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Sneeze Fetish Forum

I've Got You {Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers}


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Hey guys! Decided to try out some Stucky!! Hope you enjoy!


Bucky pads into the large movie room where Steve, Tony, Natasha and Thor are currently lounging, all draped across the couch or numerous chairs, blankets strewn about. The Avenger Tower had recently become the home for the superheros, along with Bucky, who stole part of Steve's bed, and really, re-stole the Captain's heart, too.

Moving in, the long haired man rubs at his nose with his flesh hand, crinkling his face in disdain when the blossoming itch didn't go away.

He's been tired the past few hours. Though he didn't go out on big missions, his memory still making it difficult, the man did like to try smaller missions when possible. Earlier that day, before noon, he'd gone and helped Natasha and Steve with something downtown and now he felt as though all the energy had been sucked out of him.

The itch recapturing his attention, Bucky pulls the hem of his; or rather Steve's, old tshirt up above his mouth and nose, eyes fluttering shut.

"Heh'XNNGXT! Uh....heh'TSCHH! Eh'ITCHH!"

Steve's eyes snap over towards his best friend, taking in his disheveled appearance. Bucky's skin is just a shade or two paler, but his cheeks had taken on a light pink dusting. The mans eyes seemed to be tired, and his hair was up in a messy ponytail, strands hanging in front of his face. The Captain noticed Bucky's fingers were pushed roughly up against his nose, which couldn't be entirely sanitary.

Tony rolled his eyes, frowning. "If you're going to spread your germs everywhere, I suggest you do it in your room," the millionaire says, disdain dripping from his smooth voice. Natasha and Thor choose to stay silent, watching it all unfold.

"I'm not spread-spreading my uhhhh....heh...my gerrr'NXXGGTCH!" Bucky gives a thick sniffle, eyes fluttering shut again as he brings his thumb and forefinger back up to his irritated nose, pinching at his flaring nostrils desperately.

"ehhg'ITCHH! ihh'TSCH'uuhg....mby germbs, I'mb notd sigck..." Bucky pouts, sniffling again.

It takes him a moment to realize his throat is pretty sore too, his body aches a bit. He feels his nose running and he uses his flesh hands to wipe up against the stuffy appendage, groaning ever so softly, almost involuntarily.

By this time, Steve is up, a handkerchief in his hand from his back pocket. Some habits never die.

"Buck, you don't sound good, come sit..." the blonde suggests, Bucky obeying only because it's Steve, and Steve means he's safe and warm and loved, and not with Hydra.

Bucky sits next to Steve, leaning a little into the mans side, suddenly remembering just how muscular and big he is now. So much different than when they were kids.

They sit in silence for a while, only Bucky's sniffles occasionally interrupting the movie. The handkerchief Steve had gotten out is still sitting loosely in his hand, ready for if Bucky needs it, which by the sounds of it, he does. The winter soldier has brought his fingers back up to his nose, his pointer finger rubbing almost desperately, but slyly, as if he doesn't want anyone to see, against his now pink and slightly raw nostrils.

Steve watches, almost entranced as Bucky's quivering nostrils try to starve off another sneeze, dilating as moisture clings to the thin edges.

"Steve wh-what're you-" Bucky cuts himself off with a shaky breath, the tickle that had been previously teasing him now fully blown, and he pitches himself down, not wanting to infect anyone, especially Steve.

"huhg'IXXGT!! ehh'GTSCHH!" Bucky rubs desperately at his nose once more, letting out a shaky little cough. He can feel the wetness that had been clinging to his nostrils now rolling slugishly down to his upper lip, but he can't do anything about it because his nose is itchy again and he barely has time before he lets out another soft, ticklish sneeze.


Steve decides enough is enough. The other three have already left, Tony too disgusted, Natasha and Thor understanding Steve needed to take care of the obviously sick man.

Taking the hankie back into his fingers, the taller man brings it to his best friends nose, feeling his nostrils quiver ticklishly, the moisture on his upper lip and nose seeping into the white cloth.

"Caught yourself quite a cold Buck," Steve frowns worriedly, rubbing at the others nose, Bucky leaning in slightly, submissive.

"T-Tihhhgckles Stebe....oooh" Bucky mumbles, and Steve puts a little pressure to the tip of his nose and the boy is putting a hand overtop of his boyfriends, bringing the cloth as close as he can.

"Ehhg'GSTCH! hng'GXTCHH! guh'XGGNT!! Stehh-Stebe..."

Steve watches transfixed and rubs a little more, hoping to coax out a few more sneezes from his miserable lover.

"It's okay Buck, I got you..."

Hope you enjoyed!! I'll have the next part up soon. I made Steve a slight fetishist, because I thought that would be interesting.

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I am so excited that there is another Stucky fic on the forum! And did I just read "lover"? :yes: Anyway... The characterization was very true to what I assume is their relationship together. The fetish is a plus, too. A story is always good on the forum (or anywhere) when I'd be willing to read it without the fetish in it. I would love to see a continuation on this.

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This is really sweet, I think you got the whole caretaking thing just perfect :D Can't wait to read more! Such a lovely fic :)

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"T-Tihhhgckles Stebe....oooh" Bucky mumbles, and Steve puts a little pressure to the tip of his nose and the boy is putting a hand overtop of his boyfriends, bringing the cloth as close as he can.

Oh my God that part honestly killed me... your writing is wonderful and descriptive in all the right places. Thanks for writing and I'm so excited for the second part!

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  • 2 years later...

Heyyy! I know it’s been a while but I’m still hoping for a second part!!! I love this!

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