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Sick Jackaboy! ~ A Septiplier Sneezefic ~ ♥


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Hello everybody! I have been super into Septiplier lately and so I thought Why not make a sneezefic about it! So that's exactly what I'm doing. Mark and Jack are the cutest and I thought you Markiplier and Jacksepticeye fans out there would get a kick out of this :doublethumbsup: So ENJOY!

A/N: The whole story will be written in Jack's point of view.



I woke up in Mark’s bed, his arm around me. Mark and I had been dating for 2 months now and it was the best 2 months of my life. We were both shirtless and I could feel his skin rub against mine. It turned me on. Mark was still fast asleep as I turned over into a different position. I didn’t feel the best. I was unusually hot and I had huge headache. I didn’t think much of and drifted off back to sleep.

My alarm clock woke me up at 7, as it does every morning. I turned over and saw Mark was gone. I sat up in bed immediately putting my hands to my head. I felt weak and I could barely move.

Something isn’t right. I thought.

A couple seconds later I got a sensation in the back of my nose. I reluctantly pitched forward and sneezed into my hands, causing my headache to worsen.


“Bless you!” Mark called from the bathroom. He walked in, still in his pink mustache boxers and shirtless, and smirked at me. His smirk quickly went away when he saw me and he came over and sat on the bed next to me.

“Are you okay?” he asked, concerned.

“Not the best. My head is pounding and I’m all stuffed up. I am so sore.” I said in a weak voice.

Mark lifted his hand and felt my forehead. His touch made me feel better.

“Holy shite Jack. You’re burning up!”

I certainly felt that way too, but I didn’t want to stay in bed all day. I was trying my best to deny to Mark that I was, in fact, coming down with a cold.

“I think you’re coming down with a cold, Jackaboy, you need to rest,” he said looking into my eyes. His brown eyes glistened as he talked.

“I’m not si – hehh.. heaeshscheww.. sick..” I said sneezing into cupped hands.

“Come on, lay down. You need to get some rest.”

“But Mark, I don’t want to sit here and do nothing all day, I’m fine, really.”


“Sean,” he said looking directly into my eyes.

I always know that he’s serious when he says my real name. I can’t help but listen to him.

I laid back down on our bed, pulling up the covers over my shaking body. I grabbed Sam off of the nightstand and nestled him in my chest.

Mark slid into bed next to me, pulling up the covers as well, and put his arm around me.

“You don’t have to stay here all day, Mark.” I said, not moving from my position.

“I know. But I want to.”

He drew his arm back and slowly rubbed my back and my neck. That made my muscles feel looser and more comfortable. I then felt Mark’s lips press against the middle of my back and trail up to the back of my neck. I could feel his breath hit my shoulders.

“Oh sweet Jesus,” I said, satisfied.

“Do you like this?” Mark asked, whispering in my ear. “Do you want me to continue?”

“Please do,” I sighed into my pillow.

I was shuddering with butterflies by the time Mark got to my shoulders. I moaned a little every now and then, to let him know I was enjoying it.

Mark stopped kissing me when he felt my breath hitch. I buried my face in Sam and let out a painful sneeze. My throat was starting to hurt, and sneezes were starting to get more painful. I looked upwards, stitching my eyebrows together. I could feel another one coming on.


I sneezed once more into Sam and curled tighter into a ball. I was starting to get really cold. By this time, Mark had his hands running through my lime green hair, comforting me the best he could.

“Bless you, Jack,” he whispered.

I was getting really sniffly and searched in the draw of the nightstand for a package of tissues. Irritated that I couldn’t find any, Mark got up and grabbed a box from the living room. He handed me a tissue and I proceeded to blow my nose, wetly. My throat was on fire by now when I heard Mark take of his glasses and snuggle into my back. He put his arm around me and pulled me close, into a spooning position. We both drifted off into a deep sleep after a while, Mark holding me close.

So that was the first chapter! I definitely want to continue this so let me know what you think of it! I was turned on just writing this first part! :sweatdrop: :blushsmiley: :wubsmiley:

Happy soon to be Thanksgiving, guys! :upsidedwnsmiley:

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Awww I know who Markiplier is..the cutie but not the second guy but nonetheless, it was heart warming and sweet!

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This chapter is a little shorter but I wrote both chapters all in one night/morning/whatever you want to call it. Anyways, enjoy, and I promise it will get better!



I woke up around 10am. I was still extremely groggy and I still had the sensation to sneeze. The only good part is that my headache went away. I sat up and glanced to my right. Mark was sitting next to me, eating cheese its and scrolling through his twitter.

“Hey, are you feeling any better?” he asked, looking at me.

I turned away from him and sneezed forcefully towards the ground.


I sniffled afterwards, grabbing a tissue.

“I’m going to take that as a no,” he chuckled kissing my temple.

I sneezed wetly in the tissue in my hand. My nose was sore and my cheeks flushed with a red color. I slipped back down, grumbling and putting my hands over my face in frustration. I was extremely congested.

“Hey, Mark,” I breathed.


I hopped up and pecked him on the cheek, despite how I felt. His face got red.

“Hey!” he scolded playfully. “Don’t get too rambunctious. You need to get better. Now me? I can tackle you all I want. Calmly, of course.” He smirked.

Mark slipped down next to me. We turned towards each other and I nuzzled into his chest. It was warm and soothing.

My breath started to get uneven again as Mark ran his fingers through my hair.

“Bless you,” Mark said chuckling.

I brought my free hand up to my mouth, stifling a double into my hand, trying not to get Mark.


I moaned and snuggled closer to Mark as he rubbed my back and held me tighter. I wished this moment would never end.

A moment later, I could feel difference in Mark’s breath. He lifted his hand up and sneezed loudly into it.


He moved his knees upward towards his chest but still leaving room for me.

“Don’t you get sick on me, ya doof,” I laughed.

“Yeah, yeah, it was just a sneeze.”

I turned onto my back, letting Mark lean on me. I could feel my stomach get tighter as a hunched forward and sneezed into a fist.

“I’m tired of this already, and it’s been only like – heh – 4 hours,” I stressed, holding back the next sneeze.

Mark got to my level and pressed his lips against mine. He passionately moved his hand towards my inner thigh and pulled me closer. As much as I loved what he was doing, I had to stop him. I had to sneeze.

I pushed him away, leaning the opposite direction. I paused with a pre-sneeze face, leaving me looking like a dork. I finally gasped and let out a larger sneeze that hurt my throat. My pre-sneeze face didn’t leave my presence though. I sneezed once more, knocking Sam, who was laying next to my pillow, on the ground. I still wasn’t done.

Mark had gotten off of me and laid his hand on my shoulder in sympathy. I quickly grabbed a tissue to catch my sneezes.


“Bless you, Jack, are you okay?” he said concerned.

I sniffled and hugged him, pushing my face into his warm neck.

“Yeah, I’ll be fi – hehh – ne.” I said trying to hold back upcoming sneezes.

Mark stroked my face and watched me as a struggled to hold back inevitable sneezes. He kissed my forehead and whispered in my ear.

“Get better Jackaboy.” He said, wrapping his arms around me.

Edited by rockerchiccc5
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I didn't know I needed this story until now. I used to watch markiplier and jacksepticeye, but after reading this story I think I will have to binge watch some of their videos. The story was so cute, and I hope you continue it!

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  • 4 months later...

sorry to reply on an older post, but I just had to say. HOLY COW this story is incredible.

when jack sneezed against sam, for some reason I nearly melted into a puddle.

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