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Secret Santa for Anilkex, Supernatural


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Pyrus Fangmong:


Poor Dean. He was this close to getting lucky, now he's gonna be quite upset when he finds out.

Everyone else:

Thanks so much for reading! As always comments are always appreciated, and for those of you who have been waiting: sick Sam returns!

* * * *

Sam woke up in a cold sweat. He had been having another nightmare. Something about orange eyes and wicked laughter and.... Green hair?- oh, crap! He had been having fever dreams about that ridiculous toy clown again!

He sat, swung his feet over the edge of the bed, and rubbed the gunk out of his eyes. His throat hurt worse then ever, and his nose was more clogged- it felt almost gluey, but then that's happens when you slept with a cold. All the mucus can't drain out of your head and it dries out over night. Ughk. But nothing a hot shower and some meds couldn't fix.

On his bedstand was a can of Healthy Choice Chunky Chicken and Vegetable soup with a note taped to it: "Eat up".

That was unusually kind for Dean. Sam had been expecting a cold burger- correction: when Dean saw that Sam had been ASLEEP when he got back Sam had expected it to become an EATEN cold burger.

On the heater was a different note, this one LESS endearing:

"Don't touch it, Sam! It was hotter then Hell in here last night."


Sam grabbed his secret stash of pills and padded to the bathroom. He turned on the hot water to mask the sound, then blew his nose on some toilet paper and flushed the evidence.

The heat from the shower felt nice. It washed away the last clinging fragments of his nightmares and the lingering chill from his fever. The steam seemed to help melt the glue from his nose and eased the ache in his joints.

He stayed in there longer then was strictly nessesary, then took 2 more Advil and some decongestants with water from the sink in one of those little Styrofoam cups they always give you to go with their crappy motel coffee.

When Sam emerged Dean was awake, drinking a cup of that God aweful stuff.

"This shit's the worst." He commented, tho he drank it just the same (Sam had better taste then to drink something he knew was terrible) "How you feelin' today?"

"Yeah, uh, a lot better." Sam said, clearing his throat because his voice had come out much horser then he had expected it would.

"Really? Cuz you sound like crap."

"I'm fine." Sam repeated insistently. "(Ahem) You didn't happen to remember to pick up a BOWL to nuke the soup in did you?"

Dean gave Sam a very clear, "huh? Oh crap." look, which Sam could read like a book. Oh well. He dumped some of the soup into the Styrofoam cup and set the microwave.

10:35 am, Roseburg Oregon, home of Kevin and Molly Saxon

"I should have listened to her!" Molly, who was the spitting image of her daughter (if her daughter had had crows feet and manicured nails instead of swollen purple spider bites) was saying. She had cried her way though 5 tissues and was working on a sixth.

"It's not your fault.". Sam said reassuringly, "You couldn't have dnownd-ahem -known-". His cheeks had a pinkish tint that went unnoticed by the Saxon parents, but not by Dean.

"She kept saying she saw spiders everywhere! I sent her to therapy- THERAPY! Instead of... Instead of....". Molly Saxon collapsed into another round of gulping sobs while Sam tried his best to console her.

Dean stood. Alright, he had had about all he could take of this emotional "there there" crap.

"Mind if we check out her room?". He asked in his best "cop just doin' my job" voice.

"I'll show you." The father said leading Dean to what had once been Jackie Saxon's bedroom, while Dean left Sam to deal with the weeping wonder over there.

The room was clean, devoid of EMF, sulfer, boxes with red bows, and spiders (dead or alive). Well that was a colossal bust.

"One last questiond." Sam was saying. Molly seemed to have somehow calmed down.

"Did Jackie dnow- (ahem) *know* this person?"

He slid the image of the dog-bite boy over for her to look at.

"That's Brian.". She said, sniffling, " He was in Jackie's class. They're... I mean they were friends...". She sounded like she was about to lose it again.

"Did he say anything about an early Christmas present? Maybe a stuffed dog?"

"He gave a stuffed dog to Jackie.". Said Kevin. " Said some jerk gave it to him as a joke and he didn't want it"

"Where is it dow?"

"We don't know. It wasn't in Jackie's room when they came in here looking for spiders."

"Did they find any?" Dean asked.

"Spiders? No. But we fumigated anyway."

"Okay, thangs for your tibe- time."

They were just about to leave when.

"Woah! Hold it! Where'd you get that?" (This from Dean)

Under the tree was a perfectly square box with a red ribbon and a note saying "To: Michelle from: Your Secret Santa"

"Who the hell's Machelle?" (Also from Dean)

"Michelle's Jackie's little sister" Mr. Saxon said. "She's in school right now."

"*Little* sister?" Sam asked, concerned.

"Yeah. Why?"

"We're, uh, gonna have to take that box in as evidence.". Dean said.

"That is Jackie's last ever Christmas present to her sister. You're not taking it without a warrant."

"How do you dow it's frob Jackie?" Sam asked (he resisted the urge to retrieve the toilet paper he'd swiped from the motel bathroom and blow his nose)

"We found it in her room."

The brothers looked at each other and, without a word, decided in agreement to return later after dark and steal that present.

"I guess Biran's parents are ne-he-hep-CHUM!" Dean rubbed his nose and looked around.

Sure enough- was that the SAME cat from the Shop and Save?

"What the Hell!?" Dean said in an angry tone. How had it followed him HERE?

"What?" Sam asked, looking around.

"That cat!". Dean said irritatedly, "heh-TsCHUP! Same damn cat from last night!"

"Whad cat?" Sam asked

"That one!"


"Right. There. Sam, use your eyes!"

Sam looked again. "Dean." He said, very seriously. "There's nothing there."

The cat came to rub against Dean's leg and Dean sneezed again into the sleeve of his coat.

"You don't see a cat rubbing it's dander covered ass all over my friggin' leg."


"Heh-CTXCH! So I'm sneezing at nothing!?"

"Pretty much."

"But we salted and burned the present! It went up in flames."

"I don't know, Deand. I just dow there is do cat eddywhere aroud here."

Dean stared in disbelief at the very real looking and feeling (both on his leg and in his nose) cat. Then suddenly a thought occurred to him: if burning the gift didn't get rid of the curse...


Edited by Medowsweet
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Trying to walk the border between a sneeze-fic and a regular old fan-fic isn't always easy. Anilkex, you wanted to see both Winchesters sneeze at once, well here is your chance!

For those of you really looking for more sneezefic less fanfic here's your chapter!

Don't worry, plot mongers, it's pretty plot-i-lishious also!

* * * *

"C'mon, Karen, pick up the God damn phone!!---DAMNIT!".

As the phone went to voicemail for the fifteenth time.

"Look, baybe she's workigg."

"Yeah, maybe." Dean growled. "And maybe I'm jolly old Saint Nick!"

They pulled into the Roseburg PD and there was Karen's car, exactly where Dean had last seen it.... And it was surrounded by yellow caution tape!

"Maybe she's working." Dean repeated in a furious, mocking tone.


He slammed the car into park, slammed the door-


And stormed into the office as though he were looking for something to kill.

Karen's body was laying on the same table Jackie's had been, this time she was being over seen by a man with copper colored hair and a wimpy looking mustache. His name badge said Rick Beuxly.

Karen's body was bruised and purple around the diaphragm, and twin puncture wounds decorate her neck. Many were swollen and tinged with black.

"Broke four ribs, punctured her lungs with the fragments," Coroner Rick (which did not have the same ring to it) was saying. "Her insides were crushed, whatever did this--"

"What kinda snake strangles -and- bites?" Dean demanded.

"No kind, it's always one or the other. That's why we don't think it was--"

"What kinda poison is it then?"

"We don't know. The lab's working on that."

"Yeah I bet they are." Dean said in an angry sarcastic tone.

"I'm sorry?"


This was his fault- HIS FAULT! Hadn't Karen called HIM last night for help? Hadn't he assured her he'd taken care of it? WITHOUT MAKING GOD DAMN FUCKING SURE!? Sloppy. Stupid! And now someone was DEAD because of HIS mistake!

Sam had caught up with Dean (He had taken advantage of a moment of privacy to down another couple of decongestants in the car, blow his nose (he'd *really* needed that!) And have a brief sneezing fit- ugh). When he saw Karen's body his expressive, puppy dog eyes registered shock (woah, over kill much?), concern (more for Dean then for Karen), and remorse (maybe if he'd been there...)

Yeah, Dean bet! Because SAM wasn't the one that LET HER TO FRIGGIN' DIE!

Dean turned and stormed out, and Sam followed on his heels because, to be honest, Dean didn't seem quite capable of rational behavior at the moment.

"Dean!" Sam said when the got to the car.

"That son of a bitch's goin' down!"

"Yeah, well we don't even know what it is yet."

"Doesn't matter." Dean pulled out a rifle and cocked it, taking aim at the black cat that had rounded the corner from the Roseburg Police Department and was making it's cheerful way toward the allergic hunter with it's tail in the air.

"Dean- No!" Sam had to physically jerk the rifle away from his brother. "If you start shooting at invisible cats that's -really- gonna make it hard for us to kill this thing. You know, what with dodging the *cops* who will think you've gone *insane*."

Goddamn Sam for making sense! Dean let go of his end of the rifle and Sam quickly re-hid it in the trunk.

"Let's think this through". Sam said. "That Jackie girl -heh-tsSSSHC! Lasted... What? A weh-hi-CHTCcchu!" (Damnit) "A week?"

"Somthin' like that."

"And Karen got her present AFTER we got ours, right?"


"So we're still here and she's not."

Dean was still furious with himself... "Yeah, so? Life ain't fair. What else is new!?"

"Well, why tho? Why did it kih-hehTCHSSSSS! kill her so much more quickly?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know-hehCHGXN!!!". Dean made a sudden grab for the trunk. "GIMME THAT DAMN RIFLE!"


But Dean had had a realization. "Wait a minute- how come YOU aren't seein' Bozo the Clown everywhere?'

Sam cleared his throat while Dean sneezed into his sleeve.

"... Well?"

"I (ahem) I, uh, I might have seen ...something... Uh... Like that... Once or.... twice....."

"Yeah, an when we're you gonna TELL ME that you were seeing invisible CLOWNS?"

What was Sam supposed to say? That he hadn't told Dean because he had thought it was a fever induced hallucination?

"I'm handling it, okay?"

"Yeah, I bet you...". But then Dean trailed off. His eyes closed and he took a few deep breaths through his mouth- then suddenly his eyes shot open, "Karen wasn't handling it!"

"Wh- hetxcsssh- what?"

"Karen froze. I mean she couldn't move. She thought that thing was gonna kill her. I swear I had to literally DRAG her ass outta there!"

"You know...." Sam said slowly, "Jackie was in therapy... All those doctors telling her it wasn't real..."

"Yeah...". Dean added, he sounded distracted, "An I was trying not to sneeze because I was with a hot chick."

"Maybe ih-heTSCCCH! Baybe it kills you faster if you give in to it."

Suddenly the itch in Dean's nose felt nearly unbearable and he rubbed at it harshly with a knuckled fist. Damnit he needed to sneeze!

"So you think- huh heh..." He closed his eyes and took a small, shaky sort of breath, "You think the more we react to it the st-stronger it gets?"

He aimed a sharp kick at the cat but it stayed just out of his reach.

"Yeah". Said Sam, who was beginning to feel exhausted and chilled again. Maybe the Advil was wearing off, or maybe he was pushing himself too hard. "Heh-tssssch! I do."

"Well that's just fan-friggin-tastic!". Dean rubbed his nose some more. How the HELL was he supposed to keep from sneezing when that God damn CAT kept following him every where!? And his friggin' NOSE felt like it was crawling with friggin' ants!

"Baybe you could drop be off." Sam said, as nonchalant as possible. "I could do some research while you idterview Briad's pareds."

Dean's furious expression softened somewhat- just around the eyes, you wouldn't have noticed it unless you were Sam.

"Yeah, okay. You need to lay low an' get some rest anyway."

"I'm fide, I just wadda do sobe reas-heh-tTSSSSSCH!!"

"Don't you sneeze in front of me, man!". Dean said, rubbing his nose fiercely. "It's not fair."


Dean got into the Impala- God damn that itch! And went to drop Sammy off at the hotel. By the time he got there Sam had sneezed four more times and it took all Dean had not to punch him in the God damn face. His nose itched so bad that every inhale was a deep, urgent tickel, and his eyes ran enough that it made it driving difficult.

"Sorry". Sam said, sniffing congested.

"Yeah." Dean said. "You just find out what the HELL this thing is and how to KILL it- and FAS-HEh-KEH-CHUP!!!"


"I'm trying!!"

This was gonna be a long, friggin' interview.

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I can't even...okay.

OKAY. Using the selective quote function would take too long.

1) Sam and the coffee, having enough sense not to drink it.

2) Dean forgetting the bowl.

3) Dean having enough of the "there there" crap. (Laughed hard at that one)

4) Mom was a "weeping wonder"

5) Sam all congested as he tried to interview the parents

6) Dean's angry self-hate rhetoric because Karen died (KAREN! SOB!)

7) Both of them figuring out they can't react to the imaginary whatevers.

8) Me = slow, because I thought it was a fever hallucination, too. Did not catch that. That's what I get for greedily reading from my phone when I'm supposed to be getting ready for work.

9) Each of them did one small facial expression that only the other noticed. One in Part 6, the other in 7. Nicely done!

10) Both of them sneezing, one trying not to, the other just letting it happen. Mmmmm!!!


By the time he got there Sam had sneezed four more times and it took all Dean had not to punch him in the God damn face.

Close enough to the bottom for me to accurately quote. Awesome line.

This is great, this is amazing, I love the way you write, and I am loving every part of this!

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"I'm fide, I just wadda do sobe reas-heh-tTSSSSSCH!!"

"Don't you sneeze in front of me, man!". Dean said, rubbing his nose fiercely. "It's not fair."


Because I couldn't quote the whole story... Anyhow, I really like the whole thing but this part was, as stated above, absolutely fantastic.

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Pyrus Fangmond:

Thank you for commenting every time, you always seem to read within an hour of posting. So super glad you are enjoying it!

And yeah, I love sneezes that cut off or interrupt talking! Yum yum yum!

Just saying. ^_~


Thank you, thank you for pointing out all the little aspects you liked! I really really appreciate- well, being appreciated! So thank you!!!

Don't feel "slow" about not "catching on" to Sam's seeing the clown vs fever hallucinations. after all SAM was fooled and HE'S a TRAINED PROFESSIONAL.

* * * *

Sam unlocked the motel door and drug his sick, tired, congested ass into the room. First thing was first. He poured himself some more OJ, took two more Advil, and (disregarding Dean's note) cranked up the heater. He also pretty much stole the entire roll of toilet paper to keep at his work station and Dean could just wipe his ass with that box of clown tissues if he needed something, because: Ha. Ha. Dean thought he was sooooo amusing..

The bed looked warm and inviting (even though Sam knew it to be lumpy and uncomfortable). He had to force himself to pull out his computer instead of laying down for a much needed nap.

He booted up his lap top, sipping at his orange juice, and TRIED to concentrate.

His head felt heavy and stuffed with cotton. His throat felt thick with sticky cob webs. He coughed into his elbow.

Let's see....Creatures that follow you around, that hide in boxes, that make you seem crazy.... (Hut-Tcxxh!) ...that feed on emotional energy.... shape shifters... (Heh-sSHHHTCH!!! Ngh) ....Pandora's box... (*sniff*) ...things that cause nightmares...

His eyes itched...

Dybbuk box... (*sniff*)... Liderc... Djinn... (*sniff*)

Sam was usually good at research.


Usually he read something and his brain made the connections almost automatically. He knew which links to click on, which rabbit trails to follow. He could tell which legends were just that, and which ones held grains of truth. Usually, he could pick out an account by a fellow hunter or a genuine survivor from the plethora of junk out there in about thirty seconds flat.



Now he was just going through the motions. His eyes flicked back and forth across the screen but nothing seemed to register, to stick. It all ran together and blurred in his over tired, fever addled mind. Words, line after line after tedious line of meaningless words.... He vaguely wondered if this was how Dean ALWAYS felt about doing resear- (huh-TSSSCH! Ughn )-research. He was just about to give up when:

Reikknier.... The knock of death... As Sam scanned the page somehow this felt right. Sure, it was different from what they were experiencing, but so were the legends of vampires, and werewolves, and zombies, and genies! What legends of supernatural creatures WEREN'T somewhat twisted? But this almost made sense!


When Sam re-opened his eyes he nearly fell out of his chair!!!

If his reflexes had been working right he would have dive-rolled under the table and grabbed his handgun from an inside coat pocket! But his brain was fever-sluggish and it took a moment to register:

...Orange eyes...

...Green hair...

A too-wide, shark-like smile with razor teeth, blood red lips, and ghastly white face paint marked with colorful diamonds.

The murderous Death-Clown from Sam's fever dreams was reflected in the computer screen. It seemed to be standing about two or three feet behind him. Sam closed his eyes, heart pounding in his ears, and tried to focus on his (stuffy, difficult) breathing.

Not real... Don't react.... Don't give it what it wants....

When he opened his eyes it was CLOSER! Less then a step behind him... He could hear it's horrible breathing. Breath that seemed to steal his own, and turn his blood to ice. His hunter instincts were screaming at him to kill it, to run, to fight! This was the creature that had killed Jackie Saxon, and Karen Becker, and most likely that boy, Brian. What was his last name? Sam tried to think logically, to remember, to distract himself from the ghoulish creature behind him. McSomthing...

"Huh... ... Heh...". Not real... Don't react... Mc.... McDonald? McDavid? Mc.. Mc.... "hu-HeptCHSSHU!"

He was afraid to open his eyes again... He could feel it's rasping, rattling breath on the back of his neck... Feel the too-long, white-gloved fingers caressing his cheek and the fluffy poof of his sleeve leaving an icy trail that burned against his jaw and ear... Even through Sam's clogged nose he could smell the thing's sweet, putrid breath... It was old death mixed with fresh cotton candy....

He forced himself to open his eyes and read the words on the screen in front of him....

...But once you open the door... (Orange eyes heavily lined with black and red reflected over and behind the words) ...You've let it in...

The itch in his nose made his eyes cross.... His clogged breathing made him feel as though he were drowning...

Sam's breath began to hitch...

...Once it had reached it's maximum effect it kills it's victim by...

(Electric green frizz, and that smile! A cheek bones to cheek bone perminant grin that had nothing to do with emotion)

"Huh... Heh...". Sam was afraid to close his eyes again.... His head swam and the room spun. He felt at once too hot and icy cold- was that the fever? Or the creature?

It feeds primarily on the chemicals caused by your reaction to it, which it sucks from your corpse through puncture--


How did he know this wasn't the time for it to kill him? How did he know precisely when to pretend it wasn't there and when to run for his life? What if he miss judged?

The thing was no-longer behind him... He could no longer feel the sweet, putrid, rasping breath against his ear.

Everything was still and quiet...

...And wrong...

Sam opened his eyes--

-- And the clown was IN FRONT of him!!!

It's smile was wide, and whimsical, and delighted!

...And demented....

It parted it's blood red lips into a little O, and began to suck...

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Holy sweet Jesus this was detailed as HELL!!! Screw creepy pasta and horror stories, this was insane! It's even worse when you share a fear of clowns yourself *shiver* Omg...this made me paranoid. And I love it!

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(things popping up in reflections is the worstest creepiest ickiest thing ever. Omg...)

This... oh my goodness! *Shudders*

I love this, the way it's developing: the way that we're discovering more about this creature along with Sam and Dean. And you wove the tension through this chapter just beautifully... terrifyingly.

Also, I have to applaud you. I don't even know how you've managed to come up with a creature that:

a) Fits the theme of Christmas/Secret Santa

B) Allows a wonderful tie in with Dean's allergies and even better - unsuccessful suppression of Dean's allergies.

c) Doesn't feel overly complicated with too many things thrown in there.

d) Seems totally plausible as something that could exist in the lore or turn up on the show.

Seriously - bravo.

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Dean wasn't going to sneeze.

His eyes were closed and his lips were slightly parted.

He WASN'T going to sneeze...

His breath caught twice on the way in... He blew it out in a slow, trembeling stream through pursed lips.

No way in Hell!

His nose tingled and itched. Against his will he took a deep, pre-sneeze breath-

Not gonna happen!

Not.... Gonna....

"Uh... Agent Plant?"


Dean sniffed. "What?". He demanded irritably, then cleared his throat, "Er, what?" Now he sounded genuinely confused. What had he last asked them? Something about their kid, Dog-bite Brian.

"You were just staring into space for about three minutes."

"I was?" He looked at them blankly, his eye brows creased in something like angry confusion. Then he sniffed and sort of straitened his neck and gave the front his jacket a snappy tug. "Er, right- Brian." He said. "He was uh," hard to think with his nose itching like mad. "afraid of dogs?"

Dean blinked rapidly as his eyes began to gloss over and lose their focus.

He cleared his throat, scrubbed at his nose, and sniffed.

"Yeah, terrified since he was a baby." Mrs. McDaniel said. At least she wasn't a blubbering mess. Dean didn't have any idea how he would even begin to deal with THAT and his damned demanding NOSE at the same time.

"And someone gave him a Christmas present? A gag gift meyeh--" His voice trailed off as he took an involuntary gasp. His overly glossy eyes fluttered closed, his trembling lips looked redder then usual and slightly swollen. He forced his eyes open to glare with determination across the coffee table. "--maybe?"

"Are you alright?". Mrs. McDaniel asked.

"Yeah, yeah, just (hiiih!) allergies."

Allergies that LITERALLY wanted to KILL him! But he'd leave that to himself.

"He... got a stuffed dog. I guess it was a prank. It seemed to bother him though, so I told him to just re-gift it. He gave it to a girl at school."

"Was her name Jah-heh-Jack-Hep'CHUUH! Jackie?"

"Bless you."

"Hmm." He said with irritated dismissal.

"I don't know, he said he gave it to a school friend who liked dogs."

Dean raised his eyebrows and was about to answer when his phone rang:


"I have to take this." He said, stepping outside to answer the phone while Brian's parents exchanged a look of worry and confusion.

"Sam." Dean said, in a loud, demanding voice.

"You had BETTER have good news, cuz I don't know how much more a this I can take!"

"Uh... Deadn?"

Just that.

Just that was enough to know something was horribly wrong.

"What happened?" Dean said, his attitude changing completely to gruff concern.

"Uh, are you od your way?"

That was a not-very-well-veiled request. "Yeah" he said imidiately, hopping into the Impala and leaving the crime scene photos back on the McDaniels' coffee gable. "Yeah, I am. I-hepCHNT!"

"Deand...." Sam said warningly. That was fear in his brother's voice, not reprimand. "You have to try not to react to it."

"Hey, this is me trying my ASS OFF not to react to it."

"Yeah, well try harder."

Dean peeled out and hit the road at speeds unsafe for the weather conditions.

"This IS trying harder!"

Sam didn't answer. The silence sounded... strained... like Sam COULDN'T answer.

"Talk to me, Sammy."

Sam's voice was tight, tense, like he was forcing himself to talk through a nightmare. "I thigk I found sobethigg.". Dean could almost see his brother's jaw tense, almost hear him swallow. "I thigk id's a reih-KehTSssschu!-"

"What'd I tell you about sneezing in front of me, Sam!?"

"Sorry. I can't help it."

"Oh, but I'm supposed to!" Dean's tone was angry and scarcasric.

"Look, this is a matter of-"

"Just- stick to the case. This is a WHAT now?" Dean's nose couldn't take any more conversation about sneezing. God damn, even the WORD "sneeze" made the friggin' itch that much more unbearable.

"Right. It's called a Reikkneir. You know thad scene id a horror movie where someone hears a knock at the door, but whed they go to adswer dno one's there? And thend later they find out that they let the thigg id whed they'd opened the door?" Sam blew his nose on his stash of stolen toilet paper.

"Oh yeah, I saw that movie". Dean said, trying to sound conversational and funny. "About eight different time-heh huh...."

"Dean, don't!"

"Shut up, Sam. I (huh!) I got this." He sounded angry, tho he was probably just frustrated.

"Well that's what this thing is, only instead of knocking at the front door it's Trojan Horseing inside of Christmas Presents."

"Terrific." Dean said sarcastically

"It gets better. Turns out the thing feeds on HORMONES."

"HORMONES?? Then shouldn't it be appearing as a-a really *hot* CHICK or something?"

Dean would have SO MUCH preferred that, that it wasn't even funny!

"Those aren't the only kinda hormones people have, Dean." Sam said, a little exasperated at his brother's one track mind. "This one seems to prefer cortisol and adrenaline but in your case I think it's going for histamine."

"Great- so why'd *I* get stuck with the damned allergy attack?"

Pun intended- though right now it didn't feel all that damned funny.

"Probably because it couldn't turn into something that could follow you around and scare you. You're afraid of flying, not airplanes. That's an expirence, not something that creeps around in the shad-duh-hitctsssssch!"

Dean grit his teeth and resisted the urge to throw his cell phone out the window. Damnit, Sam's life had BETTER be danger or Dean was gonna KILL him!

"Alright-alright!! So??"

There was a heart beat of a pause before Sam spoke again- it sounded like he was trying to re-find his bearings. "So people's hormones-brain chemicals-kinda ebb and flow. It wants to eat you when it can get the most out of you- when you're as full of it's desired hormone as you can get- then it sucks the HORMONES out through puncture wounds, usually near the neck."

"You mean like dog bites, and spider bite, an snake b-huhXNGT!!"


"Don't say it!"

He pulled into the motel parking lot.

"So how do you KILL the mother?" He asked getting out of the Impala and slamming the door (sorry, Baby, not your fault).

Though Dean had been doing his best to ignore it, he couldn't help but notice the cat that hopped cheerfully out of the back had grown to the size of a large cocker spaniel. Yeah, probably not a good sign.

"By destroying all of it's avatars.". Sam said in a strained, and very distracted tone of voice.

"What? You mean those blue guys from the movie?"

Sometimes Sam couldn't believe they were related. "The TOYS, Dean, the ones inside the--"

The clown from Sam's nightmares burst into the front door! There was blood mixed with glitter on the front of his oversized colorful jumpsuit, and Sam clenched his jaw, nostrils flaring, trying to control his breathing while his hand went automatically for his gun.

"Woah- hey!" The demon clown said, gloved hands up in a surrender posture.

Sam's hands shook... He had to force his hands away from the gun, though he couldn't stop himself from being strung tight like a coil, poised to attack or run. He closed his eyes, his eyebrows drawn together, and turned away.

"What?" The clown demanded. " Sammy, what is it?"


Sam kept his eyes closed. He swallowed.

"Is that you?"

"Who else could it be?"

"Prove it.". Sam said. He sounded very vulnerable. " P-prove you're Dean."

The clown stared at him a moment and blinked, then began to sing "Ramble On" by Led Zeppelin. When he got to "For now I smell the rain" he started to get into it.

It was THE single weirdest thing Sam had ever seen.

But it broke the spell. His brother was back. Sam let out a breath (he still had those sad-ass puppy eyes tho).

"Okay.". He said.

Dean kept singing.

"I said "Okay", Dean."

Now he was louder, head bopping and harsh (sneeze in front of me will you.)

Sam patiently waited for him to finish, which, once it seemed to have stopped annoying him, didn't take very long.

"Who'd you THINK I was?" Dean asked

"The (ahem) the... Thing."

"The clown? The rekker thing?"

"Reikkneir- and yeah, it's been getting worse."

"No shit? Really? I hadn't notice-hepTXCH!"


"Shut up, Sam. So we just need to burn the toys? That's it."

"Yeah, but it has to be ALL of them."

"So... That's the one under the Saxsons' tree, an' the missing DOG right."

"That we know of."

"Well let's HOPE that's it becuse this shit's driving me CRAZY."


"Shut up, Sam."

"I didn't say anything."

"You know what you did."

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Ohhh wow.

I just love how Dean is trying so hard not to sneeze (so cute) and Sam is just sneezing up a storm and making that difficult.


The beginning? BEST.

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Yeeesssss!!!! Everything!

Tries not to sneeze. Sneezes. Hears a sneeze. Sneezes. UGHHHH!!!! :heart:

And the clown.....ohhhh. Sam I feel you WAY too much. Clowns are just creepy beyond anything else in the world.

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Ooh, this just keeps getting better and better :) Poor Dean is working so hard to suppress his allergies, yet everyone around him keeps showing him concern and blessing him, and he is all irritated and put off by it. Adorable. (And did I see that his lips are starting to swell? Uh oh, that can't be a good sign..) Can't wait to see what happens next!

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  • 2 weeks later...

First off, what the hell...I never commented on this part. /slaps self.

"By destroying all of it's avatars.". Sam said in a strained, and very distracted tone of voice.

"What? You mean those blue guys from the movie?"

Sometimes Sam couldn't believe they were related.

I laughed really hard at this.


"Shut up, Sam."

"I didn't say anything."

"You know what you did."

Awesome ending!

I'm really enjoying this! :turned:

(Dog-Bite Brian...bahahahaha!)

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Sam tensed and his jaw tightened. He leaned away from the car window sitting stiffly upright. His eyes were wide and worried, and his brows were drawn together.

"What?" Dean asked.

"Uh... N-nothing (ahem).

"You seeing the... wrecker thing again?"

"Reikknier." Sam sort of swallowed though his mouth was dry, "And yeah, it's... In all the windows." He said in an uncomfortable, strained voice. His jaw tensed again, "... and mirrors." He cleared his throat. "You?"

"Back seat." Dean said stiffly, lifting his head, though he tried to sound casual. He sniffed and scrubbed at his tortured nose.

"How are we supposed to do this?" Sam asked, keeping his eyes closed and working to keep his voice steady.

...It's not really there.... It's not real...

"Same as any other time." Dean said, he popped a hand full of Allegra into his mouth and chewed them vigorously trying to get them to work faster. You wanna eat my histamine? Eat THAT, you son of a bitch!

"Yeah, except this isn't 'any other time'." Sam said. "One of us is gonna...". Sam's voice trailed off and his eyebrows lifted as he stared into space, one hand hovering just in front of his nose and mouth.

"Don't you dare!"

Sam Pinched his nose shut and painfully stiffled the sneeze, popping his ears and making his headache throb. "Ow."

Dean nodded once, stiffly, as if to say, 'Okay, good enough'

"One of us is going to sneeze." Sam tried again. "We *might* be able to grab the one under the tree, but there's no way in Hell we can go hunting for that DOG toy without waking someone up."

"Yeah well if someone DOES..." Dean couldn't quite manage to say the word "sneeze" "...It won't be *me*." He said with gruff determination. Sam knew Dean's bluffing face (though it usually didn't have the red, glossy eyes, and thick, trembling lips). "How about you, Sam?"

Sam swallowed and tried not to look directly at any reflective surface. "Yeah". He said, " Yeah, I'll be fine."

Dean knew Sam's "bullshit" voice (though it usually didn't have the thick congestion and frightened tension).

So they understood each other.

...to be full of shit.

"Med up." Dean said, shaking a bottle of Dayquil.

Sam reluctantly snatched it and chugged a random amount, then handed it back.

"Let's do this thing."

The Impala rumbled to a stop a house down and across the street from the Saxons' home (never park directly in front of a target. Big-time amature mistake there). Dean's nose was itching so bad he couldn't see strait. "Anything work on these sons of bitchs?" He asked as he opened up the trunk to pursue their stash of deadly weapon.

"Nothing. Apparently it's technically in your head right up until it actually goes to kill you."

"So there really is NO damned friggin' cat?"

"There doesn't need to be.". Sam said, "As long as your brain THINKS there is and produces the right chemicals."

"Perfect. Beautiful.". He said with angry and exasperated sarcasm. "So how do you know when to ignore the thing and when to get out of Dodge."

Sam's was avoiding looking directly at Dean. Dean wondered if Sam was seeing him as the clown again.

"It'll... Uh... It'll be trying to attack you- rather then just... Scare you... Or in your case make you--"

"Don't say it!"

Sam stopped talking but Dean's breath had begun to hitch anyway.


"Huh.... Huuuuh.... I gu-eeeh! I GOT THIS, Sa-- HEP'CHROUGH!"

"You got this, huh?"




Dean was panting slightly, struggling to regain control over his explosive involuntary spasms.

Sam didn't say a word, he just looked at Dean with those damned puppy dog eyes. Nothing really needed to be said anyway...

"C'mon.". Dean said, his voice sounded horse and thick. "We'd better hurry."

...The cat was now about the size of a panther....

They picked the lock without any problem, even though Dean's sinuses were on fire, and Sam could feel the sweet, putrid breath of the death-clown puffing against the back of his neck sending hot and cold chills down his spine...

....Unless those were fever chills. At this point did it really matter which.

The present was under the tree, right where they had left it- Of course that was the was the easy part.

They decided to split up, Dean in the dead girl, Jackie's bedroom, and Sam into the kid's room, Michelle, the grade school girl who the unwrapped present was for. This was mainly because, though nighter of them actually said so, Dean was more likely to sneeze (and sneeze loudly)-- hence the *empty* room.

Not real... Dean told himself, over and over again. Listen, you're not allergic to NOTHING, and there really IS *no* damned cat- No dander, no fur, it's all in your friggin' head. There is no-


He pinched his nose shut and covered his mouth in an attempt to silence the sneeze he couldn't deny.

It's NOT. FRIGGIN'. REAL. There was no reason to "XGNT! XNT!". This shit was making him dizzy- he was pretty sure his damned eyes were bleeding. "XNT! GNT! hipXNT!!"

He went through her drawers, her sheets, the top of her bookcase one handed because her didn't dare move the other from his (XGrNt!!!) ...nose...

There were soft, heavy padded foot step behind him...

The cat, now big as a lion was STALKING him. Not just following with it's tail in the air. It's muscles were tensed to pounce... It rotated it's shoulders.

Without his eyes leaving the feline, or his hand leaving his nose (ketXNT!) Dean reached for his cell phone.... And touch-texted Sam:


...There was no answer.

The giant cat leapt and Dean dodged. It's nails raked 12 inch holes in Jackie Saxon's wall paper. Pretty sure THAT was real.

Dean had taken on bigger badasses then this in his sleep. He planted his feet (heTASCHOO!!) and pulled a deer-knife out of his belt. (Sorry, Saxons, if that woke you up).

The giant cat lept again...

..and Dean put a knife in it's gut!


The knife hit solid, though it didn't slice. Dean was knocked into the opposite wall by the giant cat's powerful momentum, though the cat pulled away as though in pain. This was a job for a baseball bat...

... Which apparently Jackie didn't have.


Oh well, he didn't have to kill the motherfucker, just escape from it. He made it out the bedroom door and slammed it in the giant cat's damn FACE! (Hey, he was pretty sure he'd already woken the Saxon's anyway so what the hell).

"Time to go, Sam!"

Sam didn't answer.

Sam didn't move.

He was standing ridgid, staring wide eyed at little Michelle Saxon as though she were Lucifer himself.

In her tiny arms was clutched a cheap, hokey stuffed dog.

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WHOA, NELLY! Came back to check on my SS's preferences real quick and THIS WAS HEEEEEEERE!


So they understood each other.

...to be full of shit.

"Med up." Dean said, shaking a bottle of Dayquil.

Sam reluctantly snatched it and chugged a random amount, then handed it back.

"Let's do this thing."

Dean sure he woke the family anyway, the cat growing, Sam sooo freaked out and AHHHHH! It's breathing down his neck?!?! UGHUGHUGHUGH!


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Have I mentioned just how amazing this is? :drool:

So they understood each other.

...to be full of shit.
This. In he quite literal situation. :lmfao:


"Huh.... Huuuuh.... I gu-eeeh! I GOT THIS, Sa-- HEP'CHROUGH!"

"You got this, huh?"


Dammit, Dean! Have some control! :rofl: You totally capture them sooo well!

...The cat was now about the size of a panther....
Is it weird that I just want to hug this adorable sized feline? :D *CrazyCatLady*

"Time to go, Sam!"

Sam didn't answer.

Sam didn't move.

He was standing ridgid, staring wide eyed at little Michelle Saxon as though she were Lucifer himself.

In her tiny arms was clutched a cheap, hokey stuffed dog.
Ohhhhhh dear......That may be a problem.

UGHHHH that cliffhanger kills! I need more!!! :bounce:

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This is freaking amazing! I Love the plot! I'm so hooked! You write both the boys so well, but Dean's dialogue, I can totally hear him saying that stuff!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

I'm sorry, I know this is 2-years old now but you need to know this legitimately freaked me out! Lol clowns generally don't bother me but I was feeling it when I was outside in the dark, alone! I would really like it to be finished. One more part would do it

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