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Cotton - a giftfic for gingerdean! (Supernatural)


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Heyyyyy, gingerdean~! :awesum:

I would say that I'm your Secret Santa, but I'm not really :lol: seeing as you sent in your application after the deadline, me and Junia decided that since you've been so busy with all that's been happening in your hectic life, you deserved at least a little something from the forum for Christmas, so we came up with the idea of someone writing you a short little something, and that person is meeeee~

I was sent your application form and when I saw a lack of Cas and also a preference for allergy, I have to admit that I panicked a little (seeing as 90% of what I write is about sick angels :rofl: ) but I actually had a lot of fun with this! I don't necessarily dislike writing allergy fics, I just feel like I can't do them the justice that other writers do, but I really tried with this, so I hope it's up to standard xD

I really hope that this is something like what you were after. I tried to include your likes and leave out your dislikes. If there's anything you would rather change, please let me know and I will happily do that for you :D

Well, without further ado, I present to you...

An allergy fic written by Puddin :zippy:


There were a lot of things in this world that Dean had considered to be ‘Sam things’; reading books, visiting museums or libraries, eating nothing but vegetation or even going running recreationally. Seriously, why anyone would choose to run when it isn’t away from some kind of monster or to save their life, Dean didn’t know. But it was just one of those things. A ‘Sam thing’.

Allergies were another ‘Sam thing’. He had always been plagued with them, ever since he was very young; for as long as Dean could remember, actually. The kid had always suffered bad, resulting in numerous occasions where they had to drive through the night and sleep during the day just so that Sam could be granted a little reprieve between fits, instances where they had to duck out of cases early before they were finished because Dean had been worried that Sam’s airways were going to seize up or those times that Sam didn’t know about when Dean spent all the money that they had on medication for his brother, meaning that he often went without meals.

As they had gotten older, Sam’s immunity to a lot of the substances which had previously bothered him had grown and there weren’t as many things that incited a fit within him now, but there was still the odd occasion where they were caught off guard by a surprise ragweed field or birch tree.

Dean considered himself very lucky; he may have been the one who had a temperamental immune system but aside from cat dander, he had seemingly escaped the hereditary allergies. Well, that and… there was one other thing, but it was so minor that Dean hadn’t thought about it in years. Literally years. He had assumed he had outgrown it, like people sometimes did when it came to things like this.

Which is why when he felt that bristling itch along the length of his palate, trickling its way up the back of his throat and nestling in for a long stay deep within his sinuses, Dean started to grow suspicious.

They had been traveling down this highway en route to Wauconda, Illinois for a couple of hours when it started. Sam had found them some rugaru case in the depths of the town and they had driven all morning to get there. It was the middle of spring and both of them were taking advantage of the warm pleasantry that the weather was boasting. Early mornings still felt crisp, their breath visible on the exhales but as the hours of the days progressed and the sun rose up high to dissipate any last lingering tendrils of clouds, there was a definitive comfortable warmth to the air and left both of them uncharacteristically calm. Neither of them particularly enjoyed the cold bleakness of winter and the warmer the weather, the better impact it had on their moods.

Both windows of the Impala were rolled down, both brothers sporting short sleeves as the wind wisped around their bare skin, contrastingly warming and cooling at the same time. The radio was blaring one of Dean’s retro cassettes, which was lucky for him really, considering that it was pretty easy to mask the sounds of his sniffling when it started.

There had been the faintest trace of a tickle forming somewhere in the back of Dean’s nose for about a hundred miles now, persistent and irksome but it wasn’t enough to ignite into anything more than a slight vexation just yet. He had to physically focus to prevent his hand from wandering up and rubbing at the underside of his nose. There were a couple of occasions when he had grown distracted by Sam talking or a car overtaking and subconsciously allowed his hand to rub and pinch at the irritation before tucking it back to the wheel, hoping that Sam didn’t notice.

But Sam definitely noticed.

He had also noticed the sniffing, the glassy sheen to Dean’s eyes, the way that congestion was just barely creeping in to blunten his consonants. And Dean was a fool if he thought that he was hiding what Sam spotted out of the corner of his eye. His expression, his breathing… Yep, that was definitely-


“Bless you, man.” Sam smirked to himself, contented that his assumption had been correct. He didn’t allow himself to look over towards Dean. He knew his brother got sensitive about shit like this, so he just kept his eyes fixated on the rolling fields sailing past them in a torrent of blurred flora.

Dean chose not to respond, instead just overtly swiped his index finger beneath his nose, stretching his top lip downwards in an attempt to alleviate the itching which seemed to have been provoked further by the last sneeze. He didn’t dare himself to speak, lest he insinuated that something was wrong and whilst he knew that this was something which definitely wasn’t right, Sam needn’t know that.

The sneeze, along with aggravating the desire for more, had brought with it an annoyingly incessant urge to keep sniffling, his nose on the brink of spilling over. Whilst it didn’t feel overly congested, it felt inflamed and irritated against the lining, encouraging it to run in an attempt to flush out whatever it was that was bothering it.

Unfortunately for Dean, he chose an inopportune time to heft a great sniff – just as a few seconds silence filled the car between the songs on the radio – which caused Sam to raise his eyebrows, inquisitive eyes now resting on his brother.

“You alright?” Sam’s voice was accusatory but there was a knot of concern woven somewhere behind the words. He continued to stare at Dean, scrutinizing his appearance as though he could determine exactly what it was that was wrong with his brother by just one sneeze and one sniff. It would have sounded ridiculous to anyone on the outside looking in that Sam would consider there to actually be anything wrong just because Dean had sneezed once, but Sam knew his brother; one sneeze and one sniff was more indicative of what was wrong than anything his brother would ever say to him. And Sam had already concluded that there was something wrong.

Dean just scowled at the road ahead of him for a moment, ears burning with embarrassment as he kept sliding his tongue back and forth against the soft flesh at the back of his throat in an attempt to alleviate the expanding itch which was gradually beginning to trek its way towards his ears.

“Yeah, I’m f--… hh-! ..’m fiihhh… shitshit-hh’IHHKSHiu!” Dean barely had time to smother the expulsion into his shoulder, the sensation swelling within his nose at an alarming rate, catching him off guard mid-sentence. He didn’t bother to finish speaking, instead just growled under his breath as he rummaged around the floor of the car for something, anything, to try to quell this annoying cloy of an itch.

His hunt was cut short when he felt a massive paw clasp his shoulder and turned to see Sam, who had one hand held out offering a wad of napkins.

“You don’t sound fine.”

Dean took the napkins before folding one over, chucking the rest down on the seat beside him – he had a feeling he’d be needing those later if his nose continued on its mission to destroy his life.

After an unforgiving swipe beneath his nose with the rough fabric, Dean settled himself back in his seat, blinking rapidly against the increasing gritty feeling against his eyes.

“I’m fine, Sam.”

He definitely wasn’t fine. Each inhale appeared to suck in more irritants while each exhale just jostled them around, scraping against the sensitive lining of his eyes, nose and throat. Each breath brought a new wave of itching, ticklish misery, tearing his eyes and stuffing his nose. He knew what this was. But he’d be fucked if it wasn’t as embarrassing as hell.

He glanced back towards Sam who was staring at him with eyes soft yet denunciatory. Dean sighed through his now-parted lips, rubbing a knuckle against the side of his nose as he sniffed once, flinching at the clogged sound he emanated.

“Seriously, I’m alright. Probably just a cold or somethin’.”

“You don’t look very cold-y.” Sam’s voice was hushed, quiet. It was more like he was expressing his thoughts out loud as opposed to addressing Dean directly. Before Dean could respond, he felt a hand slap against his cheek before raising up to rest against his forehead. The impact caused him to flinch back slightly, startled by the touch and almost veering the car onto the asphalt but soon steadied himself when he realized it was just Sam.

“You don’t feel very cold-y either.”

Dean swatted Sam’s hand away with his own, sniffling again against the back of his wrist, the relenting buzz inside his skull still accentuating with each shaky inhale. He heeled a palm into one of his eyes in an attempt to alleviate the sore gritty feeling but being met with no such luck. He hated this.

“It’s nothin’. Can’t a guy sneeze without being accused of-.. of… hh--! HH’RRSSHh’ue!-EISCHH’u! ..hh-! fucknotagain… HH’RIISSHh’uh! ..nggh..”

After a sniffly recovery, Dean felt a few seeds of something drift up against the hairs on his arm and he squinted down before brushing it away quickly, hoping that Sam didn’t see.

But Sam saw.

“Holy shit, is that..?”

“Shud up, Samb.”

“…what I think it is?”

Whilst Dean wasn’t looking at Sam, he could tell he was smiling. And it wasn’t just an everyday smile, a fond smile or even a forced smile. It was a I-am-a-little-bitch-and-I-know-it smile. The one he always sported whenever he managed to get one up on Dean. And this seemed to be the first time he managed this in what felt like forever.

“Dude, it’s been years. I didn’t even know you still-“

“I dodn’t!” Sam’s almost hyperactive tone was really beginning to grate on Dean’s last nerve and he would have said more had he not felt that clawing, needle-thin twinge right up at the back of his nose, causing his breath to hitch, his eyes to squint as they struggled to keep fixated on the road-

“hh’DDZSHh’iu!-TDZSHhh’! hh-HHKTSChh-! hihh… HIRRSSHH’uh!”

“Woah, shit. Dean, you okay?”

Sam’s tone had changed from smug to concerned in an instant as the car swerved with each jerk of Dean’s muscles, twitching the car slightly and almost swerving off road. A hand reached over and supported Dean’s shoulder while the other one steadied the wheel, forcing them back straight on the road. His brother was looking worse by the second, eyes streaming and red, nose glistening and flaring, breath hitching. Shit. It had been so long, Sam had forgotten how bad it could get.

“Dean, pull over.” Sam instructed his brother before he gave him chance to respond to his question.

And Dean didn’t object. He managed to sneeze six more times in the minute it took him to find a suitable clearing at the side of the road. As much as he would have usually objected to letting Sam drive his car, the risk of him literally sneezing them off the road was too great.

Once they had swapped, Dean huddled sulkily into the crevice between the passenger seat and the door, the imprint in the leather molded into a Sam-shape rather than a Dean-shape. Which almost made him feel worse than he already did.

Sam had already chucked him some allergy pills and a bottle of water, making sure the windows were wound fully up to avoid making Dean any worse than he was already. It didn’t take long for the pills to take effect and Sam kept glancing over to Dean, his posture more slumped and his eyes remaining closed for longer with each blink. It was only when Sam was certain that Dean was too out of it to retort properly that his smugness returned.

“So, cotton trees, huh? Ain’t that a bitch.”

“Shud up Samb, I swear to god. Why isdn’t this shit affecti’g you?”

Sam glanced over to his brother who hadn’t even bothered to open his eyes, apparently beginning to doze against the window, lips parted, breathing heavy. And Sam couldn’t help himself from smirking, not certain that Dean was even still listening but taking pride in the moment anyway.

“I’m not allergic to cotton trees. That’s really more of a ‘Dean thing’.”

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Okay so I was originally going to just comment on how sweet you ladies are for including gingerdean and writing an extra fic, but then I got drawn into the story even though I haven't watched Supernatural in years and I couldn't stop reading.

Your description of spring is love. So perfect. And this:

they were caught off guard by a surprise ragweed field or birch tree.

Caught off guard sneezes are the best. :drool:

I generally don't read a lot of Supernatural fanfiction because it's so much Sam when I just wanna love me some Dean. So I squeaked with happiness when I saw he was going to be the one sneezing!

Sam knows his brother so well. :heart: Poor Dean's wounded man pride. I love that he snuck not one, but two "shit"s between those sneezes. And his ears burning. :wub: I think "heft a great sniff" is my new favorite sneeze phrase.

Sam's massive paw on Dean's shoulder. :lol: And the Sam-shaped seat imprint. :rofl:

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OMG. This is freaking Awesome! I love it being set in the impala. It's such a natural setting. And the whole tone is so realistic. And their dialogue, yeah, I totally heard it in their voices! Seriously, awesome!

Seriously, why anyone would choose to run when it isn’t away from some kind of monster or to save their life, Dean didn’t know. But it was just one of those things. A ‘Sam thing’.


He didn’t dare himself to speak, lest he insinuated that something was wrong and whilst he knew that this was something which definitely wasn’t right, Sam needn’t know that.


“I’m fine, Sam.”

He definitely wasn’t fine.

I love the immediate contradiction here.

“You don’t look very cold-y.” Sam’s voice was hushed, quiet. It was more like he was expressing his thoughts out loud as opposed to addressing Dean directly. Before Dean could respond, he felt a hand slap against his cheek before raising up to rest against his forehead. The impact caused him to flinch back slightly, startled by the touch and almost veering the car onto the asphalt but stood steadied himself when he realized it was just Sam.

“You don’t feel very cold-y either.”

This is so totally Sam! Cold-y! Definitely a Sam word.

“It’s nothin’. Can’t a guy sneeze without being accused of-.. of… hh--! HH’RRSSHh’ue!-EISCHH’u! ..hh-! fucknotagain… HH’RIISSHh’uh! ..nggh..”

I love his cursing in the middle of sneezing. Funny and sexy and very Dean.

But Sam saw.

“Holy shit, is that..?”

“Shud up, Samb.”

“…what I think it is?”

Whilst Dean wasn’t looking at Sam, he could tell he was smiling. And it wasn’t just an everyday smile, a fond smile or even a forced smile. It was a I-am-a-little-bitch-and-I-know-it smile. The one he always sported whenever he managed to get one up on Dean. And this seemed to be the first time he managed this in what felt like forever.

“Dude, it’s been years. I didn’t even know you still-“

Can totally see the dawning realization and glee on Sam and stubborn disapproval on Dean.

“hh’DDZSHh’iu!-TDZSHhh’! hh-HHKTSChh-! hihh… HIRRSSHH’uh!”

“Woah, shit. Dean, you okay?”

Total whoa. Like Damn.

“I’m not allergic to cotton trees. That’s really more of a ‘Dean thing’.”

LOL, love the ending!

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OMG. You write the boys so well and a allergy fic! :0

It's so sweet that you and Junia decided to give something to gingerdean. This is so great and of course, Sam cares about Dean. And Dean's hard shell and masculinity just *can't* slip and admit that he's actually allergic to something.

I love this so much. All your Supernatural fics are gems. :heart:

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“I’m not allergic to cotton trees. That’s really more of a ‘Dean thing’.”
The ending alone has so much tease and love! I love it! And cotton? Who knew someone as great as Dean Winchester could be beaten by something so soft and gentle :D
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Haha, that ending made me smile so hard.

I'm really glad you went out of your comfort zone here, because this was excellent and all of us readers appreciate it very much. It was such a cool look at that time between cases we don't get to see much on the show. And oh, how I love Dean's being all sniffly and embarrassed about it; embarrassed!Dean is one of my fave scenarios for these kind of fics; I think it just fits well, and the way you wrote it really worked. I also enjoyed Sam's eagle eyes and brotherly teasing and then concern, aw. And I'm very intrigued by the mere mention of Dean's ~temperamental immune system~, I gotta say. Nommm.

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AHHH! AngelEyes quoted all the parts I woulda quoted! It was awesome, and super sweet of you to give this to her!

Guh - sooooo good!

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Oh my gosh, you guys! WOW. I am SO touched, first of all, that you two even gave my late-responding ass a second thought :lol: I am completely FLOORED by this. I've been having a blast reading all of the amazing gifts that everyone has been posting, but seeing my name on one was the LAST thing I expected to see. Oh my goodness, thank you so, SO much you two, this is so incredibly thoughtful, I don't even know what to say. :D

Ok, second of all: OMG Puddin, THIS FIC IS AMAAAAZING!! :omg2: Allergic, embarassed, in-denial Dean + a sassy, yet concerned Sammy = pretty much my favorite combination of things in the world. Ever EVER.

It was so sweet of you to write a Dean fic - and an allergic!Dean fic at that, despite the fact that you are more comfortable writing colds. But, Holy CRAP, you didn't just do this justice, you knocked this out of the freaking ballpark. Everything, from the discussion of Sam's allergies, to the slow, tortourous evolution of Dean's reactions, and all of the intricate details in describing Dean's allergies ("clawing, needle-thin twinge"- omg yes) Just perfection, this entire thing! And the care you took to include my favorite things...wow, I am just so very grateful to you for this.

It is so cool that you chose a cotton tree allergy- I've never read a fic with this particular allergy before. And I agree with Pyrus_Fangmon, something about the cotton being so soft and delicate makes Dean's reaction especially hot. And so adorable ^_^

I loved the verbal exchanges between the brothers, and the dialogue was spot on. I felt like I was watching an episode, with the brothers just cruising in the Impala, where the bulk of my favorite brotherly moments occur :D It is so easy and effortless to visualize this whole scenario happening, and I LOVE that when I'm reading fanfic.

Aaand, I know this was already quoted, but I can't not quote it again because, just WOW:

“It’s nothin’. Can’t a guy sneeze without being accused of-.. of… hh--! HH’RRSSHh’ue!-EISCHH’u! ..hh-! fucknotagain… HH’RIISSHh’uh! ..nggh..”


I just love how Sam is so in tune with his brother that he knows something is wrong even before that first sneeze hits. And what REALLY gets me is how very embarrassed Dean is of this particular allergy. Sometimes in fics, Dean will start coming down with something then try to deny it by saying it is allergies. (which I love :upsidedwnsmiley: ) But here, he is so embarrassed by his cotton allergy that he would rather Sam think he is sick than admit he is having a reaction. God, that is sooo adorable, I can't even :yay:

And Dean sneezing uncontrollably and almost losing control of the car...!!. Another favorite thing of mine. And how smug Sam is with this whole thing...Even though he is concerned for Dean, he is definitely getting a kick out of this, and I'm sure with all of his own allergies, he is enjoying some nice payback here, lol.

Thank you so, so very much Puddin, and Junia, I can't even express how touched I am by the kindness and generosity you have shown me by doing this. I am going to be grinning like an absolute fool for days because of this :idiot: Thank you, thank you thank you!!!! :heart::heart::heart:

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Okay so I was originally going to just comment on how sweet you ladies are for including gingerdean and writing an extra fic, but then I got drawn into the story even though I haven't watched Supernatural in years and I couldn't stop reading.

Your description of spring is love. So perfect. And this:

they were caught off guard by a surprise ragweed field or birch tree.

Caught off guard sneezes are the best. :drool:

I generally don't read a lot of Supernatural fanfiction because it's so much Sam when I just wanna love me some Dean. So I squeaked with happiness when I saw he was going to be the one sneezing!

Sam knows his brother so well. :heart: Poor Dean's wounded man pride. I love that he snuck not one, but two "shit"s between those sneezes. And his ears burning. :wub: I think "heft a great sniff" is my new favorite sneeze phrase.

Sam's massive paw on Dean's shoulder. :lol: And the Sam-shaped seat imprint. :rofl:

Ahhhh, Anony, ohmygosh :cryhappy: This is honestly one of the greatest compliments I could have ever received xD Seriously, when someone is like "oh I haven't seen/read/watched this in forever, but I loved this fic about it" is honestly one of the best things anyone could say to me xD thank you so much for leaving such a lovely comment, I'm so glad that you enjoyed it! <3

OMG. This is freaking Awesome! I love it being set in the impala. It's such a natural setting. And the whole tone is so realistic. And their dialogue, yeah, I totally heard it in their voices! Seriously, awesome!

Seriously, why anyone would choose to run when it isn’t away from some kind of monster or to save their life, Dean didn’t know. But it was just one of those things. A ‘Sam thing’.


He didn’t dare himself to speak, lest he insinuated that something was wrong and whilst he knew that this was something which definitely wasn’t right, Sam needn’t know that.


“I’m fine, Sam.”

He definitely wasn’t fine.

I love the immediate contradiction here.

“You don’t look very cold-y.” Sam’s voice was hushed, quiet. It was more like he was expressing his thoughts out loud as opposed to addressing Dean directly. Before Dean could respond, he felt a hand slap against his cheek before raising up to rest against his forehead. The impact caused him to flinch back slightly, startled by the touch and almost veering the car onto the asphalt but stood steadied himself when he realized it was just Sam.

“You don’t feel very cold-y either.”

This is so totally Sam! Cold-y! Definitely a Sam word.

“It’s nothin’. Can’t a guy sneeze without being accused of-.. of… hh--! HH’RRSSHh’ue!-EISCHH’u! ..hh-! fucknotagain… HH’RIISSHh’uh! ..nggh..”

I love his cursing in the middle of sneezing. Funny and sexy and very Dean.

But Sam saw.

“Holy shit, is that..?”

“Shud up, Samb.”

“…what I think it is?”

Whilst Dean wasn’t looking at Sam, he could tell he was smiling. And it wasn’t just an everyday smile, a fond smile or even a forced smile. It was a I-am-a-little-bitch-and-I-know-it smile. The one he always sported whenever he managed to get one up on Dean. And this seemed to be the first time he managed this in what felt like forever.

“Dude, it’s been years. I didn’t even know you still-“

Can totally see the dawning realization and glee on Sam and stubborn disapproval on Dean.

“hh’DDZSHh’iu!-TDZSHhh’! hh-HHKTSChh-! hihh… HIRRSSHH’uh!”

“Woah, shit. Dean, you okay?”

Total whoa. Like Damn.

“I’m not allergic to cotton trees. That’s really more of a ‘Dean thing’.”

LOL, love the ending!

OH MY GOSH ANGELEYES, THANK YOU FOR SUCH A LONG, WELL THOUGH OUT COMMENT >w<! I am so grateful for you for taking out the time to pick out parts and comment on them, that is seriously so sweet, thankyouthankyou! <3

OMG. You write the boys so well and a allergy fic! :0

It's so sweet that you and Junia decided to give something to gingerdean. This is so great and of course, Sam cares about Dean. And Dean's hard shell and masculinity just *can't* slip and admit that he's actually allergic to something.

I love this so much. All your Supernatural fics are gems. :heart:

Thank you so much, boston <33 you always leave such wonderful comments, and I am always so eternally humbled and thankful for it, so thank you :heart:

“I’m not allergic to cotton trees. That’s really more of a ‘Dean thing’.”

The ending alone has so much tease and love! I love it! And cotton? Who knew someone as great as Dean Winchester could be beaten by something so soft and gentle :D

THANK YOU FANG~! And, I'm not gonna lie, that thought never even crossed my mind >////< I am a shoddy writer LOL but thank you for pointing that out xDD I am so glad you enjoyed it~!

Haha, that ending made me smile so hard.

I'm really glad you went out of your comfort zone here, because this was excellent and all of us readers appreciate it very much. It was such a cool look at that time between cases we don't get to see much on the show. And oh, how I love Dean's being all sniffly and embarrassed about it; embarrassed!Dean is one of my fave scenarios for these kind of fics; I think it just fits well, and the way you wrote it really worked. I also enjoyed Sam's eagle eyes and brotherly teasing and then concern, aw. And I'm very intrigued by the mere mention of Dean's ~temperamental immune system~, I gotta say. Nommm.

telltale, this is seriously one of the nicest things anyone could have said to me QwQ the fact that someone compliments my writing when I write something outside of what is comfortable is seriously so humbling and incredible, so thank you so much <3 and not gonna lie, the Dean's 'temperamental immune system' is 10000% pure shameless self indulgence :rofl: I couldn't help throwing my own headcanons in here occasionally, sorrynotsorry :lol:

AHHH! AngelEyes quoted all the parts I woulda quoted! It was awesome, and super sweet of you to give this to her!

Guh - sooooo good!



Thank you so much, Anilkex~! I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3 and seriously, I just googled areas that have cottonwood trees xDD

Oh my gosh, you guys! WOW. I am SO touched, first of all, that you two even gave my late-responding ass a second thought I am completely FLOORED by this. I've been having a blast reading all of the amazing gifts that everyone has been posting, but seeing my name on one was the LAST thing I expected to see. Oh my goodness, thank you so, SO much you two, this is so incredibly thoughtful, I don't even know what to say.

Ok, second of all: OMG Puddin, THIS FIC IS AMAAAAZING!! Allergic, embarassed, in-denial Dean + a sassy, yet concerned Sammy = pretty much my favorite combination of things in the world. Ever EVER.

It was so sweet of you to write a Dean fic - and an allergic!Dean fic at that, despite the fact that you are more comfortable writing colds. But, Holy CRAP, you didn't just do this justice, you knocked this out of the freaking ballpark. Everything, from the discussion of Sam's allergies, to the slow, tortourous evolution of Dean's reactions, and all of the intricate details in describing Dean's allergies ("clawing, needle-thin twinge"- omg yes) Just perfection, this entire thing! And the care you took to include my favorite things...wow, I am just so very grateful to you for this.

It is so cool that you chose a cotton tree allergy- I've never read a fic with this particular allergy before. And I agree with Pyrus_Fangmon, something about the cotton being so soft and delicate makes Dean's reaction especially hot. And so adorable

I loved the verbal exchanges between the brothers, and the dialogue was spot on. I felt like I was watching an episode, with the brothers just cruising in the Impala, where the bulk of my favorite brotherly moments occur It is so easy and effortless to visualize this whole scenario happening, and I LOVE that when I'm reading fanfic.

Aaand, I know this was already quoted, but I can't not quote it again because, just WOW:

“It’s nothin’. Can’t a guy sneeze without being accused of-.. of… hh--! HH’RRSSHh’ue!-EISCHH’u! ..hh-! fucknotagain… HH’RIISSHh’uh! ..nggh..”


I just love how Sam is so in tune with his brother that he knows something is wrong even before that first sneeze hits. And what REALLY gets me is how very embarrassed Dean is of this particular allergy. Sometimes in fics, Dean will start coming down with something then try to deny it by saying it is allergies. (which I love ) But here, he is so embarrassed by his cotton allergy that he would rather Sam think he is sick than admit he is having a reaction. God, that is sooo adorable, I can't even

And Dean sneezing uncontrollably and almost losing control of the car...!!. Another favorite thing of mine. And how smug Sam is with this whole thing...Even though he is concerned for Dean, he is definitely getting a kick out of this, and I'm sure with all of his own allergies, he is enjoying some nice payback here, lol.

Thank you so, so very much Puddin, and Junia, I can't even express how touched I am by the kindness and generosity you have shown me by doing this. I am going to be grinning like an absolute fool for days because of this Thank you, thank you thank you!!!!

Ohmygosh, gingerdean~! :cryhappy:

This comment seriously like, made my entire year xD it made me so, so happy and I know that Junia has seen it too and it's made them just as happy as it has made me <3

Firstly, I am so incredibly thankful that you went to all this trouble of leaving such a detailed comment QwQ I'm blown away by it, seriously, I keep reading it over and over again and it always makes me so happy ^_^

Secondly, I am so relieved and happy that you enjoyed this, I cannot even begin to explain xD I have always admired your writing from afar and was a little nervous about writing something for you when you create such amazing fics so to see this praise from you just blew me away, seriously.

Thirdly, you are more than welcome for this :heart: both me and Junia didn't want to see anyone left out this year so it was my absolute pleasure to write something for you.

I'm actually pretty comfortable writing Dean so although I am more comfortable writing Cas, this wasn't too extreme but writing allergies was definitely challenging but I did end up enjoying it xD

Okay, I think I'm done now, I just want to thank everyone for both reading and commenting, it really humbles me to know that my writing is enjoyed so honestly, thank you all~! <33

EDIT: apparently I used too many emoticons in my post. Oops :tonguesubtle:

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This is SO GOOD. Actually, I'd go so far as to say it's perfect. It definitely seems like allergic-to-cotton-Dean is a "PuddinPop thing." :) I think you handled the worsening symptoms masterfully (the sneezing homg), not to mention Dean's reaction to them and Sam's reaction to Dean. Lots of reacting :D and it was all really fun to read. Between Dean's canon cat allergy and my new headcanon allergy to cotton, I'm guessing he'd be extra allergic to a cat named Cotton. :P Soft and fuzzy things are definitely out to get him.

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