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Working in my favorite sneeze related headcanons, with a sneezey Mako!!! I can't imagine any of the brothers having allergies, giving their upbringing on the streets ( Bio nerd here), but I hc Mako as having a veeerrryyy sensitive nose! This takes place in season 1, where Mahsami was canon, and Ik, I love Korrasami too, but it's necessary for my plotline! Also, I love the young, innocent Asami!

" How many bottles of perfume do you have!?" Bolin mused, picking up the colorful bottles as if they were rare jewels.

" A lot." Asami replied cooly. " I used to be obsessed with trying on new scents as a kid, I stopped wearing it for a while, then recently picket it up again." She picked up a red glass bottle as if she had never seen it before, and passed it to Bolin. The earthbender took the leather bubble and pinched it, sending rose scented mist into the air.

He breathed in deeply, " Wow , that smells amazing!" He chirped. " What d'you think, Mako? Doesn't it smell good?"

" Yeah...hih!- it smells nice." His shut his eyes for a brief second and brought his slender hand under his nose, his nostrils flaring as his breath caught. " It's so -hih!-strong...I - " Suddenly, he whipped around and cupper both of his slender, elegant hands over his mouth and nose , " Het'ESH!ESH!!" he snapped forward with the vocal , itchy explosions.

Bolin grinned in amusement, while Asami looked concerned " Bless you." She offered, while the firebender stood, eyes half mast and fist pressed up under his tickley nose " Tha-thahhnnk-y-hih!I-you..." Mako shut his eyes , focusing on the persistant itch in his nose " It wond't come out..." He whined, his voice wavering

" Is he okay?" Asami asked, clearly concerned.

" He's fine , he just has a crazy sensitive nose. Mako sneezes when the wind blows. " Bolin jived, giggling at the sight of his brother, his watery eyes screwing shut and his fist waiting to catch the sneeze " hih...EASCHU!" Finally satisfied, the firebender straightened with a liquid sniff, a light blush forming across his sharp cheekbones.

Bolin grinned , " God Bless you, Mako."

Mako mumbled an embarassed "Thanks." Before sniffling wetly once again, brushing a finger against the tip of his itching nose.

" Are you allergic to perfume?" Asami mused, raising an eyebrow.

" *snf* No...that smell is just strong. *Snf*" He pulled a crumpled handkercheif from his pocket and wiped it under his nose, before turning to the side and blowing gently. " Ugh, sorry. That smell is just irratating." He mumbled bashfully, embarassed by the little episode he'd just had.

Bolin grinned “ You wouldn’t believe how sensitive his nose is, literally anything can set him off! And he always sneezes more than once!”

Asami felt heat rise in her face. She loved how cute Mako looked while sneezing.

“ You know…you really shouldn’t sneeze into your hands like that….it’s not sanitary.”

Bolin grinned “ I always tell him that! You’re supposed to do it in your arm, not your hands, because then your hands touch things and then you get germs everywhere and why would you SPIT in your hands and…” The earth-bender babbled on, displaying a surprisingly vast knowledge of how germs are spread for somebody who never got to go to school. All that book-reading really added up.

Mako rolled his eyes and stalked off to go wash his hands, not wanting to interrupt Bolin’s thunder.


The next day, Asami was getting ready to meet Mako , and her eyes landed on the perfume bottle. She smirked. She could have some fun with this. She spritzed just a bit of perfume, right on her slender collarbones, just above the neckline of her shirt. She was dressed casual, they were just watching a mover .

During the movie, Asami couldn’t help but notice Mako sniffilng gently , brushing his finger under his nose. Asami smirked and pushed her head closer to his chest, as the mover continued.

Then Asami felt heat rise in her face as she felt Mako’s shoulders shuddering, his gold eyes starting to slide shut as his mouth hung open. He took his free fist and brought it to his mouth , to catch a “Het-TSHOO!....” Asami murmured “ Bless you.” Before realizing her boyfriend wasn’t done just yet. Mako’s shoulder rose as he inhaled sharply, as the tickle wasn’t done with him just yet “ HUH!Hut-CHOO!”

“Sorry,” Mako whispered, wishing he could stifle his sneezes, but the itch was so strong in his delicate nose. He sniffled wetly, pulling that same handkerchief from his pocket and wiping his nose delicately.

“ Mm. Bless you.” Asami all but moaned, having felt the heaving of his chest.

The mover was over strange enough, Mako’s nose was a little more calm now. Asami leaned closer, so that Mako could nuzzle her neck, before he twisted away quickly, with a breathy…” Just a second…ihhh…I have..huhhh…sneeze.” he turned away, pressing the handkerchief over his mouth and nose before erupting with an itchy triple “ Het-SHOO!ISHOO!....Ihhh…IP’SHOO!”

Asami watched in amazement as Mako mumbled, “ Excuse me” And trotted off to the bathroom to vigorously blow his nose and take a break from whatever was making his nose itch. Asami smiled to herself. That was so cute!

Let me know what you think!

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Oh oh? Very interesing. i'm not really one for perfume, put this was very good! Will you be writing more with Mako? :)

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