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Cold of a God-Secret Santa for Snowydays


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This is the first time I've ever actually shared a Marvel fanfic, and it's going to be in parts I know not how many just yet. Merry Christmas Snowydays I hope you enjoy some sick Thor!

Thor walked through Asgard in a haze, his thoughts swimming between Jane on Midgard and Loki's treachery that seemed neverending. Mostly, however, he thought of the Avengers. But now was not the time for thinking of his friends; Loki had sent word to him that he wished to make ammends, in private. Though he knew enough of his brother to know better than to trust him, he was still going to meet him with a plan of his own. He would convince his brother to return to Odin with him and face judgement, or subdue him whichever way was more prudent. Crossing the rainbow bridge was easy enough, and he was met straight away by none other than the trickster himself. Thor looked around, remembering well the world of the frost giants, and unease grew inside him. Loki smiled. "Ah, dear brother, I see you got my message."
"I'm here, Loki, though I know not why. Our father nears the Odinsleep as you know and-"
Loki held up a finger. "Your. Father." He began to pace slowly back and forth before Thor. "You remember my true parentage, do you not?"
"I did not come to debate with you Loki." Thor's patience was running thin.
Loki smiled and stopped. "No. You came to bring me back so that I may face the wrath of Odin." He stretched his arms out. "It has been long, brother, yet you haven't changed a bit." Thor was about to respond when he noticed a woman stepping out from behind Loki. He narrowed his eyes. Loki noticed and laughed. "You remember, do you not?"
Thor's hand reached for Mjolnir. "Enchantress."
Loki stepped to the side and the enchantress stepped toward Thor, touching his face. Though every fiber of his being bade him attack, Thor remained in place. Loki laughed. "You wish to see me suffer, brother. Let us instead witness your own suffering, while you are powerless to stand as all of Midgard bows, to me."
Realization dawned on Thor too late, and the enchantress stepped back with a wicked smirk. Thor twirled Mjolnir to create a thunderstorm but Loki just laughed, disappearing with the enchantress before they could be struk. Thor set his jaw and summoned the rainbow bridge, travelling not to Asgard but to Midgard. The Avengers had to be warned of Loki's scheme.
Sorry the first part's so short and no sneezing, consider this the prelude.
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"I'm telling you Jarvis, this is gonna be it."

"Of course, sir."

Tony Stark was tweaking a new Iron Man suit, seemingly oblivious to anything else. "Inlaying the vibranium onto the core will make this baby virtually indestructable."

"It may also make it unstable, Mister Stark."

"Aw only if I push her past her limits. Short of flying into space, this suit will be able to do anything."

"You have already done that once, sir." Jarvis pointed out.

Tony smirked. "Yeah well...Jarvis what are you saying?"

"I'm saying you can sometimes be impulsive, sir. And Thor is on the front lawn."

"Impulsive? I'm never impul-Thor's here? Huh. Well send him in then."

"He's already entered the mansion, Mister Stark. I believe Natasha is on her way to meet him."

In another part of the Avengers mansion, Natasha Rominoff walked with defined steps toward where Thor had come in. She stopped when she saw him, her hands on her hips. "Been awhile. Thought you weren't coming back till things were settled."

"I must speak with Captain America." Thor's voice was urgent and strained.

Natasha raised an eyebrow. "It's two-thirty in the morning Thor. Rogers is-"

"Right behind you." Steve Rogers finished walking toward them, stopping when he was a bit in front of Natasha. He looked at Thor expectingly.

Thor turned his gaze to Steve. "I have news of Loki. He is planning something for your world I know not what, but you must be prepared."

Steve raised his brows. "Again? What do you know?"

"Only that he plans to make all of Earth bow to him. He feels this time I will be powerless to stand against him." Thor sniffed softly, producing nearly no sound.

Natasha crossed her arms. "Loki is the god of trickery. It's possible he's just getting you worked up, given recent history."

"No. Another Asgardian is working with him, the Enchantress. Together their power is nearly without match, even in Asgard."

Tony, having gotten curious, stepped toward them, still wiping his hands with a grease towel. "So what, he's already tried to make mankind bow to him and that didn't work. What does this Enchantress have?"

Thor looked between them. "Loki has power over the mind, while the Enchantress can control your body. Together they are nearly unstoppable."

Tony grunted. "So is the Hulk, by himself."

Thor looked at him. "They once separated Banner's mind from the Hulk's body entirely and set the beast loose on Asgard, nearly killing Banner's spirit."

"Then we need to find out what they're planning," Natasha said simply.

Steve nodded. "I'll get the others," he walked off followed by Tony.

Thor turned his head to the side. HAK'CHU!

Natasha looked at the Asgardian for a moment, wondering if it was even possible for basically a god to sneeze, but there it was.


It was 5 in the morning before all the Avengers were assembled. Thor was finding it increasingly difficult to breathe through his nose, and there was a scratchiness developing in the back of his throat which he found most unsettling.

Clint scrubbed at his face, both tired and concerned. Bruce was the first to speak, breaking the silence of thought. "So, we don't know where they are or really what they're planning, but we know it has something to do with Earth, and somehow they plan on incapacitating Thor."

"Or turning him against us," all eyes snapped to Tony, who gave a half shrug. "Just stating another possibility."

"There's no way Thor would-"

Thor interrupted Clint. "Loki has supreme power over the mind, even without his scepter. Do not doubt what he is capable of, though he made no move to control me while I was there."

"Would you know if he had?" Thor looked at Bruce, who was staring back with cool eyes. "I mean, together those two almost destroyed your world trying to control...the other guy."

"Loki has not the will tuh-to cuh-control meh-m-H'XCHTU!" He looked confused as he lowered his fingers from his nose.

Natasha leaned forward. "What if it's not Loki we should worry about? This other one this...Enchantress, she's a new player and SHIELD knows nothing about her."

"Her power combined with Loki's could be the worst threat we've faced; we know now what they did to Banner." Steve looked toward Bruce when he said this, then back at Natasha.

"Sorry," Tony held up a hand, "but is no one going to mention the fact that Thor just sneezed? Thought you were a god or something."

Thor didn't look up from the table. "I am Asgardian. We are not gods to be placed above and rule mortals."

"The point," Clint said leaning forward, "is that we're up against a new threat and we have virtually no intel. Ideas? Anyone?"

When there were no answers, Bruce stood up. "Looks like we're on a hunt. I'll search the net, see if there's been any sightings of Loki."

Tony stood. "I'll help with that."

Clint and Natasha both stood at the same time. "I'll give SHIELD an update," Natasha said simply and they left, leaving Steve and Thor alone.

XCHT'SHOO! Steve looked at Thor, noticing the Asgardian lowering his hand again after the sneeze. He pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and passed it over. "You feeling okay?"

Thor didn't look up. "Tis no coincidence Loki picked this time to attack. Asgard is weakened, and he baits me to choose which realm to protect." He took the handkerchief.

Steve patted Thor's shoulder as he stood. "Just don't stretch yourself too thin. We need you at your best, and so does your world."

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Oh my god THOOOOR <333

I forgot how much I loved this golden child until this fic <33 You got the characters so good, so right. I love the interactions between himself and Loki and the avengers. I love me some sassy Tony as well! And humble Thor refusing to be seen as a higher being to his friends <33 that's what I've always loved about him!! oh my god, thank you so so much for this secret Santa I love it so much!! Also Steve <33 so sweet!!

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Glad you like it hun keep up there's more on the way but first I still have homework for my CNA class but never fear I'm working on the next part

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Glad you like it hun keep up there's more on the way but first I still have homework for my CNA class but never fear I'm working on the next part

Take all the time you need!! Remember that you come first and that even this already makes me so happy!! It is Thor after all :P

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Finally Thor gets sick...I see some many liking getting ill. XD *hugs* good luck with your homework.

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Thor is a precious large puppy and I love to see him sick! I'm really exited for the next part!

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  • 4 weeks later...

(oh wow so sorry it took so long my internet was down)

After hours that seemed more like days, the Avengers had come to a dead end at every turn in their search for Loki. Thor stood outside, staring at the sky as the wind blew his hair and cape. He sniffed, feeling increasingly miserable as time moved on his thoughts focused on scattered ideas that all seemed to lead to nowhere. He didn't hear the approaching footsteps behind him, and startled slightly when he heard Steve's voice. "Thor." The Asgardian turned to face the super soldier. "You're gonna want to see this." He turned and returned indoors, Thor following him quickly as a dark air of dread began to fill his mind.

On the holo screen was a series of reports and Bruce was working on a screen nearby. As the men entered, Clint looked over at them and Natasha stepped toward them. "We've got a missing persons report from five minutes ago. It's Jane; she didn't show up to give a report on the convergence, and hasn't been seen in the area."

Thor narrowed his eyes. "It's Loki. We must find them quickly; whatever he has in store for Jane must be unthinkable; he is without remorse or reasoning." His voice was decidedly hoarse now, and Steve glanced over at him as he noticed.

"Then there's this," Bruce looked over at them all, "There's been a series of raids done on military bases, but no casualties. Here's one report, something about a beautiful woman in green...and the rest is gibberish, mostly about love."

Thor stepped toward the monitor, staring at it. "It has to be the Enchantress. She goes by Amora, and twists the minds of men to love and follow her."

"Sounds familiar," Clint mumbled.

"She is not her sister, Lorelei. She need not speak to enthrall a man, and she is led by cunning, and will stop at nothing to achieve what she desires." Thor sniffed softly.

"And...what does she desire then?"

Bruce looked at Thor questioningly, as did everyone else, as the Asgardian looked between them all. "Me."

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  • 1 year later...

ooOOHH my gosh I adore this! I've been dying for a Thor fic because that man honestly doesn't get enough love on the forum. The character interactions are so on point and you've got the dialogue down to a t! I hope there's moreĀ :razz:

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OMG. This is Fantastic! You have all the characters so perfect. The dialogue, their voices, are spot on! And I love the plot! What's going on? What's Loki up to? How are the Avengers going to deal with it? What happens to Thor? I love it!

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