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It'll be a walk in the park...or not...-BBC Sherlock (Secret Santa for Awko!)


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I really hope you like this, Awko! I was super happy when I saw I had to make something for you! Also, I hope this isn't too OOC...writing their personalities has always intimidated me, and I felt like I kept repeating a lot of what I was writing... :sweatdrop:

Often, he wondered what it was that had brought them so close.

It was a recent thing, highly unexpected. And yet, here they were, walking in the park and holding hands.

John glanced at the taller man out of the corner of his eye. His expression was impassive as it stared ahead before Sherlock met his somewhat nervous gaze. The corner of his mouth twitched into a reassuring smile, tightening his grip on John’s hand.

That’s where things were different. It wasn’t just the fact that they were holding hands in public for the first time; Sherlock had been acting unusual towards John too. Well, unusual by the fact that he wasn’t being so stubborn all the time, but John had a feeling that his more gentle treatment would fade as time passed. Not that he minded; it was that stubborn personality that he’d come to love in the first place. Nevertheless, things were still going to take time to get used to, even if it was what he wanted…

John tore his gaze from Sherlock and looked to the ground, feeling as if every eye of the public was on him.

“You’re nervous,” Sherlock suddenly said.

Of course. That was typical of him, reading his emotions like a book. John simply agreed with him, “Yes.”

“What for? Who cares what they think?” he encouraged. Then, without waiting for a response, the detective looked ahead again and scrubbed his sleeve at the underside of his nose. He sniffled gently. Something was nagging at him…

John did not take notice of this, and he too let his gaze look ahead, more relaxed from Sherlock’s reassurance. He’d always done that from the start. John remembered it, the way Sherlock had brought him back to life despite all the danger that often surrounded their lives. Perhaps it was why John felt the way that he did about him. Life was so much better with him around; it was hard not to fall in love with him.

Hands still held, the couple walked down the paved road toward the center of the park. Many people and couples of all sorts were here, walking along, relaxing on benches. This was not an unusual sight in the middle of summer, what with the warm weather, blooming flowers, and the easing, bubbling sound of the water fountain at the center.

Sherlock led John to one of the benches, allowing the shorter man to sit first before he froze suddenly, his eyes fluttering shut. “Hh-...” Only when his chest lifted with a near silent hitching of his breath did John notice Sherlock’s struggling. “Hh-...HHh’Kshh-!!” He sneezed against his fisted hand, his dark curls bouncing lightly as his head bobbed forward.

“Bless you,” John said without a second thought. He waited for Sherlock to drop his hand from his face before tugging lightly on the detective’s arm, guiding him down to the bench. Sherlock sat, and his green eyes locked with John’s momentarily before they stared ahead to the bubbling water of the fountain.

John relaxed against the back of the bench as his nerves finally calmed. Then, he reached his hand over to Sherlock’s and grabbed hold of it. Sherlock was right to say there was no reason to worry what other people thought. There wasn’t anyone even paying attention to the two of them anyway; they were all too enthralled with other people and the fresh, summer air.

Sherlock looked to the hands clasped between him and his boyfriend before looking to John himself. As anyone who knew the detective well enough would expect, he deduced John’s emotions in a matter of a few seconds just from his appearance alone. “See? Not so bad, now is it?” He shot him a playful smirk.

“You act as though I’ve never been in a relationship before,” John retorted with an equal playfulness.

“Maybe not, but this is the first with a guy, if I’m not mista-khih-...” His breath suddenly caught, and a far away look accompanied with a furrowed brow conquered the detective’s features. “...n-not miihhH-...” Speaking was an impossible task as his breath continued to hitch, and he turned away from John, his eyes fluttering shut. It was only then that John noticed how irritated the underside of Sherlock’s nose looked.

He sniffled gently, but it was apparently not gently enough as the tickle only grew worse. “hH-...hHH-!” He lifted his hand up as it became all too much for Sherlock to handle before sneezing twice against his wrist. “HHh’Kshh-!! hH-HHh’ishh-!!” But two was apparently not enough. He tilted his head back again, nostrils flaring, before his shoulders trembled with yet another explosion. “hih-...hH-HHh-! HHh’Rshh-!!”

“Jesus, Sherlock! Are you feeling okay?” John said with concern, his eyebrows knitting together. Sherlock didn’t respond for while, however, as he was busy rubbing his nose on his sleeve.

“I’m fine,” he eventually replied, but his reddened nose and watering eyes told John otherwise. He kept quiet, though, because he knew better than to try arguing with one of the most stubborn people he knew.

Even as Sherlock shot a wary glance at the flowers behind them, he still said nothing, and the detective’s symptoms continued. Out of the corner of his eye, John could see him rubbing his nose often, and when he wasn’t doing that, he was pressing his hand beneath it, trying to fend off the irresistible teasing that was causing havoc in his sinuses.

Eventually, though, John had to speak again. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Sherlock tried to answer. “I told you, I’m finnhh…” He shook his head, the bridge of his nose crinkling. “I’m...fine-hH-!...” But he was most certainly not fine, and that wasn’t just shown through the wavering of his breath.

His desperate expression showed it too. His hand was pressed beneath his flared, irritated nostrils, but it did nothing to prevent the itch from continuing to assault him this time. It only grew at full-force until the only thing he wanted to do was sneeze. All it took was a final, shuddering lift of his chest to send him over the edge.

“hHH-! hH’Kshh-!! hH’KshH-!! hH’RshH-!! hH-...hHH’IshH-!!” It didn’t stop there either. He’d lost control.

John grabbed him by the arm. People had started to stare by now, and by the look of the blush rising on Sherlock’s, he was sure that the detective could feel their eyes on him. John pulled him up from the bench. “You may be the one that does the deductions, but I think it’s quite obvious that you’re not fine. C’mon, let’s go home.”

Sherlock didn’t protest, but it wasn’t like he was in any state to anyways. hH’KshH-!! hH’IshH-!! hh-! hH-! hH’KshHH-!!” As the couple finally brought a longer distance between themselves and the center of the park, his fit slowed down until finally reaching a stop.

“Ugh…” he groaned, sniffling wetly. Despite the sneezing stopping, he didn’t feel much better than before. His eyes still felt dry and irritated, and there was still an incessant itch at the back of his nose. He was relieved to be going home, though; that went without saying.

“You could’ve said something, you know,” John told him, holding out his handkerchief.

Sherlock took it from him gratefully. “Well, I’d figured you’d want to stay there.” He sniffled again, only to turn to the side and sneeze again. “hH’RshH-!!”

“Bless you,” John said, before continuing further,” You think that I would really want to stay even if you were suffering from an allergy attack?”

“I suppose not,” Sherlock replied quietly, wiping the handkerchief under his nose.

“Right,” John agreed with him, and he reached to grab hold of Sherlock’s free hand. “Now, why don’t we go home so you can take some medication and shower off. Maybe we could make some tea, watch a movie…”

Sherlock nodded with a smile that John returned. “That sounds nice.”

Their hands never let go until they reached Sherlock’s flat.

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Ohh, myyyyy! Brava! :drool:

Edited by MyOwnPrivateSFC
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Oh my goooood! Thank you soo sooo soooo much!! This is exactly what I wanted! Bravo! Bravado! Bravissimo! You are a true gold star, dear ;) Great pairing done by a great person!

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This is a lovely bit of Johnlock!

“You may be the one that does the deductions, but I think it’s quite obvious that you’re not fine.

This line sounds just like John. Nice job! :clapping:

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Ahhh, so many nice comments! Thanks, guys! :D

Ohh, myyyyy! Brava! :drool:

Glad you liked!

Oh my goooood! Thank you soo sooo soooo much!! This is exactly what I wanted! Bravo! Bravado! Bravissimo! You are a true gold star, dear ;) Great pairing done by a great person!

Aww, you've made my day! :D I'm so so glad you like it, I always get so nervous whenever I post stuff here! :sweatdrop:

This is amazing


This is a lovely bit of Johnlock!

“You may be the one that does the deductions, but I think it’s quite obvious that you’re not fine.

This line sounds just like John. Nice job! :clapping:

Aw, thank youuu! :)

:wub: I love this. Glad to see some sneezy Sherlock.

Thanks, I'm glad you like it!

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Yay for Johnlock! Super cute!

John remembered it, the way Sherlock had brought him back to life despite all the danger that often surrounded their lives. Perhaps it was why John felt the way that he did about him. Life was so much better with him around; it was hard not to fall in love with him.


And what a lovely fit! Mmmm.

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Yay for Johnlock! Super cute!

John remembered it, the way Sherlock had brought him back to life despite all the danger that often surrounded their lives. Perhaps it was why John felt the way that he did about him. Life was so much better with him around; it was hard not to fall in love with him.


And what a lovely fit! Mmmm.

Thanks, glad you liked!

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