing movie/book has been about Howl. While I am totally obsessed with him, I thought someone might appreciate a little Sophie fic. No sneezing in chapter one but I'm working on the next chapter so hang tight! I may do contagion later on since I love me a sneezy Howl! (Also if you haven't read the book do it there's like three chapters in which Howl is suffering from a terrible head cold the poor bby)

"Hey, uh, Sophie? Maybe you should take it easy for a bit... You look tired." Calcifer flickered uneasily in the fireplace, eyes trained on Sophie as she did what she had been doing since six o'clock that morning: cleaning.

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm fine. Besides," She looked up at the little fire demon with a smile, her cheeks a rosy color. "I want everything to be perfect for the surprise." It had been a year since she had met Howl and they were hopelessly in love. She glanced at the clock. "Ah- he'll be home in a few hours! I can't wait to surprise him!" She had cleaned the fireplace (with much grumbling from Calcifer,) swept and mopped the floors upstairs and down, dusted, dishes were done, now she just had to get the finishing touches. She turned the dial on the door to go to the garden Howl had shown her so many months ago, returning with massive bundles of flowers. She was just placing the last arrangement on the table when the doorknob turned and she leapt into Howl's arms, making him stagger back before he'd even got the door closed. "Happy anniversary!" She squealed, burying her face in his shoulder.

"I can't believe you remembered that!" He chuckled and gestured to the flowers. "Let me guess... Those are from the garden." Sophie nodded.

"I've been cleaning all day and I'm going to make a special dessert after dinner that I'm sure you'll love!" Howl smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

"You're the best. And I have something for you too." He pulled out a small gift box from his pocket. Inside was a silver chain with a little silver raven, a tiny diamond in the bird's talons.

"It's beautiful... I love it!" The girl grinned wider, hugging him tightly.

"Howl, please tell me I'm not crazy and that she looks like she needs a nap. She's been up practically since dawn." Calcifer chimed. Sophie shot him a look.

"You really didn't need to go to so much trouble, Soph." The wizard replied softly, kissing her forehead, his eyes widening as she was burning up. He worriedly clamped a hand to her forehead, which she shied away from.

"I'm fine, really."

"No, you're not." He reached for her arm.

"It's nothing. I just-" She stepped away from him again, her foot catching on the steps. Howl caught her by the waist and in an instant had scooped her up into his arms.

"You shouldn't be working so hard if you've got a fever. I don't care what special day it is, if you don't feel good, don't push yourself." He chided, carrying her upstairs to her room. By the time he'd lain her in bed she was shivering and clinging to him, the energy she had gained from excitement diminishing quickly. He went downstairs again to get a wet cloth for her forehead to bring her fever down. She shivered under the cool touch, pulling the blanket over herself.

"I'm sorry, Howl. I just wanted today to be perfect..." She said softly, tears beading at the corners of her eyes.

"Hey, now... Don't worry." Howl reassured her, placing a gentle hand on her cheek. "We can celebrate when you're better." She nodded and leaned into his touch, closing her eyes

Edited by ShyFoxy
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I love this! I love Howl's Moving Castle!! Please do include some sneezy Howl. That would be icing on this wonderful cake you've baked :D

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I love this! I love Howl's Moving Castle!! Please do include some sneezy Howl. That would be icing on this wonderful cake you've baked :D

Aaaaa thank you! I most likely will have a sneezy Howl in later chapters! Again, if you haven't read the book I highly recommend it bc there are a few chapters in the middle that feature a very sneezy and miserable wizard ;)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Howl's moving castle is one of my absolute favorites!! You write the characters so well, i cant wait to see more

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  • 3 months later...

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