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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Chad and Tristan (mxm)

Candy Dust

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On 5/30/2024 at 3:40 PM, RipleyToo said:

I mean, who can hate harsh sneezes? Excited to see what you’ll add next to the next chapter!! 

Haha, totally agree. 🫠 thank you. 🤍


On 5/30/2024 at 4:23 PM, dwaekki said:

This was such a rollecoaster lol, I feel like every emotion was running high! I'm glad they managed to talk things out in the end, but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by angry Chad... it makes such a change from his usual demeanor. I also loved Tristan's sneezes in there too, so cute ❤️

Thank you 🤍 and I know, they both needed to vent but perhaps in a wrongful way lol. Chad doesn't get angry easily but when he does he definitely shows it.


On 5/30/2024 at 7:42 PM, AntheaHolmes said:

Oh my, right in the feels but a nice chapter nonetheless. I'm hoping for more. 

Thank you so much, 🤍 and yes, there's more. 😇



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(slight mess)



Chad’s endeavor



Although the base of the quarrel had left him quite baffled, he’d settled with the compromise that his feelings were heard and taken seriously and into consideration.

Curiousness had gotten the best of him and he was quite proud of himself that he’d finally dared to ask the question. Perhaps it’d been worded in the wrong way, but at least now he knew how to sneeze accordingly around Tristan and he felt enthusiastic to try it out. The excitement of pleasing Tristan just by sneezing incited and he was thankful that he was able to do it so easily.

He’d been imagining how the scenario would carry out. Spending some extra time in bed, he’d let his mind drift, imagining how he’d try to build up towards the perfect sneeze. The precise sound that Tristan would adore. The exact articulation that’d have him fall in love with him all over again.


He set up the coffee machine in the kitchen. Brewed himself some tea.

Tristan still lay in the bed. Resting in and catching up on his favorite series as he usually did during the weekend.

During the sickness, Tristan had tended to him fondly and he wanted to return the sweet gesture. He organized a tray with coffee and toast. Adding a glass of orange for vitamins.

There was just one big problem lurking.

He still hadn’t sneezed. Usually he’d have at least one small fit after waking up. Now he barely felt a tickle.


Still. He wanted to reenact what he’d so excitedly fantasized about.

Looking around, he let his eyes wander. Trying to figure out what to use to get him going without any terrible and persistent aftermath. He had quite a selection to choose from. The sensitive nose itched easily and he knew it wouldn’t take much to coax out a few.

The vase of flowers caught his eye. The bouquet had been given to him by Tristan the day after their argument. Supposedly a sign of forgiveness or perhaps just delivered for what it was, a lovely collection of love. He had sneezed a few times receiving it. After that Tristan had scooped him up and carried him into the bedroom. The fond memory sent a smile to his lips.

Picking out a white flower with a yellow center and pink edges, his long fingers held it carefully between the thin stem. He contemplated. Not wanting to overdo it, he let the small yellow button of pollen barely brush against the tip of his nose. He sniffed. The tiny dusty particles teased as it traveled up inside the delicate nostrils. The white petals moved closely to his nose. The firm tickle formed and lingered. He sniffled, his nose already a bit runny.

The eyes watered. The tickling sensation sending him close to the edge.

‘Eh…’ Feeling his nostrils flare to the widest extent, the hitching breath deepened. ‘….eh…hhhhEitschhh’schoo!! …oh.’

‘Bless you babe..!’

Hearing Tristan’s blessing gave him that special warmth inside. A sentiment only Tristan possessed to gratify.

Wondering if that particular sneeze had been especially to Tristan’s liking, the stress to sneeze again took over.

Eh’heh’Kntsch!!-scho …ah’T’scho!... Ah’Aeschoo!!… ohh.’

‘Bless you...!’

Taking another quick sniff of the flower, he put it on the tray and balanced it carefully into the bedroom.



‘Sweetie… what’s this?’

Tristan propped himself up in the bed. His eyes lit up when he saw what he carried with him.

‘Just wanted you to have a…’ He sniffed. The tickle in the nose made his breath waver as it grew stronger. Placing the tray down quickly, his lips parted further.

‘…a what?’

The eyes of Tristan extremely observant. He did seem to enjoy the desperate build-up.

‘…a, Ah’Eitsch!!’scho…’ He turned his head to the side. ‘sorry, a nice breakfast.’

‘Bless you. You’re sensitive this morning?’

Rubbing at the nose with a small timid shrug, Chad sat himself on the edge of the bed.

‘Just a little…’

Tristan crawled over next to him. A soft kiss met his hair. The scent of vanilla and musk brushed against his nose.

‘Oh, this is some good coffee.’ Tristan treated himself another sip from the cup.


Whilst keeping a finger below the nose, Chad let his eyes wander over Tristan’s mouth. The lower lip slightly fuller than the top. The sharp jawline matching perfectly to his unshaven chin. He bit the nail of his pinkie finger when he felt his nose twitch.

‘What’s with the flower?’

Tristan twirled it playfully between the fingers.

‘It’s eh…’ His breath hitched, but the tickle swiftly subdued. ‘… heh. …for you.’

‘For me? But isn’t this a part of the bouquet I gave you?’


The tickle returned sharply. His eyes squinted with a helpless frown.

‘So, uhm..?’

Tristan expressed a puzzled look.

‘…I… th-hh-Etisch!!’scho… sorry, Uh’Ascheoo!!’ He caught the outburst into his hands.

‘Bless you sweetie.’

The lush lips met his cheek.

‘Thank you…’ He sniffled, reaching for a package of tissues. Always peculiar and afraid of making a mess. ‘I thought that… you, or we, could try it out, I mean, if you wanted to. I know it’s…eh, usable.’

‘…as in?’


The eyes widened as a big smile formed across his lips. Chad couldn’t help but feel entertained by Tristan’s reaction.



His nose already tickled. It wouldn’t take much for him to respond and that notion gave him a satisfying feeling.

Tristan spent no time recollecting and gently let the flower touch the edges around Chad’s nose. He faintly winced.

‘Your beautiful nostrils are already trembling…’ The sound of Tristan’s voice mesmerized.

Goodness.’ Chad aired. The tickle grew immensely. He blinked as tears filled his eyes. His breath hitched desperately.


He overheard Tristan’s voice as he shut his eyes. The nose scrunched, fighting off the terrible itch that caused him to lose control. As it completely took over, he drew in one huge breath.

Eh’tsch!!!’scho… Uh’kngxtsch!-Tsch!’uh-T’uschio!!... uh, jeez, uh… ...Ah’Knixtsch!!’scho.... Ah’tgnutsch!!’scho... ugh…’

He felt unsure sneezing so openly. It felt more natural to cover himself with something. Anything at this point.

‘Bless you so much.’

Another alluring kiss met his cheek.

‘Thank you. I'm just gonna...’

Fidgeting with the package, Tristan grasped it from his hands and fished up several tissues that he gently caressed around Chad’s fluttering nostrils.

‘…gosh, thank you.’

A hint of embarrassed was swept upon him by the tender motion. At the same time he loved the intimacy it provided.

‘You’re feeling okay?’

‘M-hm…’ He nodded. The itch in the nose returned faintly. ‘Want to use the flower again?’

‘You sure?’

He felt himself respond with another nod. This time he closed his eyes when he felt the soft petals brush against the very tip of his nose. He smelled and sniffed the flower purposefully, making sure he’d got enough amount for at least a fit. He lightly gasped as the tiniest grains of pollen triggered the itchiest spot.

The touch of the flower removed as he build up rapidly. Tears streamed down his cheeks and he sniffled urgently.

‘You’re perfection.’

Tristan whispered as the tickle became uncontrollable.

‘Ah’Escho!!-Escho!!-Eitsch’scho!! … uh, Ah’Scheo!! ugh… Atisch’scho!! uh, hhhhhEITSCH!!’schew... hhhhh... Ah’EITSCHscho!!!! … oh ugh.’

Several tissues were brought to his runny nose and he accepted them graciously. '...sorry.’ He uttered muffled, feeling himself blush.

‘It’s so sensual seeing you sneeze so openly…’ Tristan said with adoration. He met his lips tenderly, ignoring the fact that Chad kept tissues to his face.

Chad blushed harder. Tristan kissed him deeper, ending it with a soft peck.

‘I’m so intoxicated by you.’

‘….you have no idea how much your words means to me.’ Sniffling, he put the tissue away.

‘It’s amazing your slender frame can handle all those big sneezes.’

‘Really..?’ Chad sniffled. His nose began to itch again but he tried to ignore with a gentle rub with his knuckle.

‘And your cute nose. Producing such harsh and wet sneezes.’

‘Yea..?’ He responded shyly.

‘Yea. How do you do it?’

‘…I don’t know. I just… sneeze?’ He giggled awkwardly. ‘…I’m embarrassed.’

‘Sorry. I can’t help myself.’

Chad felt the nostrils flaring. He swallowed, bringing the tissue back to his nose.


Not enduring another messy situation, Chad pressed the tissue to it whilst hitching.

Eh, hhhhhEitsch’schew!! …Ketsch!!-Etsch!!-Eiy’etsch!!’scho…. ugh.’

‘Love it. Bless you.’

‘…t-thank you… eh’Knitsch!!-uh-Eitsch!’scho… my goodness.’

The nose itched with an incredible burning. He closed the nose with his thumb and index finger. Figuring it was the best way to force the sneezes to come out as quietly as possible.

‘…ehGntsch!’scho… uh’Gntsch!’-hh’Gntschhh!!’schu..... ah’Gnuitsch!!’schoow! …ugh.’

The jerking motion had his hair fallen all over the place. Tristan gently tucked it behind the ears, in the same kind of fashion Chad usually did himself. The tender act sent butterflies to his stomach.

‘You’re so cute.’ Tristan softly worded.

Chad looked down at his hands.

The used tissues totally moist at the fingertips. He sniffled frustrated.

‘More tissues?’

‘Yes. Please… ‘

Given a bunch of them, he wiped off his cheeks then put them to his nose and turned away from Tristan completely. Blowing the nose roughly, it felt like forever as the see through liquid continued to flow into the tissues.


A loving touch met his thigh.

‘Yea. Sorry.’ He responded in a muffling tone. ‘It’s just, my nose.’

‘Perhaps we used too much of it..?’

‘No, no… I’m okay. It’s just my nose won’t stop running.’

‘Aw poor babe.’

Warm and comforting hand met his upper shoulder, circulating in a massaging motion.

Rubbing the damp tissues at the nose, he let them fall to the floor. Tristan met his eyes with devotion.

‘You’re so fucking beautiful.’

Chad failed to keep a steady eye contact.

‘Thank you for doing this for me.’

‘Of course…’ Chad felt the cheekbones turning red all over again. ‘…just happy you seem to like it.’ He cleared the throat. His nose was getting stuffed up and he wondered if it was turning pink too.

‘I loved… I love it.’ Tristan leaned in and met his lips with a sensuous yearning. The taste so sweet.

‘I’d be glad to do it again some time.’ He replied in a whisper.




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I love Chad so much 😭 He's such a  sweetheart and so considerate. I wonder if Tristan can vary his sneezes as well as Chad can? I'd love to see him try and stifle, especially because Chad does it so often nowadays 😇

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Posted (edited)
On 6/1/2024 at 6:25 PM, dwaekki said:

I love Chad so much 😭 He's such a  sweetheart and so considerate. I wonder if Tristan can vary his sneezes as well as Chad can? I'd love to see him try and stifle, especially because Chad does it so often nowadays 😇

Aaaawe 🥰 yes he's simply too sweet and accommodating. As always I love your comments thoughts and insights into this story taking place between them. It means a lot! 🤍 And can Tristan vary his sneezes as well as Chad? 🫠 Let's see.

Edited by Candy Dust
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Posted (edited)



Tristan’s irresolution





Since Chad had been nagging about meeting his friends for months on end Tristan felt had no choice but eventually give into his wishes. The so called opportunity arrived when one of them had a moving in party and Chad had been adamant about going.

They were standing outside of the apartment. Chad had just given the front door a rhythmic knock. An anticipated look captured his face. Tristan, on the other hand, felt indifferent.

The door opened. A tall slim guy with blonde hair stood with a broad smile. Glasses rested at the tip of his thin nose.

‘Chad! Welcome! And this is Tristan, I assume?’

‘Who else would it be?’ Chad returned the smile and put his hand on Tristan’s back, beckoning him to walk in first.


As Tristan stepped inside, he shook hands with the stranger.

‘Hi I’m Danny. Chad has told me so much about you.’


Tristan replied with a small sniff. Inside the apartment surfaced a strange odor. He didn’t know why, but it was overpowering like a bad energy.

Slipping out of the jacket, let his eyes wander across the area which wasn’t that spacious. Two bedroom apartment with a fairly big kitchen, he was told by Danny who offered to take the leather jacket from his hands.

Jazz music poured out the speakers. A few others were there, joining in the small get together.

‘Please help yourselves to the hors d’oeuvres and beverages.’ Danny spoke fast, pointing at a table within their reach.

‘Thank you so much.’ Chad responded softly. ‘The place looks wonderful.’

‘Thanks. He’s so polite. Isn’t he Tristan?’

‘Yea… he’s a sweetheart.’

Giving Chad an endearing look, a tender touch met his hand as Chad entwined their fingers.

‘So happy you decided to join me.’ He spoke closely to his ear. The sweet kiss met his neck. ‘…truly, thank you.’

‘No problem.’

‘You’re not having seconds though?’ He asked skeptically.


He answered slowly. The unfamiliar scent had begun to bother him. At first he thought he’d have repercussion by a strenuous head ache, but instead his nose began to run. At the same time his mouth went dry. It was a weird combination. 

‘You sure?’

‘No. I mean yes.’ Tristan sniffled, bringing a fist at the nose, rubbing at it as a burning tickle found both nostrils. ‘…it’s a cool atmosphere.’ He lied.

‘Glad to hear that.’ Chad leaned in and rested his weight against him.

An aromatic lamp was lit across the room, situated on a small side table in marble. Perhaps it was the root of the problem.

The tickle in his nose traveled deeper and he sniffled. He hated sneezing in public and he was thankful it didn’t happen very often. Unless he had a cold and then he was usually able to sneeze as harsh and openly in the comfort of his home. But now he was subjected to a new kind of experience. The stressful emotion of not knowing when he’d be inclined to sneeze or when the new allergy was going to act up.



He didn’t have time to give it much more thought as the tickle hit the sharpest and itchiest point in his nose, giving him no choice but give into the release. The impact tensed him with a swift gasp.



‘Hat’trsch! …uh, Hut’truschhh!’ He stifled harshly. Barely finding the time to cover his mouth with one hand, Chad stepped back.

‘Bless you… are you okay?’

‘Uh, hh…Itschsch!! Ha’Itsch! …TSCHu!! Damnit.’

The sneezes were growing stronger and he desperately tried to suppress the sound for slipping out to the rest of the guests.

‘God, bless you.’ Chad kept looking at him worryingly. ‘…you've caught a cold?’

‘Ah’Hatscheo!!!! Ugh fuck.’ The violent sneeze cause a shudder in his shoulders. ‘…I don’t know.’

‘Do you need tissues? Maybe you’ve caught that cold that’s been going around… I really hope not. I don’t think I’ve ever sneezed that much in my entire life.’

‘Hut’scnusch!! …’ He drew in several wet sniffles through the nose. ‘….ugh, I feel fine.’

‘Let me get you something to drink. Water?’

‘Beer, thanks.’ Tristan responded shortly. Irritated at his nose that made him sniffle so damn much.



Chad returned with their drinks.

‘Why are you stifling your sneezes?’ He said with a thoughtful expression. ‘…you can hurt yourself.’

Tristan gazed back at him oddly while drinking keenly from the glass. ‘You do it all the time.’ He exhaled after several sips.

‘Yes but that’s me… and my situation is a bit different than yours. Besides the way you’re sneezing right now sound really really hard and suppressed.’

‘I’m fine.’

‘So it’s not painful?’


‘Okay then…’

His nose twitched and nostrils flared. He had no choice but surrender. Inhaling sharply, he turned his head to the side.

Hhhh ‘itschhh!! Hhhh’tschh! Hut’Ktschu!! Uuuuugh….’

An undeniable look of anxiety captured Chad’s face. He truly seemed worried over the sudden sneezy conduct.

‘Bless you. Let me find you some tissues.’

As Chad left, Danny approached with a few napkins.

‘Sorry. I couldn’t avoid overhearing you sneezing. I got you some napkins. They’re newly bought.’ He snickered.


Tristan accepted them awkwardly. It was such an intimate gesture to be handed over by someone he’d just met.

‘So… as I said before, Chad’s been talking about you all the time. Like totally non-stop.’

‘Yea you mentioned that.’

Turning away slightly, Tristan began to blow his nose.

‘For how long have you guys been dating, now?’

‘We’ve been together for about two years…’ He wiped his nose off and put the napkin in the pocket of the dark blue jeans.

‘Oh is that so?’

‘Yea.’  He sniffled with a thick sound, his nose getting stuffed up.

Chad returned with a bunch of napkins at hand.

‘Oh I think I was first one to bring Tristan the gift of napkins.’ Danny pointed out with a chuckle. ‘It’s turning into a napkin party.’

Chad’s lips didn’t move an inch, he seemed displeased.

Sniveling, Tristan rubbed at his nose with the back of his hand. He felt his eyes watering and something bothered his throat. He swallowed several times. The burning sensation transformed into a sharp tickle and he felt his nostrils quivering.

‘How do you feel?’

The ocean eyes expressing depth of concern.

‘I’m…’ He cleared his throat. ‘…okay.’ He glanced at Danny. ‘…what’s with the aroma lamp?’

‘What about it?’

Tristan stalled as the tickle turned into the form release he desperately needed.


He hitched. Glancing at Chad who eyed him anxiously.

‘Hat’trsch!! …Hut’schhh!!! Uh Hat’schhhh!!’

Stifling harshly, he struggled to suppress them in the semi crowded room.

‘Bless you, honey, are you sure everything’s okay?’

The touch of Chad’s hand met his shoulder. He winced. The itchiness wouldn’t subside and he hitched, hiding his face behind his hands.


Hhh’Isch!! Uh’tschh!! Hut’ktsch!!’ K’tisch!!!’schuu!!… ugh fuck.’

‘Is it the scent of the aroma lamp that’s bothering you?’ Chad asked tensed.

‘Why are you guys on about aromas?’ Danny continuously snickered.

‘Tristan’s allergic to mint and minty smells.’

‘Chad, seriously?’ Tristan shushed him.

‘Well, aren’t you?’

Chad began to fidget with the fingers at the tips of his hair, which he always did when he was stressed or nervous.

‘I’m fine, really.’ Tristan answered angrily, glaring at Chad.

‘I’ll go check what kind of flavor it is. One moment.’ Danny left them momentarily.

‘Why are you telling people about my personal issues?’ He hissed.

‘It wasn’t my intention, I didn’t know it was private…’ Chad explained emotionally. ‘I’m sorry. I’m just trying to help.’

‘…it’s fine. Just don’t do it again.’ Tristan sniffled, bringing one arm around Chad’s neck.

‘I won’t.’ Chad looked down but Tristan lifted his chin up with his fingertips. Their eyes locked together.

‘You’re sweet.’ He kissed Chad’s lips. The taste of fruit punch met the insides of his mouth. He sniffled again thickly as Chad leaned in and their lips connected again.

He felt his nose twitch, at the same time beginning to run and he hastily separated himself from the alluring touch.

‘Hut’tuscho!! …Fuck I can’t stop.’ He groaned, fishing up the napkin from his pocket, building up towards another ticklish release. ‘Hut’ritsch’schhh!!’ Tired of covering, Tristan let the sneezes out to the left of Chad who stood still.

‘Goodness…’ Tristan heard him express alarmingly whilst wiping his nose off. ‘…perhaps we should just leave.’

Danny showed up out of nowhere.

‘Problem solved!’ He smiled. ‘Sorry buddy, or should I say you’re in luck? The scent obviously in the flavor of mint. You poor thing. It was supposed to give a good vibe. I’ve eliminated them all.’

‘Gosh thank you.’ Chad put a relieved hand to his chest.

‘Yea, great. Thanks.’

With a firm sniffle and the paper placed over the nose, Tristan felt a bit bummed. He didn’t feel like staying and just a moment ago, Chad’ been ready to leave.  



Edited by Candy Dust
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Aww, poor Tristan with his new allergy... I do like it though 😆 it was so cute to see him try and stifle and Chad is so sweet (but hypocritical lmao) being concerned for him. I'd love to see what happens after this seeing as Tristan is so ready to leave but now he can't... I'd imagine it would end up it another emotional mess for both of them lol 😭

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/6/2024 at 10:03 PM, dwaekki said:

Aww, poor Tristan with his new allergy... I do like it though 😆 it was so cute to see him try and stifle and Chad is so sweet (but hypocritical lmao) being concerned for him. I'd love to see what happens after this seeing as Tristan is so ready to leave but now he can't... I'd imagine it would end up it another emotional mess for both of them lol 😭

Yea Tristan struggles with it, that's for sure. I loved that you noticed that hypocritical comment and pointed it out. Chad really can't help himself sometimes lol. Part 2 will be up shortly. 🤍

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Tristan’s irresolution, Part 2



After a while, Tristan was able to settle down as the sneezes died down momentarily. They mingled for a bit, then finding a comfy seat together on the sofa. A large screen lit up the room from the corner of the room, displaying old music videos from the 80’s. Chad nodded his head absentmindedly to the music in a soft beating motion.

‘So I need to tell you something.’ Tristan said, catching Chad’s attention immediately. Observant eyes studied every movement. ‘…my mind keeps dwelling on it so I better get it off my chest.’


Chad unveiled an eager conduct, gesticulated with his hands.

‘Yea so… I just wanna make sure that you’re not blabbering about personal stuff about me with your friends. Okay? Like what I do in my life is private and what I’ve shared and confided in you is none of their business. You get that, right?’

Chad’s eyes narrowed.

‘Of course, I would never-‘

‘I’m serious.’ Tristan sniffled, his nose still a little itchy.

‘So I am. I would never disclose intimate information about you or anything you’ve entrusted me with. Never.’

Chad gazed at him with big eyes. Fixated that he stayed reliable.


‘You do trust me?’

‘I don’t trust anyone.’

Chad wrinkled his smooth forehead with a bewildered frown.

‘What do you mean?’

‘What I just said.’

‘Well what, you’re not trusting anyone?’

The tension in Chad’s voice grew deeper.

Rubbing at his nose, Tristan sniffled again.


‘Despite everything we’ve been through and shared together? You don’t trust me?’

‘You- uh, that uh… has got nothing to do with it. I suppose it derives from what I had to go through as younger, you know.’

The words seemed to leave a huge impact in within Chad as he looked elsewhere. ‘…Oh.’ He responded quietly. Beginning to slide his fingers through the hair, he sniffed too.


‘You want another drink?’

‘No thanks I’m fine.’

Tristan sensed the changing tension in Chad’s demeanor. Gently grabbing Chad’s wrist, he lowered it from the strained picking.

‘Hm?’ Chad glanced at him.

‘Stop fidgeting sweetie.’


Faintly disobeying, he began picking at nail of the thumb instead.

‘You sure you don’t want another drink?’

Tristan stood.

‘I’m fine, you go ahead. I think I’ll just sit here for a moment.’


‘M-hm.’ He nodded with a sad posture. The world had crumbled down on his shoulders.

‘Hey…’ Tristan nudged his arm softly. ‘…you’re okay, right?’


He didn’t meet his eyes. Tristan knew he’d once again been too outspoken. A choice he now regretted.

‘I’ll be right back with you.’


Whilst pouring the beer into a new glass, he felt his nose twitch and he grunted. The allergic matter still lurked. It worried him somewhat, since the issue should have been resolved by now.

He sniffled, rubbing at it roughly. The intense motion led up to nothing as he had to sneeze anyway.

‘Hat’tsch! …Hut’tsch!’ He stifled into his cupped hand when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

‘Tristan…’ Danny smiled. ‘Still sneezing I see.’

Perplexed by his presence, Tristan surrendered to another firm tickle and squeezed his eyes shut.

‘Hat’txtschu! ugh, shit… … yea I guess.’

‘Are you two having fun?’

‘Sure…’ Bringing the hand back up to his face, he let the fingers rub over the nostrils.


‘So… where did you and Chad first meet?’

‘In college.’ Danny slurped at the cocktail.

‘Friendship at first sight?’

Tristan was met by excessive laughter. The conduct didn’t bother him, he was far too busy keeping his nose under control.

‘You can say that.’

Tristan sniffled. Adamant about keeping the conversation going. A little curiousness never hurt no one.

‘Did uh, Chad date a lot? I mean, in college?’

‘Did he? Wait let me think,’ Danny put a finger to his lips. ‘No I don’t recall any serious dating scene going on. He mostly studied.’

Content with the answer, Tristan hid a grin.

‘You’re being very nosy Tristan.’

‘Just asking.’

Raising one brow, Tristan treated himself with another keen sip from the glass.

Danny darted his eyes in another direction.

‘Oh! Chips bowls needs another refill. Let me know if you guys need anything!’

As Danny strolled off into the kitchen, Tristan turned the gaze towards where Chad was seated.  Except he’d vanished. The empty spot in the sofa caused a slight panic. But he calmed himself down quickly. He just had to find him, surely he was somewhere in the apartment.

Looking around the hallway and bedroom, he didn’t see him anywhere. Approaching the bathroom, he knocked on it softly.

‘Chad? You in there?’

There was no reply. The door remained locked.


By an unlocking sound, the door went ajar.

Stepping inside, Chad stood with his back to him, stroking a tissue at his nose. It was a little red from the frequent motion. Tristan closed the door behind him.

‘Hey, I’ve been looking all over for you.’


Chad replied with a deep sniffle, ripping out a new sheet of paper and wiped it beneath the eyes.

‘Babe? What’s wrong?’

‘Nothing.’ The voice fought to stay focused but hints of quiver escaped the tone.

‘You’re crying. Of course something’s upset you.’

‘…it’s okay. Let’s just go home.’

Trying to slip past Tristan, he was stopped by a gentle but firm grab at the waist. ‘Hey, sweetie… talk to me?’’

Chad sniffled again as tears dripped down his cheeks and he wiped his nose off with the clutched paper.

‘Baby…?’ Tristan gently tucked away some hair that’d fallen in Chad’s eyes.

‘I just…’ He exhaled. ‘…felt so alone all of sudden.’

‘Alone? Babe, I’m right here with you.’

‘Are you though?’

Tristan was about to respond when a sharp tickle resumed with full force in the already itchy nose. His eyes squinted with a deepening frown.  

‘I…’ He began to say in a wavering voice. ‘…I, hhhhh-Hut’kutsch!! Hhhh H’tktsch!!chu…’

‘Bless you…’ Chad looked down with a saddening exposure. ‘…we should have left when you first started sneezing. Instead we’re here, dealing with this mess…’

‘Deal with what..?’ Fighting for control over the spiraling discussion, Tristan felt his breath hitch. The itchiness in the nose simply wouldn’t subdue.

‘Well we are facing some problems, aren’t we?’

The tone in Chad’s voice suddenly turned serious.

‘What kind… uh, of problems, … uh, hut-ktschschu!!’ He snapped to the side. ‘ …ugh fuck! What kind of problems exactly?’

‘You don’t trust me, Tristan!’

Out of nowhere, Chad’s raised his voice. The articulation still so uncommon, it left Tristan startled. At the same time, the tickle in his nose reached the unstoppable limit.

‘Hey…’ He exhaled with a squint in his eyes, ‘calm down.’

‘Don’t tell me to calm down! I’ve-

‘Hat’Aetscho!’ Tristan sneezed freely to side again, ‘….hhhhh Hu’Ruschoo!!!! ugh…’

The sudden eruption seemed to distract Chad as his posture relaxed for a bit. Persumably also affected by seeing Tristan in such a vulnerable state.

‘…bless you.’ He silently worded. ‘…are you okay?’

‘…I just keep fucking sneezing. There is something in this apartment that’s not cooperating with me.’ Agitated, he sniffled and rubbed at the nose.

‘Oh…  I’m very sorry about that.’ A weary notion captured Chad’s eyes all over again.

‘Can I borrow some of that?’

Tristan referred to the bunch papers in Chad’s hand.


Chad carefully picked out a few and tossed the rest before handing them over. Tristan then blew his nose strongly. When done, he reached for Chad’s hand.

He responded with hesitation at first. Allowing the tenseness becoming translucent and altering; absorbing into thin air as he then wrapped his arms around him in a sweet embrace.

‘Listen…’ Tristan sniffled, his lips meeting the touch of Chad’s cheek. ‘I trust you as much as I could ever trust anyone. Okay?’


‘Try not to take it personal. I’m dealing with my own shit and I promise I am handling it.’

‘But it’s still hard…’

He felt sheltered as Chad held him closer. The sweet smell of musk and vanilla mixed itself together.

‘You’re my sweetie and I love you and nothing will ever change that.’

Wetness traced Tristan’s lips as the tears rolled down from his loved one’s eyes.

‘Please don’t be so upset.’ He continued with a soft voice at Chad’s ear.

He let him in closer, guarding him with all the eminent emotions he was capable of delivering. He wanted Chad protected, never inflicted with a sad heart or troubled soul.

Avoiding the tumult of mistrust, Tristan knew he’d never given him a reason for suspicion or misconduct. But despite all that, he struggled. Perhaps what he needed was unknowingly hiding within his reach?

Meanwhile Chad had begun to wipe his face off at the fabric of Tristan’s shirt.


Tristan chuckled at the demeanor.

‘Sorry. It was getting so messy and I didn’t want to separate myself from you.’

‘You’re lucky this is an old shirt.’

‘Sorry.’ Chad sniffled, still holding on to Tristan, like he was afraid of what’d happen if he ever let go.



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Omg I think this was one of my favourite chapters so far! Especially at the end where Tristan held Chad and you could just feel all the emotions seeping out of them both 😭💔. The little comic relief at the end with Tristan's shirt was so cute too, I love seeing such intimate moments between these two. I hope Chad knows how precious he is, I love how emotional he is and it makes me want to protect him lol, I can only imagine how Tristan must feel. Maybe that could be an idea, where Tristan is protective over Chad, especially if he is upset but that's up to you 😊

Thank you for this, so excited to

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I love seeing either of them vulnerable with their sneezes! This chapter was very good! Im also excited to read more! 

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Oooo I was wondering if you were going to bring Tristan's allergy back into light. I hope there's more ☺️

I melted reading the this 🫠. The vulnerability and care for each other 🥰

Looking forward to the next adventure 😎

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On 6/15/2024 at 6:46 PM, dwaekki said:

Omg I think this was one of my favourite chapters so far! Especially at the end where Tristan held Chad and you could just feel all the emotions seeping out of them both 😭💔. The little comic relief at the end with Tristan's shirt was so cute too, I love seeing such intimate moments between these two. I hope Chad knows how precious he is, I love how emotional he is and it makes me want to protect him lol, I can only imagine how Tristan must feel. Maybe that could be an idea, where Tristan is protective over Chad, especially if he is upset but that's up to you 😊

Thank you for this, so excited to

Gosh thank you so much, 🤍 so glad to hear that. Chad does not know that he's precious - at all lol but he loves being protected but he would never take that for granted. Tristan surely struggles trying to be there for Chad at all times lol. Poor guy. As usual I'm very into your story directions and I'll post another part shortly. Thank you sooooo much once again, your comments brightens my day and the story with these two! 🤍


On 6/18/2024 at 8:27 AM, RipleyToo said:

I love seeing either of them vulnerable with their sneezes! This chapter was very good! Im also excited to read more! 

Thank you very much. 🤍 such a lovely review. I'll update very soon with more angst and emotions. 🥲


On 6/18/2024 at 2:52 PM, 2SHY222 said:

Oooo I was wondering if you were going to bring Tristan's allergy back into light. I hope there's more ☺️

I melted reading the this 🫠. The vulnerability and care for each other 🥰

Looking forward to the next adventure 😎

Yeeey happy to see you in the commentary. 🤍 More from Tristan's allergy will return a bit later. Thank you, they're still learning about each other and with that ventilates all sorts of emotions. 🥲 The next adventure will be updated very very shortly. 🥰



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Watching the large TV screen with a can of Coke within his hand, Tristan lounged on the comfort of the huge white couch in the living room. The week had passed with no particular obstacle, except that Chad’ been working long hours. Coming home in a tired mood and sparsely interested in anything else but food and sleep. When asking, Chad had explained it was just what he had to do and then closing the subject with another line of how exhausted he was.

Lowering the volume on the screen, Tristan heard a strained voice from the nearby room. Chad was talking to someone. Eaves dropping wasn’t particularly in his nature, but he figured he could make an exception. Furthermore the matter seemed important since Chad’s voice came off agitated.

Standing right by the door, Tristan let his back rest against the wall.

‘...you don’t understand.’

Chad expressed tensed.

‘…I’ve genuinely been trying-‘

Chad exhaled, irritated and aggravated from being interrupted.

‘You know I’ve been taking these extra shifts this whole… week and…’ Silence occurred, then,

‘Hh’kKsch!!’scho… ‘scuse me, and I’ve been pressuring myself for the… one sec, eh… ket’Eitscho!! …uh’Ktsch!!-KNtscht!!’scho… sorry. I’ve been devoting all my time for the company and so far I’ve had no problems with it but recently-‘

Chad paused, listening into the receiver. The whole time sniffling since the sudden fit came over him. The stifled sneezes had sounded so harsh, yet so brutally restrained.

Tristan felt bad. Not only for the affective stress being thrown onto Chad, but also for enjoying the improper moment of sneeziness. Also he regarded himself quite indecent for snooping around so carelessly. 

‘….no, no I am not making up excuses. I am simply stating… what’s that?’

Chad sniffled and continued, ‘No you’re being unreasonable and honestly painting me in a bad light. I’m going through hell right now. I’m barely seeing my partner, I don’t even have time for – pardon?’ He cleared his throat.

‘…no, you’re not listenihheh… uh’KNtsch!!!’scho… sorry. I am not-hhhh-Eiitschoo!-EITSCH!!’schooo …ugh bless me, I apologize.’

Seconds of silence passed except for the wet sniffles proceeding from his troubled loved one.

‘I am not being rude…’ Chad then uttered on a more serious note. ‘…and I find it incredibly unprofessional of you to say that to me.  I’ve been more than an asset to this company and I’ve given it-‘

He paused again, clearing his throat.

‘…no, no… that’s not true. Totally misrepresenting. My time and energy has been exceptionally focused on doing my absolute best.’

Chad’s voice came off quivering. He cleared his throat again.

It took everything from keeping Tristan storming into the room, demanding the phone and telling whoever the person was to the leave his boyfriend the fuck alone. Instead, all he could do was to stand there and wait. A numbing feeling settled and he hated he wasn’t in control.


Chad was sneezing again, adding to the pressure Tristan already felt subjected to.

‘…ugh… okay, well I feel I got nothing more to say right now... no. Okay. Bye.’

As Chad ended the phone call, Tristan sneaked back to the same spot on the couch. Waiting for Chad to leave from the room.

Which he did, fifteen minutes later.

Sitting down next to Tristan, he sniffled. His eyes were swollen with a reddish hue. Looking down at the crumbled tissue within the hands.


‘Yea.’ He cleared his throat with a sniffling sound. Tucking a piece of hair behind his ear.

‘Are you okay?’


He often wondered why Chad found it hard to be direct with him. Clearly it wasn’t in his nature. But since their bond grew each day, Tristan wished that he wouldn’t find it so hard.

Taking a final sip from the can, Tristan put it back on the table. ‘It doesn’t seem like it…’ He proceeded the conversation.

‘…I just had a sneezing fit. I’m okay.’

Chad exposed a conflicting smile between the trembling lips. Scooting closer, Tristan made sure their thighs connected. Wrapping one arm around Chad’s waist.

‘…I heard you talking to someone..?’ He asked softly.


Barely looking up, Chad sniffled repetitively.


‘Just work…’

Letting his fingers dance across the skin at Chad’s upper arm, he felt the goose bumps at the touch of his fingertips.

‘The conversation sounded kind of argumentative..?’


Turning his head against the view of the window, Chad exhaled. Trying to lift the burden overtaking him.

‘Sounds to me like they’re mistreating you very badly.’

Chad shifted. Trying to find self confidence in a more rigid posture.


Still maintaining a façade, Chad held onto the fake impression that everything was okay.

‘…yea. So what’s going on with that?’

‘They’re taking advantage of me.’ Chad sniffled again. A light flare met his nostrils and he rubbed at his nose with a bothered expression.

‘Yea that’s obvious. So what are you going to-‘

‘Eh’Gnitscho!!’ He stifled to the side. ’Sorry. . … hhhh… Ah’Eschooo!!’

‘Bless you sweetie.’

The wrist rubbed at the nose with a frequent motion. ‘Thank you.’

‘What can be done about those idiots? Can’t you teach them a fucking lesson or something?’

‘No...’ Gently shaking his head, tears filled up in in Chad’s eyes.

‘Why not?’

‘…I can’t…’ His breath hitched, cupping one hand over his nose and mouth. At the same time, tears began to stream down his cheeks. It was quite an emotional sight.

‘…babe?’ Tristan voiced worryingly whilst Chad slightly tilted his head back.

Weschioo!!’ He snapped forward roughly.  ‘…hhhhhh-Eh’Aeschoo!-ah’Eisch’schoo!!! …ugh I can’t do my job properly anymore...’ He sighed with a sniveling tendency. ‘…they’re putting so much pressure on me.’

‘Chad, babe… I’m sorry.’

‘It’s getting too stressful for me… and –I uh… I’ve begun to… hhhhh Eitschoo!!’ He lashed into the tissue within his hands. Then dabbing it beneath the fluttering nostrils. ‘…sorry. I’m dreading each morning to the point that I feel sick.’

‘Baby, sweetie… It’s okay….’

Tristan took Chad within his arms. Placing one hand onto his head, sliding it through his hair. Wanting to comprehend why Chad hadn’t shared the ongoing situation with him sooner.  But at the moment it didn’t matter. It was a question for later.


All of sudden Chad tensed in his arms.

‘…I have to sneeze.’ He warned, as if Tristan would have a problem with it. Hitching with a desperate motion to hold back, Chad struggled to keep the tickle at bay.

Ah’Kntsch!!’scho..’ He rocked with a jerking motion in his arms. Tristan responded by holding him closer.  ‘..Ah’Tschu!! goodness, sorry… hhhhh-Ascho!-Etischo!-EITSCH’!!schoo… ugh so sorry.’

‘Bless you.’ Tristan kissed the wetness of Chad cheek. ‘Listen, in order for you to feel better, ‘cause clearly I don’t give a shit about them, I think you should just quit.’

‘Tristan, no…’ Backing out of his arms, Chad rubbed with the wrinkly tissue at the rose hued nose.  ‘I can’t.’

‘Yes you can.’

‘No we have the mortgage-‘

‘We’ll deal with it. And if not, we’ll just move someplace smaller.’ Tristan suggested effortlessly.

‘What?’ Chad responded with a frown whilst his nostrils firmly expanded. ‘No. I love this house.’

‘So do I but we-‘

Ah’Tscho! Excuse… eh’Etscho!!’ He strongly sneezed to the other side. ‘…eh’Eitschiew!! ugh dang it I can’t stop I’m sorry... You were saying?’

‘…we have to do what it takes. I can’t sit by, knowing you’re going to such a shitty workplace that you hate each morning. That ain’t happening and it’s definitely not worth it.’

‘…I can endure it until I find something else…’

Putting the now damp tissue over his nose, Chad massaged it gently.

‘And how long will that take? No, you’re giving them your resignation tomorrow.’

‘…I am?’ Chad brows went up as he lowered the tissue from the nose. Seemingly astounded by the hasty decision.

‘Yes. We’ll figure it out. I’ll take care of it. I can come with you too, if you want.’

The beautiful sight of the light returning to Chad’s eyes was enough and a gift by itself. A tender smile formed across his lips as the tears continuously rolled down his cheeks.

‘…oh Tristan… I mean… really, are you sure we can do this? Can we truly make it through?’

‘Of course sweetie...’ Tristan spoke reassuringly, lovingly meeting Chad’s mouth with his lips.




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Oh my, this is so bitter sweet. Chad being miserable and mistreated at work but Tristan being so caring and loving. And the sneezing is amazing as always. 

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Tristan is so lovely to Chad all the time. I'm so glad you enjoy my comments and they encourage you, I'm also very happy to know that I can give you inspiration for writing because I'll do anything to read more of it 😊. I hope Chad finds a job that he enjoys soon, can't wait for more ❤️

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Chad talking while sneezing was so cute. I was right with Tristan getting mad for Chad and wanting to protect him with every fiber of my being 🙃. This was amazing like always 🤩

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On 6/19/2024 at 8:55 PM, AntheaHolmes said:

Oh my, this is so bitter sweet. Chad being miserable and mistreated at work but Tristan being so caring and loving. And the sneezing is amazing as always. 

Awe yes thank you so much. Tristan would probably do anything to make sure that Chad is safe and protected. 🤍


On 6/19/2024 at 10:58 PM, dwaekki said:

Tristan is so lovely to Chad all the time. I'm so glad you enjoy my comments and they encourage you, I'm also very happy to know that I can give you inspiration for writing because I'll do anything to read more of it 😊. I hope Chad finds a job that he enjoys soon, can't wait for more ❤️

Tristan would never abandon Chad is his entanglement of emotions, so he substantially tries his best to be supportive.  Thank you so much for your sweet words. 🤍 always, truly appreciated.


On 6/21/2024 at 4:56 AM, 2SHY222 said:

Chad talking while sneezing was so cute. I was right with Tristan getting mad for Chad and wanting to protect him with every fiber of my being 🙃. This was amazing like always 🤩

So lovely to hear such great support for this couple. 🤍 Thank you, new chapter coming up very shortly.



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@2SHY222 hope you'll like the chapter. 😇





They walked together around the market place. The weather was hot and humid but still, Chad had been adamant about going. Tristan had been reluctant at first, but then remembered that Chad hadn’t been able to visit the seasonal market in months. So instead, he was now facing a blistering sun while walking around, hand in hand, eyeing all kinds of inviting booths.


‘So Wade’s birthday coming up next week…’ Tristan said, holding Chad’s hand with their fingers entwined. His palm sweaty.

‘Oh that’s wonderful.’ Chad replied with a genuine expression.

‘Yea but this time my dad’s gonna be there.’

‘Oh… well… perhaps it’d be a good thing for you to meet with him?’

‘And why is that?’ Tristan frowned.

‘…considering your history. I mean, he is your father after all…’

‘I got nothing to say to him.’

‘…maybe he wants to have a talk with you..?’ Chad inquired carefully.

‘About what?’

‘I don’t know Tristan, but... I mean, it’s been years.’

‘I know that.’ Tristan told him off, releasing the grasp from Chad’s fingers. ‘Don’t you think I’m aware of that?’

Chad’s demeanor changed and he turned his gaze towards the ground.

‘I’m just trying to help…’

‘Yea, I got that, thanks.’

‘It could mend-‘

‘Chad, I’m serious, I got it.’

Frustration came over him. He felt like Chad prioritized wrongly.


‘Yea so just, stay out of it.’

‘Fine, I will.’

The way he worded it might have stung a bit, but he needed Chad to stop ventilate and nagging about it. He had no intention of seeing or having a ‘friendly chat’ with his dad, period.

Chad had strolled off and sat at a bench beneath a huge umbrella. Bringing both hands up, he hid his face into them. Jerking forward quite roughly, Tristan acknowledged he was sneezing. Counting, subconsciously, Tristan reached the number five. It was a little hard to tell since the sneezes came out completely soundless in the midst of noise.

It was no wonder that it’d happen. Chad was bound to sneeze at one point or another since being encircled in such a thick and crowded atmosphere.

Catching Chad’s eyes, he appeared a bit embarrassed over the matter, brushing at the nose swiftly. Wording a ‘bless you’ at him silently, a soft hue of red met his upper cheek bones, forming a shy smile across his lips.

Wanting to relocate, Tristan pointed his finger in another direction. Chad gestured back that he’d stay put.

Tristan walked off, aimlessly amongst the people and ended up at a booth selling a huge assortments of teas. He figured he could do something nice for Chad and surprise him with a gift since the guy was crazy about that stuff. The scent inside smelled kind of funky, but it was workable. Truthfully, Tristan had never understood the fascination with tea. To him, it was just a collection of dried leaves soaked in water.


‘Hi, can I help you?’

An attractive blonde woman, dressed in white approached him with a smile.

‘Yea… actually I’d like to buy some tea for my partner.’

‘That’s nice. What kind of flavors is your partner into?’

‘I have no idea.’ Tristan chuckled, sliding the fingers through the shiny hair momentarily.

‘Let me show you some of our selections…’


‘This is white tea elderflowers.’ The lady held up a small spoon of the flavor.

Tristan leaned forward, getting a whiff of the greenish particles. ‘Hm… maybe.’

‘Let’s try this one instead.’

Scooping up a larger amount of herbs from another section, the lady beckoned for him to come closer.

‘This one’s our most popular selection.’

Tristan squinted his eyes as the scent swept his nostrils. Within an instant, his nose began to tickle furiously.

‘It’s organic chai tea. All natural herbs with pepper, cinnamon-‘

‘Uh’Ktschu!!’ Stepping aside from the woman, Tristan buried his face into his shirt clothed elbow. ‘Uh’Utschoo!’ The sneezes came out urgent and harsh.

‘Wow bless you.’

‘The fuck was that, eh?’ Tristan replied awkwardly, rubbing at the nose.

‘It happens sometimes with our customers.’

‘Weird.’ Scrunching his nose, Tristan kept touching it since the tickle remained.

‘Do you think your partner would like to try it?’

Up his nose or as a drink? Tristan felt like replying but ignored the urge of enticement.

‘I’ll buy it.’ Tristan sniffled.  ‘Do you also have anything decaffeinated?’

‘Of course.’

As the woman prepared another set, Tristan felt the itch in the nose growing stronger. Out of nowhere, his breath suddenly hitched and he had to turn away from the tea shelves.

‘Uh’Hutscho!! … damnit. Uh’Ktschchu!!’

‘Bless you!’

‘I think it’s the pepper.’

He felt like blaming something. Though accusing the pepper for the cause of sneezing evidently felt a little too intimate.

‘It might be.’ The woman smiled. ‘Here’s another nice selection.’

He had another whiff of the tea presented. He blinked. It made his eyes tear up as his nostrils flared immensely.

‘Wh-what is that?’

‘It’s Roboois mint. These herbs are very-‘

‘Utscho!! … hhhhh-Hatschoo!! Fuck, I can’t…Aschoo!! …Uh’HUTSCHO!!’ Catching the last sneeze into his hands, he kept sniffling.

‘Tissue?’ The woman offered him from a box.

‘Th-Ascktsch!! …Ah’HAtschoo!! ugh, thanks.’ Wiping at the quivering nostrils, he had to sneeze all over again. ‘…ugh….  I need to get… Hut’schusch!! … fuck, away from here. Let me just buy… HUT’SCHOoo!! …whew… …the cinnamon tea.’

‘Perfect. That’ll be $6.50 please.’

Paying the lady, he nodded at her as a thank you and went out back into the crowd.

‘Uh’Kutsch!!’ He stifled into his hands which held the package, catching the attention from an elderly couple walking by.



Still sneezing, he returned to bench with the huge umbrella. Chad remained seated, but with an ice cream within his hand.

‘I had to cool off somehow...’ He said with eyes lit up as soon as Tristan approached.

‘Uh’Htschusch!!’ Tristan snapped forward into the tissue given.

‘Oh, bless you.’ Chad stood and got rid of the half eaten ice cream into a trash can. ‘…honey, are you okay?’

‘No.’ Tristan sniffled desperately. Understanding that he probably looked like a mess by now. ‘I got this for you.’ He handed the tea package over, before catching another sneeze into hands.

‘Oh my goodness… what’s happening to you?’ Chad accepted the gift with a worried expression. ‘…and what’s this, you got me tea?’

‘Yea. And while being there the-e… tea-hhhh… Hut’schtsch!!! ugh damnit… triggered my allergy.’ He stifled harshly into the tissues once more.

‘Bless you again honey... And you bought it for me anyway..?’

‘Of course.’ With a rub at the nose, Tristan sniffled wetly. ‘I ain’t no sissy.’

Chad smiled at him adoringly.

‘God, I can’t believe you got me this.’ Moist and lush lips met Tristan’s cheek. ‘Thank you so much.’

‘…Uh’UThschoo!!’ He snapped forward, trying to avoid Chad who seemed totally unaware of the faint mist that landed on his arm. ’…ugh...  you’re welcome.’

‘Goodness bless you. This is very very sweet of you. I’m so thankful.’

Placing the damp tissue over his nose, Tristan blew it unrestrainedly.

‘You’re kind of like my knight in shiny armor…’ Chad seemed absolutely smitten by Tristan’s tea quest. ‘…so brave.’ Looking at the parcel affectionately, he clutched it within the fingers and held it close to his chest.

‘I’m glad you like it.’ He sniffled thickly. The nose started to feel stuffed up and he groaned.

‘I love it so much.’

Looking over at Chad, Tristan became aware of the tears in his eyes. He’d never met anyone who’d be emotional over something so simple. The sight astounded him.

‘You never cease to amaze me…’ He said with a gentle shake at his head.

‘What..?’ Chad sniffed quietly, still overwhelmed.

‘Nothing.’ Chuckling with a noted congestion, Tristan pulled Chad by the arm and into his arms.



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I love how deeply Chad feels everything 😭 it's one of his best qualities in my opinion. I wonder if Tristan acknowledges how sweet he is despite his tough outer appearance because he really is a big softie underneath it all. I'd love to see him be just as sensitive ad Chad one time, just to see how he deals with being overwhelmed with emotion but I hope he wouldn't become overly closed off. I need a bit of caretaker Chad that is ACCEPTED every once in a while 😭 thank you for all your updates, I'll be waiting for many more to come ❤️

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Such an amazing chapter! I hope there will be more! 

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On 6/22/2024 at 8:50 AM, Candy Dust said:

‘Yea. And while being there the-e… tea-hhhh… Hut’schtsch!!! ugh damnit… triggered my allergy.’ He stifled harshly into the tissues once more.


‘Bless you again honey... And you bought it for me anyway..?’


‘Of course.’ With a rub at the nose, Tristan sniffled wetly. ‘I ain’t no sissy.’

Loved this sooooooo much. 🥰🥰 Tristan is precious 😎

I find it intriguing that Tristan is irritated by his own sneezes 🤔🙃

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On 6/22/2024 at 10:12 PM, dwaekki said:

I love how deeply Chad feels everything 😭 it's one of his best qualities in my opinion. I wonder if Tristan acknowledges how sweet he is despite his tough outer appearance because he really is a big softie underneath it all. I'd love to see him be just as sensitive ad Chad one time, just to see how he deals with being overwhelmed with emotion but I hope he wouldn't become overly closed off. I need a bit of caretaker Chad that is ACCEPTED every once in a while 😭 thank you for all your updates, I'll be waiting for many more to come ❤️

I do agree with you, it is one of Chad's best qualities. 🌻 You truly understand Tristan so well, he is a big softie underneath that hard shell. It just takes a lot of layers to get through to him. In order for Tristan to truly be overwhelmed with emotions, something really serious has to happen or get to him, which is going to happen next... Thank you and thank you so much for the depth and understanding into this whole adventure. 🤍


On 6/23/2024 at 10:38 AM, RipleyToo said:

Such an amazing chapter! I hope there will be more! 

Thank you! 🤍 And thank you for your lovely comment, there will be more. 🌻


On 6/24/2024 at 3:29 PM, 2SHY222 said:

Loved this sooooooo much. 🥰🥰 Tristan is precious 😎

I find it intriguing that Tristan is irritated by his own sneezes 🤔🙃

I'm so happy to hear that, truly. 🤍 Tristan doesn't give his sneezes any attention, therefore he only finds them annoying. If the attention had been given by someone special, he might have had an different opinion about it. 😊




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Posted (edited)


(strong language)





So they were on their way. Towards the destination of hell.

The finalizing decision had been made yesterday on Tristan’s behalf. After receiving a text from Wade, telling him that his dad wanted him to be there for his brother’s birthday. The message stating it was required and not an invitation.

Given no actual choice, Tristan confronted his fears and decided to take the bull by the horn.




The harsh sneezes were muffled into Chad’s elbow. It was his sixth fit that morning. Either he was coming down with something or his allergies were acting up in an exceptionally larger amount.

‘Bless you… have you taken your antihistamines?’

‘Thank you, I’m just about to.’ Chad replied with a wet sniffle, popping the pill into his mouth with several sips from the water bottle.

‘Good, good… I can’t have you sneezing like that around my dad.’ Tristan almost patronized. But he was nervous.

‘What are you implying exactly..?’ Chad retorted quite offended.

‘I mean, uh it wouldn’t be appropriate. For either of us.’

‘I can’t help it, you know that. It’s not like I’m doing it on purpose.’

The explanation came out softly, but traces of skeptical vulnerability seeped right through.

‘I didn’t mean it like that babe. You know I’d have no problem, really.’

Chad directed his eyes towards the window.

‘Okay?’ Tristan glanced at him from the steering wheel.

‘Okay...’ A long drawn out sigh escaped his lips. ‘Well I’ve taken the antihistamines now so it shouldn’t be a problem. I don’t wanna embarrass you.’

‘Sweetie, that’s not-’

‘It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.’



The rest of the ride continued in silence. The unsettling energy influencing them both as the car reached the destination. They parked on the pavement by Wade’s house.



Ah’Esch!!-Uh’Gntisch!!’schoo… Ah’Agnxtsch!!’schoo…’

Again, Chad caught them into the crook of his elbow. Stifling rather strongly, the hair loosened from the intact hairdo.

‘Bless you beautiful.’


Finding a tissue within the pocket of his jacket, Chad turned as he put it to his nose and blew it firmly.

‘You’re feeling okay?’

While asking, Tristan carefully adjusted Chad’s hair, laying it former position.

‘My nose is just a little itchy. It’ll die down shortly.’

‘Listen, I’m sorry if I came off as rude, you know, before… I don’t mind you sneezing around my relatives. I’m just trying to gain some control in the fucking mess I’m going through.’

‘…okay. It’s okay.’ A more understanding semblance caught Chad’s eyes. ‘I’ll do my best to keep them at bay. I know it can be awkward… I don’t think I’ll sneeze at all though.’

‘Thanks babe.’ He leaned over and kissed Chad on the lips. ‘…let’s do this.’



Making their way towards the house, they passed by a group of guys smoking. Tristan gestured for Chad to come closer and away from the cloud of irritants.

They stepped inside the house as Wade welcomed them in.

‘Dad arrived a while ago.’

The warning were the first words coming out of Wade’s mouth. The information felt panicked and at the same time aggravated. He couldn’t wait five seconds before putting pressure on him?

‘Happy birthday.’ Chad smiled as he reached over a small parcel. ‘…it’s nothing special.’

‘Hey thanks. I’ll put this with the rest of them.’

Wade walked off.

Monitoring over the area, Tristan acknowledged someone had brought their dog. A small terrier so it probably wouldn’t affect Chad.



‘Eh’KNtsch!!’uh…’ Chad stifled right by him, fighting to suppress the sneeze as inaudible possible. '…Uh’KNxtsch!!’uh… ugh, oh no… Eh’Gnxtsch!!-T’xschs!! … hhhhhhGnutxtsch!!’schooo…’

As he had pressed the firm nostrils so tightly together, it left a rosy hue as he released them with a deep sniffle.

‘Aw bless you.’ Tristan whispered.

‘…thank you, I’m very sorry.’ Chad responded as his fingers still fidgeted at the spot.

‘You’re okay?’

‘I believe so. I’m being quiet, aren’t I?’


Unable to comprehend the fetish fully, Chad didn’t grasp the fact that it wasn’t just the sound that affected and compelled Tristan. But the intention been sweet and the effort Chad was putting into it definitely didn’t go unnoticed.

‘You need a tissue or something?’

‘No…’ Chad sniffled discreetly. ‘I’m all set. Very sweet of you to ask though.’

Tristan darted his eyes to the other side of the room. Seeing his dad on the couch sent an intensity of turmoil at the pit of his stomach. Overcome by dizziness, he felt the need to sit down.

‘Fuck, Chad, I can’t do this.’ He mumbled, reaching his hand against the wall for support.


Chad met his eyes anxiously.

‘I just can’t.’

He felt himself trembling. His breath intensified. The adrenaline went up. Alarmed it might be the start of a panic attack.

‘Tristan… it’s okay…’ He caught Chad’s voice, consoling him soothingly. ‘…it’s okay. Just try to relax. It’s okay.’ A loving touch met his upper arm, calming him down somewhat.

His dad looked over in their direction and stood. With slow steps he approached.

Licking the lower lip, Tristan cleared his throat. Sliding both hands through his hair nervously.

‘Fuck.’  He worded, loathing the loss of control hitting him like a ton of bricks.

‘It’s going to be alright…’ He heard Chad’s voice again as his dad stood before him.



‘Hi, son.’

‘Hey… how are things?’

‘Nice of you to ask in person for a change.’

‘Yea, well.’ Tristan shrugged. ‘…life happens.’

’You don’t have to tell me that. Who’s this?’ He glared at Chad who’d positioned as closely as possible next to Tristan.

Like he didn’t know. Tristan had mentioned Chad’s name on several occasions over the phone. Just another circumstance his dad couldn’t be bothered with.

‘This my partner Chad…’


Chad greeted with an uncertain tone. Dad barely gave him a nod. ‘So you’re the guy he’s living with?’

‘Yes.’ Chad replied with a swift stroke at the nose. ‘…the one.’ 

‘So he’s the woman in the relationship?’ He flicked his head, glaring at Tristan, gesturing at Chad.

‘No…. he’s my partner. We’re equal.’ Tristan answered quite sternly.

‘Perfect match.’ Chad smiled nervously but his dad only grunted a reply.

‘Anyway. When are you coming home and visit your mom?’


‘I get it, you don’t give a fuck about her.’

‘I do but-‘

‘Nah you don’t.’

Tristan’s father shook his head in a hard manner. At the same time, Chad had started to use the back of hand at the touch of his nose. A hitching sound seemed to break his focus as his eyes narrowed.

‘I do, I’ve just been busy.’

‘You make time for your family!’

‘Eh’Gntsch!!’ uh’Knxtsch!!’ Chad had turned around, doubling over into his hands.


‘But noooo, you’re busy playing house!’ His dad argued loudly.

‘I ain’t playing anything…’


‘Bless you sweetie.’


Tristan gave Chad a quick glance as his dad kept arguing.


‘You’re impossible. Not giving a damn about this family, that’s for sure.’

Tristan had run out of words. He didn’t matter what he said, his dad wouldn’t listen anyway.

He looked over at Chad who stressfully kept sniffling subtly while touching at the quivering nostrils. That notion cast an additional shadow over him. Why had he taken Chad with him? Except for the essential reason that Chad had kept begging him to?  He blamed himself. What’d he expected? Love and forgiveness? The determined choice was simply his to blame.

‘Are you listening to me?!’ His dad continued angrily.

‘Yea, I am always fucking listening.’ Tristan sighed, overwhelmed by the negativity enfolding. ‘That’s all I ever do. I’m on my fucking toes watching out for your next unpredictable movement.’

‘What are you talking about??’

Around them, people had halted what they were doing to look at them. It didn’t bother Tristan one bit. He was used to being confronted as the black sheep of the family.

‘Oh you don’t remember?' Tristan found a hint of courage, crossing his arms. 'You know exactly what I’m talking about! You wanted me to feel like shit so you made sure of it. You wanted me fucking belittled so I could live my life in resentment and bitterness just like you.’

‘The fuck did you say to me?’ His dad stepped forward, ready for a battle.

‘Tristan…’ Chad grabbed a hold of his hand, consequently separating him from the quarrel that begun to escalate.

‘You heard me!’

‘Tristan, let’s go…’

Chad motioned for the door, trying to drag Tristan along with him.

‘Yea you get a hell out of this house!’

His dad shouted at the top of his lungs as Tristan stormed out. Getting in the car, he slammed the door. Hyperventilating as his emotions took over him.

‘He has no idea what he’s done to me…!’ He said in a trembling heartfelt voice as droplets begun to run down his eyes.

‘…I’m so sorry…’

In the midst of tears leaving his eyes, a gentle touch found his leg. He looked over at Chad who gazed at him with those sympathetic ocean blues. He diverted his eyes up the ceiling. Almost by praying for a release from the pain that twisted his insides.

‘…my sweet Tristan.’ Chad spoke softly and it left an impact. There was something in the tone of his voice that always carried the doting and caring sentiment that somehow assured him that he was loved.

‘…fuck this is humiliating…’ Tristan bowed his head down.

Tender caresses met his cheek, wiping off the tears that were impossible to stop from flowing.

‘…don’t say that. It’ll be okay.’

‘No… it won’t, Chad.’ He responded and his voice cracked. ‘That was the last fucking straw. I can’t give him any more chances. It’ll ruin me. Each time it fucking breaks my heart that he refuses me.’

He put his face into his hands and wept. A sob filled with painful remembrance, a cry for the sought of a fatherly connection that he’d never known. Now vanished and gone. Deep injuries that should have been history long ago, but still there, right within his reach.

‘…oh Tristan…’

He felt the warmth of Chad’s arms around his shoulders. The nurturing touch he secretly craved and had yearned for.

Beginning to wipe off his eyes with his hands, he was given help by Chad who used tissues at his cheeks with sheer gentleness. Each touch consumed and attached with love.

It dawned upon him that he’d never actually cried like that in front of anyone – counting out the moments from childhood. He sniffled wetly, feeling furthest of embarrassment as Chad managed to hold himself together despite the emotional tumult.  

‘….you’ll be okay. You don’t need him. He doesn’t deserve you.’

He said tearfully with a lump in his throat. Evidently touched by Tristan’s sufferings.

‘…yea, you’re right.’ He sniffled thickly when he was met by a tissue at his nose. Chad had placed it softly with his fingers over his nostrils, beckoning him to blow.

It was such a contrast to what he’d just felt. From excruciating pain, it had reversed itself into some form of explicit intimacy.

‘Go on, it’s okay.’ Chad held the tissues closer to his nose, gazing at him with utmost devotion.

His cheeks burned from embarrassment. Highly seldom sight. But still, he gave into Chad’s wishes.

Squeezing his eyes shut, Tristan blew gently, then harder. After he was done, Chad wiped his nose off tenderly.

‘…thanks…’ Tristan managed to say, darting the gaze downwards. He’d never had anyone do that to him before, let alone doing it to anyone else. It was a mixture of personal guilt, combined with the sweetness of compassionate enthrallment.

‘Everything will be okay…’ Chad let his soft lips brush against his cheek and chin, still holding onto the tissue. ‘…are you ready to drive us back home?’


Tristan let out a relieved chuckle. Feeling overstimulated and damaged at the same time. ‘I love you. So much. You know that, don’t you?’ He assured with affirmation while turning on the ignition.

‘Yes… I do. I love you more though.’



Edited by Candy Dust
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Ahh this was everything I wanted from emotional Tristan 😭😭 I'd love to see this side of him more, especially his little realisations that he's never experienced love like the type Chad can give him before, that was one of my favourite parts of this chapter. I was actually in AWE of the little nose blowing scene, I'm really not a fan usually but in this context and between these 2 I'm OBSESSED. I'd love for that to become a habit at such intimate moments as these, maybe if Tristan tries to learn and reciprocate these loving actions now he's experienced them himself for the first time. Chad really is the perfect match for Tristan. I adore seeing him take on the caretaker role, and I have to say I have a massive soft spot for gentle, crying Tristan, however I'd hate for him to go through such horrible things to get there. I'm really loving emotional Tristan and would love to see more, especially since Chad cries a lot lol (I love that about him too). I'm so happy we can connect over these characters and that I understand them well, I really wait every day to read more about them and I'm so blessed to find this story. Thank you SO much, if you couldn't tell from this essay I've written I loved this chapter especially. Can't wait for more ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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My heart breaks for Tristan. Unfortunately I understand 100% how he feels. Bringing Chad was the best decision. Tristan is sooooooo loved by Chad and that's all he needs. 🥹 Iove how Tristan is learning it's safe to put his guard down around his beloved partner. It takes time but it's super sweet and comforting. 🥰

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