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Don't forget (Percy jackson fanfiction, (secret Santa for Pinkiepie))


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Percy heard his name being called. He heard Annabeth calling for him but in his mind it was to early to be awake.

"Percy.... Percy..." He heard, it sounded kind of far away he felt himself regaining consciousness, the sound was getting closer, closer, closer till Percy opened his eyes.

Percy looked around before spotting Annabeth looking over him. He gave her a but of a confused look.

"You overslept" Annabeth said, getting up and walking around the cabin. She looked out to the lake the sun already in the sky. "If you get ready quick you might not miss breakfast" she said looking over to see Percy slowly getting out of bed. "And since I have training I will have to leave you to it, have fun seaweed brain" she said planting a soft kiss to his lips before exiting the cabing.

Percy started to get ready as quickly as he could. He really didn't want to miss breakfast again for the third time that week. Percy went in to his bathroom brushed his hair and teeth before rushing out down to meet Grover. What Percy didn't remember to do that morning was take his allergy pills and man was he going to be sorry about that.

Percy had found Grover at their usual table.

"Man where have ya been breakfast is almost over" Grover pointed out as classes would start in about 20 minutes.

"I overslept" Percy said, he started to scarf down his food as fast as he could. He wanted to get as much as could get in to his stomach before the day began.

"Percy slow down your going to choke" Grover said watching him show food down his throat. Percy just rolled his eyes and continued to eat.

Percy walked towards the second training area. He was not looking forward to it, usually this class was all about throwing axes and other deadly weapons, which he was never really good at he was always better with a sword. Percy stood in the line of students waiting for the talking to begin, for the techniques to be shown then for him to start.

A couple minutes in to the lecture Percy felt a tickle in his nose, he gave his nose a quick rub underneath it hoping the tickle would go away. It did... For a few minutes, but then the tickle returned...

This time Percy could not just rub under his nose to make it go away. He had to release it. He tried to be quiet but he hadn't had enough time to stifle.

"Heashoo! Hechuoo! Hih-Heachuu!" He sneezed in to the crock of his elbow. It was at that moment Percy had remembered he did not take his allergy medication which meant this was going to be a long day.

Percy made it through the first hour only sneeze about a dozen times, but now was time for capture the flag which meant he had to be stealthy and that was pretty hard to do if your sneezing every five minutes.

Percy was in enmity territory he had to be quick. Except he made the wrong descision of where to walk, as a patch of flowers was not the best idea. The movement of the flowers sent pollen flying and landing directly in Percy's nose. "Oh no..." Percy whispered to himself already feeling the tickle and the build up he had time to stifle these but the just seemed to make him more sneezy.

"Heah'xxng! Hehh... Hesh'xng! Hasch'xnf! Heh.... Huhhh..." Now that Percy had drawn a crowd from the other team he now had one stuck sneeze left. It was stuck and being stubborn. He figurously rubbed at his nose trying to get the tickle to come out or leave.

"HEASSHOO!" He sneezed loudly he finally got the tickle out and was out of the game for being caught, he rubbed at his eyes knowing they were probably red and irritated, as they were watering quite a bit. Percy looked in to the forest and saw Annabeth give him a sympathetic look. All Percy wanted to do was go curl up in his cabin stay away from allergens and just sleep. He was seriously considering not attending his last two classes of the day and he would just stay in bed.

Percy took a tissue that was given to him and gave his nose a small blow trying to relieve allergens, which when you in the forest surrounded by pollen doesn't work.

"Hishuu! Hasheoo! H-heash... Hesch'eu!" His nose was already starting to become a bit pink from the sneezing he was doing, he was even paying attention when the opposite team ran across with their flag. At that point he couldn't have really cared which team had won, just as long as it was over.

Percy sat in the mesh hall at a table with Grover and Annabeth, Thalia had also came to join them. Percy didn't pay attention to the conversation he was so drained from his allergies he couldn't even think properly. After he ate a bit of food he decided he would just go back to his cabin and sleep this off till tomorrow.

"I'm just gonna head to my cabin for a bit I'll see you later" Percy said getting up and walking out in the direction of his cabin. Grover looked confused, as did Thalia.

"Someone forgot to take his allergy meds this morning therefor he is feeling miserable, I'm gonna go check on him I'll see you guys later." Annabeth said also getting up and running after Percy.

Percy made it into his cabin and started stripping his pollen infested clothes, but not without a few sneezes. "Heachuu! Hitchuoo! HASHEUOO!" He gave a small wipe under his nose with his hand.

"Do you always sneeze in three's when you have your allergies?" Annabeth asking from the doorway. Percy jumped not knowing she had followed.

"Usually" Her question was meant to be rhetorical but Percy had awnsered anyway.

Percy rubbed his iratated red eyes a bit.

"Percy stop you'll make them worse" She said walking closer to Percy. She had forgotten to go change her clothes which had millions of small pollen particles and when she moved the flew up into the air everywhere, sending Percy's nose in to a frenzy.

"Heashoo! Hush'oo! Hesh'eu! Hitcheou! Hitchoo! Huh... Hih-Heitchoo! Huuuuhhhh..... Heeeeeeeehhhhhhhh" the big one was coming Annabeth had already stripped her jacket and had out a pair of Percy's sweatpants on hoping that would help.

Percy's nose quivered and flared as it was building. Percy thought it would never end until the amazing feeling of the release.

"HEEEEEEEEAAAAASSHHHOOOOOOOOO!" He sneezed into his elbow. That sneeze had taken a lot out of him he had to sit down on his bed.

"Now let's get you in to bed and I will cuddle with you and make sure you stop rubbing your poor eyes." Annabeth said making sure Percy got in to the bed first. Annabeth laid beside Percy rubbing his back hoping to make him feel a bit better.

That is how Grover found them a couple hours later, Annabeth rubbing a sleeping Percy's back.


So this didn't turn out how I would've liked but after scrapping up 15 times, this is all my brain could muster up. It turned out ok but not how I would've liked. I'm sorry about the ending I just didn't know how to end it. I hope you like it Pinkie as I wrote this for you! Sorry if the characters are off it's been awhile since I've seen Perch Jackson, but I still had lots of fun writing this!

Edited by sneezyroleplay
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