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Secret Santa for Paws: Split In Two, I Love You. (Steven Universe)


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So uh I'm your SS, hope you like it :)

Have a nice day :D

Steven Universe- imagine Garnet falling ill (thinking its allergies to Steven's new kitten, Keelo) and splitting, with Ruby having a cold and Sapphire a fever, and the two of them having to care for one another .


Steven's home was quiet since the three other gems were away on a mission, leaving Steven at home.

A few hours later, the warp pod shone and the three gems appeared. An odd sound erupted "heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh.." Garnet fanned her face then sneezed into cupped hands: "Hchnx'gsh hcnx'gsheww!" Garnet split in half and Ruby and Sapphire fell on the ground. Sapphire curled up on herself and shivered on the cold kitchen floor while her other half sniffled and pouted.

Pearl rushed over to them and said "Oh dear! I didn't know gems could get sick!" She picked up both of the small gems and asked Steven to let them sleep in his bed. Steven nodded and said that he would sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag.

Sapphire curled up on herself and Ruby hugged her love. The crimson coloured gem turned away from the blue gem and sneezed uncovered "URSHEWWW" quite violently and fire escaped from her mouth. Steven nearly jumped out of fright. He ducked as the fire almost scorched his curly hair. The ill tempered gem groaned and asked, "Why is this happening to me, Steven?" with congestion creeping in her voice.

Steven shrugged. He wasn't sure how gem illnesses worked. Steven was leaving to go sleepover at Connie's house soon so they would have to figure it out themselves.

Later that evening, Sapphire's powers were going haywire and she was making Steven's bedroom freezing which didn't help her shivering. The blue gem only felt a little warm due to Ruby's radiating heat and the tiny gem would sneeze frequently which caused fire to erupt from her.

Sapphire sneezed into her elbow politely as she had seen Pearl chastise Steven to do. She had a delicate small sneeze that made her snowy white bangs fall even more into her face. "Ish'iew, oh dear excuse me." Sapphire blushed, a light blue dusting her cheeks.

"Uh.. Bless you? I think that's what the human saying is after they sneeze," Ruby said. Sapphire nodded then kissed the small gem on the forehead, making her blush a bright red.

Pearl knocked on the door to check on the sick couple. She entered after she heard Ruby croak "Come in." Pearl gently opened the door to find the two halves that made Garnet snuggling on Steven's bed. Sapphire shivered violently and the elegant tall gem was getting worried towards her small gem friends.

Pearl bent down and felt Sapphire's forehead then left the room. The elegant gem skipped down the stairs then went into Steven's bathroom. She turned on the sink then dampened a cloth; she had seen Greg do this for Steven when he was little. She figured that human cold cures maybe worked on ill gems.

The tall gem walked up the stairs, skipping a few steps here and there then made it to Steven's room. Sapphire and Ruby were still huddled together. Pearl walked over to them and got the blue gem to lay down then she put the cool damp cloth on her forehead. Ruby laid down too and the tall gem tucked them both in bed. They fell asleep; the illness was probably wearing them down. Gems didn't need to sleep though - they rarely did - so Pearl would wake them up if they didn't wake up within an hour because this was starting to worry her.

Sapphire had a feverish nightmare and woke up screaming, alarming Pearl to go rush upstairs to her. Pearl kneeled at the bedside and took the little blue gem in her arms. She hugged the blue gem as she sobbed. Sapphire's breath shook as she sobbed then shook even more as she was preparing to sneeze. "heh-heh-heh-heh-heh" Small little shaky breaths racked her small frame as she gave into the tickle in her nose. Sapphire sneezed on Pearl's shoulder "ish'ew hxn'g" then said "excuse be," and apologized over and over again, sobbing even more. Pearl shushed her and whispered "You're okay, it was just a nightmare. It isn't real," rubbing the little gem's back.

Later that evening, the two small gems were sat on Steven's bed while playing video games on Steven's game console. Ruby was winning and confident until she had to sneeze. She tried hard not to sneeze but alas she couldn't handle the tickle anymore and she sneezed uncovered "USHEWWW USHEWWWW" fire erupting from her mouth. Sapphire jumped in fright then said "Uh b-bless you, sweetie". The blue gem took this opportunity to get ahead in the race - the game they were playing was Mario Kart - and she won. Ruby pouted and crossed her arms, bitter about losing thanks to stupid bodily functions.

Sapphire giggled at how cute the other gem was; her laughter was like a beautiful melody. She giggled until she started coughing violently and Ruby had to rub her back. Ruby got really worried when her love had trouble breathing. "HELP, PEARL. HELP!" Ruby called in a raspy voice.

Pearl rushed upstairs and evaluated the damage. She then went back downstairs to make tea for the little blue gem. Pearl boiled the water then waited a few minutes. A few minutes later, she poured the water into a blue mug and soaked a tea bag in the mug. She let the tea bag sit then threw out the tea bag once the flavor was infused in the water.

The tall gem went upstairs, carrying the cup, then handed the mug to the blue gem.

"Thank you," Sapphire said in a tiny voice then took small sips of the tea. Ruby made sure that her other half was bundled up like a burrito in blankets. The red gem stroked the hair of the white haired gem, she ran her fingers through the snow like locks of hair.

Two hours later, Ruby and Sapphire were alone in Steven's room while Pearl had gone to her own room in the temple. Ruby held Sapphire in her arms, Sapph being the little spoon and the crimson gem the big one. The blue gem sang a lullaby quietly, her soft voice a little raspy.

A few days later, the two small gems were in better health and had fused into Garnet again. All was good and Steven said "Bye bye, Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl!" As they headed towards the warp pad to take on another mission. Garnet made a heart with her hands saying "I love you, Steven". Everything was well until a high pitched sneeze erupted from the elegant petite gem "Ik'shiiii". Pearl had doubled over with a sneeze caught into her fossa. Amethyst said "Oh no, not you to!". Then the scene closed with the star at the end of the show zooming in on them.

The End


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Oh jeez, I JUST got your message about this now! I've been super busy over the last couple of days because of finals, so I really hope I didn't freak you out by not responding sooner. :lol:

This is just precious! And you used one of my scenarios from the summer, which makes me even happier. :D I love the contrast in their sneezes; how Ruby's are so loud and harsh, and Sapphire's are so delicate and small. Sapphire herself is so delicate in this, which is such a sweet concept in and of itself. And I LOVE that Pearl caught their illness at the end of the story!

This was such a wonderful present. Thank you so much, and happy holidays to you! :heart:

Edited by Paws
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Oh jeez, I JUST got your message about this now! I've been super busy over the last couple of days because of finals, so I really hope I didn't freak you out by not responding sooner. :lol:

This is just precious! And you used one of my scenarios from the summer, which makes me even happier. :D I love the contrast in their sneezes; how Ruby's are so loud and harsh, and Sapphire's are so delicate and small. Sapphire herself is so delicate in this, which is such a sweet concept in and of itself. And I LOVE that Pearl caught their illness at the end of the story!

This was such a wonderful present. Thank you so much, and happy holidays to you! :heart:

I'm so glad you liked it ! That was the most important part, that it pleased you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JwvA5an0Lothis is a sneak peak of the next episode of Steven Universe that is coming out on January 4th! I'm so excited as it is a backstory on how Sapphire and Ruby met :)

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