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Teh sea witch's curse [The little mermaid]


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Greetings every one, so this is my first nfiction here on this site, and the first sneezy one I try to publish. A few things inspired me this fiction, but mostly it is the cute game calle shall we date fairy tale. This story will inverse (as they did) the sex of protagonist. So instead of Ariel, we will have a merman, and the prince will actualy be a princess, from whom point of vu I will write.

It might take long before the sneezing starts, I'm sorry for that.

So let's start and see where it leads me.


Isbel was up early that morning, well, like almost all morning. She looked at the sun coming up with a mixt of emotions. It always brought so much hope in her heart, but since the death of her parents and older brother, it also came with sorrow and longing. She felt really lonely.

She shoudln't have. She was not alone in life, she had a twin sister, younger of a few hours, but since she became the heir of the crown, she always felt alone. She could not confine in anyone anymore. Before that, she was only a younguer princess, she always knew she had to make an arrange wedding for her contry, but it was alright. She was encouraging in having hobbies and usefull skills. She had taken in the family's gift for magical means and healings. In her contry and for most of their neighbors as well, it was well regarded. The knowledge for plants, spells, potions and the like. It was even a lot usefull for a contry that a princess or a futur queen, dependng whom she'd wed, was able to such skills. It was a sign of prosperity and power.

But for her, it was more of being usefull, of helping all those in need. She loved specialy plants and healings. She was not as skilled or dedicated as she'd have loved. She had too much duties as a princess to indulge too much in those kind of studies, but it was like her escape of a life too full of politics and appearances.

But not, she almost didn't have any time for it. Save if she cuted in her sleep time. But it felt better then lying awake almost all night, sleepless and alone.

So the morning have become her new escape. Escape from court, escape from grief, from loniless and all other things.

She always loved the sea and the water. She never felt more at home as close to the sea or into the forest. This is what gave her the courage each morning to get up.

But that morning, she would soon find her life changing. She saw over the horizon a storm, it was not close by, so she wasn't so much frigthened, but her magical senses told her it might not have been quite natural. And her premonition senses, as week as they were, seemed on fire. The thinkling on her skin was almost maddening. She had to run, she had to follow the growing dread, she had to...

Before she realised it, she was running with all her strength, breatless, but pushing always forward. She felt like something was calling, pulling her further. Then, she saw a silhouette on the beach, lifeless, and she knew at once, it was what brought her there. She didn't knew why, but she had to save him. As if her life, her whole heart depended on it. Just looking at him almost shattered her precious organ to dust. What was happening to her ? She didn't knew, and the feeling just didn't let her enough space to think more.

She fell to his side and studied him closely. This was no man at all ! She realise with amazement and suprise, that the lower part of this "man" was a big and magnificent fish tail. And it was so beautiful, gorgeous, unlinke anything she had ever seen before. And if the man was not the most handsome she had seen, there was something that came out of him that made her heart race.

No one in living memory had seen a merman, and she always thought it was some kind of a legend more then reality. She tried to remember if she had ever come across information that could her help save him. Water, he probably needed water. But again, would just pushing him back to the sea enough ? Was the storm the cause for his desmise here ? Then she realise he suffered from a lot of cuts and bruises. And one was very deep. And he also had burns. She realise it must have been from the exposure to the sun. His breathing was shallow, very weak and uneaven. he must have been there since yesterday.

She had no usefull plants with her, only her magic and the hability to heal she had since childhood. But with all the wounds and his state, he wold exhauste her. But she had to try. She firstly pushed him in the water. Sitting in the water as well, she made his head rest on her laps and she gently put her fingers on his temple. He looked pale and in pain. Her heart skipped a beat, but she pushed the feeling away. She was not the best healer, could have been with time, but she never had that luxury. So she made her best. She closed her eyes, and reached far into herself, where he magic, where he feelings lies.

It always had been easy to heal people for her. She lacked strenght in her magic and knowledge of wounds and all, but she had a lot of raw power. Her heart was racing, and she had the certainty, she just coudn't let him die. She never felt like that before, but it gave her more strenght as well.

She felt like she poured her magic in him for hours and hours, but she never gave up. She felt that it was helping him, his breathing became more and more easy, she felt like he was healing. It was a strange sensation, healing a man. Before, she only hleped animals or cuts and bruises from the servants. But this healing was far more taxing then anything she had done, and in the same time, far more exhilarating. She was saving someone. She was saving someone important. She poured more and more magic in him. She felt her strength fade and leave her. She felt exhaustion burdening her more and more, but she just couldn't stop. Her concentration was total.

And then she was abruptly interupted. She opened her eyes in suprise, feeling awfully dizzy, unable to completely focus on her seroundings. The man was awake, and he had broke free from her grasp. this was what had taken her out of her trance. She realised she was shivering madly in the water, feeling colder then ever before. All her boddy was numb.

He was looking at her with concern, his eyes where the coulor of the deep ocean, and she felt like she could get lost in them and not care at all.

"Lady... are you alright ? Is it you that healed me ?"

He sounded as concern as his yes reflected. And he looked completely healty. Isbel felt realief overwhelming her. The world spinned for a few seconds as concern lifted from her, fleeing with what seemed to keep her awake, but her will took the relay. She would not collapse in front of a stranger.

She nodded with a smile.

"I am so glad to see it worked. I'm not the most skilled witch around, i'm only doing it as a personal interest, but I don't have much time to concentrate to it. I'm so very glad to see it worked sir. I... I just couldn't let you die."

He sat a bit straighter, even if it seemed not so natural with his tail, but he managed it, and took her cold hand in his.

"Thank I owe you my life and my eternal gratitude."

She could have stayed like that for a long long time, save that she heard her name called again and again. People seemed to be looing for her. She had duties, she had things to do. She reluctantly raise, and almost felt back on her knees. She was feeling so week. She closed her eyes a moment so steady herself, when she opened them again, he was looking at her with even more concern.

"I am so very sorry to be the cause of your weakness. You should't have exherted yourself to this point for my sake. But I am very grateful you did. My name if prince Coral, if there is anything..."

He never finished is sentence as people started to appear around the beach, with a look a concern and disapointement, he quickly said.

"I have to go, no one has to know I was here. I'm sorry. I will come around tomorrow morning if I can."

She nodded absently, her mind numb and unable to follow all that was happening. Servant came around shushing to her side, and when she turned, he had alraedy vanish. they were all fussing and inquiring why she was all wet, what she was doing in the water. They were concern, and she let them. She just didn't knew what to say. How to react. She wanted to keep his secret, but she had no excuses to say. She was so very tired.

The whole day was a nightmare and a torture. She just couldn't get him out of her mind. At the most unexpected moment, his face would flicker in her mind, and she would find herself sighing with loneliness, or grinning like an idiot. She never felt like this in her life. She needed to see him again, hear is voice, touch him even.

But still, she got throught the day, and at night, she was so exhausted that she colapsed on her bed. She asked a servant to wake her an hour before dawn. She had to go back. Her maid eyed her with concern and a bit of suspicion, but every one was used to obey her as she wanted. This was the life of a princess. No friend, no arguying, just obedience. Obedience of her servant, of her attendant... and her obediance to her parents and older brother. But this was before. Now she was the heir and in a bit less then a year, she would reach her majority, and become the queen. She dreaded that moment, but her life was due to her people, to her duty, and she would not fail them.

The next morning, she had trouble emerging from her sleep. She felt also a strong tingle in her noses, and she knew at once she was sick. It was the healing. Never before she had used so much of her strenght, and she had been cold and wet for long. Her servant had told her she had disapeared for hours.

But she had to see him again. Just thinking about staying away, taking it easy to heal the sickness made her chest tighten. She just had to go no matter what. So she dressed in confortable and warm cloths and headed out. The sun was not even up, but she didn't care.

She walked to the beach, and often she had to pause because she came very close to sneezing, but every time, it seemed to ellude her and she resume her walk. She really hoped she could hide this from Coral. She didn't want him to worry even more, and feel guilty. A small cough escaped her a bit before she reached the beach and she realised it would be very difficult, but she was determined to try her best.

When she arrived, he was already there, in the deeper water. She approched the sea with caution. What should she do ? If she got wet again, there would be no escape from sickness. But she wanted to talk to him, touch him, reassure herself he really was alright.

She was him move closer, and she felt a bit concern her would beach himself again.

"Be Carefull !" She had cried out before she even realised it. And he waved to her, she heard him answer from far away.

"There is a submerged cliff a miles away from here, We could be confortable talking there."

She smiled and started to follow him, but the wind and sand was starting to bottler her nose and through. It was harder and harder to refrain from sneezing or coughing. But he was far away, surely he wouldn't notice if she stifled them ? And even before she could think more, she quickly had to do so, as a voley of sneezes escaped her. Every time she stiffled and tryed to hold them, they had come in more often and stronguer. Ever since she was a child, but she had no other options. So she did her best, but is was harder and harder as they come close to the cliff and he got closer to her. The thickling in her nose and throught was getting strong and impossible to ignore. She had a hard time keeping her breath from itching as well. But she was strong of will, and she had a lot of practice. Se was taught from childhood how to hold it at bay. When negociatiing, you had to apear strong and show no weakness.

She sat on the cliff, her feet hanging almost in the water. She couldn't see him anywere around now, but he was so close a moment before, then she almost felt into the water as he jumped into the cliff and sat there. He looked at her with his eyes twinkling a little with teasingness.

"I am sorry my lady for startling you." He didn't seem too much concern, but not to laugh of her either. It seemed in is nature to be a bit of prankster, and instead of angering her, she felt her chest lighten and she laught. It was so good. Even if it was only a little chuckle. She just couldn't remember the last time it happened to her. But she quickly had to get a better hold on herself, because she was just about to go in a coughing fit.

He seemed please to have made her laugh.

"You now know my name, your highness, but I must admit I am eager to learn the name of such a benevolant creatures. You are my savior, and I would be grateful even more to put a name with your gentle face."

She felt her face blush, she had her share of courtier and flatterer, but his voice felt so honest it touched her."

"I am Isbel, and as youhhh hheahh hhheard, I'm the priiincess of thhhhis aaatch aaatch realm."

She came very very close to sneeze, she felt it still growing, It was really a botter as she couldn't even keep her speech even. The air of the sea and the sand were making this harder then she ever had before. At home, she had tricks, and often used potions to hide her illness when she really had to. But this morning she was so eager to come she didn't take any precaution. She had been stupid.

But Coral made no comment, he eyed her with curiosity and all, but he didn't seemed to notice. So she relaxed a bit, but not too much, as she didn't want to end in a sneezing fit just beside him.

The conversation continued on and on, and with each passing minute she had a harder time to conceal her state of health. It was harder and harder no to sneeze, and soon, she was almost only concentrating in not letting it escape, answering with monosyllable, trying her best to make him talk instead of her. And the wounder of the sea he described. But he seemed more and more determined to make her talk of the above land. And his questions became more and more pressing.


"Is it usual for humans to breath and talk so unevenly ? You didn't seem to have that kind of speech yesterday ?"

he didn't seemed concerned, just curious. Then she realise, that she never heard of fish or sea mamals that would sneeze. So he probably didn't knew what it was.

"It's... aaatch.... aaahhh nnnnot.... aaatch aaatch... AAATCH..." She pressed a finguer under her nose, not carring so much anymore about her looks,but only to refrain the huge sneezing fit she was sensing coming. "usual. It sometiiiiihhhmes hhhhapens toaaaah aaaatch.... soaaatchiii AAATCHIII AAAhhh.... aaaaatch... AAAATCHi"

She couldn't finish though. The sneezing took the better of her and for some time, she couldn't do anything more. And then, when it subsided, she started coughing. She needed air, but she find it hard to breath. And then she realise that he was holding her upright, and was looking at her with concern.

"Are you alright ? You are so pale now, and your seems like water is dripping from you."

She was so tursty, her throught and nose were on fire. But she managed to smile and steady herself. her voice was arsh when she answered though.

"It's nothing, only a little cold. I'm a little bit sick, but nothing to concern yourself over."

He didn't seem of that idea though, his eyes hadn't left her, and neither did his hand even if she had straightened.

"It's because of me... you looked so exhausted yesterday, and your hand were cold as ice, but not your whole body is like a very very hot current. I am sorry."

She smiled to him and shook her head a little.

"I made my choice... aaatfchiii... aaatchi.. but I don't regret it. It will pass, I am in no danger for my health, I assure you."

this seemed to make him relaxe a bit more.

"I think I should let you return to your home and rest. I... I would like to resume our talk though. I've always been so fascinated by your world, and I must admit i find your company very pleasant. Would you mind coming back when you are felling better ?"

How could she refuse him, he was so charming, and she did also find his company so pleasing. Not in a wrong way, she didn't want to think of that. He was a merman after all. Nothing was possible between them, yet she needed a friend who didn,t care who she was, what she was. Speaking with him was so easy. He made her laugh, he made her feel special for something else them being a princess or a bride to win.

So she nodded and he jumped into the water.

As soon as he left, she felt lonely again, but she pushed it away. She had a country to care for, and her health as well.


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Thanks for the review, I'm sorry, there will not be a lot of sneeze in this part of the story, I'm still in the process of making us come to it.


For the next few days, she let the staff and her sister fuss about her. She hadn't told anyone of what happened, she just couldn't. Instead, she told them she helped a poor beached dolphin back into the water. No one questioned her, but admire her courage and selflessness. The Dolphin was the family's symbol. It was meant for courage, sense of high duty, protection over the people and cleverness.

After three days, though, she felt restless. Not that she wasn't busy. She forced herself to stay in bed to save her strength, but she continued to manage the kingdom from her chamber. So much had to still be done. Her sister took on a lot of her duties, but there were things only she could do.

It was the third day that she received the offer. The neighbourhood prince and future heir wanted a bride. His Kingdom was the most powerful of the region, but the last 10 years, it had been administrated by advisers and regents. The prince was soon to reach his majority as well, and he wanted a queen fit to rule his empire with him. She knew at once, he would have wished her to be the one, so he could claim her kingdom as well. But she just couldn't they were already too powerful. This would be very unwise and most threatening to the other kingdoms around. This was the best way toward war. But she just couldn't refuse. After all, they were the second most powerful kingdom in the continent, just after them. She sighted. The best solutions would have been to offer him her sister, and offer an exchange of some other member of his royal family to be her future king and husband. But that was impossible.

She knew that something awful had happened and that all the royal family save him had been killed. Something about a dreadful storm of something. He had been very lucky to be alive, as he had been away that day. He was with an uncle visiting some monastery, and if that last parent took his first year of regency, he died of an illness a bit more than a year after, leaving him alone, under the care of servants and other nobles who, for the most, competed for his favors and regency.

She had never seen him, but he had the reputation of being a very rude and selfish boy. Her sister would have a very sad and lonely life, but did she have a choice? A refusal would be open war. She knew that. She had no choice. They were strong enough to refuse her as his future Queen, but not to refuse all together the "proposal". Her sister, once she learned of it, seemed quite resigned to her destiny. She was a very very talented healer, but overall, she was more a dreamer then herself. She always had been the more kind and selflessness of them two.

That was what pushed her up the next morning. All night she just couldn't keep the face of the merman out of her mind. She felt so completely and utterly alone in her room. Thinking about the fate she just signed for her sister. And she would probably have to suffer a similar fate, save that she would be the one to make the proposal. But with her sister offered to him instead of herself... she would have to make a strong and powerful deal to someone else. It was the only way to avoid war.

So even if she was still not completely healthy again, she found herself on the beach before sunrise. Her feet carried her to the submerged cliff and there was the well-known figure she secretly longed to see. Coral. He waved at her and joined her. He looked concerned as she shivered in the morning air.

"You still don't look quite well my princess... unless this is the usual state of humans, but I'd say it's far from what I've observed of your kind so far."

She smiled, unable to hide the fact that his concern felt a bit pleasant for her, and the pang of shame she felt at that as well.

"I am well enough to walk around, I only need to keep to calm activities, and behhh besides, I'm in no real danger aaatch for my health and I hahhhh ahhh aaatchi had quite enough of my room and bed."

He inclined his head, as if conceding a victory to her, but his face kept trace of concern now and then. But they resume the talk they started at their last meeting. She was not completely healed, for sure, as she sneezes and coughed from now and then. But at least the fever was down, and she didn't felt bad, or exhausted anymore..

And the morning seemed to have fled somewhere before she realized the time it was. She had other duties to attend to. But speaking with him was so easy. She felt so happy, so right at her place by his side, speaking freely with him like no one else. She reluctantly stood up and excused herself. She felt a bit ashamed to see how much he too was sad to let her go. They promised to meet back there the next morning.

And so the days passed. A week after their first real conversation on the cliff she came to his meeting, wearing a crown of flowered offered by the daughter of a servant. His face brightened so much at the view of the flower she couldn't refrain from laughing a bit. He looked just like a child who'd seen flower for the first time.

He marvelled at them, smelled them, and seemed totally in awe with the petals and all.

"Have you never seen a flower before?”

He could only shook his head, completely absorbed by his viewing of them. She was smiling fondly before she even realised it. Her heart felt like it would burst and explode out of tenderness. He was so beautiful like that. Not physically, but something more profound. More like his aura, his charisma. Seeing him so happy made her want to see him like that for the rest of her life. She felt like she could take on the whole world just for him to smile like that forever.

"Then I give them to you."

He turned to her, beaming even more. They continued their conversation of the previous days, and as all morning, she willed herself to leave after an hour. She had too much duties to indulge herself more spare time. Even more with the planification of her sister's wedding and so much more to prepare for herself. She hadn't yet found a future husband for herself and it was growing more and more urgent with every passing day.

Then as she rose, he plunged into the water, and the waved suddenly covered in petals all over. Contrarily to the other days, his head reappeared over the waves and he looked around him with distress.

"I'm sorry... I forgot that the flowers are so fragile and wouldn’t withstand the water..."

Isbel felt so bad for him, so sad. She should have warned him, remember that. It was so unlike her to forget such details.

"I... Can I confess something to you my lady ?"

She nodded, curiously serious now. He seemed so intense, so deep in his request.

"I... you said you had magical powers... and I was wondering if you had a way to turn me into a human. Do not... do not think this is some fancy of me that would pass. It's been years now, that I spy on your world, that I long for it. There is nothing that is waiting for me in the bottom of the sea. My brother will inherit my father's crown, I am but the third in line for the crown, and I have no wish for either an idle noble life, of any other life down there. I want to live under the sun, to walk in feet like yours... I wish to be able to live among the fl... flowers." he faltered to remember the word I used to call the marvel he had discovered that day and I stopped him there.

"I am sorry dear Coral, my wonderful sea prince. I am not a true sorceress. Yes I heal people, and I do have a strong magic in me, but I never had time to fully develop my power. I've never heard of such a way to do things. I will make my research, but I am not sure I will find anything. I cannot fully concentrate on such a matter, even if it pains my heart so much to disappoint you, but I just cannot forget my duty to my people and kingdom."

Oh how much she wished she could help him. But there was simply no time enough. He looked so sad, so disappointed... then hope seemed to cross his features.

"Do not feel sad for me Isbel. I... there is someone I could, perhaps ask. I fear she is probably not the best choice, but I understand now that she might be of help. My father and all those who heard of her call her the sea witch. They describe her as awful, but she is renowned to be the most powerful magic user in the ocean."

That frightened her, a witch, a dark one. This wouldn't end well.

"Please, Coral, I'll search everywhere, leave me some time to at least try. I fear this witch you are talking about. There is always a high and dangerous price to pay for such a person's help. Let me try."

He nodded, but she felt he was a bit more resolute to have his dream.

The days passed again, and he spoke more and more of becoming human. The dream slowly gaining her as well. If they could be together. He was a prince after all, was he not ? But his father didn't seem like the kind of King who would accept such a life for his son. For all she knew, and that he'd told her, it was even forbidden to show himself to a human. Even if she had saved her life, he should have sing her until she forgot. But he just couldn't do it.


Coral couldn't wait anymore. He had seen the toll his request had taken on her. She looked more and more tired every day. And there was a concern that was growing more and more in her eyes. Something was bettering her so much he could see it more and more at each of their meeting. Every time he tried to make her talk about it, she avoids it. It ripped into his heart to see her like that. He just couldn't deny it anymore. He was completely and utterly in love with her. He just couldn't see his life without her, without her smile, her will, her personality. The sea had nothing anymore to offer him and he felt like he was growing mad each day a bit more.

He knew she was not coming even close to find anything to help him. And she had a country to run. He had to go to the witch, it was the only option.

So he gathered his courage, left a note to his father to explain all his choice, and confess his love for the human princess. He knew his father would not be pleased, but he had no choice. If he didn't convince him, he would probably use his power to bring havoc to his beloved's kingdom and that would be disastrous.

So he swam for three days. He hopped his princess wouldn't be to concern of upset. But if he talked to her about it, if he took the time to even think, he feared he'd abandon it all. And he just couldn't. He had to do it.

Finally, he arrived where the rumours and legend said she was living. It was indeed a creepy place. Cold, dark, but he had to go forward.

He entered the cavern and saw the silhouette of a mermaid. When she turned around at his approach, he felt his breath stop. It was the most beautiful and marvellous creature he had ever seen. The only thing he wanted was to kiss her, to hold her. All in her was calling to his manhood. He felt a rush of desire like he never ever felt. It was maddening. He wanted nothing more then to touch her skin, to make her his.

Before her realized it, he was by her side. She was facing him, her magnificent eyes in his. He felt completely to her mercy. His hand reached her soft and smooth skin. Oh, the sensation ! It was so good, so overwhelming. He wanted more, so much more. The passion was completely taking hold of him. Nothing more existed then his desire to kiss her, and more.


Then, the image of Isbel crashed in his mind. He eyes looking at him with so much tenderness. Her laugh when he first saw the flowers. The love he felt seeing her with the flower crown. The sun reflecting in her eyes.

And the spell was broken.

The Sea witch exploded in laughter, but it was not the sweet musical sound he pictured for such a lovely creature. It was something cynical, dark and amused.

"So the little prince is in love." She laughed even more at his astonished face. "The only thing that could prevent you from falling for my aura is a true love. So that is why you are here I assume. Poor little prince is in love with a human. So, you want to join her I assume. Like a few of your ancestors I helped. Like that poor little princess that turned to sea foam when she couldn't make him love her."

he remembered that story. His mother always said it was just a tale, a legend to make children think before acting. Something to make them wiser to love and it's danger. So it was true ? He shivered.

"You'll want my voice then ?"

She laughed again, an evil and creepy laugh, yet something was definitely still resonating in him, charming him, even if the memory of his beloved protected his mind a little.

"Oh, that is so out of fashion. And too much can be done even without your voice. Of course, you'll loose all the magic in it, if you are not a merman anymore, but no, I've no use for a male voice anyway. No, what I want in exchange will be far worse for you. I want something that will make you trully miserable.. but I won't tell. You either accept my bargain without knowing the cost to you, or you don't."

This was torture. What would happen ? He couldn't promise anything that would harm his Kingdom. Almost as if she could read his mind, and that wasn't to take out of mind she said.

"Don't be afraid. I've tried once to rule your kingdom, tried to seduce, then take by force the ruleship of it... and it didn't succeed. I'm far more happy here, with my magic, even in exile. I don't want anything like that. But your suffering will feed my magic. As well as hers. You see, benevolent witch gain magic by helping others, by their happiness, and all that nonsense. I gain it by the suffering of others, by the price I request and the consequences of it. The more contract I do, the more suffering I bring in this world the more powerful I become."

She took the dagger from her belt. It was beautiful, well ornamented, and yet, it make him shiver. There was something utterly evil about it.

"So, decide yourself. If you wish me to turn you human, give me your hand and we will seal the bargain in our mixed blood. If not, I suggest you swim fast to get out of here for I will not halt my guardians as I did when you came this way."

He had only seconds to decide. He so wished to see her again, to be with her, to feel the sun completely. To walk, run, dance. Before he could think further and regret, he extended his arm. He felt the blade pierce his skin, and his whole body seem to become in fire as her blood mixed with his. Then he lost consciousness.


Four days since she had seen him. Every morning she would still go to their place on the cliff. She would hope to see him again, but it faded more and more. She just didn't had enough time in the day to search as it would be required. She was not a strong enough witch either. What should she do. She had received a confirmation of the future King that wished a bride about his visit to them. He would arrive in a month time. He wanted to change her mind about the wedding and accept to become his queen instead of her sister. He'd also say he wished to discuss the matter of the wedding and all. It was not a good news. She didn't neither open war, nor to anger her so powerful neighbor. But she just couldn't give him her kingdom. Not to such a man he was rumored to have become. Not to such a kingdom as he had. Even her sister seem so much to agree to give.

Lost in her thought, she didn't realize there was a silhouette unconscious on the beach. But as soon as she recognised the loved figure, she ran to him. Coral. How did he ended up beached again ? When she came closer, she realised something was strange, wrong. Where were his fins ? his so beautiful tail ? He had... legs ? What was this all ? No... he didn't go see that witch ? What wrong would this bring.

As she keeled beside him, he slowly opened his eyes and smiled to her,

"My lady... It's done."

He grimaced as he tried to rose. His whole body seemed to hurt. She helped him up, but even he looked a little unbalanced and uneasy at first, it took him only a few step to walk alone. He beamed in happiness and she felt her heart leap at it.

"I'm human !"

He took her hand and started to dance. It was contagious, and soon they were both laughing.

"Oh ! I so have to show you the garden, there is so much I have to make you see. So much we discussed you can now witness."

They both completely had forgotten the shadow of the witch. But it would soon come back to them.

She grabbed firmly his hand in hers and brought him toward the castle. It was very close by. Now and again, as they walked, he seemed to make small sounds, like he was sniffling, or smelling something. But she didn't really took notice of it. All must be so new, she was so happy. She didn't knew why, but she felt so joyous, so complete now that he was truly by her side.

When then came into the garden, his eyes widened. He looked like someone who just see all his dreams comes true, and it probably was the case. He started to run from flower patch to trees and all.

It was the end of spring and the best seasons for flowers of all kinds. Everywhere pollen was in the air, perfuming all, and the colors where glorious. But from time to time, he felt weird, It was like an itch, but in his nose. Was something wrong with what had replaced his gill inside it ?

Isbel noticed something seemed wrong, but she couldn't tell what. He looked a bit disturbed and puzzled.

"Are you alright Coral ?"

He looked

"I... ehhhh ehhhh... don't .. snifff sniff. knowd."

He sounded a little bit congested now and then, but then, it seemed to pass, and he looked as usual, if perhaps his nose was a bit red. Perhaps it was just the need to adapt to this whole land walking.

He slowed his pace to enjoy and savor the moment and smells. The itch seemed to come and go, sometimes stronger. But as it only made is breathing itch and quiver a little, neither of them really gave it much attention. She just had so much to show him.

But the itch seemed to grow a bit stronger over the time. He didn't talk about it, he didn't want to concern her, but it was become a real bother. His breath quiver a bit more often. Not so much, but the itch, was becoming troublesome. Still, he concentrated on the flowers, their sent, their color, all in the garden where just too amazing.

She picked up a lily, it was his favorite from all the flowers she had bough him. Since a few minutes, now, the itch had become a bit more irritant then it had since he came into the garden. It was almost like burning, but not quite. His eyelids flicker now and then as he looked like he would sneeze, of felt itchy. As she handed it to him, he wanted to thank her, but something really bothered him.

"thaahaaa snifff... snifff... thank aaaatchhh... snifff.... AAATCHIIII""

The strange itching took completely hold of his body and he heard himself sneeze. That was so weird, and very very unpleasant, but the relief was instantaneous. The itch was mostly gone now. It felt better. His nose felt a bit blocked, but not so much. He took the flower and smelled it. The itch returned, but it was bearable. Then he looked at her and the mixed concern, fondness and hint of desire he saw in her eyes and made his heart race. He took the flower she gave him and gently arranged it in her air.

As soon as he started to thank her, she saw something was wrong. His breath, his face, all looked like he was about to sneeze. What was wrong ? He never had such a behavior before, more even so that he didn't even seem to know what a sneeze was before he met her. Was his nose having a hard time adjusting ? She hoped it was just that. And at the same time, she felt strange, awkwardly pleased by it. He looked so cute, so vulnarable, and yet there was something pleasing in his sneezing. She was not a fetishist, but still, his were different.

"Are you alright my friend?"

He nodded and smiles, sniffing a bit, but he looked alright.

"I assume so. It felt really strange, but it seemed I'm feeling myself again. And I must admit you look really perfect with that flower in you hair."

She smiled fondly, but the concern remained a bit, but since he looked just fine, they resumed their walking. Now and again, he seemed ready to sneeze again, but no other seemed to come to him. Too soon, it seemed, her duties called her back in. She offered to ask a servant to accompany him around the rest of the garden and name him all the plants, but he shook his head. His eyes seemed to unfocus again, and he sniffed wetly.

"I would glahhh...sniff.... gladly prehh-fer to do it with you. I'll leave you to your duties, and will wait for tomorrow morning to resume our visit. Without you, it's half thehhh ehhhh the pleasure that would be losaaaatchiii.... sniff... snifff.... lost."

She glanced at him with concern again, but if he was growing sick, there was little she could do about it right now. Perhaps he only needed time for his immune system to adapt to the land living, or his smell. Either way, peraps it was better if he rested a bit."

"If you don't mind, I'm growing a bit concern with this sneezing and all of yours. Perhaps it would be best if a servant would prepare some quarters for you and you'd rest."

He nodded, he did feel really exhausted. He never walked before, and they had done so for an hour, and his body felt like it was still exhausted by the transformation, now that she mentioned it, he really felt tired and worn out. At leat the itch seemed to have faded away for the moment.


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  • 4 months later...

The room he was offered was lovely, even if he had know what a real prince could have requested, it would have seen shabby. Of course, since she couldn't tell who he was, she had to present him as her new personal servant. He, of course, wouldn't be close to her room, or intimate servant, it wouldn,t be proper for a princess. But still he could serve as her servant until she find a way to give him an identity she could mary. Or could she ? 


That might be the heart of the problem. How could she find herself so deeply found of a man she barely knew. And yet, all she could think of was his face, her heart raced everytime she thought of his eyes, his smile... and even his sneeze. This was nonsense, and yet, it was real. She would have to sort this all out. Learn to know him better, perhaps it would go away. She had a duty to her people after all.


The moment his head touched what they called a pillow he was fast asleep. He didn't remember her dreams, but it felt like they were strange and dark. Like something evil was looming over him, laughing. This was the only thing he could remember. And he woke up thinking about the evil witch, and feeling very very much turned on. It was quite embarassing, as the simple brushing of his covers made him shiver in desire for his little princess. Gods from the sea, he only knew her for a few weeks. 

And then something woke him out of his strange state. The thickle, it was back and hit him very very strongly as a gust of wind entered the room from the window. He almost came close to sneeze again. It felt so strange, so weird, and somehow very frightening. What was happening to him ? He didn't felt feeverish, that state he would recognise. His look in the mirror wasn't pale like his princess when she seemed sick. So what was the problem ?

As quickly as the sensation had came, as quickly it vanished, so he made himself ready for the day. Studying the things in is "wardrobe" and all.


She took her breakfast as usual, while taking care of the urgent matters of the morning and orverseeing the paperwork for the kingdom. But this morning it was harder as she often was distracted by the image of her lovely merman. Gosh, concentrating was so hard when you felt so strange inside. But she had a will of iron, and so she managed until he was brought to her room. 

By then she had finished doing most of the paperwork and decided a small walk into the garden would help her moral and her effectivness. And besides, she liked the way he beamed at the flowers and the novelty of this land life. 

"My dear Coral, would you be willing to accompany me as I walk around the garden ? I would be glad for some company, and I still have things to overlook on behalf of the kingdom. Maybe you could read me the files and take note of what I decided ? I find myself more able to concentrate in the garden sometimes."

He smiled with joy and bowed to her.

"Of course my lady, that would be my great pleasure. You are a very recourcefull lady and I am honored to be of service to you."

So they gattered her things and went to walk into the garden. They walked in silence for a minute or two before she heard him catches his breath some, and then sniff. She looked at him with some concerned, but he waved them off.

"Shaaahll sniff, shall we saaartch aaatch... snifff. Start my lady ?"

He seemed to blink a few times mores, his look distant and concentrate, but then he resumed his usual self, and she nodded. There didn't seem anything she could do to help him at this point. So they resume her work over the Kindgdom, going from paper to paper, and report to report. But the after a few hours had passed, the more he had to pause and his speech become interrupted and cut. He didn't quite sneezed, but he seemed more and more close to it, and she felt herself melting at how cute he looked and sounded. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

As the evening passed, his truggle seem to increase slightly, but there didn't seem anything she could do for him. He was still very very efficient. She was suprised at that as well. It seemed perhaps that merfolk and humans at lots in common.  Soon, the kingdom urgent business were done, and she find herself woundering about him. She knew he was a younguer son, a prince of his kingdom, but she knew nothing much more. She missed the light and happy discussion they had at the beach.

At the tought, she smiled to herself longingly, her heart started beating faster and she felt like she was floating. She glanced at her handsom prince and she couldn't help but wounder what it would feel to kiss him. She had to exercise a great control over herself as she might just have kissed him on the spot. The scene seemed so lovely, so perfect to her. But... as she just had told herself, she knew nothing of the men. She was dedicated to her kingdom, it was her destiny, her duty, her life. She couldn't just wed the first man she fall in love with. It had to be polliticaly beneficial for her people. At that, she fell her mood gloom. She always knew she would never marry for love, but now that she find herself falling in love with someone, the idea revolted her. And yet, she had no choice. She loved her people.

"Princess, is eehhhh sniff snifff thhehhre sniff a problem ?"

She glanced back at him and found herself smilling dispite everything. He was concerned for her when she should be the one concern. She stop walking and raised her hand without even thinking about it. She rested it on his forehead, his skin soft and gentle to the touch, sending a small shiver all over her body, and his eyes seems to take a deeper shade. He licked his tongue and she felt his head press strongly on her hand. What she would give to kiss him, to feel his... no , focus. You cannot, and this will never happen. She removed her hand quickly and resume walking.

He didn't feel hot, he didn't even look sick. This was preoccupying. And she felt like there was nothing she could do. 

"I'm fine, a bit concern with you, but you shouldn't concern yourself over my mood. I am strong and I will get over it as I always do."

He seemed to frown at that, and look a bid more sad.

"But, you ahhhre aatch aaAAATchh" he raise a hand to his nose abscently, looking like he would sneeze anymoment now and she felt her cheek blush, her mind gowing jelly. He was so cute, she wanted to cuddle him and kiss him even more. But she made violence to regain control once again. This was proving harder and harder and she didn't know how to handle it.

His expression regain it's sharpess after a second or two and he tried again, his breath still sounding very very itchy.

"You don't hahhve tohh sniff sniff bde aaatchh aaahlode." he sounded a bit congested now, poor man. He really seemed to strugle with her world. She made a mental note to try to make him some potion against a cold and to ease his sinus. And then the meaning of her word hit her, his kindness, the sincerity behind them. All her life, no, since her parent's death, she had erected a wall between her and the world. She was the Queen now, and she could not confided in anyone, she could not let them see her strugle, her weakness, her pains. She had to be strong because it was what was needed of her. 

But him... he was a stranger, a former prince now turned human and impersonating a servant. But he was not someone of a lower class. And he was completly dependant of her. Because he knew nothing of the rest of her world. He couldn't be anyone elsewhere. No one would know who he was, and he would be at best a serf or something. He would be dependant on anyone he met if not her, and they probably wouldn't believe him or truly help him. She needed someone to lean on. She had to be realistic. She couldn't continue like that, all alone. And she desperatly wanted to trust him, she loved him. And he needed some balance. Some way that he wasn't only dependant on her. That there was an exchange. 

"I am sorry, you are right. With no one else could I let myself be seen week... but you already have. And you know what the burden of royalty is. I'm a Queen, I should always be seen as strong and competente, but you know bettwer. And I can't confide in my sister anymore. We are... too different, as much as I love her."

She spontaneously took his free hand. The other was still pressed against his nose, and his expression still looked so itchy she hurt for him. As they walked, she passed under a beautifull archway almost bended under the weight of the gorgeous amaranth, and she slightly brushed one of them. His breath became suddenly more and more ragged. His eyes glazed more and all his body screamed the control her tried to exerted on himself not to sneeze.

"aaatch... indehhhaatch huhhhh snifff... huh... I aahhh itchhh am yhhourshh'HETGXT!!..huh hash hh'HEXSST... hh'HETGXT!!..h'HEXSST"

He bented over the force of his sneezes and she caught him with concern. What a sigh. He looked a bit panicked as well, but he soon regain his composure. She offered him a hanckerchief and he took it with a mixed expression of puzzelement, shame and fright. His breath was still hitching as he seemed to be fighting to regain control.

"Blow your nose in it, it might help you."

As he raised the hankerchief to his nose, his breath itched again, and he sneezed twice more. Then he blew his nose and he sighted with relief.

"I am thuhhly sorry for that princess. I... just can't fhihhgure out what is wrong. My nose... it hitched so much, I could barely speak. It seems a lot better, but it still itches."

She gave him a simpathetic look and sighted as well, she let go of him and took back his hand, forcing him to walk with her again. She concentrated herself on her concern to forget how much she liked having her hand in his.

"I think you catched a cold, like the one I had. You don't seem to have a feaver, which is good though, but I think your immune systeme isn't use to our world. I'm sorry that you feel bad."

He nodded, and she was please to see that he seemed to have regain his composure again. His breath was even, and only slightly short. 

"It seemes to have past for the whorse of it." He sniffed slighly but that was all.  "The tickling seems to be subsiding."

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[Just a small note xD I made a mistake in the placing of time in my last post. It wasn't as evening was passing, but as afternoon was passing. And since I can't edit yet, I post the correction here]


Soon, too soon in fact, she had to go back. A true King or Queen didn't have much spare time. She had to take some, unless she wanted to break at some point, but it was usual short. She had done still a lot of work while she walked in the garden and all. But there were things she couldn't do from elswhere then in the trone room or her study. And now was almost time for audiance with petitionners, then council meeting, and then official court supper. And in the mist of all that, she also had to find a way to give him a real existence here. He didn't trully have what it took to be a servant. And he was a man, so she would have to find him a past, and make him suitable for a job that would put his great skills to use. A job she could see him often enough, but perhaps that would also keep him at lenght from her. So the temptation would never be too easy to succumb. As a women, she could enver take any lovers. It would always have to be her husband. It was a stupid, as the royal blood came from her. But in all other contries, it was not even know for a women to rule. If she'd take someone from her kingdom, it might be alright. But, with the tension around the other kingdoms, the small land and army she had... She would probably have no choice but to either wed the king coming to visit, or hope he would, sadly, prefer her sister as a queen of his own. Which she would indeed prefer, as she didn't want to become a vassal state of the bigger kingdom. 

And, Coral needed some rest. He didn't struggle as much as a few minutes earlier, but his nose was bright pink, and his breath was still ragged her and there. She sighed, never before did her duties seemed to come so soon. She would have to master herself more in the future. She couldn't afford to start seeing her duties as a burden. She loved her people, and she was good at what she did. She didn't like power, but she liked that she could make a difference for people when it mattered. She was not perfect, and never would she be. But she trully believed in justice and equity. Even if nobility had a position of privilege, in this kingdom, it meant you were judge harsher, not lesser. It meant that you had to govern your people with justice and compassion, and that lower people had more chances then the nobles. Because you were accountable for the life you had in your care.

Still, she felt better then since a long time. The afternoon had passed in the blink of an eye and she felt somehow like her burden was lesser because their was hope to share it. She might never have the luxury to indulge in a real love and passion with Coral. But perhaps with time, they could build a strong friendship that would benefit her kingdom.

"It is all the time I could take at my leisure. It is time for me to resume my role as queen and attend more dutifull maters. As long as you remain an unknown and a stranger, sadly, I cannot truly confide in you, nor can you be seen in my company for too long. I will find a way to give you some credit and a reallity in this kingdom, but it will require time."

He bowed his head with a hint of sadness, but he didn't seemed angry or resentfull. 

"I thank the princess for her time and I will rehhh huhh return to my room. I have a lot to study to fit in your world."

She smiled to him and nodded. 

"I will send someone to show you the library and make a list of the books that you might find usefull. Tomorrow, perhaps I can take you to our aviary and show you all our different birds. We mostly have pigeons for communications, and birds of prey for hunting. I think you might like to see the last fly."

He smiled with hope this time and bowed more deeply.

"I think, no matter my state of health, that I will very much like my life on the surface and it will be all ...snifff.. sniff... huhhh ahall that i dreamed of."

She sensed herself smiling to him. Her heart raced again and she felt like she was flotting. The prospect of having him stay, be happy, here so close to her. She felt like jumping around, flying, like her heart would burst. But she container herself and hope this infatuation would soon past. It was quite becoming a problem. She couldn't afford to let herself be distracted or succumb to a pretty face. 

She was startled when he took her hand gently and gracefully brought it to his forehead, almost dropping to one knee. For sure merman didn't do such a thing, so she wonder where he had seen the gesture and knew how to do it. And still, she felt like she was melting and blushing. He smiled even more brightly and commented with a hint of humor, and seeming a lot pleased by himself.

"It seems I've picked this custom right. It served to daydream while looking at your nobility engage with one an other."

At this, he left and she was relieved. If he had stayed, she didn't knew if she could have controle her urge to touch him, to feel him close to her. This was discouncerting and not helpfull at all. And at the same time, she didn't want him to stop at all.


In the evening, she did as she promised. She sent a valet to escort him to the library. It was a man she trusted with her life. He had seen her grow up, he was also the man of her late father. He had been trusted with the family's secret for a long time. Like he was almost a uncle to her. The difference of age was preventing her to really feel like she could confide in him. Like he was a friend and a confident, but she still trusted him enough that she had told him about the merman's story. He was a bit suprised, and perhaps disbelieving, but since she said it, it seemed to be enough for the good man.

So she had sent him with Coral, to make him learn of this world, to be his mentor. And in a way, she felt like it was important that he approved of him. After all, the man was more then just a servant. He was of noble, even royal blood. Only he was a younger son, of a younger daughter, and so on. But he was something like his great-grand-cousin or uncle. He had a court title, of course, but no real land of his own. Still, it granted him enough power to serve as a secretary and almost vizir to the royal family since years. His jugement was important in her eyes.

The evening became night when the state dinner was finaly over. She felt exhausted, but she still wanted to see him, and Alastair. Know how it had gone. So she made her way toward the library. Even before she enter it, she knew they were still there. She heard Coral's inimitable pre-sneeze breath. It looked very very itchy, and yet, he seemed to hold on. She smiled dispise herself and felt her knees weaken. 

*Hold it girl. You have more will then that.*

She chastized herself. This man was getting the better of her. Gods it was trying. But she gattered herself and continue her way to them.

"Good evening gentlements. I hope you had a pleasant time."

There were book scattered everywhere and a bit of dust in the air. She always had a bit of sensitivity to it. Nothing very very much, but it made her own nose slightly tichklish. And it didn't help to hear Coral's attempt to contain his own. 

"ghoohhh huhh itshhh goohhd ebehhbing magdehhhsty."

God he looked whorse then this morning. Perhaps her questioning could wait for later. 

"Coral, I am very sorry to tell you, but you look horid. I really think you should be in bed. And all this dust is probably not the best for you current health."

He nodded with what seemed reluctance, but it was quite hard to tell as his eyes were out of focus and his face froze in a pre-sneeze expression as he seem in constant fight not to loose control of himself. Before she could stop herself, she found her hand on his shoulder. It seemed to startled him, as he dropped the book he was holding. It was one that didn't see much used in the past months or even years, and as soon as he touched the table in front of him, it closed with a snap and sent a cloud of dust between the two of them. The reaction was immediate. Her nose began to itch furiously, it was not yet a sneezing fit thouhg. But if before he seemed to barely hold... not he looked like he was put to torture. His breath was only ragged attempt to keep the itch at bay. Be had his free hand clasped on his nasal appendice, pinching it hard. His eyes were close, all his posture in preparation to what seemed like it would be a huge sneezing fits. 

"huhh.. hhh... Ihhh Iyaaahhhm huhhuhhh nuhht  guhhh huUUUH sneehh sneeEEHHH AAAATCHH"

Alastair looked full of compassion for the two of them and handed the young man his hankerchief. Coral extended his other hand to take it, but he was never able to reach it before the fit finaly won. It wasn't a long fit. But it was quite a sight, even more so, since he seemed to battle all the way to the end to try and regain control. Alastair had to reach for the man and force the hankerchief in his hand before he could try to use it. It seemed to help him a bit, though.

"I am truhhly sorry yuhhr  huh mhashj hh'HEXSST huh majesty. This display whuhhs huh inhehhntenn huh inhuhhh hh'HEXSST huh hh'HEXSST. Excuse me. It seems snifff.... huh snifff... my state is whorsening. With huh huh yhuhr permission.... snifff.... hh'HEXSST hh'HEXSST... pardon mehhh ehhh.... with your..."

She cut him out, trully pained to see him so miserable.

"You have my permission, no my orders, to retire and rest. We will postpone the visit of the aviary and any other exherting exercies in a few days, so you can rest. I will also personnally see that you are brought some medicines for that nasty cold that seems to build."

All the time she was speaking, she could see him stuggle to trully regain contol of himself. He seemed to succeed after a moment and only bowed before her retired. She was happy he did so, as he nose was quite starting to struggle as well and she didn't want him to be concern over her mild discomfort. She glanced back at Alastair who was handing her an other hankerchief. He knew her to well. Sadly, though, the sneeze seemed to be stuck, and the tickle only grew stronger and more annoying. She hated to do that, as it left her sinus slightly burning afterward, but it was better then waiting for hours for the relieving sneezed. So she gattered a bit of dust in her hand and took a deep breath. She didn't even finish it that she struggle not to sneeze into the open air, and not to send a lot lot dust into the air. She wanted relief, not a whole sneezing attack.

She barely made it to raise the clean hankerchief to her nose before it exploded. 4 times... mo a fifth one almost sneaked on her. But then she was alright. Her nose still burned and tickled a little, but as soon as she would be in her room, she could get rid of that properly.

"I quite like this young man milady." 

Isbel inhalled sharply, which was quite a bad idea in the situation, with surprised. Not that it was suprising that he liked the man, but it was that he stated it so bluntly, so openly. He must be liking him a LOT. She contained the tickles that sharply grew, and kept her voice calm and compose.

"Really ? I am pleased to hear so. I was quite hoping you would."

He noded firmly.

"I am quite proud of my jugement over characters and my years in the family's service as sharpen quite a lot my skills and intuitions in the matters Isbel. And I like this man. He is kind, intelligent, he as humor and he is also pragmatic. He doesn't seem like he's prisonner of his former allegiance. He as an open mind and he likes you. I can see it in his eyes. He seem to have a very strong will. He was struggeling with his affliction for quite a while since we were here, and he never let that get the best of him. He didn't grew impatient, he was still focus on learning, on answering my questions and all. If he wasn't so much a stranger and an unkown man... I would think he'd be a very faire match for you my queen. What a shape we cannot give him more title, more background, he would made a trully marvelous king at your side."

It was so much what she had secretly wanted that she was very very surprised at that and she slipped her control over her breath.

"yuhh ihhh thihnk so ?"

She cursed herself for feeling to hopefull, for the lack of control, for everything. She so wanted that. And yet... how could she feel so in love with him. It was both a nightmare and a wounderfull feeling. 

Alastair looked at her with compassion, he gently took her by the shoulder and started striding toward the exist.

"Let's not linger here, I know how ticklish you become here, even though you like this place so much. Yes I like him... but it doesn't make him a suitable prospect for you and you know that. We need to work something more."

She nodded sadly. She should have known better then to let her hope flares up. He escorted her silently to her room and bid her good night.

"Perhaps night and hope will make us find a solution. I can see how both of you look at each other. Do not dispair... but please, do not hope either. As sad as it makes me, you are the Queen, and your duties are to your people."

She knew he was right, and it was why she tried still so much not to think about it, not to hope, not to feel that love that was becoming so overwhelming. So she wished him goodnight and retired.

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  • 1 month later...

As soon as she was in her room, she let the volley of sneezes she had held up flew. A quick little hitching five that alleviated a bit the tickling, but she knew she would steel feel the dust for a few hours. She hadn't stayed long, but the explosion of dust took it's tool as if she had stayed a few hours. God she hated feeling so weak, both for the thicklish, and even more for the love pain growing in her heart.

But she had work to do before she got to sleep. She had a batch of potion to make, for Coral. Even as he left the library, he looked so miserable and she could hear his sneezes down the hall. The memory made her feel strange again, longing, her knees week and her lips thickling. Desire, she never really experienced it before, but she could feel it strongly every time she looked at him, and with even more force when he would sneeze or try not too.

Her breath caught in an almost sneeze and this time she almost welcomed it as it took her mind away from it's dangerous path. She willed her self not to sneezes again, and out of the desire. Walking purpousefully to her little lab, she started to gatter what she needed for the potions, sniffling a bit here and there. But as soon as she started to work her alchemy and magic, the rest of the world dissolved out of her concentration.

But from time to time, she was taken out of it just in time to prevent herself from sneezing. What she was doing was very difficult, the mesurement had to be exact and she couldn't afford to contaminate the solution with anything. She worked like that for a few hours, each time she held back, the thickling grew, but she managed. She was used to that, most of the old book she used were dusty, and she often came here after long sessions in the library to keep her reaserch fresh in memory.

At the end, though, she knew she couldn't hold for very much longuer. The thickling was becoming torture and she could barely hold back. Her breath was only itches. But, she had a window to allow herself to sneeze, and if fact, she'd better be. Because as soon as..

"huhhh... huhhh... huhhhh hh'HEE"

She had barely time to refrain herself this time. She had been very very close. Thinking was... so... gods it thickles... She pressed her fingers under her noses tightly, using her force of will to refrain from sneezing. It was hard, but she ws used to doing so. She had hold far longuer then that on occasions. She quickly turned the hour glass. And then she could finaly turn away. The thikle was a pure torture, but she could make her way back to the little table and grab the tissus. Then she let it loose.

"hh'HEXSST-XSHTT-XSHT hh'HEXSST.... huhhh... hh'HEXSST. huhhh... huhhhh... hh'HEXSST... huhh... huhhh... huhhh... huhhhh hh'HEXSST huhh...    huhhh...     huhhh...         huhhhh"

The first sneeze shooke her whole body and was a lot louder then her usual, but she was prepared for it. It wasn't the first time she done something like that. It soaked the whole tissus, but once she let it looses, she knew she couldn't stop the others coming in after. The two that rapidly followed came less louder each, but she had no time to prepare as they came in a very rapid fit. But she could grab a tissus right after the fourth, but barely. Then they spaced, but the tickles stayed very very torturous. She was stuck, and gods she hated that. She would have to make them come out soon, though, because soon she would have to poor magic into the potion and she couldn't break her concentration in doing that.

She stood up, her breath still uneaven and stuck, and she made her way to her cupboard. She had a special sneeze powder she had concocted that worded wonders. She hated using it, as it made the itch to a very higher level before working magic, and it had some side effect rather... disturbing, but it also clease her nose completly. She had tried to fled desire, not induce it. And it smelled so awfull as well. It was magic after all. She opened the pot she conserved it in and it made her nose twitch a bit more, but nothing less. In the pot there was little left and she sighted it would be a long torture it seemed. It was barely enough to make it in time. The more she used, the fastess it worked, but, she still had a few minutes. It would be of torture, but she didn't need to do anything as she knew the potion by heart.

She took the pot, hold her so very itching breath so she wouldn't waste any of the powder left and then she placed it all in a sheet of paper. She folded an other one in the form of a straw, and there came the tricky part. She would have to be able to inhale all of it in an even or so amount in each nostril, or she would end up having it whasted as she needed to clear both.

So placed the straw in her nose, pressing the other nostril, she inhlaed and the effect started immediatly, her breath became so very very itchy, burning up, pure torture. And she could feel her body respond to the powder already. It was the first time it was this quick and this powerfull. She was already feeling a bit hot. It wasn't good. 

She had to old her breath again. She had to finish the other line, the other nostril. But the torture, the thickles. She carefully put the straw in the other nostril, her breath feeling like undreads of ants in her nose, burning their way up. She gattered her will, and she inhaled the rest. The sensation encreased ten times. But she wouldn't sneeze yet. It was just thickling, toying, and burning in her body as well. Wow, never had she felt the side effect so intensely. Was it because of Coral. Just thinking about it, and she felt the fire grow, rise, a whimper escaped and her breath became even more ragged. But sadly, as soon as she was happy the fit would start, it abided. But not the thickles. It was just itching.

huhhh...  huhhh...huhhh... huhhh... huhhhh..... huhh... huhhhh huhh...    huhhh... "

Her breast felt like it was too tight, the brushing of her dress was sending shivers and electricity in her whole body. Gods, she shouldn't have done that. 

huhhh...  huhhh...huhhh... huhhh... huhhhh..... huhh... huhhhh huhh...    huhhh... "

The sensasions grew quickly, she had to make it stop soon. The hourglass was emptying quickly. A wave of electricity took her a moment and she almost lost herself. Wow. It was so overwhelming. She never thaught it would be so. It never had before took so much old on her. And there was so little powder ... left... gods... 

She was both panthing and almost sneezing, but not quite. It was a pure torture. Her mind was racing from her need to sneeze to the waves of desire. She vowed she would never ever again use that stuff. It was too dangerous.

And the first sneeze finaly came, in the middle of a great shivers, lefting her panteling, in sweat, and her nose still burning like hell. Her breath became ragged more quickly and she thanked the gods. It would be over soon. It had to be. And just as she thaught that, the fit took her completly. Each sneeze made her whole body shivers more and more with sensations she never had before.

huhhh..huhh...huhhh... huhhh..hh'HEXSST...huhhh... huhhhh..... huhh.huhh...huhhh...huhhhh huhh.. huhhh... hh'HEXSST......huhhh... huhh..huhh.. huhhh... hh'HEXSST...hh'HEXSST....-XSHTT-XSHT... hh'HEXSST"

The last one finaly did the trick, but it left her out of breath and ashamed. The desire was still so very present, her whole body was feeling weird, alien to her as she couldn't shake it off completly. She stumbled to her feet, still out of breath. The electricity was still there, but she had to take a hold of herself. The hourglass was almost empty. So she closed her eyes, and breathed deeply. It was a good thing she had a strong will.

She took a hold of herself and concentrated. There, she was still feeling the side effect, but she had put it out of her mind, to deal with later. She gathered her magic slowly, with each pace, with each deep breath. And then, exactly when the hourglass was left empty up, and filled down, she put her hand over her potion and poured her magic into it. 

It took a few minutes to shape the magic and the potions with it, but she had done it. It now only needed to cool down for the night, and it would be ready by morning.

She left her labotary and headed to her bed. The night was going to be hard and unpleasant, she had the intution. Her desire for the former mermaid had made the side effect very very more potent, and she would feel that for hours still. And... it seems that the longuer it was between times she used the potions, the more the effect were strong. Perhaps it was also because it was old. She thaught that, like most potions, it would become less potent with time. It seems she was not exactly right. It would take longuer for the cleansing effect to take hold, but not the side effect. 

And the night was indeed long and full a lustfull dreams. She woke up entangled in her sheets, in dire need of a shower and feeling frustrated a lot. But at least, she was free now. She bottled the potion, and send a few by a servant to Coral. She just couldn't face him today. She instructed him to do restful activities, and perhaps refrain from going outside. As it seems it would be a very rainy day, or perhaps even for the few next days. She knew those clouds and the season. It would be raining for two to four days.



She hadn't been wrong. The rain could stayed for three days, and so she herself was trapped mostly inside. There wasn't much that needed for her to get outside anyway, so she let herself fall back into habit. She didn't avoid Coral, though, that would have been rude, but there was so much to do as the visite of the King was to be in a week or so. But when she met Coral, he seemed better. The potions seemed to work, at least a bit, but he would still have fits from time to time, she could hear them, and they seem to become, she realise the third day, more frequent. It was strange, as the sickness should be leaving him, and she was confident in her potion skills. What was wrong ?

The fourth morning, it was him, who came to see her. His nose was slightly pink, but other then that he seemed not so bad. She wondered as a thaught came to her mind. Was he develloping allergies ? That would be a curse for him. Her heart constricted at the thaught. Flowers and Durst... well, it was sad as he loved flowers and learning, but it would probably be managables. Perhaps she could even try harder to find a way, a potion, a spell to make the sneezing stops, as she did to negate sickness symptomes.

And yet, it wasn't sure. It could only be that he had to adjust, that the sneezing would go away after he got used to the surface. And jsut then, she became closer and he greeted her.

"Greetings mahhjesthh huhhh huhhh ...sniff... maghjesty."

He sounded a bit congested still, perhaps it was also her potions, that was suposed to be made for human that wasn't working well with him. She heard him sniff and hitch again as she returned the greeting.

"Good morning Coral. I'm sad to see your sicknes didn't go away. It even seem slightly whorse. I must appologise, as it seems my potions isn't working so well."

He made a small smile, and then closed his eyes as he seemed he was about to sneeze again. A few secounds later, he reopened them with anoyance.

"It is a huhhh bit strange huhhh huhhh stilll. It seemed tohhh work sniff.... sniff... first dbay... bdutd now lehhhh hehhh less anbd less. Itd is also workingh huhhh huhhh huhhh hh'HEXSST. hh'HEXSST. Excuse me. It seems also erratic of sorts."

After the sneeze he seemed a lot more himself, it must have been bottering him for some times, and yet, she could see, and feel as well, how much he hated not having control of himself. 

"And I must admit I am very very tired of being inside, the outside air doesn't help me, but I feel like I can't remain here any longuer or I would feel trapped. Would you mind if we'd go to that Aviary, or do anything else ? I've never been on an horse either."

Isbel found herself agreeing with that even before she could think of it. Her mind had been set out as soon as his hand had brushed hers when he asked. She had felt a jolt of electricity and joy surge in herself. She could have melted. His sneezes, his touch, everything in him was putting her to torture. He could so manipulate her if he wished. Ever since that first time she saw him, that she found herself trapped into his eyes, into his whole person when she saved him. She would have died for him, and then she didn't even knew him. This was dangerous, so much, and yet, she just couldn't get away.

They made their way to the stables as she was questioning him on his symptomes. She had to know, was that the curse of the sea witch ? Perhaps. Or perhaps it would go away as soon as he would become more familar with this world. But all he talked about, the symptomes he described of thickling burning sensation creeping on him, and then disapearing sudenly. The sneezing fits that would aleviate the thikles, only to see it return in other impromtu moment, sometimes to send him back in a fit, sometime to just disapeared again. And the fact that the symptomes had flared higher this morning with the breeze. Not much, but more then the days before. 

As they got outside, she could see the difference in him. Indeed, his nose twitched slightly more, as they walked he would seem to catch his breath a bit, but it could mean nothing. She hadn't seen him much the last days. It could only be the potions not working so well. They came to the stables and he seemed fine, at least not much worse, but it was hard to tell. His breath was catching still more and more, but it was very very subtle, and she wasn't a doctor or anything. And it could also be the usual for him. This was frustrating.

"They are huhhh magnificent. huhh huhh."

He trully seemed in awe, and it made her heart jump. He was magnificent as well, in adoration before the noble beasts. He stroked the neck of the horse she had chosen for him. An old one, very calm, very comfortable. He sniffed again and she really hoped she wasn't making a mistake bringing him out of the castle. She heard his breath quiver more and more. He brought his finger under his nose, like he wanted to stop himself, and as soon as it got close, he started to sneeze.

"huhhh huhhh huhhh hh'HEXSST....huhhh huhhh hh'HEXSST. hh'HEXSST...."

The horse around were a bit started and jumped, but she was relieved to see the one he was stroking had not panic. He was a good horse, it would be fine. She tried to teach him how to saddle him, but he seemed he was having difficulties concentrating, and his breath had not cleared. 

"huhh... huhhh... whhere goes huhh... this ?"

It was almost done, and his sneezing had increased. She had suggested he sneezed in his elbow and try to do it as quietly as possible, so not to startle the other horses, it was a good thing, because they seemed to increase in strength as well. And she was feeling her knees water and all. A few times, she had to hid to him the shivers that were coursing throught her body. Poor man. She walked to take the last buckle from his hand and handed him an hankerchief. He had brought a few with him, but had used them all by now. And it didn't seem like it would be enough either. 

"Here, take this and go outside to blow your nose. I've send a servent to fetch some more. I'm not even sure it is a great idea anymore..."

She was very concerned with all of this. It wasn't sickness. The feeling was closing on her. But she didn't know if she had to expose him to her world more and more, or if it was a curse. But he took the decision himself.

"I wahhh huhhh huhhh hh'HEXSST....huhhh huhhh hh'HEXSST... huhhh.... I whuhhhnt to go on... huhh... I won't lehhht this stahhh sthuhh state renders huhhh huhhh prihhhsonner hh'HEXSST hh'HEXSST hh'HEXSST."

She sighted and helped him outside as a fit seemed to have taken him whole. He sat down on the bench outside and sighted. 

"I'm huhhh... a mehhhsss. Sorry. huhh... But I can't... let huhhh... this take all the plehhh plesure away... sniff..."

He blow his nose and eshalted a sigh of relief. It was of short, thaugh, because a few more sneeze creeped on him and he barely had time to bring the already soaked tissu to his nose.

"This is hell... snifff... sniff... but I won't let myself be huhhh... miserable. I'll get use to all of this. I still love it here. And I can't get back. Huhh... huhhh.... I won't."

She couldn't understand all of this. What it all meant. She felt at her rightfull place. But still, she could see his determination, his love for her contry. She would find a way to make it work.



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  • 10 months later...

(Sorry for the long delay folks, I'm back with a bit of story, I hope you will like it.)


The witch was not quite as pleased as she had hoped. The prince was holding himself a lot better then he should have. She had been too careless, too sure of her own strenght and cleverness. The girl he had been in love was a bit of a witch herself, and she was messing with her magic. And she was falling in love with the prince, they couldn't have that. She had to do something about it. And the prince was just too optimistic, to strong of a character as well. Each time he was despairing, or feeling really miserable, she could feed on that, it was making her stronger. The problem was, the prince, even with his allergy getting worse and worse, was finding too much joy or hope everywhere. This was annoying.

But she had ways to make him even more miserable. The curse he was suffering in exchange for his legs and human body could be shaped at her will. If he was feeling miserable a little bit, she could make it so much worse. She could leave him with no peace, and more than that, she could make his girl's life miserable. She only had to tell his family a part of the truth and make them go to war with the little witch queen's country. Then he would have no choice but to come back begging her. He was so chivalrous, and his life would have become so miserable anyway. He would beg her to save his love's country from war with the merfolk, and his soul would be hers. Then, the whole merfolk country would follow.

But first, she had to change her curse so Coral would betray the girl he loved. If either they made sex before she completly fell in love with him, or if he succumbed to what she was about to make him feel for another girl, then he would be his. Because the thing that could break his curse would be true and complete love. Not just a kiss like in the silly farytale. No, it had to be the real thing, a true merge of them both in a instant of pure love and passion. But if he was to know passion without love at anypoint first, then he would be hers as well. And not just his soul, but his whole self, body, spirit and soul. He would be his slave forever. And that was a very very tempting thing.

She had work to do...




As Coral and Isbel were making themselves ready to push into the saddles, the first felt a strange sensation course through him.  A wave of mixed pleasure, awful ticklishness and of deadness. He was about to sneeze really strongly, just on the verge of the relief he had come to embrace from the misery of the irritation in his nose. He was instantly aroused by it, so much that he was ashamed of it. And the sneeze stuck. His breath was so very very itchy, but he wouldn't sneeze. He felt in his heart that the curse had just worsened. Something had triggered it.


His breath hicthed and struggled more and more, it was like torture, but everything he though he would finaly had the sneeze attack that would bring him some relief, it stuck and left him feeling his nose in an agony of thickness. And every time it would happen, he would feel aroused and shivering again, as much as miserable. But he couldn't say anything, but god, just looking at Isbel was making it hard. 




Isbel felt something stir around her, some dark and foul magic. It centered around Coral and seemed to be inhaled by him. She saw him shiver and his eyes became different, passionate, almost savage. It woke something in her, something she had to repress. She was the Queen, and he was no one from the human point of view. She took a few deep breath and regained control of herself.  It was hard, his breathing, his almost sneeze every now and then didn't help. Why did he have to be so perfect anyway? She felt her heart do a somersault and forced calm into herself.

He needed her help, and that calmed her. She had a duty to her people, and to him. She was stronger than a mere infatuation anyway. 

"Are you alright? Did you feel that? "

She had to ask, she had to know. If dark magic was used inside her realm, she had to take precautions, she had to do something about it. As much as she enjoyed Coral's company, as much as she was almost in love with him, if his presence was threatening her kingdom she would have to act. 

"huuuhhh.... sniff... Yhhehh hehhh sniff... sniff... hehh... Is mehhh hehhh HEHHH HEHHHH sniff.... my cursehhh sniff... sniff... it's gehhhh hehhhh HEHHH gehhhthing strhehhh snifff... stronghehhh hehhhh"

He was struggling even to talk, but the sneeze wouldn't come, it was so hard to see that. To see him miserable and struggling. He brought the handkerchief to his nose and tried to blow it, in an attempt to clench the itch, but she could see his eyes still glazed. But his breath seemed a bit better at least. 

"My cuhhhrse just whors-hehhhn sniff... sniff..."

A curse? That couldn't be good, and he didn't seem so much better. She had to do something about it, and even more than that, she had to know about it all.

"Your curse? What curse? You'd better tell me now. I have people to protect, and even if I like you, my duty is to the people of my Kingdom first."

He nodded, understanding in his glazed eyes. His breath was still ragged though, and worsening again. She had to take him away from the horses, she had a find a place without any allergens, because now she was sure it wasn't a sickness, and it looked like a real full blown allergy attack... without the part where he finaly sneezed. He had that before, but now it was not happening again, for some reason.

"Whehhn ihh got to sniff... snifff... thehh sehhh hehhh hehhh HEHHH sniff... sniff... hehhh.... snifff... hahhrd.... heehhhhh" he shivered and let out a small moarn, it felt wierd, like it reverberated into her bones, into her whole self. She felt compassion and a need to help, to protect him, but also a primal urge she had to repress. This was getting a bit hard.

"HEEEHHHH HEHHH" He bent and he looked like he would be sneezing, his eyes almost hopeful to get the relief, but as he was about to exhale the sneeze,  his breath caught in his thought again. He blew his nose again, and sniffed a coupled of time. 

"God this is hehh... hehhh.... thorthuhhhh huhhh... sniff... sniff.... torthurehhh." He shivered again, not looking at her.

"Coral, I'm sorry for all this, but you got to focus, I know it's hard, but I need to know."

He nodded, his face looking away from her, his hand rubbing at his nose furiously.

"I hehh... yes. The sea whitch hehh... hehhh... sniff... she mahhh hehhh hehHHH HEHHH SNIFFF... sniff...made huhhh me a deal. My hehhh hehhh hEHHH HEHHH heeeEEHHHH SNIFF... hehhh snifff... sniff... hehh..." he shivered again, something was wrong with him, but she couldn't place it. And he had less and less time between his hitching breath. And then her eyes fell on the horse right next to them. And she felt the wind around them. She had to take him away.

She took his hand and she felt him shiver again, for a brief instant, there eyes locked and she could see his desire, she almost got lost in his eyes for it. A new shiver went through them both and then he looked away.

And the fit got loose at that very moment. He started to sneeze, and sneeze, and sneeze. She had to help him walk away, but even then, they couldn't make it far. His fit was getting stronger and stronger. She had to carry him down and help him sit, or he would have collapsed. 

The fit took several minutes before it subsided, it was horrible to witness. He was sneezing so hard she had to maintain him upright and prevent him from hurting himself. And in the end, he was completely exhausted and he had a hard time breathing. 

She had to find a way to help him. In the meantime, she called servent to bring him back to the castle, and find him a room with no window, no animal, clean competly of dust and mildew. A good thing her magic was good at those things at least.

And all of this left her very frustrated and feeling unsatisfied. It was a new and very disturbing feeling.

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