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Life On The Road (Justin Bieber)


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* I haven't seen a Justin Bieber fic on here in forever so I decided to write one! This is basically just an intro to the real story so if you want more just comment and let me know ? *

"Okay so tomorrow you have a photoshoot with Seventeen Magazine, then Thursday you have a radio interview with mix ninety six at nine a.m. and then you have the concert. On Friday you have another radio interview with 103 wave and then the concert. Oh and on the thirteenth you have an interview with people magazine..."

I listened to my manager Melissa drone on and on about all of my upcoming events. We were having our weekly 'team meeting' as she liked to call it, which consisted of my manager, my publicist, my stylist, and occasionally Justin's mom who liked to pop in at random times and find more things to add to my plate.

"What about the meet and greet you and Justin have tomorrow?" She said as she sat down at the table next to me.

Perfect timing, I thought to myself. Because that's what I want to add on top of an already busy schedule.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." My manager said, typing it into her phone.


I heard Justin sneezing from the next room over, but everyone seemed to ignore it so I went back to halfway paying attention to Melissa.

"Are we going to do your hair the same way we did it last night?" My stylist asked.

God I hoped not. She thought it would be a good idea to have a giant ponytail on top my head with purple streaks in it. I wasn't sure what kind of look she was going for, but I knew that looking like a peacock in front of 20,000 people was not something we needed to do again.

"Maybe we could do the same thing but this time in a bun."

I rolled my eyes as she went on about her 'artistic idea'. I honestly wanted her to be fired, but I knew that wasn't my call to make.


I heard Justin sneeze again, and still no one even acknowledged it. For a second I thought I was hearing things, but when he sneezed for a third time, I finally called out,

"Bless you!"

I got no response. I guess I wasn't really expecting one anyway.

"His allergies are always so bad during this time of year." His mom informed me, forgetting the fact that Justin and I had been friends forever.

I had known him since we were kids and he had always been kind of a sneezy person in general, so it would make sense that she would blame all of his sneezing on his allergies, but I knew something else was up. He hadn't moved from

His bed since last night. Justin was never the kind to sleep in late. He was that friend who would wake you up at 9 on a Saturday morning ready to seize the day while you were still wiping drool from the side of your mouth.

"I'll be right back."

I excused myself from our 'meeting' and made my way to Justin's room.

"Hey." I said, taking a seat on the edge of his bed.


I was greeted by two loud sneezes and a wet sniffle.

"Hey Harper." He croaked out.

"You sound awful."

"I feel awful."

I placed my hand on his forehead and winced at the heat that was radiating from it.

"God Justin you're burning up!"

He groaned and buried his face in his pillow, only to muffle two more harsh sneezes.

"I'll be right back." I said, hurrying out of the room.

Edited by ThatSneezyGirl
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  • 2 months later...

*Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but here you go! (PS: I know there's not a lot of sneezing in this part. I promise there will be more in the next part)*



Luckily when I came out of the room, Justin's mom and his manager were nowhere to be found so I could grab some medicine without causing an uproar. I went to the cabinet above the sink and grabbed a bottle of NyQuil as well as a thermometer. I also grabbed a wash cloth and wet it down before returning to Justin's room.

I took my original spot on the bed and took the thermometer out of its plastic case.
"Open." I instructed.
He did as he was told and I stuck the thermometer in his mouth. We waited until it let out a high pitched whine, signifying that it had come to a conclusion on Justin's temperature.
"101.8," I said. "Congratulations, you have a fever."
He celebrated his achievement by breaking into a coughing fit. He turned and buried his face into the crook of his arm, the congested coughs loudly and harshly rumbling out of his chest. His eyes watered with irritation as pain shot through his throat and I handed him a glass of water.
"Thanks." He croaked.
"You're welcome," I brushed his hair off of his sweaty forehead and placed the wet washcloth on it. I poured some of the NyQuil into the cap and handed it to him. "Take this."
"I hate that stuff. It's gross." He whined.
"I know but it'll make you feel better," I said. He stared blankly at me and I sighed in exasperation. "Just take it."
He unwillingly took the medicine and let out another round of coughs.
"Please don't tell Scooter or my mom about this." He said. 
I assumed he was talking about him being sick. I knew I needed to tell them, but they would just start fussing over him, and honestly I would rather fuss over him myself
"I won't."
He smiled at me but his smile suddenly faded into a pre sneeze expression and I quickly handed him a tissue.
"Bless you."
He blew his nose and threw the used tissue on the ground. I stroked his fever flushed cheek with my finger and watched as the medicine started to kick in. His breathing became slower and his eyes were slowly closing. I pulled the blanket up over his shivering frame and tucked it around him to try and retain as much heat as possible and hopefully sweat out his fever. 
"Harper?" He whispered
"Stay with me?"
"Of course."
I smiled, hoping he couldn't see me blushing. He was just so cute when he was sick. I loved it. I laid down in the bed and placed his head on my lap.
"Night....." He trailed off, barely finishing his sentence before falling asleep.
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