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Hide and Seek (Giftfic for Sexual Oddity) SPN - Sam


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Hey S.O. - I adore you a million times over. This fic is seriously overdue (birthday fic from last year...ugh!), and will be written with love. It'll be one of your faves...multi-chap CASEFIC, with something mysterious happening to our dear Sam.

Part 1 is introductory, but posting it gets me started and focused. I cannot promise super timely updates, but it will be updated and finished. Someone can either help me edit the title when I update, or keep checkin'.

Um...usual language, standard disclaimer, promises for Sammyness.


Dean ran a weary hand over his face as he pulled off the highway and into Long Grove, Illinois. The traffic around Chicago was a fucking mess for a Sunday night, and he was cranky and tired.

Speaking of cranky and tired, Sam stirred in the passenger seat, stretching and popping his back. Normally, Dean’s all for Sam sleeping in the car, since he had such a hard time doing it in a bed. Tonight, the simple act of stretching while waking just pissed him off. He had no one to gripe to while stuck in traffic, and the ride out of the city was seriously boring.

Needing to vent somehow, but not really wanting to poke the bear that is Sam, Dean settled for socking him on the arm, forcing a cheerful tone. “Good morning, princess. We’re here.”

Sam winced at the hit, ruefully rubbing his arm. “What time is it?”

Dean knew this one. “Seven. You missed all the fun in Chicago.”

Sam winced again, understanding exactly what was going on in his brother’s head. “Traffic? Why didn’t you wake me?”

Now, Dean sighed. All the bitchiness from three seconds ago drained away to be replaced by good old fashioned guilt. He shrugged, plastering a carefree grin on his face. “Not a big deal. Didn’t want to bother you.”

Sam huffed, scrubbing hands over his face. “Okay...so where’s the motel?”

Dean checked over his shoulder before changing lanes. “It’s in the downtown area, about five minutes from here.” He shook his head. “Hope it’s not another freaking bed and breakfast.”

Sam stretched again. “Yeah, well this time, let’s hope for no werecats.”

“Christ, just thinking about them makes my nose itch.”

“It’s been months, Dean. Get over it.”


They pulled into town, parking in something that technically could be called a parking lot, but looked more like three spaces in the street, right in front of a decent looking motel. They walked inside, and just...whoa.

The look they shared expressed the same sentiment. The inside did not match the outside. Their noses wrinkled in distaste at the overbearing spring decor assailing their eyes.

“And I thought the fall shit was bad…” Dean muttered, idly picking up knick knacks, checking the price on their bottoms or their tags, only to recoil at the thought of someone spending forty dollars on a paper maché bunny wearing a bowtie. He sauntered around the lobby, making the occasional grimace, while Sam rang the little bell on a counter.

They were expecting another hostess like the one in Apple Harvest, plump, sweet, grandma-esque, glasses hanging around her neck on a gold chain. What they got, was a tall, gorgeous blonde in an apron (somehow she made it sexy), who greeted them, in a throaty alto.

Even Sam did a double take.

“Well, hello! Welcome to the Long Grove Lodging Motel! I’m your hostess, Simone.”

Waitasec...the Lodging Motel? Really? And...Simone?

Dean’s moment of shock quickly morphed into swagger, with an aura of I Got This. “Hi there...Simone. We’re the Winchester brothers, I’m Dean...the oldest. That’s Sam. It’s so nice to meet you.”

Dean shook her hand as Sam inwardly rolled his eyes. He smiled his hello, leaving his brother to handle getting their room. The idle chitchat continued, a fringe of flirting coloring the conversation. With a small shake of his head, Sam turned away, absently rubbing his nose as he moved toward a large cabinet covered in figurines, wreaths, and other crafts.

He half listened to Dean’s baritone explain their cross country trip after the death of their father, his banter accented by Simone’s husky laughter or mews of sympathy. If it got them a decent room, Sam would let them spar all night. He was so tired of the flea ridden spots - he missed that bed and breakfast in Apple Holler.

He had just reached the cabinet, when Sam’s left eye itched, prompting a heartfelt scrubbing. The aggressive motions triggered immediate watering, momentarily blurring his view of a plush duck. He moved to another display, sniffling as his nose began to run. He tried to clear his vision, and without warning, “Hih-K’SHhh!”, left Sam blinking.

He shook his head, taking a step back, wrist under his nose. “Heh-K’rShhh!” It’d only been two sneezes, but Sam was already a little lightheaded from the forcefulness.

“Bless you!” Simone called out. Sam sniffled, watching her hand Dean a box of tissues.

Not missing a beat, Dean clucked his tongue. “Jesus, Sam - guess that cold’s still buggin’ you, huh?” He handed Sam the box, turning back to Simone the second Sam touched it. “Poor kid’s had this crappy cold for a couple weeks. Can’t seem to shake it, so I figured we should hole up here for a few days, ‘til he’s ready to get back on the road.”

Sam was simultaneously impressed at the quickly devised cover story and annoyed that once again, he was playing the part of the poor, sick kid needing sympathy and tissues. He already felt that way over Jess. He didn’t need to constantly act it out, too.

A flutter in his nose lashed out in a teasing Fuck You, Winchester, cementing the role he was apparently destined to play. “Hih’ESHHH! H’HESHHuhh!

“Goodness! Well, let’s check you into our nicest room so you can get some sleep! Breakfast is from six until nine.” Simone shook a finger at Sam. “I don’t expect to see you, Sam. I’ll send up some food.” She passed Dean two key cards. Sam’s vision was still impaired by a couple tears, but he swore their hands grazed a bit longer than necessary.

Good God.

“Thank you, so much, Simone,” Dean blasted her with a charming smile that even had Sam blushing.

Recognizing his cue, Sam hunched his shoulders, sniffling as he hugged the tissue box against his chest. “Yeah, thanks. It’ll be great to sleep in a nice bed while I kick this cold.” Aaaaaaand cue The Eyes.

Simone melted, one hand on her chest.


“We’ll get you better in no time. Take the elevator to the second floor and turn right. Your room will be on your left.”

After saluting her goodnight, Dean gave Sam a key and a gentle shove toward the elevator. “Head on up, Sammy. I’ll grab our stuff.”

Ooooh...this role play had some perks.

Nodding, Sam swiped a tissue under his nose, gave Dean a sappy smile (which would probably earn him a load of pink underwear at some point), and pushed the arrow-up button.


The room was fucking awesome. Not as sweet as the Apple Holler place, but compared to their norm, it was a palace. Clean sheets, warm blankets, hot water, and decor that didn’t make his eyes water.

Speaking of which, Sam went to the bathroom to examine both eyes. The sensation that something was caught under a lid or on the surface faded, but the redness remained. He heartily blew his nose and splashed cold water on his face, feeling much better by the time Dean showed up, lugging all their gear.

Not wanting to push his luck at riding the fake illness train, Sam helped unload his brother, hefting a weapons bag and his own duffel to the table. He was about to unload his laptop when Dean asked, “Seriously - you okay?”

“Uh...yeah, why?”

Dean shrugged, looking him over. “You sneezed four times in the lobby, and you’re not sick.”

“That was weird. I felt something in my eye, and when I scratched it, my eye watered making my nose run making me sneeze.” Sam finished getting the computer, setting it up on the nightstand. Dean didn’t reply, so Sam glanced over his shoulder. “What?”

Dean shook his head. “Only you would have a long explanation for sneezing. Okay, just making sure. She ate up the story, so I guess you need to practice fake sneezing so you can stay in character.”

Sam rolled his eyes. “I’m not fake sneezing, Dean.”

“Dude, if it means we keep this room at the price she quoted, I’ll shove pepper in your face every time she’s near.”

Sam paused, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. “That good?” He knew how low they were on money.

“That good.”

“Maybe the sniffle route will work.”

“I’ll be ready if it isn’t.”

--End Pt 1--

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I'm glad I logged in today...

Sam stretched again. “Yeah, well this time, let’s hope for no werecats.”

“Christ, just thinking about them makes my nose itch.”

“It’s been months, Dean. Get over it.”
Months......and it still has a heavy hold. ;)

“That good?” He knew how low they were on money.

“That good.”

“Maybe the sniffle route will work.”

“I’ll be ready if it isn’t.”
This scene is picture perfect. I can totally see the gears turning in Dean's head :D

Can't wait to

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Caaasefiiic, woohoo! The mystery of Sam sneezing sounds like a case that bears more investigating. I am looking forward to this.

I love how Dean's all cranky about the traffic, up until Sam wonders why he didn't wake him up, and then he's all big brother about it. :wub:

And this is my favorite part:

“It’s been months, Dean. Get over it.”

Eeheehee. That really sounds like Sam. :)

I'll wait here patiently for the next part, I guess!

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Ooh, this is really cute! I'm really intrigued to see where you're going with it, as well!

Dean shook his head. “Only you would have a long explanation for sneezing. Okay, just making sure. She ate up the story, so I guess you need to practice fake sneezing so you can stay in character.”

Sam rolled his eyes. “I’m not fake sneezing, Dean.”

“Dude, if it means we keep this room at the price she quoted, I’ll shove pepper in your face every time she’s near.”

I love this exchange! :rofl: I love how you've written their dynamic!

Also, the whole thing that Sam being sick with the puppy eyes and everything makes other people melt... I love that headcanon. It's so damn adorable. :wub:

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Oooh, casefic! yes yes yesss

Loving the setup, really digging Simone, and of course your brotherly banter is always gold. And I love how this refers back to Forest For the Trees (and that Dean is still pissed off about that whole thing :lol: ) and how they are just moving on from that case to their next (sneezy) adventure :awesum: Can't wait to see where this is going...

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Awesomeness! I love your case-fics!

"Aaaaaaand cue The Eyes."

LOL! I love the puppy eyes!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Part Deux


The next morning dawned bright and cheerful, blue sky, pleasant spring temperature, overly enthusiastic big brother wanting breakfast. Feeling like lazy bastards, however, they slept in, figuring the monsters could fucking wait a couple hours. Once showers and clean clothes were taken care of, the brothers made their way to the lobby.


“Good morning! Hungry?”


They turned to find a middle-aged man at the desk, a friendly smile lighting up his face. Dean stepped closer. “Starving! But we missed breakfast. Where’s a good place to eat?”


The clerk wore this knowing-smile, like he was gonna share a big secret. “Well, Simone’s manning the grill over at the Food Nook.”


“She didn’t cook here?”


“Oh, she did. But she always helps at the Nook , so she’s there now.”


The Food Nook? What the fuck was up with these names?


Sam let Dean handle the directions and small talk while he puttered around the lobby. He’d only taken a few steps toward the trinkets, when he felt a tingling toward the back of his nose. Massaging it didn’t help, wrinkling it didn’t help.


Heh’Kishhhh!That helped.


But only for a second.






The sensation was beyond tickling, and the response so immediate, Sam barely caught them in his sleeve. Cloth was pressed into his hand, and without thinking, Sam brought it to his face, burying a final, grating sneeze into it.


He froze, slightly bent, face hidden in fabric, waiting for the dizziness to pass. A hand squeezed his shoulder. “Take it easy, that was...impressive.” Dean placed a steady hand against Sam’s back. “You sure you’re well enough to go out? I can bring something back for you…”


Sam was about to throw Dean a WhatTheFuck look, when he remembered...right...he’s “sick”.


Sniffling, Sam tentatively lowered what turned out to be Dean’s bandana. “No, I’m okay. Just-Hp’Tschheww! *sniff* Tired of being cooped up.” He could feel the desk clerk’s gaze, which only deepened the blush in his cheeks. “Come on…”


Nodding quickly, Dean waved at the nice clerk and ushered Sam outside. Once fresh air hit him in the face, Sam started feeling better.


“Sammy?” Dean asked, his voice low and insistent. “What’s going on?”


Sam blew his nose while shaking his head. “No idea. I was just standing there when all of a sudden, those sneezes just hit. I couldn’t stop them.”


Dean bit his lip. “So either you really are coming down with a cold, or you’re allergic to something in the lobby.”


Sam shrugged, shoving the bandana in his pocket. “Pretty sure I’m not sick, Dean. It had to be something in the lobby, like a scented candle or something.”


“I didn’t smell anything like that, Sam.”


They crossed a street, passing various boutiques and small town shops. This place was a lot like Apple Holler.


Sam sighed. “Yeah, I don’t remember smelling anything, either. But what else could it be? I’m not getting sick.”


“You know who never thinks they’re getting sick?”


Sam rolled his eyes in anticipation.


“Sick people, Sam. And not the kinky kind. This shit keeps up, and you’re getting a thermometer in your face.”


Sam actually stopped and stared. “Are you kidding me?”


Dean gave him his best Try Me look, before pushing Sam to walk again. The sidewalks were lined with raised garden beds and decorative displays, forcing Sam to sidestep to avoid running into one.


“Dean, I’m not a little-Hetschhew! Hih-hetschhh!” Sam leaned against the display, too busy inhaling and fumbling for the bandana to be irritated at Dean’s obvious gloating. “Hhhh-hih-hhh’Hatschhh!


He sniffled.


Dean rocked back on his heels, innocently staring heavenward.


“Let’s just get sombe food,” Sam ground out, shouldering past Dean and continuing down the sidewalk.


Trailing after him, Dean taunted, “You know there are no flowers in the flower bed, right? No scented candles growing there, either. There’s just dirt. You knew that, right?  Are you allergic to just dirt now, Sam?”


“Shut. Up. I’b dot…” He stopped talking when he recognized the congestion in his voice. Huffing, he just kept walking.




The Food Nook was another block down, spanning the first floor of a decent sized building. The boys made their way to a corner booth, each hiding behind a menu to avoid dealing with the other.


“Well, hello, Winchester boys. Glad you made it for breakfast!”


Immediately, Dean’s menu hit the table. “Simone! How are you?”


She laughed, one hand at her throat. “I’m well, thank you.” She turned to Sam. “Wish I could say the same for you. I’ll get you some orange juice!”


And she was gone.


Sam sighed, setting down his menu. Maybe Dean was right.


“You know I am,” Dean said, sipping some water with an irritating, smug look on his face.


“Whatever. It doesn’t matter, okay? We have a possible hunt, so let’s just focus on that.”


Simone returned with his juice, complete with little sympathy noises. Sam wanted to hide. They came up with a food order, and Simone bustled away to whip it up.


Dean appreciatively watched her depart, even leaning back in his chair to keep an eye on her ass.


Sam tossed his napkin on the table. “I’m going to the bathroom,” he mumbled, to which Dean absently nodded.


Fully irritated, Sam stomped off to said bathroom, which was...he had no idea where.


“Excuse me,” he said to a waiter walking past. “Can you tell me where the - “


“Downstairs, first hallway on your right.” The man gestured at a set of stairs leading down before bustling off with a tray of food.


“Downstairs?” Sam muttered under his breath. Shrugging, he went down the steps in search of the can. His head felt thick, and his eyes itched. In fact, they itched so much, Sam was scrubbing at them, causing tearing and more nose running. He kept going, one hand digging into an eye, the other shoved in a pocket, groping for a tissue or the bandana. His breath started hitching on the second to last step.


“Hhhhh’Hih-heh…” Goddammit.


Sam was a decent multitasker, “Ehhhh...hih…”, but eye rubbing and Kleenex hunting while walking down stairs as his eyes fluttered closed and his head reared back proved to be a bit much.


When the sneeze hit, “Hhhhhhhhhh’KRSTCHHHhh!!”, the force from his head snapping forward threw him completely off balance. He missed the final step, hit the ground, and slid across the hallway into the wall. Somehow he was able to assess minimal damage (most went to his ego), as his breath caught yet again, and the ragged inhaling began anew.


The next couple sneezes made it in his sleeve, “Hih-hih-hiiihhh’HRSCHHHHuhhh! Hp’TSCHHHYUuu!”, but the tickling wouldn’t stop, no matter how much he squashed, wrinkled, rubbed, or blew his nose.


As annoying as it was, there were times when Dean’s Big Brother Radar came in handy. This was one of those times.


“Sammy? What the hell?!”


Sam ripped out a couple more sneezes before swiveling his head towards Dean, who squatted in front of him, worry mixed with a tinge of amusement on his face. “Did you seriously fall down the stairs because you were sneezing?”


Just to be a dick, Sam sneezed on his jacket.


“Dude! Fuck you.” A clean bandana appeared, wiping his coat before making its way to Sam’s face. “Are you hurt?”


Sam sniffled, thunking his head back against the wall. “Just by pride.”


“Good thing we don’t care about that. Come on, let’s get you...up?”


Sam blinked. “Are you asking be?”


Dean’s eyes narrowed at something behind Sam’s head. Wiping his nose, Sam turned to look. “What?”


Reaching out, Dean wiped a hand along the wall. Some of what appeared to be paint, flaked off, revealing a bizarre symbol, clearly painted and then covered up.


Scooching away, Sam turned and stared with his brother. “Whoa…I’ve dever...hih...see...hih’seend that...huh...be...HHhhhmphhphh! *sniff* before.”


Dean shook his head. “Me either…” He pulled out his phone and snapped a few pictures. “Come on, get up and let’s take a quick look around.”


Sam awkwardly climbed to his feet, head reeling from the fall, the itching in his nose, fighting the sneezing that continued to threaten him, actually sneezing, and trying to process that symbol.


Spotting a closet, Sam nudged his brother and opened the door. They stepped inside, shocked to find...absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. Dean did discover the weird spray “paint” that was probably used to cover the symbol, but other than that, there was nothing.


No cold spells, no weird smells, nothing that screamed Supernatural.


The only thing out of the ordinary, was Sam’s sneezing, which showed no sign of slowing down. If anything, it picked up the pace.


Dean grabbed the “paint”, pushing Sam back into the hallway. “I’m gonna cover this thing up, you get into the bathroom. Now.”


“TSCHHHuh!” Nodding and sneezing, Sam stumbled to the bathroom, immediately heading to the sink and splashing water on his face.


A couple minutes later, Dean joined him, holding up fingers as he ranted. “Okay. Number one, there’s nothing down here that could possibly be making you sneeze like this.”


Sam couldn’t argue with that. Instead, he snagged some toilet paper and blew his nose.


“Two, we have no idea who put that symbol there or what it means, so we’re keepin’ that news to ourselves for now. No need to worry Simone when we don’t know anything.”


Sam couldn’t argue with that, either. He muffled a stray sneeze into the toilet paper before tossing it into the garbage.


“Third, we’re getting food to go and heading back to the room so you can get in bed and I can check you over.” He folded his arms across his chest. “There’s no dirt here, Sam.”


Sighing, Sam just nodded, ignoring the dig. Something weird had to be going on. Despite Dean’s insistence, Sam just knew he wasn’t sick. He did. Even though his head hurt. And he’d been feeling run down. And all the random sneezing.




Dean was right, he hated to admit. There was nothing down there to make his face explode. No dust, no plants, no animals...not that he was even allergic to any of those things anyway. Dean had the cat thing, and Sam had...well. Really, sneezy colds. That was what he’d always had.




The last time he was sick was during that werecat hunt in Apple Holler. It was too soon to be sick again, he mentally whined.


Double fuck.


Resigned, Sam passed a finger under his nose to see how sore it was. Naturally, the movement coaxed out another one, “Hhhhh-h’atschh!”

Dean rolled his eyes. “Yeah. Let’s go.”



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5 hours ago, Anilkex said:

“There’s no dirt here, Sam.”

I'm on my phone. At work. Reading this glorious piece.

But omg Dean! :rofl: I will definately need to comment later on my laptop! :lol: 

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Oh boy... I always said I'd not a Sam girl but this piece is sure pressing some buttons. Big brother Dean in caretaker mode (can't wait to see him try to shove that thermometer in Sam's face), Maybe sick and In deny Sam... Those kick-your-legs-from-under-you strong sneezes..... Plus the casefic-style that I wholly adore. Totally keeping an eye out for those update :D



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22 hours ago, Anilkex said:

“You know who never thinks they’re getting sick?”


Sam rolled his eyes in anticipation.


“Sick people, Sam. And not the kinky kind. This shit keeps up, and you’re getting a thermometer in your face.”

LOL! Soooo Dean!

22 hours ago, Anilkex said:

Sam sniffled, thunking his head back against the wall. “Just by pride.”


“Good thing we don’t care about that.


Mysterious symbols, mysterious sneezing, I'm intrigued!

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On 3/29/2016 at 8:02 PM, AngelEyes said:

Mysterious symbols, mysterious sneezing, I'm intrigued!

^^ Yeah that :D 

Eagerly awaiting more mysteriously sneezing Sam. Woot!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a quick quiet moment in amongst the maddness of moving house and wanted to see if I had time to type out a comment before I am consigned to no-internet-land for a month.


I've already told you on LJ how much I treasure this fic, and it's totally true.  It sounds a little stupid but it really lifted me during a rough time.  It has alllll my favourite things - the mystery, the sneezy-Sammy, the boys being super-in-character.  I love it.


And Sammy was so sneezy in this last part!  Yum!


Have to go back and cart things around again now, but honestly, thank you so, so much for this.  I might get online a little on my 3G but I have usage limits so I'll have to be sparing with it.  Otherwise I'll see you in May!

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  • 1 year later...

I adore this one. Really adore! I find myself going back to it time and time again, because it has everything, exciting plot, mystery and wonderful sneezing. :heart: And even though it's been since it has been updated, I find myself hoping... Thank you for the entertaining! :thankyou:

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  • 10 months later...

Oooh. It's been 2 years since I started this. Niiiiiice. :whistle2:  I recently told @SexualOddity  that guilt has consumed me for 2 years...I finally pulled this gift out, dusted it off, and am now finishing it. So. Yes. (And again, no idea why the spacing is all wonky...sorry about that...) (And...no doubt you'll need to go back and read to get caught up  because...time.)


Back in the room, Dean paced back and forth, making exasperated huffs in between talking with Bobby. “No, Sam’s never seen it before, either.” Another huff. “What? No...not you. It’s Sam. He’s sick again and - “




“Oh, I know he sounds lovely.” Dean paused to give Sam a warning look. “Look, just let us know if you find anything on that symbol. … Yeah, you, too. Thanks, Bobby.”


Dean snapped his phone shut, pointing it at Sam. “Stop talking and put that thermometer back in your mouth.”


Sam rolled his eyes, but did it. Why did he do it? He couldn’t tell you. Mostly because when Dean used that tone, Sam reacted on automatic pilot. Do what he said, contradict later.


A small part, though? Well, a small part of Sam thought Sam was full of shit and denial. There was nothing in the vicinity to make him sneeze like that, so what else was there?


To prove his point, Sam smushed his tongue on the thermometer, really wanting an accurate read so he could figure out why he’d been sneezing so much.


He watched Dean pace with a bit of amusement. If he was sick, it wasn’t like it was an emergency or something serious. It was a fucking cold. Dean’s reaction was probably more related to him being right, than anything else. Only Dean could integrate anxiety with smug.


The thermometer beeped, and Sam dutifully took it out, only to have it be snatched away by Dean. Restraining himself to only a small sigh, Sam folded his arms. “Well?”


Dean frowned at it, and for a second, Sam wondered if the display read “Haha”.


“What?!” He asked again.


Dean sighed, showing Sam. 98.8.


Sam’s need to gloat got shot down by his need to understand. So if he wasn’t sick…


Dean shrugged, abruptly tossing the thermometer back into the med kit. “You may not have a fever yet, or may not have one at all. Most colds come without fevers.” Nodding to himself, he seemed satisfied with his answer.


Sam decided not to push his luck. With a sigh, he grabbed his laptop off the floor. “Let’s just talk about the case, okay? My sneezing isn’t a threat to this town or the people in it.”


Dean snorted. “Have you heard how loud you are?”


“Fuck you. Let’s review what we’ve got so far. Police reports show three people missing within the last month.”


Dean sat on his bed, opening a package of candy. “Those are the ones we know about, though...right? This is a tourist town, so there could be more disappearances that went unreported.”


Sam clicked away on the keyboard. “Agreed. According to Illinois.gov, tens of thousands of people roll through this town annually for various festivals.”


“How many festivals can one town have?” Dean asked before shoving a peanut butter cup in his mouth.


Sam scratched his head. “Well, there’s a chocolate festival, a strawberry festival, an apple festival, a corn festival, and, get this, a pie festival.”


“Whoa, whoa, whoa...what?


“You heard me. It’s in April.” He could see Dean counting months on his hand. “Anyway, because of all the activity, people come and go all the time.”


No reply.




“Huh? Yeah, activity and people.”


“We’ll come back in April, okay? Just...focus for me.”


Dean flapped a hand at Sam, settling back down for the second peanut butter cup. “So people in motion, hard to keep track. Who went missing,  and how’d they know?”


Sam squinted at the screen. “Okay, so the three we know about had hotel rooms in town. That’s how they got logged as missing - they went out and never came back.” He clicked some more. “Oh hey, one stayed here, and the other two were in the motel down the street.”


Dean licked stray chocolate off his fingers. “I can talk to Simone, see what she knows about the vic that stayed here.”


Nodding, Sam closed the laptop. “I can talk to - “


“You can stay here and rest.” Dean grabbed his jacket, shrugging into it, ignoring Sam’s thunderous expression. “Look,” he used his most reasonable big brother tone. “Humor me. You took a fall, you were sneezing like mad, and we’re not sure what’s up with you. So just...do more research or something. We’ll hook up later, go back and maybe check out the basement of that restaurant more. Okay?”


Sam clamped his mouth shut, folding his arms across his chest. He had no argument. He wasn’t being benched permanently, just temporarily. And he was a little sore from the fall. And maybe he was also a little confused about what made him sneeze like that. “Fine.” But he was still gonna be snippy. “But only talk to the motel owners.”


Dean rolled his eyes. “Yes, dear.”




The clerk at the front desk said Simone was still at The Food Nook, getting ready for the lunch crowd. Not wanting to bother her, Dean headed toward the other motel in town, which was right next door to The Food Nook. The owner, Ray,  was a pleasant man with an easy smile, but his eyes watched everything.


He seemed to buy Dean’s claim of being a reporter, telling Dean what he knew, which wasn’t much. The two motel guests stayed there over a week apart. Each went out to one of the festivals, and never returned. The police gathered all their stuff, and Ray never heard from them again.


“What do you think happened?” Dean asked, tapping a pen against a little notebook.


Ray shrugged, seemingly casual, but Dean saw the tension in his shoulders. “Not sure.”


Dean thanked him for his time and left, dialing Sam before he hit the sidewalk.


“Hmmm?” Despite Sam’s objection at being left behind, his sleepy greeting confirmed that he took a much needed nap.


“Mornin’. Sleep okay?”


Sam cleared his throat. “Shaddup. What’d you find?”


“Well, Simone’s busy preparing lunch, so I spoke with the other motel owner, Ray. He says he knows nothing about his missing guests, but I think he’s not tellin’ me everything. He’s too tense. He’s hiding something for sure.”


“So now what?” Sam let out a massive yawn.


“How’re you feeling?”


“Fine, actually. And no, haven’t sneezed once.”


Dean shrugged his eyebrows. “Well, that’s good, I guess. Maybe you just needed some rest or something. Look, I found a library in town. They have a historical section - mostly for tourist stuff, but we can maybe do some digging on this town and see if there’s anything interesting. Feel up to meeting me there?”


“Yeah. Gimme a few minutes and I’ll head over.”


“Perfect. Pack Kleenex just in case.”




It’s a good thing Sam did pack Kleenex.


In the lobby, Sam sidestepped around an older man checking in, smiling politely as he set down his briefcase. Before Sam could take two more steps, a sharp itch flared in his nose.


Hp-tschchhh!” He barely raised his arm in time to catch it. Sniffling, Sam took a second to look around. No flowers, no candles, no incense, no nothing. Heh’Etschhew!Ceramic animals watched him fight the urge to sneeze everywhere, which irritated him all the more. Hhh’hrrsSHHYuu!


“Bless you!”


Sam stammered a thank you before heading outside. As the cool air hit his face, the tickling stopped. Wiping his nose as he walked, Sam thought this over. No sneezing the whole time in their room. Third time he sneezed in the lobby. Something in that entryway must be setting him off. That made sense. But he smelled nothing, and there was nothing that could remotely make him, or anyone else for that matter, sneeze.


He passed another concrete planter on the sidewalk, sneezing once more. Frowning he looked inside. Just dirt. And no, Dean, he wasn’t allergic to dirt.


Okay, so that was random. Or was it? He sneezed next to another planter, too.


So now he’s had multiple sneezing events in the same places, which didn’t sound at all like a cold. On one hand he was gloating because Dean was wrong. On the other hand, what the hell was he sneezing at?


He got to the library with no further incident, finding his brother in the back next to a computer station and a stack of newspapers and books.


Dean looked up. “Hey...how’re you doing?”


Sam slid into a seat, running a hand through his hair. “Well, I figured something out.”


“Of course you did.”


“I’m not sick.” Dean’s face soured. “But!” Dean’s eyebrows went up. “I think I’m allergic to something.”


“Like what? You’re not allergic to anything.”


“Well, something is setting me off. I sneezed again in the lobby, and by a couple of those planters.” Dean opened his mouth but Sam cut him off in an angry whisper. “I’m not allergic to dirt, Dean.”


Rolling his eyes, Dean leaned back in his chair. “So...what, then? There wasn’t anything in the lobby.”


Sam nodded, agreeing. “I know. I checked. Everything was fake, no candles or flowers or anything. So...I dunno. But it’s random sneezing that isn’t random sneezing. That’s not a cold.”


“Actually Sam, that is a cold. Allergies aren’t random sneezing, it’s fairly specific sneezing.” At Sam’s darkening expression, Dean held up his hands. “But, if you had a cold, you’d have other symptoms, and you have nothing else going on. So we’ll just...go with your idea. It’s an allergy, albeit a weird one. Which is the only kind you’d have. No big deal. Now, help me with this machine. I can’t figure out how to use a microfish.”


“It’s microfiche, you moron.”


“That’s what I said.”


Surprised at how easily Dean let go of the sneezing thing, Sam helped pour over local records and history. After an hour, Sam muttered, “Huh.”


“Huh what, Sammy?”


“This town used to be a hotspot for Japanese people.”


“A what for who?”


“Yeah, apparently back in the early 1900s, Japanese immigrants took a liking to this area. About fifty settled here.” He flipped through some pages, his brow furrowed as he read.


“Why here?”


Sam shook his head. “No idea, it just says they were here. There’s supposed to be a map showing where in town they lived.” He pushed back his chair and stood. “I’ll ask for the film.”


Dean watched Sam talk with a librarian and return with a frown. “What’s up?”


“The map’s not on film, they only have a paper copy.”


“Ooookay, so why the frowny face?”


Sam sighed. “We can’t take pictures of it or check it out. At least on film, we could get a copy of it.”


Dean blinked at him.


Sam sighed again. “Yes, Dean, we’re going to follow the rules on this one. We don’t want to ruin the map. It’s a historical document.”


Dean raised his eyebrows.


“Fuck off. Come on - it’s in the back room. She’s calling someone to meet us there.”


Shrugging his shoulders, Dean followed Sam to a hallway, figuring that no pictures or copies were fine, since he was totally willing to just steal it. A pleasant, middle-aged woman met them. “Hi! You wanted to see the settlement maps, right?”


Sam nodded, smiling. “Yes, please. We’re interested in the Japanese settlers that came here in the early 1900s.”


“No problem.” She hooked a finger at them, indicating they should follow her. “It’s really interesting, because nothing about this area should have been an attraction, yet there they were!” Stopping in front of a door, she shook out a set of keys and let them inside.


A rush of cool air welcomed them. Immediately, Sam’s nose wrinkled, and he muffled a sneeze into his sleeve.


“...Sam?” Dean asked, the bare hint of a warning in his voice.


Sam sniffled, blinking away tears that suddenly sprouted in his eyes. “I’m fine, just - “ Two more got smothered into the crook of his arm. Sniffling again, he muttered, “Crap…”. He looked up at Dean. “I’b...godda go to the bathroob…”


The woman called out a Bless You! As he staggered away, still sneezing helplessly. She turned to Dean. “Well, I guess it’s just you for now! Come on in!”


Dean’s mouth opened uselessly as he stared after his brother, ducking in the bathroom, the door sliding shut behind him. He didn’t know what the fuck he was looking for, but he plastered a smile on his face anyway. “Great - thanks.”


Inside the room were several display cases with all kinds of artifacts - jewelry, a diary, pottery, maps, newspapers, home furnishing knick knacks. She went to one that had drawers underneath which held all sorts of treasures. “Here it is…” she murmured, pulling it out and smoothing it across the top of a table.


Dean blinked at it. It was a map, sure. He kind of recognized one main road, which was still in existence...but that was it. Everything else was just...different. He glanced at the door, hoping Sam got it together and was about to come strolling inside like he was familiar with all of these items.


But that didn’t happen.


Dean asked, “And...I can’t take a picture, right?”


The woman shook her head, mortified. “Oh, nonono! The flash will ruin it! I’m sorry...you can only view these items.”


Dean’s mouth made a little Ahhh shape, but said nothing. He made a show of Oooohing over the map before announcing, “I should really go check on Sammy. He’s been so under the weather lately.”


The woman briefly put a hand on Dean’s arm. “I understand. It’s hard to watch a loved one be sick.” She patted him, then removed it to roll up the maps and replace them in the drawer.


Dean’s face soured at the thought of calling Sammy a loved one. “Thank you, again, for your time.”


She flapped a hand at him. “Oh, no bother at all. Glad to help! It’s not often that those earlier settlements are remembered.” She laughed again, escorting him out of the room, locking it behind her. “I hope he feels better!” And with that, she returned to the circulation desk, leaving Dean hurrying into the bathroom.


He found Sam braced against the sinks, a wad of toilet paper pressed to his nose.


“Hey...you okay? What the hell happened back there?” As Dean approached, Sam turned bleary eyes toward him. “Whoa...you look...okay. What’s going on?”


Sam shook his head. After one last sniffle, he shoved the used tissues in the garbage. “No idea. She opened the door and I...I just lost it. I couldn’t stop sneezing.”


Dean reached for Sam’s forehead, to which Sam responded with a glare that could cut glass. “Shut up, Sam. Just...humor me.” Sam rolled his eyes, succumbing to Dean’s need to assess. “Okay, no fever…” Dean checked Sam’s neck. “And no hives or swollen nodes.” He folded his arms across his chest. “You’re right - not a cold. But what could you be allergic to, huh? There was nothing in there. Unless you really are allergic to stupid shit.” Dean’s gaze became thoughtful. “If anyone was gonna develop an allergy like that


Sam washed his hands. “You’re a dick. I don’t know what this is, but I’m definitely not sick. I have to be allergic to...to something. Anyway, what’d you find on the map?”


“Well, there was a road.”


Sam waited.


Dean shrugged his eyebrows.


Sam sighed. “You...that’s all you saw? Was there a map key? Any...any indication of where in town they settled? Did you ask her why they came here?”


Dean blinked, mouth cinched to the side, thinking.


Sam hung his head.


Splaying his hands, Dean said. “I dunno what you want me to say! You were the one hellbent on seeing the map. I just wanted to steal it so we could study it later.”


“I wasn’t - wait...what? You wanted to steal it?”


“We can’t take a picture, so we should just...you know…” Dean’s voice faltered the bitchier Sam’s face became.


But then Sam’s face became thoughtful. “Actually, you’re onto something.” Dean raised his eyebrows. “I need to see that map. We need to know what’s making me sneeze. I say we come back after this place closes and try to get some answers.”


Dean snapped his fingers. “Now you’re talking. Finally, something interesting to do. I like it. Let’s get lunch then figure out the best way to break in here.”

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So I think I should probably review the whole of this because I have not given it the attention it deserves (I'm really sorry about that cos I do really love it - It's just the start of 2016 was a really crazy time for me).


So I should probably do a list...

1. I'm not the biggest fan of cold fics, but I LOVE the phrase 'can't seem to shake it.' I can't believe you manage to squeeze it in to an allergy (I think?) fic. WIN. WIN. 💞


2. Grumpy Sam is my favourite Sam. And grumpy Sam rolling his eyes and Dean's exploits is one of the BEST grumpy Sam's. You have his voice down perfectly as well. Love love LOVE.


3. 'While I kick this cold.' Umf yeah... that ones really good as well.


4. (Paraphrasing cos I suck at quotes on my phone) 'If we get to keep the room at the price she quoted I'll shove pepper in your face every time you go last

Um...Nice image.


5. I kind of love the whole fake-illness rouse because I dunno, they embrace it in a way that they wouldn't if it was real. And I love the denial angle, but once in a while it's kind of nice to see Sam helpless and pathetic (weird things I end up saying on this forum...). And I also love that Sam forgot about it and was almost like, 'I'm fine you weirdo'. Because even in spite of what I just said that fierce independence is just my favourite.


6. 'You know who never thinks they're getting sick?'.  Awesome, AWESOME Deanspeak. Also, Sam. Sam never thinks that he's getting sick.


7. 'If you keep this up you're getting a thermometer in your face.' Oh God, that's so Dean and SO CUTE.


8. Poor Sammy, hitching and eye-rubbing and looking for tissues and walking down the stairs. Also lucky me to get to read about it


9. Probably allergic Sam in the Food Nook having an insane sneezing fit. I mean, it just doesn't get much better than that.


10. Dean coming into the bathroom and immediately laying out his case and what's gonna happen, counting out the points on his fingers. I loved that. It just seemed really in character (and maybe with echoes of John?).


11. Overbearing Dean snatching the thermometer out of Sam's hands.


12. 'Have you heard how loud you are?'

Um. I like that. *Blush*


13. Hahahaha! Oh Dean. So distracted by the pie festival. I will love you forever (even more than I already do) if you do a little epilogue drabble where they go back in April.


14. Dean being cautious with Sam, wanting him to rest but being so patient and gentle about it. Sibling goals, right there. 


15. The sneeze-talk in general was awesome. But there was something doubly-hot about Sam pre-empting Dean's question about his sneezing. I just love all this FOCUS on it. Seriously, it gives me tingles.


16. Even though I know that's not what's going on (and I'm glad cos this is better) I kinda like the notion that Sam was just suffering cos he was tired and needed to sleep. Don't even know why. But I'm glad it was in there.


17. Mmmmmmmmm.... Dean telling Sam to pack Kleenex.


18. 'Setting me off' *Dies* Also this was made hotter because the whole dialogue is so in character that I can totally hear this in Sam's voice. 


19. Dean SO want to say that Sam's allergic to the dirt again, but Sam's not gonna let him have it. Really cute and definitely an example of that in characterness that I was just talking about.


20. OH I love that moment where Sam sneezes and Dean is just like, 'Sam...'  and he KNOWS WHAT'S COMING.


21. And then Sam sneezes twice more and he KNOWS WHAT'S COMING TOO. And I feel bad for him but it's also really, really hot.


22. 'Under the weather'



23. Also the whole thing about Dean having no idea what he was talking about and just having to kinda style it out. Poor Dean. I was cringing on his behalf.


24. 'Lost it.' 'Couldn't stop sneezing.'

Seriously, are you compiling the turn Oddity on phrasebook?


25. Also, Dean being so taken aback and concerned at how Sammy looked ❤


26. Dean checking Sam over and Sam letting him reminded me of that moment in Season 2 when Dean assesses Sam's condition after Gordon captures him. And that's my favourite moment in the whole of Supernatural. Although your version had the added bonus of Sam's initial objection which was also lovely.


27. It made me giggle that Sam wants to steak the map to find out why he's sneezing. Not go to an allergist or anything like that. Very Winchester.


28. I also love how much more excited Dean is for stealing maps than for looking at maps.


So, as you might be able to tell... I love this. And it kind of reminds me of an idea I've had in my head basically forever. Which made me wonder if maybe it IS that idea and I've prompted it somewhere. (I know you told me you were working to a prompt...) And if it IS that story I'm really excited to finally see it come to live. But I won't ask you here because I don't want to give it away for anyone else. Maybe I'll email it to You. Although, I don't know, maybe I want yo be surprised.


Either way. I love this more than I could ever possibly express. And you are an awesome, awesome friend.





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Oooh AND Bobby on the phone commenting on how bad Sam sounded. Sorry - that bit just popped into my head and I realised I forgot to list It!

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YES! Yes, you updated it so I can finally comment!!!! I can't I'm too excited that I can comment to remember what my comments were!! You updated!!!!!!! :worshippy: :rollslow::clapping::Pounce::sneeze:

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Awesome continuation! I'm totally hooked!

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So happy you updated this! :thankyou:It's just so good, the sneezing, the story, everything. :heart: And even if it seems like Sam has allergies for now, nothing stops it from turning into a cold eventually, right?  ;)

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This is great! I'm a Sam girl all the way and this is just soooo in character!!! The only thing that could possibly make it better is a cold! In an ironic twist, maybe once he finally stops sneezing, he starts to come down with one?:winkiss:

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  • 2 weeks later...

@SexualOddity: NO GUESSING THE PROMPT. I shall reveal at the END. :razz:  Thank you all for the kind comments. :)


Since Dean wanted to talk with Simone about one of the victims who stayed at her motel, they headed to The Food Nook for lunch. Sam’s stomach growled as they entered. He hadn’t really eaten yet, since his sneezing fit earlier prevented breakfast from happening.


Simone waved them to a table, clucking and fussing over Sam as he sat. “You poor thing! You were so miserable earlier. Are you feeling better?”


Before Sam could answer, a neat kick landed on his shin. Immediately, he slumped a little in his chair, sniffling. “Yeah, thank you. It just comes and goes in waves, you know? One minute I feel okay, the next I’m a mess.” He turned on The Eyes, delivering a dopey smile that almost made Dean gag.


Simone’s whole face practically melted with sympathy. “I’m bringing you some soup to get you started! Look over the menus. I’ll be right back!”


When she disappeared into the kitchen, Sam straightened in his seat a little, taking a sip of water through a satisfied smirk. Dean snorted, opening his menu. “Hey,” Sam snipped, “You wanted pathetic and sick, you got pathetic and sick. Don’t be an asshat over my methods.”


“Whatever. You know, while we’re here, we should check out the basement again. See if it sets you off.”


Sam opened his menu, snorting right back at Dean. “And what if it does? We can’t snoop around while people are here, and I think breaking into two places in one night is a bit much, even for us.”


“You never want to exceed expectations, do you?”


“Not if it means I’ll be sneezing nonstop for an unknown amount of time.”




“That’s me.”


They ordered their food, enjoying the hot soup Simone brought them both. She was so busy, bustling about, that there was no opportunity to ask her about the missing tourist. After lunch, Dean was a little frustrated. “She won’t sit still for even a minute!”


Sam shrugged. “It’s okay. It’s not like we don’t know where to find her. Besides, maybe we should wait to question her since we’re staying at her motel. I don’t want to upset her if we don’t have to.”


Dean was watching Simone over his shoulder. At Sam’s words, he swiveled back around, a calculating look on his face. “You don’t what?


Sam blushed.


Dean laughed. “Oh, look at you. You’re thinking about her feelings?


Sam blushed more. “She brought me soup,” he mumbled.


Dean pulled out his wallet, still chuckling as he counted some money. “You’re something else. Come on. Let’s go back to the room so you can find info on this library’s security system.”




Turned out, there was no security system. At all.


“Come again?” Dean asked, looking up from his laptop.


“Yeah, get this. A couple years ago, the library petitioned the village for funds to help pay for a state of the art security system, but the city council turned them down.” He turned the screen so Dean could see the article. “Apparently, they wanted the whole works - cameras, motion detectors, alarm, everything - but the city said it was too expensive. They figured no tourist would want to break into the library and steal a Harry Potter novel.”


“Huh,” Dean said, rocking his chair on the back two legs. “So...all we have to do is pick the lock?”


Sam nodded, smiling.


“That’s...that’s too easy. Did they install something else? Something cheaper?” Dean asked, his chair thumping back on the floor. “There is no way this will be an easy gig.”


Shaking his head, Sam turned the laptop back toward him. “I’m telling you, there’s just key locks on all the doors leading outside, and doors on the inside.”


“That librarian had a ring of keys when she opened the door with the map, so I guess...wow. Okay then, this will be a piece of cake.”


“I hope so.”


They ordered pizza for dinner, passing the time watching TV and wondering if Sam would burst into a sneezing fit while in the room.


No such luck.


“I told you,” Sam said in his annoying I Was Right, You Were Wrong tone. “I’m not sick.”


“Yeah, yeah, I heard you. I should get you sick just to piss you off.”


Sam slipped into his jacket, eyes rolling at Dean’s absurdity. “Right. To do that, you’d have to get sick, first. If my calculations are correct, you haven’t been sick since that werecat case in Apple Holler, months ago. Pretty sure germs don’t incubate for months.”


Dean waggled a finger at him. “Don’t tempt me to consider drastic measures. One snotty kid sneezing in your face and you’d be screwed.”


Sam stared at him, one hand on the doorknob. “You have serious issues. You know that, right?”


Dean shrugged, hands out. “I’m just sayin’, Sammy.”


“That doesn’t even make sense, you idiot. Come on. Let’s get to the library.”


“You have your tools?”


Yes, Dean.”


“That’s my boy.”


The walk to the library was refreshing, despite the hyped nerves and adrenaline rush that came with illegal activity. The air was cool, mingling with a misty spray that settled on their coats and hair.


They approached one of the concrete flower beds in the center of the sidewalk. Sam pointed at it. “Now earlier, I sneezed near these things.” They both slowed down, examining the dirt inside.


“Kinda hard to look closely at dirt in the dark,” Dean groused, head tilting this way and that, trying to catch some light off the street lamp several feet away. “Anything?”


Sam frowned, bending close. “No...but…”


“But what? Is your nose itching at all?”


Sam’s face crinkled. “No. But it kinda...stinks.”


Leaning close, Dean took a whiff. “Ugh, yeah, it kind of does. Maybe it’s compost?”


Sam straightened. “Yeah, maybe? That makes sense, though. Compost smells like that. It isn’t strong, either.” He shrugged. “I dunno. Come on, let’s get going. No sneezing, so I’ll look at it later.”


Three steps later, “Maybe the dirt farted and you’re just allergic to dirt fart.”


Sam sighed. “I was actually waiting for you to say something like that. We’re here.”


They stared at the front door, then looked up and down the street.


“Uh, maybe there’s a back door? Or a side one?” Sam asked.


“Good thinking. I don’t wanna break in on Main Street. C’mere.”


They walked around the building, eyes open for another entrance. “Over there!” Dean pointed at a door, nestled in a corner of the building, not even lit by a lamp.


As Sam took out his tools, Dean muttered, “Something’s not right. This is too easy.”


“Maybe it’s just going our way, Dean,” Sam murmured, not looking up from his task.


“Oh. Right. Because that’s how we do things. How silly of me.”


The door clicked, and Sam straightened, shaking hair out of his eyes. “Someone needs an attitude adjustment.” He gestured for Dean to enter.


“I’ll remember that when you’re whining about how the spine of your book is creased.”


Their flashlights shone against the floor the moment the door snapped shut. Wordlessly, the brothers made their way through the library, toward the locked room. All levity took a backseat to the job, eyes darting everywhere, hands on weapons just in case.


When they reached the room, Sam pulled out his tools to pick the lock. Dean realized he was clenching his jaw in anticipation, both of what they’d find and for Sam’s possible reaction.


Possible reaction?


Make that instantaneous reaction.


The second the door opened, even a crack, Sam’s face wrinkled, one wrist scrubbing his nose.


“Jesus, that was fast,” Dean commented, holding the door as Sam took a reflexive step back.


“This is...Hii’Kishhhh! insane.” Pulling out a bandana, Sam blew his nose, but to no avail. His eyes began to water, causing his nose to run. Sniffling, he gave Dean a helpless look. “Forget it. Just...let’s go in and look around. *sniff* I’ll just...just...heh...heh’krshhhh! *sniff* sndeeze by way through it.”


Dean looked dubious. “I dunno, Sam…”


Sam sighed, trying to look as if Dean was being silly. Instead, he shook his head, mouth open, eyelids fluttering, barely able to speak. “D...Deand, jus...just..Hp’tshhhh! Just go!”


With a huff, Dean opened the door, and went inside, a sniffling Sam in his wake. “Where was the bap? *sniff*


Dean pointed. “In here.” He opened the drawer and retrieved the map, opening it on a display case, his flashlight shining on it. “This is the one she showed me. It has...Sammy?”


K’NXGHT!  K’ISHSHH! Uh…heh...HETSCHCHHH!” Sam’s face, buried in the bandana, remained crinkled together, his hands massaging his nose furiously.


Dean rolled his eyes. “Yeah, this is working out great. We’ll just take this one with us. The librarian said no one comes looking for them anyway.”


Hh’ishhhyuu! Heh’tschhch! Jesus...yeah, take it. *sniff* What else is there?”


Sam walked around the room, bandana over his face, breathing through his mouth, eyes squinting through tears, hitching, stuttering, ragged inhales filling the small room.


Dean threw his hands in the air. “Dude. Forget the artifacts. What’s setting you off? You’re a fucking mess.” He pulled his own clean bandana from his pocket as Sam geared up for another fit. Sam snatched it, pressing it to his face just in time.


Hhhhhiiiihhhh-Etschchhhew! TSCHCH! ITSHCHCH! ESCHHUu! Oh by God this is...Hih--Hp’TsCHCHYuu! HETSCHHIYEW!  HRSCHHH’uh!


The last one rocked him backward. Before Dean could react, Sam lost his balance, and after a fleeting moment of Christ, Not Again!, he slammed into a display case, rattling it so hard, the large cabinet door on the bottom popped open.


Sam continued to sneeze, one hand on the case for support, the other clutching the bandana.




Sam held up a hand, telling Dean to waitasec. “Hiiiihhhhh...hiiihhihhhihh…hiiihhhh’HETSHCHCHEWW!


Sam took a quick sniff, his hand dropping to his side in defeat. “I cad’t stop! I - Deand?”


Dean wasn’t even looking at Sam anymore. He was looking down. At the broken cabinet door. Frowning, Sam forgot about the sneezing long enough to follow Dean’s gaze.


The cabinet door dangled loosely on one hinge, which surprised Sam because come on, he didn’t hit it that hard. But that wasn’t what captured Dean’s attention. It was the human arm that limply hung through the opening, partly decomposed, completely disgusting.


The respite from sneezing only lasted that moment, before returning with a vengeance. Sam doubled over, as sneeze after sneeze ripped out of him, rendering him breathless.


Dean pried himself away from the corpse, propelling Sam out of the room. He didn’t stop in the hallway, instead guiding Sam straight to the bathroom where he mostly collapsed against the sink, gasping for air. Lips pressed together, Dean (mostly) patiently waited for the sneezing to slow a bit, one hand on his brother’s back. He remembered Sam’s fit earlier abating while in there, so in there they were.


It took a minute or two, but eventually the sneezing slowed long enough for Sam to be bossy. “We gotta go back id there…”


Dean snorted. “You mean I gotta go back in there. You aren’t going anywhere near there.”


Through bleary, watering eyes, Sam glared at his brother. “That was a body! We have to - “


Dean cut him off, waggling a finger back and forth. “You stay here and breathe. I’ll go look at it. I’ll even snap some pictures.”


Sam huffed through his mouth as he washed his hands. “I’ll wait id the hall. You cad call out what you see-hhh’krschhh!


Dean sighed. “Fine. Just...Jesus, Sam. Just don’t follow me, okay? Besides, you can’t see or focus while you’re in there. Whatever is making you sneeze...I mean...that was...”


Sam looked up at him.


Dean sighed. “It was scary, actually. Just...fucking stay back, okay?” And with that, he turned and left.


After a strong sniffle, Sam dried his hands, the emotion in Dean’s words hitting home. It was a little scary, he had to admit. “Hey!” He called out, cautiously exiting the bathroom. Dean paused, hand on the doorknob of the room. Sam swallowed. “If I hadn’t been sneezing so much, we wouldn’t have found the body.”


There. That made it worthwhile, right?


Dean rolled his eyes and went inside.


“Prop open the door! You jackass…” Sam finished with a mutter. “I can’t hear you if the door’s closed.”


Dean propped open the door with a fake potted plant. He pointed at Sam. “Stay put.”


Sam leaned against the wall, one hand massaging his nose with Dean’s bandana, the other motioning for Dean to get going.


Slowly, Dean approached the body, his face wrinkled in disgust. He could hear Sam from the hallway. “Well?”


“Hold on!” Dean yelled, squatting in front of the cabinet. He took out his phone and snapped some pictures. “What the fuck happened to you,” he murmured at the body.




“Okay, okay! Calm down!” Dean went to the doorway, opening it a bit so Sam could hear. “It’s a guy. Looks like he’s been here a while - body’s already rotting.”


Sam made a blech face. “What else is in there? I couldn’t see anything once the sneezing started.”


Dean held up a finger, then went back inside, scanning the other display cases and calling out the contents. “Well, there are some Japanese looking things, like chopsticks and tea sets.” He opened a couple other drawers. “Uh, some artwork of spiders...and a couple other maps.” Before Sam could say anything, Dean barked, “I’m grabbing the paper stuff.!”


Hands full, Dean went back to the doorway. “So...what do we do about the body?”


Frowning, Sam shrugged. “No idea. We can’t leave it here...right?”


The expression Dean’s face told Sam that’s exactly what he was thinking.




“What are we gonna do, Sam? Haul a decomposing body out onto Main Street and hope we don’t get caught?”


“We can’t just leave it here!” Sam started walking down the hallway, unable to stay away any longer. After a few steps, his breath started to hitch.


“Sam,” Dean warned.


About five feet from the room, Sam stifled a sneeze against his wrist. Dean’s eyes narrowed. Sam sneezed again. “Back up, Sam.”


“What? Hih’Hehhtchhh!


“Trust me...just...back up a bit.”


Sniffling, Sam backed up. After a few feet, the tickling stopped. “What the - “


Dean nodded, his face starting to break into a grin. “Okay...now slowly, start walking forward. Stop when your nose itches.”


Sam felt silly, but still complied, taking a few cautious steps, waiting for his nose to react to the allergen. At eight feet away, he felt it...a general prickle along his sinuses. He sniffed, trying to quell the sensation. At six feet away, it became more insistent, breathing was more erratic as every inhale seemed to build upon each other until at five feet away, the sneeze came out, strong and loud, bending him at the waist.


Dean looked at the body. He looked at Sam, now three feet away, sneezing a double. “Okay hold on...back up!”


Sam did just that, albeit with a glare, glad when the incessant itching backed off. “Dean. This is stupid.”


Dean’s eye lit up. “No, it’s better than stupid.” Sam blinked instead of rolling his eyes. “You knew! You knew something screwy was going on. That’s why you were sneezing.”


Now, Sam did roll his eyes. He did. He couldn’t help it. “What are you talking about?”


With a quick glance over his shoulder, Dean stepped out of the room, depositing the maps and drawings on the floor by Sam’s feet. “You had a sneezing attack - “


“They’re attacks now?”


“ -  at the restaurant, and we found that symbol. You had another in there,” Dean thumbed over his shoulder. “And...body.


And there he left it. Sam pinched the bridge of his nose. They couldn’t be related. “Dean. That’s ridiculous. We have a body to deal with. What are we gonna do?”


Undeterred, Dean shrugged his shoulders. “We can’t get it out of here. I say we fix the hinges and leave ‘im. Focus on who put him there.”


Sam nodded, hand dropping to his side. “Yeah, okay. Let’s see if he has any I.D. Could you...I mean, was there much of his face to look at? Like, maybe we could take a picture and compare it to the missing people?” Without thinking, Sam started walking toward the room, intent on checking the dead man’s pockets and maybe taking an actual peek in the room.


He got about three steps before the sneezing started. Dean caught his arm at step 5, whipping him around and back toward the bathroom. Sam bent over, one hand braced on his thigh, the other catching sneezes in the bandana. Dean scooped up the maps and thrust them in Sam’s arms.


“Look these over while I play carpenter. If you take one step closer to that room, I’ll tie you to a toilet.”


All Sam could do was sneeze while nodding miserably.


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19 minutes ago, Anilkex said:

“Hey,” Sam snipped, “You wanted pathetic and sick, you got pathetic and sick. Don’t be an asshat over my methods.”

LOL, Awww


22 minutes ago, Anilkex said:

“Maybe it’s just going our way, Dean,” Sam murmured, not looking up from his task.


“Oh. Right. Because that’s how we do things. How silly of me.”


Can't wait to see what happens next!

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