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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Chad and Tristan (mxm)

Candy Dust

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Chad found the forum 😱🫠! Such a wonderful update. I totally understand Tristan's awkwardness when it comes to talking about the fetish. I wonder if he'll open up more 🥰

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I have nothing else to say right now except that I LOVE this!

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On 9/3/2024 at 2:36 PM, dwaekki said:

Chad is so lovely even if sometimes he might unknowingly push Tristan a bit too fast or far out of his comfort zone. We've seen some little conflicts about this before so I wonder of this will result in one of those again or if Tristan will try and be a little more accepting and less apprehensive now that his character seems to have developed. I'm glad that he is enjoying Chad's interest and research into the fetish so far, but I have a feeling he still has some boundaries that he isn't willing to cross. 

I once again loved the scene with the nose blowing, whenever this happens it's almost like they have switched characters, with Tristan being the gentle, delicate one and Chad being the unsure and defensive one. 

I was also pleasantly surprised with how casually you slipped Tristan's aftershave sneezes into this chapter, it was such a great addition to all of Chad's cute little sneezes amongst this installment. 

Thank you for updating, as always I will be excitedly waiting for more!

He did push Tristan too far but not with a mean intent of course. And yes, Tristan is still holding onto boundaries that he still isn't able to let go of just yet. He is doing his best though, slowly but surely.

Yea that tends to happen with the nose blowing with these two lol. Chad will though always feel unsure about his own nose. Hope you'll enjoy to the next chapter, too. 💙


On 9/3/2024 at 4:26 PM, Privatedancer said:

What a great update!  Can’t wait to see them explore the fetish more!

Thank you so much. 💙 Chad definitely wants to know more about the fetish, Tristan just needs to be more accepting.




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On 9/3/2024 at 8:12 PM, 2SHY222 said:

Chad found the forum 😱🫠! Such a wonderful update. I totally understand Tristan's awkwardness when it comes to talking about the fetish. I wonder if he'll open up more 🥰

Yes he finds it absolutely awkward to talk about. He just needs to be a little more open about it, for Chad's sake. 💙 Thank you so much for your wonderful comments.


On 9/4/2024 at 4:59 AM, RipleyToo said:

I have nothing else to say right now except that I LOVE this!

Absolutely love to hear that, 💙 thank you!



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So I thought about posting the next chapter tomorrow but I already finished it, so... here it is lol.




The offered gift may have been too forward. At least to Chad’s usually modest character. But he only wanted to share his excitement with Tristan. Fantasizing over Tristan’s gleeful reaction when proposing the idea.

He’d genuinely thought of it as a form of love token. But perhaps the actual intent had showed itself stronger. It’d backfired and without the satisfying bliss, he’d instead been trying to protect himself from the neglectful impact. And despite sensing the reluctance from the beginning, he’d adamantly been trying to convince Tristan of the well intention.

After the failure, Chad spent some alone time in the bedroom. Thinking about what he could have done differently.

Wondering if he should’ve stuck to his plan and record himself sneezing after all, or let it rest until Tristan had warmed up to the insinuation. Still seeking Tristan’s recognition and approval, Chad desperately wanted to know what Tristan considered a sneeze of perfection. And a recording would be the ultimate answer to all of that.


He heard Tristan sneezing well over tenth time that day. It’d started in the morning, after spraying that aftershave. Either he was coming down with something or he’d subconsciously attracted an allergen.



‘Oh bless you again...’ Chad said with a friendly tone, entering the living room. Watching Tristan having a go at the nose. ‘You’re sneezing a lot today?’

‘I don’t know what the fuck’s wrong with me.’

Tristan sniffled into a tissue.

‘Is your throat sore?’

Tristan swallowed notably. ‘No.’

‘Nose stuffed?’

Breathing through the nasal passages, Tristan shook his head.

Chad let his fingers caress at the newly shaven cheek. ‘Then it’s probably just-‘

‘Hut’ATSCHoo!!’ He sneezed freely to the side. Chad observed the faint mist, swimming in the air and softly landing.

‘Oh, uh…’ He reacted silently. A need for tidying lured, beckoning him to grab a cloth and wipe it up.

‘Fuck.’ Bringing the tissue back at the nose, Tristan blew it several times.

Quite impressed, Chad looked on. He almost felt jealous by the fact that Tristan was able to blow his nose so carelessly. Not caring who were in his presence.

Giving Tristan a new tissue, Chad accepted the used one from Tristan’s fingers.

‘Thanks babe.’

‘You’re welcome.’ He gazed into Tristan’s eyes which often put him into a dreamlike state. ‘Perhaps we should cancel our plans and stay home tonight?’

‘What do you mean? I’m fine.’

‘You’re sneezing and sniffling a lot.’ Chad confirmed, still holding Tristan’s tissue. 'You hardly ever sneeze this much.’

‘It’s just-I don’t know what a fuck it is but I was looking forward going to the game.’

Which Chad already had an idea of, since Tristan hadn’t attended one in months.

‘…I think we should be responsible, that’s all.’ He finally tossed the paper into the trash.

Tristan was about to answer but stopped when his breath hitched. The nostrils flared and Chad quickly handed over more tissues which Tristan rapidly covered the mouth with.

‘Hat’SCHEou!!’ He doubled over. His hair flying in disarray.

‘Bless you so much.’ Laying a hand on his back, Chad rubbed it gently.

‘Damnit…’ He sniffled into the bunch of papers. ‘…I’m sure it’s just an allergy acting up.’

‘I don’t think we should take our chances. What if you’re actually sick?’

‘I ain’t sick.’ Tristan stated with another deep sniffle.

Not going into an argument, Chad surrendered. ‘Alright… if you say so.’


Some time later they were getting ready to put on the outerwear. Tristan sniffled thickly, now congested after sneezing at least over twenty times the past few hours.

‘Tristan…’ Chad said his name gently, watching Tristan standing bent over as he struggled to tie the sneakers with a constant sniffle.

‘Yea?’ He responded, regaining posture. With a sigh he nudged at nostril with a knuckle.

‘I really think we should stay at home. You can watch the game here. We can order take out?’

Chad did his utmost, persuading Tristan to stay put.

‘…ugh, fuck. I really wanna go but I’m feeling so stuffed up it’s exhausting me.’

‘I know honey…’ Feeling relieved, Chad gently kissed his cheek. ‘…I’ll take care of you. Just remove your clothes and get into bed.’

‘….fine. I guess I’ll leave you in charge… for a change.’ He added with a tired smirk.

‘Good. Thank you. What would you like-‘

‘Hut’ASCHeo!!’ Not bothering to cover, Tristan jerked forward, letting out the ticklish sneeze which ruptured wet and incredibly harsh.

The faint mist met the touch of Chad’s arm but he barely noted it. ‘Oh honey, you’re sounding awful.’

‘Ugh, I need a tissue.’

‘Come, go directly into bed and I’ll be right with you.’


When Chad came into the bedroom, he was astounded not seeing Tristan as they’d settled. Instead, he was standing in only boxers, trying set up the TV for the forthcoming game.

‘Hey… I told you to get into bed.’ Chad lectured. ‘…and you’re just about naked. You’ll catch a cold!’

‘I already am so what difference does it make?’ He replied, the voice sounding more congested than ever.

‘Don’t make such a fuss about it and get into bed. Please. I’ve brought you tissues and hot chocolate.’

‘Chocolate?’ Tristan asked, crawling into bed and snuggling into the covers.

‘Yea I know you’re not into tea and I don’t think coffee is suitable right now so… hot chocolate it is.’

‘You’re so kind to me babe.’

The words warming Chad’s heart. He always wanted to be accommodating and Tristan’s answer confirmed that longing.


‘…ugh.’ Tristan winced frustrated. The red nostrils flaring urgently. ‘…where’s the tissues?’

‘Oh I got them.’

Smoothly, Chad held a bunch of them in preparation at touch of Tristan’s lips, and it didn’t take long for him to lash into them.

‘….Hu’TAschooo!! uuuuugh.’ He threw his head back into the pillow. ‘…this is, without a doubt, the sneeziest fucking cold I’ve ever had.’

‘Aw honey I’m sorry.’ Chad kissed Tristan’s cheeks, up to his forehead. Simultaneously wiping his nose off with the tissue.

‘That feels good.’ He closed his eyes.

‘This?’ Chad let soft papers brush at the quivering nostrils. ‘…or this?’ His lips tasting his cheeks once more.

‘Both.’ Tristan sniffled thickly.

It felt good for Chad also. Being so close and intimate with the one who mattered the most. ‘Please scoot over.’ He beckoned, sliding down in the bed with him.

‘…not so close babe.’

‘But I want cuddles.’ He whined.

‘You don’t want this cold, trust me.’ Tristan sniffled, trying to make space when Chad lay his head onto his chest. ‘Hey what did I just say…’

‘Just for a little while. It won’t hurt.’ Chad nuzzled closer. Devouring the warmth and smell of Tristan’s body.

‘…yea, f-fine…’

Tristan’s chest heaved up and down at the touch. Then inhaling significantly deeper.

‘Hu’REscheoo!!’ Trying to keep Chad out of the way deemed impossible as the sneeze only covered halfway.

‘Bless you…’ Chad said softly, watching a few droplets fall in the light of the sun setting outside the window.

His finger tracing a vein at Tristan’s upper arm.

‘Thanks. Damnit.’ The chest heaved again as Tristan blew his nose harshly.

‘More tissues?’

Chad offered but Tristan shook his head.

‘Hu’KTSCHo!!’ He stifled roughly in the papers.

‘Bless you, honey.’ Chad kissed the spot at Tristan’s skin. ‘…perhaps you shouldn’t stifle them like that when you’re so congested..?’ He said with a hint of discretion. Not wanting the topic of sneezing settling into another conflict.

‘…you should be the one to talk.’

Chad sat up slowly. Feeling a little remorseful for yet a backlash.

‘I don’t want you to hurt yourself, that’s all...’ He replied cautiously. ‘Can I get you anything else?’

‘Yea could you like find the remote? I can’t get the TV to work without it.’ Tristan groaned, shifting position in the bed.


‘….and could you open up a window? It’s like fucking airless in here.’

‘Of course.’ Chad nodded. ‘…anything else?’

‘No that’s fine babe, thanks.’

After finding the remote, Chad was about to leave the room when Tristan called for his attention.


‘Yes?’ Chad crossed his arms, ready for another task that needed tending to.

‘I just wanna thank you. You’re being so good to me. You’re the best boyfriend one could ever ask for.’

‘Oh… honey. You don’t have to say that.’ A tender smile spread across Chad’s lips. The commendation a much needed blessing. ‘I’m glad to do it.’

‘I mean it though.’ Tristan sniffled deeply, aiming his wrist at the nose.

With heated cheeks, Chad bent over, giving Tristan a kiss on the lips.

‘…Chad, no.’ Tristan protested, though never dismissing Chad’s advantages.

‘…I’ll probably catch a cold in one way or another anyway.’ He breathed into Tristan’s mouth. Not exactly knowing if he was coming across seductive or not. ‘….there’s one going around the office.’


Sensing a different kind of hunger in Tristan’s body language, Chad continued.

‘…people are sneezing left and right. I’m bound to start sneezing too.’

A heavier notion in Tristan’s breath exposed itself.

‘…I don’t want you to get s-sick…’ He sniffled wetly, then a swift and sudden breath took over him vehemently. Placing one hand on Chad’s chest, he pushed him away in a soft but rapid motion. ‘Ah’Raschuu!! … uh’UhRutschoo!!’ He jerked forward, trying to shield the sneezes by aiming them in the opposite direction.

‘Bless you.’ Chad handed over more tissues which Tristan used at the dripping nose. ‘I’ll let you rest and order some food for us.’

‘Ugh, thanks babe. And just be careful around the office later, okay?’ He said with a serious tone. So much it left Chad quite stunned. ‘Wash your hands often. I don’t want you to get sick and I do mean that.’

Chad couldn’t comprehend why, but the caring sentences touched him deeper than he thought it would.

‘…ohh..’ A mixture of emotional shyness combined itself and rushed upon him. ‘…okay.’ His voice trembled and he cleared the throat. ‘I will.’


Slipping out the room, Chad went into the living room. And whilst sitting down on the couch, he stared into nothingness, before hiding his face into his hands and beginning to sob.



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Poor Tristen! I can’t wait to see Chad with a cold again (If you plan on that). I love how harsh Chads sneezes can get when he’s sick. Tristen’s sneezes are just yum! Can’t wait for the next part!! 

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Aah yes a Tristan stifle! I think Chad will be proven a hypocrite for telling Tristan not to stifle when he inevitably catches this cold as well... I can't wait to see a bit more insecurity as well when he has to blow his nose after admiring Tristan's confidence, maybe that will be another intimate, sweet learning point in the relationship for these two.

I'm a big fan of Tristan's more open expressions of his love nowadays, they're really special and sweet. 

I hope we can see much more vulnerable, sick Tristan and also eventually sick, sneezy Chad (I'm sure Tristan's excited for that as well, even if he does otherwise feel rubbish at the moment) and thank you for updating! ❤️

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2 hours ago, Candy Dust said:

fine. I guess I’ll leave you in charge… for a change.’ He added with a tired smirk.

Sick Tristan being silly 😁 I love his vulnerability and hopefully he can let his guard down with Chad a little more. I also love Chad's caregiving. He truly cares for Tristan 🥰

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Poor Chad - he is so sensitive.  I wonder if he is worried that Tristan doesn’t want him to sneeze.

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On 9/5/2024 at 11:20 PM, RipleyToo said:

Poor Tristen! I can’t wait to see Chad with a cold again (If you plan on that). I love how harsh Chads sneezes can get when he’s sick. Tristen’s sneezes are just yum! Can’t wait for the next part!! 

Yes somehow I feel sorry for both of them.  🥹 There will also be more sneezes from both of them, while at the same time struggling with different issues. And thank you, so happy to hear that. 🤍


On 9/6/2024 at 12:41 AM, dwaekki said:

Aah yes a Tristan stifle! I think Chad will be proven a hypocrite for telling Tristan not to stifle when he inevitably catches this cold as well... I can't wait to see a bit more insecurity as well when he has to blow his nose after admiring Tristan's confidence, maybe that will be another intimate, sweet learning point in the relationship for these two.

I'm a big fan of Tristan's more open expressions of his love nowadays, they're really special and sweet. 

I hope we can see much more vulnerable, sick Tristan and also eventually sick, sneezy Chad (I'm sure Tristan's excited for that as well, even if he does otherwise feel rubbish at the moment) and thank you for updating! ❤️

Aw yes, one stifled sneeze from Tristan. Sweet of you to notice lol. And yes Chad probably will be proven a hypocrite. He has a lot to say about things he sometimes does himself. 🙃 Tristan finds it more easy to be open when (forced) vulnerability, so more intimate moments will happen. At the same time Chad deals with continuous insecurity, poor thing. Thank you so much. 🤍


On 9/6/2024 at 12:46 AM, 2SHY222 said:

Sick Tristan being silly 😁 I love his vulnerability and hopefully he can let his guard down with Chad a little more. I also love Chad's caregiving. He truly cares for Tristan 🥰

He has to keep a casual attitude sometimes, even when sick. 🥲 Chad's absolutely nutty about Tristan and he's trying his hardest to show it, without getting on Tristan's nerves. 🤍 Thank you.


On 9/6/2024 at 1:21 AM, Privatedancer said:

Poor Chad - he is so sensitive.  I wonder if he is worried that Tristan doesn’t want him to sneeze.

That might be one of the reasons... he's confused right now and will try to deal with the issues, in his 'own way'. Thank you so much for your lovely review. 🤍



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Chad stared into the ceiling. The room set in complete darkness. Unable to sleep, he tossed in the bed, meeting the sight of Tristan’s back. He’d been asleep for hours, but not soundlessly. Snoring quite loudly, he sometimes paused and nuzzled his nose into the tissue which he clutched for support.

Chad let out a sigh of dissatisfaction. Still bothered by the refusal from the presented gift. Perhaps Tristan just wasn’t into sounds of sneezing? Maybe it just wasn’t in his preference. But being rejected worried him. Even though he’d been guaranteed on several occasions that Tristan definitely were into his sneezes. It didn’t exactly explain the heavy objection of Chad catching another cold though. Especially since he’d practically dropped the intention into his lap. Chad shifted once again. Pulling the covers closer to his body. When it suddenly dawned on him.

Tristan obviously wanted to be the initiator. So if anything was bound to happen, it would be according to Tristan’s set of timely rules. In Chad’s head, it all made sense. And in order to protect himself, he decided to never bring up anything relating to sneezing again. Avoiding the subject completely. And let Tristan handle the matter if he wanted Chad to be a part of it.


The next morning Tristan had started to cough. Which resulted in a hoarse voice. The tone of  huskiness appealed to Chad and he found himself enjoying it all little too much.

‘Could you bring me the tea cup babe?’

‘Of course.’

Whilst Tristan let his lips sip from the hot liquid, Chad slid his fingers through the darkness of his hair.

‘…how are you, a little better maybe?’ He asked softly.

‘…hard to say.’ Tristan let out another cough to the side. ‘…take the cup, will you?’


Chad kept glancing in Tristan’s direction, which he noticed.

‘What’s up?’


‘You keep looking at me?’

‘…just… enjoying the view.’

‘I can tell something is up.’ Tristan brought a new tissue over the nose, blowing it roughly.

When he was done, Chad reached out his finger and let it slide across the straight frame of Tristan’s nose.

‘…babe?’ His eyes narrowed suspiciously.

‘Your nose is awfully handsome.’ He complimented, zooming in on the well-shaped nostrils.


‘I wish my nose looked like that.’

‘Yours is adorable.’ Tristan raised both brows.

‘I think it’s too small for my face.’

‘No it ain’t.’ Tristan sniffled into the tissue. ‘It’s fucking perfect.’

‘Oh why thank you.’

Propping himself up in the bed, Tristan’s eyes seemed unfocused. The shapely nostrils began to flare as his breath quickened.

‘Uh’HATSChoo!! fuck my throat…. Hh, Uh’hhKntch!!-Kgnrfh!’ He stifled moistly into the tissues.

‘Bless you.’

‘…uuuugh…’ Tristan lay his head back against the pillows, proceeding to sniffle without any resolution. ‘I’m tired of this cold.’ He muttered weakly, gazing up the ceiling.

‘Yea… I understand. I wonder from whom you’ve caught it.’

‘…as you said, it’s been… goinghhhh… hhhhhh-Hat’KTsch!! Ugh, Hu’Kixtschu!! Uuuuuuuh.’

‘…going around?’ Chad softly finished the sentence, his fingers meeting Tristan’s cheek.

‘…yea.’ With a drowsy reply, Tristan sniffled wetly, then giving the nose another blow.

‘You’re so nonchalant about doing that.’ Chad pointed out solemnly.

‘Doing what?’ Tristan’s voice was muffled. ‘…blowing my nose?’

‘Yea. It’s like it doesn’t bother you at all.’ Chad spoke rather interested.

‘Well it doesn’t?’ His eyes squeezed shut, blowing the nose once more.

‘Maybe you could teach me how you do it..?’ Chad asked with a shy demeanor. Then giggled lightly with an awkward expression.

‘Uh… I just do it. I don’t care what it looks like.’ He paused. ‘…should I?’

‘No of course not. It’s me who’s feeling weird about it.’

‘Don’t babe. Or do. I think it only adds to your uniqueness. Most people don’t care at all, going about their business.’

‘…you really mean that?’

Tristan yawned, then sniffled harshly. ‘…mean what?’ Looking a little frail with the tissue nudging at the nose.

‘…about the… oh, never mind. I can see that you’re tired.’

‘It’s okay babe. Whatever you like to talk about…’ He said a little sleepily, closing the eyes.

Chad found himself taking a further liking to the gentle side of Tristan, which only showed itself when ill or under a lot of pressure.

‘I love you.’ He kissed Tristan’s cheek, then let him fall into a snoring slumber.





‘uh’gxh!’gnx! …ha’Hhh’gnix!!’scho, tsxsch!-uh’Gxitsch!!’scho… oh.’

The rapid sneezing fit sounded like a hot mess coming from the hallway as Chad entered the house.

‘….gnh’xtsch! T’xsch! …oh jeez. …honey, I just collechh’hhhh…. Eix’tsch!!!’ugh! I collected the mail there’s…. why goodness, hh, hhhhh... ah’prff’xtsch!!’scho… yeh’gixtsch!!-ah’WREXtsch!!’schu… oh.’ He sighed frustrated. '...there’s a letter in there for you.’

‘A personal letter?’ Tristan shouted asking from the living room,  knowingly ignoring the tempting sneezes. Buttoning up the jeans, he finally dressed for a change. The voice was still a little congested, but overall he felt better.

‘Yea.’ A wet sniffle came from Chad as he rubbed at the nose.

‘Who’s it from?’ Tristan wondered, approaching Chad who looked a little disheveled with his hair a little messy.

Looking down, Chad fingered at the envelope as his eyes narrowed. He sniffled again. The tender nostrils lightly flaring.

‘…what’s with all the sneezes?’ Tristan had to ask, watching Chad stroking a finger beneath the fluttering nostrils.

‘Hm?’ The brows twitched with an unclear glance in Tristan’s direction. ‘…probably allergies.’

‘Could be the weather.’ Tristan replied with a caring notion. ‘…the air’s changing. Maybe it’s ragweed season?’

Nodding slowly, a helpless expression swept over Chad’s facial features like a shadow. Turning halfway, he cupped one hand over the mouth.

‘Ah’txscho!!’Txsch!! ….eh’yeitsch!!-txsch!!’ Handing over the letter, the eyes still squinted. ‘…I think it’s from your mom.’ He said with a breathy notion, preparing for yet a moment with loss of control. ‘….hhhh, Tsch’scho!-eh’knx!’-uh'knxgnh!! …uh’Tschou!! ….hhhh, uh’KNX!!’tschooo… oh.' He composed himself, rubbing the fingers below the nostrils. '...bless me.’ He uttered softly, glancing at Tristan who was about to rip open the letter. He sniffled again wetly.  Passing Tristan, he headed into the kitchen. From there, he used several tissues at the nose, blowing it quietly.



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I wonder if Tristan will start to miss Chad's sneeze talk once he realises that it's stopped? I'm now obsessed with the phrase "what's with all the sneezes?" As soon as I read it I fell in love it's such a sweet little question asked so innocently from Tristan but it was just the most adorable thing in my eyes.

I didn't know Chad was also insecure about his nose :( (or maybe I did and just didn't remember). It's sad that he's so worried about everything all the time but in a way I guess I relate to him. I'm glad he has Tristan who has a much more carefree attitude to look after him and alter his perceptions 💕

I'm so excited for the next part, especially now that there's the possibility of an emotionally vulnerable Tristan- depending on who the letter is from and what about- and also because I love Chad's rapid stifles more than anything, and I think the denial will make them ever better. I'm ready to see him try and deflect all conversation about sneezing and be ignorant about it to Tristan, I think that will be very fun to witness and I'm excited to see Tristan's reaction now that he is the one being blown off after showing concern instead of the other way around 😆

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Ugh- I’m worried about the letter!  Tristan has been making such progress at distancing himself from his toxic family…

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Oh, I really had to catch up on some chapters. Amazing as always. Love these two dorks. Too adorable for their own good. Gorgeous sneezes as well. Thanks for your beautiful writing. 

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I’m so excited for what you’ll have in store for the next chapter. Tristen making Chad feel better about his nose was just sooo cute!

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On 9/7/2024 at 6:50 PM, dwaekki said:

I wonder if Tristan will start to miss Chad's sneeze talk once he realises that it's stopped? I'm now obsessed with the phrase "what's with all the sneezes?" As soon as I read it I fell in love it's such a sweet little question asked so innocently from Tristan but it was just the most adorable thing in my eyes.

I didn't know Chad was also insecure about his nose :( (or maybe I did and just didn't remember). It's sad that he's so worried about everything all the time but in a way I guess I relate to him. I'm glad he has Tristan who has a much more carefree attitude to look after him and alter his perceptions 💕

I'm so excited for the next part, especially now that there's the possibility of an emotionally vulnerable Tristan- depending on who the letter is from and what about- and also because I love Chad's rapid stifles more than anything, and I think the denial will make them ever better. I'm ready to see him try and deflect all conversation about sneezing and be ignorant about it to Tristan, I think that will be very fun to witness and I'm excited to see Tristan's reaction now that he is the one being blown off after showing concern instead of the other way around 😆

Yea, I have a feeling that Tristan definitely will take notice of the absence of sneeze talk from Chad's side.
😏 His reaction to it will be quite interesting, I think. I liked that you enjoyed Tristan's attitude with words. Usually saying whatever comes to mind lol. He's working on it though and sometimes it shows.

You are right, Chad's never mentioned the insecurity about his nose before and I am amazed that you remember that from all the chapters posted. Impressive. 😍 Yes Chad worry too much and I know what you mean, I also tend to worry easily, something I do want to try to reduce though.

Thank you so much for adding so much thoughts and inspiration. I must confess that creating and writing their story is very helpful in the midst of everything else that I'm dealing with right now.


On 9/7/2024 at 8:49 PM, Privatedancer said:

Ugh- I’m worried about the letter!  Tristan has been making such progress at distancing himself from his toxic family…

So true! Though while distancing, the thought of them trying to nestle themselves back in always lingers in the back of Tristan's mind. He's trying to stay resilient though. 🖤


On 9/7/2024 at 11:27 PM, AntheaHolmes said:

Oh, I really had to catch up on some chapters. Amazing as always. Love these two dorks. Too adorable for their own good. Gorgeous sneezes as well. Thanks for your beautiful writing. 

Thank you! Lovely to know you've been catching up with them. Thank you so much. 🌻


On 9/8/2024 at 2:52 AM, RipleyToo said:

I’m so excited for what you’ll have in store for the next chapter. Tristen making Chad feel better about his nose was just sooo cute!

There's a lot going on with them right now so much is bound to happen. He is always trying to make Chad feel better about his insecurities, easier said than done though. 🖤

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It was with a closer look Chad gazed at the envelope in Tristan’s hand. The frail paper torn rather clumsily. Judging from the edge, something rather colourful was hidden inside.

‘It’s a card?’ Chad sniffled cautiously, gazing back at Tristan who undeniably appeared under a lot pressure. Pulling out the card, he held it indecisively.

‘I can’t read it.’ He uttered with hopelessness, letting it drop from his sight.

‘Honey… I’m sure it’s fine.’

‘How do you know? Maybe it’s just another trick to twist things around.’

Chad stood quiet, eyeing Tristan who looked more upset by the second. Kneeling down, Chad reached for the card. Gazing at the image more closely, he thought it looked quite harmless, painted with green and orange leaves. ‘Let me read it..? And I’ll let you know what is says.’ Placing the card onto a hard surface, Chad suggested it gently.

‘Fuck.’  It was with a tense conduct that Tristan started walking aimlessly across the room. 

Chad sniffled. Another tickle lingered in the irksome nose and he knew he’d have to sneeze in a matter of seconds. At the same time he didn’t want to cut the serious atmosphere and diverge Tristan from the emotions he was dealing with.

‘Think about it for a few minutes. There’s no rush.’ He said soothingly, slipping into the bathroom.


‘…..hh, hhhh’gnx!’uh, ha’Knuxgtsch!!’sho… Tu'scho!-Prftsschu!! …hhhh, EITSCH’xtschmm!!’ Stifling the sneezes harshly into a towel wasn’t exactly easy but he managed. Thinking that the thick fabric was a good substitute. Wiping the nose off with the cloth, he became aware that each time he thought he was done sneezing, the sharp itch returned, causing him into a vulnerable status.

Done with the towel, he decided to put it on top of the shelf. In case Tristan would use it himself by accident.

He sneaked out just as quickly, finding Tristan in one of the armchairs.


‘Honey…’ Positioning himself on the floor, he put his hand on Tristan’s thigh, looking into his eyes which were tearing up. ‘…it’s okay.’

‘Can’t we just throw that shit in the trash?’ He sniffled. ‘I don’t care what it fucking says.’

‘Maybe it’s important..?’ Chad mentioned softly.

‘And what if it’s not?’ Tears were beginning to fall from his eyes but he quickly removed them with the back of his hand. ‘I can’t fucking do this. I refuse.’ Tristan stood and Chad lost contact. Snatching the card from the table, Tristan ripped it in half and stomped towards the window and threw it out in the open. ‘Done. See if I fucking care.’

Chad found it hard seeing Tristan so upset and not knowing what to say, and to comfort him in the current temper would be difficult. Especially since he already was afraid of rejections.

‘Is there anything I can do..?’ He asked quietly.

Putting his hands on hips, Tristan shook his head whilst looking down.

Getting up from the floor, Chad approached slowly. Wrapping his arms ever so tenderly around Tristan’s waist. His reaction was subdued at first. Gently, Chad let his fingers slide at Tristan’s back. It wasn’t until then he answered to the comforting conduct and returned the closeness.

‘It’s going to be okay.’ Chad assured him softly, feeling Tristan leaning in and burying his face into his shoulder.

They stood motionless for several minutes. The intense breathing relaxed while Tristan sniveled into Chad’s shirt.

‘I need some air.’ He said with a sigh before parting them. Using the ends of his sweater to dry off his face. ‘I’ll change and go for a run.’


While Tristan was away, Chad required some refreshing air too. Standing on the patio, he inhaled softly through the nose which kept bugging him. Looking to his left, he suddenly noticed something laying beneath the bushes. Crouching down, he tried to avoid the huge flowerbed, situated right next to it. Crawling further, he reached out his hand to grab the material. He sniffled. His nose didn’t cooperate at all and he figured it was already affected by some sort of reaction to the flowers. And with that thought he began to hitch, the strong build up initiating fast.

Eh’knx!’ He stifled the sneeze freely, his fingers grabbing a hold of the item. ‘….eh’Kxtschao!! …ugh.’ Finding a standing a position, he dusted off the trousers. ‘…uh’Knxutsch!!’tschoo… oh my-hh’’KNXghscho!!’ He stifled harshly, ending it with a quiet wimp. Gazing at the card which belonged to Tristan within his fingers. ‘…hh, hhhh….K’TXscho!!’ ....hhhhh’Eisch’schew!!!! ugh.’ He sniffled, wiping his nose off with the wrist. Sticking the card into the pocket of the black pants, he was thankful that Tristan wasn’t at home to witness the discouraging episode.


Returning back, Tristan went straight for the shower. Allowing him to take his time, Chad waited patiently. And when he finally stepped out, his body language appeared much calmer.

‘Hi babe.’ His lips met his cheek. Moist at the touch. A lovely scent swept up Chad’s nostrils. Lovely but activating the already building tickle. He sniffled. Enthralled by the sweet intimacy, lightly blushing.

‘Hi…’ He sniffled again. ‘…how was the run?’

‘Fucking awesome.’

‘…good.’ Another wet sniffle trailed in the sensitive nasal passages. . ‘…very good.’

Tristan leaned in for a kiss.

‘You’ve already started dinner? It smells amazing in here.’

‘Oh…’ Chad stalled, using a firm finger rubbing at the nose. ‘…it’s uh… chicken curry.’

‘Can’t wait to taste it.’

Chad only nodded with the intensity of a pre-sneeze expression unfolding over his face. He turned away from Tristan completely. Hands up this face. His eyes squeezing sharply shut.

‘Gnnh’scho! …gnnhx!-GNXSHh!-Ngxt'schu!!’

‘Aw bless you so much sweetie.’

A wonderful caress met Chad’s neck.

‘…hh’Gnisch!!’scho… oh. Thank you…’ He sniffled wetly. Frustrated to have the tickle return just the same.

‘Everything okay with you?’

‘Yea just a little extra sn… uh yea I’m okay.’ Chad reminded himself on the earlier promise that he’d made. He was resilient about sticking to it, too.

‘…okay? Good. Now let’s eat I’m starving.’




Chad sniffled thickly at the breakfast table. Waking up earlier from a completely stuffed up nose, barely able to breathe. Feeling the nose starting to run, he brought another tissue at the nose, wiping at it hastily. He felt the nostrils flare at the touch. He was going to sneeze again. Which he’d already done so many times that same morning.

‘…uh’WRESCH’gnxhh!!’uh…’ He lashed into it, his breath shaking, he inhaled deeper. ‘uh’EIIISSCH’schew!! Oh jeez.’ The nose dripped. He had no choice but to blow it. The noise extremely wet and clogged up. He cringed at the sound.

‘Good morning babe.’

Tristan was up. Chad tensed. Starting to collect the used tissues laying around the surface.

‘…uh, you okay?’

‘I got a cold.’ He confessed with a guilty look.

‘Oh. You must have caught it from me?’

‘Most probably.’ He sniffled with a useless motion.

‘Aren’t you gonna go back to bed?’

Feeling a hand resting at the shoulder, Chad felt like leaning against it.

‘Soon. There’s some stuff I have… to…’ His voice trembled with a hitching manner. The itch traveled deeper in the sensitive nostrils, meeting the spot, reaching the turbulent release. ‘….AhRESCHo!!’WASCHscho!!-WRE'YSCHhhoo!!-uh’AWRESCHschho!!!! ...oh Jesus.’ The quadruple of loud sneezes left him quite stunned and overwhelmed. He’d never sneezed so fast and aggressively before.

With a dumbfounded look on his face, Tristan looked amazed too.

‘Fuck. Uh. That was… uhm. Bless you?’

‘Thanks.’ Chad blushed, covering a new tissue over the nose. ‘Sorry about that.’

‘Uh. Yea. Uhm. Can I get you anything, tea? I’m making coffee, too.’ He spoke, still keeping a floored looked on his face, tending to the coffee machine. 

‘Tea would be lovely.’

‘Got it.’

Chad sniffled into the tissues. The stuffy nose needed another blow but Chad abandoned the urge, compensating with the soft papers pressed against the quivering nostrils.

‘Milk?’ Tristan asked with his back to him.

‘Sure.’ He breathed with a muffling sound into the tissues. He necessarily needed to sneeze again and the unavoidable was building alarmingly fast without precaution.


Tristan turned half way, giving Chad a significant glance.

WRESCHscho!!-eh… eh’yERESCHschoo!!’

‘….baby, bless you.’

‘Goodness. Forgive me.’

‘…your tea.’ He placed the cup down and seated across.

‘…thank you so much.’

Tristan kept sipping the coffee quietly. Chad remained silent, too.

‘So for how long you’ve had that cold without tellin’ me?’ Tristan eventually opened his mouth.

‘Uhm, what do you mean without telling you?’

Chad wiped with the tissues at the nose, before placing them down at the table.

‘You never mentioned you felt bad.’

‘I didn’t though? Until I… worsened.’

‘Oh, right. So for how long exactly?’

‘…approximately two days.’ Chad admitted, feeling a little interrogated.

Having another sip of the coffee, Tristan observed Chad rather skeptically.

‘…you don’t want to talk about it?’ He asked nonchalantly.

‘Uhm… what is there to talk about?’ Sniffling thickly, Chad answered somewhat guarded.

‘…nothing, I guess.’ Tristan responded with a shrug, putting the cup back at lips. ‘…aren’t you gonna drink your tea?’

‘You’re asking a lot of questions this morning…’ He said with a breathy notion, drinking with both hands from the mug.

‘You mind?’

‘Not at all.’ Clearing his throat, Chad then coughed into the fist. The tea in the cup wobbled as he tried to keep it steady.

‘…so what do you want to talk about?’

‘Anything… you... oh goodness.’ Putting the cup down, he started coughing more violently into his hands. The harsh outburst triggered something when he all of sudden needed to sneeze all over again. ‘ah’GnxtSCH!!-ThhXusch!! ugh I can’t ….hhh’TSCHu!!’

‘…bless you.’

‘…hh’GNIXT!!!'schho… ugh… thank you.’ Feeling his nose dripping behind the hands, he hastily got up from the chair. ‘…just gotta use the… tsX’tschu!!!-the… hhhhh, re'ASCHgnxhhs!!'uh... damnit. I’m going to the bathroom.’

‘There’s tissues right here babe..!’

Pretending like he didn’t hear, Chad  was already on his way, stifling yet another harsh sneeze, bending him forward.



Edited by Candy Dust
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I love Chads cold sneezes! They really make him vulnerable. I’m glad Tristen was able to calm down after seeing the note, poor Chad was trying his hardest to help Tristen feel better. I can’t wait for the next part! 

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Aww, I wasn't expecting Tristan to cry without even opening the card 😢 I have a feeling something bad is going to happen now that's Chad's taken it back again, i wonder where he put it after taking it inside? I hope for his sake that he hasn't forgotten it somewhere that Tristan will find...

I'm loving the development of his cold as well, and it seems that Tristan is catching on to his strange behaviour, I wonder what will happen now that Chad's locked himself in the bathroom? He used to be reluctant but okay with blowing his nose infront of Tristan alone so I wonder if Tristan's noticed that step back in their progress of getting Chad more comfortable with doing it?

Can't wait to read more, thank you for this ❤️

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On 9/10/2024 at 4:11 PM, RipleyToo said:

I love Chads cold sneezes! They really make him vulnerable. I’m glad Tristen was able to calm down after seeing the note, poor Chad was trying his hardest to help Tristen feel better. I can’t wait for the next part! 

So glad. 🥰 Chad can't really hold some the strong sneezes back, even though he truly tries to. I think that is, as you say, what makes him so vulnerable. He truly wants to be the perfect partner for Tristan.


On 9/10/2024 at 5:08 PM, dwaekki said:

Aww, I wasn't expecting Tristan to cry without even opening the card 😢 I have a feeling something bad is going to happen now that's Chad's taken it back again, i wonder where he put it after taking it inside? I hope for his sake that he hasn't forgotten it somewhere that Tristan will find...

I'm loving the development of his cold as well, and it seems that Tristan is catching on to his strange behaviour, I wonder what will happen now that Chad's locked himself in the bathroom? He used to be reluctant but okay with blowing his nose infront of Tristan alone so I wonder if Tristan's noticed that step back in their progress of getting Chad more comfortable with doing it?

Can't wait to read more, thank you for this ❤️

Thank you so much. 💕 Tristan is going through 'one of those days' when everything feels like it's going against him for some reason. Chad has the best intentions, though they can be a little naive at times. He truly struggles with the nose blowing (and recently, the nose too) so he's really trying to deal with it all. But he's often uncertain and that leaves him doubtful and insecure in his emotions and decisions.


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Tristan wasn’t the one to eavesdrop. Not intentionally anyway. But seeing Chad so tensed, storming out the room like there was a fire going on undoubtedly caught Tristan’s attention.

Positioning closely by the door, he firstly listened to nothing. A toilet flushed, the water tapping by the sink, followed by… Tristan moved slightly from the wall. Chad had started to sneeze uncontrollably. Intense and hard. Probably uncovered. Breathlessly unrestrained. Tristan felt the adrenaline go up.

‘…eh’Eiischew! …hhh’HhhREASCho!!-WASCHschooo!! …ohh.’

He stood there listening.  Arguing with himself, searching for a decision of what to do.

‘…WRASCHHschiiooh!! ugh goodness… hh, hhhhhhh-WRESCHHschew!!’

Thoughts of why Chad was actually in hiding came upon him, and at the same time, he struggled with the emotion of guilt, enjoying Chad’s apparent misery when he obviously wanted some privacy?

‘…hh-yESCHIew!!-YESCHHSCHoo!! ughhh…’

Another pause. Throat clearing, sniffling and sighing. Then there was an energetically nose blowing sound. Much louder than usual. Thinking Chad was done, Tristan knocked on the door.

It took a while for Chad to open. Looking awfully fragile with the reddened nose and tearful eyes. He kept sniffling, using a tissue beneath the glistening nostrils.

‘….uhm.’ Tristan slid one hand through the darkness of his shiny hair.  ‘…you okay in there?’

‘...I think the cold’s getting worse.’ Chad earnestly replied, sniffling into the tissue.

‘…oh, uh how come?’

‘Just… going through the process of the sickness, I guess.’


Tristan glanced at the pink and trembling nostrils, trying to remain cool and unbothered.

‘….your tea’s getting cold.’ He informed.

‘Ohh..? Thanks for telling me.’ A faint giggle came from Chad who gazed at Tristan quite confusedly.

‘I can uhm… microwave it for you?’

Chad covered the nose again with the tissue, constantly wiping at it.

‘That won’t be necessary.’

The voice uttered in complete congestion.  An enormous amount of unambiguous sympathy found Tristan’s heart, though persistently concealed. At the same time he couldn’t help but enjoy the thickness of the sound Chad’s nose produced.

‘There’s no problem. I can just, you know, boil some water for you.’ He insisted.


‘Yea, sure.’ Putting his hands in the pockets, Tristan came across quite sheepish. Like he’d been caught doing something naughty.

‘That would be very nice of you.’

‘I really think you should get back to bed though. Uhm, yea.’ He had another scratch at the head.

‘What’s going on?’ Chad’s eyes squinted momentarily.

‘Hm?' His eyes barely widened. 'There’s nothing? ...going on?’

‘…then why are you acting so… odd?’

‘I’m not?’

Chad sniffled in a repeated fashion, rubbing with the tissues at the nose.

‘….goodness.’ A deeper frown found his forehead. ‘…I just can’t get a break.’ His voice hitched, bringing the tissue closer to his lips.

‘….hhh, WRASCHHscho!! …oh. ’ Composing himself after lashing forward, he gave Tristan a brief glance. A deeper shuddering breath came over him, shielding the nose completely with the tissue and held it there firmly as another build up took over. ‘…EISCHhs’gnxh!!-GNXh!-TSXCH!-T’sSCH!-TSCho!-uh’TRXtscho!!’

‘Aw baby…’ Tristan put his hand at Chad’s slender waist. ‘…you poor little bunny.’

‘Yea?’ He wiped at the nostrils with the same tissues. Tristan imagined them being entirely soaked by now.  .

‘…how can I make you feel better?’

‘You can’t.’ The sound of Chad’s sniffles were becoming intolerably wet. ‘…excuse me I need another tissue.’

Grasping some before Chad, Tristan was quick and held them up to Chad’s face who looked modestly distracted.  Bringing them closer to his nose, he momentarily met Tristan’s eyes, before looking down.

‘I think you may need to blow your nose.’ Tristan hinted.

‘…I’m sorry it’s incredibly runny.’ The tone of Chad’s voice came off shy, the upper cheeks turning bright red.

‘I take my chances.’ Tristan softly chuckled, gently brushing away some hair from Chad’s eyes.

‘…okay. If you think it’s okay?’ Chad spoke almost inaudibly, still avoiding Tristan’s eyes.  He sniffled but not as strongly as before. Causing a small but clear visible stream of see-through fluid right under each nostril.

Tristan placed the tissues affectionately over the delicate nose.

‘Go on baby, I got you.’

The tissues expanded swiftly with the wetness, even though Chad had barely started.

‘Uh, you were right about the fluidity.’ Tristan chuckled again.

‘Oh stop…’ If possible, Chad blushed even harder. ‘…I can take it from here.’

‘Just let me finish.’

Grabbing a new tissue, Tristan replaced them with ease over the nose. ‘See? I’m a practically a professional already.’

It caused Chad into another sweet giggle which warmed Tristan’s heart.

‘Am I holding it okay? You need more pressure?’

‘No… hhh, it’s…hh, hh… fine.’ Chad’s eyes narrowed in a familiar fashion. Tristan swallowed. He felt the nostrils flare at the touch of his fingertips. Through the fragility of the tissues it was almost as if there was nothing in between. It was one the most amazing and arousing thing he’d ever experienced. The warmth of Chad’s breath met his wrist. Watching Chad squeezing his eyes shut with a light tilt of the head.

WRESCHcho!!’ Chad sneezed harshly, placing his hand over Tristan’s at the nose for protection. ‘…eh’RESChHsho!!’ He jerked forward. A faint mist met Tristan’s open palm. ‘…oh my, so sorry.’

Tristan kissed Chad’s cheek, fixated on holding the tissues as comfortably as possible against the fair skin.  The edges of the quivering nostrils once again tensed.


Knowing the suppressed sneeze would evolve into a fit, Chad pressed Tristan’s fingers closer to his nose.

Knxsch!!’Gnhhxs!’Gnxsch!!'schu... uh’GNHXs!!!!’schoo… …oh goodness…ATSCH’scheo!!’ Chad sniffled wetly, maneuvering the tissues over a small tear that'd been caused from the effort.

‘Bless you baby.’

Tristan said fondly, lowering the tissues from Chad's face. Giving the full lips a soft kiss.

‘….thank you.' Chad expressed with a moist sniffle. 'Sorry. I didn’t mean to sneeze so forceful… I didn’t spray on you, did I?’

Hiding the wet spots, Tristan smoothly put his arm behind his back whilst shaking his head. ‘No worries babe.’

‘Oh good.’

Stepping away, Chad brought another set of tissue to the nose.

The moment was over and it almost seemed like it’d never happened as Chad’s reluctant energy returned.

‘I’ll prepare the tea for you.’

‘Thank you so much. I’ll be right with you.’

As soon as Tristan closed the door, Chad was already tending to the nose, blowing it firmly all over again.





Edited by Candy Dust
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This chapter was just… MMMM! Maybe Chad will learn to realize that Tristen doesn’t mind the nose blowing. Wonderful update as always!

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Oh my God!!! Tristan was EVERYTHING in this chapter- SUCH a sweetheart, so caring and he really lived out my (and I'm sure many other people's) dream 😫. Chad stifling into Tristan's hand was one of the most amazing scenes for me to read and the small moment of confidence from him was so refreshing and fun to read! I really hope we get many more stifling into/ onto Tristan scenes too as they seem to be slightly reoccurring lately and they are my favourite things EVER. I can't wait to see what happens next now that Chad is back to his sensitive, shy self ❤️

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On 9/12/2024 at 5:05 PM, RipleyToo said:

This chapter was just… MMMM! Maybe Chad will learn to realize that Tristen doesn’t mind the nose blowing. Wonderful update as always!

Thank you so much.💗 Some day it might come to Chad's comprehension, but for now he's quite confused about it all.


On 9/12/2024 at 5:48 PM, Privatedancer said:

Great chapter! Would love to see him really let Tristan take care of him.

Thank you. 💗 Tristan is trying his hardest to take care of Chad in the best way he knows. Little by little, he will probably let his guard down and be there completely.


On 9/12/2024 at 7:00 PM, dwaekki said:

Oh my God!!! Tristan was EVERYTHING in this chapter- SUCH a sweetheart, so caring and he really lived out my (and I'm sure many other people's) dream 😫. Chad stifling into Tristan's hand was one of the most amazing scenes for me to read and the small moment of confidence from him was so refreshing and fun to read! I really hope we get many more stifling into/ onto Tristan scenes too as they seem to be slightly reoccurring lately and they are my favourite things EVER. I can't wait to see what happens next now that Chad is back to his sensitive, shy self ❤️

Thank you. Tristan truly tries to be there for Chad, even when he hints of doubts tries to lure it's way back in. I'm so glad you liked most scenes in the chapter. 💗 

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