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Chad and Tristan (mxm)

Candy Dust

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Oh, poor Baby. Sending Tristan lots of hugs and kisses! 

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Omg!! Tristen is so lucky to have someone as caring as Chad. Such a lovely chapter! Is Chad going to come down with a cold or anything again? I’d love to see that again honestly 🥰. I hope there will be more!! 

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On 6/26/2024 at 11:43 PM, dwaekki said:

Ahh this was everything I wanted from emotional Tristan 😭😭 I'd love to see this side of him more, especially his little realisations that he's never experienced love like the type Chad can give him before, that was one of my favourite parts of this chapter. I was actually in AWE of the little nose blowing scene, I'm really not a fan usually but in this context and between these 2 I'm OBSESSED. I'd love for that to become a habit at such intimate moments as these, maybe if Tristan tries to learn and reciprocate these loving actions now he's experienced them himself for the first time. Chad really is the perfect match for Tristan. I adore seeing him take on the caretaker role, and I have to say I have a massive soft spot for gentle, crying Tristan, however I'd hate for him to go through such horrible things to get there. I'm really loving emotional Tristan and would love to see more, especially since Chad cries a lot lol (I love that about him too). I'm so happy we can connect over these characters and that I understand them well, I really wait every day to read more about them and I'm so blessed to find this story. Thank you SO much, if you couldn't tell from this essay I've written I loved this chapter especially. Can't wait for more ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Oh my gosh such incredibly sweet words from you. You made my entire evening. 🤍 I'm so grateful for your continuous support and encouragement and I'm also soooo thankful we've bonded over these two.

Honestly I'm quite picky about nose blowing myself, lol but I wanted it to be incorporated with these two, since I thought it suited the vulnerability they often go through. Slowly but surely it'll be more easier for Tristan to open up to Chad since they've now crossed that barrier. And through that foundation he's able to build more trust. Thank you so much once again, you're the sweetest. 🌻


On 6/27/2024 at 3:34 PM, 2SHY222 said:

My heart breaks for Tristan. Unfortunately I understand 100% how he feels. Bringing Chad was the best decision. Tristan is sooooooo loved by Chad and that's all he needs. 🥹 Iove how Tristan is learning it's safe to put his guard down around his beloved partner. It takes time but it's super sweet and comforting. 🥰

Yes I agree, he needs all the support he can get and if Chad hadn't been there who knows what he'd done. It's unfortunate to hear what you're going through, too. I hope you're okay. 🌻 And precisely, trust takes lots of time but in small steps he'll be able (if nothing awful happens 👀) to trust Chad fully. Thank you so much for your lovely thoughts and comments. 🤍


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On 6/27/2024 at 7:14 PM, AntheaHolmes said:

Oh, poor Baby. Sending Tristan lots of hugs and kisses! 

He'd gladly accept them. 🌻 Thank you so much for reviewing.


12 hours ago, RipleyToo said:

Omg!! Tristen is so lucky to have someone as caring as Chad. Such a lovely chapter! Is Chad going to come down with a cold or anything again? I’d love to see that again honestly 🥰. I hope there will be more!! 

He is, 🥰 and he knows it. Chad might be coming down with a cold in the upcoming chapter since he's a little strained in this coming chapter so it'll probably be fitting. Thank you so much. 🤍



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Posted (edited)





That same evening Tristan didn’t say much. Absorbed in his own thoughts he comprehended that the whole ordeal had changed something from within. The control he so adamantly wanted to attain, dissolved in the affection of Chad’s lovable presence. It’d felt strangely comforting but the same time frightening. He was afraid of giving of himself too fast and too strongly. The idea of Chad abandoning him or breaking his trust deemed impossible. But still, there were doubts.

‘I’m just gonna take shower.’

It was one of the few sentences he’d uttered so far. He knew the sparse wording worried Chad. Unlike himself, Chad was an open book and wore his heart on his sleeve most of the time.

‘Okay… how do you feel though?’

Gentle fingers met his back. A supportive contact that he secretly appreciated.

‘I’m okay.’

‘M-hm… how about we watch a movie together when you’re done?’

‘Yea sure.’

‘Okay nice.’



Tristan stepped into the shower. The water felt so good against the touch of his skin, cleansing the turmoil that’d attached itself.

After he clothed himself into sweatpants and comfy Nike t-shirt, Tristan gazed at his reflection in the mirror. It was a pair of watchful eyes staring back at him. Would he be able to open up completely to Chad and in the process reveal the innermost essence of himself?  Of events that’d never been spoken? Go beyond the comfort zone and share that part of him that’d he’d once promised himself remain untold?



Entering the living room, Chad already seated on the couch. He’d changed too and was dressed in grey trousers and a light blue shirt.

A tray was placed on the middle of the coffee table. Containing two cups of hot tea. A plate with sugar cookies and next to it a box of tissues. Close to the tray candles been lit. Giving the room a relaxing atmosphere. But still, Tristan felt reserved tension in the energy and perhaps Chad sensed the sentiment too leaning forward.

‘I’ve overdone it.’ He determined, cupping his hand behind the candle. The flame went out. Causing a strong scent of burnt smoke. ‘I was just trying to set a cozy mood.’

‘It’s fine.’ Tristan seated next to him.

The descending smoke lay like a fog in the room.

‘Eh’KNtescho!! …goodness.’ Chad stifled harshly into the hands. The sneeze so sudden it burst out without any build up at all. It even caught Tristan off guard. ‘…that came out of nowhere.’ Chad giggled awkwardly when his nostrils flared once more. ‘ ….hhhhh…ah’Eischo!!-Aweschoo!!’ He sneezed roughly to the side. ‘…ugh.’

‘Shit… are you okay there sweetie?’

Tristan was amazed how fast those sneezes had overpowered him. But at the same time it was such a nice and welcoming contrast.

‘Uh’KNTx!!’scho..’ Unable to reply, Chad clasped his hands over his nose and mouth, the eyes squeezing shut, the head tilting back gradually.’…hhhh… kntsxh!!-gnxtsch!!-uh’KXTsch!!’schooo… God, so sorry they just keep coming.’

‘Babe, you really shouldn’t stifle them like that.’ Tristan advised, battling mixed emotions.

‘…sorry they’re just so str-hhhheh’Extsch!!-Knx’tsch!!-Gnxs!!’scho.... uh’Gnxtsch!!’schooo… oh bless.’ He sighed with a wet sniffle. ‘…the sneezes are so strong, they’re scratching up my throat.’

‘You’ve been sneezing quite a lot today, haven’t you..?’

‘Yea, you’re right. Maybe I’m coming down with something...' Fishing out several tissues out of the box, Chad put them over the nose and closed the nostrils. ‘..ugh that should prohibit the sneeziness for a while.’

‘You’re so precious.’

‘eh’Gnxths!’ His head bobbed forward. ‘Sorry.’

‘Bless you again.’

‘Thank you.’ Keeping the tissues in place, Chad reached over his free hand over to Tristan’s thigh.

‘Do you want me to open a window or something?’

‘I’m fine. Thank you.’ Chad let his head rest at Tristan’s shoulder. ‘…hhhhhheh, uh’Gnuxtschhh!!’scho….’ He stifled so hard into the tissue his body shook with a sudden tremble.

‘Aw babe… you need to let the sneezes out or your ears will pop.’

‘I think I’m done…’ He wiped off his nose and put the tissue into the pocket of his trousers. ‘…thank you though.’



They sat in silence, enjoying the movie. Chad cuddled close to Tristan’s chest the entire time and continued to sneeze every few minutes until they diminished completely. Never reusing the tissue, Chad repeatedly sniffled. Tristan had a hard time following the narrative of the movie as each time as Chad did it, he lost track.

The film ended and the room went still. As if there were still words left unspoken.



‘So uhm…’ Chad began softly. He appeared rather nervous as the fingers brush against the tip of his nose lightly.


‘…your father seemed very resentful. Has he always been like that?’

‘More or less, yea.’

The question aired out of nowhere. But Tristan’s temper barely changed. He already felt the all the familiar tension brewing.

‘…do you know where that resides from?’

‘No fucking idea.’ Tristan kept it short. The swearing added an unintentional harshness to his words. Chad reacted by shifting position, crossing one leg over the other.

‘…I’m not forcing you to talk to me…’ He expressed silently.

‘I know that.’

‘…I can hear the irritation Tristan.’

With a brief glance, their eyes met. Chad sniffled, the first one to break contact.

‘…there’s no anger.’

‘….so you’re okay?’




Someone’s phone went off. Looking down at the display, Tristan thrust his head back in displeasure. It was like someone was playing mind tricks on him.

‘Who is it?’

‘The one we’re talking about, of course…’ Tristan chuckled stiffly, flipping the phone onto the sofa.

‘Oh… that’s weird.’

‘Yea but nothing really surprises me anymore.’



It was like he was thrown into Wade’s house all over again. The angst of talking to his dad and for allowing him to enter the world that he so faithfully created with the love of his life.



‘Does he call you often..?’ Chad asked with notable consideration

‘On and off… depending on his mood, I guess.’

‘I see. What do you think he wants this time?’

‘Probably wants to yell at me, considering what happened earlier today.’ His voice quivered and he cleared his throat.

‘He seems to have a lot of hatred going on inside…’ Chad sniffled again.

‘Let me tell you one thing…’ Tristan began, trying to compose himself. ‘So my dad has a lot of anger issues. And for no reason, no reason at all, he’s decided to take out all of his problems on me.’ Tristan almost choked up. Pushing down the lump in his throat with a deep swallow. ‘…So it doesn’t matter if he’s angry. If he’s sad. If he’s had a bad day at work. He has to put the blame on someone. And I am the easiest target.’

 ‘…oh God… that’s awful…’

‘Wade’s the older brother. He got it easy.’

Chad nodded whilst the embrace of his fingers clung harder to Tristan’s hand. He met his eyes swiftly, then looked down.

The phone went off again.

‘And yea… this?’ Tristan reached for the phone, holding up the display as it continuously signaled. ‘This is what I have to deal with. And you know he’s not calling me to hear about how my life’s going. He’s not dialing up my digits to see if I’m okay, okay?’ His voice trembled and his eyes watered but he didn’t care. ‘He’s calling me ‘cause he wants something from me or wants to inform me what a fucking low life I am truly am...’ Tristan proceed with tears streaming down his cheeks.

‘I am so so sorry Tristan…’ Chad’s hand met his back in the same kind of fashion as earlier.

‘…okay. So fine, what can I do, right? I just swallow it, like a fucking idiot.’

He felt his nose run and he sniffled. Pulling up the t-shirt, he used the fabric to wipe off his face when he was met by soft tissues at his cheeks.

‘You shouldn’t feel obliged to answer when he calls...’ Chad spoke affectionately.

‘Well, I do.’ Tristan sniffled again with a sigh.

‘You can block his number?’

‘I want to but I can’t.’

Chad kissed his wet cheek, bringing the tissue to Tristan’s nose, brushing against it fondly. The sweet caress danced over Tristan’s nostrils. Tracing the edges lovingly.

Leaving him bemused in a dreamy state of mind. It was such a romantic closeness. Submitted with such devotion. The act so provoking yet endearing and tender.

Thoughts of returning the gesture felt enticing and tempting. But he was afraid of rejection.



‘…possibly just mute his number then?’

The question softly met his ear and he shivered delightfully by the sound of Chad’s melodic voice.

Lowering the tissue from Tristan’s face, Chad was unaware of the strong impact which he so easily had initiated.

‘I don’t know…’ Slowly Tristan came back to his senses. ‘…I don’t know what to do. Fuck all this crying is giving me a head ache…’ He complained, trying to form a faint smile.

‘Oh honey…’ Chad nuzzled closer to his body. Snuggling up to his chest. ‘You are strong and resilient…. A quality your father seem to lack thereof.’


Accepting compliments that didn’t concern the outer appearance also caused discomfort.

‘Despite everything, I’m extremely thankful that you’re sharing yourself with me. And I want you to know that I don’t take it for granted.’ Chad expressed thoughtfully. He’d begun to play with Tristan’s fingertips, fidgeting at his knuckles.

‘…yea. Okay.’

‘…it’s all I ever wanted...’ Chad appeared emotional as his voice trailed off.

‘Hey… I can’t have you upset too.’ A hearty smile found the corners of Tristan’s lips.

‘Sorry. I know I’m sensitive.’ Chad looked away, holding back the tears with a blinking motion at his eyes.

‘Babe… come here.’ Tristan held him closer to his chest.





Edited by Candy Dust
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AAAH not the ending cutting off such a beautiful moment 😭😭 I hope you continue with this adorable scene, it's such a precious mix of emotions and I'm so glad Tristan is finally managing to open up a little bit. This is such an amazing development in their relationship and I absolutely LOVE emotional Tristan. I hope you continue this with the cuddles I'm sure are to follow, and I'm very interested in Chad's cold that's going on 😊

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10 hours ago, dwaekki said:

AAAH not the ending cutting off such a beautiful moment 😭😭 I hope you continue with this adorable scene, it's such a precious mix of emotions and I'm so glad Tristan is finally managing to open up a little bit. This is such an amazing development in their relationship and I absolutely LOVE emotional Tristan. I hope you continue this with the cuddles I'm sure are to follow, and I'm very interested in Chad's cold that's going on 😊


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On 6/30/2024 at 11:34 AM, dwaekki said:

AAAH not the ending cutting off such a beautiful moment 😭😭 I hope you continue with this adorable scene, it's such a precious mix of emotions and I'm so glad Tristan is finally managing to open up a little bit. This is such an amazing development in their relationship and I absolutely LOVE emotional Tristan. I hope you continue this with the cuddles I'm sure are to follow, and I'm very interested in Chad's cold that's going on 😊


On 6/30/2024 at 9:51 PM, RipleyToo said:



Thank you both. I was trying to convey the emotional scene, but didn't know exactly where to cut the chapter. Tristan will continue on his journey of finding and landing within himself. This next part includes cuddled closeness which I hope you'll like.


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The rest of the evening they spent in the comfort of each other arms. Drinking the tea and nibbling on the cookies Chad had so neatly arranged.

It was a lovely moment. Tristan hadn’t felt so tranquilized and in years. Tiny weight lifted off his shoulders and he reflectively hoped he’d be able to live a life in peace.

That night they fell asleep in each other’s arms. Chad, still afflicted by sporadic sneezes, nestled them safely into fabric at Tristan’s chest.

The spot was his favorite; the warmth and scent of Tristan’s skin. He knew that Tristan didn’t mind his sneezing, and that sentiment alone reassured him that Tristan wasn’t bothered nor disgusted by doing so. The effort to hold them back though, often slipped right through. Leaving his nose increasingly stuffy from each sneeze.

The next day Tristan left for work. Chad stayed in bed, which was rare. Since he often got up to kiss him goodbye.

Later that day, during lunch time, Tristan received a text he didn’t foreseen.

** Hi honey I hope you’re well. I’ve woken with a stuffed up nose and scratchy throat so I think I’ve caught another cold. L

Tristan reread the sentence several times. It’d been Chad’s third cold in just a matter of months which was unusual. Even though he was upset that Chad once again fallen ill, the bare thought of him lashing out into a harsh fit of sneezes sent an intense tingling sensation.

*Aw my sweet baby. Are you feeling very bad?

** Kind of. I’m sneezing regularly, trying not to make a mess. Have you heard from your father?

Tristan frowned. He didn’t want such arousing matter mixed with dad issues in the same sentence.

*No. Thank God. And don’t worry about that now.

**I do worry.

*Well stop that. Can I get u anything when I get off from work?

** Lemons please. And tea, English breakfast.

*Got it. Please tell me you’re in bed.

** I am. I’m keeping my robe on too, it’s very soft and cozy.

*Good now stay in bed and rest. I love u. kisses

** I love you too.



‘I’ve definitely caught a cold…’ Chad said with a bashful tired look as soon as Tristan entered the bedroom. The nostrils at the red nose were semi flared. His eyes expressed a weary emotion.

‘Aw sweetie. Haven’t you fallen sick more often lately?’

‘Yea.’ Chad sniffled thickly, sitting up more properly in the bed. ‘Perhaps I need to change something in my-y… hhhhh…. EISCH!!schoo, uh’EITSChew!! …ugh, diet.’

‘I think you’re healthy. Definitely better than my junk food habits anyway.’

Tristan said it with a charming smile, trying to add some positive thinking.

As Chad rubbed the tissues at the nose, Tristan let his fingers trace over the softness of Chad’s cheek.

‘A little feverish, perhaps.’ He added dimly.

‘Oh...’ Squinting his eyes, Chad put the tissue closer to his mouth. ‘Ah’WASChoo!!’ He snapped into it. ‘… ugh they’re just instantly overpowering me. I don’t even get a forehhh… uh’KNT’tsch!!!!schu … ugh, forewarning.’

‘That’s unusual.’

‘It is, isn’t it?’ Still holding the tissue to the nose, Chad distance himself slightly and began to blow it gently. Tristan couldn’t help but catching a glimpse of the struggle; eyes squeezing shut, both hands holding the tissue over the nose neatly as the wet gurgling sound continued.

‘Well I’ve made you tea with the lemon… do you need anything else?’

‘…ugh…’ Chad relaxed against the pillows. ‘…just your presence would be nice.’

He pulled off a weary smile. Brushing the soggy tissue at his nostrils, he then placed it into the rest of the pile onto the nightstand.

‘Aw sweetie…’ Getting into bed, Tristan slipped his arm around his shoulder. Chad responded by slouching down his embrace, his head resting onto his chest.

‘I’m so stuffed up…’ He complained with a thick sniffle.

‘Poor baby…’

Kissing his forehead, Chad suddenly and urgently reached for another Kleenex.

‘….ah’AWESCHoo!! …hhhhhhhhh… EISCHH!!!’schoo…’ His body rocked in Tristan’s arms, snapping into them. ‘…uh’KNTISCH!!’schoo… ughhh…’

‘Bless you baby.’

‘Thank you so much.’

Chad’s nose dripped and he blew it once more in a firm manner.

‘Have some tea sweetie.’

Tristan brought the cup over to Chad’s lips as he just finished wiping his nose off. The glistening nostrils trembled, fighting off the terrible itch which resided irritatingly in his nose.

Having several sips, Chad resumed position against Tristan. Breathing through his mouth, he sniffled with utter congestion.

‘How about some nasal spray?’ Tristan suggested, caressing Chad over the upper arm.

‘Maybe… uh, later.’

Allowing his lips against Chad’s cheek, Tristan felt Chad snuggling closer in his arms.

‘I’ve slept so bad the entire night… my nose kept bothering me.’ He almost mumbled in the stuffed up voice.

‘…try to get some sleep.’ Tristan issued lovingly.

‘….hhhhhh…. KNtsch!!-KNTetsch!! …hhhhhhh- uh’WASCHSChooo!!’ Covering one hand over his mouth, Chad exploded into his chest.

‘Shit baby be careful…’

‘I’m trying but the sneezes are so fast and strong. I’m so sorry.’ Chad responded weakly.

‘Don’t be sorry, it’s okay…’

Reaching for a couple of tissues, Tristan tenderly maneuvered them at the touch of Chad’s nose. He responded by putting his hand over Tristan’s, guiding the tissue over vulnerable nostrils.

‘Mm… thank you.’ Chad almost seemed relaxed as the tissues swept and massaged over the troubled nose. ‘…I think it subdues the congestion a bit…’

‘I’m glad.’

Suddenly a panicky look met his eyes when he all of a sudden squeezed them tightly shut.

‘I have tohhhh’Eitsch!!!’scho…’ By reflex, Chad held on to Tristan’s hand harder, pressing the tissue to his nose.  uh-AWESCHschew!!’

‘Bless you…’ Tristan blessed quietly. Mesmerized in the tantalizing performance. A mist had met his fingers but he didn’t care.

EITSCHschew!!!! AEISCHschoo!! …uuugh…thank you… so sorry. God I’m such a disaster.’ He sighed with a damp sniffle. ‘…please can I have another tissue?’

‘Do you need to blow your nose?’


Tristan opened his mouth to say something. Anything to bring forward the proposition of helping Chad with the intimate matter. But the built up bravery declined.

‘…Is there a problem?’ Chad sniffled thickly. ‘…I need to blow my nose before I’ll sneeze again and make a huge mess.’ He explained since Tristan behaved differently.

‘…yea uh of course.’

Tristan placed several tissues within Chad’s hands which he graciously accepted.

‘Sorry, I don’t mean to come off as needy.’

‘You’re not, believe me.’

Chad leaned to the other side, allowing the tissues to take care of the bothersome snot issue, then cuddling back up in Tristan’s embrace.

‘I wonder where you caught it from… the cold, I mean.’

‘I met with Danny a couple of days ago and he did complain of a sore throat.’


‘I kept my distance, but…. Hhhhhh-’ Chad hitched in preparation for another fit, his red rounded nostrils flaring exceedingly.ASCHeo!! Goodness. Uh’GNtsch!!-Gxtsch!!-uhGNITX’Tsch!!’ He stifled the violent sneezes harshly into the tissues, followed by a cough.

‘Aw babe… Bless you so much.’

‘Thank you honey…’ Chad sniffled strongly, the sound utterly damp and wet from yet another attack. ‘…you’re so sweet.’

‘Did he sneeze or cough in your presence?’

‘He might have… most probably. I recently seem to contract easily, so.’ Chad let out a light embarrassed giggle which caused him to cough again.

‘He should have told you he that was feeling sick and stayed at home.’

‘…yeaa-hhhhhhh-EISCHHH’schew!! …aowsch…. ’ A hint of sadness swept over his eyes and he looked exhausted. ‘…my head hurts...’

‘Sweetie let’s find you some aspirin.’

Tristan smoothly fetched some inside the drawer of the nightstand. ‘Here baby….’ Putting the pill to Chad’s lips, he accepted it. ‘Now drink this.’ Tristan gently offered him the tea from the cup which Chad received in small sips.

‘…thank you…’ He responded in a small voice, swallowing carefully.

After he was done, Chad exhaled with a quivering notion. Tears had begun to trickle down his cheeks.

‘Oh sweetie, does it hurt a lot?’

Tristan grasped his warm hand.

‘…no, I’m just…’ Chad exhaled again, wiping the wrinkly tissue at the red nostrils.

‘…I’m listening.’

‘I just feel so useless. Just lying here. I can’t even make us dinner-’

‘I’ll do it, don’t worry about it.’

‘…and my nose is all clogged up and I can hardly breathe. I usually don’t mind sneezing but they’re so powerful it hurts my throat.’ Chad ventilated, frequently stroking the crumbled tissue at the nose.

‘Aw baby… Come here…’ Tristan pulled him closer to his chest and Chad responded instantly by wrapping his arm around his waist.

‘…let’s get you some sleep.’

An additional blanket covered the two.

 ‘…mm…’ Chad softly murmured, sniffling with a damp sound into Tristan’s shirt. ‘…you’re being so kind to me, I love you…’

Finding another tissue, Tristan caressed the material gently over Chad’s wet cheeks. He truly looked beyond disheveled, the sight especially adorable. His hair was a mop of mess, the nose a little swollen and red from all the rubs and touch of tissues throughout the day.

‘You’ll feel so much better after you’ve had some good rest…’ He whispered, endearingly stroking his hand over Chad’s hair.

‘You think so..?’


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I love the cuddling and caretaking between these 2. I love how Chads sneezes are loud and strong when he’s sick! Eager to read what you’ll have for us in the next chapter! Keep up the amazing work!

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Poor Chad :( I agree with @RipleyToo that the variation in Chad's sneezes is so cute! I hope Tristan takes the best care of him, especially since he's been exposed to a lot of care himself lately. I'm so excited every time I see you've updated, it really makes my day to read these chapters ❤️

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Posted (edited)

Awww poor Chad. Good thing he had Tristan to take care of him 🥰. I wonder if Tristan is gonna catch it 🤔😊

Edited by 2SHY222
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On 7/2/2024 at 2:38 PM, RipleyToo said:

I love the cuddling and caretaking between these 2. I love how Chads sneezes are loud and strong when he’s sick! Eager to read what you’ll have for us in the next chapter! Keep up the amazing work!

Chad's trying so hard to hold back but his cold sneezes makes it impossible. Thank you soooo much, I truly appreciate your sweet words. 🤍


On 7/2/2024 at 5:54 PM, dwaekki said:

Poor Chad :( I agree with @RipleyToo that the variation in Chad's sneezes is so cute! I hope Tristan takes the best care of him, especially since he's been exposed to a lot of care himself lately. I'm so excited every time I see you've updated, it really makes my day to read these chapters ❤️

Tristan does his best taking care of Chad, in the ways he finds most suitable lol. Thank you. I'm genuinely happy to hear that from you, truly giving me the dose of oxytocin. 🤍


On 7/2/2024 at 6:42 PM, 2SHY222 said:

Awww poor Chad. Good thing he had Tristan to take care of him 🥰. I wonder if Tristan is gonna catch it 🤔😊

Awe yes I agree. Thank you. 🤍 Since they're so close to each other, I figured they'd be immune to one another also. 😊




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A couple of days later the fever had broken and Tristan suggested they spent some time outside in the nearby park where their house was located.

Still being lightly overwhelmed by the cold, Chad wasn’t too fond of Tristan’s idea, additionally he felt uncomfortable over the reddish hue that’d spread across his sensitive nose. Despite the doubt, he’d eventually given into Tristan’s wishes.


Finding a bench by a shadowy spot beneath a huge oak tree, they sat down closely to each other.

Never accustomed of blowing his nose in public, Chad kept a tissue in his hand throughout the walk over. Often stroking it beneath the nostrils. He’d sneezed harshly sporadically; each time prepared and into the supportive material.

‘Isn’t this nice..?’ Tristan asked while looking at Chad lovingly. Knowing the fresh air would do him some good.

‘Yea… I suppose.’ Chad sniffled wetly. At least he’d used the nasal spray before going outside. ‘I can’t believe the interview’s tomorrow morning.’

‘Oh yea the job interview.’

‘Yea.’ Chad sniffled again with a wet sound. Bringing the tissue back at his nose.

‘Are you excited?’

‘Yea I… would be… exceehhhhhhEitschew!!-EITSCH!!scheoo… goodness sorry.’ Chad expressed frustrated, composing himself after snapping into the crumbled tissue. ‘…I am excited but I can’t believe I have to meet with them while struggling with this awful cold.’

‘Yea that’s fucking unfortunate.’

‘Yea...’ Chad lowered the tissue with a gentle smile. ‘…you can say that again.’

‘I’ll of course drive you over there.’

‘Oh thank you.’

Tristan couldn't help but notice the exposed weariness and anxiousness in Chad's facial expression.

‘Don’t worry babe, you’ll be fine. Just use your charm and they’ll hire you on the spot.’

‘What charm..?' Scrunching his nose, Chad rubbed at it. ‘I’m awkward.’

‘I don’t think so.’

‘I… ehhhhhh-’

Chad’s eyes squinted with a light flutter. The sensitive nostrils began to flare beautifully, finding it’s entire peak around the rounded edges. As the breathy hitch progressed, Tristan found himself staring at the alluring pre sneeze performance.

‘…hhh, hehhhhhh-hhhhhEITSCHscho!!’ Chad snapped forward again into his open palm. Just as instantly, another hitching breath sent him into a helpless build up. ‘… God that-hh-itchhhhh-KNtx’ischeo!-Knixtsch!-KNUX’ITSCH!! Oh my hhhuhKNUxgtsch!!’scho… …hhhhh’AWESCHschoo!! …oh wow… so embarrassing, so sorry.’

‘Fucking hell…’ Tristan expressed with a let out breath since he’d been holding it the entire time.  ‘…you’re so fucking stunning.’

Beginning to blush, Chad used the tissue frequently below the nostrils, shyly avoiding Tristan’s eyes. ‘…thanks…’

‘You can’t do this to me in public babe…’ Tristan chuckled, watching Chad turning his gaze down.

Kissing his cheek, Chad looked up with a certain light capturing his eyes.

‘How do you feel though? You wanna go back?’

‘Not just, eh, yet…’ Chad cuddled closer. ‘….it’s so nice just hanging out here with you.’

‘I agree.’

Chad sniffled moistly against his shoulder.

‘Sorry I know I sound disgusting.’

‘You don’t.’

Tristan placed a peck above his hair.

‘It’s okay, I know I do.’ He sniffled again with a gentle rub of the knuckle at the tender nostril. ‘…have you heard from you father?’

‘Chad… I really don’t wanna talk about him right now.’

‘But you never mention him so how would I know-‘

‘Not… just right now, okay?’

‘… but if you do hear from him, will you let me know?’

Tristan pondered over the question. Wanting to give a straight answer.

‘…yea. I will.’

‘…okay, good. Thank you.’

Tristan let his eyes wander, skimming through the area of the park. Some people were dancing in the nearby large white gazebo. The music coming from a live band pertaining a keyboard player and a guitarist.

Standing up slowly, Chad seemed a little distressed over the parting.

‘Would you like to dance?’

Tristan had never asked that question before – counting out an awkward moment at a school dance.

‘What..?’ Chad expressed confusion.  ‘…where?’

‘Over there.’

Tristan hinted with a light sway at the head.

‘But… we can’t.’ Chad almost looked alarmed.

‘Of course we can.’ He beckoned for Chad to stand by reaching over his hand.

‘Uh… I don’t know.’

With a swift stroke beneath the nostrils, Chad put the tissues within the pocket of his trousers.

‘Come on. Don’t be shy.’

A pink hue found Chad’s upper cheeks bones once again, accepting the invitation.




‘So just put your hand right here...’ He instructed Chad softly, ‘…and I’ll pull you in, like this…’ Tristan directed Chad into his arms.

The music transformed their steps into a natural slow dance.

‘I’m sorry…’ Chad breathed against his neck. His voice turning a little congested.

‘…for what?’

‘…I’m not used to this kind of dancing…’

‘You’re doing great sweetie.’

Gentle kisses traced Tristan’s neck, sending him light trembles. The intimate spot was one of his weaknesses.

‘Uh… heh…’

‘Hm babe?’

Chad stalled, met by a troubling hitch escaping his breath. A build up he was trying to hold back.

‘I don’t w-want to sneeze now.’

There was a light quiver in his soft voice as he brought a finger beneath the flaring nostrils.

‘It’s okay sweetie.’

Chad lowered his head right by the shirt of Tristan’s collar bone.

‘…eh’KNx!!’tscho… sorry-eh, heh… uh’GNixtsch!!’ischo… ugh…’

The intensity caused an unrestrained movement. Finding Chad wrapping his arm around Tristan’s waist, leaning on him for stabilization.

‘…bless you baby.’

‘…Heh’EIitschoo!! …hhhhEh’ETISCHscheo!!!!  …oh my goodness.’

‘Bless you again.’

Chad sniffled strongly, rubbing his sensitive nostrils with the same finger that’d been so unable to hold back the harsh sneezes.

‘Are you done..?’ Tristan smiled, feeling a sweet caress at his lower back.

‘I think so.’ Chad sniffled again, ‘…thank you. It’s so sweet of you blessing me each time too.’

‘Of course baby.’

Tristan gazed at Chad endearingly, watching him fishing up the tissue and putting it to his nose in a frustrated manner.

 ‘…maybe it’s time to for us to leave and get you some rest?’

‘Yea, I agree…’ Nodding, Chad wiped with it at the nostrils. ‘…my nose needs some tlc.’

‘That’s cute.’

‘Thank you for the dance. It was very lovely.’

‘My pleasure.’





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Awh :,) i hope Chad's interview goes well, I have to agree with Tristan that he is quite cute like this. I've always been a fan of stifling into a partner, so that little moment when they were dancing was so amazing. I can't wait to read more ❤️❤️

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Omg! I loved reading how (strong or loud?) Chads sneezes were! The fact that he can’t hold them back is so much better! Can’t wait for the interview part! 

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Them dancing was the icing on the cake 🥰. Such a precious moment 😊

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On 7/9/2024 at 3:18 PM, dwaekki said:

Awh :,) i hope Chad's interview goes well, I have to agree with Tristan that he is quite cute like this. I've always been a fan of stifling into a partner, so that little moment when they were dancing was so amazing. I can't wait to read more ❤️❤️

Well... Chad's trying so hard but his efforts doesn't pay off often enough unfortunately. 😟 I'm so glad to hear about that little moment which caught you especially. 🤍 As always, all my gratitude.


On 7/9/2024 at 9:30 PM, RipleyToo said:

Omg! I loved reading how (strong or loud?) Chads sneezes were! The fact that he can’t hold them back is so much better! Can’t wait for the interview part! 

Gosh he really struggles when the sneezes overwhelms him like that. I should say they're both loud and strong. The interview part is just about to be updated. 🥰 Thank you lovely. 🤍


22 hours ago, 2SHY222 said:

Them dancing was the icing on the cake 🥰. Such a precious moment 😊

Awe precious words from you. 🤍 They're quite cute though, aren't they lol.



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Chad sat in the sterile looking room, waiting for his turn. A man around his age was seated with just a chair separating them. He didn’t look as anxious as he kept scrolling at the screen of the phone absentmindedly.

Fiddling on the nail of his finger, Chad felt a little problematic.

Thoughts of making the wrong decision crept up inside of him, like the serpentine movement of a snake. Prompting and hissing at him with doubtful insecurities, cornering him with the resentful lies. Usually when put to the test, he gained some sort of a well needed confidence, which stayed with him until the test was done. But this time, not so much. One of those reasons originated from the tedious cold that he still struggled with.

His phone beeped him a text.

·      Honey, 8.54 am; I am waiting in the car right outside the building, so just see me when you’re done. You can do this, go get ‘em tiger lmao. Love u.

Rereading the sentences several times sent butterflies to his stomach. Placing a finger under the nose, he sniffed carefully.  Still under the influence of a lengthy cold, he still battled the sneezy moments, taking over him out of nowhere.

A woman entered the room. Gesturing for his turn.




‘So I went over your CV and personal details through the information you sent us…’ The woman behind the desk said slowly whilst crossing her legs.

‘Yes?’ Chad sniffled. The itch in his nose caused it to water and he slightly panicked. Figuring it would look silly to bring up a tissue while she informed him of the matter.

‘…and it looks really good.’

She smiled and Chad tried his best to return the favor.

‘I’m g-glad.’ He felt his nostrils trembling and he quickly rubbed at them sternly.

‘What kind of position are you looking for?’

‘The position I had at my last job was very satisfying, workwise, but t-too demanding for my-hh…’ He exhaled. The sneeze was inevitable and there was no use of him trying to stop it.’eh…. Just, eh hhh… excuse-‘

Bringing his elbow up, he shielded his face from view.

E’Ktsch!!schmm-Eitsch!!’schomm… Uh’ASCHscheoom!!’


The blessing met his ears as he was too humiliated to look her in the eye. Sniffling strongly, he rubbed at the irritated nostrils, silently begging his nose to stop from itching.

‘…sorry about that.’ He cleared his throat. ‘…they pretty much took advantage of me, to be real honest with you.’

‘I see.’

Chad panicked again. Did he just disclose excessively?

‘So what kind of position would suit you?’ She reformed the question.

‘Anything that feeds my creativity, really.’ Chad sniffled again. The itch still remained and he found himself scrunching his nose.

‘Sounds good.’

She’d began to type something into her computer. Meanwhile the itch grew stronger in his nose. Turning halfway away from her, he pinched the nose lightly. Hoping it would subside whatever was causing the tickle to grow so immensely.

‘It says here you worked at your previous job for four years?’

‘C-correct.’ The spoken word caused the itch to full expand with the simplest of inhalation. Turning fully in the chair, Chad brought both hands up to his face.

‘Eh’Tschu!!-AhTscheo!!-heh… EITSCH!!’scho… ugh, my goodness, truly I apologize.’ Rubbing the back of his hand against the pinkish nostrils, he sniffled urgently.

‘Something’s bothering you in this office?’

‘No… I’ve just been battling this awful cold for about a week now. I do promise I’m no longer contagious.’

‘I sure hope so.’ She replied but with kindness in her eyes. Perhaps she took pity over him being in such a vulnerable situation.

‘Eh’KETschoo!! …ugh please excuse me.’ He caught another half stifled sneeze into his hands. Ending it with a wet sniffle. ‘….goodness, I’m very sorry.’


She held out a box of them in front of him. The motion was nice, but it only added to his embarrassment.

‘Thank you…’ He grasped two and put them to his flaring nose. Knowing he’d had to blow it soon and right in front of her.

‘Are you prone to catching colds or sickness in general?’

‘No, nohh…’ Replying in a muffling hitching tone, Chad kept the tissue in place. ‘…I’m usually hhhhh-very healthy… hhhhh-’ He stopped midway, feeling the tickle returning instantly. ‘Eh’Iitsch!!’schoo… ehh’EITSCHH!!!!’schew… oh God excuse me.’ He rubbed the material at the nose quite stubbornly with a sniffling sound. ‘…sorry. A friend of mine wasn’t polite enough to let me know he was feeling sick while spending time with me.’

‘Strange friend.’

Thinking over the matter, Chad agreed. Shifting in the chair, he tried to shield himself as he began to blow his nose as quietly as possible. Feeling a rush of heat, meeting his upper cheeks while doing so. The procedure felt excruciating but had to be done or he’d have a mess of a nose right across from her.

‘Well we do have colds going around the office, too…’ She sympathized with him. ‘…right, so I got all your info and we’ll get back to you, eventually.’ She stood. ‘I’d shake your hand but you’ve just sneezed into them.’

Chad blushed even harder. The thought didn’t even cross his mind. He’d been too nervous and occupied by handling the cold and preventing it slipping out in all sorts of humiliating manners.

‘I… God, sorry I didn’t- I mean I-’

‘That’s fine. As I said, we’ll a look into what you’ve provided us.’

His shoulder visibly sunk. He’d never felt so defeated and embarrassed at the same time.

‘…thanks for your time.’ He managed to utter. Feeling his voice trailing off.

‘Have a nice day.’


Stepping out of the office, Chad then rushed out. Feelings of failure forced itself upon him inside and the hissing snakes returned. He’d never felt so mortified.

At that moment it wouldn’t have mattered of the earth collapsed beneath his feet. In fact, he’d welcome it like a blessing.

Swallowing frequently, he pushed down the emotions further. Fighting to pull himself together, he finally reached the elevator from the labyrinths of corridors.

Two people were already inside and he nodded at them lightly walking in.

Waiting for the elevator to bring them down to ground floor, Chad sniffled thickly. Unable to hold back any longer, tears escaped his eyes. Sniffling again, he urgently wiped them off. The lady standing beside him gave him a worrisome glance.

‘You okay there sweetheart?’ She asked him in a tender voice.

He nodded again.

‘Thank you.’

The sweet care from a total stranger sent another wave of emotional catastrophe, crashing in.

The elevator stopped and Chad quickly got out and headed into the restrooms. Once inside, he locked the door and wept.




A while later, and only a brief moment of composure, Chad left the building. Spotting the car instantly, he rapidly got into it.

The familiar scent of Tristan’s lovely cologne, mixed with the car smell was just what he needed. Something relatable and utterly comforting.


‘Babe… how did it go?’

‘Hi…’ Sniffling with a thick congestion, he knew his eyes were puffy and nose all red but he didn’t gather the strength to care.

‘…uh… babe are you okay?’

‘Not at all…’ He sniffled again even more helplessly.

‘Why are you so upset?’

Tristan had placed his large hand onto his thigh.

‘…I messed up.’

‘What do you mean? Please explain sweetie.’ Meeting Tristan’s eyes, Chad became aware of how concerned he looked.

‘…you’re clearly upset, what exactly did they say to you?’ Tristan continued distressed.

‘I… I don’t know. I’m the problem, I’m a failure.’ He blinked as more tears formed in his eyes. All the sniffling caused his nose to itch again, but he tried to ignore it.

‘Babe, no… you’re not. Whatever happened it is not your fault.’

‘I’m just extremely inconsiderate, apparently.’ He told with an emotional sigh leaving his lips, rubbing at his nose sternly.

‘Baby, let’s just calm down and tell me what’s going on…’

Chad felt the tender touch at his back. A supportive and affectionate notion. The tickle in his nose grew quickly and he needed to sneeze again. He hitched his breath openly, too fatigued to cover as tears streamed down his eyes.


‘Eh’KRitschoo!!’ Restraining the half stifled sneeze to the side, he then remembered to cover. ‘…eh’Aetschuoom!!-ASCHiooom!! … uh, EITSCH’schuom!!’ He felt his body jerk as he snapped into the cover of his arm.

‘Bless you sweetie…’

‘Thank you… sorry.’

His nose began to run and he swiftly wiped it off with some tissues that he’d gathered from the visit to the restroom.

‘My sweetie…’

Tristan’s sonorous words soothed him with such velvety gentleness.

‘…just don’t expect me to get the job,’ Chad warned with a troubled sniffle.’ – ‘cause I won’t…’

‘I’m not expecting anything babe. You’ll be fine and you’ll find someplace that’ll suit you better.’

‘It was just so embarrassing.’


‘Am I really that inconsiderate, Tristan? I always try to be polite, always be considerate of others. And now I can’t even keep disgusting germs to myself. Like some sort of parasite on a pursuit, going around and trying to infect others.’

Whilst speaking, sweet touches met his cheeks as Tristan begun to wipe his face off with the ends of his sweater. Reaching his nose, Chad sniffled shyly. At the same time he enjoyed the closeness. Intentionally preserving the smell of Tristan from the fabric which relaxed him further. He wanted Tristan to undress himself from the clothing so he could bury his entire face into it.

‘…you’re talking fucking nonsense.’ Tristan sounded sure of himself.

‘Really? Cause I feel like I’m mindless idiot right now.’

‘So they complained about you having a little cold, that’s it?’

‘…sort of. I don’t know. I feel so stupid.’ Looking up into the ceiling of the car he sniffled again.

‘Hey… it’ll be okay. I promise.’


‘Let’s go somewhere and treat ourselves something delicious and forget about those assholes. How about that strawberry cake that you love so much?’

‘At The sunshine café?’

‘Where else?’ Tristan chuckled and Chad found himself looking at him with nothing but love.

‘…but last time we were there you said you it was too crowded..?’ A faint smile found his lips.

‘That’s because it was. Too much kids running around.’ Tristan grimaced. ‘…this time we’ll be lucky.’

‘Oh, okay… well, I’d love to.’

‘It’s a date. And you’ll see...’ Loving kisses met Chad’s lips and he devoured the taste of Tristan’s bubblegum flavor at the touch of it. ‘…everything will be okay.’



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I feel like this chapter gave me some of the best insight into these two's characters. Chad is just a baby that everyone loves and takes care of (I loved that little elevator scene- that lady was so sweet 😭) and Tristan is such a caring and protective soul. His caretaking seems to have developed a lot recently and I love to see it. The way he quietly cares for Chad and lets him feel every single emotion without any judgment or attempt to get him to stop is just so special, especially because one of my favourite things about Chad is his vulnerability, I suppose that's another aspect of my caretaking obsession lol. Thank you for this amazing chapter, I'll be here again soon ❤️

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2 hours ago, dwaekki said:

I feel like this chapter gave me some of the best insight into these two's characters. Chad is just a baby that everyone loves and takes care of (I loved that little elevator scene- that lady was so sweet 😭) and Tristan is such a caring and protective soul. His caretaking seems to have developed a lot recently and I love to see it. The way he quietly cares for Chad and lets him feel every single emotion without any judgment or attempt to get him to stop is just so special, especially because one of my favourite things about Chad is his vulnerability, I suppose that's another aspect of my caretaking obsession lol. Thank you for this amazing chapter, I'll be here again soon ❤️

I feel the exact same way! Such a thought out chapter that I absolutely love and adore. I’ll be also here for the next part!! 

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Oh this last chapter was beautiful m Tristan is so caring. And Chad really deserves better. Love his vulnerability.

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On 7/12/2024 at 2:19 AM, dwaekki said:

I feel like this chapter gave me some of the best insight into these two's characters. Chad is just a baby that everyone loves and takes care of (I loved that little elevator scene- that lady was so sweet 😭) and Tristan is such a caring and protective soul. His caretaking seems to have developed a lot recently and I love to see it. The way he quietly cares for Chad and lets him feel every single emotion without any judgment or attempt to get him to stop is just so special, especially because one of my favourite things about Chad is his vulnerability, I suppose that's another aspect of my caretaking obsession lol. Thank you for this amazing chapter, I'll be here again soon ❤️

Awe thank you. (yes I found the lady kind of sweet too lol) Tristan's caretaking has developed A LOT you are so correct. It was from sharing some the most hidden parts of himself that made him open up that side to him, which Chad was able to bring forward. Chad himself is still not convinced though and is unaware of the growth. You can say that Chad unlocked a part of Tristan that he never knew existed. Thank you soooo much. 🤍


On 7/12/2024 at 4:30 AM, RipleyToo said:

I feel the exact same way! Such a thought out chapter that I absolutely love and adore. I’ll be also here for the next part!! 

Thank you for your kind words, that means so much to me.  🤍 


3 hours ago, AntheaHolmes said:

Oh this last chapter was beautiful m Tristan is so caring. And Chad really deserves better. Love his vulnerability.

Thank you ever so much. 🤍 Chad truly reacts instantly to his emotions. It isn't intentional though, he simply cannot help himself. 🥹 



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Seated across from one another, Tristan admired Chad’s handsomeness. Looking awfully frail but still cute with his hair slightly tangled and the top of his nose faintly pink.

He didn’t quite understand why Chad gotten so upset to the point of crying. If someone had blamed him for being sick and reckless while interviewed, he’d simply told them to fuck off. Since they were the ones wanting him there and refusing to reschedule. But instead, Chad had taken it to heart and allowed the emotions to get the best of him. Tristan would never allowed himself to do that. No matter what. Surely, he’d taken their words into consideration, but never permit someone to ruin the rest of the day or causing him into tears. Despite that, he naturally supported Chad’s emotional perspective.

‘You’re so beautiful.’

He complimented, still in awe of Chad’s facial features which the sunlight highlighted stunningly.

‘…if you’re trying to cheer me up, it’s working.’ Chad softly giggled with a hint of blush at his cheeks.

‘How are you feelin’, better?’

‘... I suppose.’ Chad answered with a careful sniffle. ‘It is what it is…’

‘Right… you seem to enjoy the cake though?’ He asked with a smile, watching Chad scooping in another spoonful of the creamy cake into the mouth.

‘It’s very tasteful. It was a great idea coming here. I love the atmosphere.’

‘I know you do.’ Rolling his eyes lightly, he watched Chad having another go at the sensitive nose. Actually Tristan acknowledged he’d been handling it quite roughly throughout the day. Such a contrast to the tenderness he often used. Like he was losing patience somehow.

‘You okay there?’

‘…It’s like my nose is constantly on the verge of another sneeze. I’m tired of it.’ Chad exhaled frustrated.

‘Tired of..?’

‘Tired of giving effort when there’s no reward.’ Pushing the plate to the side, Chad sniffled. ‘Tired of giving pieces of myself to people who doesn’t give a damn about me…’

Tristan realized Chad was still very upset, since he rarely swore unless confronted by mistreatment or injustice.

Gazing out the window, Chad’s eyes squinted. The rounded nostrils greatly flared whilst his breath hitched sharply. Bringing a napkin to his mouth, he squeezed his eyes shut.

Eheh’KNtsch!!’scho… ugh… GNTisch!!’scho… uhEASCH!!’tscho…’ His upper body lurched forward, trying to hold back the strong sneezes overpowering him.

‘Bless you.’

‘…thank you.’ Stroking the napkin at the nose, his demeanor came off agitated. ‘…and I’m tired of sneezing all the time.’ He added out of nowhere.

‘….you are?’

Eyeing Chad suspiciously, Tristan crooked one eyebrow.



Taking a sip from the cup, Tristan realized it was better to let Chad vent and get the frustrations out and done with it.

‘...I've been thinking of getting some kind of vaccine against my allergies.’

Tristan almost choked on the coffee. ‘…uuh, uhm, really?’


Chad exhaled again. The congestion still evident in his voice.

For a moment, Tristan didn’t know what to make of the sudden confession. And what was he supposed to do with the rash intention? Try to stop him? Reject his wishes? Talk him out of it? He simply couldn’t. It’d be selfish?

‘…uhh… you sure about that?’ He decided to ask one more time, just to be clear. Perhaps Chad was just throwing a hissy fit.

‘Yes. I’m constantly sneezing and always in the most uncomfortable situations. I find it so embarrassing blowing my nose whenever I sneeze and I literally always end up needing to do so… so.’ An indifferent shrug met his shoulders.

‘Uh… isn’t this some kind of overreaction on your part? I’ve mean, you’ve been through quite a lot for one day.’

‘I don’t think so.’



‘…never mind.’

Putting the cup back at the lips, the hot liquid met his tongue. The flow of coffee slowly entered his mouth and at the same pace, Tristan felt his spirit diminish gradually.

‘…well you can still catch a cold, you know.’ He mumbled.

‘I know that. But then it’ll be more under my control, see.’ Chad sniffled again, rubbing at the nose. ‘I’ll know that I am sick and I will probably sneeze a lot because of it. Right now my allergies just takes over and it’s so uncontrollable.’

‘I have an allergy too, you know. You don’t see me looking for some kind of cure...’ Tristan countered.

‘I don’t think there’s a vaccine against mint.’ Chad replied cunningly.

‘Hey what’s with the fuckin’ attitude?’

‘I’m just being honest.’

‘Well drop it will you.’

Gazing at Tristan, Chad visualized a mild expression.

‘...it wasn’t intentional. I’m sorry.’

‘Fine. Let’s just change the subject.’

Tristan felt grumpier by the minute. It was the worst idea he’d ever heard. He understood Chad’s frustrations, but could it really be that bad. At least Chad had someone that appreciated them and genuinely thought of each sneeze as a gift. Most people were surrounded by the direct opposite.

It was like all the wonderful sneezy moments and memories they’d shared together no longer mattered. Or was he taking Chad’s decision simply too personal?


‘…let’s head home.’ He instead decided. Suddenly repulsed by the idea of staying at the café another minute. ‘I’m getting a head ache.’

‘Oh? What’s wrong, are you feeling sick?’

‘I don’t know. Let’s just leave.’






The morning elapsed. Unable to shake off the bad vibe from yesterday, Tristan spent most of the time with his phone. Unsocial and still bothered by the disturbing fact.

Thankfully, Chad seemed better so Tristan was able to concentrate on the matter without any enticing distractions.

It was late afternoon when Chad begun to cook them dinner. It was something he enjoyed and found rewarding. Often praised by not only the taste but also the decorative settings.

Tristan sat at the kitchen table, eyeing Chad now and then from the phone. ‘…so you’re looking good.’ He started the conversation.

Facing him, Chad revealed the yellow apron around his waist. It was adorned with green leaves.

‘Thank you honey. I feel so much better and the stuffiness in the nose is almost gone.’ He flashed a small smile. ‘I can breathe again.’

‘Mm… good.’

‘How are you, though… you’ve been acting a little distant?’


Sensing the start of a stressful discussion, Tristan put the phone down onto the table.

‘Yea… like, you’re here, but your mind is elsewhere...’ Stirring the saucepan with a wooden spoon, Chad sniffed.

‘I am here babe.’ He replied awkwardly.

‘…that should take care of itself for a while.’ Referring to the stew, Chad dusted off his hands. Sliding down on a chair, he placed his hand over Tristan’s at the surface of the table. ‘…if there’s anything you wanna talk about, you’ll share that with me, right..?’

‘Sure. But there’s nothing to tell.’

Their eyes locked. Tristan instantly captured by those oceans of blues. Chad’s lips parted to say something and Tristan waited for him to speak. But there was nothing as Chad looked down.

‘….so what about uhm… what you, uh hinted at yesterday?’ Tristan spoke his turn.

Chad gazed back into his eyes.

‘You mean, about the allergies?’

Tristan felt himself cringe. He hated bringing up the subject. It felt weak. So sheepishly. And he loathed that sense of sentiment.

‘…yea, whatever.’

‘…whatever?’ Chad wrinkled his forehead.

‘So what are you gonna do? Are you going to fix that shit or what?’

Tristan expressed aggressively. He didn’t mean to. It just came out.

‘…uhm. I haven’t decided yet.’

‘Okay. Well let me know when you do.’

‘…I will.’ A little lost by the concerning energy surrounding them, Chad kept gazing at Tristan. Trying to find some sort of answer in his eyes.

The stew simmered noisily.


Chad got up and tended to the issue whilst Tristan reached for the phone.

‘Eh’Dkntisch!! …oh…’

Looking up, Tristan caught Chad with a surprised expression on his face whilst wiping the hand off at the apron. Glancing back over at Tristan, his eyes softly squinted whilst the nostrils started flaring wildly. ‘… goodness… where did that… c-come fro-mhhhhheh’Kngxhh!-KNGtsch!! …eh’Eitsch!!!’schew…’

 ‘…uh, bless you.’ Tristan voiced silently. Unable to divert his eyes from the blunt and tantalizing scene.

Staggering away from the stove, Chad placed both hands over his face.

T-th-ank-hh’kntsch!-Ehtisch!-Uh’Itsch!-ah’KNGxtsch!!!’schooo… oh my goodness.’ He sniffled helplessly, hiding behind the hands.

‘Babe… are you okay?’ Tristan rose from the chair and approached Chad slightly worried. One hand caught Chad’s back, unintentionally embracing the entire friction for the next build up.

‘…hhhhh-eh, hhhhh’Kntsch!-eh’Kgnzx!!-eh-KNgxt!!’schu… Ah’Gn’eEscho!! …ugh. I…hhhh- eh’Eiitsch!!’scho… jeez. I think I sprinkled the spices a… ah little toohhh…. Ah’WESCHschooo!! …ohh… violently. My goodness.’ Slowly bringing his hands down, Chad sniffled with a bashful expression. His eyes had watered, leaving them slightly red too.  

‘Bless you so much sweetie.’

Tristan let his lips brush against Chad’s cheek. A salty sweetness caught the tip of his tongue. ‘…that was a strong reaction, you poor thing.’

‘Yea.’ He replied distraught. ‘…it just came out of….hhhhh-GNiftsch’schu!! …ugh… nowhere. I’m sorry.’

Just like your allergies… The thought popped into Tristan’s head but he avoided any confrontation.

‘You must be careful cooking, alright?’ Cupping Chad’s chin, Tristan lifted it gently; placing several affectionate kisses at his lips.

‘Mm, sorry...’ Sniffling more carefully, Chad drew Tristan closer and met his lips more eagerly. ‘…my nose is sensitive.’

‘…just like your personality.’


‘Nothing babe.’

Sniffling more strongly, Chad still held onto Tristan. Demanding the bonding intimacy he felt from within.  ‘I’m going to need a tissue shortly…’ He spoke vaguely with a wavering breath, rubbing one finger beneath the quivering nostrils.

‘No problem.’

Tilting his head to the side, Chad pressed down onto Tristan’s neck.

‘…uh’KnGitsch!!’scho… Gnxts!-Kntsch!-uh’GNixfts!!’schuoo…’

A faint hint of mist hit Tristan’s skin. He actually trembled.

‘…Chad, fuck…’

‘…sorry.’ He in turn excused himself with a wet blushful sniffle.

Grabbing Chad by the neck, Tristan brought their lips back together in passionate kiss. Behind them, the stew on the stove noisily overcooked.



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I have a feeling Chad might have done that on purpose at the end there... 

On one hand I can understand Tristan's perspective because I wouldn't want my partners sneezes to end but I also feel for Chad because he is always caught in the worst situations. I think I would want relief as well 😭. I hope these two work through their frustrations one way or another, and get back to being the lovely couple that they are again.

Also, Tristan's thought process at the beginning was so precious, how no matter how differently he may feel, his top priority is always Chad and making him feel as happy as possible. That's such a respectable trait and I hope he can express that more directly in the future, without letting his emotions or anger interrupt. This is a massive learning and development curve for him but I love to follow it through all of these chapters. I'm exited it to see where you take this next ❤️

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