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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Why try and hide it?- Noragami (Yato, Yukine, Hiyori, etc.)


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Hey everyone! This is one of the first fanfics that I put on here, so please bear with me until I get used to it :sweatdrop:

Anyhow as the topic says, this is a noragami fic and it'll probably be LONG lol

I just watched episode 1 so many times replaying when Yato sneezed I love it!!

Ok, ok I think that's it... oh wait, I forgot to mention that the contagion will happen a bit later so you gotta wait for that, yep I'm evil :devil2:

Title: Intro~

Characters: Yato, Yukine, Hiyori


“What’s the hold up, come on Yato, we gotta go!” Yukine looked down at his watch, “We’re gonna be late, again. Don’t you remember what Hiyori did the last time we were this late!?”

Yato fumbled unsteadily with his scarf, or cravat as he called it to sound professional, trying to get ready; he had overslept and was currently trying to look semi presentable. He grumbled as he remembered getting smacked upside the head by the tailed girl, which was another pain he didn’t want to deal with. His head ached enough as is.

“Ok, let’s go. Where were supposed to meet her again?” Yato finally looked up trying to focus at Yukine.

“You mean you forgot!?” Yukine could have pushed the god down the stairs as they walked, “She’s been talking about going to this new café down the street for weeks now, Yato! How could you forget?”

“Well, you know… I’ve just been busy lately!” Yato turned his head to avoid his shinki’s glare.

“Oh yeah? Then why haven’t you told me about these ‘jobs’?”

“’Cuase it’s only been housework…“ Irritability and fatigue clearly sounded in Yato’s voice, “Dammit, I’m a warrior god not some form of cheep manual labor!”

“Uh, you kinda are.” Yukine walked into the kitchen and grabbed two apples, offering Yato one on his way out. The minor god shook his head and kept walking toward the door. He passed by Kofouku and Diakoku on the way out as they were eating breakfast.

“I’m not that hungry today.” Yato unconsciously shivered and pulled his scarf higher to cover his face as he stepped outside into the cold air. It was gonna rain later on.

Yukine didn’t say anything; he just stared at the god. Yato was always hungry, that was a fact. The god stopped walking as soon as he realized his shinki had stopped, “Something wrong?” Yukine jumped slightly as he was startled out of his thoughts, “I should ask you the same thing.”

“It’s nothing, let’s just go before Hiyori starts screaming or hitting us. I really don’t feel like putting up with it today. Have you ever been on the receiving side of a jungle savate? It’s not very fun.” Yato huffed and started to pick up his pace as he turned the corner.

Yukine noticed the change in his master’s attitude and decided to just drop the subject. He wasn’t in that much of a hurry anymore; he was trying to piece together what had just happened. Something was wrong, he knew that, but he just had to find out what it was.

As he turned the corner he took note on the lack of Yato. He scrambled to try and catch up to the god, sprinting down the alley yelling, “Yatooo! Wait up a sec!”


As soon as Yato heard Yukine’s footsteps getting further away he lifted the lid of an empty garbage can he was hiding in and looked out. “Coast clear”, he thought and sighed to himself.

He buried his face into his scarf as he got out, which turned out to be a mistake.

The touch of the fabric had excited the tickle in his nose which had taken him nearly an hour to try and control. He sniffled wetly and pawed at his nose trying to rid himself of the tickle. He could feel his eyes start to water as they fluttered closed. “hehhh…nihh…hihh…” His breath started to hitch but he stubbornly tried to sniffle again to try and stop it, but it was too late and he let the sneezes explode out of himself. “n-nuhhh… hehh...EktCHOO! Nix’CHU!..ngh..heh.. TISHU! HI’CHOO!”

The impact of the sneezes almost made him fall to the ground that was now wet with fresh rain. He groaned and wiped his steaming nose and eyes with the sleeves of his jersey. “Ugh...This sucks.”

“Yato?” The voice sounded familiar but it took him a minute to match voice to face still dazed from his sneezing fit.

Yato’s eyes widened in realization, it was Hiyori’s voice. He went back into the trash can and tried to be as silent as possible, which was difficult since his breathing came out in sharp heavy pants. He cursed silently to himself and tried to come up with a good excuse.


Hiyori knew she heard Yato’s voice down this alley. She walked down and looked for the minor god with Yukine right behind her.

As soon as Yukine had found her he asked if Yato had come yet but she shook her head. Yukine had explained everything that had happened this morning until the moment he lost Yato. This now left them both trying to backtrack Yukine’s steps looking for any sign of the lost god.

“Is this the last place you saw him?”

“Yes! As soon as we turned the corner, he was gone…”

“I have an idea, here.” Hiyori suddenly dropped her body leaving Yukine to try and catch it, “Watch that, will you?”

“S-sure, but what are you gonna do?”

“I’m gonna find him” Hiyori stood silent for a minute sniffing the air, and then she pointed to a nearby trashcan, “He’s in there.”

“He’s… in a trashcan?” Yukine walked over to the can skeptically and knocked it over, causing Yato to tumble out.


“I can explain!” Yato waved his hands in front of himself defensively as Hiyori and Yukine glared daggers into him. “I was just really tired and wanted to take a break”

“In a trashcan? Yato how stupid do you think we are!?” Yukine snapped and Yato flinched

“H-hey I never said you were! Is that really any way to talk to your master?”

Hiyori watched the boys argue with a small smile on her face, but her smile soon faded as Yato began coughing after he said anything.

“W-well at least I’m not scared of the dark like you are!” Yato wheezed trying to catch his breath, “T-that’s so… childish.”

Yukine took a few steps forward and was about to punch Yato square in the face. He stopped as soon as he noticed the god start wavering and eyes growing unfocused. “You ok, Yato?”

Yato could feel that damned tickle start again in the back of his sinuses. He looked away and kept sniffling and rubbing his now pink twitching nose. “I-I’b…hehh…nnhih…

Great, now his nose was running and starting to impair his speech. As long as he could hold the sneeze in long enough to get away again he should be fine. He weighed his odds, as he noticed Hiyori crouch down to his level.

“Yato, are you really ok? You look really pale…” Hiyori looked at his face which also had a blush across his cheeks. She moved her hand up to his face to pull the scarf down and get a better look.

“I said I’b f-fide!” Yato pulled away from Hiyori’s grasp and hauled himself up to his feet. “Led’s just guhh…niheh..” He quickly hid his face in the crook of his elbow to stifle the incoming sneezes “Hi’cha!…hihh… ha’Ti’cha!…Nix’huc!.. haa heh…hi!...ngh”

The tickle still wasn’t gone and the last sneeze got stuck. He wiped his nose and started walking away trying to conceal his growing embarrassed blush. Yukine and Hiyori just stood there, watching Yato as he fought to get the last sneeze out as he stopped suddenly.

“C-co’b on… heehh… ahhah…o-outd…niheh..nn’HEX’CHU!” He didn’t even attempt to hold it back anymore, he just wanted relief. Yato sighed as he rubbed his nose again; man he could kill for a tissue right about now.


Well this seems like a good place to stop... anyway so far so good? this was just the intro to get everything set for the upcoming events I'm planning hehe expect the next chapter maybe later on tonight or tomorrow ^^

Oh, and you can call me bazz if you wanna and i'll take requests if you have a great idea and want me to add it into an upcoming chapter!! :laughingsmiley:

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Oh yes please

That cold's looking beautiful so far 8 )

The tissue comment is very... nom


I'm very excited to see where this goes! : D

I hope the cold will be nice and messy... lol

Pfft hiding a trashcan... pretty typical, lol

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Just finished chapter 2 ^^ I'm on a role lol

thanks for all the comments!! I really like getting feedback and I'm glad so far people like it!

@Sitruuna: thx I'm really glad you like it so far! and knowing Yato, It probably will get bit messy later on!! XD

@Akahana: Don't worry I'm not stopping yet!! lol plus you can expect even more since I'm on winter break so count on this being a long fic :yay:

Title: If I admit it, can we go? (ch 2)


“Is that the café?” Yukine pointed to a fairly small building next to a clothing store.

“Yep!” Hiyori chirped from under her red umbrella, “I wonder what they have on the menu”

Yukine shrugged and opened the door for everyone, “Guess we’re gonna find out”, he said with a laugh.

Yato was soaking wet and his thin sleeved jersey did nothing to block out the bitter cold wind. He was thankful for the small burst of heat that hit him as soon as he walked into the tiny building. A waitress waited by the door and welcomed them in, showing them to their seats (after Yato confirmed his and Yukine’s presence).

“I’ll give you guys a few minutes to think before you order.” The waitress said after handing out the menus. The trio was silent as they looked, except for the occasional wet sniffle from Yato.

“I saw a mini-mart across the street before we walked in, I gotta get something real quick.” Yato cleared his throat and got up from the table, “Can you just order me some tea? I’ll be right back.”

“Sure,” Hiyori looked up from her menu, “Do you want any milk, honey, or sugar in it?”

“Just honey should be good, thanks, and can I borrow your umbrella?” Yato pointed to it for emphasis.

“Go for it” the girl smiled at him as he walked out the door.


“Yukine-kun,” Hiyori said with obvious concern laced in her voice, “is it possible for a god to be sick, like getting a cold or the flu?”

“What do you mean?” The blond looked up from a book he brought with him.

“Well, I’m pretty sure he’s got a fever since his face seems flushed and that blush on his face hasn’t receded yet…plus that cough he has doesn’t sound very good. No wonder he wanted honey in his tea, let alone wanting tea in the first place.”

“Yeah, you have a point. Do you think we should head back to Kofuku’s?”

“Let’s order our drinks and wait for Yato to come back, then we can go.” Hiyori called back their waitress to place their orders.

“Can we get these to-go?”

“Of course! I’ll be back in a minute with your drinks.” The short woman ran behind the counter to place the order.


It was times like these that made Yato feel good to not have a strong presence in a room. “hih’ATKCHU! EKT’CHOO! NIX’CHU!... heh...haaa… Hic’CHU!” He could openly sneeze without a care and blew his nose as loud as he needed until it cleared. He plucked a few tissues from a box that had been placed on the pharmacy counter for costumer convince, honking his nose into a fistful of them, and shoved them into his pocket.

He walked up and down the pharmaceutical isles picking up small things such as a pack of pocket tissues, a box of fever/cold patches, and cough drops. He didn’t have enough money to buy medicine so he just hoped that Kofuku had some in her medicine cabinet.

The minor god sighed as he walked up to a self check-out, not wanting to be noticed in his weakened state. It was unbelievably embarrassing to him.

Yato walked into the public restroom looking at his reflection in the mirror, wiping his face with luke-warm water to get some of the sweat his fever had created off of him. Next, he held up his fringe and placed a fever patch on his forehead, then let his bangs fall back down and adjusted them in order to hide the patch.

He sat himself up on the counter and laid his back against the mirror, closing his eyes.


“I thought he said he’d be right back.” Yukine tried to sound irritated but ended up sounding a bit concerned, “He’s been gone for almost twenty minutes now.”

“At least it stopped raining for a little, do you wanna head over to that store Yato mentioned? He’s probably still there.”

“It’s worth a shot, let’s go.” They both got up and pushed their chairs in; Yukine grabbed Yato’s tea just before they left.

They crossed the street and went into the door of the 24/hr mini-mart.

“I’ve got an idea, you go look for him that way,” Hiyori pointed to her right and then pointed to her left,” and I’ll go this way. We’ll meet up in the middle unless we find him.”

“Sounds good, let’s do it!”

Both teens went through all of the isles until they met in the middle.

“Are you sure he’s still here?” Yukine tried not to panic, “That idiot’s gonna get himself killed in that condition!”

“It’s okay, I’m sure he’s still around here. Let me tweet him to ask where he’s at.”

“Why not just call him?”

“I don’t wanna make him talk more than he needs to.” Hiyori pulled out her phone and typed out, @Yato: Hey, where are you?

“Now all we have to do is wait until he responds I guess.”


Yato was roused from his nap by his phone vibrating. He reached into his pocket, pulled out his phone, and flipped it open. Glazed over eyes stared at the screen trying to make out correctly what it said, he just couldn’t shake off the last of his sleepiness and his headache wasn't helping either.

He read the message Hiyori had sent him via twitter, and replied, @Hiyo: Bathroom taking a nap

The god wasn’t sure if he spelled anything in that sentence correctly, if it even counted as sentence. He just hoped that spell check actually helped him for once. Snapping his phone closed, he stuffed it back into his pocket.

Sighing silently, he closed his eyes and returned to sleep.


“He’s in the bathroom.” Hiyori closed her phone to look at Yukine, “Can you go and get him?”

“W-wait, why just me?”

“B-because… w-well, I’m a girl, going into a men’s restroom…” Hiyori blushed deeply from embarrassment, “A-anyway! We don’t know what state he’s in right now… and if he’s alone or if other men are in there, so I don’t wanna embarrass him too. I’ll just cheer you on from the sidelines!”

“Why do I always get stuck with these jobs?” The shinki wailed as he slowly pulled on the door handle.

“’Cause you’re his guide!” Hiyori laughed as she saw the scowl the boy made.


Yukine slowly walked into the room, it was silent and semi dark. As soon as the door had been fully opened a sensor must have been set off and the lights and fan started up.

His search began in all the stalls, which were very clean but they were all empty. He clicked his tongue as he turned on his heels, but stood stalk straight as his gaze came to the counter. Huddled in the corner shaking was Yato, Yukine walked over to his master.

“Y-yato?” Yukine looked over his expression and touched his cheeks, which were very warm.

The god didn’t directly respond but he moved closer into Yukine’s touch, which had now made its way up to Yato’s forehead. He lifted up the bangs as soon as he felt the patch.

“Why don’t you ever tell us things? Stop trying to suffer in silence and tell a person what’s wrong… we only wanna help you.” Yukine sounded a bit hurt but tried to stay calm.


Yato tried to pry his eyes open but settled for them set at half-mast. His gaze was unfocused and his nose visibly twitched. He sniffed wetly trying the coax it out the sneeze, showing now signs of trying to hold it back.

Yukine allowed himself to be pulled forward slightly, oblivious to what was about to happen. Yato buried his face into his shinki’s shirt as his brows furrowed together .

ASHOO! IK’SHU! EKT’SHOO!...Hic’CHU!” After the fit was over, Yato blearily looked up at the blond boy holding him slightly and rubbing circles his back. “guh… I'b sorry. I really deeded do sdee-uh..hehh...Nix'shoo!”

Yukine tore off some paper towels from a roll and started to clean Yato’s face, dabbing it around his nose. He wiped off his undershirt and zipped up his jacket to cover the wet spot Yato’s spray had left.

“I cad do thad…”

“Just sit still, why didn’t you tell us you were sick?”

“’Cause I’b nod sick”

“Really? Then can you walk?”

Yato tried to get up unsteadily using the wall as a guide. “Ah ah ah,” Yukine wagged his finger smirking, “Using the wall is cheating.”

“Whadever, jusd dta’ge be hobe.” Yato turned his head to blow his nose into a towel the blonde had handed him, “please?”

Yukine widened his eyes at the quietness of Yato’s voice, “Come here. I’ll carry you on my back so you can sleep on the way if you want. It's better than having you face plant on the concrete passed out.” Yukine tried to hide the sincerity and slight concern in his voice by huffing irritably. There really wasn’t any way the god could refuse the offer. Yato climbed on and rested his heavy head on his shinki’s shoulder, breathing heavily from the exertion.

“Damn…you’re on fire. Let’s go get Hiyori and head back to Kofuku’s.” The blonde readjusted the lump that now stuck to his back, "You look terrible."

“Dan’ge you”


Ok, so for the next chapter there might be some mess but nothing too out of control, I mean its yato so of course lol ^^

also for contagion lovers, lets just say that there's a clue in this chapter hehe~ expect it sometime in ch 3 or 4 :laugh2:

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.......this might just be the hottest thing I've read in a while



Any "[insert symptom here] doesn't sound/look good" types of comments are pretty nom

...super nom

And that "I don't want him to talk more than he has to" thing (I'm on mobile so I don't have the word-to-word quote, sorry) is just :heart:

And the stuffy talk and the implications of there maybe being some mess idk nom

Definitely looking forward to any future chapters of this : D

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Sorry I haven't updated in about a week I've been away for the holidays and I finally have a stable internet connection!!! :sweatdrop:

Since I'm still a bit new I was wondering how I could edit things since reading back there are a few mistakes I and my spellcheck have made...Anyway, on to part 3!


“Can you get a wet cloth and thermometer for me please?” Hiyori, being the daughter of a doctor put herself in charge of Yato’s care. “Oh, and maybe an extra blanket from the spare closet?”

Yukine shuffled out of the attic and down the stairs leaving Hiyori for a while. He found a cloth and blanket easily but was having difficultly with the thermometer. He had checked in all the cabinets he could think of but had no luck. He was in the middle of tearing up the kitchen when Daikoku walked in.

“Looking for something?” The older man chuckled lightly seeing Yukine jump.

“Ah! Oh, um do you have a thermometer somewhere by any chance?”

“There’s one in the bathroom medicine cabinet.” Daikoku leaned on the counter as Yukine face palmed for forgetting to check there, “So did that master of yours finally accept that he’s sick?”

“How did you know he was sick?”

“Well, I saw him this morning, he didn’t look too good. Anyway I’ve been a shinki a longer time than you have and have taken care of the missus while she was sick. Only thing that’s hard with Yato is getting him to admit it and his complaining gets annoying.”

“How do you care for a god when they’re sick? Like is this some kind of godly cold or divine flu?”

“There really is no difference between human and god sicknesses. The only thing different for a god is the fever brought on from blights. Don’t worry; he probably just has a cold.” Daikoku laughed as he got up and ruffled the short blonde’s hair, “I’ll give you the rest of the day off from the shop to watch him. Just make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid to make himself worse, but the only problem is that we’re all out of medicine.”

“Ok, thanks!” Yukine beamed as he wetted the cloth and grabbed the thermometer.


Hiyori sighed and rubbed the sweat off her forehead as she admired her hard work. Yato was now laid out on his futon with half his face covered by a cloth and thermometer hanging slightly out of his mouth looking uncomfortable.

“Do you know if they have any medicine?” Hiyori asked as set another blanket on Yato’s shivering form, “He’s gonna need some soon.”

“Daikoku said that they’re all out, we’ll have to get some more I guess.”

The two went out of the room closing the door behind them. Yukine thought about his conversation with Daikoku earlier. He knew that dealing with Yato was a daily struggle itself, but was it really even more difficult when he’s sick? He really wasn’t looking forward to the next for days if it was true. All he could do was hope and pray that it wasn’t.


“hheh’ECHU! He’EXCHU! ECHOO! NIXCHU!” The rapid fire sneezes sent Yato in a sitting up position. His head swam badly as he tried to comprehend what had happened to wake him up. He felt his nose running freely and tried to cover up his face.

He removed one of his hands and moved it across the floor blindly looking for tissues to clean himself with. In the end he came up empty handed.

He snuffled wetly against his hand and cringed at the squelching sound it made. It made him slightly disgusted with himself and annoyed at the same time.

His hand found his fluffy fluff scarf and without thinking, crushed it against his nose in time to catch another round of sneezes, “Hi’CHU! NexSHOO! HirSHOO!...guuhh”

His whole face was steaming now, complete with tears running down his face with the force of the sneezes. He rose unsteadily and stayed close to the wall for support, heading out the door and downstairs, only stopping to blow his nose noisily and look in the mirror fixing his appearance a bit. It was already embarrassing enough to show weakness so he could at least try to look presentable.


“Wow Yatty! I heard those sneezes all the way down here hehe! Bless you~!” Kofuku chirped from the kotatsu as she ate an orange. Yato’s face went red with embarrassment.

“Cad you tur’d ub the heat? Id’s freezi’g id here!” Yato shook and hugged himself to emphasize his point.

“Huh? Well if you think so, sure.” The pink haired girl got up and moved to the wall across the room and turned up a small dial.

Daikoku walked back into the house and noticed Yato leaning on the wall and Kofuku sat back down. Taking in the state of dress the male god was in, he shook his head. Hiyori and Yukine must have taken off his wet clothes but failed to give him something warmer to wear in return. He was trying to fight a cold in nothing but a thin Capyper shirt with matching boxers.

“Yato,” the god looked up at Daikoku and realized he must have been zoned out, “sit down before you pass out, I don’t want to drag your ass back up the stairs.”

“I won’d pass oud…I’b just…suuhhh…so cold. Nex’CHU! Ahh’CHOO!”

The tall man ran a hand through his dark hair and moved to walk down the hallway. “Just stay there till I come back then.”

Yato tried to huff and act annoyed but it just caused a painful coughing fit that left him doubled over.

“Yato-chaaan, do you want some tea? I could make you some if you want, it’ll help that cough, your throat, and maybe even warm you up a bit.”

“Thad be gread.” Yato slumped against the wall and blew his nose into his scarf again.

“You know that’s your favorite scarf and not a tissue right?” Kofuku’s head popped up from the entry to the kitchen, making Yato look at his scarf and pout in realization. “I can wash it later.”

Daikoku walked back into the main room with a big bulky gray sweatshirt and a pair of red plaid sleep pants tucked under his arm. Yato watched him as he walked up the stairs to the attic, and as they say: curiosity killed the cat, so he followed the man.

“Where’s Yukine?” Yato broke the silence as he put on the offered clothes and Daikoku fixed the blankets on the futon.

“He and Hiyori went to get medicine since we ran out.”

“How long was I out’d for?”

“About two and a half hours,” Daikoku pulled back the covers so Yato could climb back in after changing, “Instead of trying to play twenty questions just change and go back to sleep, it’ll make you feel so much better and save your voice.”

“I feel fide, dabbit…” Yato scowled as he realized just how hoarse he already sounded and fished out another tissue from the box Kofuku gave him to blow his nose, and then crawled into in warm, inviting futon.


“Yatty! I have your tea!” Kofuku raced up the stairs with Yato’s tea in hand but ended up tripping on the last step. Daikoku, being fast at reacting, caught the mug before anything could be spilled. He set the tea next the Yato, who in turn rolled over and reached out for it while being under a mountain of blankets.

Kofuku and Daikoku then retreated back downstairs, which was now like a sauna.

“Kofuku, did you turn up the heat?” Daikoku asked pulling at the collar of his shirt.

“Yeah! Yatty wanted it turned up cause he was cold so I turned it fully up.” She smiled up at the man who was now across the room looking at the dial.

“Well, It’ll be like this for a while. I’ll open some window to try and cool it down.”

“Ohhhh! We can have a spa! Or a Sauna!” Kofuku clapped and went to change into a swimsuit. “You change too!”

Daikoku frowned but did as told and soon walked into the kitchen to prepare some drinks. He came back to find benches placed in the room and the lights dimmed being lit with candles. Sitting down and closing his eyes, he actually started to relax a bit. That was, until the front door opened.


“Hiiiiiyoriiiin! Yukki!” Kofuku hugged Hiyori and Yukine as they came in and smiled widely, “Welcome to the sauna!!”

“S-sauna?” Both Yukine and Hiyori said in unison looking thoroughly confused.

“Just humor her for a bit.” Daikoku said nonchalantly with his eyes still closed and leaning back against the bench.

“Well, um I don’t have my swimsuit so I guess I can’t! I’ll…uh, just go up and watch Yato.” Hiyori backed away slowly from the grabby hands of Kofuku.

“Why’s it so hot in here in the first place?” Yukine, who was standing in the corner feeling forgotten, asked.

“Yatty was cold and wanted the heat turned up!” The poverty god forgot about Hiyori long enough for the girl to slip away and run for the stairs.

“She put the heat up to max, it’ll be a while before the temperature is back to normal.” Her shinki answered clearly.

“I see… well, I’m going upstairs now. Night.”

After forcing Yato awake and forcing him to take the medicine, Yukine was exhausted and by the looks of it so was Yato. The shinki watched his master’s eyes start to droop as the medicine kicked in. Hiyori had just left, which let Yato finally cut the act and show just how tired he really was.

Yukine finished the last page of his homework and turned around to put the books away, when a harsh tickle started in his nose. He sniffed and tried to ward it away but it stayed. He grabbed a tissue from the box close to his sleeping master and tried his best to stifle the incoming sneezes by pinching his nose. “isshu! Escht! Xcthh! Dammit Yato! You better not havemade mmeh… haaa… hi’chu! ugggghhhh…sick.”


poor Yukine!! XD oh well, next chapter is gonna be so fun to write with both Yato and Yukine being sick hehe~

Also thank you all who comment!! I really love getting feedback ^^

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I'm too tired to think of anything smart to say



This chapter is awesome

Nice job < 3

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AH! How is this my first time seeing this! It was so amazing, now Yukine's all sick, and so's Yato and, I just *Faints* :stretcher:

Seriously, I can't wait for more!

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Wow, Thank you everyone for commenting XD this seems to be going very good so far and I'm so happy everyone's enjoying it so far! This is part 1 of ch 4, I was in a rush because I wanted this done by my birthday, today lol but I could only get part one done with being so busy :sweatdrop: Anyway, enjoy!!! and as promised a sick Yukine, hehe


“Yado, look whad you did to mbe!” Yukine was beyond annoyed with his master for getting him sick.

Yato remained silent and let the kid vent out on him, being sick was one thing but now he had new problems himself. His shinki’s attitude was starting to give him a major headache, he wasn’t getting stung, but at a time like this it was just as bad.

The two were currently situated on opposite ends of the very small couch downstairs in front of the TV. Yukine’s eyes fixed on Yato in a glare as the god pretended not to notice.

Kofuku walked into the room holding two mugs of tea and took in how tense the air felt. “Um, do you guys need anything else?”

“Nod really, bud mbore tissues would be grea’d.” Yato fished around in his pocket for his last one and blew his nose loudly.

“Ok, well me and Daikoku are gonna be gone for a while. I think Hiyori said she would come over later to check on you both. Cya later~!” Kofuku chirped as she dragged Daikoku out the door.


It had been about two hours since Kofuku and her guide had left the house. The movie on the TV had been coming to end by then as the credits rolled up the screen. Yukine was asleep leaning slightly on Yato; it was rare to see the two in a position like this.

Yato reached over and brushed back the kid’s bangs to feel his forehead, sure enough he had a nice fever. It wasn’t good to have it go unchecked, so he pushed himself up and put pillows in his place to have Yukine lean on.

He went into the bathroom and took his own temperature, which wasn’t any better than before. At least he could think better than yesterday, so he guessed that would count as a plus. He grabbed the box of fever patches and a roll of toilet paper, which for now would be a good substitute for tissues.

Wavering slightly, he stopped walking and put a hand to the wall for support. He could feel a sneeze coming from the back of his sinuses, as he parts his lips and pants in preparation for the sneeze. Within seconds, he throws his head back and snaps forward again. “Hexchuh! It’chu!”

He ripped off a piece of the paper to blow his nose again and rubs it rather harshly. He knew his nose was starting to get chapped since his skin under it stung and felt cracked. He could just imagine what it looked like right now; maybe it shined like Rudolf’s bright red nose. Yato snorted to himself in amusement only causing more snot to trickle down his face.

“Damb, I’b like a faused…”

Somehow, luck had been on his side today, he made it back and moved the pillows to make room. After putting a patch on his and his shinki’s foreheads he wrapped the blankets around their shoulders. Peaceful silence filled the room until all that could be heard were the soft congested snores of a god and his shinki.


Yukine was woken up abruptly as he felt movement by his leg, which isn’t always the best sign. Pushing off of his designated pillow (Yato) he scans his surroundings and notices his master’s phone vibrating beside him, it must have fallen out of his pocket.

“Yado, wake ub,” Yukine shook onto said man’s shoulder earning him an incoherent ‘nnnwaah?’

“Why’d you ha’be to wake mbe ub?” Yato, who was a little more than disgruntled, opened his eyes with a glare already in place.

“Check your pho’de, stu’bit! Id’s dot Hiyori so I’b dot a’dswering id.”

Yato grabbed the phone and looked at the caller ID; it must have been a job. He blew his nose one last time and cleared his throat.

“Hello! Thank you for calling delivery god, Yato!” He tried his best not to sound croaky, but ended up having to use a slightly lower tone of voice. The rest of the conversation consisted of Yato going, “uh huh…uh huh… *snnff* ok, I’ll be right there.”

“A job call? Don’d tell mbe you’re actually godda go oud like thad…” Yukine crossed his arms after Yato hung up. The shinki got up from the couch and watched as Yato stuffed his pockets with unofficial ‘tissues’.

“I habe to, plus id’s an easy ode so you cad stay here if you wand.” Yato started for the stairs to go and change into his normal attire, except his scarf which was still soiled with things he wouldn’t like to mention at the moment.

“Whadever,” Yukine snatched the roll of toilet paper off the coffee table, flopped back onto the couch, and blew his chapped nose, “and don’t come back unless you bring actual tissues home. I have a sensitive nose, dammit.”

“Yeah, yeah whadever you say pri’dcess.” Yato, once again fixed his appearance in the mirror by the front door.

“Why bother? You’ll still look like shit anyway.” Yukine deadpanned as he just looked at Yato with a bored expression. Yato took a step back and put a hand over his chest as if he was offended. Talk about stinging someone’s last bit of pride and ripping it to pieces.

“Stubid kid,” Yato muttered as he put on his trademark boots. He stood up and grabbed the door handle, flinging it wide open as a burst of cold air greeted him. He pulled the collar of his sweatsuit up to try and cover more of his face, but a strange sound made him turn around and look back at the blond on the couch.

“Xxich! Nichu! Bixchu!” Yukine had his face buried in his elbow, eyes closed tightly. He opened his eyes to see Yato grinning smugly at him. “What?”

“Has anyone ever told you how cute you sneeze? It’s like a kitten.” Yato knew this would tick his shinki off since he knew he hated being called cute in any way, shape, and form. He laughed hard when he saw the kid flush a deep red and try to cover it up with a pillow. Yato was doubled over nearly choking on his own laugh/coughs but somehow manages to avoid the pillow thrown by Yukine, escaping out the door before anymore come flying.

‘Heh, so was that the thanks I get for taking care of him while he was out? Oh well, I got enough revenge for now…’ He thought grinning before teleporting to his next job.


The job went pretty smoothly as expected, after all if had been another babysitting job. Watch the kid for an hour while the mother was out shopping, get paid, head back home. What made it even better was that the kid slept the whole time which let Yato slip out of the house for about five minutes to get the tissues promised to Yukine.

After the mother came home, Yato left and ported back to Kofuku’s. His aiming must have been messed up as he appeared in front of Yukine, nearly scaring him to death. Yato rolled his eyes at all the insults that was spit out at him and just silently held up a plastic bag.

“Do you want these or not?” He really wasn’t feeling like arguing with the kid anymore. His headache was starting to come back full force, why wouldn’t the kid just go back to sleep? It was much better and quieter then.

Yukine shut his mouth and looked away. He understood that his master was getting tired of his attitude, but he couldn’t help it. I mean come on, the reason he’s sick in the first place is because of his master.

He watched Yato move closer and put a box on the table in front of him. He remained silent until his master lower himself back onto the couch, closing his eyes.

“I’b sorry, I just get into bad mboods when I’b not feeling well…” Yato ran a hand threw him now unkempt hair, “Just do mbe a favor and take a nab or something, you’re givi’g mbe a headache again.”

That actually didn’t sound like a bad idea to the blond. Chancing one last glance at the wall clock he closed his beautiful reddish orange eyes that seemed to glow even more with fever. ‘2:18 PM’ he mentally noted, ‘Hiyori should be out of school soon…’


Ok so this was only part 1 of ch 4, I'll try to have part 2 up by Sunday or Monday. Probably Monday thou. Hope you all are enjoying it so far!!! and once again thank you for the comments it means a lot to me, I love getting feedback, you're all so sweet and it makes me very happy to read them! ^^

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I'm so happy to see this :)

glad to hear :D I cant wait to finish up part 2 for everyone but for now try to bear with me lol XD

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I really like the Yato-taking-his-own-fever part (and I would have done a selective quote of that because it's just that beautiful but I'm on mobile) as well as several other things (lol)


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No babies!!! Don't fight you all need to rest and get better sweethearts need some love~ <3

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Hey everyone, sorry I'm two days late on this hehe :sweatdrop: <~I notice I use this a lot lol

but hey! better late than never, right? Hope you all enjoy ch4 part 2!!!


Hiyori looked up at the clock, today seemed to be taking ten times longer than usually. It wasn’t like today was a bad day or anything, it was actually pretty average. It was probably just because she knew she would rather be at Kofuku’s house watching over a certain god. That had to be why the day was taking forever to end, it makes perfect sense.

She tapped her fingers on the desk as she watched the hands of the clock slowly move. This normally wasn’t how she acted in school; she always listened closely and took good notes. However, today was different. She hadn’t been paying any attention and had scribbles all over her notebook, but she really didn’t care. She could get someone else’s notes if it was important.

Everyone rose from their seats and stormed out of the door when the bell signaled the end of class. Before leaving, the girl checked her phone. It was strange to not have gotten a tweet or at least a text from Yato. Normally he would spam her until she answered.

She bit her lip and stuffed her cell phone back in her pocket as she walked to class. When she walked into the room everyone was sitting on top of the desks and were talking. Ignoring everyone, she took a seat in her desk and was about to text the god until the principle walked into the room and stood in front of the podium to speak. Everyone rushed to stand up off the desks and act innocent, Hiyori hid her phone under the desk.

“Your teacher is absent for the day and as you all know most of our staff has been out sick. Since we have no other substitute teachers left and I have paperwork sitting on my desk needing to get done, you may all leave school early. If you don’t have a ride you may wait in the library or cafeteria until the other classes have ended, class dismissed.”

Hiyori chose to walk home instead of waiting for her bus. She let her mind wander as she walked down the street, red umbrella above her head protecting her from the falling snow. Normally her phone would vibrate every five seconds, but today it was wasn’t. This was beyond strange. Naturally, she was worried and began to debate whether or not to text him to see if he was ok. She decided against it however, assuring herself that he was fine having Yukine with him.


Yato was sprawled out across the couch as he idly flipped through the channels on the TV. He hadn’t been paying attention and was starting to nod off until an irritated voice next to him spoke up.

“Just pick ode already” The blonde huffed and propped his arm onto the end of the couch.

Yato opened his eyes and pouted, “I’b your mbaster, you’re nod mbine.” He finished by swinging his head to the side trying to not look at the kid.

Yukine saw his chance to steal the remote out of the god’s hands, leaving Yato briefly stunned.

“Hey!” Yato rasped out, instantly regretting it, causing his shinki to grin cheekily. Yukine turned the TV off and tossed the remote across the room, landing with a dull thud.

“Ha! Careful dot to lose your voice. Od second thoughd, go for id. Id’ll be mbuch quieter thad way.”

“Why are you so mbean to mbe? I didn’d do anythi’g today yed…” Yato sniffled and acted hurt trying to get a shred of guilt or maybe even some sympathy out of the shinki. Yukine didn’t seem moved and just looked Yato in the eye with a bored expression.

“If you wand an apology, don’d be ex’becting ode oud of mbe. Anyway, you failed bme.”

“How so?” Yato, with the attention span about the size of a gold fish, tilted his head questionably.

“You boughd the smallesd boxes of d’issues and now we’re oud again,” the shinki lifted up the empty box next to him and pointed to the one next to Yato, “see?”

Yato seemed to be mouthing the word ‘Oh…’ and ran a finger under his nose before getting up to stretch.

“I’ll ged the toile’d paper again.”

Yukine sank further into the couch to wallow in self pity. He wasn’t like his master at all. He didn’t approve of having a red nose; it only made your nose seem to be even more irritated and sensitive. The skin underneath it seemed to be chapped already as he rubbed the nose.

“Why mbe,” He muttered miserably into the blanket as he pulled it up. His nostrils flared as he tried desperately trying to breathe through his nose causing it to scrunch up. However it was all in vain since he felt the inside swell closed again and a new sensation filled it instead. Another sneeze? Really, every time I don’t have a tissue handy, Yukine mentally moaned and tried to pinch the bridge of his nose to ward it off.

He pressed his mouth into a firm line, attempting to hold it in, but only seemed to make him needier for relief. This was it, the last thing he could do was try to muffle it with his hand and pray that Yato didn’t hear or else he’d never hear the end of it.

gxxch! extch!

That probably wasn’t the best idea, mused the blonde as he hurried to hide the mess he created. He should have known this would happen if he tried to sneeze out of his nose, especially having not blown it in a while.

Yato walked beck into the room and looked at the kid hiding behind the blanket and smiled knowingly. The god tossed the roll into the younger boy’s lap before falling gracelessly onto the couch with his own wad of toilet paper.

The kid quickly snatched up the roll, not caring that he had refused it earlier, and blew hard into a piece he had ripped off. Next he tried his best to wipe off his hands which had been covered in snot. At least he could breathe again which was a relief to some extent.

“Thanks,” taking in a deep breathe the kid sighed.

“No prob, you needed it anyway. Come here, I wanna check something.”

Yukine did as told and leaned over to his master with an exhausted look in his eyes. Yato peeled off the now warm fever patch. Either it had worn out or this kid had one hell of a fever.

“When did that get there?”

“I put it on you a few hours ago while you were asleep,” Yato held back his bangs to take his own patch off.

Yato moved his head closer to his shinki, bumping foreheads with him. He didn’t seem like the caring type but when it came to his shinki, he cared and did his best to help out when he could.

“You still habe a high fever, how about you try and sleep sombe mbore? It mbight helb.”

Yato moved away to get up, but Yukine grabbed his wrist. The god turned back and couldn’t help but to stare into his shinki’s pleading eyes. He, for once, didn’t know how to repond.

“Yado, you habe ode too, Sday here. Waid for Hiyori to ged here, she’ll helb us.”

“Yeah I kndow, but I deed to care for you. It’s my res’bonsibility.”

“We’re both sick, Yado. How cad a sick person take care of a’dother sick person?”

“Good poind, bud hey, I’b tryi’g. Let mbe ub, I was goi’g to ged us sombe meds.” Yato tried to get up again as Yukine released his grasp.

“Cad you ged mbe sombe tea too? Mby thoad’s killi’g mbe.”

“Thad’s ac’ually a good idea, sure.”


Hiyori walked through the park near Kofuku’s house, the heavy snow had stopped a few minutes again and light flurries slowly fell down. She took in how beautiful it looked, everything looked so clean and pure while it was cloaked in white.

Kofuku’s house came into view. As the girl walked up to the entrance she noticed Daikoku’s car was gone, meaning that he and his missus had gone out.

She walked up to the door, slid it open and called inside, “Yato, Yukine-kun?”

Yato’s head shot up from where it had been resting on the kotatsu table, he thought he had heard Hiyori but he wasn’t sure. He got up anyway and padded over to the counter to finish making the tea.

Hiyori took off her boots and set them aside before walking around the house, she heard a TV on somewhere so she went to check the living room first. She walked in and saw Yukine wrapped up in a blanket focused on the TV.

“Hey, Yukine-kun, where’s Yato at?”

“He’s maki’g tea for us, I thin’g he’s id the ki’ched.”

“Eh? Are you sick, too?” Hiyori moved closer to the boy on the couch and rested her hand on his forehead, “You’ve got quite the fever, Yukine-kun.”

“So I’be heard…” He grumbled in reply as Yato walked back into the room with two mugs and a blanket hung around his shoulders.

“I habe the tea and I found another blanket—Oh, hey Hiyori”

Hiyori looked at the god and frowned at him, somehow she knew that this would happen. She said nothing in return as she walked over to him and grabbed the cups. Just as the girl had expected, the god followed after her to the couch. She gave one cup to Yukine, who gratefully accepted it, and the other was put on the table. Yato wordlessly obeyed and sat down when the girl motioned for him to.

“Why are you trying to do things when you know that you can’t? You’re in no shape for this.”

“I habe to”


“’Cause Yukide is sick too, he combes first in timbes like this.”

“Well, I’m here now, so you can relax. Here, you look like your freezing.” Hiyori took off her scarf and wrapped it around Yato’s neck and smiled, “That’s for doing a good job trying to care for him.”


“Yato!” Hiyori yelled when she saw the god walk into the kitchen, “Go lay back down, I told you to relax!”

“Bud Hiyori, you kdow I odly do wishes for fibe yed…”

“Who said that was a wish?”

“Awww combe on,” Yato whined as he was dragged back to the couch by Hiyori. Geez, why did have to be so strong all the time!? I mean, being sick was a good excuse but seriously, this girl was super human (mostly in ayakashi form, but still!).

Yato hid his face in the girl’s scarf as she guided him. The fabric tickled the bottom of his nose which caused it to start swelling even more as it grew irritated again, and just when he thought he had it under control too.

He sniffed wetly as he pawed at his poor nose. Hiyori stopped pulling after they had come close to the couch; she now dug through her pocket for something.

Yato slowly sat down as the pressure in his head began to build up as he held back the sneeze. Why did it also have to happen when he was so close to Hiyori? The least he could do was make it as discreet and quiet as possible. He knew he could be gross, but doing this in front of a girl (let alone Hiyori of all people)…he just couldn’t bring himself to it. No matter if she thought it was okay or not, it just wasn’t professional, as he liked to call it.

It was starting to get unbearable, his nose twitched uncontrollably and the pressure made his head pound. He spared a glace at the half ayakashi girl to see her looking oblivious to his panic as she tried to find something, he didn’t know what, but at this point he didn’t care. He grabbed the first thing he saw available to him, which just so happened to be the pillow next to him, and smashed his head into it just in time to jerk forward.

Kitsuh! Hict’uah! Nexxch! heh’ich!” He felt the warm spray and something wet leaking from his nose on the pillow, he didn’t dare lift his head, instead he peered above it to see Hiyori staring at him.

“Bless you!” She chirped as she tried to stifle a laugh.

Yato did his best to try and clean his face with the pillow, but it really wasn’t working out for him much to his displeasure. He eventually gave up but kept his head in the pillow and peeked above it again. He narrowed his eyes at the girl as she raised an eyebrow at his new expression.

“I’b raisi’g mby price, fibe yed and a box ob tissues.”


Once again thank you all for the nice feedback! I really do appreciate it and I hope everyone likes this so far

I'm thinking about having one last chapter just to wrap this all up (ch 5) and maybe having Bishamon make an entrance lol

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...I meant to go sleep but thn I noticed you had posted another part

Damn that's hot


...pfft Yato probably wouldn't be pleased if he lost his voice : D (which makes it all the more alluring tbh)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love how both of them are sick now! Such a cute little duo they are!

I totally agree ^^^^ very cute fic especially because of the great dynamic between the two. Great job! Thanks for sharing this with us. It's very fun to read. :clapping2:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay everyone!! Here's the last chapter of 'Why try and hide it?' I'm glad you all have enjoyed it and I hope you still do!! I had a ton of fun writing this fic so I hope it was fun to read~!

and I also wanna have a shout out for Sitruuna because they have been commenting and following this fic since it started, thanks!! ^^


Ch. 5



It seemed like the day went by slower than normal. Both Yato and Yukine were asleep but in different rooms since they kept arguing. Daikoku and Kofuku were in the kitchen making something for lunch, which left Hiyori sitting on the couch next to the sleeping god of calamity.


She turned her attention away from the TV and looked over at the god. His face seemed to be getting some color back, but it was still too pale. Hiyori moved to get up and gently pulled Yato so that he was lying down instead of sitting. After pulling up his blanket, the tailed girl brushed the hair out of the god’s sweaty face. In return, Yato rolled his head to face where Hiyori was unconsciously, causing the girl to smile. She didn’t want to leave Yato’s side but she knew she had to also check on Yukine-kun.


Hiyori was in the process of walking up the stairs when there was a knock at the door. She turned around and went to the foot of the hall just as Daikoku walked out of the kitchen toward the door wiping his hands with a towel.


“Stay there,” Daikoku stopped Hiyori before she could come closer to the door, “let me see who it is before you come out.” Hiyori hid herself behind the wall and peeked out to watch the man pull the blanket over Yato’s head and throwing a pillow on top of him as if to hide him. The girl opened her mouth to question the action but quickly shut it when he moved to open the door.


Daikoku slid open the door to reveal Bishamon who stood beside Kazuma.




“B-Bishamon” Daikoku panicked inwardly seeing the warrior god who still wasn’t on good terms with Yato just yet, “may I ask why you’re here?”


“I’ve come for the vent opening report, the ayakashi sightings are starting up more frequently and I need to cut back on them.” The warrior god looked up slightly to meet the taller male shinki in the eye.


“I see” Daikoku’s grip on the door tightened as he tried to come up with an excuse to make them leave. He moved to the side to let the guests in, Bishamon first and then Kazuma.


“I’ll explain everything later, just play along.” Daikoku whispered to Kazuma as he passed by. At first he looked confused, but Kazuma nodded in agreement and followed his master.


“Is Lady Kofuku here, Daikoku?” The blessed vessel looked at the couch then turned to face the other shinki. He knew something was being hidden under the blankets and pillows, but he chose to keep quiet until Daikoku could explain.


“The missus doesn’t want guests today, I’m sorry, but it’s an order.” Daikoku bowed deeply, trying to hide his face.


“Is she sick? I’ve heard that some gods have caught colds due to there being too many ayakashi running around.” Bishamon unzipped her long coat and began walking to the hall where Hiyori hid.


“Bishamon-sama! W-wait the missus--!” Daikoku sputtered before Kazuma quickly reacted and caught up with his master.


“Veena, we should obey Lady Kofuku’s request. We can always come back in a few days to collect the report.”


“Well, I suppose we can wait, but we need to cut down on their numbers. Kazuma, stay here and try to get any information about sightings.”


Bishamon turned and went back over to the door, Kazuma following close behind. Daikoku was about to sigh in relief, this was going far better than he expected, that was until—




The mound of blankets shook ever so slightly causing Daikoku’s blood to run cold. Kazuma looked over at the couch and noticed purplish-black hair sticking out from under the blanket, he met Daikoku’s eye and gave a quick nod. Bishamon had focused on the hallway, giving Kazuma enough time to adjust the blanket and pull it back over Yato’s head.


“Lady Kofuku? Bless you,” Bishamon advanced toward the hall once again, “are you alright?”


Hiyori stood frozen, she had to think of something quick but right now her mind went at the speed of light. Kofuku quietly snapped her fingers to get the girl’s attention and put a finger to her lips, a sign to keep quiet.


“Bisha,” Kofuku spoke as if it hurt to talk and gave a pitiful cough, “the reason I don’t want guests today is because I don’t want to get anyone else sick, especially you~! But if you want, I can have Daikoku give Kazu-kun a few reports.”  


Hiyori gapped, speechless at Kofuku’s performance. When the bubbly god of poverty was serious she could do some pretty amazing things.  


“Of course, I’ll be taking my leave then. You should go soak in some purified water, it may help a little.” The female god of war made her way out the door to where Kuraha laid in the grass sleeping. She patted the lion’s head to wake him and sat on his back while he stretched.


“Kazuma, meet us back at Takamagahara when you’re done. We’ll start hunting ayakashi tomorrow.”


As soon as Bishamon was out of ear shot, Daikoku patted Kofuku’s head, “That’s my missus!”




Yato woke up and stretched as he got off the couch. He didn’t know what time it was but on the other hand he really didn’t care. The blanket from the couch was now slung over the god’s shoulders and the pillows spread out on the floor. Yato didn’t bother trying to pick them up; he simply walked around them and made his way into the kitchen.


“Daikoku can you make me some chazuke?” Yato slipped under the kotatsu and rested his head on the table causing Kofuku to look up from her magazine.


“He’s in the other room with Kazu-kun and Hiyorin is upstairs with Yukki, want me to make you some?”    


“Kazuma’s here?” Yato lifted his head suddenly getting interested in the conversation, “Since when?”


“Well he and Bisha came to collect an ayakashi report—“


“Wait that skank was here?!” Yato’s voice cracked as he cut off Kofuku, “Did she know I was here?”


“Yatty don’t be so loud,” Kofuku set a cup of tea down in front of the male god, “and don’t worry I took care of it. Kazu-kun is the only one who knows and he’s here to help~! Did you want any toppings on the chazuke?”


“I owe ya one and it doesn’t matter.”


“Sure~! But, didn’t you clear everything up with Bisha?”


“Yeah, but I don’t feel like pushing my luck while I’m like this. Yukine and I wouldn’t stand a chance while we’re still sick.”


“Well, she did have a good idea when I was acting. You and Yukki should go soak in the bath with purified water, it might not be blight but I’m sure it’ll help. You can do it now while I’m making your food if you want~.”




Yato slipped into the slightly steaming water and let his muscles relax. The steam rose slowly and floated in different directions. He found amusement in puffing out air and making the fog swirl in different directions.


A bang at the door brought him out of his own little world, “Yatty, lunch is ready and Yukki’s awake now.”


Yato looked dumbly at the door for a second as his mind registered. He made a noise of acknowledgement as he got up and grabbed for the towel.


After changing he walked to the living room to sit down. Yukine was sitting on the couch next to Hiyori as they watched some movie that happened to be on. He wordlessly approached as sat on the other side of the tailed girl. In return she raised her hand and put it on the god’s forehead making him open his eyes wide in surprise.


“Your fever’s gone down,” Hiyori said with a relieved smile, “are you feeling any better?”


“Yeah, but my nose is still clogged on one side. At least my headache went away earlier, how’re you doing Yukine?”


“About the same as you but I still have a bad cough that hurts my throat.”


“You might wanna take some more medicine later. Did Kazuma leave?”


“Yeah about a half hour ago, you were in the bathroom.”


“Oh, anyway you should go take a bath in the purified water; it really helps, trust me.” Yato winked and stuck his tongue out making the shinki roll his eyes.


“I’ll do it later—“


“Here you go~! Chazuke for everyone!” Kofuku came bounding out of the kitchen almost spilling the bowls that she held onto; Daikoku followed his god with a ramune in his hand. He handed Hiyori the bottle after he popped it open for the girl.


“Don’t spill any on the furniture and I don’t want to see any leftovers, you two!”


Yato and Yukine simultaneously gulped and were silent until Yato mumbled, “Yes, Daikoku-papa.” Yukine looked at Yato; he couldn’t believe the god was this brave and stupid for stressing the last word.




Yukine took his turn in the bath as Yato and Hiyori continued to sit on the couch. The god was once again sleeping on Hiyori as he took up most of the couch lying sideways with his head on the girl’s lap.


The girl focused on the TV, since the god had given her control of the remote, she had been busy for the past few days and had been missing her favorite show which was currently on. Her fingers found their way into the god’s slightly damp hair and played with a few strands. She soon lost interest in the show and looked down at the god’s face,


“I hope you feel better tomorrow, Yato.”




Well this a bit shorter than I expected but I still like it and I hope you all did too! :D thank you for staying with my fic and reading it ^^

I'm also going to start on a Blue Exorcist fic soon too so watch out for it!!

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Oh I got a special mentioning .///.

It has been a pleasure to follow&read this story (:

What a sweet ending. The whole Bishamon thing was pretty funny (in the good way) : D


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