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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Owl Mail (HP Universe with OCs, F/F)


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Okay, first off, let me make it totally clear that this was in NO way intended as some sort of stereotype or mocking. It was inspired by the cute way in which a friend of mine writes in English, and the way she talks when she's sick. It is no way a mockery or scorning of second-language English speakers or the French.

On a different note, the story is set during my original students' Hogwarts years, and in the form of a letter written over break. Without further adieu, I present...the letter!


Cher amie:

Hello! It is a long winter without you, ma chérie, but the holiday is almost finished! I do not really want the schoolwork to begin again, but the castle and the company is nice. :)

The muggle world is interesting how you make official speaking a language-though it is très admirable that you choose to do so. You should not were anxious about the examen de française! The examen is written, no? To say the words is your problem! Also, do not complain for the writing accents-they help to pronounce! It is true, English has none, but this makes speaking harder!

I desire to be where you are at this season; remember you complain about the cold, when at school? You get the reprieve of the beach and the sun! My family is living in a house on the mountains! You would despise this-the land is beautiful but the temperature does not go above 40 Fahrenheit! (My sister attends an American school, do you remember? Do not expect me to always know Fahrenheit).

Because of the cold, I am now un peu malade. I apologize for my writing-I do not feel good and my English is now not good. This is why I now just respond-I help my family and it is hard work. I can only do one, at this time. Yesterday, maman made me to lay down. Right now, I rest. I feel horrible, but I am happy to write to you.

I am sneezing very much. In the U.S., I know it is common polite to say a nice thing when someone sneezes, for manners. Here is not. My family (and everyone in the town, probably) has become tired with respond, but I understand. I can not say a whole sentence before I sneeze! As the example-in the morning. I help my sister and she says "Merci" What I could say was only "il n'y" before I need to stop for sneeze! Le ridicule! Writing you is the most of my speaking today.

Enough of my whines: I do not intend to be dramatique, but this is all that is "up with me". I imagine that you are to receive this soon before you leave for school: for me, it is a few days, so I am very...excited, but impatient., Je meurs d'envie de te revoir!

Je t'embrasse,


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