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The Blizzard Wizard (HP)


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I came up with the idea for this story even before I joined the forum and now I feel it's the right time for me to finally get down to wrighting it. I hope you guys will enjoy this.

Title: The Blizzard Wizard

Author: Likesn

Fandom: Harry Potter

Disclaimer: I don't own the story or the characters

Summary: There are many challenges one might come by when working as an auror

Part 1:

By the time she turned 18, Hermione Granger has accomplished more than most witches and wizards do in their entire lifetime. Not only was she an excellent student in Hogwarts and an extremely capable witch, she also had many adventures, faced powerful dark wizards and witches and played a critical role in the defeat of possibly the most powerful dark wizard of all times. Her skills and experience opened many doors for her, including the one of the auror office. She joined the aurors a year later than her friends Harry and Ron, for she insisted on going back to Hogwarts and completing her senior year. Although Voldemort and his followers were defeated, Hermione and her friends knew all too well how fragile was this state of peace they all fought and sacrificed a lot to achieve. There was always a danger someone might use their magical powers for dark purposes and it was the aurors' job to keep the wizard world safe. Harry, Ron and Hermione were not the only young addition to the auror office, for Ginny, Neville and Luna also joined the ranks of the aurors. The future looked bright and everyone expected Hermione to do brilliantly in the auror office, as she excelled in almost everything she did. Despite those great expectations, and maybe because of them, Hermione felt a constant need to prove herself. She was eager to go out on missions and was always ready to chase any potential leads to foul deeds. That's probably the reason she didn't tell anyone about the letter she received one day and started inquiring on her own.

It was strange for her at first, working at the ministry of magic. After all, she has only been to the ministry twice before and she had to break her way in on both times and face great dangers. As time went by, Hermione started to feel at home in the ministry. She was working long hours every day and she had her own little office, despite the fact that she was only 21 years old, which she kept very tidy. Most of the time she working in her office, but she was always ready to go out to the field. One morning, Hermione was sitting in her office, busy with the never ending paperwork, when a letter arrived. At first, she was sure it was just another interdepartmental memo, the kind that was always flying throughout the ministry, but then she noticed it was a personal letter addressed to her. The letter was short, asking for a privet meeting with Hermione and promising more details during that meeting. Hermione's first instinct was to throw the letter away, for the sender was someone she hoped never to see again- the infamous ex- journalist Rita Skeeter. Hermione was sure it was a trap of some sort, a way to lure her into giving an audience only to have her words twisted by Skeeter, the way she always did. Nevertheless, Hermione was curious- why did Skeeter want to meet with her? And why now? The letter didn't explain much, only stated that Skeeter needed to meet with her urgently. This wasn't Skeeter's usual way of doing things- mostly, when she wanted an audience with someone, she would ambush them and corner them until she got what she wanted. This kind of personal request was not her style. Perhaps this was the reason that, in spite of the alarm bells bellowing in her head, Hermione let her curiosity get the better of her and went to meet Rita Skeeter.

The ex journalist invited Hermione to meet her in her little apartment, in a quiet suburb of London. Hermione disappareted into her doorstep and rang the doorbell. When Skeeter opened the door, Hermione almost didn't recognized her at first- her eyes were red, as were the edges of her nose, her hair, which was usually very well groomed, was messy and she was wearing a nightgown, not her regular expensive clothes. Before Hermione could say anything, Skeeter said:

"Well well well, if it isd't the fabous Herbiode Gradger" her voice was so stuffed up Hermione could barely understand her.

"You look surprised to see me, which is odd, considering the fact that you invited me".

"I'b surprised you cabe".

"Are you suggesting I shouldn't have"?

"Oh do do! I just did't thidk you'd wadt to see be".

"Who says I do? Anyway, why are we talking here by the door".

"Oh gooddess you're right! Where are by badders? Cobe id, cobe id" she led Hermione to the living room.

"So, are you going to tell me why you invited me here?" Hermione asked when they were sitting in the living room.

"Yes, of course, but first- I was just goig to bake byself a cup of tea. Would you like ode as well"?

"That's kind of you to offer. Yes, I would, thank you".

"Oh do probleb at all. I'll be right back" and a few moments later she returned with two cups of tea.

"Thank you. Now, care to tell me what this is all about?" asked Hermione.

"Well, as you probably kdow, I haved't beed workig as a jourdalist these past few years, bostly publishig a book every dow add thed. A few days ago, a youdg bad sedt be ad owl requestig add audiedce with be. He would't tell be his real dabe, so daturally I was a bit suspicious, but by jourdalist idstidcts got the better of be add I agreed to beet with hib. He cabe here add we talked for a while. He appeared to be very abbitious- he talked about how we are all goig to hear about hib sood. He said that he will sood beet the.. Ha... Hia Tchoo! Oh! Excuse be" Skeeter said after a sudden wet sneeze.

"Bless you" Hermione said.

"Thadk you dear. I seeb to have caught a terrible cold right after beetig with the youdg wizard add I just cad't shake it off. I swear I tried everythig but I just cad't get better Ei Tchoo! Oh, excuse be agaid".

"Bless you again. Now, about that wizard- you were saying he said he will meet someone soon"?

Skeeter blew her nose wetly into a handkerchief before saying- "Oh yes. He said that he will sood beet the bagical prodigy of our tibe, 'bagical prodigy' were his exact words, add he will defeat that prodigy. I ibbediately assubed he was referrig to youdg bister Potter whed he said that".

"Then why did you want to see me? Why not Harry"?

"Because dear, he left a Hie TshChoo! a letter for you".

"A letter for me"?

"Yes" Skeeter said from behind her handkerchief "this letter" and she handed a letter to Hermione, who opened it and read:

"To Hermione Granger

You don't know me, not yet at least, but soon you will. Soon, every witch and wizard shall hear of me and once I am done with the magical world I will turn to the muggles, who will be utterly powerless against me. For I have powers beyond your understanding and with these powers I shall rule. None will escape my will. You look up to your aurors, your heroes. You trust them to protect you. I shell break them. None shall stand in my way. Once I defeat the magical prodigy of our time it will be clear to all that my powers are absolute. You will notice as I draw closer to my pray. I shall leave evidence. You shall all come to know my mark. We shall meet soon and, like everyone, you will acknowledge my powers.


"Hei TshieTch!" Skeeter sneezed just as Hermione finished reading the letter.

"Did he say anything else? Anything that might tell us something about who he is or what exactly he wants?" asked Hermione.

"Do. Odly what I told you- 'bajical prodigy' add so od".

"I see. Thank you for letting me know".

"What are you goig to do dow"?

"Find him of course. I don't know what his plans are exactly, but whatever it is- it can't be good. I will find him and stop him before he causes any harm, you can count on that".

"I sure hope so" Skeeter said and blew her nose.

"I think I should probably get going now. Feel better" Hermione told Skeeter before she got up and left.


Edited by Likesn
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Oh, I very much like this and can't wait for the next part! Rita isn't a character I've ever thought much about but I find myself enjoying her in this!

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Part 2:

There were many questions floating around in Hermione's brain and she took a moment to sort them out:

- Who was this new menace?

- Who was the "magical prodigy" he referred to?

- What was the mark he was talking about?

- Why did he mention the aurors?

- Why did he leave a letter for her?

- Why did he turn to Rita Skeeter?

Hermione assumed the answer to the last question was the fact that Skeeter was a journalist, even if not an active one. The wizard wanted to make sure he will be famous and what better way to do so than to turn to Skeeter. However, how was Skeeter supposed to write about someone whose name she didn't know? Hermione had no answer to to that, but, since it wasn't her main concern at the moment, she didn't think too much about it. It was more important for her to find out who he was and who he was going to confront. She started her inquiry by returning to her office and going through her files, hoping to find some mention of a new potential threat. She crossed the information she had with the initials T.B.W. but came up with nothing. It was clear to her that she would have to search for clues in the field. After all- he did say he was going to leave evidence. The problem was that her only current lead was Skeeter, and she didn't think there was nothing more the sick ex- journalist could tell her. She spent the next few days frantically searching for clues and she was very close to abandoning the case entirely when she received another letter. This time, the letter was not sent from a private person, but from St. Mungo's hospital. The letter simply stated that her presence was requested at the hospital, for reasons that would be explained upon arrival. This secretive tone was not typical for St. Mungo's and Hermione wondered what made them sent such a letter to her. Of course, she had to go.

When she got to the hospital, she was directed to a wing she'd never been to before. The place seemed relatively knew and contained a few beds and a small medical staff, that was busy attending to the patients lying on the beds. Hermione was amazed to find that she knew all the patients- she saw Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell and Alicia Spinnet, which were members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team when she went to school, the Patil twins, Parvati and Padma, who went to school with her and Hannah Abbott, who went to Hufflepuff and was currently dating Neville Longbottom. It was weird for for Hermione to see all those girls she went to school with in one room. Most of them even went to the same house as she did. When one of the nurses noticed her arrival she took her to the side, where the patients couldn't hear then and said:

"Thank you for coming Miss Granger. I assure you we have never encountered such a phenomena before and I've seen some bizarre things in all my years of working here. Fortunately, we have established that this illness doesn't seem to be contagious, but we are still keeping this under wraps- we don't want unnecessary panic to spread, especially since we're not entirely sure what we're dealing with".

"If you don't mind me asking- why did you call me here?" asked Hermione.

"Well, not only do you know all the victims"

"More or less" Hermione interrupted her.

"But shortly after the arrival of the Patil twins, who were the last ones to arrive here, we received a letter for you".

"Let me guess- T.B.W."?

"Why, yes! How did you know"?

"Let's just say this is not the first time I received a letter from this guy".

"Then perhaps you could shed some light on what happened to these poor girls".

"What seems to be the matter"?

"Well, it's nothing serious, it appears to be just a regular cold and, as I told you, it doesn't seem to be contagious, but we were unable to cure it by any means we have, neither magical nor regular".

"So basically- they all have a cold that just wouldn't go away"?

"Yes. Would you believe that"?

"Actually- I would. You might want to contact Rita Skeeter- she seems to be suffering from the same thing".

"Rita Skeeter?" the nurse looked puzzled.

"Never mind that now. What about the letter"?

"Oh yes- here you go" the nurse handed her the letter:

"To Hermione Garnger

By now you must be starting to grasp just how powerful I am. There will be no relief for these girls unless I say otherwise, which I have no intention of doing. Speak to them. Witness their suffering. Know that I am able to cause such suffering at will, but this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my powers. You need not concern yourself about their affliction- it is personal and would come and go as I please. Consider this a demonstration. It was not the first, nor would it be the last. None shall stand in my way to defeating the magical prodigy".


As much as she hated doing what appeared to be exactly what that man wanted, Hermione decided to talk to the sick girls:

"HurruShoo! I'b tellig you Herbiode- it's like this cold cabe out of HurrShoo! dowhere" said Angelina.

"I arrived here Hei Shoo! shortly after Adgelida did. I have do idea how I cuaght this He Yeshoo! cold, but I'b sdeezig like crazy" said Katie.

"I feel terrible Herbiode Ushoo! By dose is ruddig add I cad't stop Sdee...... Hu Ushoo! sdeezig" said Alicia.

"He Pshe! Padba add I cabe here yesterday Ha Pshe!" sneezed Parvati.

"Please tell be that there's Ha Tsha! sobethig you cad do about this cold Herbiode Ha Atsh!" Padma sneezed.

"I would talk to Deville He Etshoo! but he's away od sobe top secret bisiod Ha Et Shoo!" Hannah said in between sneezes.

None of the girls remembered meeting any young wizard, going on a strange place or doing something they've never done before. Hermione was frustrated- many new victims but no new meaningful leads. All of them went to Hogwarts around the time she and her friends were there and most of them went to Gryffindor as well, but there were girls from other hoses as well, which meant that she couldn't be sure that the magical prodigy was, as Rita Skeeter suspected, Harry. There was also no connection between those girls and Skeeter. It occurred to Hermione that the victims so far might not have been related to the magical prodigy at all, but her instincts told her that there was a connection, she just had to find it.


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Part 3:

This case was getting on Hermione's nerves. No matter where she looked, she couldn't find any new leads. There was nothing new that the girls in the hospital, including Rita Skeeter who, after Hermione contacted her, checked herself in the hospital as well, could tell her. Nothing about this case was ordinary. Usually, dark wizards who had delusions of grandeur started gaining power first by gathering support, mostly in secret. This guy, however, made it clear that he was up to no good and it seemed that he was acting alone. Since it appeared that no one, besides Rita Skeeter, has actually seen him, it was practically impossible for Hermione to get new information about his character. She was stuck. Again. She decided to focus on the one thing that did become clear to her after visiting the hospital- the "mark" he was talking about, which was a bad cold, that seemed to be incurable. She turned to the source she trusted most- books. Throughout history, there were wizards and witches who many believed to be responsible for some of the greatest plagues that struck mankind. Sometimes, the plague was a result of a failed experiment. Other plagues were intentionally designed to hurt muggles, but those plagues were usually dealt with pretty quickly by the wizarding community. There were even plagues that were originally designed to hurt a specific witch or wizard and got out of hand. Hermione read for hours but found no mentioning of someone using the common cold as a magical weapon or magically altering it. It was clear that this wizard was using some new kind of dark magic, a thought Hermione found very troubling. She was just wondering what she should do next when a letter arrived for her. It landed on her desk, a small envelope with only her name written on it. She recognized the handwriting and carefully opened the envelope:

"The time of my ascendance is near. Four more victims remain before I finally defeat the magical prodigy. They shall all suffer my wrath and my power. None shall escape. First, I shall strike someone who recently entered a family close to the prodigy".

Unlike the previous letters, this one wasn't signed. However, the second Hermione finished reading the letter she felt as if an invisible force was pulling her towards it and a moment later she found herself standing in front of the entrance to the shell cottage. She realized the letter must've been a portkey, but it was unlike any portkey she encountered before. She could have disapparated back to her office if she wanted to, but she had to find out why she was sent there. She knocked on the door. A moment later, Bill Weasley opened the door, looking very surprised to see her:

"Hermione! What are you doing here? Is everything alright"?

"Hey Bill. Ummm...... everything is fine, I guess. I was just wondering"

Hermione was so busy thinking about how to explain the situation to Bill, that when she was interrupted by a loud "He TsShoo!" sound the first thing she felt was relief, followed closely by concern.

"Was that Fleur?" she asked.

"Yes. I'm afraid she's not feeling well at the moment. It appears that she woke up this morning with a bad cold" Bill replied.

"I see. May I come in"?

"I'm not sure that's a good idea. I don't want you to catch what she has".

Suddenly, Hermione had an idea- "I should explain. You see, I'm doing a special research for St.Mungo's hospital. It appears that there's a new kind of cold going around, a magical cold".

"A magical cold? Even if that's true, I don't see why it's an auror's business".

"They want to make sure there is no dark magic involved".

"Wait, how did you know Fleur is sick"?

"By studying patients at the hospital, it seems that we have found a way to track people who has this magical cold" Hermione felt bad about lying to Bill, but she knew she couldn't tell him the truth".

"And you're not worried that you might get sick"?

"It appears that this cold isn't contagious, which is good news for you" Hermione smiled.

"Well...... if you think that Fleur is in danger and that you might help her than come in".

"Thank you. I'll see what I can do" Hermione said before getting inside and going up to the main bedroom. She found the french girl lying in bed, blowing her nose wetly into a handkerchief.

"Herbiode! I dod't wadt to soudd rude, but wad are you doig 'ere?" as if it wasn't hard enough understanding Fleur due to her french accent, her voice was completely stuffed up, which made matters worse.

"How are you feeling Fluer"?

"He Utsh! Ugh, terrible. I've beed sdeezig by 'ead off sidce I woke up zis bordig".

"I see. As I told Bill, it appears that some sort of magical cold is going around and you appear to have caught it".

"A bagical HintGsh! cold?" Fluer stifled a sneeze into her handkerchief.

"So it would seem. Tell me- did anything strange happened to you lately? Did you meet a strange person by any chance"?

"A stradge persod? Do. I dod't zidk so. Why"?

"We're trying to find out where is this cold coming from".

"Well, I'b afraid I wod't be buch 'elp to you He Eit ChsShoo! Dozig stradge az appeded to be lately Hei TsShioo! egzept zis cold baybe".

"I'm sorry I can't help you more. If I find anything new about this cold I'll let you both know right away".

"Zadk you. I'b zorry I could't 'elp you bore eizer He Heish Tshoo"!

"Bless you" said Hermione.


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Ahh, this is awesome! It's like an awesome justified showcase for all ur favorite HP (female) characters to have a cold!!! I love all of it, quite well done: though my love of fleurmione did earn the most recent chapter bonus points for me !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahh, this is awesome! It's like an awesome justified showcase for all ur favorite HP (female) characters to have a cold!!! I love all of it, quite well done: though my love of fleurmione did earn the most recent chapter bonus points for me !

Haha thanks :) I'm glad you liked it

Part 4:

The moment she left the shell cottage, Hermione found another letter for her. It read:

"My next victim had many adventures with the magical prodigy. They even managed to break into the ministry of magic together. However, my powers are something even the best witches and wizards are powerless against".

Just as Hermione feared, this letter was another portkey. It took her to another place she hasn't been to since the year Voldemort was defeated- the house of the lovegoods. Hermione was nervous- she feared something might have happened to Luna. She knocked on the door and was a little bit surprised when it was Luna herself who opened the door, dressed in a pink robe, matching the color of her nose and her hair in a mess.

"Herbiode! It's so dice to see you! Although, I'b afraid I bight dot be the best cobpady at the bobedt- I have a cold" Luna smiled when she saw her.

"Hi Luna. I'm sorry you're sick. Can I come in anyway"?

"Of course. You're always welcobe here He..... HetschShoo! Oh, excuse be" Luna sneezed wetly.

"Bless you" said Hermione as Luna let her in.

"Bad tibe for be to catch a cold- by father is away od a jourdey add everyode id the office seebs to be travelig as well, while I'b stuck here. I wadted to joid the others, but they would't let be because of by cold".

"Really? Just because you have a cold"?

"Well........ I dod't thidk this is a typical cold Ha TsShoo!" Luna sneezed again and flames suddenly burst inside the fireplace "See what I bead?" Luna said pointing at the fireplace.

"Wait, so you're saying this cold is affecting your magical powers"?

"Looks like it" Luna said before giving her nose one of the most gurgling wet blows Hermione has ever heard.

"How long have you had this cold for"?

"Sidce yesterday evedig. It's so weird- it's like I was fide ode bobedt add cobletely sick the dext. I usually dod't get bady colds, so I was a little bit surprised. Adyway, it's dice of you to cobe visit be whed I'b HetsShi! sick".

"Bless you. That's just it- it appears that there's a new kind of magical cold going around and I'm afraid you caught it".

"A bagical cold? That's stradge. Dot bady wizards deal with stuff like a cold. Baybe that's why we haved't beed able to cure it yet".

"But can you think of anyone who might be magically altering a cold like that"?

"I'b sorry, but I cad't thidk of adyode HetshChoo!" Luna sneezed and blew her nose again.

Hermione was thinking about more questions for Luna when they both heard a knock on the window. Luna opened it and let a letter in. The letter flew inside and landed in Hermione's lap.

"Looks like you got a letter Herbiode. I wodder who else kdows you're here HetshShioo"!

"I think I might have a clue. This means it's probably time for me to go. I hope you get well soon Luna".

"Thadks Herbiode. It was dice of you to cobe".

"During the year of the triwizard tournament, the next victim and the magical prodigy shared a special bond, even if they were not aware of it at the time. The time of the magical prodigy's downfall is near".

Hermione was getting really tired of the portkey letters and of always being two steps behind the wizard she was chasing. Nevertheless, those letters were her only leads at the moment and she had to chase them. This letter transferred her to a place she's never been to before. It was a little apartment in what appeared to be a quiet suburb. Hermione thought the place looked nice and wondered who might be living in it. She knocked on the door and was surprised when the person who opened it was no other than Cho Chang.

"Herbiode! Hak Tsho! Oh! Sorry. I'd dot sure that I should let you id. I have a terrible cold add I dod't wadt you to catch it".

"I don't think I will".

"How cad you be sure"?

"Please, I'm sorry for showing at your doorstep unexpectedly like this, but if you let me in I'll do my best to explain".

"Alright thed. Cobe id" Cho's eyes and nose were very red. "Haaak Tshoo!" she sneezed into a handkerchief.

"Bless you. I should start by telling you that I'm here because of your cold".

"By cold?" Cho asked from behind the handkerchief, into which she was wetly blowing her nose.

"Yes. It appears that there is a magical cold going around. How long have you had this cold for"?

"I woke up sick this bordig, but i dod't udderstadd- there doesd't seeb to be adythig bagical about by cold".

"You mean it hasn't affected your magical powers"?

"Dot that I could tell Hhhhhhhhh He Tshe, Kshoo"!

"Well, it hasn't been the same with all the people who caught this cold- some had their magical powers affected by it and some just couldn't cure it, no matter how hard they tried. There's really not much we know about it and I was hoping you could help me with that".

"Haaa Ktisho! But how cad you be sure I dod't just have a regular cold"?

Hermione thought for a moment before saying- "It's..... a hunch".

"A hudch? Well, adyway, sidce there doesd't seeb to be adythig bagical about by cold, I'b afraid there's dot buch I could say that would help you".

"You haven't met any strange people lately? Did you speak to someone you never knew"?

"Dot that I cad recall Ha KtiSha! I'b sorry Herbiode, but I really dod't feel well add I would like to rest dow".

"Yes, of course. I'm sorry for bothering you. I hope you feel better.

Hermione did the math- there was only one victim left, according to the mysterious wizard, before he will face the magical prodigy. Hermione wasn't surprised to find another letter waiting for her when she left Cho's house. However, she was surprised by it's content:

"This is not a portkey. You will have to find the last victim yourself. You will be to late, as usual, but it won't matter. Soon, everything should be revealed. The last victim, for now at least, is one of the closest people to the magical prodigy".

If there was one thing Hermione learned from visiting Cho, it was that her initial instincts were good- it appeared that the wizard was going after Harry. After all, why else would he target Cho? Hermione then realized something that terrified her- the last victim had to be Ginny.


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Part 5:

For the past couple of years, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley lived in a small apartment on a quiet side street in London, close to the ministry of magic, where they both worked. That afternoon, as Hermione appeared before the entrance to the apartment, there were no signs showing anything unusual has happened. The street was quiet as usual and Hermione didn't see any strange people around. Still, Hermione had a very bad feeling. Ginny was her best friend and she didn't want anything to happen to her. If the last letter she got from the mysterious wizard was true, she was already too late, but she didn't care- she had to find out if Ginny was alright. If not, she swore to herself, she would not rest until she finds that wizard and make him pay. She didn't care if he was as powerful as he claimed to be- she wouldn't let anything get in her way if he hurt Ginny. When Ginny opened the door, Hermione was filled with the mixed emotions of relief and sorrow, for Ginny appeared very sick, her eyes and nose matching her burning red hair, which was messy.

"Hey 'Biode! To what do I owe the pleasure?" Ginny asked before coughing harshly into her fist.

"Oh Ginny! I'm so sorry"!

"Sorry about what 'Biode? Ugh, hold od a secodd" Ginny turned her head away from Hermione and sneezed a loud "Ha Eshoo"! Loud sneezes were something all the Weasleys had in common, even the youngest daughter.

"Bless you" Hermione told her.

"Thadks. Sorry about that. I guess you cad say I'b a little udder the weather".

"That's what I feared".

"That I would have a cold? There's do way you could've kdowd that add besides- it's just a cold".

"I don't think so Ginny".

"What do you bead? Wait, why are we staddig out here id the cold? Let's get idside" she led Hermione to the living room ."Dow, what's this all about"?

"Here's the thing- I was sort of on a mission these past few days"

"Add you did't tell be? Herbiode, I told you I dod't like it whed you're dot tellig adyode about what you're doig, especially your friedds. I kdow you thidk you cad do adythig yourself, but we wadt to help you. I wadt to help you"

Hermione felt bad- Ginny only used her full first name when she was angry or worried.

"I'm really sorry Ginny, but everything happened so fast. I wasn't even sure I was on a real mission and"

"He Eshoo!" Ginny interrupted her with another loud sneeze.

"Bless you".

"Thadks. Look, I'b sorry if I soudded harsh, it's just that I'b worried about you add I dod't wadt adythig to happed to you. You're by best friedd".

"Owww sweetie it's O.K. I know you only mean well. You're my best friend too".

"Speakig of friedds, I dod't suppose your bissiod has sobethig to do with Rod's or Harry's"?

"Wait, Harry and Ron are on missions as well"?

"You bead you dod't kdow? Whed was the last tibe you've been to the office? Thidgs are pretty Eshoo! hectic there at the bobedt".

"Really? How so"?

"Practically everyode is out od bissiods. I wadted to go too, but thed I caught this dabb cold all of a sudded. This is so stradge- I albost dever catch colds. Adyway, they would't let be joid ady bissiods for sobe reasod".

"Probably because of Luna".

"Luda, what happeded to her"?

"She came down with a cold that somehow made her lose control of her magical powers".

"You dod't say. So that's why you feared I have a cold"?

"Yes. That's why I came to see you".

"Well, I'b sorry to disappoidt you, but it seebs like I odly have a regular head cold Hea Eshoo! Although it is ad udusually sdeezy ode".

"I see. When did you come down with it"?

"Just this bordig, but I cad already tell this is goig to be ode of the worst colds I ever had" Ginny said before blowing her nose wetly into a tissue.

"You said that you almost never catch colds- do you think something unusual might've happened lately to make you get sick"?

"Dot that I cad rebebber He..... Eshoo! I'b sorry for sdeezig so buch 'Biode. Bagical cold or dot, you should leave before I give it to you. I'll feel eved worse if I get you sick too Ha Eshoo"!

"Bless you. Don't worry- whatever's happening, I promise you I'll get to the bottom of this".

"I kdow you will 'Biode, but please be careful".

"I will Ginny. You rest now and get well soon".

Hermione was furious when she left Harry and Ginny's apartment- not only was someone going around getting people sick with some sort of weird magical cold, now he got her best friend sick with it too. The worst part was she still didn't feel like she got any closer to finding the mysterious culprit. She feared for Harry- what if this was all meant to isolate him from his friends, so that he would have to face this new evil wizard alone? When Hermione thought about it, she was pretty certain that was precisely the point of it all- the magical cold, the missions for almost all the aurors, even sending her on this wild goose chase, although Hermione wasn't sure why the wizard chose to send all those letters and clues to her. Hermione's head felt like it was going to explode with questions, so she covered her face with her hands. Suddenly, she thought she heard a strange noise, so she immediately removed her hands from her face and looked around, but she didn't see anything. She was just wondering what she should do next when she saw something in the corner of her eye- it was a flash of green light, or so Hermione thought, but before she could take a closer look at it everything suddenly went black.


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Part 6:

If she had a moment to think about it, Hermione probably would have assumed she was going to die, seeing a flash of green light hitting her. However, she would've been wrong. She didn't know how long she's been unconscious and when she opened her eyes her head felt as if there was some sort of cloud inside it. The first thing she realized was that she was in what appeared to be an icy cave of some sort. She then noticed she was unable to move, and saw that she was in a very strange position- her legs were frozen solid to the ground inside two blocks of ice and her hands were stuck to the ceiling in the same way. There was light inside the cave, but Hermione wasn't sure where it came from. On the corner of the cave, just where she couldn't exactly see what was happening, she noticed a movement and she was sure she saw a shadow. The voice she then heard confirmed that there was indeed somebody there:

"Well well well, you're finally awake. You cannot imagine how long I have waited for this moment".

"Who are you? Where ab I?" Hermione asked, noticing her nose was completely stuffed up "Oh do".

"Oh yes, but surely- you didn't think you could escape your fate, didn't you"?

"You bead this cold? I really hoped I would't get sick with it, but I guess I should have seed it cobig".

"I was sure that you would have. You've proven to be even less of a challenge than I expected".

"What challedge? What do you bead"?

"Surely, by now you have figured out what my goal was".

"Yes, you wadted to defeat the ode you called the bagical pro...... prodi........ Ha IshChoo! prodigy of our tibe" Hermione sneezed loudly.

"And soon everyone will know exactly how it happened".

"Wait, you bead you've already dode it"?

"My victory is only moments away from completion".

"I dod't care who you thidk you are, if you hurt Harry I'll bake you regret it".

"Once again, Miss Granger, you disappoint me. I was sure you have realized by now it was not Mr. Potter I was after".

"But you said you're goig after the bagical prodigy of our tibe and Harry defeated Voldebort, the bost powerful dark wizard of our tibe".

"Oh please, he was mostly lucky. While not without talent, there was no way he could have defeated Voldemort, or should I say- Tom Riddle, without help and he had a lot of help. Much of this help was given to him by the magical prodigy".

"You cad't be referrig to Dubbledore, he's beed dead for years".

"How is it that the brightest witch of our generation can't grasp a simple fact"?

"Wait, you bead I'b the bagical prodigy?! You were after be all alodg"?!

"Finally! I really didn't think it would take you so long to realize it. Most disappointing indeed".

"Bidd tellig be what exactly bakes be Ha EshChoo! a bagical prodigy"?

"You are, by far, the most capable witch of your age. There are not many others with your skills and deep understanding of magic. All that and you don't even come from a family of wizards. These are the classic characteristics of a prodigy".

Even though she was furious, Hermione couldn't help herself from blushing. She hoped the wizard hasn't seen it.

"So, what's with all the bystery? Why did't you just face be? Why did you hurt all of those wobed"?

"I had to make you realize you won't be able to stop me and I wanted you to see just how powerful I am".

"By givig theb a cold"?

"Not just any cold, a special magical cold I designed myself, one that cannot be cured by any existing spell or potion. The only one who can undo this cold is me and I have no intention of doing so. With all of your friends either sick or far away"

"Od bissiods they wedt od because you sobehow bade theb to, do doubt".

"There's the clever Hermione Granger I've heard about! Yes, I made sure you will be all alone, just your magic against mine".

"So dow what"?

"No I will leave you powerless and humiliated for all the magical world to see".

"You're dot goig to Ha IshCh! kill be"?

"Why would I would do that? No, you'll be left alive so you can tell everyone just how easily I have defeated you".

"Add odce you're dode with be, thed what- you'll becobe the dew dark lord, like Voldebort"?

"Please, Riddle may have been powerful, but his ambitions...... so plain...... so old fashioned. All that racist "reign of the pure blooded" thing, so not creative, especially when considering the fact that the most powerful witch of out time is muggle born. That's just nonsense. No, this world will be mine to do as I please. Once I defeat you, no one will dare stand in my way".

"Dod't coudt od it. Besides, it's dot like you're goig to bake everyode id the world catch colds, right"?

"Of course not. There are many ways to make people lose control of their magical powers. Although, I must admit, this method proved to be a very enjoyable one. Once you accept your defeat, you will learn to appreciate it".

"Ha IChoo!" Hermione's loud sneeze made small fireworks explode in the air in front of her face.

"What exactly did you do to be?" she asked.

"Simple- I gave you a permanent cold that disables your control over of your magical powers".

"Like you did to Luda"?

"Not exactly- Miss Lovegood's cold only makes her lose control of her magical powers. Your cold, however, is a little different- it will gradually make you lose your magical powers altogether. No one will stand in my way when they know I can take away their magical powers completely".

"That is just He IsShChoo!" three little green birds flew out of Hermione's nose.


"I was goig to say evil".

"Call it whatever you like, I still won. Soon, you will sneeze all the magic out of your body and spend the rest of your life in misery".

"I dod't thidk so".

"Oh really? I don't suppose you think you can stop me"?

"I dod't thidk I cad, I kdow I cad".

"Is that right"?

"Yes, because there's sobethig you forgot".

"And what would that be"?

"Before I tell you, dod't I at least deserve to kdow the dabe of the wizard who claibs he have defeated be"?

"Voldemort might have been wrong about a lot of things, but he was right about the importance of choosing the right name. Tom Riddle was just one wizard, but lord Voldemort was a name everyone feared".

"Dot everyode. So, if you're dot goig to tell be your real dabe, what are you goig to call yourself"?

"I will be known as the blizzard wizard".

"You've got to be kiddig be".

"You can think whatever you want of this name, but it will forever be the name of the one who defeated you".

"Yeah, about that- you still haved't dotice the bajor flaw id your brilliadt plad".

"By all means- do tell me about it".

"You wedt after who you said is the bost powerful witch of her age, you hurt her friedds you captured her, bade her realize just how powerful she is add thed told her there is a dew kidd of bagic idsie her body, ode that you gave her".

"And your point is"?

"Hai IssssShiChioo!" Hermione unleashed a massive sneeze right in the direction of the voice. The ceiling of the cave collapsed right above where she was sure the blizzard wizard was standing.

"Ha Ish!" with another sneeze, she shattered the ice around her arms and legs and broke free. She carefully approached the pile of ice that fell form the ceiling above the blizzard wizard. Nothing was moving under the ice. Hermione took one last look around the cave to make sure no one else was there before using here new found magical powers to disapparet from the cave.


"Ha ShChoo!" Hermione sneezed loudly, something she has been unable to stop doing for the past few days.

"Bless you" Harry and Ron said in unison.

"Thadks" Hermione said before wetly blowing her nose.

"Blimey Hermione, I never knew someone outside my family could sneeze so loudly" said Ron.

"I guess that's another side effect of this cold, huh?" said Harry.

"Yes, it's a real SChoo! 'delight'. Ugh! I cad't wait for this cold to be over".

"Are you sure it will be?" asked Harry.

"Of course I'b sure Harry. It took be sobe tibe, but I foudd sobe books that told be exactly what I deeded to kdow".

"Books. Why am I not surprised" Ron muttered.

"I did hear that all the other women are getting better. The hospital says that in a few more days the could all go home" said Harry.

"Yes. Add odce we're all well agaid, that should be the edd of this bagical cold".

"Good riddance" said Ron.

"Heish Choo"!

"Bloody hell Hermione!" Ron called, backing away from her.

"I think he means- bless you" said Harry.

"How bady tibes do I have to tell you Rod- this cold is dot codtagious".

"It doesn't mean that I want to get your sneeze spray all over me" said Ron.

"Oh for heaved's sake Rod Ha IshChoo"!

Hermione spent the next few days sneezing and blowing her nose, but eventually she was well again. The new kind of magic was gone along with her cold, but she was more than happy to be using "normal" magic again. She tried to find out who the blizzard wizard was, but there was no information she found helpful. The only one who ever saw him was Rita Skeeter, and he wiped his face from her memory before casting an imperius curse on her to make her write to Hermione. When Hermione managed to find the icy cave and returned with backup, there was no trace of the blizzard wizard. She had no idea if he survived the ceiling falling on him or where he disappeared to. However, there was one thing she was sure about- if he was still alive and ever tries his old tricks again, she will be ready. After all, she was a magical prodigy.

The End

Edited by Likesn
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