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Birthday Fics for Northern Angel (SPN - Cas)


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Dear Northern Angel,

I have a Google Drive filled with your prompts, all waiting to be filled. You have an amazing imagination, and no one looks at sneezing angels and Winchesters the way you do. You've given a lot of inspiration, and I thank you for that. Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

- Anilkex


Quick note: This lady likes her some sneezy Castiel-whumpage. There are 2 oneshots, one is set in my Third Winchester AU (although it has no real place in the actual verse) because she likes the verse, and the other is canon-compliant. I posted the canon-compliant story first, so those who aren't interested in OC fics can get right to Cas and skirt the rest. Both follow the same premise, Cas just interacts with different people.


The odd humming sound stopped without warning. It just seemed to turn off, as if from a light switch. In the second it took Sam to turn towards Dean, the temperature dropped, and the room’s only door slammed shut.

“What the fuck just happened?” Dean growled, as he and Sam began frantically examining the door.

Before Sam could answer, Cas chimed in. “It seems we're trapped here.” He contemplatively spun in a circle, eyes narrowed as he took in their surroundings.

“You’re kidding. Tell me you’re kidding. Sam?” Dean’s tone turned angrier with every word, matched by a pounding on the door that made Sam flinch.

“Cas is right...I think. I don’t see a latch or any way outta here.” He shivered, briskly rubbing his arms. “Feel that drop? Something’s definitely going on.”

Dean flipped on his flashlight, erratically shining the light all over the room. “I’m gonna kill that son of a bitch,” he muttered, stomping from one corner to the other, dust particles filling the air as his steps disrupted years of filth.

Sam waved a hand in front of his face, sniffling. “Dean, knock it off! You’re kicking up all the shiiii-’ISHHHHYUuu! shit on the floor!” He sniffed again, wiping his nose on his sleeve. “We knew this was a trap, so let’s just figure out what’s going on.”

Sighing, Dean threw his hands into the air, shooting the beam of light onto the ceiling, highlighting patches of mold and peeling plaster. “Fine. Just...why couldn’t the trap be in a cleaner room?” He rolled his head, loosened his shoulders and began the process of looking around in a more methodical, Sam-approved manner, which really amounted to half-assed eyeballing. “Cas? Can’t you blip us outta here?”


“Cas?” Dean shined his light on the angel, only to have it batted away. “Dude!”

Cas cleared his throat. “I can’t blip us anywhere. The room is warded. My powers are...useless.” He cleared his throat again, and turned away. “I’m sorry - there’s nothing I can do.”

Dean shrugged, directing the light elsewhere in yet another very poor attempt at helping Sam systematically search for a way out. “Yeah, I figured. There has to be a release somewhere, right? Just gotta find it.”

They fell silent, as they hunted for a way out of the trap. Sam coughed, waving a hand in front of his face. “This room sucks.”

Dean snorted. “No shit. And I’m not finding anything. Do you think there could be a timer?”

Sam blew out a breath, shoving a hand in his hair. “Dunno. Maybe? Or maybe it’s waiting for - “


Dean shined the light near Sam. “Bless you.”

Sam shook his head. “Wasn’t me - I was about to bless you.”

Dean pressed his lips together. “If it wasn’t you, and it wasn’t me, then who - “


Slowly, Dean turned around. “Cas?” He’d never heard the angel sniffle, let alone sneeze. “That was you?”

“Um...I...seem to be...Tschchh!

Sam’s head retreated, his brow furrowing as he thought this one through. “Wait - Cas, are you - “

Itschch! I think...I think something’s wrong…” Castiel’s face scrunched up, his eyelids blinking rapidly against the tears threatening to spill down his face. He shook his head, as if trying to clear it.

“Okay - hold on.” Dean angled the light out of Cas’s face, tilting his head to get a better look at his friend. “You’re sneezing - you never sneeze. Like...ever.”

“I didn’t know angels sneezed at all,” Sam commented, scratching his head, the whole Locked In A Room scenario momentarily forgotten.

“We don’t,” Cas rasped. Dean winced at his voice, which seemed to have dropped an octave in the last two minutes. “There’s no reason to. We...Hiiiih…” Cas brought a hand to his nose, rubbing back and forth. “We don’t have reactions like this-K’rshhch! *sniff* but something is...ugh...affecting me.” He sniffed, grimacing at the mess, and drawing a sleeve across his face.

Dean hung his head. “Awesome. We’re trapped, a blood-draining witch is on the loose, and we have an unprecedented angelic allergic reaction.” He blinked, nudging Sam in the ribs. “Hey - say that three times real fast.”

Cas tilted his head, but Sam waved him silent. “Don’t - he was kidding.” Nodding in understanding, Castiel’s mouth opened in anticipation of another sneeze. Sam sighed. “Alright - so, maybe Jimmy had allergies? And since the room’s warded - “


“ - his grace isn’t blocking the reaction. Yeah, okay, that makes sense.” Dean pulled at his chin. “Makes sense, but it’s weird.”

“When isn’t something in our life weird?” Sam asked, hands out.

Dean pointed at him. “Exactly. Which means this isn’t gonna be as simple as a couple sneezes and a runny nose. Cas, are you - holy shit!

Both brothers actually winced as they took a closer look at the angel. He was scratching at his neck, confusion mixed with a classic pre-sneeze expression on his face. “Whaa-Hih’tsschhh! What?” Red bumps sprouted all over his neck and hands, growing in size as Cas pawed at them.

“As I was saying…” Dean muttered, stepping closer, one hand outstretched. “Cas - lemme see your arms.”

Cas took a step back, shaking his head, eyes widening. “Ndo - I’b okay. Just...let’s focus on gettig out of here.” Congestion took hold, encouraging more sniffling, nose wiping and coughing as the drainage down the back of his throat bothered him.

Dean’s eyes narrowed. He watched Cas frantically dig into his arms while swallowing convulsively as he scanned the room for a way out. “Cas, I don’t think - “

“Deand - I’b fide.” He paused, then, “Hhhhh-h’atschh!” This one was a little stronger, forcing Cas to bend at the waist and sneeze freely onto the floor.

He stayed there a second, which was long enough for Dean to signal Sam. We gotta him out of here. Now.

Sam nodded, and resumed searching. Dean licked his lips and took a deep breath. “Okay, buddy. We’re gonna get you outta here, okay?”

Cas cupped his hands over his face, sneezing again, then again, nodding in between.

“Great. Bless you a thousand times, and...yeah, okay. You just...sneeze...and we’ll figure this out.” Dean backed away, watching Cas wave him away. Sighing, he joined Sam near the door. “This isn’t good.”

Sam glanced over his shoulder. “I know. There may be something else messing with him, besides a reaction through Jimmy’s body.”

“I thought of that, too. But if there is, there’s nothing we can do about it from in here, so keep looking.”

Nodding grimly, Sam moved to a different section and continued the search.

Dean was about to go in the opposite direction, when a strangled whimper from behind, followed by a soft thud, caused his heartbeat to stutter. He turned to find Cas leaning against the wall, a cloud of dust and debris floating around him. One arm rhythmically scrubbed at his chest, practically ripping his shirt off, the other alternated between hovering in front of his face and pawing at his nose.


“Cas…?” The light hit the wall, casting a faint glow on the angel.

Cas raised his head, revealing bloodshot eyes, tear-smeared cheeks, and fear - unadulterated fear - radiating from his whole being.

“Deand...I cadn’t…” Was he wheezing? “H’eschch! Hih-Hhhhh-T’schchh!

“Sammy!” Dean barked over his shoulder as he crossed the room, grabbing Cas by both arms as the angel’s head snapped forward, sneezing against Dean’s shirt.

Sam turned, gasping as he caught sight of Cas. He quickly moved to a new section, the search for an escape now more urgent.

“Whoa, Cas - easy! I got you. You hafta stop scratching, man, you’re making it worse.”

Cas wrenched away, almost growling. “You don’t - Eschchh! - udderstand. I cadn’t...it’s...hih-K’schhhh!

The welts blanketed Castiel’s skin, bleeding from the pressure of his scratching. His shirt, now torn at the collar, became smeared with blood and grime as Cas’s fingers caught on the fabric. His mouth hung open in between sneezing and talking, his sinuses so congested he could barely take a breath.

Dean knew he didn’t have much time to ponder how his actions would be judged. He needed his friend to stop making himself bleed, and to just...breathe.

So, Dean took a deep breath, and began running his hands up and down Cas’s arms, hoping to alleviate the hive issue. Instead, Cas tried to wrestle away, hiding his face, trying to break free.

It’chuUH! Hih-KISHHhh! Hetschhhch!”

Dean was done. Bracing himself against the wall, he wrapped his arms around the angel, pressing their bodies together. Once he had a decent hold, he maintained said hold with one arm, while the other applied pressure where Cas’s skin itched the most, which was...everywhere.

Castiel’s head snapped forward sneeze after sneeze, his whole body quivering from the effort. Dean plopped them both on the floor, grimacing as dust swirled from the movement.

“Esschchh! H’ETSCHhh! Hih’Krschhsch!”

“Hang in there, man,” Dean crooned into Cas’s ear. “I got ya...it’ll be okay…” He looked up. “Sam!” His tone was desperate.

Sam straightened, huffing hard enough that stray hair floated away from his face. “I can’t find anything!”

“Look harder,” Dean snapped, grunting as Cas now sneezed in non-stop, rapid fire bursts.

“Deee-etschhhuh--M’mrphhmph--ISCHHhshh--Hrschchh!” Cas buried his face in Dean’s arm, his sneezing interrupted by ragged gulps of air. There was the occasional feeble wrestling attempt to break free and hide, but Dean easily overpowered him, calmly rubbing Cas’s arms, whispering words of encouragement.

After what seemed like forever, Sam called out, “Wait - I think…”

A loud clicking noise echoed throughout the room, the door unlatched, swinging open, and the humming resumed. Even Cas paused his sneezing for a moment.

Dean struggled between wanting to get up, ready to defend everyone in case the blood sucking witch showed up, and wanting to stay put, settling Cas and getting his reaction under control.

Before Dean could even finish his exclamation, “What the - “, Cas sat up straight.

He sneezed, as one final hurrah, “Hhhhhh-hih-T’ISHHHew!” blinked, and the welts, blood, tears, snot, sneezing, everything - disappeared.

Slowly, Cas got to his feet, shaking the dust from his coat...right onto Dean’s face. “hhHHUREEESHHHHEW! Cas!

Cas stretched out his hand, helping Dean to his feet. “Sorry, Dean. Are you ready to continue?”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa - are you okay?”

Cas absently ran a finger under his nose, sniffing. “What do you mean?” His voice was wrecked.

Dean blinked. “Oh, I’m sorry. I must be talking to the other angel in a trenchcoat.”

Cas opened his mouth, then looked around for...another angel in a trenchcoat.

Dean hung his head. “No, Cas. I - “

A blood-curdling scream filled the air.

Sam leapt to his feet. “Guys - c’mon.”

Nodding, Cas pushed past Dean, making his way toward the door. When Sam stepped into the hallway, Cas turned to Dean. “Dean...thank you.”

“For what?”

“For being you.” He smiled a little, turned, and followed Sam out of the room.


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Story 2...Kate and Cas, told in Kate's POV.


We were trapped.

I would’ve smacked Dean for triggering the whole thing, but it really wasn’t his fault.

Well, kinda wasn’t his fault.

Cobwebs were bound to develop in a house that’d been abandoned for a decade, and yes, yes, when one brushes against your face while you’re hyper-focused on hunting a vengeful spirit, it’s startling.

We just didn’t expect the jump/spin/karate/scream combo that resulted from said brushing, but whatever. It happened. Dean stumbled into something that sprung the trap, and now Cas and I were locked within some forcefieldy thing, unable to see or hear anyone beyond our small space.

After a few seconds of yelling and pounding, I smacked myself on the forehead. “Cas - can’t you just poof us out of here?”

He frowned. “No...I...I can’t. It...this space is warded. I cannot...I cannot do...anything...”

Something about his tone set off a warning in my head, but I pushed it aside for the moment, in favor of more fully evaluating the situation and our surroundings. “Okay, then. Uh...let’s see. We’re still in that room, only maybe, what, half of it is in this warded space?”

Luckily, my flashlight still worked, even after being dropped on the floor. Clicking it on, I scanned our little prison. “Yeah, okay - there’s the broken chair, the moldy bed, and of course, no windows. Awesome.” I shined the light where the other half of the room should’ve been, along with the door to the hallway. Instead of the house, things just sort of...blurred into nothing.

Cas stepped over, reaching out with his hands. “There’s no surface here, yet I cannot move past this point. I can touch all the other surfaces, but this barrier is resolute.” He dropped his hands to his sides, facing me, frowning. “I...I cannot get us out.”

I shrugged. “It’s okay, Cas. Not your fault. Think of this as another opportunity to give Dean unlimited amounts of shit. Well, keep looking around, but I’m thinking Dad and the guys will have to find the release somewhere else...maybe once the body’s toasted.”

For the next few minutes, we thoroughly examined our space, moving furniture, kicking/wiping aside dust and debris to check the floor, rifling through junk piled in a corner.

There was nothing.

It was extremely disconcerting not being able to see or hear the others. It was more disconcerting not knowing if they could see or hear us. I felt on display, and in a huff, I clicked off the light for a sense of privacy.

“Kate…” Something in Castiel’s voice made me flip it right back on.


The light cast a shadow over most of him, but I could still see his eyes. They were wide, darting from side to side. He inched closer, caught himself, then stepped away, arms folded across his chest. Wetting his lips, he said, “We...you’re right. Turn off the light - we should conserve the batteries.” He paused. “And maybe...communicate this way, instead.”

Oooh, it was definitely handy to communicate via thought.

Good idea...we don’t know what’s listening.

I turned it off, pleased that it wasn’t pitch black in our little prison. We stood in silence for a moment, and I tried to get any sort of feeling about what was going on. My gut had nothing on the situation.

But it was picking up something else.

I heard fabric rustling against skin, just a little at first, but then a little more. Then, “Hhh‘Kishhh!”, scaring the shit out of me, since it’d been practically silent a second ago.

I jumped, placing my hand over my heart and feeling like an idiot for jumping at a sneeze. “Bless you,” I offered, laughing. “Scared the crap outta me.”

Hihhhh...H’ishhh!” Followed by sniffling.


...From an angel?

“Cas?” I asked out loud.

I’m...I…” He interrupted his own thought with more sneezing. “Tschchh! H’eschhh!

“What -

Itschch! K’rshhch!

“Jesus, Cas, you okay?” I laid a hand on his arm in an attempt at being consoling, but he recoiled a few steps, bumping into a wall, which was very much not Cas.

I switched back on the light, sucking in a breath at his appearance. In a matter of five fucking minutes, Cas fell prey to a full-on allergic reaction to something. His eyes, wide and panic-stricken, blinked furiously as tears streamed down his face. Both cheeks were smeared with dirt from unsuccessful efforts to rub his eyes or wipe away tears. Red bumps and splotches were visible on his neck and hands, which must’ve been itching like mad, because the fabric rustling sound was him scratching and clawing at his skin through his clothes.

His eyes fluttered closed, his mouth hung open, and his head snapped forward, sneezing harshly into the crook of his elbow.

“Holy shit,” I breathed, trying to examine him more closely.

Cas wildly shook his head, scooting away.

What the fuck? “Cas…”

He sneezed again, “H’eschch! Hih-Hhhhh-T’schchh!” After straightening, he wiped his nose with his sleeve, his whole body shaking, eyes clearly avoiding mine.

That’s when I felt it.

Terror. Panic. Helplessness.

Radiating from him.

Recognizing that this situation just escalated into a whole new level, I flipped off the light, and adopted an extremely calm tone. “Cas, slow breaths…”

Eyes squeezed shut, he ripped off a couple more. “Hhhhh-h’atschh! Eschchh! I...I can’t...

“Hey...lookit me.”

Instead, Cas turned away, shaking his head once again, but with more resolution. To make it more fun, he started pacing. “I can’t...Itschhh! cannot control my vessel...I don’t...ugh… Cas wrapped his arms tighter around himself, rubbing them along his torso, trying to make it all just stop.

Wait. Control? The lack of control was freaking him out.

Okay...okay, we could deal with that.

At least I thought I could.

Desperate, I scanned the room once more. Moldy cushions...dust...damp wood...all the fixins for a beautiful reaction for someone with severe allergies.

Apparently, Castiel’s vessel is sensitive.

Hih’tsschhh! Hetschhh! K’schhhh! Hhhhh-hih-hiiihhhh-Hrschchh!

Make that extremely sensitive. Add in angel wards and who knows what else…Castiel’s vessel was exploding with histamines.

Okay. I bit my lip, formulating a plan of action. My hands, and his, were covered in the crap that’s setting him off. We’d dug through the shit on the floor and touched most everything in here. And now, Cas was using those hands to rub his eyes, scratch his arms, and sneeze into.

Yeah, no good.

I pulled a half empty water bottle from my jacket pocket. Trying to find that balance between being conservative and thorough, I rinsed my hands as best as I could. “Cas - c’mere.”

I looked up. He stopped pacing, but only because he was digging even harder at his arms and neck, face contorted in agony and fear. Sighing, I grabbed his hands, pouring the rest of the water over them, and wiping them dry on the inside of my shirt.

I’m...I’m fine...it’s… Hetschch!

“You’re anything but fine, Cas. Your body is having an allergic reaction to something or multiple somethings in here. You need to stop scratching so hard - you’re making the hives bleed.”

“I...K’ishh! can’t...There is...I have no control. I cannot stop this...H’ishhh! Tschchh! Etschchh!

“I know you can’t - it’s a reaction, Cas. Until we get some anti-histamines in you, you won’t be able to control it.”

Well, that was totally the wrong thing to tell him, because once he heard that, he flipped out. Whimpers filled the air, agitated whimpers that ramped up my own panic for him.

I had to settle him down.

With a quick glance at the blurry wall where my family may be watching, I spun Cas around and plopped us both on the floor, our backs to that space. If my Dad was standing there, he couldn’t see our faces, and I hoped that was enough to help my Calm The Fuck Down plan.

I struggled out of my jacket, trying to stay upright as a nonstop sneezing, gasping Castiel sat between my legs. After flipping my jacket inside out, I put it back on, wrapping my arms around him, and pulling him close, letting him rest against the clean(er) fabric.

“Listen to me. You have. To calm. Down. Now.” I let that sink in. “Your panic is making it worse - your hives have hives.” He sneezed four times into my sleeve, wheezing afterwards. “Exactly. Stop fighting me, Cas. Let me help you.”

“But, John...they…

Shhhh...Don’t worry about them. They’re not here, and they’re not important right now. It’s okay. Relax. Please...”

I held him tight, wedging his face against my arm to help keep his head steady. His whole body shook with every sneeze, pushing against me from their force. With my (marginally?) clean hands, I stroked his hair, whispered in his ear and even rocked back a forth a little.

Eventually, he clung back, gripping my arms and curling into a ball. “That’s good, Cas.

Hih’K’ishhh! I’m still...hehhh-hetschchh! and hihhh-hitschhh! skin... crawling...Hp’krshchh!

I nuzzled him with my cheek, caressing him with the back of my hand. “I know. You’re still gonna have the reaction, but it’ll be easier to handle if you’re not losing your shit over it. Without your powers, you can’t control this. You have to just...let it happen. It’ll still suck, but this panic thing is a lot worse.

Panting and sniffling, he wiped his eyes against my sleeve. His heart still raced - I could feel his hammering chest - but I also sensed a slightly calmed mental state.

“There you go. It’s okay. I’ve got you. It’s okay…” I continued to murmur what I hoped were comforting words, sometimes out loud in his ear, sometimes in his head. Occasionally, he nodded in response. Mostly he sneezed and gasped for air.

I have no idea how long we sat there, locked together on the floor. It felt like forever, and probably longer to Cas.

Without any warning, there was a rush of cool air, a few beams of light dancing across us, and before I could even blink, Cas was gone.

Dad rushed over. “Hey...Kate? You okay? We - uh...what the hell happened to you?”

I opened my mouth, but only, “Uhhh…” came out as I tried to catch up with what the fuck just happened. Sam ran over, his maglight illuminating splotches of blood, snot, and tears all over my arms and chest.

“Jesus - what happened? Where’s Cas?”

Huh…”Were you able to see us?” I went for casual, but as soon as I saw Dad’s jaw twitch, I quickly added, “We kept yelling and trying to see past the barrier, but we couldn’t.” I slowly stood as I talked, grabbing on to Sam for help. Both my legs had gone to sleep, and the pins and needles sensation was unbelievably horrible.

Distracted by my blathering, Dad shook his head. “No - we couldn’t see or hear anything. But once we figured out what happened,” he paused to give Dean a look, “we took off looking for a way to get you out.” He pointed at my arms. “So, what happened there?”

I had to give Dad something, so I figured some of what happened was okay to share. “Cas had no powers - this thing was warded, somehow. His vessel had a massive allergic reaction, and he couldn’t stop it. He had these mutant hives that bled from his scratching. He took off to heal himself.” I ended with a shrug, like it was no big deal. “ So...find the bones?”

Dad nodded, accepting my story as the complete deal, because why in the world would I lie to him? As far as I was concerned, as long as he bought the story as-is, Cas losing his shit could stay private.

He turned and left the room, leaving Dean and Sam to help me out.


A few days later, I was sitting on the porch enjoying a beer when a familiar rustle announced Castiel’s arrival. Scooting over so there was room on the swing, I waited for him to materialize.

Which he did...on the opposite side of the porch.


“Hey, there! How’re you feeling?”

Not one for small talk, he launched right in. “I came to apologize.”

I frowned. “Wait, apologize for what?”

“For requiring your assistance. For demonstrating...discomfort. For leaving abruptly.” He looked so sorry, I almost wished I were upset, just so that look was justified.

“There’s no need to be sorry, Cas. You were miserable. The second you were able to go, you left. I don’t blame you for that.”

Eyes downcast, he shook his head. “I am ashamed to admit that the situation was extremely...alarming.”

“Yeah, I picked up on that.” I smiled at him, in an effort to put him at ease. It only made it worse.

“You should not have picked up on anything. It’s a terrible thing to say, but the worst fate for an angel is to be like a vessel - passive and helpless. It’s very…”


He winced.

“So...you’re apologizing because you reacted like any normal human would react in that situation?”

If anyone wanted proof that angels could act like pre-teens, it was standing in front of me. Castiel shrugged one shoulder, face souring, as he tried to turn away.

Oh, I don’t think so.

Setting down my beer, I stepped over, taking his hand in mine. “Talk to me.”

After a nice huff, “Angels don’t have reactions to earth-bound things. It’s wrong to not be in control of your vessel, and it was definitely my vessel. Not being able to - “

Without warning, I stood on my toes and planted my lips on his. The action took him by surprise, as evidenced by the two second delay for the return kiss. But return-kiss he did.

When we parted, I stood still, my lips hovered over his. I murmured, “Now. I’m an earth-bound thing. And I’m pretty sure that was a reaction to an earth-bound thing. It wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Dad’s number one rule with Sam - never ask a question unless you’re really prepared for the honest answer. I mentally crossed my fingers.

Cas sighed, leaning against the railing, his fingers hesitantly entwining with mine. “No...it wasn’t bad at all.”


“Then stop worrying. No apologies needed, okay?”

He nodded, giving me this look that clearly said he understood, but he didn’t exactly share my assessment. He awkwardly cleared his throat. “Well. I...um...need to return to...there...for…”

Chuckling, I stepped back, waving with a flourish. “Thanks for stopping by, Cas.”

He tilted his head at me, smiled that fucking smile, then blinked out of sight.


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(just gonna squeeze in)

Holy mother of God!!!The fits of controlling sneezing! I am not a huge fan of allergic Castiel, but hot damn! I can't even quote anything, these were soooo goood! :bounce:

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Oh my gosh! You managed to fit a Sam sneeze, Dean sneeze, and Cas sneeze into one story and it didn't seem forced! I also loved this part:

Dean hung his head. “Awesome. We’re trapped, a blood-draining witch is on the loose, and we have an unprecedented angelic allergic reaction.” He blinked, nudging Sam in the ribs. “Hey - say that three times real fast.”

I could see it being dialogue from the actual show.

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