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Celestial Cold (SPN Castiel)


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So for some reason this didn't post so I'm just going to post it in a reply.

Hi guys! Long time no see! It's been a while since I've actually written anything that I really liked, and I've never written anything for Supernatural. I'm destiel trash and whipped this up so, here you go. Hope you enjoy!

While Sam went to check out the body of a guy that had apparently been drained completely of blood (typical vampire case), Dean and Cas were left to check into the motel and then go talk to the victim's family. Unfortunately, Dean had noticed the angel shivering and sniffling here and there; a very odd occurrence for a celestial being, and hadn't he been coughing a little too on the car ride here? Cas started to feel a persistent and almost constant itch in the back of his sinuses, rubbing at his nose in hopes of alleviating the sensation. His breath quickened as his lips parted slightly and his eyes fluttered closed.

"Hh... Hihh... Hih'kshhh! Heh'tchhu!" Dean cocked a brow at him.


"Yes, Dean?" The angel looked up at him innocently.

"Uh... Nothing. Nevermind." He shook his head and returned to looking over the file Sam had left them, going over to sit next to Cas. "So, looks like this dude wasn't the first here. We have a young woman a few days ago who was found with not a drop of blood in her, and the police were saying it was an animal attack." He scoffed. "So, you ready to-? Hey, dude, are you feeling okay?"

"What? Yes, I'm fine. I'm just.... Sort of... Tired I guess." The dark-haired man responded, sighing. Dean wasn't convinced.

"Well, hey, perk up cuz we need you for this 'kay?" He grinned and placed a hand on Cas's cheek.

"Woah, hey Cas you're burning up!" He exclaimed, eyes wide with worry as he moved his hand to the angel's forehead. "Let's get you to bed. Jesus, why didn't you say something earlier?"

Castiel coughed in reply. "I didn't think it was of great importance. We were on a case and... Hh- Hih'tchh! Hh'mfsshhh!" Dean shook his head and handed him a box of tissues once the angel was snugly under the covers.

"Next time you don't feel good, just tell me or Sam, okay?" The angel nodded, grabbing a few tissues to blow his nose, coughing harshly into his sleeve. "Poor Cas..." Dean muttered, rubbing his back. "Do you want anything else?" Cas shook his head. "Alright, well, just let me know."

"Thank you Deahhh... Dean.... Hah'TCHU!" His head snapped forward into cupped hands. "I should be fine soon."

Dean smiled at him. "Yeah, you're gonna be back to yourself in no time. I'm gonna run and get some stuff. Anything you want?" Cas shook his head and watched him head out the door, shivering and burrowing under the covers.

A while later Dean returned to the motel, carrying grocery bags containing beer and pie for him and some cold supplies for Cas. He had gotten two different kinds of medicine since he wasn't sure whether Cas would prefer liquid or pills, along with more tissues and a thermometer. He looked over at the sleeping Cas snuggled under the thin motel blanket and walked over to him, brushing his sweat-dampened hair from his face. For now, he'd let him sleep, but he got a wet cloth to put on his forehead to try and bring his fever down. Poor Cas...

TBC??? Let me know what you guys think and I may write another part!

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Heya! Long time no see! Thanks to everyone who read and even more thanks to sneezyroleplay and zuki for comments! Hope you enjoy!

Castiel had woken up to Dean's leather jacket draped over him and smiled. Of course, his smile faded quickly as a sensation that was becoming more and more familiar to him stirred in his nose. "Hih... Hh'KSHH! Ehh'SHEW!" He curled up under the thin blanket and groaned softly. Wait a second... Where was Dean? "Dean? Dean!" He called stuffily, unable to breathe through his nose. He heard the sound of the toilet flushing before Dean walked out.

"Calm down, dude. I'm right here, sheesh. How're you feeling?"

"Like shit." The angel muttered, grabbing a handful of tissues and blowing his nose with a gurgling honk.

"Yikes. I got you some medicine. Wasn't sure whether you'd want pills or the liquid kind so I got both."

"Thangk you, Dean. *snff* Bud you really didn'd ndeed tdo do thad..."

"Yeah well, you needed it and I wanted to. Pick your poison." He held up the two bottles of medicine. Cas chose the liquid and read the directions, pouring the correct dosage in the plastic cup and downing it. His face contorted in a grimace.

"Thad's awful. People give thad tdo their children?" Dean chuckled and patted Cas's shoulder, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Look, Cas. Even if we are on a case, I want you to know that you're top priority. So next time you don't feel so hot, just say something, 'kay?" The angel nodded and curled up under the thin motel duvet again, shivering. Dean looked at him and wished he could do more for the sickly angel. Well, he had an idea of what might help stop his shivering but if Sam caught them he'd never hear the end of it.... Ah, well, he can cram it, Dean thought to himself before pulling back the covers from Cas's body.

"Dean, I'mb co-"

"I know you are. Just shut up before I change my mind." He laid beside him and wrapped his arms around the angel's thin torso.

"Sam, I swear to god I will literally punch you in the balls if you don't shut up in the next three seconds!" Dean shouted at his hysterical brother after a hasty explanation of why he was sleeping cuddled up with Cas.


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