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Anything for you (danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil)


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---Well, I've finally gone off and done it. I've embraced my inner Phangirl and wrote a Phan sickfic. I've actually started going down the slippery slope of shipping them. It was only a matter of time.

This is the first successful Phanfiction I've written so far without thinking it's complete and utter trash, so I'm quite proud of myself. (It's also the first fanfiction in general which I've posted on the forum, so there's that.)

Anyway, I know there are people of the Phandom here other than myself, so I hope you enjoy this oneshot!---

Phil always got super clingy when he was sick.

Dan wasn't sure if he liked this or not.

"Hh-h-hep'TCHU! Het'CHOO!"

Especially when Phil kept sneezing on him.

"At this rate, I'll be sick in a few days. And then who will you have to take care of you?" Dan taunted.

"S-sorry," Phil mumbled. "I dod't have any wardigg. It just kide of habbeds." He buried himself once again into the younger's shoulder.

"I know. I'm not mad." Dan felt bad for his flatmate. He was in obvious discomfort. He had been complaining about his head all morning, and-

"Heh'PCHOO! Eht'SHUU!"

He couldn't stop sneezing. Dan had definitely not planned for a day of caring for a sick Phil.

"Daaaaaaaaaand. I thigg I'b dyyyyyyiiiiiiiigg." Phil moaned.

Dan felt his forehead, which was unnaturally warm. "You do feel a little feverish..." He said mostly to himself. Now he was getting concerned.

Phil hid his face in his sweatshirt. "Yupb. I'b dyigg."

"Phil, if you want, you can go back to bed. I don't mind." He meant it as an order, but it didn't come out that way.

Phil shook his head feebly. "Wod't be able to sleeb adyway," he muttered. "Add 'sides, I like beigg with you." Dan couldn't help but smile, feeling the room get warmer.


Dan stared at Phil, waiting.


"Where's the second one?"

"S-secodd whah...what?"

"You always sneeze in twos when you get sick."

"N...no I...het'SHOO! Okay, fide. You wid."

Dan broke into a wide grin. "Why did you expect any different?"

Phil shrugged absent-mindedly.

"Phil, get some rest, you idiot. You can hardly concentrate," Dan said.


"That was an instruction. Not a suggestion."

"Okay..." Phil chuckled.


Phil was trying to get to sleep, he really was, but it was hard when he was sneezing every 30 seconds.

"H-huh...hut'SHCHUH! Het'SSHU!"

"Just try to relax, Phil."

But Dan, you don't understand, Phil thought. I can't relax when my nose is completely clogged up, I literally can't stop sneezing, my throat is on fire, and I'm colder than an iceberg. "I really dod't feel good, Dand."

Dan didn't reply. Oh, great. What crazy plan was he thinking up now?

"Het'SCHOO! Hep'TSHU!"

"Okay, you know what, Phil? This is ridiculous. Off to bed with you."

Phil stared at Dan, shocked. "B-but...Dand..."

"Whatever argument you're about to make is completely invalid. To. Bed."

As much as Phil hated to admit it, Dan had a point. And besides, though he didn't see this side of Dan often, he knew there was no use arguing. When Dan made up his mind, there was almost no going back. So, accepting defeat, he trudged off to his room. He hid himself underneath his bedsheets, shivering madly.

"H-hht-hhet'SHOO! Huh...hep'SCHEW!" Phil sneezed just as Dan finally entered the room, holding a mug.

"Found some Lemsip from when I was last sick. Thought you might like that."

Phil accepted the cup, nodding his appreciation. He took a sip. It burned his throat to swallow, but he tried to ignore it.

"Now," Dan continued. "Is there anything you want to do?"

"Well...sleep would be nice."

"Mmkay. I'll leave you to do that then."

"No!" Phil coughed, then realized how quickly he had said that. "I-I mean...stay with me...please?"

"Of course," Dan laughed. "Anything for you, Phillip."

Phil smiled and leaned back into his pillows, glad to finally be able to get some sleep.



Dan cringed as Phil sneezed for what seemed to be the hundredth time. Poor guy was a wreck.

And though Dan had thought it wasn't possible, he finally heard him stop sneezing. He smiled when Phil's breathing slowed, watching his chest rise and fall under the bedsheets. He could've just watched that for hours and never gotten bored.

And as Dan sat next to the older boy on the bed, leaning back against the headboard, he realized he wasn't going anywhere in a long time.

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Ahem. I'm a bit too excited about this, I think. :lol:

Gosh, this fic is so adorable! I really like the way you've characterised them, particularly Dan's 'invalid argument' line. It's just so fluffy and sweet and domestic. :wub:

I totally feel you on the Phan shipping hell, too! I have no clue how I started, it just sort of happened without me intending it too. :lol:

Anyway, this is so sweet! I love it! :heart:

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Dawww...!! :wub2: :wub2:

I second everything MaiMai said. (Ironically, she's also the one who turned me into a Phan in the first place. :lol: )

Also... the forehead feeling!! And the spellings! And just... the general adorableness!

So yeah, great first story. Keep up the good work. ;)

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