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Secret Santa for Alias! Noragami (Yato)

Kaze Wo Hiku

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So hey there. Here's my SS for Alias. I hope you like it. Fanfiction isn't my forte but I adore Noragami and had fun writing this. Enjoy. :)


It was quiet, not a word normally associated with daily life at Kofuku’s. Hiyori was not about to complain as she looked over some of the school work Yukine had done correctly his mistakes. She was pleased in the short time he’d requested to learn what she does at school the boy had improved quite nicely. She made sure to let him know when he and Yato returned.

Sighing she smiled to herself but sadly her peace and quiet was about to be broken.

“You are the worst god ever.” Yukine stormed into the room glaring at Yato who had same scowl on his face. “I understand fully why you’re never going to get your own shrine.” He dumped himself on the floor next to Hiyori who gave him a curious look.

“I felt lucky today!” Yato folded his arms. “Besides I exhausted myself yesterday writing my cell number everywhere, I’m sure it’ll only be a matter of time before…”

“How much did you lose?” Hiyori cut him off.

Yato pressed his lips together. “100,000.” He turned his head. The next several moments consisted of Yato running around the house desperately trying to evade any of Hiyori’s blows to his body. He failed miserably especially after Yukine stuck out his foot intentionally tripping Yato.

“Yato, you look tired.” Hiyori said after they’d eaten. Yato waved her off. “Well you did just chase me around causing me physical harm. Either that or Yukine must be thinking impure thoughts.” His lips curled into a smile.

“You’re not blaming your appearance on me this time and Hiyori’s right, you look like hell.” Yukine said casually to his master.

Yato huffed sitting up, “You two are boring, I’m going out.”


Yato had not returned when Hiyori and Yukine met for breakfast.

“He was out all night without me, idiot. What if he was attacked, he’s so reckless.” Yukine sulked next to Hiyori.

“It’s nice you’re concerned about him.” She replied.

“Please, half of what he makes is mine, anyways. I’m not about to lose out on that.” He said dryly.

Of course. Hiyori thought.

Suddenly the door slid open revealing the lackluster god before them.

Heh-shuh! Hup'tshh! Yato had his scarf pulled up over his nose. “What?” He looked at the pair staring back at him. He'tixxsh!

“Oh wonderful, you’ve caught a cold, this will make tracking so much more fun.” Yukine rolled his eyes.

“Yato are you feeling alright?” Hiyori’s voice was more concerned than Yukine’s had been.

“Please I’m fine, you two think the great Yatogami could catch something as trivial as a cold?” He folded his arms defiantly.

“Yes.” Yukine and Hiyori said in unison.

Before Yato could argue he pulled his scarf up again. Hup'tshh! He'tixxsh! “You two have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m fine. We need to go make money Yukine.” Heh-shuh!

“You can barely stand.” The Regalia replied since Yato had swayed slightly.

“It’s nothing, you’re seeing things.” Heh'tchew! However the god could not keep his balance he felt the wall for support. Hiyori rushed over grabbing him as he sunk to the floor.

“Yato!” She put her hand on his forehead. “You’re burning up, come with me know.” But the stubborn god stood back up.

“We need money, come Yukine.” Yato motioned to him but then turned his head. Heh'tchew! He'tixxsh!

“Like hell I will, you need to listen to Hiyori.” Yukine was absolute with his master. “What happens if a phantom shows up and you pass out? One, we’ll be dead, two if by some chance we live, that will kill your reputation. You definitely won’t be getting any jobs. Not that Bishamon would care of course.”

Yato wiped the sweat from his head before bringing his hand back up. Heh'tchew! He'tixxsh! “I’m fine.” He repeated. “Just a bit wore out from the past few days.” He rubbed his nose on his sleeve.

“Yato please, at least wait a day, if you feel better tomorrow then by all means hunt phantoms.” Hiyori eased him back down.

Yato looked away muffling a cough in his jersey sleeve.

“Yatty? You’re sick?” Kofuku had entered the room.

“Are you going to take care of me if I am?” Yato managed a weak wink at the god of poverty.

“ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Daikoku’s voice rang out as he came storming into the room. Hiyori got between the Shinki and Yato before any further damaged was caused.

“He didn’t mean it! He’s delirious! He won’t admit it but he has a fever.” She held her hands up at a very unhappy looking Daikoku. “Yukine help me with Yato please.” The two drug the god of calamity to a futon.

Hup'tshh! He'tixxsh! Yato’s scarf was back up over his nose.

“Lie down.” Hiyori asked a cloth in her hand.

“Fine.” Yato felt too tired to argue with her anymore. His eyes unfocused briefly, Hiyori blurred in front of him.

Hiyori placed the cool cloth on his forehead. “I might feel a little sick.” He turned coughing again.

“That’s all right.” Hiyori replied, “Yukine and I will look after you. Right Yukine?” She flashed do-it-or-I’ll-hurt-you smile at the Regalia.

Yukine flushed. “Fine. Just don’t infect anyone with your nasty germs.”

“Yukine.” Hiyori said his name through gritted teeth accompanied with a smile.

“I mean feel better.” The kid said.

A faint smile appeared on Yato’s face, he rested his arm over his face. “Thank you both.”

“Hopefully you’ll be better tomorrow and you can begin getting back that 100,000 yen you lost…right?” Hiyori stressed the last word.

“Maybe, it is kind of of nice lying here having two people care for me.” He'tixxsh! “I could get used to this life.”

He felt a foot dig into his side. “Ow! Hey don’t harass the sick god.” His voice cut out causing a cough.

“Maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll lose his voice and we won’t have to hear him talk.” Yukine said innocently.

“Hey who’s side…” Hup'tshh! Heh'tchew! He'tixxsh! “Are you on?” Yato tried sitting up but swayed.

“Don’t even think about it.” Hiyori removed the cloth. “Come on Yukine, let’s give him some peace.” Yukine went out first, Hiyori was about to slide the door shut.

“Hiyori?” Yato’s voice was quite weak. “Thank you.”

She smiled, “Of course Yato.”


Edited by kaze wo hiku
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Oh my god...
Oh. My. God.
KAZE WO HIKU!!! This is magnificent!! :hug: THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH!!! I could cry I'm so happy! :cryhappy: You gave me absolutely everything I wished for and you did such an AMAZING job!
First of all, your characterization is BRILLIANT. All of the dialogue is completely ALIVE with each character's voice, and you nailed the way they interact with one another. I adore the banter; all of Yato's lines are so very YATO, and all of Yukine's lines are so very YUKINE. I found myself laughing out loud simply for how in-character everything they said is. It was like watching a new episode of the show. It's clear that you have a real passion for and understanding of the series and the characters. It was all at once funny, sweet, sentimental, and serious, just like the show! And HOLY CRAP YATO SNEEZING INTO HIS SCARF YES. My tummy is still all aflutter with butterflies. :wub: Yato is adorable in denial, and then I love how he gives in once he realizes getting taken care of may not be half bad :laugh: . Hiyori taking care of him and feeling his forehead when he's all feverish is SO CUTE.

My favorite parts:

'kaze wo hiku', on 05 Dec 2015 - 10:40 AM, said:snapback.png

“Please I’m fine, you two think the great Yatogami could catch something as trivial as a cold?” He folded his arms defiantly.

“Yes.” Yukine and Hiyori said in unison.

This made me giggle with glee. I can see it perfectly. :laugh2:

“Yatty? You’re sick?” Kofuku had entered the room.

“Are you going to take care of me if I am?” Yato managed a weak wink at the god of poverty.

“ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Daikoku’s voice rang out as he came storming into the room. Hiyori got between the Shinki and Yato before any further damaged was caused.

“He didn’t mean it! He’s delirious! He won’t admit it but he has a fever.” She held her hands up at a very unhappy looking Daikoku. “Yukine help me with Yato please.” The two drug the god of calamity to a futon.

This made me so happy! I love that you included Kofuku and Daikoku. And Yato's stupid flirtatiousness is perfect, as is Daikoku's immediate rage. Love love love.

Hup'tshh! He'tixxsh! Yato’s scarf was back up over his nose.


He felt a foot dig into his side. “Ow! Hey don’t harass the sick god.” His voice cut out causing a cough.

“Maybe we’ll get lucky and he’ll lose his voice and we won’t have to hear him talk.” Yukine said innocently.

This is so cute. I love how Yukine still doesn't give him a break even though he's sick, but at the same time is still concerned for him and is there to take care of him.

“Hiyori?” Yato’s voice was quite weak. “Thank you.”

She smiled, “Of course Yato.”

ALL ABOARD THE D'AWWWWWW TRAIN! :heart: I am still smiling at this line. What a wonderful way to end it. THANK SO SO MUCH KAZE WO HIKU! This is the best Christmas present ever. You have made me so happy! I'm charging through my computer screen right now to tackle you with a big virtual hug. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

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Yatoooooooooooooooooooooo <3 <3 <3

What a baby Yukine needs to stop being a little shit in this fic lol like, not the time to be salty dude. I love anything Noragami thank you for this contribution.

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You have no idea how relieved I am that you liked it XD Like I said fanfiction isnt my strong point but you had so many fandoms that I'm also in that I was a bit more comfortable choosing one. Noragami seemed the best choice even though Id never done one before.

I'm glad you liked the characterization, it's one of the reasons I like that anime so much, everyone has their own personality. I adore snarky!Yukine so that was fun. Also Kofuku and Daikoku had to make an appearance.

Again so glad you liked it, it was a lot of fun to write. :)

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I'm so glad that more people are starting to write more about noragami on here!!! This was amazing!!! lol I love how you made them in this great job *continues to roll around on the floor happily* :lol1:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know this fandom, but since Kaze wrote it I had to read it. :heart:

I really enjoyed the snarky banter and the denial. Very cute. :thumbsup2:

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