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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Chad and Tristan (mxm)

Candy Dust

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It’d been three days. Three days and countless and occasional moments of sneeziness and during these events, Tristan had blessed him once. Counting out the attack whilst fondling the laundry and last night’s love making.

At least he’d been blessed then. He’d stifled the sneezes relentlessly into Tristan’s chest and he’d enjoyed it. But had the blessing been omitted then, Chad knew he’d gone and left the room without any explanation.

He’d begun to reason with himself that, if Tristan didn’t appreciate the sneezes as much as before, perhaps he shouldn’t sneeze around Tristan at all? Easier said than done considering the fact that he was allergic and sensitive in general, but the thought kept recurring But on the other hand, the bare notion of Tristan looking elsewhere sent him into the darkness of an endless pit. He wasn’t pleased with any of it and he was trying to remember when the refrainment from blessing had begun? Was it before or after the sneezy cold? Had the cause of that effect caused him into a negative spiral? Or just maybe, Tristan had a lot of other things to deal with so sneezes were the last thing on his mind. It was all so confusing.

During the three days, except for the very unavoidable fits, Chad had walked away every time he felt the absolute need to sneeze. With practice, he’d gotten it somewhat under control and learned to sneeze almost silently and honestly, he was quite pleased with himself for the effort. He never knew he’d ever give so much attention to his own sneezes but Tristan had influenced him greatly. He’d even started to notice whenever Tristan sneezed. Wondering if he secretly enjoyed sneezing himself as in hearing others… but Chad dismissed that idea. He didn’t look content while doing it. Always expressing a frustrated manner after the release and never treating his nose with tenderness, but quite the opposite and tending to the nose unaffected.

‘Chad, babe?’

He was startled from Tristan’s voice, from the room next door.

‘Uh yes honey?’

‘Aren’t you coming?’

‘Uh yea.’

Slipping out from the on-suite, he got into the bed and pulled the covers over them. The room in pitch black, he traced the smoothness of Tristan’s shoulder while snuggling close.

‘Goodnight baby.’ Tristan mumbled sleepily.


Chad found it hard to fall asleep. Thoughts were twirling inside his head and he was still a little stressed from the first few days at the new job. He also wondered about Tristan and the family issue. Last time they talked about it was out on the patio several days ago and he hadn’t spoken about it since.

The fan hummed quietly in the room. It made his nose itch. He knew it was like a collector of dust since he had to clean it off once a month. That month had just passed, so… Just thinking about all the dirty particles puffing around the room, blowing towards the bed’s direction caused the tickle in the nose to grow. He hitched as the lower lip dropped just barely, cupping one hand over his mouth.

‘…uh’KNxs!’uh…. …T’Knx’d!-Knxtzch! …hh, hhh, hhhhh-T’schx!’schu…’

The last sneeze pressed against Tristan’s body and he responded by giving a light groan. Turning in the bed, Chad grabbed the duvet closer, burying in his face into the softness.

‘….ah’Kngsh!uh-Ktx!-eh… T’schum!-eh’KNXtschum!!’


‘…ugh sorry.’ Chad sniffled, sitting up. Rubbing and scrunching at the nose as it wouldn’t stop from itching. Sniffling again, he got up from the bed.

‘…where are you going?’

‘…ugh, toilet.’ He sniffled, entering and closing the door.

He was just about to put some tissues to the nose when there was a knock on the door.

‘…babe you okay in there?’

‘…just, eh…’ Unable to form a proper reply, the sharp itch teased both of Chad’s nostrils and he felt them flaring as he brought the tissue back over them. ‘uh’GNxz!-GNXtschz!!’schu… a moment.’ Looking in the mirror, he wiped the nose off, sniffling and rubbing at it harshly.

‘Babe… open the door.’

Chad obliged and Tristan stepped inside, his eyes wandering over the area.

‘…what are you doing in here?’

‘What do you mean?’ Chad’s eyes narrowed.

‘…you were just using the bathroom a moment ago and now you need to use it again?’ He walked further into the room and sat down on the lid of toilet.

‘Well yea.’ Chad sniffled moistly. His nose wet and bothersome.

‘You’ve caught another cold?’


‘You’ve been crying?’

‘Noo..!’ Chad crooked one finger beneath the nose, sniffling at it.

‘So what is it? I can see there’s something so what am I supposed to think?’ Getting up, Tristan went to open a window. The small breeze only enhanced the tickle in Chad’s nose that he was trying to get under control.

‘I just had to blow my nose. And I didn’t want to do it and you know, wake you…’

‘That’s it? So what’s with the secrecy?’ Not persuaded, Tristan crossed the arms over his chest.

‘There´s no secrecy?’

‘Okay well do it and get back to bed with me.’

‘I will.’

They were both standing in silence, watching each other. Lowering the motion at the nose, Chad sniffled again.

‘Well..?’ Tristan beckoned.

‘You’re gonna stand there and watch me?’

‘I guess not.’ Shifting position, he turned the back to him.

Stalling, Chad worried that any friction at the nose would cause another sneezing fit. And he wasn’t in the mood to explain why he’d be upset if Tristan didn’t bless him.

‘…you done?’

‘…no.’ Chad worded quietly.

Tristan faced him with a kinder look within the eyes. ‘…okay, listen. I think I overstepped there for a bit. I don’t want to put any pressure on you.’ Lovingly, he reached for Chad’s hand. ‘…I didn’t mean to come off as aggressive. So if I did, I apologize.’

A little taken by the genuine affection, Chad looked down. ‘It’s okay…’ He responded softly.

‘I didn’t mean to sound like a total shithead.’ He kissed Chad’s cheek. Bringing him into an embrace.

Chad sniffled softly into Tristan’s shoulder, taking in the tenderness that was given so profoundly.

‘You’re okay right?’ The tender question met his ear. ‘…nothing’s troubling you?’


He sniffled again. The nose was becoming runny and at the same time he desperately needed to sneeze again. It caused a stressful reaction. Perhaps he’d be able to stifle them entirely, but the frequent motion would be impossible to hide. He wanted to run out of the room but he didn’t want them to part. So instead he stayed put and let the tickle form and take over.

‘Are you feeling stressed about work?’

‘…hh, hhhh-uh’GNnh!’uh…. no.’ He barely moved as the first sneeze nudged against Tristan’s chest. Chad sniffled, feeling his nose twitch. ‘…I don’t think.,, eh so.’

‘…what was that? Are you sneezing?’

Chad was already into another build up when the question was asked. Turning halfway, he brought both hands over his face.

‘uh’GNxuh!-Gntsxch!’scho… hh, hhhh…. uh’KNx!-T’KNxt!!!’schu…’


Gentle, comforting touches met his back when the itching sensation in the nose returned, causing him to hitch once more.

‘...hhhh-’KNxt!’scho…’ He barely had time to sniffle before helplessly needing to sneeze again. ‘Eh’EitchKNxt!-EITSCH’KNGxh!!’tschooo …Goodness.’

He’d been holding them back for so long, the sneezes were impossible to prevent from happening.

‘Let me get you some tissues sweetie….’


The soft material was placed into his hands, at the same time he struggled with the intensity of yet another fit.

‘…hh, hhh-uh’KGnx!!’scho… hh, hhh… WRA’KNxsch!!’

‘…you should probably try to let them out completely, babe. I think it’s the reason why the sneezes won’t stop…’ A lovely caress met his cheek and he glanced at Tristan, when another firm flare met his already trembling nostrils. The eyes squinted and eventually squeezed shut.

‘…hh, hhh’EITSH’KNx!! …ugh, eh’AWRESHschoo!!’ Chad finally sneezed fully, trying to direct them into the tissues. ‘…uh’yEITSCH’scho!! hh, eh’WRESCHHhioo!! …oh jeez.’

‘Bless you… doesn’t that feel better?’

‘...uh'WRASCHheo!! ...ugh…’ Barely composing a nod, Chad stroked the tissues over his nose with tears in his eyes. Possibly caused by the intensity of the fit. Though especially from the emotional aspect of being so preciously taken care of. ‘…yea… the itch,’ he paused to sniffle, ‘…has lessened.’

Tristan pulled him back within the arms. Meeting Chad’s mouth, then placing featherlike kisses at the blushed cheeks.

‘Thank you…’ Chad expressed softly. Reminded of the sweet blessing.

‘No need to thank me baby.’

‘Sorry for waking up you…’ He sniffled again, suddenly wanting to snuggle his wet nose into Tristan t-shirt. But he chose not to.

‘Don’t worry about it.’

‘….we should get back to bed and get some sleep…’ He suggested instead.

‘Sleep? You crazy? After all the excitement you’ve given me, how am I supposed to sleep now?’ Tristan chuckled.

‘…I have?’

‘Don’t act all innocent.’ Tristan smirked. ‘…you know you’re gorgeous.’

‘I do not.’ Chad had to giggle, wiping the moist tissue at the nose.

‘Making me all worked up, huh… but yea, let’s try to get some sleep.’



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AAAH YESSS- as much as I LOVE stifling I also love it when people tell someone else to stop like Tristan did 😫 That was such a caring thing to do cause I'm sure that he's aware that as long as Chad keeps stifling, he'll keep sneezing 😏. I'm glad that Tristan's voiced his appreciation for Chad's sneezes again, I think he was well deserving of that reassurance by now. I'm so ready to see what comes up next with these two, there's still so many things I'm looking forward to and I hope I won't be left in suspense for too long 🤞 I'm always waiting for more stifles, caretaking and emotions with these two, and now that you mentioned Chad paying more attention to Tristan's regular, everyday sneezes I hope we can see a few of those as well, maybe just thrown in without meaning. Either way, I'm ready for some more sneezy Chad and probably some confrontations from the both of them 😬

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Chad tried and failed in the end 🤣. I love how he went from stifling the sneezes to Tristen telling him to let them go, it was very very cute! 

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On 8/4/2024 at 1:08 PM, dwaekki said:

AAAH YESSS- as much as I LOVE stifling I also love it when people tell someone else to stop like Tristan did 😫 That was such a caring thing to do cause I'm sure that he's aware that as long as Chad keeps stifling, he'll keep sneezing 😏. I'm glad that Tristan's voiced his appreciation for Chad's sneezes again, I think he was well deserving of that reassurance by now. I'm so ready to see what comes up next with these two, there's still so many things I'm looking forward to and I hope I won't be left in suspense for too long 🤞 I'm always waiting for more stifles, caretaking and emotions with these two, and now that you mentioned Chad paying more attention to Tristan's regular, everyday sneezes I hope we can see a few of those as well, maybe just thrown in without meaning. Either way, I'm ready for some more sneezy Chad and probably some confrontations from the both of them 😬

So nice to know that particular scene was to your extra liking. As much as Tristan love and adore Chad's sneezes, he'd never want him to suffer or hurt himself. I wanted Chad's issue to come to light in the next chapter but I've already started on the next part after that which will include more of Tristan's sensitive side. 🤍 Love your comments and inspirational thoughts.


On 8/5/2024 at 12:37 AM, RipleyToo said:

Chad tried and failed in the end 🤣. I love how he went from stifling the sneezes to Tristen telling him to let them go, it was very very cute! 

Glad you liked. 🤍 Tristan just wanted to make sure that Chad was alright and didn't reach some kind of sneezing frenzy. (even though he'd love that too, of course 😏 but he doesn't want Chad to feel bad and that is his main concern)


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They’d decided to meet up at Sunshine café after work. Tristan had per usual ordered a black coffee that he sipped on while watching the world going on outside.

‘Hi… sorry I’m a bit late.’

He was greeted by the familiar and loving kiss on the cheek as Chad slid down across from him.

‘That’s…’ He paused, the mouth still open. Staring at Chad who revealed a nervous mannerism.


‘…the fuck, you’ve cut your hair?!’

‘Heh, yea…’

Folding the hands together, Chad furrowed the brows with a light exhalation.

‘The-uh, why?’

‘What do mean, why?’ He squinted the eyes further. ‘I needed a change, a more sophisticated look.’

‘Sophisticated, uh, excuse me, what?’ Tristan wrinkled the forehead. He kept glaring at the haircut. It ended right above the ears. Parted to the side, with the hair falling now and then in Chad’s eyes.

The cut off length had clearly been the eye catching feature, prominently framing Chad’s face so beautifully and capturing it like a painting. The small curls at the ends of the tips which only revealed itself when wet. All gone.

‘I want to look my age. People are continually misjudging me because they think I’m younger than I actually am.’ He responded with a bitter undertone.

‘So what? Who the fuck cares what those people think?’ Clearing the throat, he tried to maintain a sense of balance.  ‘…so this rushed decision’s totally based off of other people’s opinions?’

‘Not really… Besides, isn’t everything?’


Chad shrugged notably. ‘You hate it, right?’

‘No….’ The fingers scratching strenuously at stubble at the chin. ‘…it’s uh kinda’ nice.’ He noted.

‘Oh God… you do hate it…’ Chad looked down.

‘I don’t.’ Tristan encouraged. Not wanting the issue to be transformed into some kind of altercation.

‘…you never say that I look ‘nice’, okay? …it’s not in your vocabulary.’ Chad expressed frustrated.

‘Okay, so you’re beautiful, you’re always stunning.’

They were both quiet for a couple of seconds. Chad kept gazing out the window whilst Tristan pondered what to say next without coming off as condescending.

‘You want something to drink?’ He tried to divert the concern. ‘How about some tea?’

The response not convincing at all as a soft sigh came from Chad’s lips.

‘Hey…’ Reaching out to Chad’s hand that rested on the table, he pulled back.

‘…I just need to use the restroom for a bit.’ He stood.


‘I’ll be right back.’


Tristan waited. Drumming the fingers on the hard surface. Agitated at himself. He could have handled the matter a lot smoother. But he’d been taken completely by surprise.

After around fifteen minutes Chad left the restroom. Approaching the line to order. He still seemed frustrated and had begun to rub at the nose.


Sitting down with the hot beverage, Chad stirred the tea with the spoon with whilst a troubled expression captured his face.

‘…everything okay?’

Chad sniffled. It was first now that Tristan noticed the pink hint of hue at the tip of his nose and the light blush at the upper cheekbones.

‘…yea. Or… maybe.’ He sniffled wetly again, stroking one finger beneath the nostrils.


‘Yea, well…’ Chad was about to retell the event when a deep flare met the nostrils. He turned to the side and ducked his face into the elbow, ‘eh’knxt!-’knxtsch! …uh’GNnh!’uh…. hh, hhh, hhhh’Ha’GNgnh!!’uhh…’ Lowering the arm, he blinked with a blank stare, making sure he was done. Sniffling, he faced the table. ‘….so I was in the restroom, just rinsing my hands off and this man came in with the strangest cologne.’

‘Hm…’ Tristan uttered, still infatuated by the sneezes and knowing in which direction the story was going.

‘The scent awful and it caused me to sneeze instantly… and it’s still…’ He sniffled, stalling and directing the eyes towards the window. Squinting them as the nostrils flared beautifully. Cupping a hand over the mouth, he began to hitch silently.

Meanwhile Tristan sat motionless, trying not to stare.

‘…He’Eitsch!’Knxtsch!-KNGx!’ugh…. Eiitsch!!-y’EITSCH’KNXx!!’scho… ugh, it’s still going…’

‘You want to leave?’

‘Nohh..’ Chad abruptly stifled another sneeze. ‘….ugh, sorry. We just got here and I wanna have my tea firstly.’


Taking a small sip from the cup, Chad still seemed a little absent. The hair kept falling in his eyes and each time, he drew it back with a soft motion with the tip of the fingers. It was a cute little movement and Tristan found himself enjoying it.

‘…you’re very beautiful.’

Chad met his eyes.

‘You really think so?’


A thankful smile graced Chad’s lips when it stiffened, then vanished. He sniffled with a concerned look on his face. ‘You smell that?’ His eyes narrowed and his nose scrunched faintly.


‘It’s that... cologne again.’ His voice barely trembled and he sniffled by almost a winching notion.

‘Come here babe.´’ Tristan motioned Chad over. ‘…sit with me.’

‘Hm?’ He scrunched the nose again, rubbing one finger below the nostrils strongly. ‘Right now?’

‘Yea.’ Tristan beckoned. ‘Get over here.’

Chad obeyed and seated closely.

Wrapping one around Chad’s shoulder, Tristan held him in a protective sense as Chad uncontrollably began to build up towards another sneezing fit.

‘…ugh…’ Chad’s almost shuddered against Tristan’s shoulder as his chest expanded whilst taking in a deep breath. ‘…yEitschkntsxh!’’Txscho!’scho!…’ He suppressed the sneezes roughly into the hands, finding a safe spot in Tristan’s amenity. ‘…eh’Gnh!’oh…’

‘Bless you.’

Cuddling closer, Tristan kissed his cheek affectionately.

‘…thankh’hhhh-kntsch! Ktsch! Sorrhh, hhhhhh-uh’Gnsh!-Gnnghh!’uhh.…. sorry. Ah’wesh’knx!! AwRESCH’knx!!’

‘Bless you baby.’

‘…ugh, thank, eh, hhhhAWRESCHh!!’Kngxt’scho!!’ …oh.’

‘Bless you again.’

With a tender caress, he removed the hair from Chad’s eyes.

‘…goodness thank you.’ Chad sniffled with a light blush. ‘…so much.’

‘I think we should head outside.’

‘…hhh, hh, hhhhhh…. uh’KNXt!’tscho… …ugh, you’re right.’


Taking Chad by the hand, Tristan led them towards the exit. Once outside, Chad kept breathing in with a thick sniffly sound that Tristan couldn’t avoid overhearing.

‘I really need to blow my nose.’ Chad stated embarrassed.

‘There’s tissues in the car.’


Seated inside the vehicle, Chad rummaged through the glow compartment. ‘…where are they…’ he said frustrated, sniffling constantly with a wet motion.

‘It should be there.’

‘…ugh, my nose is gonna drip any second.’ He said bothersome and shielded his nose with a cupped hand. Tristan decided to take part in the search and found a pair of tissues in the backseat.

‘…hhh, hhhh…uh’KNuh’WRASCHscho!! ….ugh, so sorry I couldn’t hold it back.’

‘Aw babe… here you go.’

Chad hastily put the tissues to the nose.

AWESChew!! Oh goodness thank you.’

‘Just in time, eh?’

‘…yea, heh… eh, hhhhhhuh’yEITSCHKNX!!!’tschew… oh my goodness.’

‘Bless you baby.’

‘…thank you. I’m so glad… ’ Chad paused, wiping his nose off with several sniffles. ‘… that you’re blessing me again?’

The tone of his voice revealed a sense of relief.

‘Yea? Don’t I usually?’

‘…sometimes.’ Chad giggled lightly. ‘…just, excuse me.’ He started to blow his nose through a noisily sound.

’Have you always liked for someone to bless you?’

‘…not necessarily.’ He wiped the nose off.

‘So it can be anyone?’

‘No…. I mean,’ Chad sniffled, removing the tissue. ‘I don’t mind if someone else would like to do it since I find it very polite, but… I don’t know, with you… you know, I find it special.’ Chad confessed. Feeling himself blush again.




‘Because… well let’s say I’m sneezing and it’s starting to wear me out, then… it’s nice to be comforted with something sweet and endearing. From you especially. I guess you can say it’s sort of like a symbol for tenderness I don’t know how else to explain it. It’s quintessential and charming. It touches my heart when you say that to me.’’

‘Okay… I get, I think.’ Tristan grinned. ‘But I can’t walk around and say that every time you do it. Right?’


‘I mean doing it over and over again, it gets kind of out of proportion, don’t you think? I don’t wanna overdo it.’

‘What do you mean over and over again?’

‘Uhm. Maybe I should rephrase that. I meant saying it over and over.’

‘Oh, well that up to you… I guess.’ Chad replied. Though he felt discontented in the manner Tristan handled the matter so nonchalantly. He thought he’d explained it so well and still, Tristan didn’t seem to quite understand the significance of it.

‘Hm well I-‘

‘You know how I feel about it now.’ Chad had to cut him off since he didn’t want to hear another misconception.


‘And I always bless you.’ He confirmed.

‘You don’t have to though. I don’t really care-‘

‘But I want to. I love doing it.’ Chad added adamantly.

‘Okay…’ Tristan’s eyes found a thoughtful semblance. ‘Just me or anyone else?’

‘Just you, of course.’

‘But you’re blessing people left and right?’

‘It’s not the same Tristan… it doesn’t feel the same.’

‘Right…. Have you always felt that way?’

‘Felt what?’

Tristan began to notice a fidgeting behavior in Chad’s demeanor and he recognized the pattern. Chad was clearly growing impatient about something personal.

‘About the blessing thing…’ He said, watching Chad more observantly.

‘I’ve always liked it, but… it does seem to have taken a serious turn.’ He added shyly.


‘I don’t know. I just love it. Can we change the subject please?’ Chad squirmed in the seat.

‘Alright, alright…’

Turning the music on, the speakers blasted as Tristan drove them back home.



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Omg is this Chad's beginning of the fetish? That's an interesting take if it is, I guess we've been getting hints since he started being more aware of Tristans sneezes as well as his own 😇. I'm so happy to hear you've already started the next part, I can never wait too long for these chapters 😫 I'm excited to see some emotional Tristan again and I'm interested to find out why Chad is acting so touchy about the blessing subject. I thought he would just be glad that Tristan has started blessing him again but clearly there is some deeper meaning and emotion behind it that he hasn't spoken out loud yet. I'm happy to know you're still enjoying my comments just as much as I'm loving reading these chapters ❤️❤️

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On 8/7/2024 at 5:13 PM, dwaekki said:

Omg is this Chad's beginning of the fetish? That's an interesting take if it is, I guess we've been getting hints since he started being more aware of Tristans sneezes as well as his own 😇. I'm so happy to hear you've already started the next part, I can never wait too long for these chapters 😫 I'm excited to see some emotional Tristan again and I'm interested to find out why Chad is acting so touchy about the blessing subject. I thought he would just be glad that Tristan has started blessing him again but clearly there is some deeper meaning and emotion behind it that he hasn't spoken out loud yet. I'm happy to know you're still enjoying my comments just as much as I'm loving reading these chapters ❤️❤️

Let's just say that Chad is exploring all sorts of aspects regarding Tristan's fetish. 😏 Some of which he can't really explain himself yet. Thank you so much for your devoted time and comments to my story. It always brings me joy to see you've given another wonderful piece to enrich the creation with these characters. 🤍 I truly mean that.


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Posted (edited)






‘Bless you honey.’

The sneeze came forcefully as Tristan sprayed the cologne for a second time as the fine mist met his neck. It always made him sneeze at least once.


And it’d be no exception.

‘Bless you. Have you ever thought about selecting a different type of cologne?’ Chad pointed out, gazing at himself in the mirror.

‘I fucking love this cologne.’ Tristan replied with a sniffle and he meant every word of it. He’d had a fair share of colognes and the one in use was by far one of the best ones out there. Funnily enough, it didn’t make Chad sneeze, at all.

‘I know you do.’ A sweet kiss met his cheek as Chad fixed the tie at the neck. ‘Are you excited?’ He asked softly.

‘About what? Date night?’

‘Of course silly.’ Chad leaned over and bumped their noses together.

‘Yea it’ll be great to get out of the house and do something nice together for a change.’

‘For a change?’

‘Yea well I don’t mean it literally. I just think we’ve been through a lot with sickness and family issues and stuff like that.’






Choosing a spot in the park beneath a tree, they were seated on the soft quilt. The plastic glasses were filled with red wine and they ate from the tray that Chad’ set up with mixed cheese and salty crackers.

‘So romantic…’ Chad amused, taking in atmosphere.

‘Yea it’s cool.’

‘The sun is setting. I hear crickets in the background.’


‘I’ve been thinking…’ Chad tucked some hair to side, which fell back at his eyes. ‘…about, uhm… remember that particular moment at the Sunshine café?’

‘What moment?’ Tristan crooked one brow.

‘…the moment when I started sneezing.’ Chad had a quick sip of the wine. ‘…and when you sort of came to my rescue.’

Tristan had almost forgotten about that incident but the memory sparked an enthusiasm.

‘Yea? Of course baby.’

‘It was nice to be tended to and not… left alone in my own sneezy misery.’

Tristan chuckled. The way Chad often found himself the victim in the most natural situations were entertaining.

‘Glad I could be of help.’

‘As I’ve said before, you’re sort of like my knight.’ Chad sniffed with a quick scrub at the nose with the wrist. ‘…right?’

‘Right babe.’

Having another sip of the wine, he once again sniffled.

‘Ah this is such a lovely spot…’

Chad voiced, leaning back and finding support at the elbows.

‘Yea it is nice.’

Another brush at the nose in a harder fashion got Tristan’s full attention. The repeated behavior, however, sent a sharp tickle at his own nose and it came over him so fast he didn’t have time to react.

‘Hur’utscho!!’ He sneezed freely and forwardly.

‘Oh bless you.’

‘Hu’Atschoo!!’ He managed to let it out to the side.

‘Bless you honey… are you okay?’


‘I’m fine...' Tristan sniffled, clearing the throat. '...how are you feeling though, you’re the one sounding a little nasal.’

Chad sniffled again, noticeably affected by Tristan’s comment.

‘I think it’s just something in the air. Summer’s ending and the humidity always tend to bring out a sensitivity in my nose…’

In the manner he’d spoken, Tristan listened closely. He could listen to Chad talking about his incredibly receptive nose all day.

‘…but you’re the one who’s sneezing.’ Chad noted, taking another sip of the wine.

‘Hey I sneezed twice. That’s, like, nothing.’

‘Nothing, really..?’ His expression altered as he lay on his stomach. ‘…so how many sneezes would leave you feeling content?’

‘From myself or you?’

‘…from, you… and me.’

‘Uh, I don’t have any number cause I really don’t care how much I’m sneezing unless I’m doing it a lot. But with you….’ Tristan made a dramatic pause since he sensed an eager energy coming from Chad.

‘Hm? Yes?’

The phone sounded in his trousers. He was saved from such an unnecessary thing as disclosing yet another secret.

Fishing it up, he began reading the incoming message.

‘Hey… I wanna know.’ Chad expressed stubbornly, still bothered by a wet sniffle as two fingers rubbed below the nostrils. ‘Don’t leave me hanging like this.’

‘Wait… a second.’

Finding another posture, Tristan straightened the back. Sliding one hand through the hair.

‘…who’s texting you?’

‘It’s… mom.’

Tristan uttered, rereading the message. Collecting the words one more time.

‘Oh.’ Chad sat up, resting his hands in his lap. ‘…what is she saying?’

‘She’s saying that….’ He had to stop himself, feeling the voice quivering out of control. The tears burning behind the eyelids.


‘…she’s…’ Tristan sniffled, wiping the back of the hand at the nose. ‘…she’s saying that she loves me no matter what I do or whom I chose to spend my life with and that…’ The emotions were bursting into chaos, leaving him in a sense of helplessness. The last thing he wanted to do was cry. Especially outside amongst strangers.

‘Ohh Tristan…’

‘….fuck I can’t finish the message.’ Tristan blanked the screen and tossed the phone onto the blanket.

‘It’s okay.’

‘….I’m so fucking done. I’m tired of being this fucking emotional.’ Tristan sniffled again, welcoming the tended and gentle caress at his cheek which removed the traces of afflicition.

‘Please don’t… it’s okay.’

‘Fucking tired.’ Tristan added notably. ‘I just had a talk with her last week and she was open to what I was saying, you know…’ Tristan sniffled loudly. ‘…about Wade, dad and the puppy and all that shit.’


The softness of Chad’s lips met his skin. He trembled once more.

‘….she listens but she never does anything about it. And now she’s sending over these text and for what?’ Droplets fell from his eyes. Tristan hitched. ‘….when I know that she’s not going to do shit about it, you know?’

‘….at least she’s listening to you. I think she just wants to make sure that her love is always with you. I’m sure she’s doing the best she can.’

‘Maybe.’ Tristan sniffled, pressing the nose at the wrist.

‘It’ll be okay….’

Chad began to wipe off his cheeks with tissues but that motion caused Tristan to wince. He hated the visibility of weakness and in public made the matters even worse. He suddenly felt like everyone was staring at them.

‘Stop.’ He snatched the tissue from Chad.


A swift, shameful look captured Chad’s eyes.

‘Just don’t. You’re being very lovely, but… just don’t.’

‘Okay. Sorry.’

Tristan sniffled in silence. After a few moments, Chad reached over his hand at his thigh and rested it there. It was a touch of devotion and the discreet amenity that Tristan actually craved.







Walking back home, the sun had set and the streets were eerily quiet. The only sound which kept repeating, came from Chad, who kept sniffling in an annoyed fashion.

Approximately every time he did it, Tristan looked over, zooming in on the rounded nostrils which flared at the striking nose. At the same time, Chad proceeded the conduct of bringing the knuckle up at it for a quick rub at one of the nostrils. Presumably the one which kept him occupied. The behavior so lustful. So simple yet seductive. A gentle reach for Chad’s hand prevented the fidgeting which freed the stubborn tickle. The intent might have been selfish, but he simply couldn’t stand another five minutes of Chad sending him into intensity of excitements. One could almost claim he was really doing Chad a favor.

Chad responded with usual gentleness, entwining their fingers together while walking in union. Whilst sniffling, a light scrunch found the nose and Tristan knew something was finally building. As much as Chad wouldn’t mind the procedure, Tristan had no patience for the anticipated release.

‘I’m glad your mom is finally on your side…’ Chad spoke reflectively. A strong, deep sniffle came from the nose which stalled him lightly, when his breath hitched quietly.

‘Well, she sort of is...’

‘I mean, at least someone in… your family… has… eh, the… decency, to-hh, ugh-.’ He stopped in his tracks. Focusing in on the tickle which made his nostrils growing wider. A frown found his forehead and the lid of the eyes shut slowly.

Tristan cleared his throat. Still holding on to Chad’s fingers.

‘….hh, hh… ugh.’ Chad paused again. The nostrils still flaring. Tristan had never witnessed such a long drawn out build up from his loved one and it was driving him crazy.

‘…hh, hhhhh… sorry, it’s just, uh, ehh… hh, hh, hhhhhh… uh’GNKxtschoo!’ He half stifle to the side. Not fast enough to cover. ‘…oh jeez finally.’ He said with an apologetic sniffle, giving Tristan a shy glance, who in turn attempted to stay biased by what was happening. He was still a bit upset, after all.

As swiftly as the first sneezed escaped, the tremble at the rounded nostrils returned.

‘…hh…. oh,’ Chad’s eyes squinted. ‘…it still…. Hh, hhh….’ The connection by the hand dropped as Chad shielded the parted lips. ‘…ugh, hhhhh…. Uh’GNgh!-uh’GnHh!!’tscho….hh, hhh…. Uh’ATSCHew!!’

‘Bless you sweetie.’

‘…uh’Gnnhtsch! …eh’yEitsch!’tsch… EIitsch!!!’knxtscho… …thank you. This is what I get forhh, hhhy’ETISCH’schew!! …oh. …sitting in the park all day.’

‘Aw babe…’

‘….uh’WASCHHheoo!!’ The sound of the large sneeze echoed over the empty streets. Chad expressed immediate embarrassment, ‘…my goodness. That was bad. So sorry.’

‘It’s okay baby…’ With a small chuckle, Tristan let his finger travel and found Chad’s waist.

‘I knew I should have brought the… hhh... hh, hhh-‘ The pink nostrils quivered once more and Chad closed them urgently with the fingertips, ‘..uh’gnh!-gnth!’uh… ugh… hu’Knx!’uh.. eh’KNGxtsch!!’schu…’

‘Bless you.’ Tristan uttered softly, caressing the smooth area over Chad’s back.

‘…uh’gnx!’tscho… thank you, ugh goodness.’ Putting a pair of tissue to the nose, he rubbed at it roughly, the sound moist and squishy.

‘…better?’ He heard himself cooing into Chad’s ear.

‘…a little. Sorry about that.’ He sniffled again a little bashful. ‘…ugh, I have to blow my nose or it’ll just keep, hh… uh’Gntsch!-Gnuxtsch!’uh… coming.’


Sliding out of Tristan’s grasp, Chad buried his nose into the tissues blew the nose thoroughly.





Edited by Candy Dust
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Aww, Tristan 🥲 I hope he can one day live in peace with or without his family and that he knows that Chad is always there for him. I've been loving his reassurance lately, even when he pushes Chad away he makes sure to let him know that he's still being lovely, he just can't accept the affection right now. That is such a beautiful way of setting boundaries even if I hope those boundaries open up a little bit in the future. 

Both of these two's attraction to one another is so touching to read as well, especially Tristan's subtle touches like the hand on Chad's waist at the end.

I'd love to see the return of Chad's apprehension to nose blowing, him being shy is so cute to me, and i think it is especially fitting now that Tristan is back to being so openly in love with and attracted to him. 

Thank you SO much for updating this so quickly and regularly lately, I'm endlessly appreciative of every single chapter and this means I don't have to wait in suspense anymore 😭❤️

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Poor Tristen! Hope he’ll know that Chad will always be there for him. I love when Chad lets out such a big sneeze that they hear it echo, I thought that was great. I love these 2 sooo much! 

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Love these two and their sneezes! Amazing story as always!!! 

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This thread may be the GOAT (greatest of all time) and the dedication you have had is unmatched. Thank you! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm just here to bump this back to the top of my (and everyone else's- sorry lol) feed and to hope for an update 🥲

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Posted (edited)

Thank you ever so much @RipleyToo @AntheaHolmes @bearwax @dwaekki 🤍

and dwaekki, it especially warms my heart to see that you bumped this thread with them back up. 🤍

Sorry for my absence. Firstly I got sick with a cold and then just some time after that a very personal grief happened and during this time I've been dealing with lots of emotions. I don't want to get into details on this forum but I will always keep one of my favorite quotes with me and that is 'Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise again.'

So I was happy when I felt like writing again and make these two return to their journey together.




A few days passed. Autumn was approaching and the colder humidity arrived which filled the air quicker than Chad had foreseen. Leaving him in a state of a sniffly mess. He woke up sniffling, came home from work sniffling and went to bed with a sniffle.

Not that it bothered Tristan, quite the contrary. But there was one thing that he found problematic. The inviting enjoyment eventually left him quite drained and on edge. As much as he loved every notion of any impeding sneeze, which there were a lot of, he battled the feeling of losing focus and more importantly, it easily caused distraction. Every sniffle caught Tristan’s attention by some sort of involuntary reflex.

In a fetish sense, it’d been a rough couple of days. At the same time knowing that Chad was completely unaware of the power he truly possessed in that meaning.


That afternoon they were engaging themselves in the fields of art, attending an exhibition that Chad had been nagging about seeing. Which Tristan reluctantly tagged along to. Easily convinced when it came to satisfying Chad’s needs and feelings. Especially since he’d sneezed thrice while asking. Wet and hard. How could Tristan reject such seductiveness?


Yet another moist sniffle met his ears and Tristan looked over at Chad who kept gazing at a huge painting. A small flare met the tender rounded nostrils. He was given a swift glance by his devoted lover as he placed a comforting hand at Chad’s back. He sniffled wetly, looking back at the painting. The air around them appeared rather thick. Absorbed in musky unisex colognes, old cigarette smoke and stains of red wine.

‘Isn’t this lovely..?’ Chad spoke reflectively, eyeing the work of art closer. ‘…I love the details in the wings and uh…’ He paused. Sniffling again. A soft hitch escaped his breath. Gazing over at Tristan he appeared slightly embarrassed. Another hitch and he diverted his eyes back at the painting. The lips parted lightly and he brought one hand up to cup it over them.

‘Ha’Gnnxth!!’ He stifled wetly to his left, away from Tristan, urging the fast sneeze downwards. ‘…uh’GNXh!!!’tscho…’

A much wetter sniffle seemed to have been caused by the forceful friction.

‘Bless you.’

Tristan softly cooed, caressing a spot at Chad’s back.

‘Thank you. Goodness.’ Chad replied frustrated. ‘As I was saying, the wings are so beautifully detailed and… ugh, hh, uh, hhh, hhhhh-’Etsch!!!’tschu… ah’Waschoo!!’

The stronger sneezes were caught just the same. Only entirely to the side, barely protected.

‘…uh-‘ Chad’s breath wavered more intensely. ‘…oh God.’ A hard squint met his eyes, preparing himself what’s to come. The sensitive nostrils flared immensely. The open palm still anticipating steady and close in preparation to the cover the unexpected.

‘Baby…’ Tristan spoke silently, his fingers sliding down further.

‘Ah’Weschio!’ The upper body rocked forward and without hesitation, Chad inhaled more prominently. ‘Ah’Wescho!-Awreschoo!!!-uh-AWRRESCHioo!!!!’

‘Aw sweetie… are you okay?’

‘…bless me… I think so.’ Quite overwhelmingly, Chad sniffled and rubbed at the delicate nose with the back of his hand. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘Don’t be sorry.’ Tristan’s hand moved over to Chad’s cheek, and he seemed to be grateful for the gentle conduct.

‘Thank you for being so understanding.’ The wet sniffles appeared damper by each notion. ‘I think I need to find some napkins…’ Chad affirmed, finally realizing the issue that needed tending to.

‘I think I spotted some by the trays of champagne.’


After finding some by a white clothed table, Chad used them neatly at the nose. Never blowing it, just wiping at it with extra caution.

The moist sniffles continued. It was driving Tristan insane. He wanted to bring the nose blowing matter forward like some sort of proposition, but he didn’t know how to. Chad’s sensitivity sometimes kept him from saying what was really on his mind.

Meanwhile Chad seemed oblivious to Tristan’s inner turbulence, and strolled around the paintings, keeping the tissue clutched in his hand.

‘What piece of art has made you see the world differently..?’ He asked airily, expecting Tristan to be nearby.

‘Uhm… what do you mean?’

‘I mean, like… if it challenged you, in your way of thinking..?’

‘Uh… no?’


‘What about yourself?’

‘It’s a hard question. But probably…’

Chad’s voice trailed off once more, but this time he looked as in shock. As if he’d seen a ghost.


‘Oh my God.’ With a moist sniffle, Chad was staring perplexed at someone from across the room.


‘It’s, the guy.’

Chad backed away and found protection behind Tristan’s back. Being so close, Tristan’s full attention returned to the frequent wet sniffles which kept occurring.

‘What guy?’ He heard himself ask.

The guy. From the theatre. He’s here.’ There was a panicky feeling in Chad’s voice that Tristan hadn’t heard before.


You know who.’ Chad hissed irritatingly. ‘The one who sneezed in your presence, like repeatedly? He was so rude. And you, you kept blessing him like some sort of..!’ Chad stopped himself from finishing the sentence.

‘Oh, that guy.’

Tristan suddenly remembered and it surprised him that Chad still battled the small incident. He obviously had a deeper rooted problem with that event than what he’d led on to.

‘I want to leave. Can we go?’

‘Hey… we barely just got here.’

‘But I can’t stand him.’

Refusing to leave Tristan’s side, Chad stood in the sheltered position.

‘You don’t even know him.’ Trying to spot the so called enemy in the room, Tristan chuckled.

‘I know enough.’

‘Don’t you think you’re overreacting just a tiny bit right now?’

There was no reply. Until Tristan felt a faint breath at his neck.

 ‘….hhh-’uh’GTXtsch!-Tsch! ….excushhh-uh’Gnuextsch!!!scho-GNxts!!!’scho…’

A light shudder met his back. Tristan silently groaned. The consistency of indulging temptations were getting out of hand and in need of some form of absolution. He entwined his fingers together and let rest them rest right in front.

‘Bless you… what’s causing you to sneeze?’ He asked out of pure politeness. Since he already knew the answer.

‘Thank you.’

The sound of the crumbling tissue encircled, followed by constant sniffles.

‘…I think it’s the air in here. It reminds me of a smoking room, but in the seventies.’

‘How would you know anything about that?’ Tristan grinned.

‘I have an imagination, don’t I..?’

Chad responded softly as a tender bump met his neck from behind. ‘…ugh my nose.’ He complained softly and Tristan realized that Chad was using the spot as a form of a blockade to stop his nose from itching.  

Tristan had to wonder if Chad had any idea of what he was doing. And in public, too. To Tristan, the expressed intimacy could have been compared to a full out make out session.

‘…oh, I’m sorry.’ Chad excused himself and at the same time the caress stopped and vanished just as fast as it’d started.

‘…you could, uh, you know, try blowing your nose?’ Tristan suggested, clearing his throat.

‘…yea. Maybe.’

Though stubborn, Chad did not make any attempt of following Tristan’s suggestion.

Diverting the subject, Tristan faced them together. ‘So where is this guy? Is he still around?’

‘I don’t know,’ Chad replied with a thoughtful sniffle. The nostrils at the nose shaped in a rosy hue. ‘…he disappeared. Maybe he’s in the bathroom.’

‘Yea. Or he decided to leave.’

‘That’s highly unlikely…’ With another sniffle, Chad rubbed one finger beneath the nostrils. And a light blush met his cheeks when he realized the procedure released a wet squishy sound. ‘…perhaps I need to blow my nose after all.’ He timidly admitted.

‘….yea.’ Finally. Tristan thoughtfully felt relieved.

Looking around the area, Chad then walked over to the huge white cardboards that were stationed in the far off corner. Tristan followed. But not too close. He watched as Chad slipped behind it. After a while, an extremely firm, rather loud gurgling noise came from the background. Tristan picked up the phone and started scrolling. He didn’t want to display any awkwardness by just standing there like an idiot.



The exploding stifled sneezes came fast and urgently. Darting the eyes towards the corner, the harsh fit continued.


Wetly and violent the sneezes kept coming. And by the sound of it, extremely itchy and desperate for a release.

‘Babe? What’s happening?’

‘…eh’RESChoo!! … Hh, hhhhh… uh’WRESCH!!’scho…. …ah’EITSCH’gnx!!-ha’GNXs!’Gnhsx!’GNXThh!!!’uschooo…’

Tristan sneaked behind the cardboards. Chad was standing with tears in his eyes and the crumbled tissue pressed so hard at the nose it exposed bunny wrinkles.

‘Sweetie, are you okay?’

‘Noohh-hh….’ He build up rapidly, lightly shaking his head. Lowering the tissue, revealing the intensity of the flared glistening nostrils with a concentration of a build-up that was begging for mercy.  ‘…hhhhh-Uh’WASCHschoo!!’ He snapped forward roughly. ‘…ugh, my goodness..., it’s… hhhh, hhhhh...-‘

Observantly, Tristan became aware of the dusty shelves and old frames that were hidden away behind the divider. Thinking that it was strange that Chad hadn’t even seen the thick layers. It was his allergy after all. But he also comprehended the struggle of always keeping the different allergens a part.  

‘Let’s remove ourselves from here.’ He beckoned, grabbing Chad by the arm but he stood utterly still with a painful pre-sneeze expression.

‘Uh’HRGNIxtscho!-Tsch!-uh-TSCHxscho!! …oh.…’ Chad paused again with a helpless motion. Another sneeze built up without reluctance. Tears trickled down his cheeks and the poor nostrils flared in and out. ‘…hh, hhh yEITSCHo!! Oh goodness. Eitsch!!’scho-Wrascheo!-WRASCHoo!!! …oh.’

‘Aw baby, bless you.’

‘…thank you.’ Chad sniffled miserably, replacing the damp tissue at the nose.


Pulling Chad within the arms, Tristan made sure he felt protected and not embarrassed. He led them into a more private space where Chad would feel more at ease.

Chad kept stifling the rest of sneezes into Tristan’s shoulder. Using him as the shield that he needed in a time of emergency.

uh’GNxstch!’scho…’ Finishing off slowly, Chad’s demeanor was nothing but pure exhaustion. It was a long time ago since Tristan had witnessed him in an allergy attack of such magnitude.

‘You okay…?’ He gently slid his fingers through the softness of Chad’s hair. Looking down at his shirt he couldn’t help but notice the rather wet spot left by Chad’s intensive fit.

‘…heh, yea. Barely.’ A light but still self-conscious giggle came through the parted lips. He sniffled thickly. The nose completely stuffed up. ‘I’m so sorry. It just came over me.’

‘Aw my precious baby boy.’

‘Baby boy..?’ The ocean eyes gazed at him with wonder when they squinted. Gradually forming a deep frown. ‘...ugh.... I don’t know if I’m, uh going-hh to sneeze again’hh… or not.’ Chad expressed with an alarming wavering breath.

Tristan kissed his cheek lovingly. It was so smooth and lovely to the touch.

‘…you’re…’ He sniffled in a clogged up breath. ‘…incredibly sweet.’ His voice hit a quiet quiver. The poor nostrils were flaring again, but Tristan managed not to stare.

‘…eh’Ghhn’utscho!!’ He finally let out with a fairly bent waist, the harshness released against the floor. ‘...okay… that’s… hh, hhhhh…. uh’AWREASChoo!! oh… enough.’

‘Bless you babe.’ Unable to resist, Tristan kissed Chad’s cheek once more after he regained posture.

‘…thank you so much.’ Chad glanced at him warmly. His cheeks and nose flushed red. ‘...just what I needed.’ He added in a tender but tedious sense.

‘You mean..?’

‘…the sincerity and gentleness. I love it.’ Chad explained in a stuffed up voice. ‘And I’m still very thankful that you don’t find me disgusting during these… unfortunate moments.’

‘I could never.’

‘Maybe.’ Chad shrugged with tired shoulders.

‘Ready to leave?’

‘Yea…’ He agreed with another deep sniffle. ‘I think it’s for the better.’




Edited by Candy Dust
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I'm really early to reply but I guess we were on the forum at the exact same time lmao 😭😭 I'm so happy to see that you're back again, and I'm so sorry for everything that you've been through recently, but your mindset is so admirable and I'm glad you can find some inspiration and comfort within these characters and the chapters you write. 

This chapter was so unbelievably good, it really captured everything I love and was very relateable to me 😆. The constant distraction from Chad's sniffles reminded me of myself whenever someone I like starts sniffling and I'm just BEGGING them to sneeze. It also made me laugh when Chad once again recognised that guy from the theatre, I dont think he'll ever let that moment go. 

It was crazy because whilst reading I got inspired and was going to ask you to write something about Tristan shielding Chad when he sneezes, more specifically stifles because you know how I feel about those haha, and then I read on a little bit and there it was 😫. That scene had to be one of my favourites that I've read in this whole series and I can only hope for more intimate moments like that, maybe next time in the privacy of their own home with just the two of them. Even the description of the little wet patch Chad left on Tristan's shirt was so incredible to me.

Finally, I am enjoying Tristan's hesitancy to ask Chad to blow his nose, and I'd love for this to continue because I'm a sucker for sensitive Chad and wouldn't mind seeing him a bit embarrassed about the whole subject and actually blowing his nose, no matter the situation 🥲

Thank you do much for returning to this, as you can tell from this essay I've written I am so in love with your writing, and I'll look forward to much more that will hopefully come soon ❤️


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On 8/29/2024 at 12:33 PM, dwaekki said:

I'm really early to reply but I guess we were on the forum at the exact same time lmao 😭😭 I'm so happy to see that you're back again, and I'm so sorry for everything that you've been through recently, but your mindset is so admirable and I'm glad you can find some inspiration and comfort within these characters and the chapters you write. 

This chapter was so unbelievably good, it really captured everything I love and was very relateable to me 😆. The constant distraction from Chad's sniffles reminded me of myself whenever someone I like starts sniffling and I'm just BEGGING them to sneeze. It also made me laugh when Chad once again recognised that guy from the theatre, I dont think he'll ever let that moment go. 

It was crazy because whilst reading I got inspired and was going to ask you to write something about Tristan shielding Chad when he sneezes, more specifically stifles because you know how I feel about those haha, and then I read on a little bit and there it was 😫. That scene had to be one of my favourites that I've read in this whole series and I can only hope for more intimate moments like that, maybe next time in the privacy of their own home with just the two of them. Even the description of the little wet patch Chad left on Tristan's shirt was so incredible to me.

Finally, I am enjoying Tristan's hesitancy to ask Chad to blow his nose, and I'd love for this to continue because I'm a sucker for sensitive Chad and wouldn't mind seeing him a bit embarrassed about the whole subject and actually blowing his nose, no matter the situation 🥲

Thank you do much for returning to this, as you can tell from this essay I've written I am so in love with your writing, and I'll look forward to much more that will hopefully come soon ❤️


Thank you so much, your words are deeply appreciated. 💗 I do find some inspiration and comfort creating their story and I have to say that your encouragement is truly helpful. It's quite amazing that we were at the forum and at the same time since I hadn't logged in for quite long. What are the odds? lol

I'm so glad the chapter was to your liking and relatable. I suppose there are quite many of us here who are extra attentive when someone we're fond of starts sniffling. 🫠

Wow, your favourite scene from all the chapters? I'm very happy to hear that.

Chad truly struggles with the nose blowing and I don't know if he'll ever feel entirely comfortable doing it. Even if it just in Tristan's presence.

I hope this next coming chapter will be amusing. It's a continuance from the exhibition and will be more intimate and homely. 🥰 Thank you so much once again, your support means more than you know.




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Posted (edited)

(A small warning for mess.)





During the car ride back, Chad was quieter than normal. Except for the occasional sniffle which never subsided. Gazing out the window, he kept a pensive look on his face.

They came home and Chad removed the blazer and slouched down on the couch.

‘Everything okay..?’

Tristan finally asked. Wanting to know what was really bothering him.

‘I’m alright.’ He responded. Bringing the wrist to the pinkish nose and massaged the tip gently.

‘How about we take the day off and rest for a while? We could continue with movie we started the night before?’ Tristan suggested kindly.

‘That sounds heavenly.’ A faint smile spread across Chad’s lips.


Tristan slumped down on the sofa beside Chad. Gazing into his eyes, searching for any shades of troubles.

‘What..?’ Chad broke the connection and started fidgeting with the nail at the thumb.

‘You’re not upset about what happened earlier, right? Cause that wasn’t your fault, at all.’

A calmer tendency grasped Chad’s energy.

‘…I’m trying not to let it get to me.’

‘Just leave it behind. Doesn’t matter anymore. We’re at home now and what’s done been done.’

‘M’hm…’ Chad joined in Tristan’s set of mindset. ‘I’ll try not to think about it.’


Chad scrunched his nose and gave it frequent rubs. Notes of frustration were expressed as Tristan observed him closing the nose and using the thumb and index finger to give it several rough squeezes.

‘Can I get you anything?’

‘…no.’ He sniffled again with a strained demeanor. ‘…thank you. Let’s just watch the movie.’



As Tristan clicked on the movie, Chad snuggled into Tristan’s shoulder. Finding a closer spot at the chest.

‘Mmmm...’ He sighed in a congested tone.

‘Okay..?’ Tristan asked silently, sliding his fingers at the top of Chad’s head.

‘…very okay.’


A couple of minutes passed. The soft sniffles had becoming much wetter sounding and Chad occasionally used Tristan’s shirt for his nose to bathe in to stop it from itching.

In the comfort of their home, Tristan welcomed the enjoyable intimacy and felt himself relax with a sense of arousal as his arm lovingly cradled over Chad’s shoulder, his hand resting above the waist.

‘…hh, hhh…’

Tristan immediately felt the gentle hitch. Moving in position, Chad buried his face deeper onto the already affected shit.

hhhhh… uh’KN’xtsch!!-Knextsch!! …uh-Gnx!-GNXHh!-GNrftsch!! …goodness.’

Jolting pressures escalated and a warm mist met the touch of Tristan’s skin through thin fabric.

‘Bless you baby.’

‘…Ktxtisch!!!!’schoo… ugh. Thank you.’ Chad sniffled moistly, his focus returning back at the screen.

Tending to the softness of Chad’s hair, he couldn’t help but overlooking the notion of Chad’s chest heaving. The pinkish nostrils widening to the utmost edge.

‘…ugh, hh…. uh’Asch’gnxhh!!-uh… ’ He stifled downwards, urgently cupping his hand over the mouth. ‘…hu’Eitsch!!’Gnxtsch!!’tschu-Tschu!!-ah’WRAGHNXtsch!!… Jesus.’

‘Bless you so much.’

‘Thank you. Sorry.’ Sniffling, Chad required further closeness. Rubbing the nose into the sheer clothing. He didn’t seemed to mind the wet patch forming for inexplicable reasons. A notion that Tristan valued. ‘I’m sorry. I’m really trying to be quiet.’ He apologized instead.

‘It’s okay.’

‘…ugh.’ Chad sighed again. His fingers traveling up to Tristan’s stomach. Cuddling and pressing his face into the shirt that he was now using uninhibitedly. ‘Uh’K’erxtsch!!!!!’ The pressured outburst probably harsher than intended.

‘Bless you.’

‘Tha... hh, hhh, uh’GN’iTSCH’KNX!!!’ His whole body rocked into Tristan’s while his fingers clung at the shirt for a sense of stability. ‘….oh. So sorry.’

Tristan pulled Chad closer and leaned in, allowing their lips to meet.

‘…you sure you’re okay..?’

He asked between the tender kisses. Chad nodded, a wet and noisy sniffle coming from the nose.

Demanding more, Tristan grabbed Chad by the neck, extending and deepening the kiss. Chad responded willingly, allowing his lips to part and inviting Tristan's tongue inside the hot mouth. Though unable to breathe properly through the nose, Chad coped with it by using his mouth. Leaving him in a moist congested sound as the tongues danced together.

‘…ugnh…’ Chad uttered softly and Tristan assumed he was moaning, until a warm string of wet liquid met the very spot right above his upper lip.

Chad was quick to pull away, shielding one hand over the two lines of see-through wetness that were running down the vulnerable nose. He looked beyond embarrassed.

‘Hey it’s okay.’

Tristan attested rapidly, but Chad had frozen in a humiliated posture.

He’d said it was okay and truthfully, he sincerely meant it. A little mess never hurt anyone and he was sort of ecstatic from the unique experience. He’d never been exposed to such a daring act and even though it was unintentional, he found the moment quite devoting yet exceptional. Especially from Chad who formally carried himself so elegantly and orderly.

Tears filled up within Chad’s mortified eyes. ‘Oh my God.’ He rose from the couch.

‘Chad… don’t be upset.’ Tristan pleaded, wiping off the mouth with the back of his hand. But before he could say anything else, Chad darted out the room.

‘Chad..? It’s okay..!’ Tristan shouted after him.

A door slammed shut, echoing in the house.



Tristan stood by the bathroom door. Knocking on it several times.

‘Chad, babe..?’

There was no reply.

‘Sweetie? It is okay, I don’t mind. Really.’

The noise from Chad blowing his nose slipped right through. The sound of it incredibly strict and harsh.

‘Sweetie. I’m coming in, okay?’

The silent treatment continued so Tristan stepped inside.


‘Don’t look at me.’ Chad voiced desperately as soon as the door opened.

‘I won’t.’

He blew his nose once more with his back turned. Making sure the fluid emptied. Drying the nose off and throwing the used tissue into the trash, Chad sat down on the toilet lid.

‘I’m sorry.’ He said in defenseless tone. Stroking some tears off the cheeks, he was sniffling again already.

‘Please don’t be. I don’t mind, I-‘

‘But I do!’


‘I’m formal, decent - okay?’ His voice quivered. ‘I don’t do stuff like that.’

‘Like what? We were watching a movie and having a great time. That’s all I know.’

‘I don’t make such a mess…’ Chad looked down. Shoulders down and defeated.

‘I don’t mind a little mess here and there.’

‘…‘a little mess’..? I was practically dripping on you.’ He argued, trying to tuck away some hair behind the ear, which kept falling back at the eyes.

‘So? Clearly I don’t care.’ Tristan crossed his arms by making a strong point.

‘You’re really sure about that..?’


Chad sniffled again and reached for a new tissue. ‘I am sorry though. I’d never do it on purpose.’

‘I know that sweetie.’

Chad looked up and met his eyes.

‘So you weren’t repulsed..?’



‘I promise.’

Sadness still captured Chad’s expression as more droplets fell from his eyes.

‘Hey come here baby.’

Tristan reached for Chad’s slender hand and pulled them into an embrace.

‘Don’t be upset.’ He whispered, kissing him cheek by cheek. The loving touch only seemed to stir a turmoil of emotions as Chad started weeping.

‘Babe… why are you so upset.’

Tristan consoled. Worried that Chad might be carrying more baggage than what he’d confessed to.

‘I never want to be thought of careless or some ungracious idiot.’ He sniffled wetly and parted from Tristan,  wiping and rubbing at the nose with the tissue. ‘…I’m trying so hard to be a respectable. I want to be honorable.’


Dragging Chad back within the arms, he held him with tightly. ‘…don’t worry.’ Choosing the words elaborately, Tristan understood that whatever he said at the moment were crucial. ‘…I love you. There’s nothing you can do that I’ll reject or find obnoxious.’ Tristan caressed some of the tears away with his fingertips.

‘Mm….’ Chad’s eyes narrowed with a clear hint of skepticism.

‘It’s the truth.’

Stepping away from Tristan once again, Chad placed the tissue over the nose with both hands.

‘Excuse me.’

He sniffled into the paper, then brought it down. Pausing momentarily with a fazed articulation. Then squeezing the eyes shut, inhaling in small, quickened breaths.

‘…uh’knggh!!-uh’gnxh!-‘ha’htsch!!!’’ha’gnHHh!!’uschu…’ He snapped into the well prepared tissues. Lowering them from his face, he glanced over at Tristan then darted the eyes in another direction. He sniffled. Softly bringing the tissues back at the nose. ‘…I need a few moments in private... Is that okay?’ He asked quietly.

‘Of course. Take your time.’

‘Thank you.’

Tristan left Chad in peace, but from a spiritual intuition, something told him that Chad wasn’t really okay after all.



Edited by Candy Dust
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Aah omg! I loved this so so much 😭 Thank you for always taking such care when reading my comments and also whilst writing such incredible chapters, I dont know how you do it ❤️❤️ 

I adore Chad's stifles so much and I loved seeing him so much more comfortable to sneeze on Tristan in the privacy of their own home. I loved how he seemed to be feeling a bit more daring until the obvious happened and then he went back to being such a sensitive sweetheart. I think I would react the same way I'd that happened to me 😭😭 My heart melted when Tristan immediately went into being SUCH an amazing and reassuring boyfriend, he is really amazing at consoling Chad. 

The ending has got me very excited for more, I can't wait to see many more emotions and comforting scenes from both of these 2 ❤️

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Love the update.  I think Tristan needs to share with Chad how much it meant to him when Chad held the Kleenex when he was crying and ask if he can take care of Chad in that way.  And Chad needs to understand, just like he feels for Tristan, we love our partners for sharing their vulnerabilities with us and letting us care for them- knowing we are the only one

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I love these 2 more and more! Your writing is so good! I can’t wait for the next update!!

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On 8/31/2024 at 7:02 PM, dwaekki said:

Aah omg! I loved this so so much 😭 Thank you for always taking such care when reading my comments and also whilst writing such incredible chapters, I dont know how you do it ❤️❤️ 

I adore Chad's stifles so much and I loved seeing him so much more comfortable to sneeze on Tristan in the privacy of their own home. I loved how he seemed to be feeling a bit more daring until the obvious happened and then he went back to being such a sensitive sweetheart. I think I would react the same way I'd that happened to me 😭😭 My heart melted when Tristan immediately went into being SUCH an amazing and reassuring boyfriend, he is really amazing at consoling Chad. 

The ending has got me very excited for more, I can't wait to see many more emotions and comforting scenes from both of these 2 ❤️

Thank you so much! 🥰 Chad has started to be more daring, testing out Tristan boundaries little by little. At the same time figuring out his own limits. But with apparent regret, too. And it's sweet you'd both have the same reaction. Tristan, being torn between emotions and keeping himself together will continue to do his best being the tending boyfriend since he truly loves Chad with all his heart. 🤍 Love your comments and more is coming right up.


On 8/31/2024 at 7:39 PM, Privatedancer said:

Love the update.  I think Tristan needs to share with Chad how much it meant to him when Chad held the Kleenex when he was crying and ask if he can take care of Chad in that way.  And Chad needs to understand, just like he feels for Tristan, we love our partners for sharing their vulnerabilities with us and letting us care for them- knowing we are the only one

Thank you. 🥰 I do agree, but the thing with Tristan is that every kind of sentiment is hard for him to express. So even if he feels that way, it'd be hard for him to let Chad know. Though little by little, he is opening up to every aspect of every emotion that'd kept to himself for so long. Chad on the other hand, has no problem dealing with emotions but he is afraid of what they might do to Tristan. So naturally he is holding back. Thank you so much for your insightful input.


On 9/1/2024 at 11:36 PM, WishUponAUnicorn said:

Lovely update Thankyou!

So nice to see a new reader to their adventure together. 🥰 Thank you so much.


On 9/2/2024 at 3:33 AM, RipleyToo said:

I love these 2 more and more! Your writing is so good! I can’t wait for the next update!!

That is so nice to hear. 🤍 Thank you, I truly appreciate it.



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(This chapter consist of some adult moments. Never breached though.)




After a while, Chad came out the bathroom. He’d showered and was dressed in a white robe. The eyes were still glassy and red from crying. Keeping a tissue within his hand, he went inside the bedroom with a shrunken posture.

‘…you’re going to bed already?’ Tristan asked, standing by the door frame.

‘I’m sorry. I’m tired.’


He lay in the bed and Tristan got in there with him right from behind.

‘What’s going on with you..?’ He asked softly. The robe had fallen slightly from Chad’s shoulder and Tristan let his fingers slide at the naked skin.

‘Just… tired.’

‘Is there anything you need? I can make you some tea.’ Tristan let his lips grace at the smoothness.

‘Oh no thank you. But it’s very sweet of you to offer.’

‘I’ve read somewhere that love making is a very good remedy for any type of sleeping disorder…’ He joked, trying to lighten the mood.

And it sort of worked since he noted a soft chuckle.

‘….you’re lying.’ Chad muffled a smile, sniffling into the tissue.

‘…well, yea, you caught me.’

‘You’re so silly…’

Chad turned in the bed and faced him.


For a moment they were gazing quietly at each other in the dim lit room. Admiring Chad’s beauty with the beautiful expressive eyes that he adored, his eyes traveled down to the gorgeous nose and whilst furthering eyeing the lovely lips. It got him wondering how he'd ever end up so lucky. Chad, being the first and only guy he’d ever want to sharing his life with. The only one he’d ever felt comfortable enough sharing his private thoughts and secrets with. The fetish being among them.

‘What are you thinking of..?’ Chad asked carefully. Reaching out and sliding a finger across Tristan’s jawline.

‘About you.’

The revelation seemed to light up Chad’s mood momentarily as he cuddled closer.

‘What about me..?’ He asked with a subdued sniffle.

 ‘…about…’ Tristan cleared the throat. ‘…well, you know…’ He hesitated. Still carrying an immense indecision of baring his soul and exposing any type of sensitivity. Afraid of any consequences it might bring.


‘I was just thinking that… next time something happens that’ll leave you feeling upset…’

‘…you mean, about… what just happened?’ Chad wondered softly.



‘I want you to know that I’m here for you… and I never want you to feel shame or embarrassment around me.’

A light redness found Chad’s cheekbones. The reaction was sweet and surprising.

‘…I’ll take care of you. In every way.’ Tristan added.

‘You will..?’ Chad replied with a light sniff, becoming emotional from Tristan’s speech of sincerity.

‘Of course babe. I got you.’

Tears began to trickle down Chad’s cheeks.

‘You got me..?’ He sniffled as he repeated Tristan’s sentence like a mantra.

‘Yea. You know this already.’

‘…I’m sorry.’

‘Stop sayin’ that. Just don’t run away next time. Stay with me and we’ll figure it out, together, okay?’

It seemed like a ton of pressure released itself from Chad’s shoulders as a wonderful smile graced his lips. Combined with the tearful eyes it was a beautiful sight.

‘…okay.’ He blinked as more tears followed.  ‘God, Tristan… I love you so much.’ He snuggled with his arm around him. His head back at Tristan’s chest. The spot that he adored and felt safe in.

‘I love you too baby.’

‘I just want to be perfect for you.’ The voice muffled as his arm tightened around Tristan’s body.

‘You already are sweetie. And it’s time for you to finally realize that.’

‘I’ll try.’ He sniffled in a frequent fashion. ‘I mean I will.’

‘That’s better…’

Tristan felt lighter too, seeing Chad in a much better state.

The sound of Chad’s wet sniffles proceeded. And after a day filled with all kinds of sneezy encounters, Tristan finally had enough of uncontrollable and overwhelming emotions. Without a second thought, he reached for Chad’s hand and the tissue which was being held tightly. Removing it from Chad’s fingers, he noted the dampness in the material at his fingertips.

With affection, he used the tissues over the nose that he considered perfection.

Ardent though tender, he urged Chad to blow.


Entirely out his comfort zone, Chad’s motions stiffened.

‘Go ahead. Don’t be shy. I want to do this.’

Blushing and avoiding Tristan’s watchful energy, Chad closed his eyes then squeezed them tightly shut. The tissue filled up quickly whilst Tristan held onto to the paper tenderly, dedicating himself to the task.  They were lying so close together, every small breath from Chad met Tristan’s skin like the sweetest caress.


‘…thank you.’

Chad looked on timidly as Tristan wiped his nose off and folded the tissue into a ball, before letting it fall to the floor.

‘…you were so committed doing that. Very gracious. Like a billowing cloud.’ Chad spoke thoughtfully, seemingly impressed by the procedure.

‘I’m happy to assist.’ Tristan winked.

‘…and I’m thankful. I like the gesture, it's uhm... almost romantic.’ He admitted with a bashful giggle.

‘Romantic?’ Crooking one brow, Tristan felt intrigued.

‘…yea in some kind of way?’


Chad cleared the throat, then sniffed in a prominent notion. The nostrils flared urgently.

‘…ugh, I sometimes sneeze after, hh… nose blowing.’ He reasoned with a faint squint embracing the eyes.

Tristan only nodded with a gentle smile. He had to wonder why Chad found it essential to explain the matters that’d already been realized.

‘Eh’Ktsch’scho!-‘ He snapped into the hands which were brought up swiftly. The sound incredibly harsh and pressured.

‘Bless you.’

‘…eh’Eitschew!! -‘

‘Bless you sweetie.’

‘…hh’Eisch’knxt!!-K’ntsch!!-eh’GNXt!!!’tsch’oh… thank you. Please excuse me.’

Most of the sneezes were caught and shielded. Except for some fine droplets which stimulated Tristan’s skin like the faint drizzle in spring. Unknowing of the effect, Chad build up once more.

Changing in position, he brought the pillow closer to his face. ‘…hh, hhhh… hh-ha’WREASCHschuoumm!!!!’ He desperately lurched into it. ‘…goodness. Sorry. I felt it was going to be big one from the start.’ With a faint smile, Chad sniffled a little embarrassed.

Unable to contain himself any longer, Tristan capitulated under the power of arousal.

After a day of being around constant sniffling, impeccable harsh sneezing fits and even an entirely new encounter to mess, Tristan had reached the breaking point. And he acted on it.

Placing one hand to Chad’s chest, he pushed himself upon him, straddling himself on top. The action blunt and dominant and when he looked into Chad’s eyes he appeared bewildered.

Tristan pressed his lips against Chad’s mouth, his hand roaming down over his chest, feeling Chad responding and relaxing under his command. Disrobing him, he absorbed every inch of Chad’s body as the frequent sniffles continued.




The next morning Tristan woke up to a happy whistling tune coming from the kitchen. Chad was obviously in an exceptional mood.

Spending some time in the bathroom, showering and getting ready, Tristan reached for the favorite cologne and sprayed it all over his neck. Waiting for his nose to react from the fragrance, it didn’t take long for it to take effect.

‘Hu’Raschoo!! …Hat’schuo!!’

‘Good morning and bless you honey.’ Chad popped his head inside. ‘Is it the cologne again?’

‘….hh’ah’Atscheo!! ….ugh, what else.’ Tristan sniffed, gazing at himself in the mirror.

‘…bless you honey. You know, I was so excited last night I couldn’t sleep. So instead I did some googling.’

‘Is that so?’

Tristan only listened with half an ear, contemplating whether to shave or not.

‘Yea and I searched most things regarding your interest.’

‘Say what?’

He glanced in Chad’s direction.

‘Your fetish. Sneezing.’

‘Yea?’ His forehead wrinkled. ‘Okay. Why?’

‘I have to confess I’ve done it before but it was months ago and I basically only got some fundamental information back then. In contrast to this time.’

‘Uh, okay?’

‘…yea. There’s so much going on with this fetish and it’s like divided into categories, like selections.’ Speaking enthusiastically, he visualized with his hands. ‘It’s not just sneezing, it’s like a whole lifestyle.’

‘Uh… I know that?’

Chad blushed from Tristan’s answer.

‘Oh of course you do. I’m sorry. I just got so caught up in it.’

‘Okay… and?’

‘Just that I find it fascinating…’ Chad replied a little modest.


‘…I read about observations and how to induce someone to sneeze.’ Chad continued more calmly.

‘Oh yea?’

Tristan liked that Chad was taking an interest in his fetish and giving it so much attention, but despite all that, he felt awkward for talking about it so openly.

‘Yea. Have you ever written an observation about me?’ Chad wondered with an odd expression.

‘Uh… no.’

No?’ Chad put his hands on his hips.

‘No. Uh, what? You want me to?’

‘Nooooo… or I don’t know.' He gave a quick scratch at the cheek. 'I also came across different sound clips of people sneezing while searching. Would you like for me to do that for you?’

‘Uh… what?’

Feeling a distinctive heat in his cheeks, Tristan turned away from Chad and began to rinse the hands off by the sink.

‘Like… record myself for you, sneezing? I’d be happy to do it. And you could listen to it and tell me what you think?’

‘What I’d think?’ Drying the hands off with a towel, Tristan struggled to cool off and getting rid of the unwelcoming blush.

‘Yea. Of how I sound of course. And, you could like, rate it or something?’ Chad appeared quite excited over the proposal.

‘Shit I don’t know.’

‘I’d like that.’ Chad said with a serious tone.

‘…uh well then it’s your call, I guess.’

With a shrug, Tristan left the bathroom and Chad was quick to follow.

‘I’m not going to do it if you’re not going to have a listen to it.’ He said as they reached the kitchen.

‘If you decide to do it, I’ll listen, okay?’ Having enough of the intimate subject, Tristan poured himself a cup from the coffeemaker.

‘Okay. Good.’

A tender kiss met his cheek.



Edited by Candy Dust
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Chad is so lovely even if sometimes he might unknowingly push Tristan a bit too fast or far out of his comfort zone. We've seen some little conflicts about this before so I wonder of this will result in one of those again or if Tristan will try and be a little more accepting and less apprehensive now that his character seems to have developed. I'm glad that he is enjoying Chad's interest and research into the fetish so far, but I have a feeling he still has some boundaries that he isn't willing to cross. 

I once again loved the scene with the nose blowing, whenever this happens it's almost like they have switched characters, with Tristan being the gentle, delicate one and Chad being the unsure and defensive one. 

I was also pleasantly surprised with how casually you slipped Tristan's aftershave sneezes into this chapter, it was such a great addition to all of Chad's cute little sneezes amongst this installment. 

Thank you for updating, as always I will be excitedly waiting for more!

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What a great update!  Can’t wait to see them explore the fetish more!

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