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Worries, an Adventure Time Bubbline FanFiction (Secret Santa for Ellie!)


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Well, I'm a procrastinator. This is for one of my good friends, who loves this show (as do I). Enjoy your Secret Santa Hun, and have the best day!


That flutter in her heart, the skip in her step... These were the symptoms of a little disease called Love. Love also came with Anxiety, watching your step, trying to be perfect for the other.

"It'll pass. It's just the early entry stages of a relationship." Peppermint Butler told her, tying her dress string as she stared at her pink reflection in the mirror.

"I hope I look okay."

"Pish! Of course you look okay. You look better than okay!"

Bonnibel exhaled, running a finger through her hair. "Thanks, but, what if she doesn't like my gift?"

"Who doesn't like chocolates?"

"Maybe vampires?"

"Stop worrying!"

"Okay, okay..." She ran her fingers down across the ribbon around her dress. "It'll just be me and her... and Finn. And the Fire-Princess. And Jake. And Lady Rainicorn."

"She's still the same girl you knew before... Just now you two have a title to your... relationship."

"That word scares me... Anyway, I have to go. It's starting soon."

"Alright, Princess. Enjoy yourself."


Marceline was panicked too, but because of a different reason. She woke up that morning with a terrible cold and didn't want to reschedule because she had already made all the food and prepped for weeks. Looks like she was going to have to play Hostess with a fever. It was a low fever, but still a fever. When did being Undead also come with the burden of illness? Suddenly and quickly.

She had barely laid down to take a nap when there was a ringing at the doorbell. She grumbled, shakily standing up. "Hello?" she mumbled, opening the door.

It was her girlfriend. Early. "Are you okay? You're like... paler than usual. For a vampire."

Marceline gave a snotty sniffle. "Confessedly dnot, I... I'm udder the weather."

Bonnibel held out her gift. "Take this anyway?"

"Thadks, Bonnie." Marceline took it and carried it with her to the couch.

"Wow, even your festive decorations are dark."

"Well, not all of us can be frilly-pink ligke you!"

"Didn't mean that in a bad way. Hey, I didn't know vampires could get sick!"

Marceline didn't seem to hear. She had an expectant look on her face, holding her hands in front of her nose. "Heh...heh'itssshiew! It'sshieww! Tchiewww!"

Bonnibel looked at her, cocking her head. "That's also the first time I've ever heard you sneeze." A beat passed. "Seriously, I really didn't know you could get sick."

Marceline sniffled. "There's a first time for everything. I was surprised too. I had to call my doctor. And also get a doctor."

Bonnibel walked over to her. "Are you okay? I'm afraid this is all too mortal for me to watch you do." But secretly, she was a little happy. It was a thing besides her anxiety and the huge affairs of Christmas together with her girlfriend to worry about.

She gave Bonnibel a sideways look. "Shut up, okay?

When the others come, I don't want you to mention this. I don't want to cause panic. I'm only telling you because you're my girlfriend."

Bonnibel was touched that she got the priveledge to know, but she had to pretend like she was unfazed. Marcy would freak out.

"Why'd you come early, anyway?"

"I didn't wanna risk being late."

Marceline smirked at her. "You're an idiot." She bestowed a kiss upon her cheek before setting the chocolates on the coffee table.

Bonnibel grabbed Marceline around the shoulders, grinning at her. "I don't care if you have a cold that I didn't know you could get. I'm gonna make this party super special for us." She leaned in for a kiss on the lips when-

There was a ring at the doorbell.

They looked at each other.

"Mum's the word," whispered Marceline.

Bonnie nodded. "I promise."


Of course I'm going to continue! I haven't got that word count yet! And, there are going to be 6 parts total, I'm planning.

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I love this!! I love Bubbline and this is off to a very promising start! You have a light, funny tone and the promise of denial/stifling has my attention. :)

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aAAAAHHH, this is awesome!!!! Very cute: I'm so excited to see where this progresses! Also it's incredible to see a bubbline fic on here...maybe I haven't looked hard enough, but I've only found bubbline drabbles!!!

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Thanks, readers! :D


"Sit yourself on the couch, I'll do the heavy lifting."

Marceline nodded, resigning herself to the couch, breathing huffily. "Fine... But you should remind them that it's my party."

"Of course! It is your party..." She went to the door and opened it to find Finn and Jake. They were wearing ugly Christmas sweaters. And holding gifts for everyone. "Hey, guys! Welcome to Christmas at Marceline's!"

"Hey, PB!" Finn reached in for a hug.

"Hey! Got a good gift for me?"

"Of course!" He unloaded his bunch into her hands. "Where are your gifts for us?"

"In good time! C'mon in, you two! It's freezing!"

"Where's Marceline?" asked Jake.

"Chillin' on the couch. You know her! Too cool to come to the door!"

"Yeah, but-" Jake began to say.

"Where are your two belles?" Bonnibel butted in, trying to save face for her girlfriend.

"Coming later, girl stuff," Jake shrugged.

"Cool tree!" Finn remarked.

Bonnibel gave a micro-sigh, glad they momentarily forgot the Marceline-door-thing.

Marceline waved at them from the couch, and the three shared a group hug. "Whad-What are my two friends up to?" She spoke slowly, carefully, trying to rid her voice of congestion.

"Just chillin' at your house!" Jake said with a huge smile.

"I'm glad!"

"Do you guys want some food?" Princess Bubblegum asked, placing a tray of Christmas snacks on the coffee table.

"Thanks, PB!" Finn said, reaching for some, but Jake had already been inhaling the snacks at a rapid rate. He was always hungry.

"Yeah! Actually, thank Marceline. She slaved over the kitchen, making them."

"I'm sorry," Jake mumbled, chocolate on his lips.

"C'mon, Marceline, enjoy some of these!" Finn said, waving his hand at his vampire friend.

She wasn't about to tell them she felt nauseous. "Nah, man, I just ate." Realizing her nose was acting up again, she went into the bathroom and ran the tap while she blew it, trying to stave sneezes off.

Princess Bubblegum laughed nervously, leaning her elbow on the counter. "Hey guys-"

Another ring at the doorbell. Just sliding between getting caught and being okay was already getting tiring.

Bonnibel went into the bathroom real quick. Marceline was holding another tissue over her nose as she had a sneezy look on her face.

"Are you-"

"Hg'nxchiew! Tchiew! It'snxch'ew!"

"Bless you. Okay?"


"Bless you again. You're gonna be okay." She rubbed Marceline's back as she heard Finn and Jake open the door in the background. She then heard a string of Korean and a mumble of distaste. "The other guests are here. You ready to come outside? I can get you some water."

Marceline exhaustedly nodded. "Water first."

Bringing her a glass of ice water, Bonnibel felt like she should put on war paint. The house was full of guests and Marceline was weak at her own party and she, the princess of the Candy Kingdom, had to inherit some of her girlfriend's strength and carry most of the weight herself. "I'll go out there for the moment. You rest your poor, tired body."

Marceline nodded, slurping the water like there was no tomorrow.

Bonnibel went out into the hallway. "Hi, guys! Welcome to the party! I'll take your presents!"


Part Three coming soon! Merry Christmas, Ellie! Again! ;)

Edited by Awko Humbug
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