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Secret Santa for Watercolor Daydreams (Snape, HP)


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MERRY (belated) CHRISTMAS WATERCOLOR DAYDREAMS!!! :xmastree: Sorry this wasn't up before Christmas, but I hope you had a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year! I really hope this story is to your liking. Harry Potter is my favorite fandom to read from. It's actually the fandom that introduced me to fanfiction, however I've never actually written anything from Harry Potter so it was exciting to get a chance to write from it. I'm really sorry there's not really any cold symptoms in the first part but I promise they'll be there in the second! This story takes place sometime during the winter months of Harry Potter's 5th year.


“Severus, I have a favor to ask of you.”

Severus sighed. As if he wasn't already busy enough brewing potions for the infirmary, doing work for the Order, and watching out for Dumbledore’s golden boy. Now he needed him to do something else? He silently cast a stasis charm on the pepperup potion he was brewing and he turned to face Dumbledore.

“Yes, Headmaster?” He tried to hide the annoyance and tiredness he felt from his voice.

“It has come to my attention that the Dark Lord has been very quiet since his resurrection. He must be planning something big for him to be so quiet.” Dumbledore knew something must be going on. Not only has Voldemort not shown himself since his resurrection, but the Death Eaters marches on various cities has come to a complete halt recently. It was like the quiet before a storm, and he needed to know how to prepare everyone to fight back against it.

“You want me to find out what it is?” Snape asked, even though he already knew the answer. Why else would Dumbledore bring this up to him?

Dumbledore nodded, thanked him, and started to leave. However, just as he set his hand down on the doorknob he remembered something. “Oh, and Severus?”

“Yes, Headmaster?” He repeated. What was it now? Another thing to add to his list of chores?

“Poppy told me to ask you to put a rush on the pepperup and Wizard’s Flu potions; the students seem to be getting sick at an even faster rate than usual.”

“I will do my best.” Severus nodded. He returned back to his brewing. He took the stasis charm off the pepperup and added a dash of crushed Mandrake root. Knowing that the potion had to simmer for thirty minutes, he pulled out another cauldron and began brewing the Wizard’s flu potion to speed up the process.

Usually brewing was an activity that calmed Snape. All he had to do was relax and follow the instructions. He could let it overtake his mind to the point where he forgot his worries about the Dark Lord, Potter, or any of his other duties. But today, his couldn’t shake the thoughts of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and the plans he was likely formulating at that very minute.

Voldemort had been silent for nearly two months before he murdered Lily and James. The war was still going on, but the attacks were minimal, and Voldemort was never present during the marches. This time, however, he had been silent since his resurrection around six months ago.

He bottled the pepperup potion. Before long, the Wizard’s flu was also done, so he flooed to the hospital wing to deliver the potions. Whether the students knew it or not, he did care for their well-being. After all, he was a teacher.

The sight that greeted him upon arrival was not the one he expected. Not only was every single bed in the hospital wing full, but there was a cluster of students by the door waiting to be seen by Madame Pomfrey.

“Poppy!” Severus called out while scanning the room. It seemed even brighter in the infirmary than normal if that was even possible. The stark whiteness of the beds and sheets along with all the curtains being open on this sunny afternoon made it almost as bright in here than it was outside. The room smelled less clinical than usual as the overwhelming sense of sickness cut through.

“Over here!”

Snape followed the sound of her voice and found her in the back corner of the infirmary. She was casting room expansion spells and transfiguring small items into beds.“Poppy, what can I do to help?”

“There’re too many students for the hospital wing. I’m going to have to send those with just a cold back to their dormitory. Give beds two, five, thirteen, fourteen, twenty-two, twenty-six, and thirty a dose of pepperup and send them back to their dormitory with clear instructions to get plenty of rest and to come back if they feel worse. I know you don’t have much healer training but you should be able to tell the difference between a cold and the flu. Assign those with the flu that are standing by the door a bed. Then give the others at the door a dose of pepperup and send them on their way.”

Severus did as told, and by the time the chaos died down, it was past dinner time. He was exhausted. He could only imagine how tired Madame Pomfrey was. He summoned a house elf to his personal quarters and ordered himself a light soup and sandwich for dinner. He wasn’t very hungry for anything else. It wasn’t long before he had finished his food, and he went to sleep soon after, not even bothering to change out of his robes.

He awoke a short while later, feeling as though he had just fallen asleep, to a sharp, burning pain on his left arm. He rolled his eyes at Voldemort’s timing. He finally summons and it’s when I’m already bloody exhausted. His head was pounding and his throat was unquenchably dry as though he had napped for too long.

He fixed himself a quick glass of water and fixed his appearance the best that he could before briskly walking to his apparation point just outside of Hogsmeade. He knew he didn’t have much time to spare. If he kept the Dark Lord waiting too long there would be consequences. Making sure his mind was clear of spy intentions, he apparated straight into Riddle Manor’s living room.

He stood straight and tall as he waited for the other Death Eaters to arrive. However, after waiting for almost ten minutes, nobody else had come and he realized he was here for a more private matter. He didn’t have much time to wonder what Voldemort needed with him as Voldemort was walking down the grand staircase.

“Severus,” The Dark Lord greeted as he entered the room.

“My Lord.” He bowed deeply.

“It’s been too long,” Voldemort commented as Severus stood back up. “You must be wondering why I called you here alone tonight.”

Knowing he shouldn’t speak without permission, Severus simply nodded his head once in agreement.

“I have a task for you. The prophecy regarding Potter and I is being held in the Department of Mysteries, and I want to hear it fully before I make my next move.”

Severus nodded curtly again. “You need a potion?”

Voldemort snapped his head towards Severus and glared causing a flicker of fear to flash across Severus’ face. He didn’t want to be punished for speaking out of turn. “A knockout potion. Stronger than the usual grade. It needs to keep the guards unconscious for at least 2 hours. Can you do that for me?”

“Yes, my Lord. It will be ready in 3 days.”

“Very well. Before you go I think we need to discuss your habit of speaking out of turn...CRUCIO!”

The Dark Lord must have been feeling generous today, Severus thought as he fell to the floor panting after the curse was lifted after only a few seconds. He quickly gathered himself into a standing position and bowed deeply. “My sincerest apologies, my Lord. I will do my best to remember.”

“You are dismissed.” Voldemort turned with a swish of his robes and exited the room.

Severus sighed quietly in relief and he apparated back to Hogsmeade. He had rushed out of his quarters in such a hurry that he didn’t think to grab his winter gear. Now that he was trudging back to Hogwarts in snow, he regretted not grabbing at least a hat before he left. Casting a warming charm on his robes, he quickened his pace.

He started to assess his injuries from the cruciatus and found that he had none. Sure, he was a bit sore, but not to the usual extent as the curse had not been on him but a few, short moments. He still had a headache from when he woke up and his throat was still dry and was beginning to get a little scratchy, probably from walking in the cold, night air, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle.

It was almost midnight by time he arrived back in his quarters and he was thankfully to see that he didn’t have any notes left for him about misbehaving Slytherins. He took a headache potion, positive that his headache would be gone in the morning and after transfiguring his robes into pajamas he crawled into bed for a few more hours of restful sleep.

Edited by Seniorstatus14
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*makes grabby hands at Snape * he Ned's to be protected at all costs!!! This man has done so much and has got so little. You done so well with Snape and his,character including the roles he has to be as a spy for both Dumbledore and Voldemort, plus as a potions master who does care for his students. Bravo!

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Ooohh Snape! It's been so long since I've read any HP, specifically Snape, fics. I didn't realize how much I missed it. I do hope you continue.

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Thank you so much seniorstatus14!!!!! <3 I love it so much. The writing, the characterization, the suspense...gah <3 :) It's lovely, lovely, lovely.

Can't wait for the 2nd part!!!! :)

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Mmmmmm! Snape! One of my first loves! I even had a poster of him on bedroom wall. I haven't read any Snape stories in Forever! I'm so excited!

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