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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Inuyasha Fic: Rin and Sesshomaru


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This will be my first sneezing fic, so I'm a little nervous. Dedicated to my very sweet boyfriend, ChalkDust Torture.

In this fic, the character Rin is of adult age.


Rin's breath hitched as she slid off of Ah-Un's back. The two headed dragon winced sympathetically as Rin hunched forward with what might have been her tenth sneeze in as many minutes.

"Heshiew! Heshiew!" She cried, her eyes watering as a light mist covered Ah-Un's saddle. "I'm sorry, I should have covered my mouth," she says, using the sleeve of her kimono to wipe his saddle. Ah-Un rolls his eyes at the girl as if to say 'We both knew you were using both your hands, silly'. She smiles at him and pats both of his heads, sniffling a tiny bit of snot back up into her nostril as it continues to drip out.

Nearby, Sesshomaru lands in the clearing with a soft thud, Jaken nowhere in sight. Rin is grateful for the toad demons absence, as he tends to give her long lectures on how unladylike it is to sneeze without stifling. Rin knows that now that she is an adult female she needs to learn to be more ladylike, but she doesn't want to be more appealing to men. She only wants Sesshomaru.

She smiles at the thought, but her smile quickly changes as her eyebrows go up and her mouth opens wide for another sneeze. Before she can reach her hand up to cover her mouth a louder-than-usual sneeze erupts from her. Her breath catches each time, causing the beginning of each sneeze to be cut off.

"Shiew! Heshiew! Shiew!" she shakes her head and runs her fingers over her abdomen. She is starting to be sore there. Rin opens her eyes to see Sesshomaru standing much closer than she realized, and the girl looks up at him, mortified, as she realizes she has sprayed right onto him, and Mokomoko.

"My Lord!" she cries, her face burning and bright red. "I am so sorry! My seasonals got the better of me, I didn't mean to. Please allow me to clean you off!" she says, panicked. She begins to turn to race to Ah-Un, where her pack with her cleaning supplies is secured to his saddle.

Sesshomaru, with inhuman speed, reaches to stop her, swinging her up easily into his arms as if she were a toddler. The quick movement tickles Rin's nose again and another sneezing fit begins.

"Hexiew! Hexiew!" this went on for about 30 seconds straight. A ghost of a smile graced the Demon Lord's face, and Mokomoko came up to gently wipe her nose. The soft fur induced a few more sneezes, but Rin was very grateful for the softness on her sore nose. She hated allergies.

"Rin, do not be sorry. This happens every year. Apologizing for something outside your control is silly." Sesshomaru says. His words are meant to sound chiding, but his tone is slightly playful. Rin looks up at him with wide eyes and nuzzles her face into Mokomoko. As she pulls back, a short string of snot stretches between the tip of her nose and Sesshomaru's soft fur. His smile becomes a little wider as he shifts her wait entirely into one of his arms, the unclawed one coming up to wipe away the string, then make one gentle stroke from between her eyes down to the tip of her nose.


I want to write more but I think I need to do some more research on the right way to write up the sneezing noise. Sorry for the lack of variety!

Edited by BlackScatter
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I absolutely love this so far. The characters are very good and your writing is fairly detailed. I say you have great potential with this one ;)

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Ooh! I should add that CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is greatly appreciated. I always like to try to make my writing better.

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Ugh, I noticed some typo's in my post. I wish I could go up and edit it. Oh well. I tried to figure out other ways to write out the sounds of sneezing but it's really hard. Please excuse me if I have any more errors.


Sesshomaru brought Rin to a hotsprings nearby. When he stopped on their journeys, he always seemed to sniff out the closest place for Rin to be able to clean herself. He placed her gently by the edge and turned away so that she could bathe. The steam seemed to clear her allergies up temporarily, and she washed in peace while he stood guard, his back respectfully turned away. When she was finished and changed into her sleeping clothes, she returned to her Lord.

"Sesshomaru-Sama, may I please clean Mokomoko-Sama for you? My sneezes earlier..." Sesshomaru cut her off with a nod, and Rin hurried to fetch a cloth and some warm water. She gently cleaned off his furs, but as she leaned in to check her handiwork, Mokomoko tickled her nose once more, sending Rin into another fit of sneezes. Her head threw back but not fast enough as she sprayed, once again, all over his furs.

"SesshIEWWWW OmaSHEWWW ru" she tried to say, sniffling uselessly, a glob of clear, thick, snot threatening to leak down her face. She sniffed over and over, unable to get it to return to her nostril. The sniffling of course re-agitated her nose, and set her off again. "I... HISSSSUEWWWW.." She began, but quickly gave up and instead focused on covering her face.

Rin felt her hands being pulled away from blocking her nose, and she looked up at Sesshomaru. "You just washed your hands, I don't want to see you get them all dirty again. It is fine, Mokomoko cleans itself. You may sneeze on me." he said. Mokomoko, as if in agreement, came up and wiped her nose again, coming away with a glob of mucus. Rin was happy to have her nose clean, but the fur once again tickled her.

"Hitchooooo!" she sneezed, unable to turn her face away in time. Rin looked on in horror as she couldn't stop herself from sneezing right onto her Lord's chin, neck, and chest. A small snot bubble formed on her left nostril, but she didn't even notice as she reached up to try to clean him off with her kimono.

To Rin's surprise, Sesshomaru let out a soft chuckle. He tucked her hair behind her ear with his unclawed hand before wiping her nose. He didn't seem at all disgusted, just amused.

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