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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Chad and Tristan (mxm)

Candy Dust

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Omggg an amazing update! I hate how impatient I am for these lol 😭. I loved the opening and Chad getting frustrated with himself- he's such a sweetheart lol. I wonder if stifling is ever painful for him? Maybe something could be written to do with that but I don't want him to stop stifling...

Anyway, thank you for this, I'm happy to read more again 🥰

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Oh, I can't get enough of these two sweethearts. Amazing as always. 

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Aww, loved this update. Chad struggling with his runny nose is always my fave!

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On 5/16/2024 at 5:12 PM, Athena said:


Thank you so much. 🥰

On 5/16/2024 at 5:50 PM, dwaekki said:

Omggg an amazing update! I hate how impatient I am for these lol 😭. I loved the opening and Chad getting frustrated with himself- he's such a sweetheart lol. I wonder if stifling is ever painful for him? Maybe something could be written to do with that but I don't want him to stop stifling...

Anyway, thank you for this, I'm happy to read more again 🥰

lol thank you so much, 🤍 It's always such a joy seeing a comment from you. Chad easily gets frustrated when it comes to his allergies. He's trying not to show it though. 🫠 It can be painful, as it'll be in the next chapter... Chad will never stop stifling though, that's for sure lol.


On 5/16/2024 at 7:55 PM, AntheaHolmes said:

Oh, I can't get enough of these two sweethearts. Amazing as always. 

Thank you AntheaHolmes, 🥰 so happy to hear that.

On 5/17/2024 at 4:39 AM, sunsneezes said:

Aww, loved this update. Chad struggling with his runny nose is always my fave!

It's so lovely to see another comment from you. 🤍 Chad will struggle a little bit more with his runny nose in the chapter coming next.



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Posted (edited)


The cabin – part 1





The tickle persistently lingered in the irritated nose.

He’d been sneezing since morning. These quick, soft stifles that only left him out of breath, without any actual sense of satisfying release.

Recovering from another stifling fit, he let the wrinkly tissues rub at the already pink nostrils. He knew he should’ve probably let the sneezes out completely; but he didn’t like the sound of them. Too awkward. Additionally, he’d learned the sneezes were terribly loud and aggressive – as he’d previously been told. So it only came natural for him trying to altering them into something more likeable.



‘Sweetie, I just got a phone call from the booking. They said the cabin is ready and tidied. Are you ready to leave?’

The eager voice of Tristan asked, prompting him to pick up a pace.

‘Soon honey.’

Folding another sweater into the bag, he sniffled wetly. He knew he had to be quicker to meet Tristan’s demands. Soon enough Tristan would lose his patience and help him with the task of stuffing the container; causing it into disorder.

Holding four sets of t-shirts in his arms, Chad felt his nose twitch. As it’d done so many times before that morning.

‘Ugh.’ He sniffed, thinking it’d be helpful but it went in the opposite direction. The itch transcended both nostrils sharply. It was as if someone tickled it with a feather. Dropping the clothes onto the bed, he reached both hands up to his face.

‘Ah’kntxtsch!’scho…’ The stifled sneeze came out harsh and wet. At once, the firm tickle in the nose reappeared. ‘… ugh, ah’T’schx!’scho… uh… eh’Eitsch!... Atsch!!’scho… oh bless me.’

Sniffling constantly, he resumed packing.

‘Sweetie? Are you done?’ Tristan popped his head inside.

‘Just, eh, about.’

‘Awe… babe.’ Tristan met his eyes sympathetically. ‘You sure you’re okay? Are the antihistamines useless?’

‘No, but…’ Chad exhaled, squinting his eyes. He felt another sneeze building. Loosing focus, he let his eyes wander over the mess on the bed.  ‘…I think it’s the tree pollen. And I can’t…’ He paused. His lower lip dropped. The tickle lingered stronger, itching and teasing the very spot in the nose which made his breath hitch helplessly. ‘…eh.’ He turned to side, away from Tristan in a hasty motion. ‘kgn’ntsch!!’schoo… uh-knigstxh!!’tuschoo… Eh’Kntsch!-Gntsxch!-eh-eh… Etsch’kngtsxh!!’ Eiitsxh!!’scho’oh…’

The sneezes bent him over from the waist. Recovering delicately, he pulled off a timid expression.

‘… shit, sweetie. Bless you.’

‘You’re too kind.’ Chad collected a balled up tissue from the pocket, stroking it gently over the trembling nostrils. ‘It’s been like this, all morning.’ He vented.

It wasn’t his intention to complain – he just needed to get some dissatisfactions off his back.

‘So I’ve heard...’ Tristan chuckled awkwardly.

Misunderstanding the sentence, Chad mistook it for criticism.

‘Oh? Uhm…’ He sniffled, putting the tissue back within the fabric of the trousers. ‘…I suppose I never go unnoticed.’ He added somewhat bitterly.

‘I didn’t mean it like that babe. I meant in the best way possible.’

‘Well, either way…’ Chad shrugged, tossing a pair of socks into the bag.

‘I’m serious.’ Tristan protested.

‘I hear you.’

‘So you need any help with that? We really should get going.’

Chad massaged the frame of the nose with his thumb and index finger, figuring it’d release some of the provoking itchiness.

‘….I’ll be done in just a few minutes.’ He responded, trying to stop it from developing into another sneezing fit.

Leaning over, Tristan grabbed him by the arm.

‘Come here, you sniffly mess.’

He kissed his lips.

‘The allergy’s wearing you down, huh?’

The warmth of Tristan’s voice sent assuring comfort. And as Chad relaxed, the tickle in the nose flared up uncontrollably.

Eh… sorryhh-hold on.’ Lowering his head, Chad pressed the wrist against his mouth. ‘Eh-Knixtsch!! …uh’T’scho!... ehEitsch!!’scho…’ Thinking the fit was done, he was surprised to find the sharp tickle remaining the same. ‘…ugh, uh I just have to hhhh…’ He hitched with a desperate, tedious motion. Turning his head, he shielded his mouth with a flat hand.

‘…Eiitsch’xtsch!!-ASCHh’xtsch!!’scho… EISCH’gntsch!!’scho… ugh excuse me those were awfully harsh.’

The rushing, dampened sneezes came out stronger than intended, causing a pain in the back of his throat. Composing himself, he sniffled then swallowed. At least it’d subsided the itch momentarily.

Velvety kisses touched his upper arm. The silky sweetness of Tristan’s fingertips met his back. Chad suddenly found himself shivering from enthrallment.

‘Bless you beautiful.’ Tristan blessed between the softness of his lips meeting his skin so preciously. ‘….now let me help you pack.’

‘…okay then.’ Chad caved in with a thick sniffle. ‘…thank you.’



In the car



They’d been on the road for about two hours. And although the air conditioner blasted off on in the car, the itchiness in the nose just wouldn’t leave him alone. Causing him into annoying, faltering false starts and an uncomfortable runny nose.

‘So are you excited?’

‘Beyond.’ Chad smiled as he wiped his nose off with a tissue.

‘Imagine the whole weekend by our very own secluded beach. The sound of the crashing waves.’ Tristan spoke dreamingly. ‘Seagulls screeching.’ He added, chuckling.

‘It sounds heavenly.’ Chad replied somewhat vaguely. Rubbing two fingers beneath the nostrils.

‘You’re still feeling sneezy?’

‘M-hm.’ He barely affirmed. The word ‘sneezy’ teasing his nose further.

‘I bet the sea air’s gonna make you feel so much better.’ Tristan said in a consoling manner. ‘…you should try blowing your nose though, it might help.’

‘Mm… perhaps.’ Chad replied just as ambiguously, looking out the window.

‘I’m just trying to make things easier for you.’

His large hand found Chad’s thigh. The hand rested and fitted perfectly as it clung to the fabric of the light blue jeans.

Looking down, Chad sniffed sharply, the tickle growing increasingly keener in the back of his nose. ‘…you’re very sweet…but, eh… it’s not that bad. I’m okay.’

‘Then that’s all I want… just tell me if I’m-‘

‘Knsch!—Gnxtsch!-‘Tsch’Escho! …excuse me, just, uh-Knitsch!!’scho… Eitsch’scho… oh’Aschts’knitsch!!!!’scho…’

He stifled, feeling his upper body shuddering from each suppressing motion. The sneezes incredibly hard for him to hold back. The hurtful notion in the throat returned.

‘…why am I sneezing so strongly… ’ He asked himself with frustration, bringing the tissue back to his nose.

A light squeeze of tenderness found his leg. Tristan caressed the spot lovingly.

‘Bless you babe.’ He said, looking over with devotion whilst keeping a watchful eye on the road.

‘…thank you.’ Feeling his nostrils flaring, Chad reached for another tissue. Using both hands, he dabbed the itchy nose with it, ‘So sorry for interrupting… you were saying?’

‘Hm? Oh I can’t remember… you’re totally distracting me.’

The words sent a rosy hue to Chad’s cheeks. Diverting the gaze towards the window, he tried his best to calm down and dissolve the redness which so easily formed at his skin.

‘Oh look! Next exit, we’re just about there.’ Tristan expressed excitedly.







Edited by Candy Dust
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Omggg a 2 part chapter! I love to see it ❤️. I feel sorry for Chad suffering so badly and I'm surprised Tristan hasn't said anything about the stifling yet (unless that's for part 2 lol). It's great to see such strong sneezes from Chad even if he does stifle them, I can only imagine the pressure in his ears 😭😭 Can't wait for part 2!!

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I’d be happy to see Chads strong sneezes free and let loose. Is Chad getting sick? I’d love to see that honestly 🥰 

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Incredible like always. Chad's sneezy nose plus a vacation 🥰 can't wait for the next chapter 

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On 5/20/2024 at 1:31 PM, dwaekki said:

Omggg a 2 part chapter! I love to see it ❤️. I feel sorry for Chad suffering so badly and I'm surprised Tristan hasn't said anything about the stifling yet (unless that's for part 2 lol). It's great to see such strong sneezes from Chad even if he does stifle them, I can only imagine the pressure in his ears 😭😭 Can't wait for part 2!!

Thank you. 🤍 Tristan surely has thoughts about it, he just have a problem discussing the issue lol. (as you will see) Thank you so much again.


On 5/20/2024 at 11:51 PM, RipleyToo said:

I’d be happy to see Chads strong sneezes free and let loose. Is Chad getting sick? I’d love to see that honestly 🥰 

He'll be forced to in this coming chapter. 🫠 (also he might be coming down with something in the next part...) Thank you for your comment. 🤍


On 5/21/2024 at 7:42 PM, AntheaHolmes said:

I'm loving this!!! 

So happy to hear that. 🤍


20 hours ago, 2SHY222 said:

Incredible like always. Chad's sneezy nose plus a vacation 🥰 can't wait for the next chapter 

Aw yes, 🤍 it's a sweet mix lol. Thank you and thank you so much for your comment.



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The cabin part 2

Chad’s pov



After their recent struggles of grief and grim confessions, the vacation was just what they both needed. Situated right by the small beach, the cabin looked wonderful and very welcoming.

Settling in properly, they decided to go for a quick swim, just to get an impression of the grand blue water.

Later they set up the sunbeds for an enjoyable moment in the sun. Chad relaxed with a glass of orange juice. Tristan treated himself light beer.

Sunlight bathed them with occasional clouds, sheltering them from a blistering heat.

‘Mm… this is nice.’ Chad hummed. Glancing over at Tristan, he admired the toned chest, smeared with sun screen. The coconut scent met his nostrils. He sniffed.

A gush of sea air swept through.

Opening up a book, Chad soothed in the comfy of the outdoor lounger. Looking over at Tristan, he zoomed in the tips of his hair, dripping slightly from the salt water. His skin sun kissed. With eyes closed, he lay peacefully with one folded arm behind his head.

Unfolding the book within his hands, Chad moistened his lips. Beginning to read, he sniffed again lightly. He figured it was from the cold water. Temperature change easily affected his nose. The lightness of wind seemed helpful, except for the fact that it also teased the itchiest spot inside of it.

He sniffed again, using the knuckle at the nostrils gently, then turning another page.

The tickle grew, making him sniffle more sharply. He cleared his throat. It felt a little scratchy. Glancing at Tristan, he’d seemed to have dozed off.

Chad turned his head to the other side.

‘Eh… Ht’Knitsch!’schoo…’ He lightly jerked in the sunbed.

‘…bless you.’ Tristan mumbled, snoozing off.

‘Thanks.’ He quietly replied with a quick brush at the nose.

The intense itch persisted stubbornly. Trying to concentrate, Chad found himself rereading several lines in the book.  The tickle teased and continuously lingered. Frustrated, he rubbed at the nose sternly to keep it from developing.

The steadfast motion deemed unnecessary. Dropping the book into his lap, he used his fingers keeping the nostrils shut.

‘Eh’Knugxstch!!’scho…’ He pressed into the hands.

‘Bless you baby…’ Tristan comforted in a tired voice.

‘Thank you… I’m sorry. I know you’re trying to rest.’

‘I’m fine.’ He replied sleepily.

Chad sniffled slowly. He felt another strong tickle forming and he knew it was going to be big from experience. Reaching for a towel nearby, he covered his mouth with it.

‘Eitsch’schoom!! …Uh’Easchschom!!’ He felt his body shudder into the soft cloth. Desperately trying to hold back as much as possible.

‘…mm, bless you.’

‘Thanks honey... I’m sorry.’


Feeling the aftermath of the harsh sneezes, he coughed. The throat dried up. He had another sip of the orange juice. The rounded nostrils trembled at his nose. He exhaled helplessly. Putting the glass down, he sniffled with an irritated look on his face.  It was too late to stop the burning itch. He was going to yet sneeze again.


His breath hitched annoyingly, his hand up in preparation of what’s to come. ‘Eh…’ He inhaled sharply, allowing the tickle to finally finalize in the tender nose.

‘Eitsch’knxstch!! …ugh, eh-‘

‘Bless you…’ Shifting on the sunbed, Tristan propped himself up.

‘…eh-hehetsch!’ The stifled sneeze came out unusually small and high pinched.

‘….what was that?’ Tristan’s eyes squinted with a twinkle. ‘…a half a stifle?’ By the tone of his voice, he seemed entertained.


‘Totally adorable.’

He expressed with a charming smile.


It was such an innocent and loveable compliment. But it stirred up some thoughts from within. Perhaps Tristan was more into delicate sneezes? Maybe he fancied the ones which came out dainty and small over any other? Chad sniffled, facing a problematic sentiment.

After all, he’d been stifling his sneezes for months and Tristan had never mentioned any of the seldom let out sneezes at all during that time. The realization was pushed upon him. Determined, he was suddenly certain Tristan secretly enjoyed those sneezes the most. The cute and small ones. He sniffled again. Bringing the towel to his nose, he used with a graceful notion. Almost like a snuggling procedure, keeping the softness to his face for protection.

‘Let’s have dinner soon.’ Tristan suggested, drinking from the beer can.


Tristan met Chad’s eyes briefly.

‘Everything okay?’

‘Yea. Why wouldn’t I be?’

‘You seem a little edgy, sort of absent-minded.’

Chad sniffed, bringing the towel down.

‘I do?’

‘Just a bit.’

‘Well I’m good.’

‘Okay...?’ Tristan raised both brows. ‘…good.’

Reaching for Chad’s hand, he kissed the top of it.

The sound of waves came crashing in. The wind was picking up and the vibrations of the purifying water giving a different kind of atmosphere.

‘I’m making dinner tonight.’

The silence cut by the proudly stated statement.


It was an odd revelation, since Chad had only seen Tristan cook on rare occasions since they’d been together.

‘Yea a man’s man dinner.’ Tristan chuckled at his own joke. ‘…there’s gonna be some smoke coming from the grill so I don’t know, maybe you should stay indoors while I’m cookin’.’ The suggestion seemed hesitant.

‘I think I can handle it.’ Chad responded cunningly with both brows sharply raised.

‘You sure about that..?’ Tristan challenged.

‘’Course.’ He had a quick stroke at the nose.

‘Whatever you say.’




Tristan’s pov


Tristan set up the grill smoothly, placing the steaks on a plate on the small table. The coal attached itself to the burning flames and soon enough he established a good fire.

As he put the meat onto the barbecue, Chad began to set the table.

Placing down the cutlery, the eyes narrowed slightly. It was obvious that something begun to bother him as he let his fingers linger beneath the nostrils.

Using a fork, Tristan turned the meat over. The spicy marinade mixed itself with the smoke and surrounded the area in an amazing smell.

A small cough came from Chad who waved his hand frantically in front of his face.

Decisively, Tristan kept his mouth shut. Chad had been adamant, contesting he could handle it so there was no point for him to get involved in his decision.


‘D’tsch’sch!’ Chad stifled the sneeze almost silently into his cupped hand. Tristan acted oblivious to the matter. Turning the steak over, he stayed wordless.


The sneezes sounded fairly different. Or perhaps he was just giving it too much thought.

Chad held the porcelain plate almost motionless. Titling his head back he kept the other hand cupped over his mouth. His chest heaved, the nostrils flared, begging for a release.

‘Eiitsch’d’tsch!!!!’ He snapped forward. Composing himself by tucking the loosened hair behind his ears.

That sneeze was too loud to ignore.

‘Bless you babe…’ He flexed his jaw.

‘…ugh, thank you.’ Chad sniffled with an excusable look on his face. ‘…sorry about that.’

‘I thought you were good though?’

‘I am. Just a little… T’knugxtsch!’schoo… sorry, a little taken by the salty sea air.’

Shaking his head faintly, Tristan shrugged. The reason for Chad’s stubbornness very unclear, but supposedly he accepted it. He’d had his fair share of hardheadedness also.

‘….eh, uh…t’schuh’gntsch!!’ Chad stifled once more, catching it fiercely into the crook of his arm.

‘Bless you so much sweetie. It’s nearly done over here. Are we gonna have salad with the meat?’

‘Yea.’ Chad sniffled strongly, both hands resting on his hips. ‘…there’s a, eh… bean salad in the fridge. I’ll, eh… oh goodness, Ah’tscheoo!!’ He bent over, directing the sneeze towards the grass. ‘…pardon me. I’ll go and get it. I have to rinse my face off anyway.’


As soon as Chad stepped inside the cabin, the sneezes outburst, entirely unrestrained. As if he thought the walls were thick enough of the small cottage. Tristan couldn’t tell if the act was worrying. Why didn’t Chad sneeze like that in front of him anymore? Did he feel ashamed? Was he concerned about the sound? Maybe he just didn’t like do it anymore so openly in his presence?

The pondering thoughts almost made him burn the meat. He cursed, placing it onto a plate.

‘Eh’Eischschew!!’ Another loud sneeze resounded inside the cabin.


Several minutes later Tristan seated on the bench at the table. Absorbed in a combination of hunger and intense temptation. He had to admit to himself that Chad’s recent fit had left him battling an insatiable arousal. As a consequence, leaving him quite tensed.

Chad returned outside. He sat down slowly, almost apprehensively. Redness had formed around his nostrils. His eyes slightly watered. Perhaps from the previous smoke. He was a poor sight.

‘How are you feeling?’ Tristan asked sincerely. Knowing he had to put extra care into the words and be sensible before speaking.

‘…a little stuffed up.’ Chad pulled off a fragile smile. His voice thickly congested. ‘…However, I think I may have caught a cold.’






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AAH the suspense 😭😭 I can't wait for the conversation that's about to come and hopefully Chad's reaction to holding back for so long!! The description of his fit when he went back into the cabin was so exciting! I hope he and Tristan can both get some answers from each other but I do love Chad's cute little stifles 😫😫

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Beautiful chapter! I can’t wait for more!

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On 5/24/2024 at 5:40 PM, dwaekki said:

AAH the suspense 😭😭 I can't wait for the conversation that's about to come and hopefully Chad's reaction to holding back for so long!! The description of his fit when he went back into the cabin was so exciting! I hope he and Tristan can both get some answers from each other but I do love Chad's cute little stifles 😫😫

Tristan will try to get some answers, but you know how conversations usually spiral between them. 🥲 I love your thoughts and comments and I'm always so happy seeing them. 🤍


On 5/24/2024 at 7:53 PM, RipleyToo said:

Beautiful chapter! I can’t wait for more!

I'm so glad to hear that, 🤍 thank you. Your request will be posted shortly. 🥰 



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Posted (edited)


(a little messy)



The cabin

Part 3


‘…I thought it was allergies?’

‘Me too, but my nose’s been tickling, like constantly since morning.’ Chad sniffled, bringing a tissue out from the pocket. ‘…and it just keeps getting worse.’

‘Oh.’ Tristan stalled momentarily, inflicted by an electric exhilaration, but regained composure quickly. ‘You wanna stay here or we can just pack our stuff and head back home? It ain’t that far.’

‘Nooh… let’s, uh, stay. We can eh, hhhhhh-’

Tristan fought not to stare as the pre sneeze expression formed over Chad’s facial features. The rose hued nostrils flared with a ticklish torture. Covering his nose with the tissue, Chad titled his head back and squeezed his eyes shut.

‘Eh’Eisch!!-Eh’Aschioo!! …sorry-hhh, uh-EISCHschioo!!’

Tristan watched as Chad turned his head, blowing his nose relentlessly.

‘Bless, babe…’ He let his fingers travel over Chad’s back.

‘I’m sorry.’ The weak voice almost quivered. ‘The sneezes are simply too strong to hold back.’

‘You shouldn’t do that anyway when you’re sick… you can hurt yourself.’

‘I know...’

‘…and… about that.’ Tristan added apprehensively.

‘M-hm?’ Chad sniffled, repetitively rubbing the tissue beneath the nostrils.

‘…you’re stifling your sneezes a lot these days.’

‘I do..?’

Chad acted oblivious to the stated fact. But Tristan noticed a flicker of hesitation in his body language.

‘…you know you do. I mean, you used to sneeze, well…’ Tristan didn’t know how to bring forward the matter without hurting Chad’s feelings. ‘…uhm, like in a variety?’

‘….oh really.’ He looked down. The voice a little strained. ‘… perhaps… that might be true.’

‘…so, uhm-‘

‘One moment.’ Chad winced. Pressing the tissue to his reddened nose, his eyes narrowed. His hitched almost in a vocal sound. Building for a release, he titled his head back again faintly. ‘…Eiitsch’schesh!!’ He helplessly struggled to stifle, but the sneeze escaped into harsh wetness. ‘…Heh’Asch’schew!! …oh my throat.  I’m so sorry.’

‘Bless you.’ Tristan handed him some napkins that lay at the table.

‘Thank you so much... sorry for interrupting you all the time.’

Turning halfway, Chad wiped off his lower lip and nose.

‘How’s your throat?‘

‘A little scratchy, it hurts more when I sneeze but…’ He sighed. ‘…I’m okay.’

‘Always okay, Chad…’ Tristan contradicted, finding the words untrue. Reaching his hand over to Chad’s silky hair, he let his fingers slide through it.

‘…I’m not that hungry... Perhaps I can eat later?’

‘Of course sweetie.’

‘May I lay down in your lap?’

‘Of course…’ Tristan chuckled. Reaching for a pillow, he placed it over his thighs. Chad curled up on the bench and nuzzled his face into it.

‘…you’re gonna feel better in no time.’ He encouraged, running his fingers smoothly at Chad’s head.

‘I do hope so.’

‘So it’s a summer cold, eh?’

‘I suppose.’ He sniffled thickly.

‘But you hardly ever get sick?’

ehh, hhhhh…. Eh’yEISCHscho!!…’ His head snapped forward as he sneezed openly towards the ground. ‘…oh, ugh… I know.’

‘Bless you again.’

‘Thank you.’ Chad uttered in the stuffed up voice, cuddling closer to the pillow. ‘…you don’t have to keep blessing me, it’ll be tiring for you. I’ll probably spend the entire night sneezing.’

‘entire night sneezing’  Chad’s voice repeated itself within his head. ‘There’s no trouble.’ Tristan heard himself respond.

‘No but really, you don’t have to.’

‘I want to.’

‘Oh… oh, okay.’ A thankful smile formed across Chad’s lips.

‘So you’ve been feeling bad this entire time and you didn’t even tell me?’

‘I honestly thought it was allergies.’ Chad explained in a congested tone. ‘…then I just kept sneezing and my throat started to feel funny.’

‘Mm, yea.’

‘…and my nose’s never this stuffed up when I’m allergic.’

‘You don’t feel warm, though.’

‘Oh then, that’s one…’ The nostrils flared, causing Chad struggling to form a sentence. ‘…good… eh.’ The voice wavered and he sniffled wetly. Bringing the napkins to his nose, he held it in position until he squeezed his eyes shut and drew in one deep breath. ‘…eh’Easchgnischo!! Goodness-uh’Eitsch’schioo!!’

‘Poor baby, bless you.’ Leaning over, Tristan’s lips found Chad’s hair and the top of his forehead.

‘…I’m sorry.’

Chad looked devastated. The napkin buried his nose and he sniffled constantly.

‘Don’t be sweetie…’

‘I know I sound horrible.’ Tears found his eyes as he blinked.

‘Babe, please. Don’t be upset. You’re only making yourself worse.’

‘Hopeless.’ His eyes squinted. ‘I have to sneeze again.’ Building up with a sniveling sound, he buried his face into the pillow.


Aschioo!-Uh’Asch’scheom! …eh… heh’Eiisch’schom!!!!’


The delightful shudder pressured at Tristan’s thighs. It’d hit him so unexpectedly. A rush of sweet sensation carried throughout his body.

 ‘…pardon me.’ Chad exhaled with a moan. His nose begun to run and he clasped the napkins over it rapidly, blowing harshly.

‘Uh, bless you.’

‘Sorry I know I sound disgusting. My nose is getting so stuffed up. I can hardly breathe.’

Chad crawled up from the bench. His hair was a mess. The shade of his nose even redder.

‘Can I get you anything?’ Tristan placed one hand on Chad’s back. ‘I mean, we haven’t brought anything that can provide you some relief since we didn’t think any of us would get sick.’

‘…I know…’

Chad responded with a thoughtful expression. Supposedly learning the consequence of the sudden cold.

‘Maybe some tea will help?’

 ‘…I think I need a shower.’ Attempting sniffling, Chad exposed a pitiful behavior. ‘It might release some of the stuffiness.’

‘Great idea. I’ll fix you some tea in the meantime.’

‘That’d be nice, thank you.’



Later that evening while they were in bed, Tristan felt succumbed by emotions. Perhaps it’d been for the better if they’d left the cabin so that Chad would have been able to rest in the comfort of their home? Since they didn’t bring any nasal spray, Chad had been seen sniffling utterly congested and now whilst in bed, he kept using a tissue beneath and around the glistening nostrils since it wouldn’t stop from running.

And to top it all off, he’d become emotional, too.

‘I’m truly trying my hardest here Tristan.’

He said after they’d discussed the sentimental aspect in a relationship.

‘Trying? I’m not following you. What do you mean?’

‘... I don’t know, for us?’

‘What do you mean ‘for us’? I thought we had a stable relationship?’

‘We do, we absolutely do but that’s not what I’m saying.’ Chad expressed frustrated. Even more so with congestion bothering his throat.

‘Please explain.’

‘I just…’ He sniffled heavily. ‘…wanna be there for you. All the time. I want you to give you the world. I want to…’ He stopped himself with a breathing notion. Tears found his eyes. The red nostrils trembled and he sniffled with a sad expression.

‘Sweetie.’ Tristan reached out to hold his hand.  ‘…you are there for me. You’re amazing.’

Chad looked away. A few tears streamed down his face. They’d obviously reached a turning point in the discussion.

‘Just know that I’m gonna make myself more available to you.’ Chad said quietly, bringing the tissue back to his nose with a quick wipe at the sore nostrils.

‘You already are. You’re extremely compassionate.’

Chad shook his head faintly.

‘Babe, I’m serious. You’re worrying me when you say stuff like that.’

Looking down, Chad exposed a saddening demeanor. He appeared weary that the communication had led nowhere.

‘Sweetie….’ He grip tightened the grip around Chad’s fingers.  ‘…talk to me.’

Chad sniffled. His nose begun to run again and he swiftly hid it with a fresh tissue.

‘I don’t know.’ He sounded frustrated, wiping his nose off in a frequent motion.

They were both quiet for a moment. Chad kept using the tissue at the irritating flow from the nostrils.

‘Maybe you should try to blow your nose...’ Tristan advised with a quiet vigilance.

‘It’s so sensitive right now, it’ll only make me sneeze.’

‘Uh-huh.’ Tristan uttered. He didn’t know how to respond to such fervid revelation.

‘Or, maybe I won’t. I’ll try.’

Turning around in the bed, Chad put the tissues over his nose and began to blow his nose carefully. A wet moist sound lingered. He sighed, then blew it harder.

‘That…’ He sighed again with congestion. ‘…should be fine.’ Drying off the edges around his nose, he sniffled intensely.

‘…have some water.’ Tristan offered a bottle behind his back when he noticed a faint shudder in Chad’s shoulders.

‘…uh, eh…’ Chad made no attempt to hide the vocal hitch as he put both hands over his face. ‘

Eitsch’schew!!-T’scho!!’ He snapped into the tissues. ‘….uh’Eesch’scho!!-Ah’Eisch’schooo!! …ugh just stop already…’ Chad wiped his nose off in a frantic manner.

‘Bless you. Perhaps you should lay down…’

‘Thanks.’ He coughed lightly into his fist. ‘…yea, you’re right…’ He obeyed, slithering down in the bed. ‘…perhaps we can continue the conversation tomorrow… Is that okay?’

‘Of course sweetie.’

As Chad cosied into the pillow, Tristan embedded him the soft duvet. Kissing his cheeks, then the forehead.

‘My poor baby.’ He said softly, looking into his tearful eyes.

‘…I’ll be okay.’

‘I’m sure you will, but I still feel sorry for you.’ Tristan kissed his cheek again. The poor nostrils trembled from an obvious never ending itch. ‘You feel better in the morning, you’ll see.’ Trying to set a more positive energy, Tristan lay in the bed beside him.

‘….perhaps, yes.’

He flicked off the light. The room was closed in with darkness.



Weight shifted in the bed, then a soft nose blowing sound occurred. There was a pause, then the whole procedure restarted.

He let his hand rest on Chad’s back.

‘Is there anything I can do?’ Asking silently, he caressed it with tenderness.

‘Aesch’gnutsch!!-ah'Knitsch!-tischo!! …noo-h-hhhh, I… uh… eh'etsch!-Eiitsch'scho! ...uh’Wasch’schooo!!‘ He lurched forward. ‘…ugh, my nose… ugh, I’m okay.’

The sound of rustling tissues and nose wipes transpired. A strong cough erupted.

‘Aw sweetie… Let’s leave first thing in the morning and get you everything you need to make you feel better.’

‘…I’d like that… thank you.’ He sniffled. ‘I’m sorry for being such a mess.’

‘You are perfect. Every day.’

Silence altered for a couple of moments.

‘I’m not…’ Chad said slowly. The voice cracked. A more prominent sniffle exposed itself. Tristan became aware of that Chad was actually crying.

Pulling himself closer to Chad’s warm body, Tristan’s lips met the smooth neck as he held him close.  

‘Don’t be upset.’ He softly murmured, kissing the spot gently. Chad sniffled in a wet sound, sobbing sound.

‘…please don’t cry.’ Tristan dipped his nose into the softness of Chad’s hair. ‘….it’ll only worsen your cold.’

‘I can’t help it.’

Chad sniffled incessantly. Reaching for more tissues at the nightstand, he covered his nose in them. ‘…ugh I have to blow my nose, please ignore me.’

‘I can’t promise that…’ Tristan chuckled softly.

‘…well, then just pretend I don’t exist.’

The tone of Chad’s voice so congested and full of exhaustion.

A harsh, gurgling noise met Tristan’s ears. Then;

'Ah'Knitsch'scho!! ...eh'Eischioo!'

‘Bless you..'

‘... ugh thank you honey. Oh my nose is so clogged. I can’t breathe properly.’ Chad sniffled thickly.

‘My poor cold ridden baby.’

‘Yea… poor me.’ Chad agreed in a stuffed up voice, nuzzling closer to the pillow.

‘Try to get some sleep.’ Tristan hushed. His fingertips caressing Chad’s upper arm dotingly.





Edited by Candy Dust
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Chad is so cute when he’s sick! I love it! I’m excited to see what you’ll have for us in the next chapter! 

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Aww 🥲 Chad's so dismissive of Tristan's concern, I wish he would let himself be more honest and taken care of, although this chapter was so lovely and full of emotions already. I can't wait to see where you go with this in the next chapter but I'd imagine Chad will continue to be a sweet but sad sickie 😭. I'm sure Tristan will make up for it though, he's such a loving soul. I'd love to see Tristan sneezing again soon, although I'm not a fan on contagion so maybe that will have to be another chapter later on, but it's completely up to you, you're such a genius writer and I'm always ready for more! 

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Oh my, poor Chad. He's like a sneezy sickly puppy. But amazing sneezes. I loved this chapter. Their relationship is so wholesome. 

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Tristan cares sooooooo much 🥰 I love their dynamic and how Chad sometimes gets too into his head about Tristan's sneeze preference. 

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On 5/27/2024 at 1:01 PM, RipleyToo said:

Chad is so cute when he’s sick! I love it! I’m excited to see what you’ll have for us in the next chapter! 

Thank you so much! 🤍 awe yes he's so emotional when sick, poor thing.


On 5/27/2024 at 2:43 PM, dwaekki said:

Aww 🥲 Chad's so dismissive of Tristan's concern, I wish he would let himself be more honest and taken care of, although this chapter was so lovely and full of emotions already. I can't wait to see where you go with this in the next chapter but I'd imagine Chad will continue to be a sweet but sad sickie 😭. I'm sure Tristan will make up for it though, he's such a loving soul. I'd love to see Tristan sneezing again soon, although I'm not a fan on contagion so maybe that will have to be another chapter later on, but it's completely up to you, you're such a genius writer and I'm always ready for more! 

Awe 'sad sickie' so precious! 🤍 Chad's finding it hard to be taken care of since he's emotional and at the same time wants to be the caregiver, but deep inside he loves the attention and comfort he gets from Tristan. Maybe he can be more open to that next time.

I'm actually not a fan of contagion either, I suppose that's why it so rarely happens between those two lol. Thank you ever so much and I'm flattered by your sweet compliment. 🥰


On 5/27/2024 at 7:13 PM, AntheaHolmes said:

Oh my, poor Chad. He's like a sneezy sickly puppy. But amazing sneezes. I loved this chapter. Their relationship is so wholesome. 

Thank you so much for your sweet words. 🥰 Whatever they go through, they remain strong as long as they are together.


On 5/29/2024 at 1:28 AM, 2SHY222 said:

Tristan cares sooooooo much 🥰 I love their dynamic and how Chad sometimes gets too into his head about Tristan's sneeze preference. 

He cares incredibly much, Chad's brought that forward from within. 🤍 Since Tristan had a hard youth, the natural ability to care wasn't really there until he met Chad. Awe yes, he does get into his head quite frequently. Sometimes that can lead him into trouble.


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(strong language)




They had been home for a couple of days. Chad still felt under the weather, the sore throat was gone but he was left by a very stuffy and stubborn nose. Tristan had done his absolute best tending to his every need.

Bringing trays of vitamins, orange juice, tea, toast, fruits, packs of tissues and everything else suitable for someone battling a cold.

That Friday he was getting ready for a night out with friends. They were supposed to go together, but since Chad had fallen sick, they’d reached the decision that it was for the best if he stayed home recuperating.

‘I wish I could go with you…’

The words were uttered with bitterness as they were standing in the hallway. Tristan fixed the collar of his shirt in the mirror.

‘I know sweetie. Next time.’


Catching a glimpse of Chad in the mirror, he displayed a disappointed demeanor. Seeing him so saddened hit Tristan’s conscience.

‘….or err... I can stay at home with you.’ He softly proposed.

‘No… that’s okay.’

‘You sure?’

‘Yea.’ Rubbing his nose off with the back of his hand, Chad sniffed with a bothered look. ‘I’m too tired anyways and I’ll probably go to bed early.’

‘I, for one, will have an awful time without you.’ Tristan winked. Trying to ease up the ambience between them.

‘…I want you to have good time, I just... Chad sniffled again, rubbing one finger beneath the fragile nose. ‘…a bit bummed that I can’t join you.’

‘I know babe. I won’t be out that late. We’ll hit the bar as decided, then probably head out for dinner and maybe shoot some pool.’

‘Mm, yea.’ Chad sniffled profoundly. Reaching for his pocket, he pulled out a tissue from a package. With a smooth move, he began to wipe his nose off.

Tristan stepped inside the bathroom.

….eh’Knutsch!!’scho… eh’Ktsch!-Etsch! … Ah’Eschooo!!-oh… goodness.’

‘Bless you sweetie.’

‘Thank you.’

Chad stood in the door frame, blowing his nose. ‘So… ‘ He began, the tissues still clasped over the nose. ‘…about what time do you think you’ll be back?’ The voice utterly muffled.


‘Not sure.’ Reaching for his favorite cologne, Tristan splashed some onto his neck and wrists. The intense fragrance swept up his nostrils. He’d always sneezed at least once when using it and there would be no exception. ‘Uh…’ He felt his nostrils flare as the tickle grew into the inevitable. ‘Hat’scheoo! …Hut’scheo!!’ He let them out openly, feeling his waist slightly bend from the force.

‘Oh my, bless you!’


He washed off his hands and head back in the hallway. Sliding on a black blazer, he had one last look at himself in the mirror.

‘You won’t even noticed I’m gone.’ Tristan sniffed. The tickle still teased.

Oh I will.‘  Chad pressed his lips together. ‘Leaving so soon?’

‘I’m already late.’ Tristan sniffed again, making the itch travel further up inside his nose.

‘You smell wonderful. It's a very delectable scent.’

‘Hat’scheeo!!’ He barely turned his head. ‘…uh, thanks.’

‘Bless you honey…’

‘How do I look?’

Widening his legs in position, Tristan crossed his arms.

Bowing his head gently, Chad had a closer whiff at Tristan’s neck. The tip of his nose brushing gently against his skin.

‘Uh...’ Tristan grunted almost inaudibly, enticed by the sudden provoking gesture.

‘You look… eh, great.’

Chad’s breath began to hitch and seduced at the touch of his skin. The soft breath subdued and uneven. Chad’s shapely brows furrowed as he squeezed his eyes shut.

‘Eitsch!!’scho…’ He sneezed into his cupped hand, rapidly hitching for another; ‘ehh’Esch’gnuitscho! …sorry.’ He sniffed with an innocent perception. ‘…my nose itched and your sneezes inspired me.’ He explained bashfully.

‘Uh, yea?’

He sniffed. ‘The tickle is still there. I can easily sneeze again if you want me to…?’ With a timid expression, Chad offered himself.

‘….shit, babe. I… you can’t do this to me now. I’m already late.’

‘…so is that a no?’

‘Uh… no?’

‘So it’s a yes..?’

‘Fuck.’ Tristan swallowed. ‘Yes.’

With a small smile, Chad put his arms around his neck. Leaning in, the nose found the sweet spot as his neck. Tristan shivered from lust, feeling the smoothness of the tip and nostrils devouring the most sacred spot at his skin. 


Exposing a blank expression, Chad build up with no restraint.

Tristan grabbed him by the waist, yearning to feel Chad closer as he drew in several, quickened breaths.

‘Eh’Knitsch!!’schoo…’ The weight from Chad’s movement sent a sensual pressure at Tristan’s chest.

Chad hitched, still unfocused by the lingering tickle in his nose. His nostrils trembled in and out and he sniffled, trying to form the itch into completion.

‘You’re fucking beautiful…’ Feeling his voice quiver from lustful captivation, Tristan swallowed again.

Uh’Kngtsch!’schu… ahEitschoo!!’

His body thrust into Tristan’s embrace. Each enlivened pressure met by luscious euphoria. The dynamic emotion so indescribable.

‘Bless you baby…’ He let his lips find the smoothness of Chad’s upper cheek. ‘…you okay?’

‘…yea… thank you. The sneezes are still a bit harsh. I’m sorry.’ Chad spoke shyly, sniffling sharply.

‘Love the way you sneeze. Every sound is gorgeous.’ The hands traveled down eagerly on the sides of Chad’s slender frame.


‘Yea.’ Tristan kissed Chad’s neck. ‘Absolutely.’

‘…you’re not just saying that, you’re serious?’ The sweet breath met his ear.

‘…of course I am. I’m infatuated by you.’

‘Oohh…’ Chad worded in suppressed delight. ‘….but I thought.’

‘You thought what..?’ He heard himself whispering.  Affected by hypnotic desire.

‘I thought… you found some of my sneezing distasteful?’

With abrupt motion, Tristan pulled back. ‘Excuse me?’

‘Uhm…’ A worrying tension captured Chad’s eyes, his fingers fidgeting at the tips of his hair. ‘What did I say wrong?’

The viewpoint so judgemental. All he’d ever wanted was to make Chad feel appreciated and supported. He knew, deep within his heart that he’d never spoken a negative word regarding any of his sneezes.

‘What?’ He questioned once more, feeling his eyes narrowing. ‘What kind of fucked up conclusion is that?’

‘I don’t know?’

‘What do you mean you don’t know? When, if ever, have I ever given you any reason to feel like I don’t appreciate the way you…’ He put his hands on the hips angrily. ‘…fuck, you know what? Never mind. My words are obviously useless.’

The enthrallment broken. Overshadowed by darkened misunderstandings.

Meanwhile Tristan felt overwhelmingly offended.

‘I’m sorry…I, I didn’t mean it like that.’

‘So what did you mean, then?’

‘It was just a question.’ Chad sniffled, the sound of it inconveniently watery.

‘No, you assumed.’

‘…okay. Yes, maybe I did. I’m sorry.’

Turning his gaze down, Chad used a tissue at his nose with uneasiness.

‘I have a lot patience Chad, but I feel like you’re overstepping some kind of boundary. That was shitty thing to say and damn disrespectful.’

‘I am sorry Tristan. I don’t know what came over me.’ Chad explained with a suffering expression. ‘I know you mean-‘

‘Listen, I better get going. I’m late anyway.’

‘What, no you can’t just leave in the middle of-‘ Chad grabbed him by the arm, but Tristan slid himself out the firm grasp.

‘I’ll be back later tonight.’

The argument was spiraling out of control and he sure as hell wasn’t going to take part in it.


The door slammed shut.


Standing by outside by the door, Tristan let himself breathe. Perhaps it was an overreaction on his part and maybe it was a silly thing to get so upset over. But at the same time, Chad had accused him of such absurdity, it just went beyond his understanding. 

He’d never had anything negative to say about his sneezes. Ever. It wasn’t in his nature. Even if every single sound wasn’t to his absolute liking, he’d never used it against Chad. Hell, he had his preferences like everyone else, but that wasn’t the real issue they were facing.

After a couple of minutes, he’d calmed himself down and allowed himself back inside. Chad had left the hallway.

He found him on the couch in the living room. Sitting with one leg crossed over the over, a contemplative look captivated his face. Crumbled tissues lay across the coffee table from earlier. Holding on to one of them, Chad barely glanced at him as he stepped inside the room.

‘Hey…’ With an indecisive posture, Tristan sat himself right next to him.


They were both quiet for a moment. It felt like an eternity.

‘Don’t ever leave me like that again.’

The silence cut like a knife. The chosen words were stone cold. It somewhat shocked him since he’d never experienced Chad so furious before.

‘…yea, it was unnecessary of me.’

‘If there’s an argument – we talk it through. Like adults. You can’t just abandon me like that.’ His voice quivered softly. He was clearly upset.

‘I still find my reasoning quite understandable.’

‘It doesn’t matter. You can’t just…’ Chad sighed with a sniffle. ‘…walk away and shut me out!’

‘Fine, then. I guess I’m sorry.’

‘…you don’t have to apologize. I’m just stating how I feel.’ Chad touched the top of his nose in a rubbing motion.

‘And I’m listening to you.’


Looking down, Chad exposed the dark lashes framing his eyes so beautifully.

‘I’m staying home with you tonight.’

‘You don’t have to.’ He sniffled again.

‘I want to.’

‘Please… it isn’t necessary. You go, have fun.’

‘It won’t be any fun anyway without you.’

Chad blinked emotionally.

‘You’re little sick still, too.’ Tristan added affectionately.

‘So…?’ Tears found the corners of Chad’s eyes.

‘So… I take care of you, don’t I?’

‘Y-you do…’

The nostrils flared at Chad’s rosy shaded nose. His lips parted slightly and his eyes narrowed.

Avoiding the tantalizing notion, Tristan looked elsewhere as the sound of Chad’s hitching breath met his ear.

‘Eh’Gntsch!!’ Chad stifled strongly, his hands over his nose and mouth in a helpless notion. ‘… Eh’esch!!-escho!!-stsch!!’ He lurched forward. ‘...uh’Ascho!! ugh, goodness, hhhhh… Eitschiouh!!’…’

It was such a bizarre situation. They’d just had a quarrel about sneezes and now Chad was sneezing his head off in his presence.

‘…bless you. Every single sneeze is adorable, like you.’

Chad tucked his hair behind his ears.

‘…thanks.’ He sniffled, wiping his nose off. ‘…you still haven’t told me which kind of sneezes gets you going.’

Frustrations eminent in his voice.

Tristan shrugged.

‘If you would’ve told me, the argument could easily been avoidable.’

‘Oh so it’s my fault then? Your assumptions are entirely mine to blame?

‘No… I’m not saying that… but it would be easier for me if I knew what kind of sneezes you’re into …’

‘Well you could ask. Without making false accusations.’

Contemplating, Chad kept still. Except for the light motion with tissues at his nose on and off.

‘…okay.’ He then uttered. ‘…would you like to tell me your preference? I’m extremely curious.’

‘I like all kinds.’

‘But when it comes to my sneezes? I want to know. So I’ll always be certain that I sound pleasant to you…’

‘Oh Chad...’ With a gentle shake at the head, Tristan grinned. Quite taken by the conversation. ‘…you’re very endearing. And very sexy. Just letting you know.’

Chad blushed.

‘You are too.’ Clearing his throat, he put his hands in his lap. ‘So...? …which ones is it?’ He urged, seemingly adamant.

‘Well I love ‘em both.’

‘Both?’ A light squint met his eyes. The nostrils suddenly flared desperately. ‘Wait-‘

Turning away from Tristan, Chad titled his head back with a swift inhalation, ‘…Eh’Etisch!!’scho… Aescho!-Knitsch!!’scho… …uh’Atsch’knxtsch!!’schoo… ugh sorry those caught me off guard.’

‘Bless you.’

Tristan handed over some more tissues which were gracefully placed over the reddening nose.

‘Thank you, please go on…’ Chad beckoned, rubbing with the tissues at the sensitive nostrils.

‘I like the harshness of sneezes and the stifled ones… both.’ Shoulders heaved. The discussion tensed his body.

‘Oh okay… highly exciting.’

‘You think?’

‘Yes. I’m greatly indulged in your fetish in case you haven’t noticed…’ Sniffling, Chad put the used tissue by the rest of them on the table.

‘I have.’ Tristan smirked.

’So strong and quiet... that’s doable.’ Chad rubbed at the nose with the back of his hand.


‘So I should just let them out completely or try to hold back the sneezes as much as possible?’

‘Basically.’ Tristan chuckled, feeling a hint of embarrassment. He wasn’t used to discussing the fetish so openly.

‘Okay…’ Chad drew the robe closer to his body with a wet sniff. ‘…I’ll do my best.’ A faint giggle escaped his lips.

‘You’re already doing it.’

‘…honey.’ Pink blossom covered Chad’s cheeks. ‘…thanks. I’m glad we talked this over. It’s been on my mind for quite some time.’

‘Wait what? Your sneezes?’

‘Uh? Noooo? But … uhm, more like the way you perceive them.’

‘Oh. Well… now you know.’


With a content nod, Chad smiled graciously.

‘…so what are you going to do about it?’ Tristan asked. He couldn’t help himself. At least he deserved some kind of treat after such intense questioning.

‘You’ll see. I think I have to get better from this cold first.’

‘Is that really necessary?’ Tristan put one arm around Chad’s shoulder, bringing him closer to his chest.

‘…you’re so naughty.’ Chad chuckled, resting his head onto his shoulder.



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I mean, who can hate harsh sneezes? Excited to see what you’ll add next to the next chapter!! 

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This was such a rollecoaster lol, I feel like every emotion was running high! I'm glad they managed to talk things out in the end, but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by angry Chad... it makes such a change from his usual demeanor. I also loved Tristan's sneezes in there too, so cute ❤️

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Oh my, right in the feels but a nice chapter nonetheless. I'm hoping for more. 

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