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Sneeze Fetish Forum

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Hi guys i am about to post my first fanfic based off of CBS'S Limitless (IT GIVES ME LIFE ITS SO GOOD :D ) ok now that i'm done fan girling here's the story Enjoy :D oh by the way Italics are when "Finch" talks (IE Brian narrating on NZT as a image of himself )


Limitless Cold:

Hi my name is Brian Finch and I work for the CJC as a consultant sort of..ok ok I am actually their gunnie pig for a drug called NZT but that's another story entirely and I feel like death so I am going to bed goodnight. My eyes shot open and my body upright but that didn't last long when a harsh coughing fit hit me like a ton of bricks. "Finch? Hey Finch you ok?!" Mike, Ike weird what are they doing here? "We're coming in" I felt a hand on my back "Breath" I gasped for breath when the coughing finally stopped. Ike looked concerned while Mike got some water. "Drink some water kid" I took the water drinking slowly it felt AMAZING going down my torn throat. "thanks" my voice was scratched to hell. "Your welcome, you good to work?" "Yeah just let me get ready." "Take your time kid." "Thanks guys." After I changed we headed to the CJC.


"Your late Finch" "Good mording do you do Daz" my nose twitched leaning against the wall I pulled the crook of my arm to my face, HESHOO ATCHOOO HETCHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone handed me tissues and I blew my nose wetly blushing all the while. When I looked up I saw Rebecca smiling sadly at me. "Hey champ when Mike and Ike said you looked like death they weren't kidding, Bless you by the way." "Hi Becca." she raised her eyebrow questioningly I pointed to my throat and made a cut-off motion. "Harris, Finch, Boyle my office now." Once I cleaned my raw red nose I headed to Naz's office. Once I sat down Naz began speaking, About 15 minutes in my nostrils flared and my chest seized causing me to go into a wet and harsh coughing fit that left me wheezing. The agents in the room had the decentcy to pretend nothing happened, While Boyle gave me a concered look, my nose flared I stiflted the sneezes into 3 head bobs letting out a soft exhale. (Rebbeca) Enough was enough Brien looked miserable, So I stood and left Naz's office with Brien in tow.

(With Brian and Rebbeca)

After leaving the meeting I gently gauided him to my little hideaway a abandoned office with a couch and basic essencials, I sat him down and took off his shoes I followed shortly after sitting next to him. He was in such a daze he didn't relize his head was falling into my lap not that I minded. "Tank-s i deeded dis" "I can tell, why did you come in?" "wasn't bad this mornin" "fair enough." I whimpered my body was on fire. "Brien i'm going to check for a fever ok? my vocie was gentle and soft

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(I screwed up here's the rest whoops :D)

"M kay" After a couple minutes the thermometer beeped "102 degrees Fahrenheit" my nose flared and I tried to move but I was held down, "Don wanna sneeze on you" "Its fine don't fight it or sttifile you'll feel better trust me." huhh-huuuhhhhh-huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh HATCHOOOOOOO ASHOOOOOO HETCHOOOOOOOOO AHIEW ATCHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after the fit I was a snotty blushing mess. I smiled gently "better" I coughed harshly and end up sneezing in Rebecca's neck Hetchiew "bless you" I cleaned Brian's nose and rubbed his chest and head, Slowly putting Brian to sleep, 15 minutes Brian was curled into snoring softly. "Goodnight Brian get better soon" And with that I fell asleep.

sorry about the misspells and everything I am still getting used to how everything works but I hope you Enjoy :D

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It actually is a show like the sequal to the movie in a way. And Brian is precious. Thank you Bladedriver for being my first friend on this site it means alot to me. By the way how would I add a second chapter?

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Chapter 2

i was cuddling with Rebecca I AM SUPPOSE TO BE SMART AND I CANT THINK OF ANYTHING! ugh IM Out

(sometime later with Rebecca) Poor Brian he looks sick as a dog, I raked my fingers through his sun kissed hair. His eyes fluttered open. "Becca" huhhh-huuuh I managed to turn away sneezing towards the ground (Rebecca) his pants were desperate and sexy HUTCHOOO HETCHOOOOOOOO ATCCHOOO huuhh-hhhhh Rebecca hugged me tight heshiew!!!!!!!!!!!!! "bless you" I leaned back sighing miserably "lease shoot me." "Sorry pretty boy I can't" the door opened and Boyle came in and closed the door. "Hey Finch how ya feeling" "Like I had 50 pills plus side effects" I coughed harshly nearly passing out. "Brian come on lets get you home." I spat some phlegm into the trashcan standing up shakily. "Hey easy man take it slow." Me and Boyle walked Brian out of the CJC worried his fever was at 103.5.

Sorry its short but im done i just need ideas for a direction :walkman:

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*Mario voice*Not bad,not bad! :3

Keep up the good work!


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As you wish master blade

Chapter 3

As Boyle drove I ran my fingers through Brian's hair. "Don feel good" Brian was really bad off "I know Brian try not to talk" my voice was gentle and soft. I don't know what is going on with me all I know is my motherly instincts are screaming PROTECT BRIAN. He then pulled away going into a coughing fit. (Brian's mind) I CAN'T BREATH I CAN'T BREATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then someone held me against their chest it was Ike (Because I wanted them here they are magical ok do not question the suited men) "Brian focus on the sound of my voice and heartbeat and try to breath." I took a chest rattling gasp and another until all I could do was sob in pain. (I am so sorry Brian) I felt the car jerk to a stop and the door open, I felt someone lift me up and I nuzzled into their neck. "Easy there I gotcha," The next thing I know I was coughing up phlegm like my life depended on it. Once I could breath clearly I was carried to the sofa and fell asleep instantly. (Mike) This is bad we have to cool the kid down. (Ike, Rebecca, Boyle) "His Name Is Brian." "Alright we have to cool him off" (Rebecca) I watched the boys debate and I ushered them out, after that I started making Brian something to eat.

(Brian's Dream)

You should not have told her I warned you know its time for Rebbeca to pay the price. "NO PLEASE NOO!!" "WHY! BRIAN WHY DID YOU DO THIS I HATE YOU!! Goodbye Rebecca Harris (bang* NOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. "Brian wake up!' I bolted out of the room and heaved into the nearest toilette, I felt a hand on my back, "Its ok your ok" once I managed to catch my breath I hugged Rebbeca sobbing you're alive over and over again. "Shhh its ok sweetheart i'm not going anywhere"

More to come

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Nice! :3 Poor Brian,though... I'll just be in the corner spreading feels spores. ;u;

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Nice! :3 Poor Brian,though... I'll just be in the corner spreading feels spores. ;u;


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I led brian to the couch and put on rise of the gaurdians. "Brian i made some soup do want some broth?" "Yes please" as i got the soup ready i saw brian's pre sneeze face which was adorable as heck! (please don't notice please don't notice) heshoo! (even his sneeze sounds tired ) i bought the soup and saw him sniffle tiredly "here you go"

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(that moment you screw up here's the rest)

"thanks" i drank the soup slowly feeling it warm me to the core, once i finished i placed the bowl on the table and dragged Rebecca into a hug. "thank you, for everything" i gave her a light kiss on the forehead (forgive me while i fangirl I WILL TITANIC THIS SHIP) HE KISSED ME...I LOVED IT I JUST KISSED HER AND I LOVED IT "SHIT!' we said at the exactt same time and laughed, unitl i was gagging on lack of air. "Hey easy" "Remind me to sweep you off your feet" Already have i thought.Brian gave a boyish grin like he held a secret but for now i was happy to sit and watch the movie, I laid my head on Brian's chest feeling it move up and down quickly i knew what was gonna happen next. hetchiew atchoo! Brian didn't even cover at this point i knew i was taking advantage of him at this point did i feel guilty yes do i regret it NOPE when brian wrapped his arm around me i "acceidently" flicked his nose with my hair, what happened next was unbelievable. "ruhhhh-becuhh move" "Nah i am good" and DAMN WAS I HHHH-HUUHHHH-AH DAMB IT HUTCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ATCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ASHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HESHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HERSHIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE SNEEZES WERE COMING FROM THE DEPTHS OF HIS SOUL HOLY CRAP Brian wasn't done KSHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Damb im so sorry about that" I just about lost it OMG HE'S APOLOGIZING FOR THAT! WHAAT EVEN (I HAVES NO SHAME and yes Rebecca has a secret fetish) Brian sounded like he was in bliss but embarrassed all at once, so i moved his hands from his nose and cleaned it then i gave it a light kiss "bless you"


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  • 2 weeks later...

I blushed crimson and laid in Rebecca's lap falling asleep (more in a bit)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I cuddled into Brian protectively when someone knocked on the door it was Naz, "We need Finch there's been a child abduction" I looked at her my body language spoke for me OH HELL NO YOU ARE NOT DOING THAT TO HIM I WON'T LET YOU! Then Brian woke up. "Ugh what hit me...wait what's going on? "Brian's voice was full of panic and the room spun in circles "Rebecca WHY THE HELL DOES NAZ HAVE THREE HEADS" dang he's seeing double but Ike got to Brian who was curled into a ball, "Brian do you know who I am?" "I-Ike? Ike what's going on? I'm scared." "Brian you weren't feeling well so I asked Rebecca and Boyle to take you home I came with mike to help out ok man" I scrubbed my face tiredly "Nas...was goin on" Naz's eyes flashed with something akin to pity and sympathy her voice was gentle borderline motherly "Brian I need your help a child has been abducted" That got his attention as he sprung to his feet gripping boyle for support. Brain was showered and changed in 2 minutes. "come on guys let's bring this kid home. I looked at Brian's retreating back shaking my head Something's not right"

(At the location) I chased the NZT down with water everyone looking at me with concern. Then I became Agent Finch Woods to the east Docks to the South where to go...based on the evidence TO THE DOCK I took off in a dead sprint finding a little girl by the water and I approached her slowly "Hi my name is Brian what's yours sweetheart?..." "Emily" I smiled kindly at her "Thank you for being so brave Emily now its my turn to be brave for you and take you home to your family." I opened my arms to her and she launched herself at me. "Thank you for saving me superman" I kissed the top of her head and carried her to the waiting agents after I handed her off I went to get Rebecca, then I saw a flash of black "REBECCA MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I pushed her out of the way felt a searing pain then nothing....(Later) I woke up slowly with Rebecca and Ike cuddled next to me...(More to come)

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I cuddled into Brian protectively when someone knocked on the door it was Naz, "We need Finch there's been a child abduction" I looked at her my body language spoke for me OH HELL NO YOU ARE NOT DOING THAT TO HIM I WON'T LET YOU! Then Brian woke up. "Ugh what hit me...wait what's going on? "Brian's voice was full of panic and the room spun in circles "Rebecca WHY THE HELL DOES NAZ HAVE THREE HEADS" dang he's seeing double but Ike got to Brian who was curled into a ball, "Brian do you know who I am?" "I-Ike? Ike what's going on? I'm scared." "Brian you weren't feeling well so I asked Rebecca and Boyle to take you home I came with mike to help out ok man" I scrubbed my face tiredly "Nas...was goin on" Naz's eyes flashed with something akin to pity and sympathy her voice was gentle borderline motherly "Brian I need your help a child has been abducted" That got his attention as he sprung to his feet gripping boyle for support. Brain was showered and changed in 2 minutes. "come on guys let's bring this kid home. I looked at Brian's retreating back shaking my head Something's not right"

(At the location) I chased the NZT down with water everyone looking at me with concern. Then I became Agent Finch Woods to the east Docks to the South where to go...based on the evidence TO THE DOCK I took off in a dead sprint finding a little girl by the water and I approached her slowly "Hi my name is Brian what's yours sweetheart?..." "Emily" I smiled kindly at her "Thank you for being so brave Emily now its my turn to be brave for you and take you home to your family." I opened my arms to her and she launched herself at me. "Thank you for saving me superman" I kissed the top of her head and carried her to the waiting agents after I handed her off I went to get Rebecca, then I saw a flash of black "REBECCA MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I pushed her out of the way felt a searing pain then nothing....(Later) I woke up slowly with Rebecca and Ike cuddled next to me...(More to come)


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