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MLP FiM - Twilight's Sticky Situation part 1


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I have no idea why I wrote something like this, but it was mostly inspired by this book I read as a kid (The Night of the Nasty Nostril Nuggets). And I'm probably not going to do a part 2. I tried writing one, but I just wasn't satisfied with it.

Also, try not to take this too seriously. It's extremely messy, yeah, but like pretty much all of my stories, I see it as a comedy of sorts. Enjoy :)

Twilight couldn't believe how popular Rainbow Dash was, simply on account of being the coolest and fastest flyer in Equestria. The two of them were best friends, even though there were times where Rainbow didn't take anything seriously. Still, Twilight was very proud of Rainbow for stealing the hearts of nearly all of the other ponies of Equestria.
But as happy as she was for Rainbow, Twilight was slightly jealous. She was the youngest Pegasus-Unicorn in Equestria thus far, and she was also extremely smart. But that didn't lead her to nearly as much popularity as Rainbow received. Hardly anypony cared that she was a princess, and one pony assumed she was born like that accidentally. Some other ponies knew she was smart, but decided she was too nerdy to be paid any attention. There had to be some way to achieve her goal.
Then Twilight remembered a wonderful day where she created a laser. Aside from studying, she did experiment with building things as well, which often took what felt like forever. This laser, simply known as the Combining Laser, combined two or more objects or substances together, thus creating an entirely new pony. For example, if a pony was combined with fire using the Combining Laser, he or she would have the power to set things on fire, as well as be immune to fire itself. Had it not been for the events of the episode Magical Mystery Cure, Twilight would have already become a princess thanks to this Combining Laser. Sadly, this laser did have a side-effect: the two things combined would stay combined. Twilight had yet to build a laser that would reverse this.
Twilight returned to her current situation. Maybe if she combined herself with a robotic Pegasus-Unicorn, she'd be just as cool, if not cooler, than Rainbow. Despite not wanting to rid her best friend of her fame, she did want some of her own.
When Twilight went home to her library and entered her bedroom, she realized that pretty much everything was covered with at least a thin layer of dust, which also filled the air. Spike must have either forgotten to dust, didn't have time, or was too lazy to do so. Either way, Twilight's pupils dilated as she realized how much dust was in the room. Her eyes watered as her nose began to twitch uncontrollably. She raised a hoof to her nose and looked around for Spike. To her anger, she saw him sleeping on her bed, as opposed to his own bed. He must have passed out before she came home.
"SPIKE!" Twilight yelled out, startling Spike awake on the spot. "What are you doing?! And when was the last time you dusted the house?!"
"I can't remember..." Spike rubbed his eyes. It was kind of odd that, while dust had some allergic effects on him, the amount of dust wasn't getting to him. "Sorry, Twilight. I was staying up all night dictating to the Princess."
"Never mind that!" Twilight's nose continued to itch as her hoof slipped off her muzzle, since she felt the upcoming sneeze worsening every second. "I have work to do, and I need this place cleaned! Now... ah... AH... AH-CHEW! Get to it! AH-CHOO!"
Within two sneezes, Twilight's nose started to get runny. She must have forgotten to take her allergy medicine this morning. Spike ran off the bed and down the stairs to begin dusting. Twilight sighed, walked over to her desk and sat down, rubbing her nose on her front hoof to help it stop itching. Levitating a wrench and pieces of scrap metal together, she began to build something in private.
After around four hours of work, her creation was finished. She stood up marveling her creation: Pegasus-Unicorn robot that was no bigger than Twilight herself. She used her magic to pull it off the desk and onto the floor. She marveled her work while levitating a tissue box towards her. She had sneezed repeatedly while working on this robot, but she was so glad that she managed to finished it even with her dust allergies getting the best of her.
"It's finally done!" Twilight said to herself, wiping her nose on a tissue. "Now all I need to do is... ah... AH-CHEW! Get the Combining Laser and combine... AH-CHOO! Myself with this robot and... AH-CHEW! Be a cooler pony!"
After finishing her speech, Twilight blew her nose as hard as she could in an attempt to clear her nasal passages of the mucus that was collecting inside and dripping out of her nose. After a good blow, it was still slightly itchy, but her allergies had slightly calmed down. She balled up the tissue and threw it into the trash bin. Hopefully, she could withstand the amount of dust in the air for a while.
Twilight set up the laser several feet away from the robot, and set the automatic countdown for 30 seconds. She then trotted to the robot and turned to face the laser. The laser spoke with a robotic voice as the flashing numbers started to count down, but much more than a second passed with each thing it said.
"Combining two things in 30 seconds. Combining two things in 29 seconds."
Twilight stood as still as she could. Everything was going perfect. Hopefully, she could manage this without sneezing even once...
"Combining two things in 28 seconds. Combining two things in 27 seconds."
...but unfortunately, the moment she was done thinking that, the itch in her nose returned--and it was unbearable.
"Combining two things in 26 seconds. Combining two things in 25 seconds."
Twilight whimpered slightly as she raised her right front hoof and pressed it directly under her nose. Both her nostrils flared and dripped with green mucus. She wiped her nose, but cringed as she felt the mucus dripping onto her hoof.
"Combining two things in 24 seconds. Combining two things in 23 seconds."
Twilight sniffled harshly, attempting to suck the excess mucus back up her nose, but the drops barely made it in. Her eyes watered more than they would when she cried.
"Combining two things in 22 seconds. Combining two things in 21 seconds."
Twilight could feel the sneeze growing in power, but she still fought back. Her entire nose had become a bright red from fighting it back up to this point. She cursed her dust allergies as well as the dust in the air, which seemed to be working together, trying as hard as they could to get her to sneeze and screw this fusion up.
"Combining two things in 20 seconds. Combining two things in 19 seconds."
"Ah... Ahhh..."
Twilight's breath began to hitch as she lost control of holding back. Her hoof remained under her nose as she pressed as hard as she could, but now that it was completely soaked in mucus, it wasn't doing much good anymore. She kept inhaling, refusing to give in.
"Ahhhhhhh.... AHHHHHHH...."
"Combining two things in 18 seconds. Combining two things in 17 seconds."
Twilight tried to look around for her tissue box, but her eyes were so watery that she could barely see a thing. She was aware that the sneeze was going to be a big one, perhaps the biggest one she ever did, and she really needed a tissue, but without the proper vision required to retrieve one, she was helpless.
"Combining two things in 16 seconds. Combining two things in 15 seconds."
Twilight involuntarily removed her hoof from her nose, which continued to twitch and drip mucus that landed on the floor. As the mucus from her hoof fell off and landed on the ground, the hoof began to fan in front of her open mouth, with opened wider and wider with every hitching breath she took. She still didn't want to sneeze, but she was realizing she didn't have any choice in the matter.
"Combining two things in 14 seconds. Combining two things in 13 seconds."
Twilight had never wanted to sneeze so badly in her life. Her entire body begged and pleaded for her to release the sneeze and get it over with. She absolutely dreaded the aftermath of this sneeze, so she dared not to let it out, but the urge was just so strong that she couldn't fight back anymore.
"Combining two things in 12 seconds."
Twilight's lungs felt like they were going to pop like balloons, but they were only a few inhales away from the dramatic release. Twilight's hoof moved in front of her nose in an attempt to cover the sneeze. She had always been told to cover her mouth and/or nose when she had to sneeze, regardless of how strong it would be, but she knew she would regret this.
"Combining two things in 11 seconds. Combining two things in ten seconds."
That was all it took. Twilight's nose had finally had enough. It was time to release the monster sneeze. Holding it back and inhaling for so long was a big pain, and Twilight finally exploded. Besides, she didn't have any other choice.
Twilight fired the massive sneeze directly onto her hoof. Two large streams of snot blasted out of both her nostrils and landed on her hoof with a loud splat. Within one second, her entire hoof was soaked with her mucus. It was like she had blown her nose uncovered. The sneeze was extremely painful, but it was probably worse to hold it back. Twilight opened her watery eyes, looked down at her mucus-covered hoof and gasped in disgust. Just then, her nose twitched again as she felt an equally big sneeze building up. She levitated the tissue box toward her, pulled out a tissue and pinched her nose with it.
Twilight released a second sneeze onto the tissue, soaking it with snot and accidentally blowing it out of her grasp, but it landed perfectly into the trash bin. Then she pulled out another tissue and blew her nose as hard as she could on it. This tissue also became soaked, but she threw it into the trash bin as well and reached her hoof back to her nose to rub it. It was still slightly runny, and much of the mucus on her hoof was still there. She shook her hoof around to shake it off, but a small amount of snot still remained. Through all of this, the Combining Laser had recalculated the number of things in front of it.
"Combining three things in five seconds. Combining three things in four seconds."
"Three things?!" Twilight asked, bewildered.
"Combining three things in three seconds," the Combining Laser said, as if responding to her question of disbelief.
Twilight looked down at her mucus-covered hoof and her eyes widened, with her pupils dilating in realization and fear.
"Combining three things in two seconds. Combining three things in one second."
"Uh-oh." This was all Twilight could say before the countdown concluded, and the laser fired a massive beam of light at her and the robot. She tried to scream, but the noise that the beam made when it hit her made it impossible to hear. All that she knew was that when this was finished, she would have created a monster out of herself.
Twilight opened her eyes after about five seconds. She sniffled, cringing as the mucus dripping from her nose entered her nostrils before quickly exiting. She raised a hoof to wipe her nose, but felt it sticking to her muzzle. She gasped when she realized that her hoof was oozing with mucus. She looked down to see that all four of her legs were oozing with mucus as well. She looked into the mirror, and realized that due to the laser's effects, she had begun to ooze mucus all over her body--not just her nose and hooves. No matter how much she sniffled, her nose was always running. Twilight screamed in horror.
After that, Spike came walking up the stairs and entered the bedroom. "Twilight, the library's all-- OH, MY GOSH!!"
Spike was plagued by pure terror and fear when he saw Twilight's mucus-covered body. She turned to look at him when she heard him screaming at the sight of her.
"Twilight... is that you?!"
"Yes, Spike, it's be." Twilight sounded completely congested, despite that she was feeling fine. But she wasn't fine... no, she had become a monster thanks to that sneeze. "I was using the Cobbiding Laser, bud all the dust..." Twilight sniffled again, mistakenly sniffing up some stray dust. "I couldn't helb but sdeeze." As she talked about the sneeze, her nostrils began to quiver from the dust she sucked up. "Ah..."
"What are we gonna do?!" Spike asked.
"Dod't worry, Spike." Twilight sniffled repeatedly, trying to keep the sneeze from coming. "Aside frob the Cobbiding Laser, I'b also working od a laser that will reverse its effects. But right dow... Ah... AH..." Twilight raised a hoof to her running nose. "I suppose I'll... AH... stay like this... AH... forever. AH... I'b godda... AH... GODDA SD... AH... GODDA SDEEZE... AH! AH! CHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
A massive amount of snot blasted out of Twilight's nose as she sneezed. She recovered from the sneeze and sniffled again.
"Why don't you work on it right now?! You're the smart one!" Spike responded.
"I cad't do it right dow. I'b biserable." Twilight rubbed her sensitive nose. "Baybe by friends cad helb be out."
Twilight left the bedroom and climbed down the stairs before putting on a long cloak over herself and heading out the door. She needed that cloak to keep ponies from seeing her and freaking out. Spike remained at the library to dust the bedroom.
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