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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Chad and Tristan (mxm)

Candy Dust

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(This chapter involves hard arguments and strong language.)






‘Babe? Have you seen my Nike t-shirt?’ Actively pushing the hangers in the wardrobe, Tristan left it in a disorder. ‘The black one?’  He was trying to get ready for a meet up with the usual gang. They were going to a sports bar to watch the game. Later they’d might even have some time to shoot some pool. But right now all Tristan wanted was to find the proper t-shirt for the hang out.

‘Uhm… no.’ Chad sniffled thickly, sitting in the bed. His hair in a mess.

The static voices from the TV gave the room a noisy atmosphere.  Browsing the pages in a large book, Chad kept pushing back the hair which kept falling at his eyes.

‘You sure you haven’t seen it?’ He unintentionally disarranged the clothing in the dark woodened drawer. ‘Come on you’re good at this.’

‘…hm, well maybe it’s in the hamper of dirty clothes..?’ Chad thought out loud.

Tristan stopped in motion. Figuring out what he was actually seeing or if it was just mirage. What he found was the torn up card he’s tossed just a few days prior. Chad must have put it there. But why?

‘The fuck is this?’ Tristan set the torn card together, holding it up in full display.

‘Uh… that’s…’ The voice trailed off. Looking awfully guilty with the eyes darting left to right.

‘What the actual fuck Chad. You’ve read my card behind my back?’

Chad’s eyes narrowed in a displeased response to Tristan’s accusation.

‘No. I didn’t.’ He answered softly but shortly. Trying to avoid the oncoming drama.

‘So why the fuck did I just find it in drawer? And above all that, hidden?’

‘I didn’t hide it.’

‘All I hear is fucking excuses…’

‘Please stop with the swear words…’ Chad pulled the covers closer to his body for shelter.

‘Then talk to me.’ Tristan said in a deep breath.

‘I… wanted to… I was holding onto it in case you’d change your mind. I’ve kept it.’ Chad sniffled strongly, ‘for you.’

‘So let me see if I got this straight. You literally went out and collected it without telling me? I threw it away, remember?’

Tristan spoke furiously. Avoiding the obvious hurt within his beloved’s eyes. In that moment he didn’t care.

‘It wasn’t like that...’ Chad spoke quietly.  ‘I was outside and I saw it and picked it up... There’s not a bad intent on my part, at all.’

‘There’s not?’

‘No it wasn’t intentional. I-I didn’t think you’d mind.’

‘Well I do fucking mind.’ Tristan raged on. ‘Why’s it kept in the drawer?’

‘To keep it safe.’

‘Safe?? And you didn’t tell me because?’

‘Please Tristan calm down... please. I said I was sorry. I didn’t read it, cross my heart.’

Tristan noticed the tears in Chad’s eyes. Begging for his trust. But he remained stubborn and resentful.

‘Fucking deceitful.’

‘Please don’t call me that.’

The last comment rudely unnecessary. But Tristan blurted it out anyway.

‘I don’t have time for this. I’m late already.’ ‘He spoke rapidly, sticking the ripped card into the jeans pocket. ‘Fuck the t-shirt. I’ll be home later.’

Expecting a protest, Tristan felt neglected with it didn’t come. So instead, he simply went out without looking back.



Several hours later Tristan returned home. So what if he’d been drinking a couple of beers? He’d been out with his friend’s after all. Keeping his friends of out the details from the quarrel, Tristan had to deal with it on his own like he was used to. And he came to the conclusion that he’d perhaps overreacted a tad bit. After the fourth glass of beer, he had reached the decision to read the damn card whilst paying a visit to the bathroom. His hands had trembled for a moment, but stopped abruptly when reading the formal sentences of an invitation to his family’s annual Thanksgiving event. He’d tossed in the trash.


So it was in a much calmer state Tristan put the keys in the door. Not exactly drunkenly drunk, but granted, a little tipsy.



He called out. The hallway dark so he turned the lights on.

‘Babe?’ He said once more. Stepping inside the living room, seeing Chad lying on the chaise lounge part of the sofa.  The TV on, but muted.


Sobering up somewhat, Tristan greeted with hesitation. Observing Chad’s mood and demeanor, calculating of what’s next to say. He noticed his hair was still in a tassel and he had a blanket covered over him.

‘Hello.’ Chad finally responded. ‘…did you have a fun night out?’

‘It was alright.’

Chad paused with a troubled expression. He reached for the box of tissues and fished out several. Clutching them in his hands.  ‘So what kind of bar was it?’ He proceeded.

‘Normal bar.’ Tristan replied with a bare shift at the shoulders.

‘You sure about that?’

‘What are you insinuating..?’


Stillness floated for a moment. The crumbling tissues broke the silence with Chad using them at the nose in a thoughtful manner. Tristan searched for contact, but Chad remained distant.

‘How’s your cold?’ He seated.

‘Still there.’

‘You know…’ Judging from Chad’s conduct, Tristan deliberated if it was safe to move closer. ‘…I was expecting a text from you. Or… you know, something.’

‘I didn’t want to disturb you.’

‘I missed you, a lot.’ He reached out for Chad’s hand, which were still holding on to the tissues.

‘…I missed you too.’ Chad sighed with notes of congestion. He sniffled wetly.

They were both in silence for a couple of more seconds. Except for Chad who’d begun to sniffle more frequently.

‘…oh that’s impressive.’ Tristan hinted at the neat pile of used tissues on the coffee table in front of them.

‘I’ll clean them off in minute.’

‘I’ll do it for you.’

‘Oh…. okay. Thanks.’

Tristan began to rub his thumb on the top of Chad’s soft skin. Leaning closer, he let the fingertips travel, up to Chad’s arm, down his chest. Slowly, he felt his body relax and Tristan stretched out over the couch, his head finding a comfortable spot at Chad’s thighs. And he was pleased to be met by a soft caress at the hair.  

‘How was your evening..?’ While asking, he moved closer, his hand sliding up Chad’s stomach.

‘Could’ve been better.’

‘….maybe I should have stayed at home with you.’

Chad didn’t respond. Instead, the tissues were held down momentarily, with a suspected squint forming around his eyes. He drew in a swift, intense breath. ‘--ah’Wrextsch!!Xtsch!!’Txschu!!uh’GNHSchhu!! …good grief.’

The intense motions made them move together. A light mist sprinkled Tristan’s upper arm from the harsh wetness.

’Bless you. The cold isn’t getting any better, is it?’

‘Thank you. I was hoping for it to ease a bit, but I… hh, hh… ...eh’RESCHshew!! …oh.’ The harsh sneeze abruptly aimed to the side. ‘I suppose it’s always worse at night time.’ He sniffled thickly whilst having an attentive look towards the TV screen. Tristan took the opportunity of watching Chad’s nose from the below.  On and off, a light shudder tensed the nostrils beautifully. Chad sniffled, making them move even more graciously. The slender fingers brushed beneath them.

‘You’re so gorgeous.’ Tristan expressed affectionately.

‘Uh, no?’ Seemingly a little stunned, Chad met Tristan’s eyes briefly. ‘…I’m a total mess.’

‘You’re perfect.’ He let his hand travel, content by the natural intimacy.

‘…not perfect enough.’ With a shadow of sadness falling over him, Chad ceased resistance. Altering his entire energy. Without a premonition, tears welled up in his eyes.

Tristan noted the uneasiness and he sat up momentarily. Chad’s world had been rattled and he knew he had to do something to make things better.

‘I’m sorry for shouting at you….’ He spoke with a voice filled of regret. ‘It was wrong of me.’

‘…I’m sorry too.’

Tristan wrapped his arms around Chad in a depth of forgiveness.

‘I’m sorry for lashing out, screaming like that. I’m a fucking creep.’ He apologized more sincerely, holding Chad closer and nuzzling his face into his neck. Stroking the top of his nose against his skin. Inhaling his wonderful scent. His lips devouring the warmth of dedication that he sought for.

‘It’s… eh, hhh… okay.’

 ‘You sure…?’ Tristan kissed another spot at the loveliness.

‘…hh, hhh ‘Txsch!!-uhGnhs!!-GHNSxscho!!…’

Chad sneezed helplessly downwards, his body rocking forward, bumping into Tristan with an intense pressure.

‘Bless you.’

Tristan grabbed a few tissues which were lying scattered, lovingly wiping with them beneath the eyes and around Chad’s nostrils.

‘…sorry.’ Trying to stop the nose from flowing, Chad sniffled with a constant notion.

The tissues were placed over the nose with a devout solidness. Perhaps it was the after effect of the alcohol, or maybe Tristan had regained some self-control when he motioned for Chad to blow. With obedience, Chad blew strongly. Tristan kissed his cheek. Brushing the tissue over the nostrils, his lips finding Chad’s upper cheek bones which had turned pink.

‘…thank you.’ He sniffled, avoiding any direct eye contact.

‘You’re amazing.’

The nostrils at the tender nose flared. Chad tried to hide it by closing them with the fingertips. Tristan resumed position at Chad’s neck, whilst he made no attempt to conceal the apparent build up. The chest rising and eyelids fluttering shut.

‘…Eh’GNSCHsh!!’ With the head jerking forward, he fought to stifle the sneeze completely.

‘Bless you.’

‘Thahhah-nkhhhh’GNXtsch!!’schuu… aowsch.’ He released the nose, searching for a new tissue with a hitching breath. ‘…hhhhh, yEITSCH’Gnxxschh!! ugh, uhEITSCHSCHew!!’ He sneezed openly, the light mist hit the air, landing practically everywhere. Fine droplets once again met Tristan’s arm and he even felt an enticing hint at his cheek.

‘I was trying to hold the sneezes back but it was starting to hurt.’ Chad expressed defensively, rubbing off the nose with the tissues he’d found.

‘It’s okay. I love it no matter what.’


‘Cross my heart.’

Chad snuggled into Tristan. Finally seeming to accept Tristan’s apology.





Edited by Candy Dust
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I'm glad this ended in such a cute, comfortable way, I was worried at first. I had a feeling Tristan would find the card eventually, I wonder if there will be another conversation about this later? Chad still doesn't know what it says, even if Tristan might not believe that.

It's admirable to watch Tristan be able to take more responsibility and cool off fromg anger or upset much faster than he could before, his character development is really special. I'm hoping this also translates into a bit more willingness to be emotional with Chad as I truly love seeing the comfort that the two of them give each other. 

Thank you for the nose blowing scene, and for updating this again, I hope you're well and look forward to more ❤️

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