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Doctor in Distress - Scrubs J.D


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Hi lovely people!

I haven't written anything in ages but recently I've fallen in love with Scrubs and I couldn't resist writing this, sorry J.D :P

I don't know anything about medical things so I'm sorry if something is wrong, I tried my best.

Also there might be a part 2, I'm working on it :)


J.D couldn’t sleep. He’d been tossing and turning all night unable to get comfortable in his bed, it was the same bed he’d had for years it was just a different room. It was the first night in his new apartment on his own, without Turk on the other side of the wall, snoring away. And if J.D was honest with himself that was the reason he couldn’t sleep. It just didn’t feel right lying there in the quiet without the sound of his best friend in the other room. The whole building seemed oddly peaceful, no yelling from rowing couples, babies crying or dogs barking. You’d think for someone who worked in a busy hospital where there was always something going on J.D might relish the silence but instead it unnerved him.

By the time his alarm went off in the morning J.D had only had about two hours sleep and was feeling it. His head pounded and there was an ache that had settled in his muscles.

“Great way to start the day,” J.D mumbled as pulled himself out of bed.

It took him twice as long to get ready and even then his hair was more of a mess than usual, wavy strands sticking out at odd angles but he was too tired to care. J.D figured once he got to work and had some coffee he’d be all right, he just needed to get of his apartment and back into the world he knew so well. The ride to the hospital was routine, putting on his helmet and hopping on ‘Sasha’ though it was rather cold and J.D wished he’d remembered to put a coat on. When he arrived he was shivering and there was a tickle in his nose that had been bugging him nearly all the way there. He scrubbed at his nose trying to get the tickle to go away before going inside.


He sneezed, wiping his nose on his jacket sleeve. J.D sniffed and went inside, assuming it was nothing more than the cold weather that had made his nose run.

J.D had just made it to the coffee machine after changing into his scrubs when Dr.Cox came up behind him.

“And what do you think you’re doing Nancy?” he asked.

“Getting a drink?” J.D questioned.

“No time for that, you’ve got patients to see,” Dr.Cox said.

“But I…”

“These people are here to get better, not watch their Doctor drink coffee. Now get a move on,” Dr.Cox lectured, putting a patient chart in J.D’s hands.

J.D sighed and began walking away, turning back just in time to see Dr.Cox pouring himself a mug of hot coffee. He just sighed again and rubbed his nose was the back of his hand as it was beginning to run a little bit, again he just assumed it coming into the hot hospital from the cold.

“Hello Mrs Davis, I’m Dr.Dorien, it says on your chart that you were admitted with severe headaches. Is that correct?” J.D asked, trying not to sniff.

“Yes, I’ve always been prone to headaches but recently they’ve been getting worse. Yesterday one was so bad I couldn’t open my eyes.”

J.D nodded and wrote down everything Mrs Davis said, they never knew what would be important.

“Do you have any other symptoms?” he asked, scrunching his nose as he tried to get rid of the tickle that had settled there.

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Okay Mrs Davis I’m going to recommend you get a MRI…”

J.D stopped as his breath hitched, he was going to sneeze again.


He sneezed, pressing his arm to his face as not to spray the patient.

“Bless you!”

“Thank you Mrs Davis, the cold weather is really bugging my nose this morning,” he apologized.

“And as I was saying, I’m going to recommend you for a MRI scan just to make sure there’s nothing dangerous in that head of yours.”

“Thank you Dr and look after yourself, we can’t have the Doctor’s getting sick because they’ll be no one left to care for them,” she said.

J.D chuckled and then left the room, dropping off the chart with the nurses before picking up the next one. Dr.Cox was gone but J.D didn’t want to risk getting a coffee and getting snapped at again, he wasn’t sure his aching head could handle it today. Before going to his next patient J.D snuck into the toilet and grabbed a bit of loo roll to blow his nose, it was beginning to run again and he was a Doctor for goodness sake, he didn’t to look professional and not have snot running down his face. He gave his nose a good blow before heading back out to the wards, not noticing that his reflection in the mirror was a little paler than normal.

J.D got through three more patients before he started feeling exhausted, he was in desperate need of coffee or he might fall asleep on the floor. He went back to the nurses station and found Carla flicking through various files.

“Carla, is Dr.Cox around?” he asked, leaning heavily on the desk.

“Last time I saw him he was with a patient in ward 11, why?” she asked.

J.D sighed with relief, ward 11 was on the other side of the hospital, which should give him plenty of time to get a drink.

“He was having a go at me for getting coffee,” J.D replied.

“Bambi, you know what he’s like, don’t pay any attention.”

“I know, I know, I’m just not feeling so hot today,” he said.

Carla looked up at him then, concern evident on her face.

“You do look a bit pale, are you okay?” she asked.

“Just tired, I didn’t sleep… At all last night,” J.D sighed.

“Go on get a drink, I’ll keep an eye out for Dr.Cox for you.”

“Thanks Carla.”

J.D made the quickest coffee of his life and went to sit in the oncall room for a few minutes. The aching of his muscles hadn’t gone away and his nose had started to run again, though the coffee did help. The bitter liquid making him feel somewhat more alive than before but it did leave his throat feeling slightly raw and he coughed weakly into his fist.

“Funny, I thought Doctors were here to see sick people, not to sit on their asses and drink coffee.”

J.D muttered a curse under his breath and drained the rest of his drink before standing up.

“Sorry Dr.Cox, I’ll go back now,” J.D mumbled, walking past Dr.Cox and out into the hospital.

The older Doctor watched him go, normally the newbie had some sort of reply or at least energy about him but today his might as well have been a member of the walking dead. Dr.Cox just shrugged and sat down on the couch, getting ready to see the next episode of his favourite soap. Whatever newbie’s problem was he could sort it out for himself, he was a grown up after all.

“Miss Green I’m going to prescribe some…”

J.D’s voice faulted again, his breath coming out quickly as he turned away from the patient.

“Histchhhooo! Hissshhoooo, Hitchhoooo,”

He continued to sneeze, his arm pressed to his face to try and stop his nose from running.

“Excuse me,” he mumbled in a slightly croaky voice.

J.D rushed out of the patient’s room and down the hall into the toilet, the itch was still in his nose and he knew more was coming.

“Histchhooo, hissschhhoooo! Histchooooo! HITchhOOoo.”

Once the fit was over J.D groaned and wiped his streaming nose on the loo roll, the rough paper only irritating his nose further.

“HIschooo,” he sneezed again.

“Bless you,” came a voice from one of the other stalls.

“Thangs,” J.D replied, surprised by how congested his voice sounded.

Sure he’d woken up achy and with a headache but he’d put that down to lack of sleep, not illness. Now his nose wouldn’t stop running, there was a cough building in his chest, he was also starting to feel shivery which could only mean he had a rising fever so he just felt all around terrible.

With his head in his hands J.D sighed, most Doctors if they found themselves in his position would go home as soon as possible. They couldn’t risk spreading whatever they had around the hospital but J.D was unique in so many ways. Not only because he cared about his patients that he didn’t want to leave them but also because despite how bad he was feeling he didn’t want to go home. Not back to his empty apartment, not back to that silence, no he was happier in the hospital surrounded by people he knew.

So after blowing his nose again and setting a coughing fit off a result J.D headed back to his patient.

“Sorry about running out on you like that Miss Green, I was just saying I’m going to prescribe about antibiotics to help fight the infection and see where we go from there.”

“Thank you Doctor.”

“Just doing my job,” J.D said, his voice was starting to sound a bit rough but he knew clearing his throat would only trigger another coughing fit and he didn’t want to embarrass himself any further in front of his patients. He’d just turned to leave when the lady called to him.

“Hmm Dr.Dorien?”

“Yes?” he asked, his voice cracking slightly.

“I hmm I have some cough sweets in my back if you need… Only if that’s okay,” she said.

J.D couldn’t help but smile slightly, he was the Doctor but here was a patient trying to make him feel better.

“Thank you Miss Green, that would be wonderful.”

She smiled in return and rummaged around in her handbag before taking out a small back of cherry flavoured cough sweets.

“I hope you feel better,” she said, passing them to him.

“Thanks,” he said, placing one of the sweets into his mouth.

It tased of bad fake cherry but he was thankful for the way it seemed to numb the pain in his throat. He smiled again before leaving, handing Miss Green’s chart to a nurse to get the prescription filled and taking the next chart. He’d just walked around the corner, staring at the chart in his hands that he walked straight into someone, sending himself falling to the floor.

“Woah J.D, watch out man!”

J.D smiled at the sound of his best friend’s voice as Turk helped him up off the floor.

“Where’ve you been anyway? I came out of surgery twenty minutes age and you weren’t there.” Turk asked.

Normally J.D would be there to congratulate Turk on a surgery well done, especially on a tricky one but J.D had been so busy trying not to die he’d forgotten all about it.

“Sorry brown bear, I’ve been busy with patients,” he said, sniffling a bit.

“No worries, but you should have been the size of the tumour we cut of this guy! It was probably the size of your head!”

J.D gave a weak laugh only to end in small coughing fit. Turk was too busy bragging to the other surgeons that he didn’t notice J.D struggling for air, which was good otherwise J.D would be made to explain.

“How about it then J.D?” Turk said.

“About what?” he asked, blinking in confusion at his best friend.

“Going out tonight? To celebrate surgery well done, I’ll even buy you an apple martini.”

J.D shook his head and rubbed at his noise, he felt way too awful to be going out and he knew that alcohol did nothing to help what was turning out to be a pretty nasty cold.

“No thanks,” J.D declined.

“Why not?” Turk asked, leaving J.D scrabbling for an excuse.

“I’ve got plans,” he replied.

“Ohhh, with who?” Turk asked, his voice doing that high thing it always did when he was teasing J.D.


It was the first time that popped into J.D’s head and he regretted it as soon as he said it, he was never going to get away with such a terrible lie.

“Oh well good luck with that man!” Turk laughed, patting J.D on the shoulder.

“Well I better be going, I need to make sure Mr Murphy hasn’t broken his stitches.. Again.”

J.D wished his friend farewell before slipping off into an empty private room and sinking to the floor. He felt awful and he’d just lied through his teeth to his best friend, what kind of person was he? J.D sniffed again before burying his face in his hands.

“Hischhooo, HIstchhoooo! Histchoooo! Hischooo, HITChoooo.”

His sneezes were getting worse, scratching his raw throat and spraying his hands with junk. He sniffed again and groaned, leaning his head back against the wall.

“Bless you… Wait J.D?”

J.D’s head shot up as it turned out the room wasn’t empty at all as none other than Elliot Reid was sat on the bed.

“Oh I’m sorry,” he sniffed, wiping at his running nose.

“I thought this room was empty.”

“J.D, are you okay?” Elliot asked, looking at him with concern. Why did people have to keep doing that?

“Yeah,” he sniffed. “Are you?” he asked.

Elliot wasn’t normally one for hiding in empty private rooms, storage cupboards had always been more her style.

“I was just thinking…”

She didn’t get to finish her sentence as J.D had his face buried in his arm sneezing again.

“Hitschoo, histchooo, hitschoooo! hitchooo!”

“You’re not okay, are you?” she asked.

“I’mb find really,” he sniffed, going to stand up but wobbling slightly.

“Are you sure about that?” she asked. .

“Yes,” he said only to go into a coughing fit.

His chest was on fire and his throat felt like someone was dragging nails down it.

“Because to me it sounds you feel pretty awful,” Elliot said, coming over toward him.

J.D sighed and slumped against the wall, out of breath and out of energy. He looked at Elliot with his tired eyes and a red rimmed nose, she was right he did feel awful.

“Okay maybe I don’t feel so great,” he admitted.

“Then why are you here?” she asked, reaching up to rest her cool hand against his forehead.

“That’s a nasty fever you’ve got.”

“Because I don’t like being alone,” J.D mumbled, burying his nose in his elbow again as the tickle started up again.

“Hischooo, HIstchoooo, hisctchooooo!”

He groaned and rubbed his nose on his sleeve, having run out of loo roll some time ago.

“Oh J.D… Come on let’s get you back, you’re no help to anyone here, especially yourself,” she said, putting her arm around his shoulders.

J.D gave up fighting and let Elliot help him walk out toward the nurses station. She had her arm firmly around his waist as he leant on her, it wasn’t exactly how he’d imagined them first being this close but right then he was too ill to care.

“Just wait here, I’m going to grab my keys,” she said, leaving him standing with Carla.

“Oh Bambi, you look terrible,” Carla cooed, rubbing his arm.

“Tha…Hitcooo, hitschoooo,” he sneezed, quickly covering his face with his hands.

“Bless you Bambi, here have some tissues,” Carla said, passing him a pack from under the desk.

“Thags Carla,” he sniffed before blowing his nose.

Just then Elliot reappeared, dressed back in her normal clothes with J.D’s bag over her shoulder.

“Let’s get you to bed huh?” she said.

“Elliot I don’t want to…” he was cut off by a cough.

“No arguing, come on.”

She put her arm around him again and began leaning him out of the hospital and over to her car.

“Elliot… I don’t want to go home,” he sniffed once inside her car.

“That’s good because we’re not going back to your place,” she said.

“Then where… Hitschooo, hitchooo!” he sneezed into his fist.

“Mine, silly. I know you were scared to live on your own and well being on your own is the last thing you want when you’re ill so you can stay at mine,” she said.

J.D smiled and leant back against the seat, watching Elliot out the corner of his eye. He’d loved her for so long, if he’d had the energy he would have kissed her right then but instead he was fighting just to keep his eyes open.

He was woken a little later by Elliot shaking his shoulder.

“Come on, let’s get you inside.”

J.D just nodded and stumbled out of the car, he was feeling very unsteady on his feet and need Elliot to help him walk in a straight line.

“Woah, that’s some fever you’ve got,” she said, her hand on the back of his neck.

J.D just mumbled a reply before collapsing onto Elliot’s couch.

“Get comfy, I’m going to see if I’ve got anything to bring that fever down,” she said.

He just curled up against the cushions and pulled the blanket that was lying at his feet up around his shoulders. His head was still pounding and everything still ached, he really just wanted to sleep but then Elliot returned.

“Here you go, drink this.”

She handed him a small cup of medicine followed by a glass of water. J.D drunk both before curling back up, his eyes already half way closed again.

“Do you need anything else?” she asked, pushing his sweaty hair away from his eyes.

“You?” he asked, holding out his arms.

Elliot just smiled before sitting down beside the sick Doctor and pulling him toward her. J.D ended up lying with his head on Elliot’s chest and her arms around him.

“Better?” she asked, her fingers playing with the ends of his hair.

J.D just hummed in reply, his eyes were closing but he was smiling. Because he may have felt awful and he was probably going to get in trouble for missing out on his shift but right then he was in the arms of the girl he loved and everything seemed okay.

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Scrubs was probably the first TV show I was ever really into (I was about ten years old, I think.) Even though I haven't watched it in a long time, I still have a basic love for it.

It's also one of the first fandoms I've ever written sneezefic for! It was horrible and embarrassing and I would NEVER share it with anyone! :lol: But yeah, sick J.D. is definitely a really cute concept.

Omg, do you know that episode where he gets appendicitis and has a fever because of it? Man, even at my young age, that killed me!!

Excited for Part 2! :)

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Awww, JD!

You have a really good handle on their relationships :-)

And, unless you want to give him a fever that doesn't come down, I wouldn't stress about the medical stuff! Your normal care-taking things (and Google) should be all you need :-)

This is really well done! Keep going! :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello again!

Thank you for all your lovely comments, it means a lot. And I must agree but feverish J.D in My Day Off...

I'm sorry this took so long, I hope you all a good holiday and new year. I hope however your 2015 was than 2016 is better :)

I know this isn't too long but do enjoy!

It was late afternoon by the time J.D blinked his eyes opened, the thumping in his skull hadn’t lessened and his mouth was dry from having to breathe out of his mouth. He rolled over on surprised to find he was alone. J.D rubbed his sleeve against his running nose as he sat up, his head still spinning and a horrible ache had settled in his chest.

“Elliot?” he asked, his voice hoarse, cracking into a coughing fit.

She reappeared from a room J.D assumed was the kitchen, as Elliot had an apron tied around her waist.

“How are you feeling?” she asked, sitting down next to his feet.

“Huh… Huh… Husschhhewwww! Hissshoowwww, hitschoooo!”

He sneezed, hands covering his hands as he sniffed.

“Bless you!”

“Urgh, I feel awful, everything hurts and I can’t breathe,” he replied.

Elliot frowned and placed her wrist against his forehead, J.D sighed at the feel of her cold skin against his.

“You’re still burning up, I’ll find you some more medicine,” she said.

J.D laid down again, pulling the blanket up around his shoulders as he watched Elliot. His eyes were growing heavy again as she returned, her butt perched on the arm of the couch as she poured out the dose.

“Here’s your medicine Dr.”

J.D gave a weak smile and swallowed the cup of orange nastyness.

“Hopefully that’ll get your fever down, before you do any permanent damage to that brain of yours,” she teased, her fingers finding their way to his hair, untangling it from when he’d been sleeping.

“I need to finish the cooking, I’ll be back in a moment okay?”

J.D nodded and let Elliot slip away back into the other room. He sat up again, he found that lying down only increased the pressure in his head.

“Hisccchew, hisshhhooo, hiCHewwww, hitchooo.”

“Bless you!”

Elliot returned with two bowls of what appeared to be soup as J.D blow his nose.

“Ew this is gross,” he moaned.

“I’ve seen worse,” Elliot commented, placing the hot soup in his lap.

“Oh god, do you remember Mr Rogers?”

“I’ve never smelt anything worse in my life,” Elliot replied, her nose scrunching at the memory.

J.D picked up his spoon and blow on the soup, he wasn’t really hungry but he knew the importance of eating whilst ill. So he took his first mouthful expecting it to be the classic chicken noodle but instead he’s met with the strong taste of apple.

“What?” he coughed.

“Oh yeah, should have mentioned. It’s spicy apple soup, we never did chicken soup growing up on an orchard, it was always apple everything.”

After his surprised J.D took another mouthful, he was surprised he could actually taste it due to how stuffed up his nose was but it soothed his throat and actually helped him feel a bit better.

“Thanks Elliot, this is good.”

“It’s alright,” she said, rubbing his arm.

“You’re still wearing your scrubs, do you want to change? I’m sure I’ve got something around here that would fit,” she offered.

“Hmm yeah okay, thanks.”

Elliot smiled as she left her empty bowl and went off to find him some clothes. J.D finished the last few mouthfuls of his soup before mopping at his running nose with a tissue, he could hear the sounds of Elliot moving around in another room. He continued to press the tissues to his nose as he went the tickle growing once again.

“Hisssschew! hitchooo! Hischhewwww, atchooo!”

J.D groaned as he blow his nose, not that it made any difference to how stuffed up be felt. It was like someone had filled his head full of rocks and they were rattling around. Elliot returned just as he succumbed to a coughing fit, he felt her hand on his back as he tried to keep his lungs inside his body.

“Goodness, this is some cold you’ve got,” Elliot said, her hand still on his back as he tried to catch his breath.

“Side effect of working with sick people,” J.D mumbled.

Elliot smiled and placed the clean clothes in his lap.

“Why don’t you get changed and I’ll put on a movie? Anything you like.”

“Can we watch the Little Mermaid?” he asked hopefully.

Elliot laughed and nodded.

“Alright J.D, we can watch the little mermaid.”

J.D struggled to get up, fighting against his aching body until he was stood up. He coughed weakly into his fist as he stumbled along to the bathroom. At first he didn’t recognise his own reflection, his hair that was normally gelled into place fell flat against his forehead, his skin wash out and pale, apart from the rosiness of his cheeks and nose. Honestly some of his patients looked more healthy than he did. He just sniffed and began stripping off his scrubs, his aching muscles protesting as he stretched his arms over his head. Finally he got himself in the comfy clothes, even if they were a little large for him, the sleeves falling over his hands. Obviously they belonged to some previous boyfriend of Elliot’s.

J.D made in back to Elliot to see the title screen of his favourite Disney movie on the tv and for his nose to betray him again.

“Huh… Huh… Hu.. Hussssheeww! Hushhhewww, hissshhheww,”

“Bless…” Elliot tried to say but was cut off as J.D’s breath hitched again.

“HIsshhhewww, hissschhhhewwww, hushussshooo.”

As the fit finished J.D gave a weak cough and blow his nose. He felt gross and slightly embarrassed, he knew that Elliot has seen a lot worse but never from him. Luckily the blush on his cheeks didn’t notice under the flush of fever.

“You poor thing, come here,” Elliot said, patting the couch.

J.D slumped down next to her, fighting the urge to lay his head on her lap.

“How are you feeling?” she asked.

“Rubbish,” he replied, pulling his knees up to his chest as he shivered.

Elliot frowned and got the forgotten blanket from earlier and wrapped his around J.D’s shoulders.


He nodded and looked at her, giving a weak smile.

“Shall I put the movie on?”

“Please,” his voice cracked and he coughed into his fist.

Elliot patted his back as she pressed play on the movie. She’d never seen J.D like this, so vulnerable, so out of characters. Sure she’d seen him scared, terrified even but even then there was always a joke, a comment something that could make it okay. Now he just looked so miserable and unlike himself, if she was honest it hurt seeing him like that.

J.D had just got settled on the couch, the blanket tucked around him and his head very close to Elliot’s shoulder. He sniffed and wiped his hand under his nose, he was exhausted and even the lure of his favourite Princess was having trouble keeping his attention.

“Sleep J.D,” Elliot said, her arm wrapping around his shoulders and bringing him closer.

With his head now laying in Elliot’s lap he felt better than he had all day, it was like she had a magic touch to make him feel okay. He was just about to drift to sleep as under the sea played in the background when a beeping it brought him back to reality. He struggled to sit and and scrambled to find his pager, hidden beneath his forgotten clothes.

“What is it?” Elliot asked.

“Dr.Cox,” J.D sniffed. “I’ve got to back to the hospital.”

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