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Amedot cold fluff (Steven Universe, Peridot, Amethyst, F/F)


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Warning: spoilers for most recent episode of Steven Universe!!

This story is set sometime after the events of "Too Far." Chilly weather has blown into Beach City, and Peridot is at home with a bad cold. She mostly stays in or around Steven's bed, huddled in blankets while sneezing and coughing. Peridot's crush on Amethyst makes her illness even more humiliating, although Amethyst doesn't seem to mind at all. Amedot cold fluff (Peridot/Amethyst F/F ship).

"Hey nerd, you feeling any better?" Amethyst sat down casually on Steven's bed next to Peridot, who had wrapped the duvet around herself and was glumly watching Steven play video games.

"No." Peridot coughed as quietly as she could. "I'm still stuck on this miserable planet, more miserable than ever before."

"Awww, c'mon Peridot, you're gonna get better any day now. I think you even sounded a little less goopy when you coughed just now."

"Small comfort," Peridot sniffed loudly through her congested nose, blushing. The proximity of the Quartz warrior made her feel like something was fluttering inside of her. "I'm a defective Gem, I'm always getting sick, I-- uhh KHHSSSHHHHUUU!" Peridot sneezed into her shoulder, turning away from Amethyst.

"Hey hey hey, we already talked about all this defective Gem stuff, you're not defective Peri. I think you're pretty cool." Amethyst held Peridot's shoulders and grinned as she looked into her eyes. Peridot returned her smile, although very awkwardly and with a burning blush on her face that had nothing to with her cold.

"I wish I wasn't sick," Peridot was hoarse, clearing her throat again.

"Yeah, I know you feel bad," Amethyst said sympathetically while rubbing her hand over Peridot's back. "But it's kind of neat that you're all full of boogers and phlegm. I've seen a lot of sick humans but I had no idea Gems could even do that stuff."

Peridot stiffened. Was she doomed to be constantly humiliated for as long as she was trapped on Earth? She did know the human terms for her sick body's discharges by now, unfortunately. Steven was more solicitous of Peridot's feelings, but both Amethyst and Steven were a little too enthusiastic about her cold for Peridot's tastes.

"It is not cool," Peridot said gravely. "My head feels like my gem is about to crack, my scent sponge won't stop running, and I can't stop sneezing and coughing no matter how hard I try."

"Why not stop breathing?" Amethyst flopped over to cuddle against Peridot.

"I--I tried that," Peridot stuttered. Her eyes were very wide with the close physical contact, and Peridot's breathing was shallow and raspy. Why in the name of the Diamond Authority did she have to have a cold now? "It doesn't work… I feel like I'm drowning constantly in all the, the… boogers and phlegm." Peridot used the words with obvious distaste, but it wasn't as though she knew of a better way to phrase it.

"I can't stop breathing forever, I always screw up, and then I'll have a fit when I can't stop sneezing and coughing. huhh ITSHUUU! huh-KESSHHHH!" Two powerful sneezes made Peridot stop talking, and a cough rumbled to life in her small chest.

Amethyst sat up to thump Peridot gently on her back between her shoulder blades. Steven had taught her about this way of comforting the sick Gem.

"I think I get it now," Amethyst mused. "So this is why you like, have a sneeze and cough attack during commercial breaks? Because you were holding it in?"

"No! Well-- yes," Peridot knew she was a bad liar, and Amethyst was far too canny. It still distressed her to no end that Amethyst had figured this out.

"No no nono nooooo!" Steven wailed while punching buttons on his video game controller, reminding the two Gems of his presence. "Don't make me lose the level now! I already beat this guy!" Steven whined as the words GAME OVER flashed on the screen. With a huff he turned towards Amethyst and Peridot. "I'm bored of this game anyway. You guys want to play Citchen Calamity?"

"No." Peridot sounded very cranky as she frowned and shook her head. Amethyst just shrugged as she looked at Steven with a "what can you do?" expression.

"Awww, you guys are no fun," Steven exclaimed as he stood up, but his tone was playful and good-natured. He had certainly not failed to notice that Amethyst was talking care of Peridot, one arm now draped around the technician's narrow shoulders as Amethyst pulled her close. Steven smiled. He also knew about Peridot's crush, which was not exactly subtle, and it gladdened him to see Peridot and Amethyst growing closer.

"I think I'm gonna make some pizza rolls, and this time I want at least 10 pizza rolls." Steven looked at Amethyst and folded his arms. "So don't eat them all."

"Ugh! Fine! I like cookies better anyway. You want anything Peri?" The green Gem looked surprised by the question.

"Um, no. But I… appreciate the offer." Peridot sniffed once, a congested snort.

"Not even some hot tea or chicken soup?" Steven asked hopefully. He was convinced that eating would help her recover.

"Maybe… maybe the soup," Peridot looked away. "uhkschuuu!" The congested sneeze made her bounce slightly on the bed before she sniffled. rubbing her nose again.

"Here snot stuff, try some of these," Amethyst passed a tissue box to Peridot. Peridot glared at her but accepted the tissues without protest, pulling two of them out to wipe her face and attempt a small nose blow. Peridot was embarrassed by the sound of her clogged and snotty blow, but it gave her no small measure of relief. Not untypical, the blow had stirred up more sneezes. "ESSSHUUU! huhKSSSHHH! HASHOOOO! ktssshhheww!" Peridot's sneezes were muffled slightly by the tissues she held to her mouth and nose.

Peridot wiped her nose before wadding up the now drenched and thoroughly used tissues and dropping the bundle in a trashcan that was by Steven's bed for this purpose. It was nearly full again, despite regular rotations of holo-Pearls emptying the can and tidying up the house. There was a whiff of Lysol in the air.

"You're still cute even when you have a cold Peridot," Amethyst smiled. "I think you're extra cute, actually."

"I'm glad my suffering entertains you," Peridot replied in a stuffy voice, but she had a shy smile. If anyone else had called her cute it would be an affront, but there was something about Amethyst that made the Homeworld Gem melt. She wanted so badly to make Amethyst happy, and to have Amethyst's approval. It was worth it to be sick and miserable if she could have the purple Gem's warm arms wrapped around her, Amethyst stroking her hair and her back.

"I still want you to feel better," Amethyst hugged the smaller green Gem. She kissed Peridot's hair and the technician giggled hoarsely and blushed. "I need my Number One Nerd to be back to 100%, bringing her A-game." Peridot didn't completely understand was she was saying, but she understood the sentiment and nodded, gazing at Amethyst with limpid, love-struck eyes. Quiet except for a few coughs and sniffles, Peridot remained in Amethyst's arms.

"The chicken soup is ready!" Steven called from the kitchen after a few minutes.

"C'mon, that's your cue," Amethyst lifted up Peridot and stretched her arms. "I'll take care of it if you can't eat it, but I want you to at least try… maybe inhale the vapors or somethin'." Amethyst vaguely remembered something Vidalia had told her about chicken soup working wonders for a bad cold.

Peridot nodded. "I understand." She shuffled off the bed as Amethyst gently guided her downstairs.

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Aww, this was adorable. All the characters felt completely IC--they were all acting as if they would under this circumstance. And I like your idea that Peridot gets sick more often than others. It's cute, but it also makes sense because her body would have had a lot less time to adjust to earth germs than Pearl or Garnet's, and Amethyst would be adjusted from the start.

Nice work, and thanks for posting. :)

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You should know that I keep reading this over and over because it is so perfectly written and in character and awesome. I love that Amethyst is fascinated by the gross stuff, she totally would be because she's weird like that and that's why I love her.

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Aww, this was adorable. All the characters felt completely IC--they were all acting as if they would under this circumstance. And I like your idea that Peridot gets sick more often than others. It's cute, but it also makes sense because her body would have had a lot less time to adjust to earth germs than Pearl or Garnet's, and Amethyst would be adjusted from the start.

Nice work, and thanks for posting. :)

Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and actually thought that I kept everyone in character. I head canon that Peridot gets sick easily (for a Gem), and she's not contagious to Steven because it is a pure Gem-only sickness. Otherwise it would be terrible to have her always hanging out around Steven and sheltering in his bed when she's ill. I also kind of thought that Peridot wouldn't be contagious to the Crystal Gems, because she's so much weaker than them, but I am open to the idea of Peridot getting the other Gems sick. I take Steven Universe requests and I would write that.

You should know that I keep reading this over and over because it is so perfectly written and in character and awesome. I love that Amethyst is fascinated by the gross stuff, she totally would be because she's weird like that and that's why I love her.

It made me squee so much to read this comment, this is high praise indeed. :biggrinsmiley: I'm in amedot hell and yet another reason I find the Amethyst/Peridot relationship so appealing is Amethyst's interest and high comfort level with gross stuff, she would actually find Peri's bad cold facinating. We've seen Amethyst pulling boogers out of her nose with zero shame.

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I didn't see this until today! I was so happy to find another Peridot fic by you. :D Gah, she's too cute!

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I didn't see this until today! I was so happy to find another Peridot fic by you. :D Gah, she's too cute!

I am so happy that you like my Peridot fics... tormenting Peridot with cold symptoms has got to be a pretty niche market. :) I have read the detailed feedback you left on "Peridot Catches a Cold" many time.

Next on my writing agenda is a Peridot allergies fic. Pearl takes Peridot and Amethyst on a relaxing field trip to Flower Meadow... it wasn't the best decision.

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I didn't see this until today! I was so happy to find another Peridot fic by you. :D Gah, she's too cute!

I am so happy that you like my Peridot fics... tormenting Peridot with cold symptoms has got to be a pretty niche market. :) I have read the detailed feedback you left on "Peridot Catches a Cold" many time.

Next on my writing agenda is a Peridot allergies fic. Pearl takes Peridot and Amethyst on a relaxing field trip to Flower Meadow... it wasn't the best decision.

Ohh, that's going to be so great! :D

I thought of some loose suggestions/requests for you. Obviously, no pressure if you don't feel like trying them. But I'd love to see you give one a shot. ;)

1) Peridot has the sneeze fetish. She uses the recorder that Steven gave her to record herself inducing. Bonus points if Amethyst steals the recorder from her as a joke and ends up learning about her fetish.

2) You know the scene in When It Rains, when Peridot and Steven are running away from the mini Gem clusters? How about an AU in which they manage to hide – but they've got to be quiet so they can stay hidden. But poor Peri has a bit of a cold after being in the rain earlier, and she feels a sneeze coming on.

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oh man oh maaaann this is great! I love EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS FIC but I'll try and pick out a few things that stand out:

-Amethyst's nicknames for Peridot - "snot stuff", OMG. I love how little things like this can show the comfort level the characters are at with one another.

-Amethyst being enthusiastic about boogers and phglem because of COURSE she loves gross stuff :D

-All the little displays of affection - Peridot's shy smile (and not being bothered by Amethyst calling her "cute"), and snuggles, and hair kisses!!!

Defs excited to read any other SU fic you post! :D

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Ohh, that's going to be so great! :D

I thought of some loose suggestions/requests for you. Obviously, no pressure if you don't feel like trying them. But I'd love to see you give one a shot. ;)

1) Peridot has the sneeze fetish. She uses the recorder that Steven gave her to record herself inducing. Bonus points if Amethyst steals the recorder from her as a joke and ends up learning about her fetish.

2) You know the scene in When It Rains, when Peridot and Steven are running away from the mini Gem clusters? How about an AU in which they manage to hide – but they've got to be quiet so they can stay hidden. But poor Peri has a bit of a cold after being in the rain earlier, and she feels a sneeze coming on.

Wow. I am sorry it has taken me so long to reply to this, but I LOVE your suggestions. The When it Rains AU suggestion I will definitely 100% do. That is amazing. :D I can completely picture it and it's adorable.

As for Peri having the sneeze fetish herself, hmm! I head canon that she is embarrassed when she's sick and hates when others notice that she's not well, but that certainly does not preclude her from having the fetish. I think she would do just about anything for Amethyst at this point and if Amethyst wanted to hear her sneeze more she would do it.

oh man oh maaaann this is great! I love EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS FIC but I'll try and pick out a few things that stand out:

-Amethyst's nicknames for Peridot - "snot stuff", OMG. I love how little things like this can show the comfort level the characters are at with one another.

-Amethyst being enthusiastic about boogers and phglem because of COURSE she loves gross stuff :D

-All the little displays of affection - Peridot's shy smile (and not being bothered by Amethyst calling her "cute"), and snuggles, and hair kisses!!!

Defs excited to read any other SU fic you post! :D

Awww thank you so much!! And for putting up with me being a gross "related fetishes" writer. I try not to be too gross but ehhh it happens.

I have finally completed my Peridot allergy fic and I will be posting that shortly. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This was a nice story. Don't know how I feel about Peridot being a "defective" gem in your stories, but regardless your writing it cute. Looking forward to more by you.

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This was a nice story. Don't know how I feel about Peridot being a "defective" gem in your stories, but regardless your writing it cute. Looking forward to more by you.

Thanks! I'll be posting another one shot soon. As far as the "defective" stuff I was meaning that more in a "Peridot thinks everything is defective" way. Like, Pearl is defective because she's not a mindless servant. Garnet is defective because she's always fused, and so on. Canonically Peridot thinks of herself as defective because she failed her mission. My Peridot stories are not in continuity with each other, although in this one I'm at least hinting that she gets sick often. I really have no idea how sentient polymorphic rocks from outer space get sick. :sweatdrop:

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Thanks! I'll be posting another one shot soon. As far as the "defective" stuff I was meaning that more in a "Peridot thinks everything is defective" way. Like, Pearl is defective because she's not a mindless servant. Garnet is defective because she's always fused, and so on. Canonically Peridot thinks of herself as defective because she failed her mission. My Peridot stories are not in continuity with each other, although in this one I'm at least hinting that she gets sick often. I really have no idea how sentient polymorphic rocks from outer space get sick. :sweatdrop:

Oh okay. That makes more sense. I thought you were trying to make Peridot out to be this kind of weakling. I always thought when Jasper called Pearl defective she meant as in she defected from Homeworld. But from her episode with Pearl, we can see what she thinks of Pearl.

As for how they get sick, well I'm sure they have their own set of illnesses that they can get. I'm sure they can also get sick from overdoing themselves, but that would be pretty hard since they don't need sleep. But don't they revert in their gem form of their bodies come under too much stress or are injured too much? Anyway, I would also think when they came to earth they'd be exposed to human germs and stuff, and viruses do have the annoying ability to mutate, so who knows. Perhaps some cold viruses can affect them.

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  • 6 months later...

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