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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Chad and Tristan (mxm)

Candy Dust

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I love the realistic-ness of how you write your characters. I love seeing their ups and downs, it what makes for a wonderful story and growth of characters. Poor Chad just wants to live normally without looking or sounding gross to outsiders and Tristen doesn’t want Chad to change because of how outsiders view Chad, it’s just gold! I’ll be waiting for the next update if there is one! 

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On 7/15/2024 at 1:09 AM, dwaekki said:

I have a feeling Chad might have done that on purpose at the end there... 

On one hand I can understand Tristan's perspective because I wouldn't want my partners sneezes to end but I also feel for Chad because he is always caught in the worst situations. I think I would want relief as well 😭. I hope these two work through their frustrations one way or another, and get back to being the lovely couple that they are again.

Also, Tristan's thought process at the beginning was so precious, how no matter how differently he may feel, his top priority is always Chad and making him feel as happy as possible. That's such a respectable trait and I hope he can express that more directly in the future, without letting his emotions or anger interrupt. This is a massive learning and development curve for him but I love to follow it through all of these chapters. I'm exited it to see where you take this next ❤️

Wait... what, how did you know?! 😮 The act wasn't even that evident lol. It amazes me how much you're able to understand these chapters and these two characters! 🤗

I wouldn't want my partner to stop sneezing either, 🫠 so I truly understand Tristan's view too. But... yes, the situation is frustrating for Chad and his feelings about it are all over the place. In order for their relationship to flourish, they must hit some obstacles on the road but that's what makes their bond stronger. Chad is truly one of Tristan's biggest weaknesses. 🥰Thank you so sooo much. 🤍

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On 7/15/2024 at 9:17 PM, RipleyToo said:

I love the realistic-ness of how you write your characters. I love seeing their ups and downs, it what makes for a wonderful story and growth of characters. Poor Chad just wants to live normally without looking or sounding gross to outsiders and Tristen doesn’t want Chad to change because of how outsiders view Chad, it’s just gold! I’ll be waiting for the next update if there is one! 

That is truly one of the kindest compliments you could have given me. I truly want my writing to feel real and realistic and through that be able to bring life into these characters. That's what I'm always trying to convey cause there's a lot of emotions put into it. Especially with these two because they'd grown so much and stayed with me for the longest of time. So thank you. 🤍 It means so incredibly much.

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They were seated comfortably, waiting for the show to begin. It was quite a spectacular theater they were located at and Tristan found himself eyeing the details of golden sculptures and the huge chandelier in the middle of the high ceiling.

The thick curtain, hiding the scene with the luscious red velvet, spoke to him curiously. Whilst reflectively thinking of adding something similar to their bedroom, an attractive noise caught his ear.

EhKetschu! AhKatschio!’

At first, he thought it was Chad going off to his left, when he realized it came from the man sitting at his right. The sound so similar, it totally confused him at first.


 ‘Are you going to sneeze again?’ The woman asked, seated next to the man. There was no reply until the man exploded.

‘eh’Ketsccho!! Hhhhh-ah’etzschoo!! Hhhh-eh’e’iztscheo!!’

Tristan had to confess to himself that the sound was rather tasteful as the tone kept reminding him of Chad’s sneezes. Which was an exceptional rarity. It even compelled him to say something.

‘Bless you.’

He decided to be polite.

‘Oh man thanks.’ The guy replied with a thankful expression. ‘Sorry my allergies are killing me.’ He gave a quick chuckle with a deep sniffle.

‘That’s alright. I know it can be quite difficult.’

‘Yea, tell me about it. You should see me during the ragweed season, uh hhh… oh man here it comes again.’ The man hid his face into the crook of his elbow and let out another sneezing fit.

‘Bless you again.’

‘T-thanks ah’Etzschioo!! …a lot!’


A soft nudge met his left shoulder.


‘What was that?’ Chad hissed quietly to his left.


‘You’re, like, endlessly blessing him?’

Chad inquired with a troubled expression.

‘Well he kept sneezing?’

‘Since when do you bless strangers?’

‘Are you serious right now?’

Their eyes interlocked. Tristan found it hard to keep a straight face.

‘It’s not funny…’

The connection broke as Chad looked elsewhere.

‘You’re seriously accusing me for blessing someone?’

‘It wasn’t just a blessing. It was personal. Intimate.’ He voiced silently.

‘Chad… stop. You’re acting all crazy.’

‘Don’t underestimate my feelings. I heard you.’

‘You heard what exactly?’

‘The way you said it wasn’t casual. It was likeable. Like you meant every word of it…’ Chad sniffed.

The anger that once bubbled inside of him, transformed into sadness behind his eyes.

‘…babe, I was only trying to be polite.’

Chad blinked whilst clearing his throat. Directing his attention back at the stage.

They sat in silence for a couple of minutes. The man to Tristan’s right finally stopped sneezing. Tristan fished up his phone and started scrolling.


‘…I apologize. I didn’t mean to get so upset.’ Chad sniffled again.


‘…it was silly of me and I can’t really explain why I felt so strongly about it.’

‘It’s fine, Chad, really. I’ve already forgotten about it.’

‘…just don’t...-’

Tristan looked up from the phone and met Chad’s eyes. An unfamiliar impression seemed to capture them.


‘…no it’s okay.’

The curtains opened and drew to the side and the show began.

‘Let’s discuss this later.’ Tristan sniffed, resting his back at the seat.


The play went on rather smoothly during the first half hour of the show. But instead, a scratchy feeling began to irritate his throat.

Unable to clear it out, he coughed into his fist. Which only hurt his throat further.

A couple of minutes later and out of nowhere, his nose had begun to run.

‘What the hell…’ He whispered, trying to find some Kleenex within the pockets. Even though he knew he never carried any. Nudging Chad’s arm, he leaned to his ear.

‘You got tissues on you?

‘…no. Sorry, it’s in the car.’

‘Shit… okay.’ Tristan sat back the seat with an agitated sniffle.

‘What’s wrong?

‘Nothing. I’m alright.’

‘I can get you some napkins from the restroom?’

‘No… it’s okay. Enjoy the show.’

‘Are you sure though? There’s no problem for me.’

‘It’s alright.’

During the next part of the show, Chad kept looking over, making sure Tristan was okay. The body language sweet, but also annoying. Tristan could take care of himself. A self-proclaimed mantra.



Seated back in the car, Tristan was gradually feeling worse. Instantly reaching for the Kleenex, he blew his nose roughly. The throat had dried up during the show and a sneaky head ache was looming. He’d asked Chad to drive and that instinctively set off Chad into a caretaking mode.

‘Are you getting a cold? You sound a little congested?’

‘I don’t know…’ He sniffled, his nose starting to run again.

‘There’s a lot of colds going around right now.’

‘Yea, you just got over one.’ Clearing his throat, Tristan wiped his nose off with the Kleenex.

‘That’s true… and uhm, about that?’

Chad glanced over nervously.


‘I’ve decided I’m not gonna take the vaccine.’

Chad admitted, keeping his hands on the steering wheel.

‘…hm? You’re not?

‘No… I think I made the decision irrationally, purely based on my inner frustrations and it was wrong of me. I think I can handle a little sneezing now and then…’ He glanced over at Tristan again.

‘Uh… oh, okay.’

‘…and honestly, I don’t mind it. I mean, I do, but… uhm… when my allergies act up around you, I … find it kind of rewarding. I mean, since I uhm… I know you might be into it. I’m not saying you’re into every sneezing fit, okay?’ With a hint of inhibition, he let out a quick giggle. ‘….but I guess just knowing that I can do something that you enjoy truly compensates everything… and that… just makes it all worth it.’ Chad finally managed to explain wholly. Despite feeling unduly embarrassed.

The words spoken had touched Tristan. The thought of losing the secret that they’d shared so confidentially together had somehow felt like a loss and evidently affected him deeper than he thought possible. So the lovable recognition caught him quite emotionally. Which he tried to hide with a grateful smile.

‘…I’m just glad I have the ability to make you… somewhat happy.’ Chad added notably.

‘Chad, you’re making me happy every day…’ Tristan swallowed since talking hurt his throat further. ‘…whether there’s sneezing involved or not. It doesn’t matter.’

Trying to keep his eyes on the road, Chad kept glancing at Tristan. Tears built up in his eyes whilst he sniffled.

‘…you’re everything to me.’ Chad replied with an eased quiver. He didn’t bother holding back when tears trickled down his cheeks.

‘Aw sweetie…’

Tristan almost felt relieved seeing Chad so sensitive, since the attention redirected back at him.

‘…I’m sorry. I’ll shape up.’ Wiping off the wetness with the back of one hand, Chad sniffled once more.

‘You’re wonderful.’ Tristan chuckled uncomfortably, which caused him to cough into his fist.

‘…aw honey you’re really starting to sound terrible. I’ll get us home in a jiffy.’




Tristan groaned stuffily in bed. His nose had started to feel clogged up and a terrible itch was sending him into false starts which made it impossible for him to sleep.

Laying with one arm over Chad, Tristan spooned him from behind. He sniffled thickly. Rubbing his ticklish nose at Chad’s pajamas clothed shoulder.

‘Ugh…’ He groaned again quietly, feeling the itch traveling further up his nose and finally hit the itchiest spot. ‘…uh... hhh-hhh-‘ He rapidly buried his face into the pillow. ‘…Hut’KNgh!! … UhGNXch!! …uuughh…’ The wet stifles almost sent him out of breath.

Chad moved a little with an inaudible mumble. Tristan cleared his throat with a thick sniffle when the sharp tickle in the nose returned.

‘….ugh…’ He moaned, feeling the nostrils flare at the lightly swollen nose from rubbing it so hard. Turning down his head against Chad’s back, he let the tickle form into a torturous completion.

‘Uh’Hatscho!! …uh’Hutschoo!! Ugh…’

‘…is everything okay..?’ Chad asked sleepily when Tristan needed to sneeze again.

‘‘Uh’HRASschu!!! … uuuuugh, Uh’HRUSHh!!’ He jerked against Chad’s body, trying to keep the sneezes from exploding with wetness.

‘…oh honey, bless you.’

Flicking on a dim light, Chad sat up in the bed.  Yawning into his cupped hand.

‘…uuugh… I can’t fucking sleep, my nose is bothering me so bad…’ Tristan whined loudly.

Chad looked at him with a tender affection. Reaching for the nightstand and one pack of the plentiful of Kleenex, he pulled out a bunch of them. Turning back at Tristan he put the tissues gently to his nose. ‘Here you go.’ He said with a tender voice.  Looking at Tristan lovingly, beckoning him to blow.

Too tired to care what really was happening, Tristan accepted Chad’s endearing offer and blew his nose strongly into the tissues.

‘…goodness… awe honey you sound truly awful.’

A light kiss met Tristan’s cheek when tears welled up in his eyes. And he had no idea why.

‘…shit I must sneeze again…’ He groaned when another kiss met his cheek. The tissues were still kept over his nose when he felt his breath starting to hitch once more. ‘uh….hhhhh’HaTschu!! …HUT’Gnxths!!’

‘Bless you so much honey.’

‘Ugh… Chad, you’re too close you’re gonna get sick too.’ Tristan issued in a raspy voice.

‘I’m taking my chances… besides, I don’t think I’ll get sick again after just enduring a cold.’

With a smooth and lovesome touch, Chad wiped off his nose with the used tissue and put it with the rest of the bunch beneath the bed.

It wasn’t until afterwards that Tristan just acknowledged what an impact the caring yet sensual gesture had given him. He sniffled, letting his fingers rub at the nostrils which had just been held by the sweet notion of Chad’s fingers.

‘Does it feel any better?’

Chad’s voice softly wondered.

‘Ugh I don’t know.’


Tristan grasped more tissues and put them to his nose, massaging the bridge of it repeatedly. Trying to squeeze out the tickle from the flaring nostrils.  ‘Useless…’ He hitched once more, deepening his breath. He was just about to sneeze again when fingertips met the very same spot at the nose.

‘…how does that feel?’ Chad asked softly. ‘…helpful?’

Tristan nodded, even though the tickle remained just as strong. The touch of Chad’s fingers at the graze of his nose was one of the most seductive, yet devoted rubs he’d ever experienced.

Slowly closing his eyes, he felt the water that’d formed in his eyes, escaping, then running down his cheeks.

‘My sweetest honey…’ Chad voiced slightly worryingly, as Tristan’s breath build up urgently.

HATCHschu!!’ He sneezed forward and openly. ‘… fuck, hhhhh-Hut’SCHau!!’

‘Bless you… goodness, the sneezes are really violent, how’s your throat?’

‘…harsh.’ He coughed throatily to the side.

Leaning over to the bedside table, Chad returned with a bottle of nasal drops that he gently slid into Tristan’s nostrils, giving it a quick spray in each.

‘It is stinging?’ Chad asked carefully, tucking away some of the hair that’d fallen in Tristan’s face behind the ear.

‘…a little.’ He sniffled thickly.

‘It’ll feel better shortly.’

Cuddling close to his body, Chad lay his head on top of Tristan’s chest, nuzzling his face into his t-shirt. ‘Let’s try to get some sleep…’ He said in a sleepy voice.

‘Thank you baby…’

‘…it’s I who should thank you...’ He yawned again with a quiet sniff, burying his nose into the fabric.

For once, Tristan felt himself relax and was able to drift into a peaceful slumber.




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Aw poor Tristen!! The way Chad got upset when Tristen was blessing another man is so cute I don’t know why lol. 

What if they’re both sick with the same cold? I think that would be so cute! 

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Omg yes sick Tristan!! I actually adored his nighttime fit, the combination of stifles and sneezing against Chad was such a dream cause it combined two of my favourite traits! I'm glad that Tristan is also so appreciative of Chad's sensitive nature because I love it so much. I hope Chad takes good care of him with this cold and we see many more cute moments soon ❤️

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Chad taking care of Tristan = instant melt 🫠. Also Chad's jealousy at Tristan blessing someone else made me laugh. These two are sooooooo cute. I look forward to what happens next ☺️

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On 7/17/2024 at 4:22 PM, RipleyToo said:

Aw poor Tristen!! The way Chad got upset when Tristen was blessing another man is so cute I don’t know why lol. 

What if they’re both sick with the same cold? I think that would be so cute! 

Chad can't help himself and he does struggle a little with tendencies of jealousy lol.

Well that might just happen... 😏 Thank you so much for your lovely comment. 🤍


On 7/18/2024 at 12:15 AM, dwaekki said:

Omg yes sick Tristan!! I actually adored his nighttime fit, the combination of stifles and sneezing against Chad was such a dream cause it combined two of my favourite traits! I'm glad that Tristan is also so appreciative of Chad's sensitive nature because I love it so much. I hope Chad takes good care of him with this cold and we see many more cute moments soon ❤️

When Tristan gets sick he's feels really sick and has a hard time dealing with it like most guys lol. Awe I'm glad I could unintentionally combine that. 🥰 Tristan will always be open to Chad's emotional side, even if he doesn't (most of the time) doesn't understand it. 🤍


On 7/19/2024 at 7:54 PM, 2SHY222 said:

Chad taking care of Tristan = instant melt 🫠. Also Chad's jealousy at Tristan blessing someone else made me laugh. These two are sooooooo cute. I look forward to what happens next ☺️

I'm glad to hear that lol. Despite feeling overly jealous, Chad was still trying to keep it polite and decent lol. Thank you ever so much. 🤍 There'll soon be more.

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Chad had just fixed them some tea which Tristan drank from keenly. The hot liquid soothed Chad’s throat too, since he’d been troubled by a scratchy feeling during the night. He had decided to keep that information private, since he didn’t want the attention to deflect and be divided from Tristan, since he was the only one he wanted to nurture and take care of at the moment. He was the sickest of them and needed to be tended to without the diversity of Chad’s health.

A pleasing touch met his thigh, as Tristan naturally let it rest there with a light squeezing notion. Glancing over at Chad, he kissed his cheek delicately. Looking quite vulnerable and pale in the oversized white robe and his hair all over the place.

The connections were simple, but the simplicity sent sensations through Chad’s body each time. He’d never admit the power Tristan had over him. Mostly because he in turn would probably considered as strange. Also, he didn’t want Tristan to look at him differently. The way he perceived him now was perfection and he adored the light in his eyes whenever they were alone and intimate. It was pure love behind those expressive and beautiful eyes and Chad soaked it all in. Devouring every drop that Tristan had to offer. It may have been his absolute weakness, but he sought and craved for every piece that Tristan was able to give him.

‘I feel like I need to lay down for a bit babe.’ Tristan expressed in raspy throat, coughing into his fist.

‘Oh… ‘course. How stupid of me. I’ll be right with you.’

More gentle kisses met Chad’s neck. A sweet stroke danced across the cheek. He felt like uttering a tender moan but held the alluring captivation deep within.

Observing Tristan slipping inside the bedroom, the phone vibrated within his trousers.

Incoming caller a number he didn’t recognize? He decided to take it anyway.

‘Yes, Chad?’

He swallowed and then cleared his throat noisily.

‘Hello, I’m calling from GLW Productions.’

‘Oh...? Hi.’

At once, Chad’s stomach fluttered. The woman he’d met with at the company had strictly informed him that they would only do return calls if interested.

‘Hello. I would like to address that your application and interview were very interesting and pleasing to us and we’d like to welcome you aboard.’

‘Uh, really..?’

‘Yes. I hope you’re still interested in the position..?’

‘Oh yes, yes… I mean, absolutely.’

‘Lovely. We’ll see you this Monday at 8.30 a.m with more info and settle you right in.’

‘….okay, perfect. Amazing. Thank you.’

‘You’re welcome. See you then, goodbye.’

‘Thank you. Bye.’

Chad felt like letting out a joyful squeal, but his throat hurt too much. Shielding his mouth with both hands, he felt them tremble.



Tristan was just about to drift off into a slumber when Chad entered the bedroom. Tears were streaming down his face and his nose exposed a pink hue, from some unexplainable reason.

‘Sweetie..?’ Propping himself up in the bed, Tristan coughed to the side.

‘…oh Tristan.’ He blinked with a wet sniffle.

‘Sweetie. Talk to me please.’

‘I-I just got off the phone…’ He struggled to speak between the sobs.

‘Yea?’ Tristan coughed again. ‘…tell me babe what’s up?’

‘I just had a conversation with the company I met up with weeks ago.’ He continued to speak with a constant sniffle. ‘A-and she told me I got the job.’

‘Oh babe… that’s awesome news!’ Tristan smiled broadly. He almost felt proud.

‘I can’t believe it.’

Chad leaped into Tristan’s arms, crashing them down back into the bed.

‘…see, I told you they wouldn’t be able t-to… ugh, Hut’ATSCHEOo!!’ Tristan sneezed openly to his left with Chad rocking within his arms. ‘…fuck, be able to resist you.’

‘Bless you. I’m so relieved you have no idea.’

‘I’m so happy for you babe.’

‘Thank you so much.’

Chad nuzzled closer and he wanted Tristan to hold him like a cuddly toy. ‘…nothing can interfere with what I’m feeling right now...’ He said silently.

‘When do you start?’ Tristan sniffled thickly, rubbing at his nose with his wrist.

‘Monday. 8.30, sharp.’ Chad giggled, tracing his fingers down to Tristan’s navel.

‘…that’s awesome.’ He exhaled congested.

In the midst of everything, Chad didn’t want the approaching cold to ruin any of the sweet emotions they shared together. And he wanted the moment to be remembered as such.

‘…ugh, fuck I gotta….’

Being so close, Chad was met by Tristan’s deep hitch at his ear. ‘…Ah’HATSChscheo!!-Ha’UTSCHhu!!… uuugh…’

Sneezing uninhibitedly and openly, Chad felt his body vibrate from Tristan’s forceful outbursts.

‘…bless you honey.’ He couldn’t help himself and snuggled closer. His nose bumping into Tristan’s neck. ‘…that’s some cold you’re struggling with. How do you feel, any better?’

Chad felt his forehead with his wrist.

‘No… not really to be real honest.’

Tristan sniffled into a tissue which were scattered all over the bed.

‘Would you like some more tea?’

‘Nah it’s mainly coughing and the nose that’s giving me trouble now.’ Tristan spoke congested.

‘I’ll go and prepare myself some more.’ Chad sat up warily. All of sudden he felt fatigued.

‘Want some company..?’

Tristan leaned over but Chad beckoned him to stay put.

‘No it’s best if you rest. Please. I’d love to but you need to lay down.’

‘….okay babe.’

Slouching down against the pillows, Tristan flicked on the TV screen.

‘Let me make you more comfortable.’

Tucking Tristan in with the duvet like a sausage, Chad sniffled lightly. His nose had begun to itch and he was trying to ignore the intensity of it.

‘Thank you sweetie. You’re so kind to me.

Looking at Tristan shyly, Chad then left the room.



Sitting down at the table and waiting for the water to boil, Chad rubbed at the nose with both hands, then tracing them down to his arms, almost as if he was embracing himself.


The itch in the nose grew deeper and sharper. He sniffled. It was making his nose water instantly and all of sudden he was in a desperate need of tissues.

‘…eh…’ He hitched helplessly, feeling his eyes squinting and nostrils flaring; preparing themselves for the sudden and frustrating routine of a sneezing fit. Catching some tissues promptly before the nose dripped, he exhaled with a relief. At least now he wouldn’t make a mess.

‘…eh, hhhhhhh-GNT’SCH!! …ugh, ah’GNRF’tsch!!’

He stifled violently, fighting for the sneezes to come out as smoothly as possible.

‘…oh my…’ He reacted to the mess inside the tissue, which was filled with the runny see-through liquid. Blowing the nose was a struggle, since it seemed like taking forever getting the procedure done.

All of a sudden, the sound of Tristan’s dragging feet entered the kitchen.

‘Babe… I thought you were making tea?’ He slid one hand through the mess of his hair.

‘…I am. What are you-uh-’ He sniffled wetly, feeling his nose twitch once more. ‘…d-doing up..?’

‘I changed my mind about the tea?’

Tristan asked, seemingly trying to understand Chad’s odd and confused behavior.

The itched returned to Chad’s nose just as swiftly as it disappeared. His eyes glazed over, concentrating on the tickle firmly building.


He felt a tender touch at his waist and he glanced over at Tristan who gazed at him humbly.

‘…uh’Waschoo!!’ He caught the sneeze quickly into tissues, when his nostrils flared once more. ‘… eh’KNGtsch!!-Tsch!!-Tschkts!!’scho’-T’scho!!-uh’T’schioo!! …oh bless me.’ He uttered quite overwhelmed, wiping off his nose which begun to run again.

‘Shit babe, bless you.’

He was held closer by the firm grasp of his beloved’s hands and Chad melted. At the same time he had to sneeze again.

‘…are you okay?’

The low, congested tone of Tristan asked and he nodded, then shook his head as the tickle took over.

‘---eh’EITSCH!!’scheo… oh, uh’WATSChheoo!!’

‘…awe sweetie what’s wrong?’

Tristan’s reaction was only natural, since Chad rarely sneezed that loud unless strained by difficult allergies or sickness.

‘…so sorry…’ Sniffling constantly, he brought a new tissue to the nose.

‘Your voice is a little hoarse...' Tristan pointed out, gently tucking some hair behind Chad's ear.

‘….I think I may have caught that cold.’

Chad admitted with a timid look on his face.

‘Awh man no, not you too.’

‘I think it’s that guy.’ He sniffled wetly, ‘from the theater, who’s infected me… or… eh, heh…’ He hitched, when the tickle subsided faintly. ‘….or, eh, us. You know, the one who kept sneezing.’

‘Oh… him.’

‘Yea. It’s his fault. I’m sure of it.’ Chad added resentfully.

‘…yea, might be.’

‘…I know it’s him.’ Chad added adamantly, continuously using the tissues at the quivering nose. ‘Didn’t he claim it was allergies?’

‘I believe so…’

‘You can’t trust anyone these days…’ He said disappointed.

‘Come here babe…’

Tristan took Chad within the arms and he felt so warm and cozy with the huge robe embracing them as one.

‘Why didn’t you share with me that you felt sick..?’

‘…I don’t know.’

‘Don’t hide those things from me babe.’

Tristan’s lips met his hair.

‘…I’m sorry.’ Chad sniffled into Tristan chest when he felt it heave up and down.

Ah’HAWThschu!!’ Almost bending over, Tristan held on to Chad harder by reflex and he in turn responded by latching onto him stronger.  hhhhhh-HETSChhoo!! ….uuuuugh… sorry babe.’

‘That’s okay…’ Chad expressed quite compelled by the movement that’d brought them together so intimately. '...bless you.'



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HAHA, Chad will never let that man from the theatre go 😆. I have to admit that I did love that scene where he was stifling to try and hide his sneezes from Tristan... something about that just did it for me. I'd love to see some more of that in the future but not until both of these two are better. I'm really hoping that Chad is better by his job on Monday because I wouldn't want him to be embarrassed again, even if I do love his little sneezes and fits. I'm also loving Tristan's current sneeziness, maybe it will bring some insight to Chad about how Tristan feels about his sneezes on a regular basis...

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I love that Chad mentioned the guy at the theater again! I also love and adore when Chad has large sneezes! I can’t wait to see how the care taking between the two will go! Both being sneezy and sick while worrying about each other is just so cute!!

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On 7/21/2024 at 6:53 PM, dwaekki said:

HAHA, Chad will never let that man from the theatre go 😆. I have to admit that I did love that scene where he was stifling to try and hide his sneezes from Tristan... something about that just did it for me. I'd love to see some more of that in the future but not until both of these two are better. I'm really hoping that Chad is better by his job on Monday because I wouldn't want him to be embarrassed again, even if I do love his little sneezes and fits. I'm also loving Tristan's current sneeziness, maybe it will bring some insight to Chad about how Tristan feels about his sneezes on a regular basis...

Something tells me it's not the last time he'll bring it up lmao. Please remind me of that scene later so I can add it a more proper setting. 😇 The days are going by, so let's hope that Chad will be okay until then. 🫠 I do think Chad needs some more insight, and it'll come... it just takes a while for Tristan to open up, since he's having problems with that. Thank you so much for your lovely words.


On 7/22/2024 at 10:45 PM, RipleyToo said:

I love that Chad mentioned the guy at the theater again! I also love and adore when Chad has large sneezes! I can’t wait to see how the care taking between the two will go! Both being sneezy and sick while worrying about each other is just so cute!!

He secretly can't stop thinking about it and I don't think it's the last time he'll bring it up the matter. 🙃 Chad is trying to hold back his strong sneezes but fails miserably when subjected to such intensity. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment.


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Tristan woke up with a terrible feeling of frustrations. Since fallen sick, he hadn’t been able to follow the usual workout routine, so there was a restless energy in his body which needed some form of release.

‘’Eh’Eeiitsch’schew!! …uh’AweSCHschio!! Ugh…’

‘Good morning babe.’

Looking over at Chad in the bed, he caught him occupied with another wonderful build up which traced every nerve in his facial expressions.

‘Come here…’

Taking him persistently by the arm, Tristan pulled him smoothly against his chest.

Eitsch!!’tsch… ugh I’m nothhhh -  uh’yEITSCHOoo!! … done.’

The sweet and intensive motion, pressed so alluring against his body made him feel so much better.  

‘Bless you sweets.’ He heard himself whisper, savoring Chad’s silky hair and neck with his lips.

 ‘…thank you.’ Embarrassed, Chad sat up slowly with a moist sniffle. ‘…sorry my nose is about to drip. But good morning to you, too..’

‘How are you feeling, slept well?’

‘…not really.’ He sniffled wetly. ‘But I’m okay.’

‘Of course you are.’ Tristan chuckled, still a little congested. He placed both hands at Chad’s waist with a doting sentiment.

‘…you sound a lot better though.’ Chad pointed out with yet another moist sniffle. ‘…ugh, I need to blow my nose any second.’

‘You need help with that?’

‘…with what? Blowing my nose?’

The nosy tone in Chad’s voice made him loose track of the teasing jargon.

‘…uh, never mind.’

He crawled up from the bed and sat on the edge. Tossing a pack of Kleenex in Chad’s direction.

‘Thanks. Tell me, I’m curious. Help with what?’

‘Nothing babe.’

While answering he let his eyes rest on Chad who’d began to blow his nose sturdy yet calmly. Their eyes met.

‘…what?’ Lowering the tissue, Chad blushed, quickly wiping his nose off. ‘Stop looking at me like that…’

‘Like how?’

‘Like… I’m doing something repulsive…’ Chad rose from the bed. ‘I need a bath.’

‘Let me fill it up for you.’

‘Thank you.’ Kindness found his eyes. ‘…would you like to join me, too?’

‘I’d love to.’

And it was just the invitation that Tristan needed.


Proudness captured Tristan, standing with his feet apart and hands on his hips. The candles were lit and scattered at the shelf which contained rolled up towels. The tub edge with soapy bubbles. A lovely hint of vanilla and musk met his nostrils.

‘Chad, babe… it’s ready!’ He shouted, taking the opportunity of memorizing the moment by capturing a photo of his creation.






‘Oh wow… this is amazing…’ It was with a genuine expression Chad stepped into the bathroom.

‘You like it?’

‘I love it. I really do.’

He was met by several doting kisses at his cheek.


Making themselves comfortable in the tub, Chad retold the story of what’d happened at the meeting with the new company with great interest, since the memory no longer considered harmful. Tristan listened closely for once, especially when Chad came to the sneezing part. But aside from that, he still couldn’t figure out what’d sent Chad into such emotional stress.

‘I’m happy you still got the job babe.’

‘Oh so am I.’ Chad’s eyes widened.

‘Maybe she liked your sneezes.’ Tristan teased, scooping up an amount of bubbles and throwing it Chad’s direction.

‘I doubt it.’ The bubbles ended up directly in Chad’s face and he coughed. ‘…goodness, some bubbles went right up my nose.’ He coughed again, starting to wipe off the irritation.

‘Aw shit I’m sorry..!’

‘…it’s uh’KNtfsch!! ...’ He stifled with his head down the bubbly surface. ‘…uh’KNTGx!!’tscho… jeez, uh eh-‘

Another hitch met Chad's lips and Tristan couldn’t help but obsess over just how beautifully the nostrils flared.

‘…I am sorry sweetie.’ Tristan said sheepishly, reaching over for a towel. ‘I’m gonna get you some tissues.’

‘Eh’Etschioo!! …thankh-KNGxtsch!!’schuo… my goodness, it’s right up… hhhh—hhhhWASCHioo!!-ASCHeooo!! …ugh...’

It was with a constant motion Chad rubbed at the nose.

Getting back in the tub, Tristan watched as Chad titled his head back, ready for another fit. Placing a bunch of tissues directly at Chad’s mouth, he helplessly snapped into them.

‘Etsch’txsch!!-Eitscho!! …hhhhh ASTCH!!’tschu… uh’WEASCHschioo!!’

‘…bless you. I’m real sorry.’

‘…ugh I need to clear my nose.’

‘I’ll help you. Your hands are all wet, it’ll leave the tissues soaked before you’re getting started…’

‘…ugh that’s true.’ Chad sniffled with a bothered look. ‘…okay. Thank you… I do appreciate it. And if you hate it just… close your eyes or something.’

‘I won’t.’

Clasping the tissues over Chad’s perfected nose with the firm rounded nostrils at the touch of his fingers tips almost made Tristan light headed, but he held it together. A soft red hue was already forming at Chads cheeks as their eyes briefly met.

Squinting lightly, Chad then began to blow his nose extremely gently, as if he was afraid of making any weird sound. Tristan tended to the tissues like precious flowery petals, captivated by lustful emotions. The warm and moist liquid filled the tissues steadily. 

‘….ugh I think I’m done.’ Chad sniffled wetly. ‘…sort of.’

Smoothly, Tristan folded up the used tissue and brought a new one over Chad’s vulnerable nostrils, lovingly stroking it over them.

‘…God... thank you.’ Chad looked down shyly.

Dipping the fingers into the soothing water, Tristan then let them slide below the precious nostrils and around the edge of them, like a form of healing.

‘…you don’t have to do that…’ Chad said quietly, keeping his gaze still.

‘It’s the least I can do after unintentionally making you sneeze.’

‘…oh, it’s the bubbles fault. Not yours…’ Chad spoke soft with a notable congestion. Seemingly enjoying the attention that’d been at the nose.

‘…again, I am sorry about that.’ Drying off the wet spots with another fresh tissue, Tristan spoke softly.

‘It’s fine.’ Chad sniffled. ‘I don’t mind.’

‘But you have a cold and everything…’

‘…if this is what I am gifted after a sneezy moment, then I’d be happy to be induced even if I do suffer from a cold.’

The atmosphere shifted as the ocean blues stared into Tristan’s soul.

‘Uh… yea. Great.’ He was at loss of words and stammered. ‘…uh thanks.’

‘Thanks..?’ A shy smile formed at Chad’s lips.

‘Uh, I mean…’

The cheeks burned at Tristan’s skin, feeling himself firmly clenching the jaw.

Leaning over, Chad let his sensitive and itchy nose bump into Tristan’s, gently sliding the tip and up and down over straight frame, allowing the sensorial ticklishness to build.

‘…Chad… the fuck…’ Tristan trembled by the whispers of love sent by ecstatic caresses.

‘….ugh, eh…’ Turning away swiftly, Chad shielded his mouth with a dripping and open palm.  YETISCH’!!schoo… ASWESCHschoo!!’ He lashed forward, making the water in the tub splash about everywhere.


Tristan uttered breathily, looking at Chad who kept sniffling.

‘…thank you.’

Unable to resist any longer, Tristan grabbed Chad by the neck, crashing their lips together. Entangled in the tantalizing action for several seconds, Chad sniffled wetly and repeatedly.

‘…ugh, I need to, ugh… my nose…’ He drew back with a wincing motion, reaching for whatever was at hand which ended up being a wet used tissue which he blew his nose into strenuously.

‘….fuck, you’re perfection…’

Tristan complimented, still enchanted by quivering intoxication.

‘God, I am not…’ He frowned, then started to blow his nose once more.

‘….simply breathtaking.’ Tucking the wet loose hair behind Chad’s ear, Tristan gazed at him with nothing but pure adoration.

‘…please don’t look…’ Chad almost pleaded and Tristan found himself breaking the spell by directing the gaze elsewhere.  

‘…you know that I am looking you because you’re beautiful, right?’ He noted.

‘…I’m very flattered to hear that.’ Wiping his nose off, Chad rubbed at it gently. ‘…but I don’t know, these things makes me shy, I don’t know where it originates from.’

‘It’s okay. I love you the way you are.’ He planted one kiss at his lips.

‘…you’re awfully sweet this morning.’

Tristan let out a small chuckle, noticing another blush forming at Chad’s cheeks.

‘It’s all your fault.’ He teased with a playful nudged into Chad’s stomach, ‘you’re turning me into such a dork.’

‘I like that dorky side…’ It was with a spark in his eyes that Chad expressed the words gracefully. ‘…but I also love that side which is open and tender, the part that confides in me and trusts me.’

Not conceding or accepting the change in the conversation, Tristan stood from the tub.

‘…the water’s getting cold.’ Stepping out, he covered himself in a huge towel.

‘Hm? I didn’t mean it as a critique in any way or form.’ Chad explained urgently.

‘I know baby.’

Confirming that it was okay, Tristan lifted his chin and placed another kiss at Chad’s lips.

‘Oh… well, alright.’ He still displayed a doubtful demeanor. ‘I think I’ll refill the bath and stay here for a while…’

‘Okay sweetie. Don’t end up like a prune though.’

‘I’ll do my best.’



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AAAH that bubble scene was so so good! I don't know why Chad's first instinct was to stifle when he had something stuck up his nose, but I'm not complaining if that was what lead to those many more sneezes! And you already know I'm obsessed with stifles hahaha 😭 I'm so glad you brought back the nose blowing scene, it was so cute, especailly how timid Chad is, despite the fact that he is well aware of Tristan's attraction to his sneezes and abundance of reassurance. I too hope to see more of Tristan's sensitive side, even if he runs away from it himself. Can't wait to see what you write next! ❤️❤️

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This chapter was just SO CUTE!! I can’t wait to see what you’ll add next! Super excited already for the next part!

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Cuteness overload 🥰. Both sick and taking care of each other 🫠. Can't wait for the next one 

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On 7/25/2024 at 8:59 PM, dwaekki said:

AAAH that bubble scene was so so good! I don't know why Chad's first instinct was to stifle when he had something stuck up his nose, but I'm not complaining if that was what lead to those many more sneezes! And you already know I'm obsessed with stifles hahaha 😭 I'm so glad you brought back the nose blowing scene, it was so cute, especailly how timid Chad is, despite the fact that he is well aware of Tristan's attraction to his sneezes and abundance of reassurance. I too hope to see more of Tristan's sensitive side, even if he runs away from it himself. Can't wait to see what you write next! ❤️❤️

The bubbles in the tub took Chad off guard, so I think the most natural thing for him to do was trying to stifle. 🥰 even though he knows how much Tristan is into sneezing, he is still worried that someday he'll mess up and Tristan will find his sneezes unpleasant. More of Tristan's sensitive side coming up and not without a serious cause. Thank you ever so much!


On 7/25/2024 at 10:59 PM, RipleyToo said:

This chapter was just SO CUTE!! I can’t wait to see what you’ll add next! Super excited already for the next part!

Yey so glad to hear that! I hope you'll like the next part that I'll post shortly. Thank you so much. 🥰


On 7/26/2024 at 7:14 PM, 2SHY222 said:

Cuteness overload 🥰. Both sick and taking care of each other 🫠. Can't wait for the next one 

Oh so happy hearing that. 🥰 Next part will be posted very shortly.

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Sunday arrived. Thankful and pleased, Tristan felt better, but Chad’s cold was stubborn and the congestion and stuffiness in the sound was still very prominent.

‘So how do you wanna spend this Sunday, does cuddles and a movie sound good?’

Sliding one arm behind Chad, he pulled them into an embrace.

‘Yea… that sounds perfect.’

Tristan let his nose travel over the smoothness of Chad’s cheek. Although they were just in the comfort of their home, Chad always made sure to tend to himself, making sure he looked proper and orderly.

‘You’re sounding extremely cute though with that nasal voice of yours.’

‘I do…?’


Holding Chad closer, the doorbell rang. Tristan looked over at Chad who seemed just as confused.

‘Are you expecting anyone..?’


Gently shaking his head, Chad kept a crooked finger beneath the nostrils.

Looking through the peephole, Tristan budged.

‘Who is it..?’ Taking his turn, Chad frowned. ‘…what’s he doing here..?’

‘I have no fucking idea.’

‘Are you going to let him in?’

‘He knows that we’re home. The car is right outside.’ Tristan heard himself whisper.

‘…well, he is your brother.’ Chad responded with a thick sniffle.

‘Are you okay though? I’d like for you to rest today.’

‘I’m okay.’ Sniveling again, Chad rubbed at the reddish nostrils.

‘Cuteness.’ Tristan expressed, finding Chad adorable. ‘’How about I have a talk with Wade and you’ll slip into the bedroom?’

‘Uhm… wouldn’t that be considered rude?’

‘He doesn’t care about that shit.’

The doorbell rang once more.

‘…come on, do this for me.’

‘But what if it’s important, I don’t want to be kept in the dark…’


Chad looked hesitant, but obliged.

‘…okay, then.’





‘Hey man.’ Wade stood with the hands inside the jeans pockets. ‘…so are you going to let me in or what?’

‘Chill out.’

Each time they met, Tristan acknowledged the same kind of pattern his dad used and how it influenced in Wade.

A dog strolled by at their feet, joyfully waggling the tail.

‘Hey, uh what, you got a dog?’

‘Yea. Isn’t he cute?’

‘Yea he’s adorable…’ Tristan agreed casually, ‘but he can’t stay in house.’

‘And why the hell not?’

‘Chad’s just getting over a cold and he’s allergic.’ He heard himself explain, hastily giving one look towards the bedroom.  ‘…so we have to take the dog outside.’ He said decisively.

‘Are you serious?’ Wade chuckled. ‘He’s a puppy, he’s harmless. Chad will be fine, I’ll only stay for a minute.’ Wade shrugged, walking into the living room with the puppy at his heel.



In the room Wade made himself comfortable, seated in the arm chair. Tristan took the couch. The puppy hopped up, wanting Tristan’s attention immediately. Searching a contact with quick hops, nosing about around his legs.

‘What’s his name anyway..?’ A little more relaxed by the closeness, Tristan stroked the dog’s ear.


Ham?’ Tristan raised one eyebrow. ‘You’re kidding?’ The name was totally inappropriate.

‘Yup and nope.’

A tsk’ing sound slipped out of the bedroom and Tristan recognized the alluring noise instantly but tried to avoid any attention towards it.

As he’d began to pet Ham’s fur, he wondered if Wade had bought the dog purely out of spite. Tristan was sort of the center of attention in the family by not conceding to their set of untold rules. And although the attention was bad, he probably was the talking point in their common meetups. Something Wade evidently had a problem with.

The tsk’ing sound returned. Only sounding stronger and larger as Chad was overcome by another sneezing fit.

The bedroom door opened. Tristan tensed.

‘Hi, sorry, I just need to get some tissues…’ Chad greeted a bit bashfully. Tucking some hair away from his face. He’d changed his outfit and was standing in black trousers and a black tucked in shirt. Looking rather fancy for a Sunday afternoon at home.

‘Yea, hi. I heard you were sick or something.’ Wade mentioned nonchalantly.

‘Just caught a little cold.’ He responded a little nervously, ‘just excuse me for a sec…’ he left them for the kitchen.

Whilst in there, Tristan couldn’t help but listen to the wet and forceful gurgling sound which almost echoed from the room.

Chad returned quickly and his eyes lit up when he noticed the dog. ‘Oh my goodness he’s precious!’

‘Yea, his name’s Ham.’ Wade pointed out cleverly.

‘Ham..?’ Chad’s smile stiffened momentarily.


Chad found a seat on the sofa next to Tristan, giving him a hasty kiss on the cheek.

‘How old is he?’ He then asked, turning to wade.

‘He’s just about six months now.’

‘He’s very cute.’

‘…aren’t you supposed to stay in the bedroom?’ Tristan issued with a whisper but Chad only looked at Wade who was trying to get Ham’s attention with an irritating whistling sound.


Tristan realized that Chad wanted to be a part of the conversation and take part in the matters of his family and he was trying his hardest accomdating to his wishes.

Chad cleared his throat, rubbing his fingers beneath and around the nostrils. Turning away, his shoulders heaved, building up into the shelter of his hands. With a hitching breath, he lightly titled his head back.

‘Eh-Gntscho!!-Knxscth!!’ He lurched forward hastily, ‘…hhhhh, eh’Tsch!!-T’tscho!-uh-KNGFtsch!!’’

Tristan wanted to be endearing and bless him, but he was far too upset. Alarmingly glancing at Wade. Worrying if he’d been able to tell the masking change in his behavior. He was about to say something when another deep, breathy hitch came from Chad.

‘AhWESCH!!!’schio-uh’EIITSCH!!!!scheo… goodness excuse me so much.’

Tristan adored all of the seven sneezes. Not that he’d counted. They were strong, intense. Built up with lustful pauses, everything that Tristan loved and found himself entranced by. From the sensual build up to the magnifying release. But he was growing impatient by the fact that Chad was ignoring their decision so bluntly.

‘Perhaps you should sit somewhere else?’ Tristan urged, ‘you know, not so close to the dog…’ He spoke with utmost reservation.

‘I’m okay.’

Giving another wet intense sniffle, Chad closed the nose with thumb and index finger. The sound moist and bothered. The conversation between Tristan and Wade were no longer in his focus as he fought to hold back the overtaking itch.


‘So what’s up?’ Tristan asked, desperate to directing the attention back between his brother and himself. ‘…what brings you here?’

‘I just wanted to meet up and have a talk with you for a while. Is that so wrong, you know I’m your brother right.’

‘Ah’NGxTESCH!!’scho… eh’EITSCHgnxtsch!!!’schoo ….again, so sorry.’ Chad picked up a tissue from the trousers and put it to the nose.

Frustrated and agitated, Tristan faced a complicated dilemma. Especially since Chad avoided what’d been agreed upon. 

‘….Chad, isn’t it better if you leave the room or went outside on the patio for a while? You know, get some fresh air?’

He suggested it with a gentle tone. Hoping Chad would concur. He needed to have the discussion with brother with a clear head. Additionally, he didn’t want Chad’s cold worsen before his first day at work.

‘…uhm, yea.’ Chad expressed defeated. ‘I guess you’re right.’


Questioning Tristan’s motives, Chad stood. Heading outside, the door to the patio closed.


‘Damn you got some control over your man there.’

Wade chuckled at the couple’s demeanor. Kind of surprised by Tristan’s manners since he’d usually be the causal and easy going guy.

Tristan hated that Wade had witnessed him in such a critical situation. Any position which revealed any kind of flaw or instability.

‘I’m just looking out for him.’ He declared.

‘I bet.’

‘You refused to put ‘¨Ham’ outside.’

‘So you put your man there instead.’ Wade laughed.

‘Shut the fuck up. I ain’t forcing him anywhere. Why are you here anyway?’

The dog jumped back up in the couch. Wiggling the tail, searching for any sign of playfulness.

‘Rude much? But anyway. Father’s day coming up.’

‘Ugh don’t remind me. And anyway, you could have called me about that.’

‘I was in the neighborhood and anyway, you never text me back.’


Cuddling with the puppy, Tristan caught a view of Chad sitting outside. And it hurt him how he’d practically been out casted from his own home.

‘So are you gonna show up or what?’

‘Not a chance in hell…’

Looking back at Wade, he seemed rather amused by it all.

‘He’s expecting you to.’ He said slyly.

‘I do not care.’

‘He’s not pleased with your choice of lifestyle, you know. Complaining about how you’ll never be a father.’

He’d said it without the slightest concern consideration, and it shocked Tristan.

‘I can uh, still be a father.’ He barely formed the words together.

‘Yea, but, not in the old fashion way… and not-‘

‘So this is what you guys are talking about behind my fucking back? It’s not any of your business what I choose to do with my life.’

‘Well it kinda’ is, we’re family.’

Tristan scoffed. ‘Funny way of showing it.’

‘…this partner of yours has obviously changed you. I mean you weren’t even into guys before you met him.’

‘His name is Chad. Fuck, Wade. You only came here to fuck things up.’ Tristan stood, having enough of his brother entirely ‘…Chad is MY choice and I don’t really give a fuck what any of you has to say about it… actually, I need you to leave, right now. And take the dog with you.’


‘Fuck, just leave!’

‘I’ll tell dad all ‘bout this, just so you know.’

‘Get out.’




Sitting back down at the couch, Tristan felt powerless, overload with emotions. He felt like curling up into a corner and cry.

Reacting with emotional destructiveness, Tristan swung his arm over the coffee table, and everything upon it scattered and hit the floor in a large, ear drumming bang. Comprehending what he’d done, Tristan pulled the hoody over his head and broke into tears.

The sound of the patio door opened.


Chad carried his name in the sweetest sense.

‘I heard noises. Are you okay? Where’s-‘The tender tone paused. ‘…oh, God …honey, what’s been happening here?’

The streamed down Tristan’s face as Chad kneeled by him. Warm and soothing fingers met his cheek, the touch traced over the hoody and lowered it.


The lovely congested voice expressed as featherlike kisses met his chin and forehead. ‘…are you hurt..?’

‘….no….’ Tristan sniffled, still avoiding any eye contact.

‘….I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you. I just wanted to be a part of the conversation…’

‘It ain’t your fault, Chad…’ Sniffling again, Tristan wiped his nose off with the back of his hand.

‘…is there anything I can do?’ The lovely fingertips caressed his hair.

‘…no it’s my fucked up family and I fucking hate that I let him get to me so damn easily.’

‘It only shows that you’re compassionate…’ A comforting touch met his knee. ‘…and genuine.’

More of the fallen tears were devotedly removed by a lovable notion.

‘…I just feel so fucking stuck.’ Tristan uttered and his voice trembled. He sniffled again. ‘…it’s like they take some kind of disgusting pleasure in trying to kick me down. And I-‘

‘Eh’Gnitsch’atsch! Hhhh-hhhh-Uh’Knrt’tsch!!’ Chad stifled the sneezes harshly, forcing his head down against Tristan’s legs. A light mist met the top of his hand.

Brushing the hair out of his face, Chad sniffled.  ‘…sorry, please go on.’

Tristan swallowed notably.

‘I don’t know what the fuck to do about it anymore.’

Glancing at Chad, he seemed a little lost in thought.

‘There has to be something we can do…’ His words were soft and hallow. The nostrils at his vulnerable nose quivered and he sniffled.

 ‘….why did he name th-he dog… uh’Wraschioo!!’ He turned his head to the side, exposing another build up from the exquisite profile. ‘Etscho!-Eitscho!-YeSCHischeww!! ….ugh, bless me. Why did he name the dog Ham? Isn’t it short for Hamlet?’

‘You’d think so, right.’

‘Terribly in… appropri-atehhhhh-eh’WRESXCHoo!!’ Another sneeze bent him over to the side. ‘…ugh sorry I can’t stop sneezing.’

‘Babe, there’s dog hair practically everywhere.’

Chad rubbed at the nose. ‘Who… caused this?’ He stopped momentarily, pointing dimly to the trashed floor.  

‘I did.’


‘I’m sorry. I’ll take care of it.’

‘He must really have hurt you…’ Chad expressed sadly, sniffling and rubbing at the nose.

‘…he did. But what can I do, right?’ Tristan pulled off one of his reassuring smiles, whilst on the inside he felt like breaking apart.

‘I’m so very sorry.’

‘I’ll get over it.’ He kept it together. He had to. He’d already cried once and he sure wasn’t going to do it again like some sort of cry baby.

‘…I just wish…’

Chad’s voice trailed off. With a trembled at the nostrils which he fought to rub off. Tristan loved seeing Chad so easily captured by the building sensation, impacting him so deeply that it caused him to loose track.

It completely dispersed the darkness from his mind.

‘Ah’WREsch’schio!! eh…. Hhhh-Eisch!-EITSCHoo!-EI’YESCHEW!!’

The sneezes erupted violently to the side.

Adoringly, Tristan let his fingers play with the tips of Chad’s hair.

‘Bless you sweetie.’

Chad sniffled wetly with a shy and gracious expression. ‘Thank you…. I thought you’d stopped blessing me altogether….’

‘What gave you that crazy idea?’

Not responding, Chad instead reached for Tristan’s hand and entwined their fingers together. Sniffling now with a constant motion, he looked a little bothered.

‘You need some tissues?’

‘Yes….’ Chad giggled looking down. ‘…I just didn’t want to separate myself from you.’



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Poor Tristen.. having no support from his family must be difficult for him. He’s lucky to have someone as loving, cute and sweet as Chad ❤️

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Aww Tristan :( I'm so glad that Chad is always there for him, and I'm looking forward to seeing what he does now that Chad's mentioned that he's been blessing him less... maybe this would be a good time to bring in my Chad hiding his sneezes and stifling idea? I don't know but you told me to remind you of it at some point :) I'm so excited to see where you take this from here, I'm so ready for more sensitive Tristan and stifles from Chad ❤️

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On 7/29/2024 at 8:48 PM, RipleyToo said:

Poor Tristen.. having no support from his family must be difficult for him. He’s lucky to have someone as loving, cute and sweet as Chad ❤️

Awe yes, he'll never feel alone with Chad around 🥰 even though it's very hard for him to accept what his family is doing. Thank you. 🤍


On 7/29/2024 at 10:27 PM, dwaekki said:

Aww Tristan :( I'm so glad that Chad is always there for him, and I'm looking forward to seeing what he does now that Chad's mentioned that he's been blessing him less... maybe this would be a good time to bring in my Chad hiding his sneezes and stifling idea? I don't know but you told me to remind you of it at some point :) I'm so excited to see where you take this from here, I'm so ready for more sensitive Tristan and stifles from Chad ❤️

Oh yes I remember and I do find the idea very interesting. 🫠 Chad has a hard time with the amount of reduced blessings, and has some idea what to do about it. Thank you soooo much. 🤍


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Posted (edited)




After the event that’d shaken them both, Tristan said he wanted to go for a drive. Alone. Without any protest, Chad had watched Tristan speed off as the sun set. That was over one hour ago.

Chad wanted to be supportive, but it was hard when Tristan kept his distance.

During the absence, Chad decided to set up a nice table with red wine and Tristan’s favorite flavor of chips. Candles were lit and a slow jazz tune played in the background.

Loving romantic gestures and being a romantic at heart, Chad adored all fuzzy and cute details. But he wasn’t good at enabling them.

Another element that he struggled with was the lack of blessings that’d been occurring. Tristan, usually being very observant and attentive to his sneezes, had suddenly stopped saying it without any reason. The neglect had caused a distress in Chad that he wasn’t used to. And it’d awoken disturbing thoughts.

Could it be that Tristan was growing tired of his sneezes? Were they too repetitive? Perhaps he didn’t just pay as much attention to them anymore? Or worst case scenario; Tristan had started looking elsewhere. Doting to other sneezes. Like that guy from the theatre... The flashy memory tightened his throat and an angsty sentiment crept upon him.

So what was he supposed to do? He needed to regain confidence and by that be a better man. Maybe he should just stop sneezing fully. He could at least try, and see if it’d make any difference.

The decision was made hastily and perhaps it was a bit immature, but it needed to be done in order for Chad to feel better about himself. He had to see if it’d change anything or if Tristan would remain just as remote and inattentive.







The time in solitude seemed to have worked as Tristan stepped inside the house with a much calmer demeanor.

‘Where were you?’ Chad demanded, but he didn’t mean to sound so resentful.

‘Just… driving around. I lost track of time.’

Their eyes met and Tristan gazed upon him with such sincerity. Chad softened instantly.

‘Come.’ He instead took him by the hand. ‘I got something for you… or, us.’


Scratching his chin bewildered, Tristan followed as Chad led them outside on the terrace.



‘Aw sweetie this is great… just what I, or, we needed after a shitty day like this.’

‘I’m glad…’ Chad responded shyly.

He brought Chad into the arms, hugging him close.

‘You don’t even like red wine…’ Tristan mentioned thoughtfully, reaching for the bottle.

‘I know but I can try some.’

‘…and aw yes! I love these kinds of chips.’ Tossing the bag into the air, Tristan fetched it like a basketball.

‘I know…’ Chad giggled lightly as they both seated.



The evening was humid and all kinds of scents simmered in the air. Chad felt a tingle in the nose but rubbed at it, avoided it quickly.

‘Cheers babe.’ Tristan lifted the glass and they clinked it together.


A tender kiss met his cheek as Chad had a taste of the wine. The liquid fruity but thick and kind of spicy, too.

‘You like it..?’

Fingertips played with his hair, tickling at the touch of his neck. Chad nodded, taking a bigger sip from the glass.

Time was spent talking, reminiscing over lovely memories with gentle affections. They ate from the bowl of chips and drank of the rich wine and Tristan was quick to refill their glasses. It was then, when Chad was about to have another sip that a very itchy sensation began to grow inside his nose. He sniffed carefully but it only made the matter worse. He knew he was going to sneeze in a matter of seconds and he wouldn’t be to stop it from happening.

‘…just excuse me for a bit.’ He stood.

'Where are you going?’

Chad sniffled again, rubbing at the nose. ‘…I’ll just be a second. Have… eh, some more wine.’

He slipped inside the house and hurried into the kitchen.

‘Eh’GNxts!’schu…’ The first sneeze came so fast he didn’t have time to cover. ‘…oh, eh….’ A cupped hand shielded his mouth as he let the tickle take over and unfold, ‘…hhhhhhhGNxtsch!-Etsch! …uh’KNXst!!’scho…. oh my.’

The urgent and harsh stifles made his nose runny and he rapidly grabbed some tissues. Starting to blow his nose, the tickle returned and he had to pause again. The intense itchiness hitched his breath as he kept the tissue steady over the nose.

‘uh’KNtSCH!-uh’GNTsch!-T’sch!! hh, hhh, hhhhh…. eh’TSchoom..!! …ugh…’ The suppressed sneezes came forcefully into the tissues and he finished blowing the nose roughly.

He couldn’t quite comprehend what was happening. He’d taken allergy meds just to be sure and there weren’t any specific suspicious scents lingering outside.

Uh….’ The sharp tickle returned and he closed the nose with his thumb and index finger. ‘…Kntx!-eh’’uh’Gnx!—uh’Gnsch!-T’Gxrtsch!! …uh’GNstch!! Oh goodness…’ he whispered to himself when his breath hitched once more. ‘…hh, hhhhhh… uhGNFTSCH!!’tscho…. ugh what is wrong with me…’

The itch subsided momentarily and he wiped off his nose, feeling a little exhausted from the intensity of the fit. He threw the used tissue into the trash and headed back outside.



‘Hey… what took you so long?’ Tristan winked with a smile as Chad seated closely.

‘I… just got something from the kitchen.’ He responded quietly, taking a few sips of the wine.

‘…you look a little blushed?'

‘I do?’ He raised the brows in amazement.

‘Everything okay?’

‘Yea…’ Sniffling with a need for hiding, Chad snuggled into Tristan’s shoulder.

‘You’re not upset or anything?’

‘No, no… why would I be?’

‘…just wondering babe.’

Chad sniffled again, another itch was on the horizon and building fast.

‘…so, while driving…’ Tristan began and Chad focused hard, trying to listen.


Incapable of replying, Chad fought strongly to keep the itchy tickle at bay.

‘…I had a talk with my mom…’ Tristan paused, looking at Chad thoughtfully.

‘Sorry.’ Chad sat up, his breath shaky, overcome by the tickle. He felt his nostrils flare and he helplessly tried to stop it from evolving. ‘…I’m just gonna use… hhhhh, hhhhhhhh-‘ He turned his face to the side, rubbing at the itchy nose with a troubling motion.

‘Sweetie, you okay..?’

‘….ugh…’ The tickle went away but he comprehended it was only for a matter of seconds. ‘…uh, I’ll be right back. Remember what you talked about… I want to…. eh, hear this.’

‘Uhm, okay?’



He barely had time to close the door to the bathroom before the sneezes burst out.

‘…eh’knx!-gntx! Uh… hhhh, hhhhhKNG’tsch!-TSH!-Txsch! …uh’KNIXTSCH!!’tscho… uhh’NXGtsch!!’tschooo… God….’ Sniffling proved useless as his nose began to drip anyway.

‘…uh’yEITSCh’schew!! yATSCHoo!! …hh, hhhhhh…. hGN’WASCHioo!!’ The large sneezes were impossible to hold back as he let them out wetly into his hands. ‘…oh….’ He muttered, finding tissues immediately to wipe off his hands and nose with.

Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror, while rinsing off the hands, he realized it’d be impossible to make up any excuse for the pink nose and watery eyes. Wiping beneath the eyes, he sniffled thickly, rubbing the tissue then at the nose.



‘Hey, sweetie… what’s going on?’

Tristan sounded a little worried as Chad slouched down with a drained feeling from the failed sneeze attack.

‘…I just had a sneezing fit.’ He confessed with sniffling motions with the tissue at the nose. ‘…please, continue… something about your mother?’

‘Why were you sneezing?’

‘…I don’t know.’


‘….maybe. Most probably.’

‘But you’re okay, right?’


A tender smile found Chad’s lips. He loved the attention and care that Tristan reassured him with. It was heartening and endearing and he adored that commitment.

‘…about your mother..?’ Chad asked once more, putting the wine glass to the lips.

‘…yea I had a talk with her in the car.’


He sniffed. Another firm tickle, stung inside his nose and made his eyes squint.

‘…and well, yea and I told her about Wade and what he’d done and what I-‘

‘uh’GNsch!! …sorry, hhhhh ah’GNXtscho…!’ Snapping forward, he stifled the sneezes roughly into the hands.

‘Oh, uh… it must definitely be something you’re allergic to. Pollen?’

uh’Gnut’Tsch!! eh’Etsch!-ah-GNXt’scheoo…’ Chad finished the fit off with a wet sniffle, frustrated from the lack of yet another blessing. It was getting to him emotionally and he hated the strong impact it’d been given him. Worried that the engagement from Tristan’s side was becoming some sort of necessity.

‘…ugh probably pollen, I don’t know.’ The nose was beginning to run and he once again stood. ‘I better go inside.’

‘Sure. We can continue the conversation indoors.’

‘I think I’ll just have a bath and then go to bed as I have to get up early. Is it okay if we just pick up where we left tomorrow? Cause I do want to hear what your mother said...’ He sniffled wetly. Tired and discouraged.

‘Aw sweetie, of course it's okay…’

Loving arms were wrapped around him.

‘…don’t worry. You’ll feel better soon.’ Tristan kissed his lips and Chad returned the kiss swiftly, still anxious about his nose condition.

‘….I do hope so.’





Edited by Candy Dust
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Chad running inside to sneeze away from Tristen was soo cute. Tristen seems to be distant due to the negative relationship with some of his family, which is understandable, he just needs time. I love how Chad is just overall trying to hide or have his sneezes out of view or hearing from Tristen, it shows how much Tristen blessing him means to Chad. I can’t wait for more! 

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AAH the rapid stifles were KILLING me 😫😫 I loved this chapter so much! I have a feeling I know exactly why Chad is sneezing so much but I don't want to ruin it for anyone else 😭 I hope Chad keeps up this little hiding saga for a bit longer because I am loving it so much, but I also can't wait for Tristan to get curious and ask him directly why he keeps running away. That will be such an interesting and sweet conversation which I hope will lead to him blessing Chad more often again or revealing why he stopped. I also have a feeling that speaking about Tristan's mum and what their converstaion was about will bring another sensitive and emotional episode to Tristan himself so I have a LOT to look forwards to coming up and I can't wait for more 😫❤️

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On 8/1/2024 at 4:24 PM, RipleyToo said:

Chad running inside to sneeze away from Tristen was soo cute. Tristen seems to be distant due to the negative relationship with some of his family, which is understandable, he just needs time. I love how Chad is just overall trying to hide or have his sneezes out of view or hearing from Tristen, it shows how much Tristen blessing him means to Chad. I can’t wait for more! 

Truly, Tristan's got a lot on his mind right now and meanwhile Chad is stressing over the absent of blessing factor. He will continue to try to cope with it, in his own way. Thank you so much, 🥰 love your comments.


On 8/1/2024 at 4:40 PM, dwaekki said:

AAH the rapid stifles were KILLING me 😫😫 I loved this chapter so much! I have a feeling I know exactly why Chad is sneezing so much but I don't want to ruin it for anyone else 😭 I hope Chad keeps up this little hiding saga for a bit longer because I am loving it so much, but I also can't wait for Tristan to get curious and ask him directly why he keeps running away. That will be such an interesting and sweet conversation which I hope will lead to him blessing Chad more often again or revealing why he stopped. I also have a feeling that speaking about Tristan's mum and what their converstaion was about will bring another sensitive and emotional episode to Tristan himself so I have a LOT to look forwards to coming up and I can't wait for more 😫❤️

Aaaawe so happy to hear that lol And yes I think you do know why he's been sneezing and I think the reason for that will return in another chapter. Chad will keep up the hiding since he's not content with the continuous lack of blessings from Tristan. They still need to have that discussion regarding Tristan's family and how Tristan's dealing with that. As always, I thank you so much for your lovely comments, understanding and insights. 🥰

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